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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 21, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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business network. also the fox broadcast network and other fox platforms. all starts at 8:00 eastern time. tomorrow on special report, full coverage of the hearing plus a story on house speaker nancy pelosi's possible trip to taiwan. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" is now. hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey, bret, thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: we have all watched before when one of our favorite athletes held on for just a little too long. it's tough for you to quit when you think you are a legend. >> think about that, kid. i will see you later. [cheers] remember, kid, there is heroes and there is legends. heroes get remembered. but legends never die.
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>> jesse: joe biden is a legend in his own mind and doesn't think he is going anywhere. it's not like he lost his fast ball. he never had one. is he already a lame duck. the most unpopular president of all time and he just caught covid. more on that in a moment. and in a new quinnipiac poll, 71% of americans are against biden running for a second term. with more than half of democrats saying he has got to go. with friends like that, who needs enemies? because those numbers are awful. his own teams is telling him to go home. but, can you blame them? everything is expensive and more dangerous. the country is a mess. the first lady just called hispanics tacos and that was after hispanics started ditching the president. only 19 percent of hispanics approve of the job joe is doing. and only 21% of plenels approve. and joe's policies are crippling black americans. >> i think for -- african-american voters in particular, there is a special
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heart break because, first of all, the pain is more intense. you know, the rising of gas prices, food prices, really wallop the black community in a particular way, but the hopes were so much higher and so you have a community that came out in huge numbers in 2018, huge numbers in 2020, expecting things to get a lot better and, instead, economically at least, it didn't come true. it got worse. and so, you are going through a summer now of real heart break with black voters. the polls show that and i think biden has got to take it very seriously. >> jesse: joey's base is toast. who do the democrats turn to. they have a pretty weak bench. bernie sanders is a socialist. he has lost twice. mayor pete is too short. kind of in other wordsy and hasy and kamala harris i do even need to get into that. gavin newsom might look good playing president but he is not smart enough. so, if not them, who? michelle obama coincidentally is
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reappearing. hitting the airwaves to push her new book and tell us how awful america has become. >> a lot has happened. we have seen a global pandemic. we have seen insurrection. a rising tide of hate and bigotry and intolerance and a whole lot more. i have spoken to a lot of loved ones, many of you about what we all seem to be facing what was resulted in from that process is the new book it's called "the light we carry." i think of it as kind of a toolbox. >> jesse: is michigan sell saying she has the tools to fix the problems plaguing america? it certainly sounds like it. why else would she be writing a new book? she doesn't need the money. this book seems awfully political. mitchell's last book sold 17 million copies it wasn't as good as "how i saved the world" but you know people seemed to like it. let's say she did really well in the royalty department. and that's on top of the
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$65 million book deal her and barack signed for their memoirs in 2017 the podcast agreement they inked with pot spy for 45 million before jumping ship to audible since they couldn't be seen in the same room as joe rogan. or their netflix production pac that could enearn them up to $15 million for some boring documentaries. with all these deals, i don't think michelle is writing a book for bank account. one of the questions i get asked a lot by fans or by friends or conservative family members, my in-law's, only. is can i reach across the table and punch geraldo in the face? but the second question i get is always do you think michelle obama is running for president? i don't know if people are scared of her or if they're just curious, but would michelle obama be a formidable presidential candidate? well, she burst onto the scene in 2008 with her husband barack and she immediately stuck her
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foot in her mouth. >> what we have learned over this year is that hope is making a comeback. it is making a comeback and let me tell you something for the first time in my adult lifetime i'm really proud of my country. and not just because barack has done well but because i think people are hungry for change. >> jesse: after that comment the obama campaign sidelined her and she didn't say much afterwards. but, hey, at least she is not under federal investigation for money laundering like the biden family. what was one of michelle's pet projects as first lady? well, she regulated school lunches. remember? >> just as we no longer smoke or drink when we are pregnant. just as we no longer let our kids ride their bikes without a helmet or sit in the back seat of their car without a car seat, today we know that we can no longer let our kids eat whatever
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they want. we are issuing new school wellness guidelines to help build healthier learning environments for our kids. >> jesse: but the students didn't really like what michelle was serving. >> i do bring lunch every day. >> you do? why? >> because i hate the school lunches. >> i don't really like the school lunch food that much. >> i have tried a lot of their things. and i hate them all. >> it was like a giant plastic hot dog. >> can you describe their meat? >> chewy, tastes bad. >> jesse: all those students are now registered republicans. they never forgot. she did do something that "primetime" agreed with. she tried to get kids to exercise and eat more vegetables. >> do you know how you save broccoli in spanish? how do you say it. >> broccoli. [laughter] >> that's excellent.
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these are all good foods and we are going to help kids learn to love all the fruits and vegetables. >> yeah? >> we actually have many of these fruits and vegetables growing in our white house kitchen garden. let's get it done. let's move. >> let's get it done. >> let's move. let's move. let's move. >> jesse: maybe if we had all eaten our veggies and moved around more cody wouldn't have hit us as hard. she loved her little white house garden. it's where barack used to go out and sneak a cigarette. it was cute. melania used to move cabbages around and michelle got angry. wasn't the first time she got angry first lady. remember when she took hillary down a peg in 2008. >> one of the things, important aspects of this race is role modeling what good families should look like. in my view is that if you can't run your own house, you certainly can't run the white
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house. can't do it. >> jesse: oh, how do you saleh wen ski without saying la wen ski. does mitchell have what it takes to run for president? what's stopping her? maybe it's her hatred of the white house. >> we are in the white house and when you are in the residence, there is so much bullet proof glass that sometimes you don't hear what's going on outside. it's not that easy to get out of the white house when you are in it. i'm just thinking i'm going to iraq was out. so we go to the door and the door is locked. they are look ma'am, where are you going? i said i'm going out. they are calling more people. she is trying to get out. she is trying to get out. >> jesse: so she is not a fan of the white house. when she was there, race was on her mind. >> i wake up every morning in a house thats with built by slaves.
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[cheers] and when i watched my daughters, two beautiful intelligent black young women playing with their dogs on the white house lawn. >> jesse: if michelle did run for office, does she know anything about policy? i'm not trying to put her down but what is michelle obama's position on chinese terrifies? does michelle observe think we need to break up big tech. tell us how corporate tax policy would affect the deficit. would we be getting a younger female version of joe biden who just gets put in front of a teleprompter and told what to say by advisers? would barack obama, the first gentleman be running everything? and would hillary be so upset that michelle broke the glass ceiling that she would do what the clintons do? it opens up a lot of interesting scenarios because many people are saying it looks like michelle obama could be making plans for 2024. let's turn to monica crowley,
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former assistant treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast. do you think she is making a move, monica? >> well, jesse, back in february at c pack i was the very first person to raise michelle obama as a 2024 democratic possibility and the entire room of thousands of people audibly gasped when i mentioned her name because at the time she was not on anybody's radar. and i was all don't shoot the messenger because my message is, look, it doesn't do republicans any good to live in fantasy land or denial and not consider the worst case scenario for them in 2024. in my opinion, the worst case scenario is michelle obama. she is very formidable. she remains very popular. she has the entire obama machine behind her. she is immune to criticism. and, you know, she is following the exact same path that her
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husband followed before he got the democratic nomination. she wrote her autobiography. she went on a national book tour. she has these big money deals. and, of course, she has a voter registration organization as barack did before he ran. and, perhaps the kicker, jesse, she delivered the keynote address at the democratic national convention the last time around just like barack did. so, for all of the people out there saying oh, they are making too much money. she is not political. that is all nonsense. yes, they are making a lot of money. but michelle obama has been incredibly political since the time she was a little girl tagging along with her father who was a precinct captain for the democratic machine in chicago. >> jesse: does she have the policy chops to pull it off though, monica? >> well, you know, jesse. i have been asked that and what she is going to run on given what we are living through right
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now the current nightmare is essentially the obama's third term and they have got keep this great re-set going what better way than to have restoration by running 34eu678. what she is going to run on is sense of nostalgia about the obama years. not necessarily on the record and when it comes to policy, jesse, yeah, she is going to have to answer some of those questions. but not all of them. because the press would be so delighted with another obama they are just going to let her skate. >> jesse: you are probably right about that. monica crowley, we will be looking out for that thank you so much. >> you bet, thanks. >> jesse: coming up, joe biden caught covid-19 and the sharks are already starting to circle. and, later, new yorkers respond to a hearing about january 6th that hasn't even happened yet. >> were you horrified at what you saw last night? >> yes. i can't believe this is happening in this country.
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>> jesse: today president joe biden tested positive for covid-19 and we're happy to hear he is doing okay. >> hey, folks, guess you heard, this morning i tested positive for covid. but i have been double-vaccinated and double-bassed. symptoms are mild. and -- and i really appreciate your inquiry and concerns. i'm doing well. i'm getting a lot of work done. going to continue to get it done. >> jesse: he might be the only one in the white house getting work done because the press office today not very prepared. >> look, we knew this was going to happen. as dr. jha said, you know, when he was -- when he joined me at the briefing -- in the briefing room not too long ago, he said this -- this is -- you know, everyone -- at some point everyone is going to get covid.
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>> jesse: so they went from i'm going to crush the virus to everyone is going to get it. so now that joe biden caught it now the white house is suddenly for herd immunity, a phrase that if you used during the trump administration you were a mass murderer. so if they knew this was coming, you would think they have a plan in place. but they don't. >> is there a plan in place to transfer power to vice president harris if the president's situation gets worse? >> the president is -- has mild symptoms. is he able to do the business of the american people from the residence and that's what matters right now. >> so there is no plan in place then? >> jesse: well, the white house said kamala was actually in close contact with the president but she is not going to change her schedule at all. how is kamala feeling by the way? >> >> jesse: it's just a good thing the president is quadrupled vaxxed. >> if you have not gotten
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vaccinated please do. if you have not gotten boosted, please do. the president is fully vaccinated. and twice boosted. >> because the president is fully vaccinated, double-boosted, his risk of serious illness is dramatically lower. >> jesse: got it biden is vaccinated. i thought if you were vaxxed you couldn't catch or spread the virus. >> the various shots that people are getting now cover that. there -- you are okay. you are not going to -- you are not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. >> and it's based on an unparalleled vaccination program that is saving lives and beating this virus. >> there is no excuse, no excuse for anyone being unvaccinated. this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. how about patriotism? how about making sure that you're vaccinated so you do not spread the disease to anybody else? >> jesse: obviously biden was very wrong as he is about pretty
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much everything. but we are not going to kick a man when he is down. we are not going to treat biden like the media treated trump when he got covid. >> going into crowds of unmasked and all the rest sort of a brazen invitation for something like this to happen. >> in large part, it's his own dereliction is partly to blame for this. he chose to handle this situation this way. >> if president trump can't be out there on the campaign trail for the next two weeks, then he is going to rely on his surrogates and, unfortunately, one of his surrogates is vladimir putin. >> is the president going to say it's time for the scientists to be listened to, including by myself? >> i think it would also be a good idea for him to come out and say, look, i have been wrong. >> jesse: we're not going to covid shame joe biden. "primetime" has more class than that we are happy to hear he is on the road to recovery. we would hate for him to lose his sense of smell. and for dr. jill she tested negative which is interesting
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because they are married. maybe they have been sleeping in separate beds since the taco incident but we don't want to pry. so who else has joe been in close contact with? >> was the president ever identified as a close contact to anybody else in the course of the last 72 to 100 hours? >> not that i know of. >> the process is we are -- we are starting our process that we are protocol process on close contact. >> identified as a close contact though. >> oh, to someone else? that part -- we would have to find out. i can't speak to. what i can say is our process, because, as we all stated he is now positive. we are doing our process to -- for our close contact. >> jesse: i guess we are not doing that whole' contact tracing anymore. perhaps maybe they just forgot to put it in the binder. but k.j.p. did manage to tell us that joe biden will be spending a few days in isolation. i don't think anybody would mind if he takes some time off. i mean, i don't think anybody would know the difference, he already takes more three day
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weekend than gutfeld. but the white house made a big push to prove that joe is working hard and still in charge. any normal white house would want the president of his age just to get some rest, which makes me wonder, could there be more at play here? why are they so defensive? because they know biden's rivals see this as an opportunity. we couldn't help but notice that hillary clinton just an hour after joe's covid news posted this photo. hillary posted a picture of her on the campaign trail in front of a campaign plane the year the clintons won the white house. we could be reading too much into this. but according to this report, we're not. fox business correspondent charlie gasparino mentioned a little chatter on capitol hill that democrats could use biden's covid diagnosis as an excuse for him not to run in 2024 because he could have long covid.
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so on the same day biden catches covid, michelle obama and hillary clinton resurfaced with cryptic messages. the clintons and the obamas don't do anything by accident. they haven't been shy about criticizing the man they never thought was fit to be president. biden needs to take his time take it a day at a time the sharks are circling. he needs to get better. and while you are recovering, here is some encouragement from the president who caught covid before you. >> don't let it dominate you. don't be afraid of it. you are going to beat it. we have the best medical equipment. we have the best medicines. don't let it dominate. don't let it take over your lives. >> jesse: charlie gasparino is the fox business network senior correspondent. all right, charlie, what are you hearing? >> just that. i mean, what's interesting about this is not the substance of what i tweeted. it's rank speculation we should point out. but it came from interesting
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people and not, you know, not steve bannon or peter navarro or people like that. it was like people in the washington know. and the fact that they are actually talking about this is what is really important here. people are actually talking about man, maybe we could get him out. maybe he is going to leave. maybe this will be the face saving excuse that he goes and hands over the keys to the kingdom to someone that can run, you know, actually win. and someone that can win, depending on who you talk to. >> jesse: the long covid thing, that would be something that what maybe like hang around and maybe hurt his ability to talk or maybe have his energy deteriorated and say oh, listen, it looks like he has long covid. but he is not really physically up for another run. >> on top of asthma, on top of cancer. i mean, put it all together and he did say he had some form of
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cancer. >> jesse: right. >> he has spoken about having asthma. that's like asthma and covid. not a great combination. it's kind of a way to say, you know, a face-saving way, you know, i did it for four years. i'm tired. i'm 80-whatever, you know, i'm gone. you know, what's interesting is when the people that are talking about this are not crazy conspiracy theorists. they are saying this could be one way to happen. again, rank speculation. the fact that we're actually speculating about this, the fact that hillary clinton is putting stuff up, teasing us about her running and the fact that michelle is writing books and wanting to get out there the fact that pete buttigieg is doing whatever he is doing behind the scenes. you just know the sharks are circling. could you imagine being this poor guy? >> jesse: no. and remember when he was in saudi arabia and gavin newsom just strolls into the back of the white house? >> yeah. keep your friends close but your enemies closer. his friends are like enemies. >> jesse: that's true.
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he doesn't have a lot of friends in washington. i said before he got a dog and he had to get rid of the dog. >> of course. >> jesse: charlie gasparino in the know. thank you so much. >> any time. >> jesse: nancy pelosi gets grilled on her husband's stock trades. unbelievable reaction by the speaker, next. ♪
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in three seconds, pam will decide... i'm moving closer to the grandkids! wait. i got to sell the house! don't wait, just sell directly to opendoor. easy as pie. piece of cake. whichever. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. >> jesse: we are learning tonight democrats on capitol hill are angry. they are always angry. this time they are angry at speaker nancy pelosi. a new report says house democrats are baffled by pelosi's effort to stonewall a bill that would ban stock trading for members of congress. they are allegedly trying to jam pelosi into letting the bill hit the house floor. but nancy wants the bill dead. this is coming just after nancy's husband paulie p. hit the jackpot, again.
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after buying up shares of a company directly impacted by the new chip bill earlier today when nancy was asked about her conflict of interest, she angrily walked away. watch. >> over the course of your career, has your husband ever made a stock purchase or based on information he received from you. >> no, absolutely not. >> jesse: and that was the end of the press conference. i guess fancy nancy want us to think it's the luck of the draw as paulie p. just knows how to nail every trade. drops a million dollars into the tesla. biden miragelessly announces a new deal. splashes almost 6 mill on microsoft. government hands him a juicy $10 billion contract. slinging 230,000 shares of a chip company called nvidia then congress pass as $22 billion chip bill. he must be the luckiest man in napa, right, nance.
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tulsi gabbard is a former presidential candidate. you were in the house. you know how this deal is, the natives are wresless as they say. is nancy losing her grip on the house. >> i will see -- we will see about that. but what we are seeing here jesse is the same thing that i saw when i was in congress is this blatant corruption being exposed in broad daylight. the system is rigged. we have people in positions of power to pass legislation to enact new policies. they can see, okay, here is the industries or companies that will benefit from this i'm going to go and make these investments, buy this stock or that stock or have my husband or wife do it and then make money in the process. i introduced legislation to ban this, to make it so that no member of congress or their spouse or senior staffers for that matter would be able to conduct what is illegal, which is insider trading.
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but, i think it's important, also, to look at this, especially in the environment that we are in right now. what is even more dangerous than what we are seeing here is that we have members of congress who are investing in companies or industries that will benefit from a new cold war or conflict, for example, and these are the very same people who are making the policies who have a vested interest in stoking those tensions and amping up this is happening before our eyes we the american people need to see it, recognize it, and bring about an end to this corruption. >> jesse: i couldn't agree more. congress men and women making money off guns and butter, it's been happening for a long time. when you were there, were you aware of members of congress, maybe seeking office or using
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the office to enrich themselves on the side? >> well, as you know, jesse, this came up in 2012 when i was running for congress for the first time and campaigning and congress passed this thing called the stock act, supposedly to try to make it so that insider trading wouldn't be happening in congress; however, like many of these bills that congress passes that are supposed to police themselves, it did nothing at all. it's still allowed them to conduct insider trading. it said hey, you have got to report on what you are investing in. you have got to he will it the public what you are investing in. many members of congress aren't even following that basic transparency requirement. it has still allowed -- again, they created a loophole for themselves and exploiting the heck out of it. >> jesse: they don't have to report until like months later or weeks later and a lot of them don't even care to report it at all. so, again -- >> and if they don't, what is it like a couple hundred dollar
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fine and, yet, you have certain people making millions of dollars. this is why people are just like man, how do we take congress seriously when they are so blatantly exploiting the system for their own personal selfish benefit. >> jesse: we have got to bring back term limits. that would be a good solution. tulsi gabbard, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: local news is an important part of all of our lives. they report everything from the crime down the street to the weekend weather. one local news station in albuquerque, new mexico tried to bring our attention to something else. take a look. >> inappropriate for someone to ask what someone's pronoun uses are. >> you probably wouldn't want to want to ask that person would ask you. you know, if you -- if they haven't fully made the decision on what pronoun they would like to use, let them come around to that decision and then ask. if they haven't asked yet, it's not safe to assume. >> jesse: i can't imagine the viewers of albuquerque new
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mexico claim mooring for this type of information. why is this conversation so dangerous? it feels like a threat. not safe to assume? whose to job is really in danger here? okay. i will bite. what happens when somebody refuses to call someone the right pronoun. >> workplace this will happen we have feelings about the pronoun, we don't agree with it, we don't know why we have to use it. so it's important if you don't agree to still just use their first name. this isn't something that would rise to the occasion of getting written up if you refuse to use it but this could rise to the occasion of bullying. >> jesse: bullying. we are not for bullying. be best. but we are deeply concerned. what if somebody is out there right now and needs to address a big group. >> a big group? you know, i say hey, guys, is my terminology and a lot of people do. so, here's some suggestions. we can say hey, everyone. or everybody.
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hey, friends, hey y'all, or all y'all if it's a large group, right? >> jesse: did she just say guys? textbook bullying. and "primetime" got to the bottom of it saying y'all is deeply hurtful as it's clearly appropriating southern culture. she should really know better. good luck out there. new york city's homeless shelters are overwhelmed by a surge of illegal migrants and we talked to some of them exclusively next. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn...
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is ♪ ♪ >> jesse: adam schiff said tonight's hearings are must-see tv. you know the january 6th hearings? but we get the impression people aren't really paying close attention. so we sent johnny out to ask people what they thought about a hearing that hasn't happened yet. watch. ♪ ♪ >> big january 6th committee hearing last night. it was explosive. everybody is talking about it. what did you think?
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>> i thought it was pretty interesting. >> that's crazy, honestly. >> were you horrified at what you saw last night? >> yes. i can't believe this is happening in this country. [laughter] >> donald trump walks into the capitol flips the table and starts cursing out the whole committee. what was your reaction when you saw that. >> i wasn't really surprised i was like let's go donald, you know what i mean? ♪ young man. >> when i saw it i was going to stand up but i thought he was outraged. >> what did he tell the committee? >> i had to go to the bathroom. >> i have got to pee, i have got to pee. >> i would not let my friends or my son hear me repeat what he said. >> you want to go back with them or do you want to stay with donald trump? >> trump. >> show me how he flipped the table. >> he flipped it over. >> yeah. >> it was like i [bleep] hate the democrats. >> walking in, storming, kicking stuff over.
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♪ >> nancy pelosi handcuffed donald trump jr. and walked him out of the capitol. when you saw that, tell me about it. >> what was she doing with handcuffs. >> i think paul pelosi would like that, wouldn't he? >> for sure. >> would you please put your hands behind your back. >> where were you when you saw that. >> my living room. >> who was there. >> my wife. >> what did she say about this. >> she got up and walked out. >> oh, wow. is that even part of her job? >> no, absolutely not. >> lids cheney, when everything got out of hand said "i am calling my dad." what did you think of that? >> i laughed at that. >> who is liz cheney's dad? >> i do not know. >> dick cheney he was george bush's vice president. >> he is a [bleep] >> that's a mistake. >> isn't she on the view. >> i think you are talking about meghan mccain. >> my father. >> did any of your friends call but. this can you believe what happened at the hearing? i'm telling you, it's crazy. >> who is your friend that called you?
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what was his name. >> frank. >> frank called you. >> and joey called me. igor called me, john, bill. >> you must have been a busy man last night. >> hello. >> what's up. >> vice president kamala harris slapped former vice president mike pence in a debate how did you feel about that. >> hard to put into words honestly. because kamala harris obviously loses her temper very quickly. >> how dare they. >> where were you when you saw that? >> on my couch with my dog next to me. great dog. >> even after that slap, even he got up. >> did he really? >> he barked at the tv. [barking] >> let me tell you she should have been arrested. >> because you would be in jail. >> do you remember what color dress kamala was wearing last night? >> red. >> ♪ lady in red ♪ >> very gently, show me what kamala did to mike pence last night. >> she went up to him and just
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smacked him. ♪ ♪ >> none of what i just told you is true. >> oh. shame. [laughter] >> that's okay. good. i had a nice time. sun. [laughter] hey, what do you want to tell jesse. >> i love jesse. jesse. >> hi. >> love you, jesse. ♪ [laughter] >> jesse: that's amazing. what happens when a toddler shoots at police? ♪ ♪ at downy to wash for all the freshness and softness of home, even when you're not at home, feel the difference with downy.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: what happens when it's a toddler with his finger on the trigger? shocking body cam footage out of utah shows police responding to a local mcdonald's where men had reportedly pointed a gun at
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a drive through employee for messing up his order. you could see the man here please are putting cuffs on him outside of his car when all of a sudden officer sees a gun pointed out the back window. ♪ ♪ >> he pulls out a gun. take them inside. >> jesse: the kid who pulled the trigger was just four years old. think about that for a second. everybody in a situation was lucky not to end up dead. the child's father 27-year-old
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johnson was charged with child abuse and aggravated assault. we hope that swift justice is underway. when texas became overwhelmed by a massive surge of illegals democrats didn't say much. if they said anything at all they said texas was racist from wanting to control the border. now, deep blue cities are far away from the border are getting a bit prickly. about a few thousand migrants have been sent their way. today, new york city so that his homeless shelters are overwhelmed with migrants and called on the jewel by administration to help them out. >> we do need help for the federal government to assist us this city which was already dealing with shelter population we are going to need help to deal with this unprecedented surge but we are experiencing right now. >> jesse: joe biden is the one flying the men in the middle of
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the night come and other homeless shelters and some families are sleeping on the streets. prime time sent some producers to talk to some of them watch. >> what country did you come from? >> venezuela. >> how did you get to america? >> we cross the border the way everybody else is doing it. we contacted someone and that person took us across the border. we walked for three months from venezuela so we can get to rio bravo. we are right in new york tonight. >> yes they helped me with tickets from texas to chicago and then chicago to new york. >> how'd you get from the southern border to new york? >> i went on a bus to phoenix, and then took an airplane to new york. >> did you stay at the shelter
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last nyquist mark >> noyce operator on the street. >> did jill biden influence you? >> they told us that they are letting people in the used to not let people in so we made the decision to come here three months ago. because they told us that they are more opportunities for work here. more stability, everything we see on tv, but i see that that is not true. >> is there anything you want to tell joe biden? >> i want to thank you for giving us the support from venezuela especially for what is happening with our country. as the process continues in favor of minnis whaler, cuba, and all the countries i really congratulate him for that. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: i'm not sure everybody realized that i got a haircut today my barber styled the differently today.
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it's got a lot of reaction around headquarters here at fox some people have compared me to pat riley. others have compared me to bud fox. from the movie wall street. gavin newsom is a name that is come up so what i want to do is i want to ask you the viewers what you think of my new slicked back hair style? the hair still the same length it was just like the back, and tomorrow we will reading the results. about what people think of these what's been happening to my hair. it's time for some text messages. john, from tampa, florida. it wouldn't last nearly two rounds against yours. thank you. i think. linda from connecticut jesse who did you get your good looks from? your mom? your dad? or both? definitely both of them. you make me choose on television? it's not like they watch me.
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i know they do if you should my mom's text. jenna from long island joe biden is as eustis is the gm lasagna. good one. i'd vote for elmo to be president before i ever vote for michelle obama. okay. catherine from indiana, please inform got felled that he is a phd have ended. he was annoyed during the commercial break because he was being sarcastic. he was so clearly being sarcastic he couldn't believe the people didn't understand that. so yes, she knows that she is not a medical doctor and that is a joke. that is the joke. that's fine. everything else that greg gutfeld says goes over mine. please no more coverage of asc. i would beg to differ. that is fine.
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from new jersey, whatever happened to your efforts to get the truth about the dui charge involving nancy pelosi's husband? we have filed lawsuits the courts as you know take a little bit of time and we will get that footage. whether i have to go all the way out to nap on my cell. get it. tucker is up next and remember i'm jesse watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight" were shocked that everyone has moved onto the next thing but we still -- when joe biden stunned the world during a press conference with no warning at all that he is a potentially fatal disease. i have joe biden said, i got it from living in delaware. it turns out that jill biden's home state is so thoroughly polluted, so supernaturally


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