tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 20, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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♪ ♪ >> sean: that's all the time we have left. set your dvr so you never miss an episode. thank you for joining us in making the show possible. for news anytime. let not your heart be troubled. laura, thank you again for my hats. >> laura: since we have a climate emergency, you need to protect. even though you have a beautiful head of hair, you still have to protect your irish screen. your irish skin. >> sean: people say that's not real. i say yank it as hard as you want. >> laura: do people think that you have a toupee? >> sean: a lady one time at a book signing goes, that's not real here. i am like, go ahead and pull it as hard as you want. >> laura: hannity, the true
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motivation of that woman, i'm not sure what it was. we will say that for another conversation. she just wanted to get close to you. can i pull your hair? that is an old trick. >> sean: i am out of the loop. i don't know. >> laura: he is blushing. you can see it. hannity, while picking up where you left off. have a good night. i am laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington. an alarming exchange of the house of representatives reveals the true intention of democrats when it comes to your firearms. we are going to go back and show you this back and forth and speak to the republican who elicited this admission. but first, the real military destroyers. that's the focus of tonight's angle. let's face it. the left is really good at destroying things. they destroyed education during the pandemic with all those school closures. they destroyed respect for law enforcement. we see that all the time. the destroyed historical
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markers. they destroyed entire city blocks to honor george floyd. they destroyed independent medical practices of with obamacare. they destroyed free speech on college campuses may hoping to destroy the electoral college, the filibuster, the u.s. senate, and if we let them, the constitution itself. basically anything that holds traditional american ideals has to be destroyed. now it looks like they're on the path to destroy our all volunteer military. the media obsess on the fake climate change crisis, they are glossing over a real crisis. the gradual depletion of our military fighting force. as a result, most americans don't have a clue about how dire the situation is. how bad is it? the army is right now short of its 60,000 soldier recruiting goal for the fiscal year by half. that's 30,000 soldiers. for next year, it's expected to
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be even worse. don't forget the army had already reduced its annual recruiting target by 5,000 because of an earlier shortfall. and yes we have known for months the problem is occurring across all military branches. this is a complete disaster. the white house and congress should be working 24/7 to address this. instead they spend their days talking about wind power and generally six. where is the war hawk liz cheney on all of this? late today the army issued a five-page memo that tried to explain why this is happening. claiming they are in a war for talent are and the most challenging recruiting environment since 1973. >> recruiting motivated, fit, academically proficient men and women continues to be a challenge. only 22% of military age men and women in the united states are qualified to serve.
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>> laura: read between the lines. he seems to be saying that our potential pool of recruits is too fat, too stupid, too unmotivated. that's not all. speak we've got unprecedented challenges. a post covid-19 environment and labor market but also competition, private competition with private companies that to change their incentives over time. >> laura: this is absurd. did we not have a free market for labor competition before the last few years? as for the post covid-19 environment reference, the generals should have been more blunt. the vaccine mandate is definitely a factor here. >> this may get even worse because the national guard and army reserve are facing the prospect that some 60,000 of their force may not be willing to get the covid vaccine and if they don't get the covid vaccine, they will not be able
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to be part of the active force. would not be able to be activated and go. >> laura: at least at least cnn did the report. i give them kudos for that but what a nightmare. they had to know this would happen, the military did and they did it anyway. of course don't press general milley or secretary austin about all of this because they are more worried about propping up the ukrainian military than fixing hours. >> we are going to keep moving at the speed of war. we are going to make clear that might does not make right here we're going to stand strong with our fellow contact group members, and we're going to support ukraine's self-defense for the long haul. and were going to defend the rules-based international order that protects us all. >> laura: so much to unpack there but the speed of war? they are the same people who thought the afghan army can hold out for a year but of course it collapsed in just a few weeks.
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their advice and analysis is consistently wrong. under their leadership, the russians don't fear us. and the chinese don't fear us. they are threatening us over pelosi's potential trip to taiwan. meanwhile, young americans aren't inspired by them. i hate to break into the generals but our troops don't sign up to fight for their idiotic rules-based international order. which only basically helps china, big business, and the globalists. has the international order that general austin was just referencing protecting us from fentanyl or border crime or the closing of our factories, the outsourcing of our jobs? hasn't stopped china from building as many coal plants as it dam well pleases. of course not. >> are senior leaders' inability to have courage, their hypocrisy affecting all of things. senior military leaders have demonstrated that we can't trust
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them and you would be naive to think that a young american isn't getting online, going on the internet, and sing all the missteps that we can clearly see in our senior military leaders. >> laura: the factor of the matter is, in large part our military is suffering a severe recruitment crisis because our military leadership is more focused on being woke and following dr. fauci then winning wars. liberals in the house are totally fine with it, not surprising. in fact they want to make the military even more radical. >> we can and must do better to ensure that we continue to provide this world-class training to our female military leaders around the world. this amendment would simply require a gender analysis assessment of the program. by signaling the importance of including more gender diversity the program. it's not just important, it is smart. >> laura: how worried do you think china and russia are about their lack of a gender analysis in their military training? it's embarrassing.
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we see this change in our military identity, don't we. the type of recruitment videos they are producing these days. during reagan and the '80s, the videos looked like this. >> ♪♪ reaching deep inside you ♪ ♪ things you've never known ♪ ♪ it's been tough, rough going ♪ ♪ but you haven't been alone ♪♪ >> we do more before 9:00 a.m. than most people do all day. >> ♪♪ be all that you can be ♪ ♪ find your future in the army ♪♪ >> laura: don't you want to go back to the '80s? patriotic, totally cool. this is how they recruit today. >> this is the story of a soldier who operates the patriot missile defense system. it begins in california.
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with a little girl raised by two moms. >> laura: literally. they are using cartoons. why is having two mommies relevant at all? the answer is it's not. that would get a a is a woman studies project but it failed in recruiting soldiers department. the fact is our military leadership has just rolled over for the most radical left wing ideas out there. in our military, including inner military academies they are actively teaching crt and actively promoting the trans and sexual identity agenda. after speaking with several military sources from enlisted men to recent grads, the angle believes this recruitment crisis is a self-inflicted wound by the woke stirs. you have to wonder if this is their goal. just as it's their goals and force you to suffer economic pain for their transitions to
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clean energy. isn't that a goal to destroy our all volunteer force in order to pave the way for a smaller global force? it's 2022. we face an aggressive adversary in communist china. our standing army is contracting as theirs is growing. in fact, it's far larger than ours is now. from putin's merciless rampage across ukraine to china's menacing actions near taiwan, we already see the balance of power beginning to tip away from the u.s. hunter biden in the woke military leadership, our enemies are getting bolder and bolder by the day. the entire time trump was in office, the military kept putting up roadblocks to the changes that he wanted to make including their withdrawal from afghanistan. the pentagon and all its arrogance, resisted president trump every step of the way.
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this is how much power they have. they are almost a government unto their own. g.o.p. members of congress who have a moral obligation right now to hold hearings, carry out investigations, and demand real reform. we love our enlisted troops and we cherish their heroic sacrifices. they don't deserve this. congress should not just keep shoveling money out the door regardless of the results but that's exactly what they're doing. biden asked for $802 billion for the next year defense budget. the house ended up voting to rounded up to a cool $839 billion. unreal. america is quickly moving from a position when we ask what should we do in international affairs to one where we ask, can we do anything? when the american taxpayers have spent trillions of dollars on our military and lost thousands and thousands of brave and selfless troops, we have a right
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and we have a duty to require accountability across the board. it's bad enough that americans have lost faith in our public schools in our public health sector and our government in general but it's americans -- if americans lose faith in our military, will be facing a grave national security threat, that is the angle. joining me now is arkansas senator tom cotton who sits on the armed services committee. senator. as for control of the senate come you don't have control of the senate at this moment. given the dire situation that we are facing, what can and do right now to address what is a 911 emergency? >> laura, we hope to win back control this fault get to the bottom of a lot of what has been happening in the pentagon. whether it is the foolish and wasted witch hunt looking for so-called extremists or some of the challenges they are outlined in recruiting. i have taken steps already.
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earlier in this congress, i demanded that all officers being promoted to the general ranks answer a series of simple questions, like to they believe the constitution and the declaration is racist? do they believe skin color should be a primary consideration for promotion in the military? i said if they get it wrong i'm not going to wave their nomination true. i got a lot of feedback from the officer corps that has filtered down. the messages being sent that they should not be in those politically charged issues. we need a professional officer corps does not get engaged in politics in anyway and is focused on the military's sole mission which is fighting and winning our nation's wars. >> laura: right now unless you have the senate, that you have the majority in the senate, there's nothing. you have written a letter. you've asked the questions. there's nothing else you can do? last time i checked for every republican is voting for this massive increase in military spending, given all the things that we are seeing out there the
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pentagon. >> there is more than we can do as well. in addition to the oversight hearings that we always have that we push the senior military leaders on this question. the annual defense bill. i voted against that this year in committee just like i voted against it last year in committee because i had so much of this left-wing social engineering. not just going to vote for something because they slap this on it and i don't think our troops want to either. in the end, we were able to strip out all those provisions. i was able to support it in the imac. i hope to do it again this year but i'm not going to vote for a bill that for instance requires women to enter the draft. something this massively unpopular with the american people to include women in america. it's not a jobs program. it's not designed to engage in social engineering. it is designed to fight and win our nation's wars and as you outlined at the beginning we face a recruiting crisis is as d
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as it's been since vietnam. we have had strong economies before. so many kids who might join the army or the marine corps or navy or air force see some of these controversies. they hear about it and people in active duty and they decide they don't want to do it right now. kids who think about joining the military, they want to know how to kill bad guys. they don't want to learn how to use the right pronouns. >> laura: to that point, senator. here is the air force chief of staff detailing one of their so-called top priorities. watch. >> as tragic as it is, opening up the nation's conversation. the key part is not that we talk about it. use the things that we are doing to work diversity and inclusion here lived a resource that put money behind it. have leadership involvement. we have been doing that. >> laura: senator. climate change, really? >> these are not the priorities
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of an 18-year-old that wants to join the military. >> laura: our military is one of the most diverse institutions in america. when i started on active duty we had blacks, latinos, asians, whites. what mattered was not the color of our skin. it was the red, white, and blue that we all wore on her shoulder. when you hear this from these liberals who want to neuter the military year after year. that the military is full of racial extremists, sexual predators, that it produces all of these traumatized fragile eggshells that america is not a country we should be proud of and be willing to fight for, we shouldn't be surprised that young men and women are reluctant to sign up for our military. >> laura: the cia director reference the issue of the climate. watch. >> the biggest existential threat is many -- in many ways is climate change.
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it's our responsibility to help policymakers in the u.s. government understand the consequences of climate change. created as part of a new mission center. a unit that's focused on these issues. we have expanded staff. >> laura: so this is what our cia is pushing. the air force is pushing that diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda. what do you think china is thinking watching all this? can they actually believe this is the united states of america? >> china is probably laughing that up major clinical party and its chief enemy wants to hamstring oil and gas production. in which we are the world's leader and they want to empower so-called green energy technology which china is the world's leader of. that would be their national strategy. climate change is not the single biggest existential crisis that we face. the biggest existential crisis we face is that china wants to replace us of the world superpower and they are rapidly
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building up their nuclear forces that may one day over match our nuclear forces. that is a real existential crisis. >> laura: senator, i hope we certainly get to the bottom of this recruitment crisis in the military. from the vaccine mandate to the wokeness. this is all we should be talking about. i appreciate your pressing them at all these issues. thank you. it isn't just the military suffering from a retention problem. our country is facing a hideous and dangerous shortage in police. wait until you hear the numbers that we are about to reveal to you. stay there.
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>> laura: police forces are being hollowed out by legging recruitment and early retirement. how bad is it? fox news correspondent kevin corke has the details. >> from georgia to minnesota, kansas to oregon and countless locales in between the nation is dealing with a critical staffing shortage in law enforcement
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agencies across the country. according to a recent conference of study the profession is in the midst of a 25 year low of new police officers entering the field. all of this is happening just as officers are retiring, resigning, and leaving the force because of disabilities at an alarming rate. that is just the half of it. critics say fewer legal protections, defund the police efforts have led some forces to be disbanded altogether. they point to some small towns like morris, minnesota. they suspended a force that's been around for 140 years. a victim about changing attitudes towards policing. i should add some big cities are suffering. seattle currently has 950 police officers and that is the fewest in more than 30 years. the real number that will shock you. more than 300 retired or resigned since 2020. incredible.
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>> laura: kevin, that is so disturbing. thank you for that report. here is former police officer, no radio host brandon tatum. brandon, what is the biggest driver of these low numbers? i think we lost brandon's audio. i can't hear him. did we lose him? well, i'm going to say this. i'm going to say this. i happen to personally know and everyone who knows i spend a lot of time in minnesota. i personally know probably seven or eight now minnesota police officers. i'm talking about people with i don't know 15, 20 years experience who retired early. they didn't want to but they retired early after 2020. after what was done. i think we have brandon. i am on my soapbox.
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i was talking about my friends who retired in this order. brandon, i think you can hear us now and i can hear you. what is driving this shortage question are >> demoralized, defund, dehumanize police offic. you're not going to find men and women want to put their lives on the lines. any of the leaders out there. being a police officer isn't an easy job. it's not signing up because you get rich. people are willing to make the sacrifices most people won't make. people are willing to risk their lives were perfect strangers to do a job that god has called them to do. when you don't protect it, you're not out supporting them. when they get into an altercation with a criminal and you want to send them to prison for the rest of their lives, nobody is going to sign up for this. it's not an easy job. i wish people would internalize and understand these are humans. these are people that we need in our society. if were not going to stand up for them, they are not going to be around.
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>> laura: brandon, this has real-world effects. new orleans, the city council data says that they lead the nation for the highest murder rate per capita and at the same time, officers are fleeing their police department syndromes with few applying to replace them. the american cities with this trend and this trend across american cities in a death spiral unless they get some political change. >> 1000%. they are in trouble. people don't realize what they have until it's gone. people take the luxury of going to sleep at night hoping and praying that they are safe and that will be protected by police officers but when they are not around, these committal become emboldened. a lot of crime is committed through opportunity. you have police on the streets, police officers policing, have them saturate to clear areas, criminals have to hunker down and they are not exposing people to becoming victims.
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when you have police officers not proactively policing, they are out. they are not -- drugs are circulating. they are out to kill and destroy communities and if police officers out there to thwart them, we have no chance. this is why i am a advocate of trying to push people to own their own firearms and be proficient so that when cops are not there to help you you can at least help yourself and be safe. >> laura: i know you are really good buddies with cori bush, the congresswoman from missouri, also a black lives matter activist. that helped propel her entry into politics. she refuses to rein in all the defund of the police nonsense we learn that she spent nearly 400,000 bucks if you have paid cash for private security according to federal financial filings. the connected and the elite always get their protection.
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it is the regular people, the workaday people who always suffer under these inane policies, always without fail. >> 1000%, laura. we are peasants compared to them. they don't believe that you need protection because they don't care about your production. they don't care if you die. they don't care about young people dying in the middle of the street because they are protected by armed security. these people do not care about you, your life, or anything other than political leverage. the only reason the cori bush and others are saying the things they're saying is because they want to play on our emotions. if they really cared, they'd be advocating the second amendment. they would advocate for police officers to be funded in a more effective way. police officers need more training. if you want to combat police officers making poor decisions, combat police average of maybe not being able to commit again with public, they need more training. that's going to come with more funding. i want to be very clear. they don't care.
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cities are going to burn to the ground before they actually take proactive measures. >> laura: well, and if they said something simple like don't resist the police when they ask you to do something and you're not going to get shot, but they don't want to say that. they never want to say that. but that's in every case, if you don't resist the police, usually will be totally fine. brandon, thank you. glad we got your audio back. get your usa made freedom matters gear. cool for the summer. the tumbler, the cousy for your drink. you know i mean. proceeds donated to the woodson center. you love the polo shirts. up next, file this under the careful what you wish for. democrats are bolstering republican primary candidates coast-to-coast in hopes that their easier matchups this fall. just one problem. glenn greenwald's heroes to oaks planet.
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>> should these republicans win and enough numbers to decide the election, themselves. there isn't anything to stop them. >> it's essential for our democracy. >> if you really care about putting country over party, then you should be doing everything possible to ensure the election deniers don't come anywhere near the governor's mansion. >> doug mastery anna is in an insurrectionist he can be governor of pennsylvania in a real democracy. he just sounds scary and dangerous. you would think democrats would work overtime to keep folks from from threatening holding office. a curious thing is happening. national democratic
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organizations are actually funneling money to those very candidates they claim they are so worried about. the latest beneficiary is the maryland republican governor doyle candidate. he was a recipient of more than $1.16 million in television advertising from the democratic governors association that helps he'll be easier to defeat this november. he isn't alone. the dems spent 1.5 million in colorado trying to boost republican running for senate. inland illinois, they spent $32 million out of the primary grade distinct potential challenger. in pennsylvania the democratic gubernatorial candidate ran ads boosting the eventual challenger doug mastery auto. that race is in the margin of error. joining me, pulitzer prize winning independent journalist whose work you can find on the subject. is this a real threat to democracy then or not? they are helping those candidates. what is happening.
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>> that's the thing. extremist rhetoric gets tossed around frequently and one of the things that i try to do as a journalist, the authenticity of whether people actually believe what they are saying. the consensus. no other fringe view but the consensus. democratic activists and their media allies. that the trump wing of the republic and party as a nazi like party, an existential threat to democracy. they need to overthrow democracy and install a white nationalist dictatorship in its place. if you really believe that, laura, you would think you would be kind of immoral to fund the campaigns of those people to believe because you think you have a better chance of beating them precisely because you may not end up beating them. demand of losing to them. that they lost to trump in 2016 when they thought he was the easiest to beat and then you would end up empowering people you claim are basically nazis trying to end american democracy. it suggests to me they don't believe that rhetoric.
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>> laura: an msnbc pundit dismissed cox's chance in maryland. >> larry hogan is out there, more better and reasonable candidates that will destroy him what's maryland republican party purges itself of the crazy trump's elements. i gently think he's finished as a reasonable alternative for maryland republicans against good and strong democrat. >> laura: always reassuring was reassuring was msnbc is the arbiter of what is good for republicans. okay. >> you can go back to 2016 as i know you know and find mainstream liberal pundits saying exactly the same thing about donald trump. they were saying we are rooting for donald trump here we hope republican party is dumb enough to nominate trump as head of more formidable establishment candidates like jeb bush and marco rubio. because we know we will beat them and of course they got what they wanted. they got donald trump the
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meaning of losing. even though trump was not very popular. i think what they don't realize is how hated establishment candidates are. they may be right in particular cases like maryland but in general, populist candidates have a much greater appeal to large part of the electorate and they are playing a very dangerous game to help win the nomination, the people they claim are intent on destroying american democracy. >> laura: there is an interesting race in arizona between karen robeson and terry lake and trump endorsed carey lake. robeson was in first 5p. it was kind of a cage match. the democrat party decided to give a thank you to carry lake. the arizona democrat party would like to spend a warm thank you karen robeson for a long time financial support to help elect democratic candidates opened on the ballot. so she gets a little thank you
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because she ended up at some point giving money to democrats and so did kerry lake. begins to cancel each other out. i think the voters have become confused by all of this. >> i think the democrats think they are being very clever but the problem is for them, if you look at polls, they are basically in for a massacre. there's a chance they could lose to anybody and that is the danger of the game they are playing. >> laura: great to see you. it's been a while. in an attempt to ding former president trump, new york city mayor eric adams once called the border issue if a crisis. faster he proclaimed to city a destination for diversity. muriel bowser announced that she would limit cooperation with deportation orders. now that buses have brought the border issue to their backyard, these "not in my backyard" types
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are seeing a different tune. >> overburdened shelter system so now we are talking about food, clothing, school. this is going to impact our schools because we do not turn away individuals because they are undocumented. >> we have for sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from leaving tricked into getting on buses. >> laura: joining me now, former trump treasury assistant secretary, monica crowley. i'm guessing that adam may have a different view of diversity one year later or maybe not. >> all of the woke virtue signaling goes right out the window when reality bites. what this demonstrates is that distinct split between the ruling class and the rest of us. the ruling class is perfectly
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fine with a wide open border because most of them don't have to face the consequences of those disastrous policies. meanwhile the people in the border states and the working class border towns are bearing the consulates as of this catastrophic open border. but if you're sitting there, it an east coast mirror of that democratic party of new york or washington, d.c., you don't have to face those consequences. they are for the little people. they are for other americans. the second those consequences come down on their heads and make their cities more ungovernable, harder to manage, that's when they step forward and say wait a minute. we didn't sign up for this. >> laura: monica, the fact that muriel bowser, the d.c. mayor, is actually complaining that the homeless shelters are full in d.c. because of all the busloads coming from texas and i don't know, maybe some from arizona as well. hasn't complained that the
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border is not secure. it's only that the buses are coming and filling up d.c. homeless shelters. i mean, never going to the root of the problem ever. never can criticize anything biden is doing. >> yeah. no, that's right. it's totally political of course. the only complaint and the only express outrage when it directly affects their ability to run their own cities. but they will never go after as you say the root of the problem which is the actual policy. what we know is it's new york city, washington, d.c., which are large, wealthy cities. can't handle the influx of illegal immigrants, how does anybody expect small working class border towns to do it. the answer is they don't. because the whole point of the wide open border and the criminal invasion is to flood the zone. it's to overwhelm the system not just at the border and those border states were to overwhelm all america's institutions and
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systems in order to collapse it. the east coast mayors might be complaining about the stress of resources on their cities but the biden administration is ever going to stop the transfer of illegals because they have their eyes on a much bigger prize which is the fundamental transformation of the nation. >> laura: that has been their goal all along and republicans better get with it. monica, wonderful to see you as always. sometimes it can seem like an exaggeration when republicans claim they're coming for your guns. you don't believe it. one exchange during a gun-control hearing today in congress put that to rest for the congressman who elicited this shocking admission is here next.
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speech we have told you so many times for the democrats are coming for your guns. they try to be sneaky about it. today jerry nadler finally says that quiet part out loud. >> would anyone on the other side dispute that this bill would ban weapons in common use today? >> with the gentleman yield? >> that is the point of the
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bill. >> to clarify your saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons in common use in the united states customer >> the gentleman will yield. >> laura: joining me now is the man who got nadler to squeal. congressman dan bishop of the house judiciary committee. it's about gun competition nationwide. nadler admitted it. you got him to admit it. good for you. >> you know very well that the heller decision held in 2008 the supreme court decision that weapons in common use can't be banned under the second amendment. people have a right to keep them and bear them for self-defense. but that's when jerry said. they marked up the bill to ban weapons, the ar-15s and the like, ammunition magazines of which there are tens of millions in the united states and they are going to defy the united states supreme court. that's what they have made clear.
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>> laura: the ar-15. they are not meant to last forever. he can't just have one or two. view our gun enthusiast, you want a decent supply of those mags. >> people at all times, 2.5 million sold last year. so people are facing the conditions in cities where there is disorder and crime. the defunding of police, even an earlier statement on your show. more people are concerned and want to have weapons for protection but democrats want to ban them and want they ban these it's clear they're going to come for more. that's what they're going to do. they made it very clear. unless we stop them they're going to get it done. >> laura: driving up the sails of ar-15s today.
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a democratic congressman wants to go after the gun makers as well. also and up involving a whole new federal agency to do it. watch this. >> i think the ftc should absolutely go after these gun makers in the way they market their weapons of war to teenagers and young adults. it's time for the ftc to go after these gun makers for the way in which they placed these weapons and video games like call of duty. they used social media influencers to get teenagers to want to be like those celebrities. >> laura: congressman, this seems a bit off the mark even for democrats. you've got to handed to them. they're going to use all the tools in their toolbox to try to make it impossible for gun manufacturers to exist. kind of like when they are doing with the oil companies. >> our markup is still going on at this hour. i am going to rejoin it. they have got another bill to repeal a law passed in 2005 keep
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gun manufacturers from being targeted by plaintiff lawyers to try to destroy the industry. they are going to at least put through the committee and through the house a repeal of that bill as well. they mean what they intend to do. they have no respect for the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. >> laura: congressman, we are hearing that the legislation has moved through the judiciary committee. that just broke. republicans, you've got your work cut out for you across the country. make your voices heard and the senate is going to have to stop this but cognizant, scary for all those who believe in the second event. thank you for doing your part to stand up for it but that legislation is moving through. cnn, their grasp of european politics, we're going to show you next why it's very odd and weighty.
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bitter rivalries. the battle for britain's prime minister is in the knockout round. who wins the last round will be up to less than 200,000 conservative party members. the clear favorite. she is often compared to margaret thatcher. others are neck and neck. >> laura: interesting. ♪ ♪ >> greg: all right. hello, america. by now you've heard aoc among others were arrested last night. she truly is an american hero. it was brutal. taken out in cuffs. technically her shirt had cuffs. maybe french cuffs. she did surrender without
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