tv FOX and Friends FOX News July 19, 2022 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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>> that's what china is trying to do replace the united states as the world's number one super power when you look at things like in this chinese company coming in 20 minutes away from the air base with our nation's most sensitive drone technology you really have to be very afraid for the future. >> todd: you have to wake up. >> carley: congressman, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> todd: we hope you are awake because "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> todd: the white house taking a victory lap as the price of gas slides back from its all-time high. >> the drop is one of the fastest decline in gas prices over a decade. >> stop gas lights us. we know the truth. >> d.c. mayor muriel bowser influx of are. >> thinks they are asylum seekers. >> governor greg abbott maybe he will finally do his job and secure the border. >> it is primary day in maryland. >> g.o.p. gubernatorial front runners dead heat. >> square off against dump endorsed van cox.
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>> dr. anthony fauci says he plans to retire. >> i anticipate i will be in this job at the end of the first term of president biden. >> keeps going long, 2022 home run derby champion. ♪ sunrise, sun burn, sun set repeat ♪ moon light, all night ♪ crashing in the sea. >> steve: good morning, rhode island, they have those lovely beaches there, i can't tell if that's somebody in the water or a buoy as we look towards the sunrise. right now it's 71 degrees. going for a daytime high of 88. the relative humidity is a killer right now 91% as the northeast braces on this july 19th, a tuesday, 2022, it's going to start getting really hot up here in the northeast.
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>> ainsley: when you are on a beach like that in a bathing suit, you don't care. >> steve: you are dressed for the weather and today it's hot. dress appropriately. >> ainsley: brian, what do you think steve got a sun set. >> brian: land locked yesterday watching some weird building with a light on top of it. that was barack obama's view. doesn't he have a narragansett house? >> steve: i think that's nantucket. >> brian: same thing. both start with an n. >> steve: okay, yes, indeed. >> ainsley: sounds like a hamptons home. >> brian: steve points out there is somebody in the water. it's an emergency if you spot somebody in the water you have to call somebody. >> steve: people go out there and cool down. i think it's a buoy a not a boy. obama's place nantucket. >> brian: couldn't afford that one. same thing.
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is that a guy. >> ainsley: some sort of a buoy. >> steve: something navigational. >> ainsley: look at that and the monitor over here. >> brian: nobody wants to be a lifeguard anymore. that person would be saved. >> steve: if you want to be a lifeguard you can get paid a lot of money. people so desperate give people $1,000 signing bonus even more if they stick around for the whole season. >> ainsley: primary day down in maryland. lawrence jones in hagerstown, maryland, hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. it's a big day here in maryland. a big primary race is going on. and it is the battle between the former president donald trump and larry hogan. you got kelli schultz who is being backed by the governor here as well as cox being supported by the former president. again, the politics is going to be a major issue for the folks here today. it is the economy. it is inflation. i was just talking to the owner.
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prices continue to go up. but he said, you know, there is a lot of senior citizens that are here that come every single day, and he just cannot raise the price on that. so, i'm going to be looking forward to talking to the folks about the gas. come on in. come on in. y'all can come on in. how are y'all doing. what's up? i can't wait to talk to these lovely folks in maryland. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: okay. lawrence, you were there at the hub city diner, they are now on global television. that tv behind you is tuned to another channel. can you fix that? >> ainsley: lawrence. >> lawrence: i have got to talk to them about that. >> brian: they get cable in maryland? >> steve: yeah, they do. all right. >> ainsley: thank you, lawrence. we will be checking in with you. we have to see what the voters have to say are they going to go with the current voter's or donald trump's endorsement? >> brian: one thing for sure trump does not like larry hogan.
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>> ainsley: called him a shutdown rhino because he shut down everything. >> brian: i think he is going to run for president. >> steve: very popular in maryland. keep in mind maryland has been a democratic strong hold since i think '92. biden got close to 70%. so it will be interesting to see what happens. i think one of the things they will talk about, complain about the high price of stuff. in particular, take a look at gas. today it is at 4.49. let's see, june 14th it was 5.01. and then for people who are in the shipping business you are more interested in diesel today still a killer 5.51s a gallon. a year ago bottom of that almost $2 more today. the biden administration is
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taking credit for the decreasing gas prices which is making everyone laugh. they're the reasons for the problem in the first place. $2 more today, about $2 more than when president biden took office. so even though, yes, they have gone down a little bit over the last few weeks. it's still not enough. it's like saying i'm taking $100 out of your pocket and i'm going to put $50 back in but you are still out of $50. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: crazy thing is the president of the united states youfield think his administration would learn from now not to take early bows. you remember afghanistan? they said it's not going to be like saigon? it was worse. remember inflation transitory. worse than transitory 9%. and basically looks out of control. and then when it comes to gas prices as they drop 50 cents. we are all thankful they dropped. the numbers still horrendous. they start to take a bow. kate betting field the white house can communications director is going to be leaving
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soon president biden's top priority is tackle ling inflation and reducing prices. the plan is working. the price putin price hike please met by wall-to-wall media prices. the fall of gas prices has not earned the same reception? why should it? because it's 50 cents in the big picture glad it's heading in that direction. if you look at the world market yesterday the president who vowed to talk to saudi arabia one day get the price of oil down and next ask to pump more. not going to do it. they made it clear when he left. the price for barrel of oil is over $100 a barrel. the president said two days ago the prices is going down should be going down more if it wasn't for gas station owners. again, blaming the gas station owners for the price of gas. it's idiotic. >> steve: gas station owners were in a long line of feel blame. he has a list of who to blame today. it was gas station owners. keep in mind gas prices had gone up over $1 across the country before vladimir putin invaded
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ukraine. and then what do we immediately hear? well, ever since the build-up of the russians along the ukrainian border, the gas has gone through the roof. now, it is finally going down a little bit. and they are taking credit for it. and we'll explain on the other side of what is really driving the prices down a little bit. but, nonetheless, it was putin's fault. it was putin's fault. it was putin's fault. suddenly, joe biden to the rescue. jared bernstein, an economic adviser for the president was asked about the double standard yesterday by a member of the white house press corps. listen. >> aren't you wanting it both ways, jared. when the gas prices go up it has nothing to do with the president. when we see some decline you want him to get credit? >> look, i think that, the, there is no both way thinking here at all. the president has reacted from the beginning talking about how this was such an important priority. he then presided over the largest historical release of barrels of oil from the
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strategic reserve, $180 million. then he talked to global partners to get them to kick in another 60 million. so, he -- >> when going up putin's fault when they coming down he gets the credit. >> i very much disagree with the framing. what is happening here the president working tirelessly to address the largest constraint probably the toughest constraint facing american households right now. >> steve: so what they are doing is the white house says, you know, the president released a million barrels a day from the strategic petroleum reserve. he did that two months ago. it has only been recently that the price has gone counsel. why has the price gone down? it's very simple. it's supply and demand. gas is so expensive, you're driving less. you are dividing when you should and should not drive. because, keep in mind, united states has not increased production. not at all. not to measurable amount. but the price is down because you are afraid that it's going to cost you too much. so, in other words, they are
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taking a bow for making the gas so expensive you are not willing to drive. >> the restaurant owner when the prices going up for meat. remember the guy come on and said we're not serving brisket anymore. because if we do that then the prices will go down because they were so high. virginia's lieutenant governor winsome sears speaking for united virginia. 10 million members. largest christian organization in support of israel in our country. and she said that the president needs to stop gaslighting. >> let me tell you something, every time that we go to the grocery store, we are going to the polls. every time we buy bread and expensive because of inflation, that's a poll. every time we fill our tanks with gas, and it's expensive, that's a poll. i don't think we are blaming putin for that we are blaming the person who sits in the white
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house because he said before he was elected that he was going to get rid of fossil fuels. it is your policies that have gotten us here. inflation is not temporary as you finally acknowledge. and stop gaslighting us. we note truth. we are paying for it every day. >> brian: smart. other thing you would like to add, too. the president is draining our strategic oil reserve. it doesn't take courage to do it. that is a risk to do that. and goes into the global market. not into our own gas stays. and the oil and gas company said here are the things to do, mr. president, if you want to increase oil production here. he has done none of it. in fact, look out for this. the president will declare a climate emergency and start with a series of executive orders that will do nothing but hurt the price of oil and gas. windmills and solar panels are not going to make it easier, more affordable for you to drive and between 60 and 70% of you live paycheck to paycheck in
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country. you are feeling all of this. that will not help. that's called tone deafness. that's called aagenda driven. that's called joe manchin will stop the agenda but will not stop the president from moving forward anyway. >> ainsley: three people close to the president. what brian is talking about that has said they don't want their names listed but they did speak to the press and they said that he is considering declaring a national climate emergency. so that he can basically redirect funds for renewable energy. >> brian: should not have. >> steve: something that still is an emergency people aren't talking about it but we will mention it today. the baby formula crisis which started a couple of months ago. is actually worse now than it was two months ago despite joe biden and the administration flying in millions of bottles of formula research firm iri says there is about 30% out-of-stock measurement across the country. about 30% over the last couple of weeks. that is 56% higher than when the
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shortage actually started. so the big question is, why hasn't it gotten any better? i mean, all eyes have been on america's babies and they can't get formula because the administration every once in a while has a photo op., hey, look, another plane landed. it's not working. they have got to up the supply. it's all supply and demand, whether it's the gas or anything else because ultimately, it impacts you every time you pull out your wallet or your pocketbook and you buy something. >> brian: still ahead, texas governor greg abbott fires back after democrats claim he is tricking illegal immigrants into going into washington, d.c. really what why he says the president is more likely to deal with the crisis if it's in his own backyard. >> steve: plus, they say it's good luck for you when it rains on your wedding day. what about, watch this, that? holy cow, aloha to that wedding. >> ainsley: they saved the cake though. >> brian: never have a wedding
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cure car we are back with headlines. >> mayor is defending the lawfully armed man stopped the shootner a mall on sunday. his remarks come after some gun control advocates that man should not be hailed for his quick-thinking. >> this young man good samaritan acted within seconds stopping the shooter and saving countless lives.
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>> carley: dicken was at the mall with his girlfriend at the time when he fired 10 rounds at the shooter killing him. texas ceo elon musk plans to file counter suit against twitter in an attempt to scrap $44 billion buyout that according to a "new york post" source close to the case. musk' lawyers aiming to get more information about the platform's bot accounts in court. legal battle could also potentially bring down the stock giving more leverage to negotiate a new sale price. one kentucky swimmer sounding off after university of penn nominates lia thomas woman of the year. calls it a slap in the face. >> mockery. that's what this whole thing turns into. something we female athletes have dedicated our whole lives to. it's a punch in the gut. slap in the face and total regression of what title ix
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stands for. >> carley: thomas became the first transgender woman to win in an north korea division one national championship in any sport after winning the women's 500-yard freestyle event. you are going to want to see this video. talk about a wedding crash. a giant wave nearly washes away an entire wedding party in hawaii. check this out. the guest and happy couple can be seen making a run for it as the wave grows bigger. the water then comes crashing over the sea wall knocking down the buffet and decorations. thankfully the newlyweds were able to save their cake and the storm passed pretty quickly. is those are your headlines guys, how about that? >> brian: wow, that's the problem with a destination wedding. >> carley: the waves that come crashing. >> ainsley: how devastating would that be. you save and save for this beautiful event and in one swoop. >> carley: now they are on the news. >> ainsley: i think they did save the cake. >> carley: they did. >> steve: that would be remarkable. some of that upon can't could be
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waterproof. >> brian: all right. we need a bigger wall. >> steve: back away from the ocean. >> brian: goes to show you if they were able to persevere through the wedding and wave. maybe the relationship is going to make it after all. >> ainsley: sounded like donald trump there we need a bigger wall. >> brian: remember that we have a wall in the dessert. >> steve: brian, to your point about barack obama, he actually has a house in hawaii. >> brian: he does have a house in hawaii. he grew up there. steve not just narragansett. >> ainsley: washington, d.c. nantucket and hawaii, right? >> steve: that we know of. >> brian: he might have other investment properties that we know of. can you find out, chris? >> 4 million people have gotten -- come here illegally since president obama -- excuse me, president biden took over. >> steve: delaware. >> he summers at 1600 pennsylvania avenue.
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800,000 got-aways more encounters this year than any full year in history. would you say there is a crisis at the border and can you imagine the frustration of being in a place like texas and seeing the flood of illegals and feeling helpless because washington doesn't care? >> ainsley: governor abbott says we can't handle all of them. we are texas, we are arizona. he we are the border states. we need to disperse them. you need to take responsibility, washington. joe biden if you are going to not care about keeping the border open, even though you say it's closed. it's not. we see the pictures. we are watching the videos. i'm going to start busing people that volunteer to get on these buses and want to go to d.c. and we heard what the mayor said of d.c. other the weekend. she is saying she is fearing that they're all being tricked to get on these buses. listen. >> we have for sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses.
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we think they are largely asylum seekers who are going to final destinations that are not washington, d.c. i worked with the white house to make sure that fema provided a grant to a local organization that is providing services to folks. but i fear that they are being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the united states of america. >> steve: fox news digital called the mayor's office and said who exactly is trickle them into getting into the bus -- >> ainsley: you made a good point yesterday getting off the bus and hugging the people in charge. >> steve: seemed to have had a nice time. the mayor's office says they are filling up the d.c. homeless shelters and also asked on sunday on face the nation, hey, so are local taxpayers, or national taxpayers paying for them to, you know, the shelters and whatnot in washington? she goes, no. so it's unclear who is exactly
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paying washington. >> brian: pandemic money. >> ainsley: grant, fema. >> steve: the money is fungible at the federal level when they give it to a state. nonetheless, after she said that, the governor's spokesperson down in texas, renee ease said this to fox news digital the only lie is the biden administration telling the american people that the border is closed. border communities are overrun and overwhelmed. governor abbott launched the border bus mission back in april to help support these communities pleading for help where biden administration is dumping migrants. with our nation's capitol now experiencing a fraction of the disaster created by president biden's reckless open border policies that every state faces every single day, maybe he will do his job and secure the border. so, in other words, enough to that the crisis is hitting joe biden, maybe he will do his job only way more impactful is if they were to drive them to rehoboth delaware or some spot
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near his house his house as well. >> brian: when i woke up i said to myself i wonder what would harry do. >> ainsley: i wonder where harry is today. >> brian: harry, the former royal nelson mandela day. will he gave a speech. he is being mocked on social media for being very woke. listen to a portion of his speech. >> this has been a painful year in and a painful decade. we are living through a pandemic that continues to ravage communities in every corner of the globe. climate change wreaking havoc on our planet with the most vulnerable suffering holmes of all. the few weaponizing lies and disinformation at the expense of
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the many, horrific war in ukraine to the rolling back of constitutional rights here in the united states, we are witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom, because of mandela's life. >> we are rolling back constitutional rights in the united states? you have been here for four minutes. >> steve: it's just ironic that somebody's whose name is prince would be essentially lecturing us on democracy and constitutional freedoms and whatnot. people listen to what he said and they said look, he is talking about climate change. he -- was he talking about donald trump in there kind of? was he talking about roe v. wade? he was vague but trying to be as specific as he could. by the way the room was mainly empty and outside there were protesters with big signs that say why are they here? >> ainsley: he called meghan markle his soul mate in the speech. everyone has been wondering i wonder if he regrets this because he has been ostracized
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from his family and many people are blaming her for that. but he called her his soul mate. they have two kids together. ben shepard, best tweet of the day we fought a war so we wouldn't have to listen to royals and then they follow us over here to bother us. >> brian: right. absolutely. by the way, they bother the royals because they are not even accepted there and we know what's going on with them. when this book comes out. the one he authorized and the one he didn't there is going to be a schism can you only dream about. like martin luther breaking up with the traditional catholic church. here is piers morgan who really knows he can gland. >> sore some inexpick cable reason the united nations decided the most appropriate person to talk about nelson mandela or mandela day is prince harry. they had a book written about them called finding freedom. wasn't as if they were trying to make a continuous connection the way they found freedom which
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involved leaving palaces and live in mansion and try to compare that to nelson mandela who let me remind them spent 7 years in a 6 by 6 prison cell as a prisoner of his conscience and came out reconcile as the first ever black president. i'm not really feeling the link, ainsley, between the two freedom fighters. harry and nelson. so, i think it's a complete joke. >> ainsley: our interview with him yesterday morning. actually he said they live in $11 million mansion. the price they paid was 14.65 million. almost 15 million. >> it has nine bedrooms, 16 bathrooms, live in montecito. >> steve: sounds very nice. after harry did his virtue signaling as he entered the united nations. according to the local press last night the two of them had dinner. he wore jeans and suede shoes and she wore about half million dollars worth of jewels out on
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the town. harry and meghan are in new york city. >> brian: for the record i wore jeans yesterday too, when i got home. >> steve: did your wife wear half a million dollars worth of jewels brian brian why it's so weird we are living of the same life. i'm sure he got it comped. listen, if you need a table let me know. i have a friend called open table. >> brian: chris. >> steve: somebody is listening to me. [laughter] >> brian: president obama has about four houses, chris is on it. >> steve: thank you. that we know of. >> ainsley: really on it. >> brian: i can't believe how many houses. if you have four houses you don't travel with luggage. you have four wardrobes. >> ainsley: people can't keep up with one how do you clean. he hires people. >> brian: i bet he does it him civil. the first thing barack obama does when he goes into native american began set and nantucket he will vacuum. [laughter] >> ainsley: with his roomba.
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>> brian: technically you are not vacuuming all you are doing is turning it on. >> ainsley: just about everything is more expensive right now including your vacuum and the price of your chicken. our next guest breaks down the soaring cost and how farmers are trying to bring them down. >> brian: plus, batter up, the all-star game airs tonight on fox, we are live at dodgers stadium with a preview and finally abby will be there to give it to him. >> ainsley: we will tell you about steve apparently getting some veal parmesan.
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and save at ♪ >> steve: we don't have to tell you but you know as inflation surges year over year the price of chicken alone has gone up more than 18%, higher than meets like meat veal and pork the cost of chicken feed is starving farmer's budgets struggling to keep prices affordable. the president of the california poultry federation joins us from the d.c. area. he is there for a big turkey conference. bill, thanks for joining us today. >> hi, thank you very much for having me. i was on your station in california so i guess did you found me. >> steve: we were watching because your message was very powerful. the reason so many people, particularly for the chicken and meat producers out in california the reason chicken is so expensive right now because for the most part you have to ship in all of the grain. the grain comes from places like
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iowa where they have a lot of corn. but, you know, if you ship them on railcars, there is the cost of fuel and suddenly that corn got real expensive. >> well, feed is 60% of the cost of producing a chicken. so it does effect chicken. i think you are seeing prices of chicken more demonstrative now because chicken is the number one protein on the west for a long time and people are buying chicken every week. not just every month. so they see the change in price. but there is a lot of factors contributing to the price of chicken. we don't think we are rising faster than the other proteins. i know your numbers look like we do, but we think we are pretty even with that. but we are seeing a great demand for chicken, still. >> steve: sure. it costs more to get the grain, to the chickens to eat so they get big before they are processed for consumption. but then once they are processed, you have got to
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transport the chickens to the local grocery store in a refrigerated truck. and once again, we're back to the cost of fuel. >> cost of fuel is more than double. it's a big deal in california. you know, we are very lucky because californians look for and oregon and washington. i represent the three states. they look for locally grown chicken first. and then they buy the other. we only can supply about half of what we need in the west coast. so a lot of the chicken comes in from other areas. but, it's a popular product. it's used in a lot of different ways. it's number one protein consumed in america. and so, we see good future for the chicken industry. and our industry is now trying to hire frantically to fill up the processing plants so we can supply the supermarkets. right now we are about 85% capacity in our production because we -- the covid has just hurt the workforce badly as it has in a lot of other areas.
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>> steve: yeah. i know some people started to cut back on the expensive proteins over the last couple of months. but i was at the grocery store last night picking up supper for my wife and myself, and there was the chicken already cooked. you know, even though we write cookbooks we like to make it fast. the chicken was $6 a pound. right next to it was the salmon, the salmon was $26 a pound. you do the math. we wound up with chicken. >> well, of course. chicken is the most popular meat and you are a chef and you are a cook and you know more than i do about how to cook that chicken. >> steve: by wife does. >> you are shopping enough. people shop enough for chicken that they see the changes. there are so many cuts that you can buy for chicken and be successful in your home. thigh meat, for example was not that popular now it's soaring in popularity a lot of it diverse the to' labor relation west coast and america.
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>> steve: that is the number one cut we buy boneless chicken thighs and recreate what julia child did back in the day. sometimes throw in a little red wine it's absolutely delicious. thank you for joining us today down in the d.c. area. thank you very much. >> thank you. it's great to be on your program. >> steve: thanks, bill. all right. coming up on this tuesday. today is primary day in maryland. and polls are set to open just about 22 minutes from right now. lawrence jones is talking to the viewers in hag gears town. good morning to you, lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, steve. the number one issue facing americans is inflation. the white house say they are getting gas prices down. but is it enough for the people? we talk to them next coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid
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apes apes primary day in maryland. and polls are open in less than 20 minutes. >> steve: voters will decide whether governor, house and u.s. senate and all 188 seats in the maryland state legislature. >> brian: what issues are on top of mind lawrence jones having breakfast with friends in diner mike, what is the number one issue facing the country? >> inflation for sure. honors lawrence you are telling me when you go in the grocery store? >> grocery store, gas, clothe bills. when you are retired you have a fixed income and that affects it. >> lawrence: debbie you say education is a major issue especially all the issues that took place during the pandemic. >> yes, a lot of our children are way behind from the pandemic, from wearing the
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masks. from just socializing with their peers. it's made a big difference. >> who did you decide to go with this primary. >> dan cox. >> lawrence: why? >> his conservative views right now. our governor says is he conservative. not so much. so we are looking for a change. >> lawrence: all right. that's what the people are saying. let's keep moving. i want you to meet mother friend of mine. talk to mark. mark, you were tell me that you travel for work. and it's $80 per day. >> a day for me to travel. it's crazy. >> lawrence: i'm assuming the number one issue for you is gas prices? >> absolutely. that and just inflation in general. can't get away from it, it's either the gas or your heating bill. it's just too much when we go to the grocery store and prices are crazy. >> >> lawrence: what do you think is driving this? is the president responsible? progressive policies? you tell me. >> it's the policies. i don't know that the president drives much of anything these
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days but he seems like a slave to the people who have these policies and the policies are just crushing. >> lawrence: last thing i wanted to ask you. who are you going to vote for in this governor's race? >> we're going to vote for schultz. >> you said the reason you are going for schulze is because although you support the former president you said all politics is local. >> at the end of the day all politics is local. we feel a connection with schulze. >> thank you so much. the last person i want to talk to joe you served almost 30 years in the navy. thank you for your service. you say the president is doing a poor job. >> i was navy four years i worked for the department of defense for the army. and he has done a poor job ever since he opened his mouth. so and that might be my girlfriend but i'm going to let her call me. i lost my wife now i got a girlfriend. >> lawrence: thank you for the service to the country. >> one guy i would like to put him in the middle of notion a row boat and spin him around in the rain and take some memory
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pills. >> lawrence: thank you so much. honest. i will send it back to you guys in york. >> ainsley: what was the last comment i want a picture with you is that what he said? >> lawrence: he wants a picture with my producer. [laughter] [laughter] >> steve: who is your producer? >> shanna. >> brian: lawrence, thank you very much. very interesting. >> steve: they are having fun in hagerstown. >> brian: at least one man is. >> steve: check out the weather in the northeast. you are in the northeast, it's getting hot. >> janice: heat advisories all up and down the east coast. take a look at the temperatures in the northeast. we had some thunderstorms yesterday move through the area and some flash flooding in the subway system and that's never a good thing. temperatures are going to be in the 90's today if we could go do that map. i know we are going to. i know we can do it. here comes the map. here it comes. do we have the map? okay. here is the heat advisories across the country for the northeast as well as parts of
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texas through the mississippi river valley. new york 93. 110 in dallas, 105 in el paso. 98 in kansas city. you can see much of the country feeling that heat and with the humidity it's going to feel oppressive. we have big game happening tonight and we have great weather for the major league baseball all-star game on fox. 79 will be the daytime high at 5:00 p.m. and be in the 70 with low humidity, so that is a great forecast for baseball. all right. steve, ainsley, brian, you got the dump truck behind me. it's just a fabulous day in the neighborhood. >> steve: welcome to new york. >> brian: just think if the dodgers didn't leave brooklyn we would have the all-star game here. >> ainsley: have it here in brooklyn, right? >> brian: too bad they left 60 years ago. >> ainsley: coming up tonight all-star game airs on fox i think it's 8. we will ask abby. abby hornacek live at dodgers stadium where she caught up with some fans. abby? >> it's great to know it's going to be awesome weather.
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we are bringing you all of the action and more right here from dodgers stadium. stay tuned ♪ ♪ discomfort. we try to soothe it with this. cool it with this. and relieve it with this. but new preparation h soothing relief spray is the 21st century way to do all three. even touch free. preparation h. get comfortable with it. ♪♪ it's the all-new subway series menu. twelve irresistible new subs. the most epic sandwich roster ever created. ♪♪ it's subway's biggest refresh yet!
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brian brine los angeles gearing up for the all-star game as the league looks to extend their eight game winning streak. >> ainsley: special coverage begins tonight at 7:00. the game starts at 8. we have your pregame fun right here. >> steve: pre, pregame fun. let's head down to dodgers stadium out west where fox nation host abby hornacek caught up with fans and players as well. hey, abby. >> good morning, you guys. that's right. the sun has yet to come up here in los angeles. but, as we wait for that, we also wait for some of the best of the best to take the field behind me for the mid summer classic. that happens tonight. but last night the action really geared up with the home run derby. so we came over to dodgers stayed ahead of time to check it all out. take a look. >> it has been 42 years since dodgers stadium has hosted the mid summer classic and we are here capturing all of the excitement. this is the mlb all-star game. whamplet brings you to the mlb
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all-star game. >> come on. dodgers stadium hasn't been here since '81. >> home run contest we can't wait. >> first timing so i'm very excited to be here. >> you see all the best players in one game. competing against each other. >> baseball, apple pie and everything. it's just a little bit of americana. >> it's really hot. >> who are you here to see? >> >> albert pujols. >> we are here to see judd. >> what about you? >> kershaw. >> i want to see the yankees. >> acuna. ♪ >> what would you do with a $1 million prize money if you won the home rub derby? >> um, going on a good trip. >> buy a house here. >> vacation home somewhere on the beach. >> i would give most of it to my fans. i'm not responsible enough to have a million dollars. >> donate. >> have a big party in the bronx
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and off to hawaii. >> steve doocy, everybody on the show is invited. steve, i'm out here. when i come back, i will make you a nice veal parmesan. >> you guys are brother. what does it mean to do this together? >> it means everything, you know. it's once in a lifetime opportunity. >> time right here with us right here it's once in a lifetime. >> means a lot to me i get to spend time. >> opportunity to bring him with our buddy and his family it's awesome. >> my dad is a dodger fan, so i want to be a dodger fan like him when i grow up. >> [inaudible] i'm nothing without my family. >> family, there is nothing better than family. i mean, always say you quote your family at home and family at the field. >> what role has your faith played in your career? >> everything. i mean, if it wouldn't be for i wouldn't be here. >> i love representing our country and i think baseball is one of those sports that just
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brings people together. >> what message do you have for all the kids watching you play? >> just continue to work hard, i guess. you know, god always has a plan for every single of us. >> the biggest thing is to just have fun. >> steve, ainsley and brian, back to you. >> steve, ainsley and brian back to you. >> back to you, steve, ainsley and brian. >> [inaudible] answer answer all right, guys, they took my job. before it does go back to you, a quick note is that you know, talking to fans and players, a sense i got this is more that be a game, it's about family, it's about faith, it's about our country. that's what makes baseball america's favorite past time and, steve, apparently someone is going to make you chicken parmesan you are the real winner here. >> steve: i hope you got the guy's phone number or address so i can collect on. that was although you know when you are out there the number one thing is the dodger dog which is hard to beat. answer answer that's right. we will be talking to the executive chef here later about
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the dodger dog. can you stay tuned for that as well. >> steve: fantastic. >> ainsley: he says when he comes back is he making you veal parmesan. >> steve: excellent. >> ainsley: live coverage of the all-star game tonight on fox pregame starts at 7:00. we will be checking back in with abby all morning long. >> brian: i appreciate that abby did get up early for us. new poll says the top issue most americans say they are facing. climate change doesn't break the top five. why is the administration about to declare a climate emergency i ask rhetorically at home? going back/ahead, period. ♪ ♪
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>> todd: white house taking victory lap as gas drops. >> stop gas lighting us. we know the truth. >> d.c. mayor muriel bowser influx of migrants. >> think they are largely asylum seekers. greg abbott released a statement maybe he will finally do his job and secure the border. >> g.o.p. frontrunners are in a dead heat. >> kelly schulz will square off against trump endorsed dan cox. >> i can't be in this job forever. >> dr. anthony fauci says he plans to retire. >> i don't anticipate i will be in the job at the end of the first term of president biden. >> good ball. there is another homer.
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30 seconds to go. it keeps going. long society that with 2022 homer derby champion ♪ you know i'm here for the party. ♪ going to have a little fun >> brian: there you go. that is michigan and that is lake country. that's haughton lake where i understand a lot of people will be today because they are taking tuesday off. so, if you are at place with a lot of lakes michigan. you don't have to pick one. >> steve: minnesota has more. minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes. >> brian: michigan has deeper lakes. >> steve: michigan has great lakes. >> ainsley: go back at him. you are having a debate.
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brian brain i think gretchen whitmer's husband always goes out on the lake during pandemic. he told me through a third source that michigan, a little bit better than minnesota. >> steve: well, the governor's husband would say that. listen. >> brian: you know he shouldn't go out on the lake broke the pandemic protocols. >> ainsley: don't you know me. do you know who i am? do you know me? >> steve: that's all. it is a beautiful day as you saw up there. beautiful to coast. beautiful in hagerstown, maryland catch up with lawrence jones. hub city nickname for hag gears town. folks are starting to file in and as we heard from that guy you talked to just a minute ago, people are saying some interesting things about politics. >> brian: right. and dating. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. you get a mix. guys, people were here at 5:00
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a.m. lined up outside the of the building they want to let their voice be heard. we always say these diners are the heart beat of america. this is the only time they get the opportunity to express theirself on the national scale. and we are grateful to be here. what's on their mind? inflation is the top issue on their mind today. and the biden administration continues to say that they are bringing gas prices down. but the people that i speak to in here, they are not feeling it, they are the average day americans. there also is a big race and split between the republic party. guys, hogan, as well as the former president trump. president trump is backing cox and schulze is being backed by larry holder who has been a trump critic. a split decision a dead heat. people here split on that decision. again, we will be talking to them all morning. still want to talk about some crime, education still a big issue. loudoun county is right down the street so, we're going to be here all morning, guys. send it back to you in new york. >> i still think it's split.
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some people go for cox and some people saying they are going for schulze. the people say they are going for schulze. they still support the former president. they just made a connection with her. >> brian: there is a lot of that going on. support of the president but they don't support who he supported in georgia in particular with governor kemp. >> ainsley: most of his endorsements have won but there are a few. >> steve: lawrence, get some breakfast. the food looks great there today. >> steve: and then he said something. lawrence is there at the hub city diner polling people the most important issue to them. and during the first hour we heard a number of different answers cnb did what they refer to as their all-american economic survey and take a look. these are the top issues issues facing the country.
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i'm surprised the cost of living and inflation and gas and all that stuff isn't higher 32%. a third of the country said that's the number one issue about half that is abortion which has been the number one issue for democrats over the last month or so. it's pretty much tied with crime and the border and then you got jobs. and then other column you see climate change, which the president is trying to make some waves with today. followed by the war in ukraine, coronavirus, and then 6% say something else or don't know. >> ainsley: if you picture your house where you are probably living or where you are right now, your electric bill has gone up. the car in your garage, the gas prices are gone up. the price for a car has gone up if you can get one. interest rates are through the roof now or not through the roof but they are a lot higher. >> steve: getting close to the roof. >> ainsley: right? there are a lot more it could cost you thousands of dollars
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more if you bought a house right now versus if you bought one few months ago. your rent is probably higher now too. everything has gone up. the food in your refrigerator has gone up. >> brian: guess what the president is going to do. he must have seen that list i have an idea. rather than focus on the first 7. let's go to the eighth one. let's focus on climate change. why? because that's what the party agenda is. certainly not where the country is at much to the chagrin of his wife jill at a fundraiser lamenting that fact. he planned on getting a lot done. the problem is the only thing he has got done is up the price of fossil fuels which fuels 80% of the country about everything that we do. we taught he tackled the problem that matters most. climate change he is going to declare an emergency as soon as this week. senator whitehouse because they think that it's time, the perfect time now to capture the imagination of america. and start making wind mills -- excuse me, buying solar panels from china and making windmills
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that are eyesores to most of the elite coastal residents. >> steve: what what he is going to do because they can't get anything done in congress. >> brian: executive orders. >> steve: even though the democrats control the senate. control the house, control the white house, he is going to have to sign something. it's going to be an executive order it can be immediately redone by the next. >> ainsley: redirect funds now if he signs this emergency declaration. they can't get climate and they can't get the tax deal through because joe manchin doesn't support it. >> steve: this is plan b. he has got to be able to say look, i couldn't get something through congress because of that darn joe manchin but look what i did. i signed this paper. robert wright, who used to be in a previous democrat administration said if the democratic party had any capacity to discipline its lawmakers or hold them accountable, if pigs could fly. it would at least revoke joe manchin's chairmanship of the senate committee on energy and natural resources.
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to continue to allow this key position to be occupied by the man who has single-handedly blocked one of the last opportunities to save the earth is an insult to the universe. i'm told the democrats don't dare take this step for fear manchin would leave the democratic party and switch his alliance and allegiance to the republicans. wife exactly would this be so terrible? manchin already acts like a republican oh no they tell me if manchin switches parties democrats would lose control over the senate. i have news for democrats, they already lost control over the senate. so, essentially what he is saying is it's time to kick joe manchin out of the democrat club. >> ainsley: well. i think would republicans have him? >> steve: sure. >> ainsley: yes, they would. >> brian: in a second. he is more moderate. you think that he should be the democratic nominee for president, right? >> brian: yeah. >> steve: what democrat is going to vote for him. >> brian: if he ran for the nomination. if the democrats truly if is he blocking for a lot of so-called moderates like senator tester and senator warner and other
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moderates in the senate, if he is truly doing that work, then you would think he would have a little bit of support i don't know if these left wingers are better option. >> ainsley: he always says i'm doing this in the best interest of west virginia. >> steve: which is what you want hear. >> ainsley: this is why he is in a pickle. the rest of the democratic party in the country that says do what's best for the party as a whole not necessarily what's just best for west virginia. then he has to worry about being reelected because he has to please his constituents. >> brian: just ask republicans what it's like in the minority and say do you want to switch in robert wright that's a genius move on his part. that picture is when he was in the clinton administration. he is significantly older now and doesn't look anything like that. janet yellen towers over him so does, i think, greg gutfeld. but, that's how he feels about joe manchin. a lot of people think joe manchin basically saving the
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country and saving the democratic party because if they were able to pass build back better which was up to $4 trillion, $4 trillion, can you imagine where our economy would be right now if you look at the senate, 50 republicans. is there any argument with that w. that? 48 democrats. andres king caucusing with the democrats. bernie sanders socialist with a bad tailor who is not even a democrat. >> steve: what is joe biden and company doing rather than address the number one issue by far, the economy and the cost of everything, he is listening to his noisy environmental left. and he is trying to calm them counsel and say, look, before the midterm elections when we lose control of the house. i'm going to do something. stay tuned. i'm going to do something. although, after they lose control of the house, could still do an executive order but this at least he is going to be able to say look, it was all i could do. >> brian: he is so tone deaf.
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he thinks the squad is going to win him the country back. the squad is a niche group, a part of the democratic party. >> steve: they are noisy. >> brian: ron klain thinks they are running the democratic party. >> ainsley: they clearly don't look at the polls, the average american is not that progressive. not that far left. let's go to minneapolis, because you have heard with this story, it is insane. this guy comes in with a gun. he is shooting into this house, this apartment complex. there is a mom inside with her two children. she is screaming for help. she is probably calling the police. her kids are freaking out. they are inside the apartment. she is now worried about elm this the kids are fine now. the gunman was actually killed because the police came and they shot the gunman who was firing shots into her home where she was trying to protect her kids. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: there were all these protests saying that he should not have been shot by police. and now there is a go fund me page raising money for his. >> brian: go fund me page wouldn't allow that to go up. >> ainsley: yes they would.
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>> steve: it's complicated. let's start at the beginning. this is a little video we showed you yesterday. here is this mom. she is yelling at these black lives matter protesters who are protesting her even they are angry at her, i think because she called the police because that guy had a six hour standoff with police after pumping her house full of bullet holes and terrifying her children. here she is yelling at the protesters saying, this is on saturday, you guys have got the story all wrong. let me educate you. here she is. >> you are a liar. >> shut up. >> let it go. this is not okay. >> it's not okay. >> this is not a george floyd situation. george floyd was unarmed. he was unarmed. >> you are alive. >> this is not okay. my kids have to deal with this. probably have a mental illness now because they almost lost
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their life. there is bullet holes in my kitchen. >> how do you [bleep] >> watching my move. he killed -- he tried to kill me in front of my kids. he tried to kill me in front of my kids. >> brian: every time there is a black man shot by police, they think they have an instant set up a protest and decide how crazy and racist america is. and this woman comes walking out going are you people out of your minds? let me tell you the facts. i watched the whole thing play out. they just don't want to hear it okay. you are having a breakdown. >> >> ainsley: you are alive. you should be happy you are alive. >> brian: go fund me that shut jose alba's page after will protection bodega guy self-protection. guy ends up dying. he goes to rikers island they go set up go fund me page. people working a bodega they don't usually have tens how far
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to sands of dollars laying around. so that was taken down because go fund me says we don't really -- we cannot supply via source even though they get a percentage of it. be a source of money for a situation like that. >> ainsley: go fund me released a statement on why they were supporting one and not the other. this is what they said about the guy who was shooting up the lady's apartment with her kids inside. they said the fundraiser t.f. family fund donations will go toward funeral, food and family expenses. fundraisers for these types of expenses are allowed under the go fund me terms of services. they were trying to raise $20,000. they hit that goal so that family will get that money. then when they talk about canceling the fundraiser for jose alba the bodega worker trying to defend himself. they say terms of service prohibit the fundraising for legal defense of a violent crime. at this time the fundraiser has been removed and all the donors have been refunded. >> steve: so the reason we are doing it just shows you the
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hypocrisy of go fund me initially they did have the -- they were raising money for the bodega guy but then they realized oh, wait a minute, that's the guy from the news who was stabbed by the girlfriend of the guy he wound up, you know, killing, unfortunately. during self-defense. >> brian: career criminal. >> steve: yet, when you look at this guy who pumped that house full of lead, not going to be a problem. so it's like they are hiding behind their terms of service. which they can interpret any way they want. brian. >> ainsley: i don't want to use go fund me now. is there another site. >> steve: go fund me charges i think 3%. >> ainsley: they ask you for extra tip money. >> brian: do you want to give extra money because go fund me is going to take a portion of it. >> ainsley: right. we saw what happened with twitter. when twitter did this and censored certain things did just what the democrats wanted and not the republicans then other sites started to form.
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i wonder in this case you have got go fund me, there need to be other sites. >> steve: the thing about go fund me it's easy. it's an app. on your phone, you push a button and suddenly money is out of your bank account. >> ainsley: it's about principles now. >> steve: it is. my wife and i don't do that we will write a check to the organization whatever it is. that way you eliminate the middle man. >> ainsley: that wait family gets all of your donations. >> steve: that way we get to decide who we send the money to rather than go fund me saying nope, i can't give it to that guy defending himself. >> brian: if you ever lose a bet to carley shimkus she wants venmo rather than go fund me. >> carley: very easy. >> ainsley: you have to pay taxes on venmo now. >> brian: no, not carley. >> ainsley: yes, you do. i advise you to do it. >> brian: hold your ground. >> carley: up to date on paying all my taxes. you heard iter who. i have headlines. including this terrible story
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out of california. police charging a los angeles man with murder and robbery in connection with to a crime spree that killed three people. prosecutors say the crimes are the cruelest, most inhumane crimes they have ever seen. malik pat is a stone cold killer. the crime spree he engaged in literally i got chills up my spine. >> carley: police linking him to several robberies 7-elevens and cone in the shop. two part-time people killed in the robbery including a man who tried to intervene set. also charged with killing a homeless man two days before those robberies. american families are still struggling with a national shortage of baby overseas. new data shows that nearly a third of powder baby formula products out of stock.
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sat between 5 and 7% on average. now record breaking heat in europe. one of u.k.'s largest airport suspending flights yesterday after temperatures got so hot a section of the runway actually started to melt. london's airport announcing the closure due to essential runway repair. regular operations resumed at the airport yesterday evening. the heat wave causing record temperatures in the u.k. with some regions hitting over 100 degrees fahrenheit. tom brady has a hilarious response to bengals wide receiver ja'marr chase's disappointment at his madden 23 rating: don't sweat it that den didn't put knee in the game the second year. he made the cavuto. developers missed his picture and put his name as q.b. number 12. those are your headlines. they didn't know who he was back then. steve whatever happened to him, number 12? thank you, carley.
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>> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: still ahead, migrant encounters hitting a record high at our southern border. next guest is an attorney general in arizona. he is candidate there. who says cartels are cashing in on the crisis. his promise to declare them a terrorist group, if he wins, coming up next. >> brian: governor newsom appears to take another step towards a white house bid. no joke, while crime and homelessness sore in his backyard. got that, jack? he is just california dreaming? we will discuss it.
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saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> ainsley: u.s. just shattered all time record for border encounters as cartels continue to profit off this crisis. our next guest a candidate for arizona attorney general is vowing to designate the cartels
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as a terrorist group if he is elected. his name is abe, he joins us now to explain. good morning to you, abe. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: good morning. what would this mean? how many years behind bars? how would this change things if they are declared terrorists? >> so, under current arizona law, we use the u.s. department of state's definition of what a terrorist organization is and the u.s. department of state has been politicized and as you mentioned i'm a former army captain and intention officer. i was actually overseas this time last year in saudi arabia. and the yemen houthi rebels were delisted by president biden as terrorist organizations which is primarily who saudi arabia is not very happy with him. so under arizona law we use the u.s. department of state's definition. what i'm calling for is actually expand that definition here in arizona to include the cartels as terrorist organizations with that they are being sentencing
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on these. instead of five years in prison for drug smuggling a minimum of 10 years. there is enhanced sentencing element with that. but, besides just the drugs and fentanyl pouring in across our border. as you mentioned the cartels are profiting off the human trafficking as well. 240,000 border crossings every single month. it's unsustainable. this is where arizona needs to take power back from the federal government and take matters into our own hands. >> ainsley: i know the migrants are paying 10, 20, $30,000 depending on which area they are coming from to the cartels in order to get across the border. does every single person coming across our border, are they in touch with some sort of a cartel to make sure that they get across? >> right. that's exactly what's happening right now. so, you know, they are paying 10, 20, $30,000 depending on the country of origin because the cartels they are smart. you have 150 countries pouring across our southern border. so, you know, they are smart and they charge the saudis or some
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yemenese more money. they understand they got a little bit of extra cash than say some of the central american countries. this is exactly where, you know, the cartels, they have complete operational control. this is a sophisticated organization. many of them are former mexican special forces. they have drone operations over the border. the united states we need to start realizing what's going down on our southern border. it just doesn't affect arizona. it's affecting the entire country. >> ainsley: you are right. >> we have to understand what's at stake. i'm proud to be endorsed by president donald trump because, you know, when he was the president, he had the border under control. i think there is about 15 to 30,000 migrant crossings and now it's ballooned to 240,000. >> ainsley: all right. well, you are running for the a.g. of the great state of arizona endorsed by entrepreneurship. thank you so much, abe. >> thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. still ahead crime and homelessness in california are out of control as you know. governor gavin newsom is taking steps to run for president despite that. golden state resident leo terrell is going to react to
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♪ >> carley: we are back with headlines starting with this. the u.s. attorney declining to charge the nine staffers from the late show with stephen colbert with unlawful entry after they were arrested for being in a house office building without permission last month. capitol police say they told the colbert nine to leave at least twice because they did not have an he is are court and were the building after hours. police source telling fox news they were frustrated with the decision to drop charges as they work to enhance security at the capitol. the indoor mask mandate is back for students and staff at san diego's unified school district. parents protesting that decision say the return to facial coverings for kids makes no sense. >> the fact of the matter is that kids are at a minimal risk. many of these kids have been vaccinated and the cloth masking has been shown repeatedly to not work. >> carley: car this mandate comes as l.a. county also considers reinstating that indoor mask mandate.
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to a fox weather alert strong storms bringing flash flooding to parts of new jersey and new york. some subway stations in new york city turning into urban water falls because of the rain. but one bus in the city tried to brave the elements. >> oh my. >> yeah, the flooding also creating sinkholes on some new york city streets. just look at how crazy that is. oh my goodness. wild there. swallowing up a van that was parked on the side of the road. and the chain smokers are going space the duo will perform allied performance in a pressurized capsule 20 miles earth's surface. landmark performance happening thanks to a space tourism company called world view they say giving artists a view of both the earth and space create creativity for special projects,
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why? guys back to you. >> brian: thought i could be a great songwriter if it wasn't for gravity. >> carley: the earth is holding you down. >> brian: for the longest time. >> ainsley: did they choose that because they were chain smokers i bet they aren't anymore. >> brian: ask. >> steve: on the journey will they be able to chain smoke the whole time. >> carley: chain smoke in space? i don't think so. >> steve: i don't think so either it could be a fire. >> brian: carley, ask siri. >> carley: my siri is broken. >> brian: how do you break? >> embarrassing i have iphone 8. i have got to get a new phone. can i type it in. >> ainsley: thanks, carley. crime and homelessness in capitol spiraling out of control. homeless hop population up 67% as violence is surging there. >> steve: tell that to the governor out there gavin newsom who appears to be focused on perhaps running running for the white house. working to reel in big money
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donors to make that happen. >> brian: how mad would you be if you are president biden. leo terrell joins us now. leo, isn't that rude? can you imagine that, knowing the speculation swirling, a guy in his own party shows up at his house while he is at the middle east? >> look, everyone knows except joe biden that biden is not running for president. >> steve: right. >> you have candidates who are gearing up to run. gavin newsom is awoke progressive candidate. and you know what? he is being coy, why? because is he running for governor. and unfortunately, he is going to win. so he is basically positioning himself, with donors, to run for the white house. it's a clear fact. and do you know what? he doesn't have to have any in california because if you are woke, that's all you need. that's what is he qualifies for. >> steve: california has a lot of qualified voters that's good for him. what's really insulting is it sound like kamala harris is already starting to do some
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fundraising to run for president if her boss says no. >> please save this tape. besides being woke, kamala harris is unpopular. everyone remember, she dropped out of the california primary. she is unlikeable. the only reason why she is vice president is because of identity politics. not because of qualification. not because of success. what has she done as v.p.? absolutely nothing. >> you know, in your state, leo, you have got the governor who sin violating homeless people to move to his state. he says we want you. we love you. come here. and then i was watching the show called intervention last night. i don't know if you have seen it. where they try to rehab drug dealers. this one -- or drug addicts. this one addict kept going back to this one area. i think it was in san francisco where it is legal to do all these drugs on the street. that's where he would go to get high. >> brian: that's where gavin newsom was mayor. >> ainsley: yeah. i think there are still safe
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spaces where you can shoot up in california. it's insane to think that those policies would resonate. >> i want do thank you for this question i want everyone to hear this on fox. the homeless term is a lifetime achievement show me a homeless camp and show video on fox. show me a homeless encampment, i will show you crime. crime is tolerated. they use umbrella term homelessness to basically incapsulate people are out on their bad luck. crime is tolerated. mental health is tolerated. but they use that as a catchphrase. they are gas lighting us because every homeless encampment, i challenge anyone, show me a homeless encampment that's free of crime? police look the other way. you just described it drug use, mental health issues. but, no, it's homelessness, that is an outright lie to use that term. >> steve: you are saying call it a crime encampment? >> call it anything but just homelessness. call it crime encampment.
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drug infestation. mental health issues. but they use it as a ploy to gain money. we have $308 billion budget. basically billions and billions of dollars on this ongoing problem homelessness, never with the intent to solve it. because it's -- every video you showed me, i challenge you, buy you dinner, lunch, show me without crime and mental health issues police look the other way. why? we are a soft on crime state. >> ainsley: they care more about the criminals than the victims. in this show the little kids are begging their parents to stop and to get off of drugs. meanwhile their parents are going to the streets so they can get it and it's easily accessible. it's so sad to watch how it effects these children. steve: thank you, leo. >> brian: two losing candidates. the only guy that was interesting is jared polis of colorado. he seemed to be somewhat moderate. he was also at that fundraiser yesterday in california. >> ainsley: we go back out to hagerstown, maryland where lawrence jones is having
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breakfast with friends before voters are headed to polls there in the primary race. hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, ainsley. look at all of french toast. what is it like to deal with inflation as a restaurant owner. we are going to talk to the manna owns this place. plus a panel of men that do breakfast every week. they are going to solve some of the issues facing the country. that's next on "fox & friends." don't go anywhere. ♪ in one easy appointment... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: ...we can replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety system. >> dad: looks great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ dad, when is the future? um, oh wow. um, the future is, uh, what's ahead of us. i don't get it. yeah. maybe this will help. so now we're in the present. and now... we're in the future. the all-electric chevy bolt euv
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hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: you saw that big spread of french toast that almost gave me a sugar coma. the man who makes this and owns this place is andrew. thank you so much for inviting us, all the folks are having a great time what is it like being a business owner in this climate. you haven't raised your prices but we know inflation is hitting you, right? >> it does. actually all the prices went up. all the food prices went up. labor went up. everything went up. even water, electric, gas, everything but, you know, you got to go through this. >> lawrence: why didn't you adjust your prices even though the cost to make the food was going up? >> okay. this is basically the typical diner, so, 70% of our guests, it's like senior citizen and you cannot keep the prices on them like you cannot keep raising the prices on them. that will hurt them so bad.
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i mean they are already headquarter. don't get that much from income. gas very high. go to the grocery store, prices too high. rent is high. everything is too high. i mean, we got to keep it that way for now. >> lawrence: you say life was different back in the last administration? >> way different. life way different now before the pandemic and after the pandemic it's way different. >> lawrence: andrew, thank you so much for inviting us in. >> lawrence: i want to take y'all to a table that has breakfast every single week, dean, you say you can solve a lot of these problems right here. and you say inflation is the number one issue. >> yes. i have to say that we have a president that doesn't know how to deal with it. and we need somebody to deal with it. and the question is, are the voters smart enough to get there? and i'm a retiree and i'm telling you, it's hurting. and everything. and you know, when it costs me
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25, $30 to mow my grass every week, and that's just in gas. you know. it's ridiculous. we are hoping that the voter wakings up. wakes up. >> on point as far as the gas prices go. if my wife was not working from home, she probably would be spending over $150 a week just to commute. but thank god she is working from home. and as far as the government goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. >> lawrence: right. what do you want to see from the president of the united states right now? >> i really would like to see inflation come down. the prices of food come down. the prices of gaffes come down. it was less than a year ago i would spend like 140 to $160 a week to feed my family. now i'm spending anywhere from 200 to 250 a week to feed my family. and that's ridiculous. this is just for a family of
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three. and this does not include like crab meat and shrimp and everything. this is just the basics. >> lawrence: just the basics. >> lawrence: you gentlemen have breakfast every week and you all talk about the issues that's going on. i think this is the heart beat of america right here. i appreciate y'all. i will send it back to you guys in new york. i'm going to keep eating with these gentlemen. >> steve: i don't blame you. i never thought about the cost of mowing your lawn. that guy is 30, 35 bucks. that's a lot. >> brian: why do the diners make you go to the counter to pay? >> steve: some do. if you have a waitress. >> ainsley: quick you don't have to wait on the waitress to go and take to the come back. >> brian: then you have got to ask for extra money and leave a tip on the table you don't get to eye them. janice dean has more. >> ainsley: food for thought this morning. >> janice: you to go in and say i'm brian kilmeade and they will pay for it. >> brian: we need tip.
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>> janice: say hi to the crowd do you like brian kilmeade. >> yes. >> what is your name. >> casey. >> where are you from. >> minot. >> where are you from. >> california. >> very nice what's your name. >> emma. >> where are from you? >> omaha, nebraska. >> janice: oh my gosh, first time in new york. >> um-huh. >> who do you want to say hi to. >> hi grandpa and grandma. >> janice: you did great. all right. take a look at the maps across the country. we are, you know, it's going to be warm here in new york city today. 74 right now. 75 in boston. we have a heat advisory. it's going to feel really warm this week. we have showers and thunderstorms yesterday. they have cleared out. we could see some scattered storms for parts of the interior northeast parts of the mid-atlantic. the heat is the biggest story. this is the heat index. what it feels like. going to feel like 101 tomorrow and 103 in new york for thursday. make sure that you are high draghtd, going inside where the air conditioning is cool. severe storm threat for parts of the upper midwest and the northeast. all right. you guys did great. you did great.
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yes. thanks for coming out. all right. over it steve, ainsley, brian. my friends. >> steve: thank you very much. great. welcome to new york. >> brian: middle america comes to the coast. still ahead, major league's baseball greatest players meet in las vegas tonight for the annual all-star game. everywhere is talking about it fox nation abby hornacek live at dodger stadium pregame preview in the middle of the night. ♪ >> that is right. we are gearing up for the mid summer classic. and as we do so, coming up, we will be talking to someone who is going to give us insight into what makes dodgers stadium so iconic. that and more. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ( ♪♪ ) favorite partner. crushing topspin. and leg cramp relief. giving it your all? make sure you have the right partner by your side.
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>> ainsley: it's got some headlines here. some americans could find themselves paying more for a month for their car than their house. a new report shows some of it and i'm shelling out $1500 a month for certain vehicles. that is just shy of the average monthly payment for $330,000 home on a 30-year mortgage. experts say the rise is caused by inflation and speculation over future federal reserve interest rate hike.
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even though that chain retail close all stores in 2018, they are planning a major comeback this holiday season. the toy giant will be in every u.s. department store for late july through october 15th. as part of an expanded partnership. how about that, guys? >> ainsley: i don't know that's good or bad. that's more money we have to spend his parents. just wait, one day when you are a parent you will see. we have to go to the toy store and i will say no. >> brian: tonight is the annual mlb all-star game. it aired on fox. >> ainsley: this morning, we are learning all about dodger stadium. >> steve: good morning to you. >> good morning, you guys. she's wearing her dodgers blue. thank you for waking up early without us. >> it's a pleasure to be here. >> she had been in charge of the renovations and expansions of
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this iconic stadium. it's the third oldest mlb stadium. how do you maintain its history while also modernizing some of its features? >> this building is a classic 1960s midcentury modern courtesy colors are the colors of the sunset. it's in that a building. there's no other one like it. we try really hard to make certain that everything we did maintained that a fantastic postcard view of the san gabriel mountains beyond. the three sister palm trees over the bullpen. adding all the amenities to keep it current with the ballpark. >> this is the first time in 42 years that dodger stadium has ousted the mlb all-star game. what does that mean to you guys? it any special preparation go into making this perfect venue? >> that biggest thing we did in anticipation of the all-star game was billed as the typical plaque. over ten years, the partners and their partners, we systematically have gone around
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the building which is carved into the hillside of chavez ravine and added every entrance with kids areas, new food and beverage. this places to hang out. really taking advantage of the southern california claimant. >> we saw some of the fans out there yesterday. they were loving it. you guys did such an excellent job. why did you find the most iconic about this today? what brings people here? no problems filling those seats. >> 56,000 which is an outlier in baseball. so much bigger than anyone else. as many teams have gone in the downtown settings, traditional urban things, it makes dodger stadium city sitting up here on the hillside surmounted by this beautiful elysian park. it's all the more special. >> it has been special having you here with us today. thank you so much again. later tonight, we will see some of the best of the best stephan
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left field and show us some great baseball, guys. 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox. >> steve: thank you very much. don't forget to tune into night, 7:00 p.m. eastern time for live coverage of the all-star game on fox. >> ainsley: all right, 7:5555 here on the east coast. >> steve: the white house is blamed vladimir putin for driving up gas prices. now they want credit for lowering their prices. the west wing double standard still ahead. >> ainsley: it's only going down a little bit. it is still high. ♪ ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the white house is taking a victory lap. it's all time high. one of the fast declines in gas prices in over a decade. >> we know the truth. >> the u.s. entered of its all-time record for border encounters. >> their cartels, complete operational control. this sophisticated organization. >> ainsley: it is primary day in maryland. >> why do you think is the number one issue facing the country? >> inflation in general. you can get away from it. >> dr. anthony fouts he says he plans to retire.
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>> at the end of the first term of president biden. >> there is another home where. 30 seconds. it keeps going. juan soto in 2022. home run derby champion. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: that is a great song. "going home." yeah -- >> steve: it looks like of the american event had to guess. >> new york. it's three and a half hours north of the city of new york city. just above albany. it's 90 degrees here today. when you have kids, you've got to go there. >> brian: have you gone there? 's need to i have not gone there. >> steve: why didn't you listen to your friend?
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>> ainsley: i didn't have the time. >> brian: juan soto turn down $150,000 to stay with the national spirit that team gets this 23-year-old will have to pay him $500 million. >> steve: good for him. >> brian: $50 million a year to play baseball. only in america. we too are those guaranteed contracts? >> brian: baseball, absolutely. the mets and the yankees are both vying for him. >> ainsley: today is the all-star game. we're excited about that. >> steve: speaking of $500 million. >> brian: lawrence jones just paid that right now. this is a fox news alert. sorry about that, lawrence. >> steve: over how many years? >> 500. >> i'm trying to figure out the correlation. i haven't seen any of that
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money. >> brian: its direct deposit. you not supposed to see it. >> all right. thank you family. the reason why it is not because of brian. it's because of the biscuits and gravy, guys. it's phenomenal. it's homemade. it's a great day to start the morning and talk with voters. the topics that they are talking about. inflation, the economy and house impacting people. you never think about mowing the lawn. one guy was telling how much it has cost him just to mow his lawn. also, there's a big race going on. that by the republican party. you got donald trump endorsed a candidate. and then you've got one endorsed by the governor hogan. he is term limited. he can no longer be governor here. makes reviews here. i'm not able to make a decision on who i think the voters are going to go with today because it is so split. a lot of people are saying that they are going to back that
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trump backed candidate. a lot of folks are saying is the person for the job even though they love donald trump. all politics local. they feel like she has rallied a lot for him on the ground. as a lot of issues that need to be discussed today. i will talk with folks here is in the back to you guys in new york city. >> steve: we will know the winner tomorrow. since you teased the biscuits and gravy going after tasting gravy and see how it compares to the other diners. >> all right, all right, all right. you are going to get me in trouble. it's good. i'm not even lying. that's good. it has a peppery reasoning. ainslie, you know about it. i don't know about that. >> ainsley: it's like sawmill gravy you put on a biscuit. the best part is when you leave it on there, it's really hot it seeps into the middle of the biscuit. the edges are kind of crispy. the center -- is like the center of a cinnamon
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roll. >> there is crumbles of sausage in the gravy. >> ainsley: yes, yes, yes. >> brian: knowing your tasting gravy and music. you are dancing together. we too we grew up in the south. without. we love our biscuits and gravy and southern food. >> brian: so you two love jesus. lawrence, thank you very much. more with the folks there at the diner. >> ainsley: he said yeah, i do, too. >> brian: is not a morning poll. >> steve: the white house is taking a victory lap as the price of gas flies back from its all-time high. not by that much. >> brian: we have a lot of shots i joe biden looking down at the press. the administration hoped that we forgot that bottom blamed putin. >> ainsley: the prices are still -- very expensive develop your car
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still. >> is still more than $2 a gallon more than when president biden took office. the president was going to the middle east just to ask golf countries to drill more. but we know it was on the agenda. we also know that president came back home without any firm commitments from anybody over there to drill more. that's okay according to the communication director who says about gas prices in the memo, the drop is one of the fastest declines in gas prices in over a decade. just this sunday, we witness the largest single day decline in national gas prices since 2008. average for a gallon is $2 above when president biden took office. $5.51 per gallon of diesel which is part of why shipping is so expensive right now. it is all weighing the president down. seen in now house and met up while 3:30 8% approval rating.
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68% are saying he's not paying attention to the most pressing problems. top aides are dismissing the idea that there is a double standard that when prices go up, it's putin's fault. when prices go down, biden deserves all the credit. >> and i very much disagree with that framing. what's happening here is a president who is working tirelessly to address the largest constrain -- probably the toughest constraint facing american households right now. the budgetary impacts of these elevated prices. we're showing showing you here today some real results. partially -- partially derived from concrete efforts he's taking. >> what does the president have to say about all this? big question. no public events on the schedule yesterday. no public events on the schedule today. back to you. >> steve: one thing he said when you are in the briefing room was one of the reasons that prices have come down was
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because joe biden released a million barrels of oil a day of the strategic petroleum reserve. but he did that months ago. and only recently has the price started coming down. largely because supply and demand. we haven't increased the supply here in the united states we haven't punished, you know, a hole in the earth for more oil. >> something else he took a lot of questions about purity today is a big anniversary. it's been exactly one year since president biden said rising prices and inflation was going to be temporary. bernstein was saying, well, temporary, transitory, and i think they are still up in here because people just don't understand what the word transitory actually means. they have different ideas about what transitory means. that was july 19th 2021. here we are 2022 and inflation is much higher. 1%.
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>> ainsley: brian had a list of some of the things he was saying would be different. just be patient. that was one of them. it's just transitory. >> brian: afghanistan was not going to be like saigon. it was worse. we also thought that he was going to be able to convince the saudis to pump more oil. >> ainsley: and the border is closed. but we have record numbers. >> don't forget another classic would be when he said we declared independence from covid over a year ago. >> brian: we could have cookouts in july. >> ainsley: if you get the vaccine, you will get covid. >> steve: it seems like the advice he's taken of the advisors has not been very wise ultimately giving a very high level inflation and everything else. anybody talking about how maybe it's time for new advisors when it comes to the economy? >> we have not heard a lot about. we know that president biden has said that he thinks he's getting a lot done. he just is having a hard time
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communicating that. we know that by the end of this month, the communications director is going to leave. they will have an opening there for somebody to come in and try to message things a little bit differently. >> steve: thank you, peter. >> brian: what about jill biden saying she has on its plans to get somewhat stunned but things things keep coming up. >> steve: she was speaking in the past and spirit >> brian: that is what a lot of people think. he is not already except for him. i think there's two people that could decide joe biden goes or stays. if donald trump grounds, biden is going to be hard to convince not to run. and with barack obama calls and says joe, you have to go, how to say no? >> ainsley: or if michelle obama says she wants to run. >> brian: she has never indicated. she has always been so dismissive every time that is brought up. >> steve: that's brilliant politics.
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>> brian: so far is brilliant enough to keep her not running. >> steve: and at the top of the poles. meanwhile in virginia, the high cost everybody is paying for everything. forget about the white house spin. she levels the blame for these high prices and lack of production in the united states on one guy. jill biden's husband. >> let me tell you something. every time that we go to the grocery store, we are going to the paul mackler. every time we buy the bread and eggs expensive because -- that's the poll. every time we fill our tanks with gas and eggs expensive, that's a poll. i don't think we are blaming putin for that. we are blaming the white house. before he was elected, that he was going to get rid of fossil fuels. it is your policy is that i've gotten us here. inflation is not temporary as you finally acknowledged.
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and stop gaslighting us. we know the truth. we are paying for it every day. >> steve: is like a poll every day. it's like a tax every day. >> ainsley: that biden administration is taking credit for decreased gas prices. it's one of the fastest declines in gas prices in over a decade. gas prices rose more than a dollar per that is the highest one year spike since ronald reagan. in february 2021 until february of this year. my advice to them is don't take credit for mildly fixing a problem that you calls. >> brian: especially when the prior notice when over $100 a barrel again. those billionaires are just continue. >> ainsley: it's transitory, no, wait, and putin. >> brian: 12 minutes now after the hour. 4 million people across the border illegally since the president has taken over.
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there is 800,000 god always so far maybe even more. there is unbelievable amount of fans i like fentanyl everything that has gone wrong. this is the most underreported slow-moving car wreck in the history of our country that will affect us for generations. so frustrated these border governors. not that upset in arizona as governor abbott is frustrated in texas. texas money aside and said, start putting some of these legal immigrants -- dump them where joe biden lives in washington, d.c. the d.c. mayor saying that this is so bad for those illegals who have been drenched to come to the capital. >> we have are sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked
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into getting on buses. we think they are largely asylum-seekers who are going to the final destinations that are not washington, d.c. i worked with the white house to make sure that fema provided a grant to a local organization that is providing services to folks. i fear that they are being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the united states of america. >> ainsley: i thought they were so excited that illegals were getting a better life and able to come in here. i do they care where they are going? they are getting out the buses like you pointed out. they're hugging the people that drove them all away from texas. you can see it in this video. they will hung the guys that come stemming gave them what information they needed to get safely to d.c. they also chose to get on those buses. we saw the man taxes.
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how you deciding who gets to go to where? he said if they voluntarily want to get on the bus to d.c., they can. >> steve: i wonder if he would consider about their wilmington, delaware. obviously, they get free will. they can go wherever they want to. the fox news little did ask the mayor of d.c., who tricked them? getting on the buses. she has not responded. and it is not just texas. governor in arizona also boasts people as well to washington, d.c. what if the country opens their border and then condemns people from dropping them off at the nation's capital. name another country we could just store men with 4 million people have come in. there is not one other. >> steve: given the fact that now this is happening after what she said. governor abbott said essentially joe may finally be doing his job, because people are winding up in d.c. where suddenly, the
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homeless shelters are being overrun. >> ainsley: it's in his backyard now. >> brian: here's my governor abbott's spokesperson says. the only light is president biden tells the american people that the border is closed. experiencing of fractional disaster. the state faces every single day. maybe. he will finally do this and do his job and secure the border. in arizona, the democratic party realized it no longer works in their best interest to allow our country to let people blood and from places we don't know. while you test us in having mass mandates are coming back in major cities, while people plod across the border, we have no idea what diseases they might have. any viruses because we know nothing about them. >> steve: making the cartels very rich. $30,000 depending on where they are coming from to get across the border.
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>> steve: the one thing you can say is suddenly, he has gotten the attention of people in washington. >> steve: all right, it is 8:15 here in the east. he's got the news. >> headline starting with this. the mayor of greenwood, indiana, is offending the lawfully owned man who stopped as shooter in the mall on sunday. his remarks, some gun-control advocates say that man should not be held for his quick thinking. >> this young man acted with the second. stopping the shooter and saving countless lives. >> police say elijah dickens stops the shooter after three people were killed and several others wounded including a 12-year-old girl. he was at the mall with his girlfriend at the time when he fired ten rounds at the shooter killing him. netflix investors are bracing for a record subscriber losses ahead of the release of its
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second quarter earnings today. the company rejected a $2 million loss for the quarter which would be the largest loss in its history. for projection comes as the company works on long-term fixes. the streaming services that you had advertising as well as testing ways to charge for sharing accounts. nationals outfielder juan soto as the champion after duking it out with julio rodriguez at last night's dodger stadium. >> needs got in. that is flipped sky-high. juan soto is your 2022 home run derby champion. >> becoming the youngest player in history to win back the derby just 23 years and eight months old. very specifically. his win comes after he turned down a $440 million offer from the nationals and is now rumored to be on the trading block. can you believe that?
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the chainsmokers are going to space. the duo will record a live performance in a pressurized capsule. 20 miles above the earth surface. landmark performance happening in 2024 thanks to that space tourism company known as world view. we now have an answer to your question last hour. the duo is says that their name their origin has everything to do with hugh grant. how about that? this moving way grant got rich off of one of his songs and lived an easy life. >> one of her pep talks. >> you will end up childless -- >> well, fingers crossed. >> the duo saying they don't even smoke. when they form in the domain, it was great. they think they're in love with a movie about a boy and went for it. that is the answer.
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>> ainsley: they were frugal. it was free. >> i bet you never guess that one. >> steve: you would think they love the smoke. >> smoking is not part of their lifestyle. >> brian: how many people are smoking? they are rating. big government not smoking. >> brian: thank you. i always thank you and i break. it's too late now. i think you live on tv. at a chinese company purchase of farmland near north dakota airbase prompting national security concerns on capitol hill. do you think? senator kevin cramer joins us live with more. and that is his picture. the tenn the new all-american club. that's a “club” i want to join! let's hear from simone. chuck, that's a club i want to join! i literally just said that. i like her better than you the new subway series. what's your pick?
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i try to put my arm around any vet that i can, absolutely. the new subway series. at newdayusa that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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a chinese food manufacturers purchase of 300 acres of farmland in north dakota. 20 miles from an american airbase. one air force major warning any data collection will "present a costly national security risk causing great damages to the united states the teaching advantages." kevin cramer wants to review the purchase. what could you tell me about the land that this chinese company bought? >> first of all, as 370 acres near grand forks, north dakota, which is in the heart of the red river valley. it's very productive farmland. that's about 12 miles from the grand forks air force base which is a very sophisticated base. they fly. they just put in a new ground station for the first bunch of satellites by the space development agency. as a very important uplink and downlink data center. national security concerns.
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proximity both to important farmland and important airbase make this particularly problematic. >> are you concerned about it? you are a capitalist. you are successful businessmen. are you concerned? >> i'm concerned about the proximity to the airbase. i'm more broadly concerned about the fact that china is able to come in and continually make investments and buy my property. you know, enter into our supply chain, and our food supply chain here in the united states. remember during the pandemic, it was discovered that china's ownership of meat processing the united states made our meat supply vulnerable. if we haven't learned about the vulnerability of food supply energy supply, and other critical pharmaceuticals from china, we are learning very quickly. i've been opposed to this from the beginning quite honestly. i've been quite outspoken about it. now we are asking for a further review.
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>> brian: i just imagine you can get democrats to support you in this. from north dakota resident was on with laura ingraham last night. she's worried about this. listen. >> they were told, we are going to bring jobs to the area. we are going to increase agricultural production in your area. if you know anything about north dakota, we are an agricultural state. you don't mind if we do a little spying on the side, do you? they just don't operate that way. they just do it. that is the way any enemy operates. you don't ask for permission to infiltrate the enemy's backyard. >> brian: that is a legitimate concern. let's get some investors in buy some farmland next to a military base in china. how would i go over? >> we are a very open system. the chinese are taking advantage of that openness in the united states. we willingly brought them in and in many respects as i have a lot of other countries.
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a lot of other countries have learned their lesson including countries most closer to china then we are probably in a desperate for this investment in north dakota or anywhere in the united states. they can do better than this. thankfully, there are people like beth and several other concerns the decisions that did sound the alarm. i think that the investment opportunity first game, it was not known at that chairman was an activist in the chinese communist party. as soon as that concern became known, we should have gotten out of it. we are seeking further review from a national defense perspective. i am confident that we will find lots of concerns. >> brian: senator, don't let it happen. i know democrats will support it. i know in the house, they are moving usda funding bill that would ban china, russia, north korea, and around and doing the same thing. i think americans would support it. i think we have to be a little bit more savvy and keep our eyes open. >> i completely agree. i think it is absolutely the
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right mover than within the sense of america. we ought to be very deliberate about it. we have to be very quick about it. >> brian: she also understands a concern. hopefully we'll get some bipartisan support here. senator, thanks so much. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead. prince harry ditched his own country for the united states. what a relief. adam carolla reacts to this woke you in speech next. some would say he's in our studio. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis and... take. it. on. with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. it can stop irreversible joint damage. and rinvoq can leave skin clear or almost clear in psa.
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>> ainsley: prince harry is facing backlash over his speech to the u.n. marketing rep -- >> steve: he made a pretty clear yesterday. what he really thinks of his new adopted nation. >> horrific war in ukraine to the rolling bag of their constitutional rights and the united states, we are witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom. a climate change we can have it on our planet with the most vulnerable suffering most of all.
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the few weaponizing lozenges information at the expense of the many. >> brian: a person riveted to their very speech. he measured it to memory. comedian adam carolla. he's the author a brand-new book. everything reminds me of something. when it comes to the royal family, i think of you. is the perfect time for you to release a book. what is your election to prince harry going to the united nations? is it about time or overdue? >> who cares what the symbols will has to say? you must know something. he doesn't know anything. meghan markle is, like, infiltrate his brain and ruined him. bigger picture, the u.n. and that we are one by one tile that looks like it's from a bathroom from a strip joint in the '80s, can we get some new trial? weird '80s tile. >> ainsley: every time a diplomat gets out there. i've always thought the same thing. >> it is so '80s.
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get some large-scale, you can use a carrera marble. the weird green, jaded, so '80s. >> ainsley: ben shapiro had the best way yesterday. "we had fought all wars so that we will have to listen to royals where they follow us over here." >> he such a colossal blowhard. a bigger picture, just easier to make fun of the united states for everyone. that is only because of how big we are. right? we are so powerful. we have done so much. i also feel like a lot of these countries we bailed out in world war ii circled back because there is some weird shame factory. they are kind of going after us because we did bail them out. the countries we bombed in world war ii are better to us than the countries we bailed out. >> steve: when you saw prince harry at the united nations, you thought
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about the marble tile back there. your new book is called "everything reminds me of something." used to be a carpenter. whether kind of advice and observations do we, you know, finding your new book? >> there was something i think you guys were running a thing on ice and how they want to abolish i.c.e. in the book, i explain how we can keep ice. aoc and all the lefty democrats want to get rid of ice. it's an acronym in its golden jargon and people like it. i think if they started it -- and i have a way to save it. to start it with the world national. national immigrated custom enforcement. nice. good luck abolishing n.i.c.e. everybody would get a windbreaker that said n.i.c.e. agent on it. >> ainsley: n.i.c.e. agent. >> just beat the out of
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grandmother were there. he is a n.i.c.e. agent. >> brian: you decided to take the magic of your podcast. when people randomly come up and ask your opinion or you have thoughts and you put it into a book. people give you questions. you just answer them. he really is your podcast in life comes alive. >> normally when you write a book you sit down and write the book. you think of the questions you want to answer in your own head. in this case, people were asking me questions. celebrities and people just submitted questions. when someone asks you a question, it forces you to think a different way. you think of your own questions and then you answer them in your own head. somebody wrote in and said, in this day and age, 2022, with such equality, how come every time i see someone on a motorcycle, that guy is riding
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it and the woman is still on the back? yeah, it's 2022. we should see a lot of examples of women with a guy on the back. why is that? i never would've thought that question had someone not asked for. i think my answer is, guys who ride harleys are old-school. they are a throwback people. they have a traditional arrangement. the new wave dude who is staying home while the woman is going out to work with the bead bracelet made out of -- i don't know what those bead bracelets are. that guy in that couple is too scared to own a motorcycle. they wear double masks. they are watching themselves down with pure rail. they are fear-based. the progressive couple would do that are too scared to own a motorcycle. this you only seen the >> brian: i preordered it. it came in this morning. you think you would be too safe
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of a society today. we have to go back to the days when the car seat with space the wrong way when people were wearing seat belts. >> there was no car seat. it was on the roof. like matt romney. >> brian: the dog. >> let's not throw them under the bus or over the bus in this case. yeah, we used to climb trees. remember climbing trees was an activity. you had to go, like, i need to test myself. i need to find out a relationship with danger. we don't have a relationship with danger anymore. kids are wrapped in bubble wrap and dipped in pure rail and sat in front of the computer. someone put their hand on their shoulder when they are 14. they go i was assaulted. the other thing -- do we have time? not really. the other thing i was thinking about. the thing about the difference between when somebody would say something, i joke that was hurtful or something like that back in the day and they would say, they would apologize.
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i'm sorry for those who are offended. i always say, i'm sorry for those who were affected. meaning, i did something to you. in the past, you make a joke. you should be fired because you affected someone. in the past, you made a joke at offended someone, that was up to you. you are uptight. get over it. now i have affected you. i must be fired. >> ainsley: brian has a good question for you. he says, why do you get a margarita line insult and they put a straw in it? you don't need this trial. right? >> that's because you ladies wear too much lip gloss. don't want your lips all over the side of the tumbler, because it never comes out in the washing machine. >> you're going to get it. because i'm drinking the salt. >> okay, good. let's hang out after the show. >> steve: he's got a brand-new book called "everything reminds me of something." adam carolla, thank you very
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much. >> ainsley: out of everything you said, that one made sense. go ahead. it is primary day in maryland. lawrence jones is talking to voters as they at the polls. that's and marilyn. lawrence, hey. >> hey, good morning, family. the polls are open and there still some undecided voters. what issues matter to them to make that decision? we will talk to some voters coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪
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we have been talking about some of the issues facing the country. what you think is most important? >> the lack of common sense being used in the political arena. i think i represent a good cross-section of what america, is and what it represents. i am a christian man. i am a veteran. i am a retiree. i come from a multiracial family. i have a grandson who is gay. i love them to death. i'm very proud of him could we represent a lot of areas in the population of the united states. we all come together with the same issues that we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. the economy number one. people have to set aside funds for one thing versus another thing. that might be medication. that might be household goods.
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that might be transportation. it might be health issues. what concerns me is i have friends who sit on both sides of the aisle. here locally. and it seems like all of them apply good common sense and their decisions. but what troubles me is when they get to the federal level. somewhere along the line, somebody starts to spoon-feed them samples of the kool-aid that is manufactured in washington, d.c. somewhere along the line, they lose the ability to use that common sense that god gave them. set aside your personal agendas. let's not argue what is right and wrong. let's apply the application of common sense and come together. >> that's a great message for the country. common sense. i don't think i could've said it
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better. i want to go to julie because you are a grad student. you are about to get married. congratulations to you. money is tight. you said if your fathers had your back, he would be able to make it. as a for your fiance who is a correctional officer. >> yes, the loans, it's ridiculous. it's about $30,000 for just a semester. they tell you that you can only work about ten hours a week. i can't live off of that. if i don't have my dad, i don't know where i would be. it's just ridiculous the cost you have to pay. everybody is supposed to have this equal opportunity for education. how are you supposed to do that when you are so in debt and all these professions are requiring doctorates? it is ridiculous. >> what is the number one issue for you, ma'am? >> i would say in oblation. it is terrible and something needs to be done. it's affecting a lot of people.
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unfortunately, if we don't do something about it soon, i think that a lot of people are going to be suffering more. >> as you can see the number one issue is the economy. we can talk about all the other issues that no doubt matter. his people's pocketbooks. there blaming the president of the united states with a leftist agenda and watched and put i will put it back to you guys and new york. it's so great here in maryland. >> steve: very nicely done. we were all hungry. 11 minutes before the top of the hour and carly joins us right now with a fox news alert. >> the commerce department releasing the june data on a new home construction and building permits just moments ago. new home was down 2% over last month and 6.3% from this time last year. over 1.6 million new building permits were filed in june. it down $10,000 from a month before. concerns also come at a time when home prices are at an
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all-time high and mortgage rates are rising. causing home shoppers to weigh whether they should buy now i wait to see if home prices drop from a potential recession. apple is putting a lid on hiring. the tech guy had the following google, amazon, and microsoft in cutting down on spending and anticipation of a worsening academy. that means expenditures that even internal job growth will be limited. they say they are in cutting jobs, existing jobs just yet. the news causing apple's stock to slide down 2% today dropped more than $4 yesterday. agreeing to pay penalties after the company was found to be overcharging people with disabilities. the justice department says that passengers have been hit with wrongful wait time fees. uber will now a word several million dollars in compensation to more than 65,000 disabled users who needed more time to enter a car and we're charge awaiting fee.
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it sounds like the right thing to do. >> good morning from new york city. what are your names? >> tricia, lexi, aiden. in florida. >> sam from florida. trying to get the helper act passed. legislation to get home benefits for law enforcement. firefighters, teachers, and emts. >> janice and wayne. >> where you're from? >> crowder oklahoma. >> it's gonna be warm today. 77 already but with the heat indices, is can i feel over 100 degrees for a lot of folks. be careful. i have a threat for severe storms and part of the northeast. that's going to cause some delays unfortunately if you are traveling. the biggest story is going to be the heat. we are gonna see record-breaking heat for part of texas all the way up towards the northeast. that is the biggest story. texas, it has been so hot for the last few days. today being no exception.
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over 100 million people over excessive heat morning and he advisories. hi, steve, ainsley, brian. [cheers and applause] >> ainsley: thanks for coming out. very nicely done. >> steve: genesis talking to loved folks and asking them where they are found. dana perino was from ohio, and he joins us right now. >> that was very loud. good morning. which democrats are doing what? are they planning to go around joe biden for 2024? plus, a border state republican trying to win back the race where democrats have dominated we have talked to her about her case. the white house bragging that gas prices have come down from the mountain. we will discuss that. a big show coming up with dana and me. we will see you guys in a couple of minutes. >> the prices are still on the mountain. they are just not on the top of the mountain. >> is the difference between k2 and mount everest. >> ainsley: dodger stadium is
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gearing up for the mlb all-star game. >> brian: she has the taste for the game. >> major league menu. i like that one. i medicate that. executive chef of dodger stadium. you make all of this wonderful food. we've got to talk about the dog or dogs first. this is so well known across the country. what makes this different? >> what makes it different is to be here at dodger stadium to be honest with you. it is an iconic dog preaching get at three different ways here. you can get a grilled. you can get it steamed. you can get a fraud. the fan base can kind of find their favorite and make -- we serve almost 2 million of these a season. it is always going to be part of dodgers history. it always has been part of daughter's history. because you have to look in the stands for the fans who fell asleep.
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what else are we working with here? this looks delicious. >> these are all-star vessels. sour cream, cheddar cheese. it's amazing. it's kind of a play on 2 dishes. it's just the dunk sandwich. it is usually tacos. so we put that together, and we made this amazing sandwich. those are our fan favorite so far. this beauty in the front is our dessert. it's filled with cream cheese moose. it has fresh berries, chocolate sauce, whipped cream. it's delicious. this is like a california sushi burger. it's like california mix. avocado, teriyaki sauce, and it's on a rice cake. the bread is actually fried rice cakes. last but not least is our pork.
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there is sauce and fresh cabbage. it's on texas toast. >> what inspired all these dishes, because they are also incredibly different? >> the nice thing about living in l.a., you can drive 2 miles in any direction get a different ethnicity of food. there's chinatown, there's koreatown, there's echo park. east l.a. everything is within a stones there were of the stadium. all of this food is available around us. and we just go when we eat and we bring it home to our fans. >> ainsley: which one is your favorite? >> hands down. the flavors are amazing. it speaks l.a. it speaks dodger stadium. it is just delicious. >> i will be getting one of those before i leave. which one do you want me to bring it back? i'm happy to check in on
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airplane? >> is that the hot dog? >> you want the potato? >> it looks great. >> this potato might put me over the weight limit. i don't know if i can take that one. >> steve: their menus certainly a home run. abby, thank you very much. make sure you check out the game tonight on fox. ♪ ♪ with best western rewards you get rewarded when you stay on the road and on the go. find your rewards so you can reconnect, disconnect, hold on tight and let go! stay two nights and get a free night. book now at say hello to high end stylings at prices you'll only find at lowe's. stay two nights and get a free night. ♪ ♪
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botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start—with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®.
6:00 am
>> all right. check out the game tonight on fox. join us tomorrow morning same time, same couch. >> all-star game tonight. pre-show at 7:00 and game at 8:00. have a good one. >> bill: here we go. the white house trying to have it both ways when it comes to what you are paying at the pump. when they're down it's president putin. this is fun, i do believe. i'm bill hemmer and welcome to tuesday. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." it's a good day but a tough day again for the white house. trying to take a victory lap on the recent drop in gas prices, a mild one after the president spent months arguing that record highs were simply out of his hands. >> president biden: the impediment to production in the
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