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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 18, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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and 18-year-old. lafayette, indiana police body cam images show 25-year-old domino's pizza driver carrying a 6-year-old child out of the blaze. bostic was treated for smoke inhalation as well as cuts on his arm from bunching in a window but has been released from the hospital. congratulations saving people's lives. tomorrow on "special report" democrats and republicans compete for the asian-american vote. bring you that. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" is now. jesse, good to be back. >> it's good to have you back. back you were sorely missed, bret. >> bret: all right buddy, see you. >> jesse: growing up we all knew the kid who no one wanted to hang out with. the poor guy was always sitting alone at the lunch table. >> i don't know. i don't want him to get divorced in the first place. >> no? >> i love them both so much.
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and when his birthday came around, no one showed up to the party. >> happy birthday, nelson. >> i know it seems a little quiet, must be a lot of traffic today. is highway 88 backed up? >> yeah, it's a parking lot out there. >> jesse: today, joe biden is that guy. but this should never happen to the president of the united states. especially a democrat president. friends pretty much come with the job. you have your whole party that's supposed to be with you and you have the mainstream media that sits at your table. you have leaders of other countries who have meetings with you and say nice things about you and serve you dinner. and then you have donors and ceos who are trying to schmooze you for favors. you even have your family, who is supposed to stick by you, no matter what. but joe biden is the first president that i have ever seen who everyone has given up on.
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it's one thing for your wife to tell you are a big disappointment. it's another thing for your wife to tell all of your friends you are a big disappointment. jill biden told a group of democrat donors that joe hasn't been able to get anything done because, you know, things just keep popping up that he hasn't planned for. quote: the president had so many hopes and plans for things he wanted to do but every time he turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment. he has just had so many things thrown his way. who would have ever thought about what happened with the supreme court overturning roe v. wade. well, maybe we saw it coming but, still, we didn't believe it. after calling hispanics tacos, jill called her husband a vegetable. you think after being vice president joe biden would understand the kind of things that get thrown at the president. even barack obama didn't complain about having to deal with isis and a recession. well, he only explained about
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fox. after the media sold us on joe biden being up to the job, now they are saying the president is a sell-out. >> the fist bump and the reaction has been swift because this is a man who ordered the brutal murder of a journalist. why is he fist bumping a murderer. >> i don't think biden gets a pass just because he is a accurate, just because he is the democratic president. i think that this -- it's bad no matter how you look at it and we shouldn't be here saying well, trump did it so it's okay that biden did it it's just not okay. >> jesse: isn't it funny how the press pushed biden to stop producing oil in america and then they get mad at him begging the saudis in america to produce more oil? who does the media want him to beg for oil from, putin? and joe biden's so-called ally notice democratic party said joe biden should have never even visited a country that killed a journalist. >> you have the leader of that country, who was involved in the
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murder of a "the washington post" journalist. i don't think that that type of government should be rewarded with the visit by the president of the united states. >> going from calling mps a pariah to fist pumping him was really disappointing. this whole trip sends the wrong message to human rights defenders and to the values that we say we have in upholding human rights. >> jesse: didn't bernie sanders honeymoon in russia and cozy up to castro in cuba? how are those country's human rights records? and omar can't get enough of the palestinians who strap explosives to children. spare us the lectures on human rights. this has all made the president a little prickly. >> do you fist bump, mr. president. >> why don't you talk about something that matters. ask a question that matters. >> jesse: here's a question that matters.
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did you even cut a deal with the saudi's for more oil? because today the price of oil went up more than $5 a barrel. and the saudi's are treating biden like economic illiterate releasing this statement while the president was still on the ground in the mideast, quote. adopting unrealistic policies to reduce emissions by excluding main sources of energy will lead in coming years to unprecedented inflation and an increase in energy prices. and rising unemployment and a worsening of serious social and security problems. and the kingdom added that they don't really have much more spare capacity to raise production anyway. so biden's trip isn't going to deliver us anything. gas prices are one of the big reasons the country disapproves of the president and he just broke another record. only 30% of the country approves how he is handling the economy. the media knows that's a political disaster. so the media is ranking joe
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biden's primary opponents right in front of his face. "the washington post" ranked their top 10 favorite biden replacements, the list includes some failed 2020 candidates like bernie, warren, mayor pete and kamala, as well as aoc. some guy named roy cooper and gavin newsom. it's a sad list. but somehow they all seem better than biden right now. and all these guys love their name is getting out there. none of them are doing anything to tamp down the whisper campaign. just a bunch of disloyal traitors. joe doesn't even have friends in his own party. the biggest back stabber has to be newsom. while biden was off in saudi arabia, newsom was sneaking through the back door of the white house and measuring the drapes. after he brought a bag of taco bell to jill, got commit the guy has a sense of humor, he jumped in front of the cameras and said joe biden isn't ferocious enough to be the president. and if he were the president, he would put the democratic party
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back on offense. watch. >> democrats need the democratic party, not the president, not a speaker, not an elected office holder. >> the party. the infrastructure, i think, has to organize with more ferocity of focus, more determination to set the agenda, set the course and put the other party on the defense. >> jesse: and when biden got back from overseas and after he had the white house cleaning service remove the smell of newsom's cologne from the oval office he found out global warming and tax hike agenda got shut down by his own party. joe biden's democratic party is in a mutiny. democrats in the media are shopping around for his replacement foreign leaders are disrespecting him and even his own wife is talking about his presidency in the past tense. they say if you want a friend in washington, get a dog. well, biden already tried that but it bit a secret service agent and he had to get rid of
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it. kellyanne conway is the former counselor to president trump and author of "here's the deal." does it get any worse than this, kellyanne? >> yes. it will get worse. we are only one and a half years into this. jill biden is whining. joe biden isn't winning. and what did we get for his latest trip abroad, jesse. no oil, no american jobs based on the oil. tremendous embarrassment and pushback. a commander-in-chief who goes abroad and just, i think, embarrassing us. tramples on the fact that america is an exceptional nation. not just another one on the map. and one that could be energy independent. we don't need to go 7500 miles from the white house to saudi arabia to get energy. we can go to the permian basin. we can go to the gulf of mexico. right here we have energy off our shores and under our feet. let's develop it responsibly like we did in the last administration. now, look, the polls are disaster for biden. the media polls all the people who pushed him to be president.
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their polls are really a disaster. but i think the real numbers that are hurting joe biden $10 trillion lost in the stock market. the fact that about 4 million people have crossed the southern border illegally on his watch. the fact that we have fentanyl as the number one killer of 18 to 49-year-olds. the list of horribles goes on and on and the problem for biden, jesse, he has no support within the democratic party but also he can't use his usual foils. he can't say but trump, he can't say but covid and fox news and the vast why the wing conspiracy. on paper joe biden may be the most -- he may be the most experienced person ever to run for president and be president. the guy was vice president for 8 years in the senate for decades. who else should have known how hard this job would be? who else but he and his wife, who was second lady for those eight years. who else should have been more prepared about the job itself? one more thing, the reason to believe that you see so many
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people like newsom, even kamala harris it was reported recently, jesse, she reached out to donors, they are that arrogant. what inconsequential unremarkable policies from gavin newsom's california with over 700,000 people leaving in the last six to seven years, 128 -- i just saw that they had 150,000 fentanyl pills in the last three weeks. and then the drug traffickers were released because of liberal -- we all know the price of gas. we know the homelessness. things are so bad for biden gavin newsom thinks that somehow he can export that disastrous record onto the rest of the country. i actually have to put kamala up there with newsom. apparent live she is reaching out to donors as well. right now, jesse, the white house functions like an assisted living facility. it's no longer fun y and no longer fair to us in america. we deserve a president and commander-in-chief who has a command of the english language. a command of his steps. is he pointings to the air looking for his chair when is he abroad. if you can't find your seat at
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the table, you don't deserve to have one. >> jesse: did you just say kamala has been reaching out to donors? >> yeah. i just read that report right here. gavin newsom and kamala harris reaching tout donors. tricky. jess that is big news. that is real serious back stabbing. before the midterms are reaching out to donors while your president is overseas. unbelievable. i'm not surprised though. i mean, he knew what he was getting into when he picked her for v.p. remember that debate. not a very nice woman. all right. kellyanne conway, thank you. >> this is why amy klobuchar the one to watch. she is the antidote to all of this. she is number four on "the washington post" list. >> jesse: the power rankings, amy is climbing. thank you so much, kellyanne. >> thank you. >> jesse: this just in. joe biden just freed some insurrectionists. we will tell you about it next. ♪ and what's joe been up to at
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>> jesse: fox news alert. charges have just been dropped against the colbert nine. the group of democrat insurrectionists who worked on the late show and arrested for breaching the capitol building last month. fox news congressional correspondent chad pergram has the latest. chad? >> good evening, jesse, well, charges dropped by the feds colbert nine capitol police arrested them after they were found at night in a house office building recording comedy skits. but now the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c. says it would be hard to make the charges stick. so the charges are out.
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among those busted originally robert smigel, he client insult comic dog. capitol police charged the colbert nine with trespassing last month. of the cops kicked out the comedy team earlier in the day after they tried to cover the 1/6 committee hearing. the house radio tv gallery already denied credentials for colbert's crew that's because they're entertainment not news. but a congressional aide let them back in later in the day. the same police officers who booted the production team then found them at 8:30 at night. you cannot be inside the capitol complex after hours without credential. fox is told this frustrates the capitol police but police say they respect the move. still, this undercuts law enforcement as they try to secure the capitol after the riot. jesse? >> thanks a lot, chad, the person responsible for dropping these charges is u.s. attorney for the district of columbia matthew graves who was appointed
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by joe biden and works for the attorney general. turns out, he is also the prosecutor investigating januar. is he giving those guys the same treatment? let's turn to ned ryun american majority founder and ceo. all right, ned, can you believe it? charges dropped against the colbert nine. >> it's unbelievable hypocrisy. he is prosecuting the january 6th protesters. and to highlight the hypocrisy, more than 200 people have been charged, have pled guilty to parading on january 6th. >> which is a petty offense class b misdemeanor. even though they walked through open doors, in front of police, were not asked to leave, yet graves has actually recommended charges and sentencing of 60 to 90 days in jail. not of colbert. unlawful entry misdemeanor. it's all been dropped. it could have been up to 180 days in jail. graves didn't think it was worth pursuing because, again, jesse
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this highlights what a lot of people have started to realize but i want to make this point. we have a bifurcated legal system in this country which if are you have the wrong political views or wrong political connections you have the book thrown at you. if you have the right connections, everything gets dropped. and it's just a shrug as you walk away. this is a serious problem in country because one of the fundamental foundational aspects of our republic is the equal application of the law. we all stand equal before the law. the law is equally applied. when the law becomes a political tool to punish political enemies, all bets are off. >> jesse: all right. ned, thank you so much. we are still going to pursue comic the insult dog's mugshot. the mayor of d.c. is very upset because texas keeps busting illegal immigrants into her town. isn't that interesting? and aoc says her fiancee isn't making enough money to support her.
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♪ >> jesse: joe biden has now been to saudi arabia more times than the border. broken every single record on illegal immigration in u.s. history. texas has been so overwhelmed with illegals, they had to ask them if they would like to take a bus to d.c. because he doesn't have any room or money left, the governor. so, thousand of illegals have been signing up to go to washington and now the democrat mayor of d.c., muriel bowser whose only claim to fame was writing black lives matter on a street is complaining. >> we have for sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses. we think they're largely asylum seekers who are going to final destinations that are not washington, d.c. i worked with the white house to make sure that fema provided a grant to a local organization
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that is providing services to folks. but i fear that they are being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the united states of america. >> jesse: so the mayor of d.c. is admitting no one would ever come to d.c. on purpose. you would have to be tricked into coming to d.c. doesn't everybody know d.c. is just filled with horny congressman and monkeypox? what do they illegals want to do here, find a job? and now d.c. doesn't know what to do with all these migrants. >> wrote muriel bowser about the letter thursday. want the mayor to temporarily provide district contingency funding only something she can do. travel tickets, food, cell phones and emergency medical needs for the migrants. jet. >> jesse: so the liberals in d.c. want to get these hispanics out of there. that's funny. just when polling came out that said hispanics are voting republican. well, jill biden welcomes these new tacos to the district
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because they bring new bodegas. i think she meant bodegas. this much is clear. joe biden has united both democrats and republicans against his immigration policy. biden needs to step up and fix things so red states and blue states don't keep playing hot potato with caravan. dana loesch is a nationally syndicated radio host who joins me now. dana, do you even think muriel becauser knows what she is saying is exactly what texas, arizona had been saying for, i don't know, a year and a half? >> oh, jesse. i have opinions on this. firthst first off, were people tricked to cross the border? i'm confused. when i hear her statement and i frankly find that to be a statement of a grifter politician. because this is the tab that border states like texas, the state in which i reside by the way, texas, arizona, and so many other border states have been dealing with for a long time. in fact, our a.g. estimate estimated this is about
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$850 million the bill to deal with all of this problem created by this administration at the border. but on her topic of being tricked. do you know who is being tricked, jesse, the people being tricked are the people immigrating to the united states because everyone is told come here, they always cite the ininscription on the statue of liberty. democrats say come to the united states where you can be free and enjoy the fruits of your labor and then, jesse, do you know what happens? they are tricked by democrats. after people come here to the united states, legal immigrants, then they are tricked with high taxes. they are tricked with high crime rates. they are tricked like jose was tricked after he opened up a bodega not a bodega like jill biden said, at least know what you are talking about. a trick like jose alba who owns and operates his own business, became a citizen of this country 14 years ago and tricked by the very democrats who love to say that they are all there for people who immigrate into the united states but where are they when people immigrants like jose
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alba find themselves in trouble, find themselves throne in likers? they are nowhere to be found. muriel bowser nowhere to be found at these shelters, did she go down there or any of these other democrats try to get new of these people jobs or come on the pathway to citizenship instead of explaining about them. my whole point about this if the harpootlians was at the border, democrats would have built a wall 20 years ago. >> jesse: you are damn straight about that. it is silly that she is saying that the homeless shelters are at full capacity in her own city and they can't handle any other extra people in homeless shelters. gee-whiz, muriel, how did you get so many gosh darn homeless people in your city? >> exactly. it's their policies to blame. maybe they should do something other than build back better and other things that are just going to spend us more into debt. do something about it also can pay their fair share of the problems at the border. let's have d.c. pick up some of the tab that us texas taxpayers
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have been deal with decks residents and arizonans have had to deal with for far too long. have some of these other people talk about a good game about illegal immigration and entry pay their fair share. >> jesse: if the illegals were smart they would hire a lobbyist and earmark in and congress would start throwing money at hem. that's the way did you it in d.c. only way to survive. dana loesch, fired up. thank you so much for coming on. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: "primetime" has run the numbers and the member of congress who complains the most is aoc. we tallied it. our numbers are solid. you just aren't allowed to check them them. whether it be about republicans hitting on her, her student loan debt. the weather. we have heard it all. her favorite thing to complain about how poor she is. aoc says she is only paid $174,000 a year. that's like three times the average american salary. but the average american actually produces something. aoc is the least productive
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member of congress. so, "primetime" believes she is very overpaid. but, she is very upset that she has to rent an apartment in d.c. and in her district in new york. remember, aoc has gotten a taste of the good life. she has been invited to the met gala. she has been photographed for the cover of vanity fair. she knows how the wealthy lives and she believes she deserves what they have. she writes this: it's insanely expensive. there is no stipend or per diem for it and you are not allowed to write it off even though your job forces you to have it. this creates a real class dynamics in the house. it's so much. we have to find a new apartment in new york city soon and i'm stressed. aoc is stressed, guys. i mean, you pay $5 for gas and have to drive through crime ridden neighborhoods because apartment oc's flunkies defund the police there but a little more stressful than wondering if you are going to be able to
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afford a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in queens. i wonder how much her fiance makes? well, if she is making 174 k. they are probably making at least a quarter million dollars combined. at least. so is aoc resentful that her fiance isn't taking better care of her financially? when she was harassed by that guy at the capitol last week, she was upset that the capitol police officer didn't step in and save her. remember this? >> aoc, my favorite big booty latina, i love you aoc. you are my favorite. she wants to kill babies but you are still beautiful. you look very beautiful in that dress. you look very sexy. look at that booty on aoc my favorite big booty latina. i love it i love it. aoc. look how sexy she looks in that dress. oh, i love it, aoc. hot hot hot like a tamale. >> jesse: her fiance was right there. he witnessed the whole thing. there he is is with the cap and
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the short shorts and the driving shoes. he just walks right through. not a care in the world. aoc is always complaining about toxic masculinity it seems that's what she want right now. a man to swoop in, take care of her financially and protect her. but since ac is so worried about not having enough money, we have some suggestions for her. cash in on all those perks that congress offers. take advantage of the free gym at the capitol. they have a pool, sauna. you and omar can go for a steam together and complain about joe manchin. she has a congressional allowance which gives her around $1.5 million or so for office expenses and food and travel. that's basically $1.5 million in a slush fund. why don't you do with charlie rangel did, siphon some money off for a little place in the caribbean and pass out on a lounge chair. get rid of stress that way. or just go on one of those congressional junkets like eric swalwell, ride around on a camel
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dessert a little self-care. or what ilhan omar did. funnel taxpayer money in donations to your spouse's company. and then call it consulting. but, if she really wants to get rich, follow in nancy's footsteps. we told you last week how pappa paulie p. bought up to $5 million in of nvidia stock aa semiconductor company last month. congress is getting ready to vote or $52 billion subsidy for semiconductor companies. nancy's office responded to us talking about the convenient trade. the speaker does not own any stocks. speaker has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in think transaction. that's like saying these aren't my ill gotten gains. they are my husband's ill gotten gains. aoc, there is literally a blueprint in front of you for reducing stress and cashing in. if your fiance is not pull the
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1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. ♪ >> jesse: california used to be such a beautiful state, now the streets look like this. homeless encampments, just a bunch of foilt. this weekend in san francisco, just like every other weekend, you know, lots of traffic. because the guy in front of you is smashing the windows of a van and stealing everything inside. [horn blowing] [horn blowing continuously] >> jesse: don't expect much better over in malibu, california, thieves over there stormed a store called maxfield last week taking down a security guard and grabbing beckeren bags
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and i don't even know what they are merchandise worth half a million. don't expect any of this to stop any time soon. california's lawmakers are busier with more important things. like visiting the white house to measure the drapes. being a cop means you put your life on the line every time you strap on that vest and get in your patrol car. it's something the average person will never understand. but thanks to shows like this, we got a firsthand look at what these officers go through and, man, did they take us on some wild rides. >> we tried to get this guy stopped and i.d. but he took off. >> attempted to try to run the individual in the woods over with his truck. >>
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>> and now we get to see some of that chaos again in the new show on patrol live. totally different than the old show. it premiers friday on reels. and 9:00 and then it's going to be fridays and saturdays at 9:00. and gives us an up and close personal view what cops deal with every day. watch. >> with the sheriff's office. come out with your hands up. >> the red chrysler 300. [bleep] >> lane one, lane two. switching lanes. [sirens] >> jesse: joining me is a member of the police department.
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we remember live ph.d. got taken off the air during the height of the george floyd situation. we have now re-purposed it it you are back in studio. we are going to see some live action. every friday and saturday night at 9:00. how have things changed in the two years or so that you have been off the air? >> you know, the topic of policing in america has been one of the most talked about things outside of probably covid and politics in general. and we have constantly heard we want transparency. we want transparency. we want to see what police are doing. here is a show right here that shows you exactly what the police across the country are doing. >> jesse: because it's live. you can't edit this. >> when the viewers see at home is what we see in studio. unedited. 8 different police departments bouncing around the country saying this is what the men and women of law enforcement are doing each night. >> jesse: do you think when people watch this show they gain an appreciation for the challenges that law enforcement go through? because that's what i took away when i saw the show initially.
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>> absolutely. i cannot tell you the number of times i have had messages through social media or one into people in public that were not fans of law enforcement and then they see these type of shows and they say man, i had no idea what you guys go through or why you do what you do. you know, it's educational for the public as well. >> jesse: what's some of the wildest stuff we can expect on this show. >> listen, i love being a cop. i just recently retired. i was will almost 25 years in tulsa. the beauty of the job you have no idea what you are going to see. listen, there is a friday night where things are slow for three hours across the country and have a rainy cold saturday night and busy nonstop. you will see a little bit of everything. >> jesse: you were doing a lot of swat team stuff. some takedowns. you guys were doing some antidrug task force deals. you get a lot of heat when you put the cuffs on people or once you cuff them or are they like all right, you got me? >> listen, it's a part of the game. a lot of guys talk smack. you have to deal with it both ways.
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i honestly treated everybody well. i recent bely ran into a guy i was part of a search warrant a few years ago. ran gulf course of all things. remembered me, came up, shook my hand hey, man, you treated me well. it's part of the game but in the end it's not personal. >> jesse: about compliance isn't it? you get pulled over. you don't run. you don't talk about. you do what you are told to do. you are probably going to leave a okay. >> can i almost guarantee that every single time. that's what we tell people. if you are upset or think the officer is doing something wrong, there is a place to handle that file a complaint with internal affairs call the supervisor. out there at the scene is not the place. >> jesse: my wife and i got pulled over coming back from the jersey shore this morning. she was driving. i was shotgun because i have a back injury. the doctor doesn't want me driving. the officer came over. first said we pulled over on the wrong side of the hallway. >> did you go left. >> i went left. she was driving. it was not my fault. i explained to the officer i wasn't driving i had back problems. my excuse why it happened that
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way. he cloxd us at 88 in a 65. he asked for license and registration. and we gave him our pba cards in the same sleeve as the vehicle registration. that's the move, isn't it? >> i can't answer for how things are done up here in the northeast. we don't have pba cards in tulsa, oklahoma. i can tell you if you are respectful to the officer anywhere across the country, a very high likelihood you can get off with a warning. >> jesse: we also had a baby in the car. two twin girls and a beautiful puppy dog. i think that helped. >> that goes a long way. pulling to the left drives us crazy. >> jesse: he didn't recognize me. i couldn't believe it. >> shame. >> jesse: we still got off. thanks, we will be watching. relz friday and saturday. next, johnny hits up joe biden's favorite vacation spot in delaware. >> do you know where you are standing right now? >> it is a crosswalk. >> it is a crosswalk but it is also the very place where president joe biden fell off his
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bicycle. >> oh, poor joe. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> beer here at president joe biden speech home in delaware we are going to go ask his neighbors what they think of him. tell me about president joe biden. >> i like him. >> what's he doing? >> case prices going up, he did that. >> him and his wife came to the restaurant where we work. >> i was riding my bike behind him and then i passed. i think he looked at me and then thought it was a good looking kid. >> have you ever seen joe biden? >> it would be disgusting if i did. >> i got hairy legs. >> how has joe biden improve delaware as president?
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>> [laughs] >> what a silly question. >> he hasn't, he even made the traffic worse in delaware. >> why is joe biden always coming down here almost every weekend? what's so special about the place? >> it special because i'm here. >> it's gorgeous with the beaches. >> if i want to find hunter, i should go to dewey. >> have you seen hunter around? >> no way. no way. >> it's true though. >> i don't believe that. ♪ ♪ >> as a delaware guy, how proud of you are of joe biden? >> i'm not at all. >> i'm not proud of him at all. >> very proud right now. everything that's going on.
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>> gas prices are up, inflation is out, skyrocketing. >> we are doing great! >> god love them. god love them! >> first lady jill biden said that hispanics are like breakfast tacos. >> as unique as the breakfast tacos. >> how do you feel about that? >> that's pretty racist. >> i'm not a breakfast taco. >> do you know where you're standing right now? >> at the crosswalk. >> it's also the very place where president joe biden fell off his bike. >> oh, poor joe! ♪ ♪ >> do you want president joe biden to be the democrat nominee in 2024? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> i eat and drink know for breakfast. >> who would you like to be the democrat nominee in 2024?
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>> and a buddy but biden. michelle obama. >> why >> what did you have for lunch? >> hot dogs and french fries and pizza. >> hillary clinton. >> what you like about hillary clinton? >> she stands up for woman's rights. >> do not do that. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> what you want to tell jesse? >> i'm jesse watters and this is my world. >> i like delaware and i'm ready to move out of state. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: if you heard my last interview, i learned something today and i think everybody should learn the exact same thing i did. if you're pulled over by officers on the highway i'm a you don't go to the left. you don't do that. because you explained to me it's the fast lane, you could
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probably get killed when you do that. pull over to the rights, there were no places to pull over on the right. it was just the divider. that's what we had to do again. i was not driving, my wife was driving. which doesn't sound good, but again, the back problem. i had a doctor's note. let's do text messages. next migraine bus should be sent to biden speech from arizona, if they can make ends meet on $174,000 salary, maybe she should pick up extra hours as a bartender. she might make more there than working in congress. she definitely serves more than she is serving one in office. clayton from canada, it hispanics are tacos, the democrats are toast. jim from painesville, ohio,
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that's a tough spot, jesse, just wanted to bring you up-to-date on the leader shortage. peanut butter. the extra country type is nonexistent. i want my pb&j. i haven't heard of the peanut butter shortage but will look into it. jake from st. paul, minnesota, 88 in a 65. waves gives you directions. oh. waves does tell you where the cops are. i hate being wrong on television. john from ohio, i'm a lover of land , but you should knowingly eat it once a month. why are you trying to limit my lamb intake? never let the person text again. anthony from maryland, settle a question, my wife insists you were an actor on "friends." yes or no? no. i'm not david. amelia from chicago, jesse, i love your show and you have sick
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browse. i grow them myself. mark says jesse, you're lucky you got off just for speeding. i'm glad you just got a warning. nobody was inebriated in the car, thank god, because we had the twins. also because it was 10:00 a.m. tucker is up next and always remember, i'm jesse watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to ucker carlson tonight"! we reported on friday, joe biden was suffering from such severe dementia during the 2020 presidential campaign that his wife and his staff medicated him before his public appearance. we spoke directly to the eye witness who saw happen multiple times. that means that everyone around joe biden has done perfectly


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