tv Hannity FOX News July 22, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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news the president is still eating food. >> the president is doing better. he slept well last night, he ate his breakfast and lunch. fully. he had to show me his plate. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: he showed his plate he's in the clean plate club still has that going for us had the best we can see you on monday. ♪ ♪ >> hannity: after refusing to cooperate with the sham january 6 committee this is the first time a person is been found guilty of contempt of congress charges since g gordon liddy in 1974 they didn't even put on a defense take no by the way if you are a republican or a trump supporter yes the all-powerful january 6 committee will drag you to court and send you to jail if you refuse to
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cater to their every whim. there's a lot more behind this if you are a clinton lawyer you get accused credibly aligned to the fbi jury of clinton donors there and clear of all charges and are to get away scot-free of shareholder and obstruct justice and obstruct congress rather no charges, no jail time and no fine. don't have equal justice or application on or loss will look a lot more to this later in the program. also tonight that's a pretty unbelievable story of a woman assuming a man he didn't show up for a date she is suing him and while the court proceeding is going on she gets in a huge fight with the judge. here is a preview. >> you have to lay. you have to lay your complaint out if the ledges in the complaint. you have not. >> hannity: you're gonna love this entire plate plus new york reporter and candidate lee will
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join us in just a few minutes. now last night the g.o.p. hopeful and sitting congressman was viciously attacked onstage during a campaign event by a man with a deadly weapon watches. >> is only one -- >> you're done, you're done. >> hannity: that weapon could've gone right through his heart thankfully he was able to grab the attackers rest it was very quick move on his part and prevent serious injury before being pulled to the ground following the incident congressman zell then tweeted the attackers words as he tried to stab me a few hours ago you're done. with several attendees jump into action tackled the guy as he continued. the attacker will likely be instantly released under new york's law. now anyways he was right because shortly after the perpetrator
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was arrested he was immediately released from jail after posting $0 in bail on his own recognizance, zero he try to kill a public official so me get this straight in new york state person can assault a public figure try to kill a congressman with a deadly weapon in the state is more than happy to let the attacker waltzed right out of jail no bail on their own recognizance that's okay? this is shameful and is dangerous new yorkers you should be mortified even worse kathy are you okay with this this is set well with you a question is your policy that you support? last night the states far less governor pretended to be outraged by the attacked on twitter but prior to the assault it was his campaign emailing her supporters with every location, all the dates come all the times
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of every upcoming campaign event and suggested that the republican candidate was an extremist. even today, today after an assassination attempt he had her stalker supporters following him. of course not blaming the governor for the actions of deranged individual, but you would think that after such an attack that may be and her fellow democrats might not send their supporters to follow him and maybe start acknowledging that political violence and extremism is coming from the left and maybe they could publicly denounce the doxxing, the stock income of the harassment that they are incentivizing and telling people where to go. regardless of the targets political affiliation. they can stop excusing for example arson, looting, vandalism, violence against the police, maybe we can bring back bail laws in new york state and for the love of god you would
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think they could finally start prosecuting violent offenders and stop letting them out of jail immediately without bail and it's interesting he released this ad yesterday before the attack even took place. >> time and again protected criminals at the expense of law-abiding citizens. using cashless bail and his own flawless policies. put violent criminals back on the streets and has turned neighborhoods into danger zones. and where is kathy hopeful? despite the pleas of new yorkers she has refused to use her authority of governor to fire back. >> not the world at the governor can make those local decisions. >> hannity: by the way that the same d.a. that charge this guy jose alva the guy who was working in the store the bodega worker and the guy came around and assaulted him and pushed him to the ground. the start attacking him defended himself in self-defense they put that guy in rikers they charged
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him with second-degree murder until the public outcry got the charges dropped. everyone in new york and around the country sadly what happened to lee zeldin is not uncommon in the past decade dozens of g.o.p. lawmakers have been assaulted including senator ron paul will also join us in a moment. congressman steve scalise we know was shot by democratic activists. he nearly died in that shooting in june a man armed with a gun showed up to justice kavanaugh front door with plans to assassinate him. and by the way since may 59 pro-life pregnancy centers have been attacked, vandalized or lit on fire. by the way as a relates the spring court justices they are still doxxing these justices they are still showing up on their homes even though we have a law u.s. code 18, 15 oh seven says you're not allowed to go to residents of the justice or court officer or jurist in any way with work.
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why isn't she enforcing that lawless and forget about the far left riots also in the summer of 2020. we lost thousands of americans, thousands of police officers injured. billions in property damage instead of condemning the sabbath violence well we had some top democrats like for example maxine waters she was telling her supporters to harass republicans and the public kamala harris promoting that bail fund for violent writers after the police precinct was burned to the ground. they said that they're not gonna stop and they shouldn't stop take know to be aware. >> vice president harris: this is a movement i'm telling you. you're not gonna stop. everyone be aware. you're not gonna stop they're
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not gonna stop before election day in november and the rack and a after election day. that everyone should take note of that on both levels. they are not gonna let up and they should not. and we should not. >> hannity: take note and be aware they are not gonna let up and they shouldn't let up. chuck schumer goes to the steps of the u.s. supreme court and threatens to supreme court justices by name. cavanaugh outside the supreme court. anything happened to him take a look. >> i want to tell you i want to tell you cavanaugh you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. >> hannity: you won't know what hit you. so democrats continue to figure the violent behavior what happened in new york last night what is that gonna be a daily or
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weekly or monthly occurrence at every liberal state and city across the country? my next guest is now bowing to fix the broken system at least in new york and by the way is the blue as new york is from or what happen with the commonwealth of virginia remember how close that race was a new jersey and nobody was paying attention to it have we? probably murphy would've been thrown out. so yes this is a real race in your market looks like. you very quickly went right for the wrist as a martial artist i respect your quick response on it i wish you would use the left-hand but the fact that you acted that quickly prevented him from seeking that night he could've figure carotid artery we might not be having this discussion today you did a great job i congratulate you. >> thank you sean i give a lot of credit to the 7-8-9 people
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instantly within a few moments came to the stage and tackled this attacker law enforcement was there just a couple minutes later and they arrest the guy a lot went right in the response when i saw him lunch at me with that weapon in his hands he was going towards my neck area i'd seductively went out to grab the rest and i just needed to hold it for a few moments until a group came in. >> hannity: were looking at it from different angles as we speak here. this was an assassination attempt. last night you predicted he would be let out let out with no bail and sure enough a guy who was trying to assassinate a sitting congressman the candidate's let out on his own recognizance no bail whatsoever now this is insanity i so we can try again? >> you have a person that saying
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you're done you repeated that he's launching at me with this weapon but the two daggers coming out of it similar to brass knuckles he is charged with a violent felony and he is instantly released back on the street because of new york's bail laws i saw it coming i wish it wasn't this way and we keep hearing to many of these stories as you were just pointing out some of the decisions with the jose is another story that came out a couple weeks ago were to mexican cartel drug smugglers got top with $1.2 million worth of crystal meth and then they were instantly released back onto the streets. as the arguments that advocates say that you shouldn't be stuck behind bars a low-level offense you're not a danger a flight risk of a clean record should be stuck because you can't afford any amount of bail you have no money. i get that but i would say that if you have $1.2 million of crystal meth and your have any money to pay your bills, bail that's on you. your bad businessman a bad dealer and a bag criminal. were seeing the stories that at
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some of these cases like earlier today i was in syracuse, new york, there was a 93-year-old who was murdered by somebody released on cashless bail. there is more just data these are stories, these are real lives it's been a failure and they need to be repealed in new york. >> hannity: i'd like for you to eat explain this in email went out by the governor's campaign. giving out all the information about every upcoming campaign event this is before yesterday. including the dates, times and when the events are scheduled to begin. now in light of what's been happening with supreme court justices in light of the environment that we have in the country. you think that maybe she would've learned something from yesterday my understanding is more people to fall you again today after the assassination attempt on your life last night.
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as i was going through today's schedule with obviously ramped up security which will be ramped up for the remainder of the campaign i was traveling from the county where syracuse is located up to watertown that's where it is in jefferson county as were driving up this box truck with my face and name on it criticizing me as followed us up to the next rally so we have rallies tomorrow all day we have rallies on sunday all day i would suggest if i was kathy and her campaign that i would have this box truck sitting on some driveway who was ever in popout it's pretty bad taste bad judgment have it right back on the road following salsa ground the next day. to go worse than bad judgment is dangerous if you look at what happened last night look with the campaign did as we been doxxing supreme court justices and our children when they go to school and the church is that they attend and the times they attend church or giving out the
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location where you are every second of every minute of every day in light of last night was a bad idea and that she follows you again today she is sending more people out that she not see what happened last night? does she ever take a look at what's happening with these no band loss? if she not understand the danger of releasing violent criminals the guy who attacked you last night could have killed you if you look at the video closely and again i look at your hand he was gone right up here for your neck. i have to give you credit because with a lot of strength he grabbed his wrist and you put him down long enough to get the assistance that came in behind you. that could've ended very badly last night. >> she has been asked about the need to overhaul bail her answer was when the media was asking that she needs more data. now we know that there is data i would encourage her to count up
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the press clippings of the amount of cashless bail stories and that number can be the data meanwhile just a couple weeks ago after the supreme court issued the correct decision your conceit carry laws a look later she passed all sorts of new laws than traveling all first amendment rights trampled over segment rights even more unconstitutional than what supreme court had just ruled upon. the media asked her will do you have any data to back up going after these concealed carry permit holders that they are the ones causing the problem and she says that she doesn't need data that she is in the governor who's asked about alvin bragg, some slack he's doing his job he just got there. i say that on january 1st my first day as governor is not just the constitutional authority is my constitutional duty to remove alvin bragg is my first act as governor when she was asked just a little while ago a few days ago about the jose cody's she says that she's
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not to get involved in it all is under business i would argue that if there was 1 of 19000000 new yorkers have a duty responsibility speak up we have at the age when the wrong thing is the governor by the constitution we do not have a recall in the state's there's a whole lot of bad judgment collectively and she really needs to go this is rock-bottom way to rock-bottom she has to go. >> hannity: i have the honor of meeting your wife in a lovely family thank god you're okay great job get an amazing job stopping the sky relieve coming till last night congressman were glad you're okay we shoot your well this is a winnable race of everyone in new york is paying attention because you can set a loud message that would reverberate around the country were glad your savings being with us. tonight yet another example of
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left-wing violence the same medical group offering bounties of any conservatives now tempting to shut down the congressional baseball game no republican deserves peace ever again senator romp paul is no stranger himself to violent agitators has been attacked at least twice including one instance right after the rnc convention center and his wife surrounded by far left lunatics and riders barely got out of there with his life incident with the neighbor is kentucky senator romp all i know washington, d.c., is not far off from new york is her lack of willingness to prosecute people that are violent at least in kentucky they got the tax you as i understand peer price right? >> ultimately a clinton judge gave him one month which is what you might get for shoplifting
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came back later and another democrat appointed judge prefer appointed judge gave him another eight months so he had nine months but we still have our major newspaper with the louisville courier writing op-ed saying that it was justified they tackle me was justified and that it deserved it because i'm somehow a provocative person. my interviewing and my style of interviewing is provocative and therefore register violence. there are still saying that in the newspaper one of our newspapers employed a young man who tried to assassinate the mayor candidate of louisville he got two days in prison and he was released the black lives matter bile amount after two days and he worked for the louisville courier we now have a new writer for the louisville courier who's been arrested for violent assault and now he is writing the violence against me was justified, but he was previously been convicted of assault too.
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the are egging this on everyone at the end we have a lot of people up. the violent people need to be put away for as long as we can put them away. >> hannity: and real-time on the radio january 6th i condemn what was happening i condemned it that night on the show and yet in the summer of 2020 your democratic colleagues were either completely silent because it was their base that was involved with the looting and the writing in the arson attacks on police thousands of cops entered does instead of doing some property damage 574 riots very few prosecutions in this case even know we have a wealth of evidence or lecturing us on the need to safely and security on the one riot warrantee speaking out against the 507 for other riots? where's that committee. >> a woman in her 60s who's
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getting cancer treatment wanders into the capital during all of this wanders out doesn't harm anyone is not involved with violence and she gets longer in prison the people trying to a castaneda candidate are just amazing what were doing and who were letting off of this but ultimately this can become a day of reckoning when the people who live in new york city crime disproportionately affects those in poor neighborhoods and those who are minorities one day they're gonna rise up and say we've had enough the democrats are not protecting our children, kids are dying at the bus stop. kids are dying on the subway. the democrats don't care about your kids and it continues to happen decade after decade there's gonna be a day that people are gonna wake up and say we've had enough we're gonna vote for law and order and lee is the candidate. i think there's a chance we have
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the people in jail. i think that is coming i dig a big push back is coming on a lot of issues including we need law and we need order we need safety and security to pursue happiness. parents want reading, writing, math, and science, they don't want let's see whatever political agenda is being rammed down kids throats. i also want lower gas prices and elimination of the inflation record high that we have. senator burr glad you're safe thank for being with us. coming up the white house refusing to let us hear from joe biden's doctor why is that? the members of the media are starting to wonder why dr. siegel was next and also tonight steve bannon found guilty of didn't put up a defense is context and can't texture to this will tell you about on the contempt of congress charts the first time summary has been found guilty since 1974. we have the very latest straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ speed to a speedy recovery for president joe biden. >> hannity: in a virtual call and white house advisors on the economy going into his office and taken pictures yesterday and anyway take a look. >> i like to start by apologizing with my voice i'm feeling a lot better than i sound. we have some really good news. i led the world to the largest release of oil reserves in history. >> we expect gas prices at the pump to go down at the historical relationship between oil and gas prices were to hold these lower oil prices could translate into additional $0.40
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in gas prices if industry pass along cost savings to consumers. as to bring the national average retail price to around. >> hannity: there are still double what he inherited from president trump. i was doctor said in the statement that his symptoms have improved that he experience them fever and a runny nose and a cough. many in the media are wondering why isn't the doctor being made available to the press even big news cnn asked that question of the white house earlier today. take a look. >> it's wonderful to hear from you as always on this but why can't we check-in with the president doctors? he off the lee briefs the public when there is an issue with the president's health why haven't we not heard from them? >> dr. connor as his personal physician you have heard heard from dr. connor in the letter we both made it the transparency
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here. her every day dr. connor. >> no ability to make a public? >> he should be sharing his information i'll be out there at the gonna be here for a variety of administration officials by the president. >> hannity: fox news contributor marc siegel's with us dr. siegel the omicron variable certainly not as lethal as the original covid-19 virus of the delta variant more contagious less lethal? we now also have the anti-bible to be effective they don't have up with than anybody which the dominant variant i respect that they do well wouldn't you? >> yes plus the fact that they had all the vaccines of the bill vault or if you had recent covid what she hasn't gives amenity. where different ball game right now sean by the way that mob is
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anybody you and i have discussed this which could've been taught against as variant in one of the reasons why you're absolutely right we need to hear the president's physician kevin o'connell not from a public health expert and not treating the president i remember president trump's. he was out there upfront reporting on presidents condition and if you'd president trump but after he got out of the hospital we need more of what's actually happening why? because to go up and down the symptoms he could be getting better and were hoping and praying for him we also get worse and i'm concerned that these questions are being addressed. >> dr. siegel thanks so much. >> hannity: he was found guilty this was anticipated in contempt of congress after defying a subpoena from the one-sided january 6 committee
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which we all know a predetermined outcome now they do not put on a defense in this case steve bannon's lawyer reacted this earlier today take a look. >> we may have lost a battle today but not to lose the war. where in a talk or just a second about what exactly the jury heard i came to the conclusion about what was put on in a courtroom. i've taught you butterfield process but listen in the closing arguments the prosecutor missed one very important phrase i stand with donald trump and the constitution i'll never back off that ever. >> they argued to the jury today and when a person gets a subpoena in executive. it's for congress to decide whether they state of privilege is valid or how broad it is. that's absolutely false. >> hannity: that's a great point about congress making the decision on his part which is
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the latest example of two-tiered justice system that guy right there a bomb attorney general eric holder he never prosecuted for contempt of congress despite a criminal referral back in 2012. after failing to turn over documents gunrunning sandal but of course as per usual one role for democrats one rule for everyone else. they have not applied this law since 1974 the last person convicted somebody new wealth to gordon liddy. had to explain fox news contributor jason chaffetz. on one hand i admire him in a lot of ways on this because they could've taken the easy way out many people did it was subpoenaed they show up they vote the fifth, they leave, and then they're not held in contempt. that was in option for. but he decided is willing to risk whatever the penalty would be to make the case about his negative privilege they didn't even put on a defense because
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the judge to put up so many different obstacles in their way so certainly to be appealed and might even be a good case for the u.s. supreme court to take what i admire the fact that east about his principal and said no i believe this is a constitutional principle i am willing to risk even going to jail for it when there's an easy out jason he didn't have to go. >> no you are afforded that right to plead the fifth was stunning to me sean is how different we democrats are treated than everybody else because you're right i was in congress when i contempt on eric holder happen they sat on it for months, months, and months and decided to do nothing about it i issued a subpoena to brian peg liana and the i.t. staff was under an immunity agreement to come testify book for the committee twice didn't show up he was given a referral and a permanent justice refused to pursue that case again totally
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different standards is because the steve bannon donald trump they decided that they would get it decided a couple of weeks now they want to throw him in jail. >> hannity: he's a friend of mine in front of the show in a voice gonna well with van and we don't always agree but we got along. i admire the fact that he took the stand, but his analysis on the law is right is much as the judge suggesting it's up to congress that would be up to the courts when it set aside about executive privilege and whether it applies or not? >> you would think that he will learn that. those old sayings that if there is a dispute between the data branch but in this case it just congress saying this will congress is gonna do. it's kind of how january 6 committee is going no republicans on this one which is to do this unilaterally there is
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a reason why other branches have to be involved i think there's an argument there certainly very interesting argument boy the fix was and i think the very beginning. >> hannity: thank you we appreciate you being with us and straight-ahead tonight sound the alarm that black voters are frustrated with biden and he is failing most of the country we will explain next straight ahead. ♪ ♪ or atopic dermatitis under control? hide my skin? not me. because dupixent targets a root cause of eczema, it helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of it. hide my skin? not me. and for kids ages 6 months and up that means clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. with dupixent, you can change how their skin looks and feels. and that's the kind of change you notice. hide my skin? not me. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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voters are souring on joe biden calling it a summer of real heartbreak and pain take a look. >> i think for african american voters in particular is a special heartbreak because first of all the pain is more intense the rising gas prices, food prices is really wall up the black community in a different way. the hopes were somewhat higher. so you have a community that came out in huge numbers huge numbers and 2,020. expecting to get a lot better economically at least it didn't come true. it got worse. >> hannity: maybe they should've listened to mayor pete from south bend, indiana, more pain more benefit. member over 60% of democrats don't want joe biden to run and 2024. as his presidency go from bad to worse inflation at a 40 year high energy prices are still near record highs wholesale inflation under the year record high consumer sentiment record low and so much more.
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her three action former florida attorney along with the host cross-country lj is with us must start with you i would go directly for the comments. van jones is making here basically the african american community joe biden administration to do more to serve black voters and they said this is no less that a season of heartbreak, frustration, disappointment among african americans in a widespread feeling that democrats of over promised and undelivered for black voters not just by voters just the poor, the middle class people of fixed income elderly everyone is suffering of this transition that we are under that we call we don't have an alternative to gas oil and coal. >> that's right and that's consistent with the most recent poll that said the number one
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issue really was black voters right now is inflation just like everyone else. same issue the leftist continues to fail black voters in all of us i think all of us are having what the issues prosperity people are talking about $5 a gallon gas. public safety, violence is tremendous i would black families want just like everyone else? they want their children to be able to live free of violence and then look at education the national bureau of economics they did a study and they said during these ridiculously long prolonged school closures after covid minority children suffer the most and you've got joe biden out there who's absolutely opposed to choice which is absurd to me when him and his kids to private school
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not letting minority children are of the children school of their choice the d.c. economic scholarship program and who did that affect? minority children primarily because he is opposed to school choice. all of these issues are important not only to black voters but to the entire country. as you go to city after city and you talk to people. >> hannity: everybody that i talked to now i go grocery shopping every week i know why people say hannity what are you doing here? i say shopping. why are you here? i like to eat obviously. we all commiserate together. because nobody wants to pay these inflated prices go to philip my car with gas. i talked to people everyone is really upset about it these policies cause this. joe said that he would eliminate energy and fossil fuels he
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didn't say just domestically. why would he go to policies now that we know we have no alternative to for probably the next two decades. why are they inflicting this pain? >> is married to their ideology despite the consequences in the pain and suffering that can be inflicted on the american people they probably go to the same barbershop that i'm going to and as tell you all the time as i visit diners across the country and i hear them say one thing and i go back to dallas, texas, and heard them say the same thing the barbershops of the diners in middle america same the same thing here the president is in trouble is not just inflation. it's a fact of the economy and the jobs that are out there is the fact that the president has decided to open the borders and give resources to the illegal immigrants in this country it's a fact that the crime is out of
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control. this liberal das and the president have not taken a firm stance on it in the last thing although the american people like america, white america at rona's support ukrainian people when they see their suffering is taking place and members of congress are sending billions, and billions of dollars across the border to help them out we have problems right here then they get a little frustrated about this. >> hannity: thank you both will become back a really bizarre story which you see this videotape you're gonna want to show it's all your friends. a woman falls a $10,000 lawsuit because she was stood up on a date that she fights with the judge in a courtroom and he gets really out-of-control that's next. ♪ ♪ meet daughter's playtime. wait 'till you hear this— thankfully, meta portal helps reduce background noise. zero lace model. adjusts to low light. and pans and zooms to keep you in frame.
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♪ ♪ speed to a disgruntled woman actually sued a man for allegedly standing her up for a date claiming that she suffered emotional distress. >> hannity: it fell on her late mother's birthday so anyway she took him to court here is a clip from the court proceeding take a look. >> to be honest with you sir i thought this was just can be thrown out. we had a date, one date and nothing else. and now i'm being sued for $10,000. >> in the letter he lied. that's what brought forth the perjury it was another perjury in the beginning it was for perjury after his response. >> do you know what perjury is? >> i know what perjury means. >> perjury is a statement of a false statement made under oath. >> bottom all line i will take in the court. are we done here? >> no you don't understand
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ma'am. >> are we don't hear? >> perjury, perjury is, perjury is -- >> i know exactly what perjury means. are we done here? >> no we are not. no were not. you have to lay your, you after you lay your complaint out. you have to allege this is a complaint. you have not. >> hannity: now the woman reportedly has a history of filing bizarre lawsuits it was filed in the wrong court anyway. and had the case thrown out here with the reaction fox & friends first cohosts carly is with us along with leo 2.0 terrell. i see you laughing. i can, sympathize with the poor guy. we went on one date next thing i know being sued for $10,000. i know it's going on here.
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anyway your thoughts? >> he said i feel so bad for this defendant should just swipe left means that when he was on the dating app should have just moved onto the next option. i actually think that maybe we should start moving away from dating apps and meeting face-to-face again every now and then when people ask me how i met my husband i say we met at a bar that is so sweet it's like this antiquated thing that nobody does anymore. so maybe this proves that there is a little bit of merit to meeting somebody in person before spotting a plate of calamari with them. >> hannity: i don't know anything about dating apps all i know is that some people swipe left or right and you click here or there and i'm like okay. i'm a little bit too old for that stuff. >> you're in a good spot. >> hannity: i'm watching this and i give the judge a lot of credit i think the judge showed a lot of patients more than i
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would've shown there. the fact that the judge didn't hold her in contempt. are we done? excuse me are you don your honor? yes, sir. stop interrupting. it stop with the judge. >> that is an experienced judge. that is an experienced judge in otay right now i'll tell you her intelligence because it wasn't perjury it's a promise. matteo right now i can understand that her promise promise was broken. play judge for me. sean invited meet for example to stay over at his house for 25 years. he broke his promise so should i play judge for me. sean hasn't kept his promise. so i file a lawsuit against sean? [laughs] [laughs] >> hannity: data get a to speak? >> mr. hannity customer gets her turn. >> hannity: first of all he
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has been at my house. i cook for him. >> i have not stayed over. >> hannity: i've offered for him to stay over he chose not to. he made the decision. >> where's the evidence. where's the evidence? >> hannity: you're lying to the court this is perjury. >> mr. hannity is too nice of a person and leo is also your friend so you should not be suing him for perjury. maybe that's what this woman needed. maybe she just needs a friend in her life saying probably not a good idea to be suing someone you just one on one day with. >> hannity: carly i cook them how great was the dinner? >> carly here is a fact i've never stayed 24 hours at sean hannity's house. his promise me that for 25 years. >> hannity: you're in my house and i showed you the room.
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>> carly eye appeal. i appeal. >> hannity: we literally had leo 2.0 terrell rell and house. >> what did you make them for dinner i'm curious? >> hannity: tell her how good the dinner was. >> i have no recollection. i've no current recollection. >> hannity: with the best steak you've had in your life. >> i've no current recollection your honor. >> hannity: i'm breaking up with you and i'm suing you for ten grand. >> a countersuit, a counter suit. how will the three of us get together and share some stakes and everybody when max in that case. >> hannity: i grow the two perfection he said anyway. tank you carly, judge carly thank you. court adjourned, more "hannity" after the break. ♪ ♪
6:59 pm
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possible. please hit dvr so you never miss an episode. in meantime let not your heart be troubled. laura is next. have a great weekend. see you on monday. . . i am laura ingraham this angela kokott will from tampa florida in moment the governor will join me for extended inter view. but first, voting with their feet. that's focus of tonight's angle. >> now judging by latest data maybe you have seen it, people want to get the hell out of california illinois and new york. those three states all registered sharpest overall population loss lasts year. so what heck
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