tv Fox News Live FOX News July 24, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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east coast bring back a bunch of triple digit 101 degrees in new york city today part 103 in d.c. stays hot tomorrow finally breaking a little bit for us on tuesday, eric. a couple more days of extreme heat and then so hot after that by. >> you know it is 1 degree hotter in new york city right now then in arizona. i have been there. nice place. ♪. mike: 's art live images our southern border as migrants there are gathered near a tree on a scorching hot day. officials at seeing a record number of migrants despite the scorching summer heat. all while homeland security alejandro mayorkas claims the border is secure but welcome to "fox news live" i am mike emmanuel. lone star policy, migrants are being sent to northern cities where some mayors say they are not prepared to handle them.
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steve harrigan is live in eagle pass, texas with more, hello steve. my, some airboats moving around behind me. just seen some activity. somebody has just been -- a body pulled from the river behind me. as the first time i have seen it for the boat went out, the radio call went off for the sheriff department, fire trucks came. and a funeral home pickup truck came pulled the body out, put it on a stretcher and put in that pickup truck and drove it away for that's the first time i've seen that. lorenzo who is shooting for me here sit out the last eight days that happens almost every single day. we have seen migrants cross steadily throughout the last several days at this point. a lot of them children read some seem unaccompanied but some caring smaller children infants as well protect his officials are complaining about the situation they find themselves in here. saying the current policy of dividing administration is inhumane. >> this is inhumane by
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encouraging them to make this dangerous journey weatherby by river or by a rapport in this case be smuggled in west texas is dangerous journey in this mountainous terrain. >> it has been texas policy in recent weeks to put some migrants illegally on buses for northern cities. that policy has drawn bitter complaints from several big-city mayors including new york city and washington d.c. texas governor abbott says it is biden's policies that should be blames, not his policy putting migrants on buses. and finally, one thing we ever really noticed in the last few days are larger groups of migrants crossing. one group at least 300 strong walking across the rio grande into texas, no one is stopping them. mike back to you "steve the fox weather apps and it's heading for a high of 104 there in eagle pass, texas today. treacherous conditions and clearly proven to be deadly in
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some cases. but not letting up in any sense of it. >> no, no slow down at all. you get out of an air-conditioned car here and you just say wow because it hurts, the air hurts. and certainly a jarring scene that happens with regularity here, the calls go out, the boats arrive, the body is pulled from the river and taken away. i've seen it repeat itself again and again here along the border, my precooked steve live in eagle pass, texas. steve thanks very much. the white house as president by and is continuing to quote improve significantly after his covid diagnosis for this is his administration celebrates falling gas prices despite rampant inflation and growing fears of a recession. jackie is live at the white house, good afternoon jackie per. >> good afternoon mike. present bidens runny nose, cough and body aches have diminished. his predominant symptom is now a sore throat which has physician calls encouraging and assign his body is clearing the virus.
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he has completed a third day of the antiviral treatment and will continue at that course as planned. supplemented by an inhaler he is using for a cough occasionally. not in the president at all this weekend to read the white house rinsing no new videos or photos yesterday or so for today. downplay concerns for the 79-year-old's diagnosis. white house has not made bidens physician available for question official speaking on his behalf and sensing the president is fully vaccinated, twice boosted experiencing a mild case. continue to carry out his duties in isolation will he will remain through tuesday. he could resume his schedule as soon as wednesday if you test negative. meantime ahead of this week to gdp reading, the white house is bracing for a second consecutive quarter of negative growth commonly referred to as a recession. the white house already saying even if that happens, they will not be using the r word themselves.
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>> what a recession really means is a broad base contraction in the economy. and even if that number is negative we are not in a recession now. i would warn that we should be not characterizing it as a recession. >> i understand that your splitting hairs of the technical definition is two quarters of a contract nursing that's not a recession? like that is not the technical definition. scums of economic advisors also redefine what a recession writing on their blog, what is a recession question at some maintained two consecutive quarters of falling real gdp constitutes a recession, after the official definition or the way economists evaluate the state of the business cycle. they go on to say official determinations take a holistic look at the data included the labor market, consumer business spending, industrial production and incomes" based on this data it is unlikely the climb in gdp the first quarter of this year, even if followed by another gdp
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decline in the second quarter indicates a recession for the white house instead relying on the national bureau of economic research to determine whether or not we are in a recession. but remember that organization did not declare until december 2008 that a recession had begun a full year earlier, microcredit jackie all over it on the north lawn, jackie thanks a lot. let's bring in today's political panel brett howard democratic strategist former blue dog coalition communications director and tony katz a talk radio host. gentlemen welcome. >> good to see you. >> there is little talk in jackie's report about the r word, recession. let's start with some inflation fuel prices for the national average today a bit of good news, a gallon of regular gasoline dollars 30 6a gallon. that is down from $4.92 a month ago. but way up from $3.15 a year ago. tony is inappropriate for president buying to take credit for prices coming down when he
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did not the blame for them going up? >> this is the putin price hike to its broadest lowest prices. this is what he told us for months, and months, and months no explanation for this of course it looks remarkably crass and crude when he takes credit for this but i'm glad to see gas prices going down. but let's not kid ourselves. i cannot yell much to argue we are not at the definition of recession, asked midwest mainstream where they think they are? they think they are in it. you have inflation 9.1% but you have the ppi the producer price index, what cost manufacturers to build things at 11.3% that costs get passed on to us it does not matter what else is going on in america. democrats are desperate to make a culture war election. feel free. this is an economic collection and democrats are looking for bad time in november. looks we have a poll cnbc
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all-american survey, 30% approve, 64% disapprove, brad how does he turn that around? quick look he's got to continue to focus front and center on the economy this is going to be election about the economy it's what americans feel in their pocketbooks that matter not what label we put on the economy for gas prices coming down is a very positive sign for the white house. i do not blame them for wanting to tout the numbers as we see you then. but at the end of the day the biggest issue is inflation. i am here in detroit there are thousands of vehicle sitting on the lot because they cannot get shipped send cars out into the economy. chips aren't found everything from home appliances the supply chain disruption is leading to inflation but congress is about to pass a historic investment and chips for that's going to help deal with, lower prices, the american rescue plan put unemployment as low as it is today that's going to help the fed lower rates and stabilize the economy. i think were headed to a good economic story in november.
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i agree there should be about the economy, will be about the economy and the party they can make the best case will win the election. six this go to the order here is secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> the border is secure. the border -- we are working to make the border more secure. that has been a historic challenge. six tony, what borders he talking about? what's i am not sure i'm assuming he does not know either. no one believes the border is secure. no one believes the border is sacred your report early was steve actually proves that once again. the border conversation goes to the idea of the administration keeps trying to tell us something we know is not true. the same weight white house press secretary mike tells the fundamentals of the economy are strong. bracken got but i'm.been 3.6% which is very, very nice. it does not engage the real problems america's havoc with supply chain, with inflation i'm
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with the idea they cannot find qualified people to work at their places in midwest main street. the border is a real issue but it is a compounding issue to the fact the inflation, the economy is the key driver for midterm. it is just insulting when the secretary alejandro mayorkas speaks like that. cork let's put on the screen with encounters at the border. more than 2 million this fiscal year with too much still left in the fiscal year. up from lasser's 1.956 million, brad is there any way to say the border is secure? let's look white house is definitely committed to securing the board that introduced comprehensive immigration bill into congress to increase resources help on the border for the border situation has plagued every president in the modern era to human turn and a security crisis but security is a real issue in this election. just like inflation the economy and spread whether it securing our streets, reducing violent crime, and securing the border every one should be running on security for the blue dogs ice
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represent as her spokespersons: congressional leadership to put more investment in local police department's and get more cops on the street. i think that's a sign democrats are getting the message but we are to focus like a laser on security and the economy in november. >> one problem is the blue dogs have been aptly pushed aside but progressives are in charge they believe in open border. hard to push a blue dog message in this moment. >> will see how that plays out in the blue dogs will win the day. space itself go to new york were congressman lee zeldin was attacked by go the sharp object. the guy was charged with a felony and immediately released. tony, is new york supporting criminals more than victims? quick we should note on a federal level he was charged as well. also he was once again arrested. larry o'connell a radio host in washington d.c. had at best. if you wanted to create an ad that was most help lee zeldin
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show the lack of series of crime in new york it is this, attacked with a knife. the blade kind of situation. the guy is let out in jail exactly as lee zeldin said it would be. speak the level of lawlessness in new york and other places run by democratic governors and mayors. mike: bradley given a chance to weigh in for. >> we are all glad that lee zeldin was on harper this due process system we have bail is in constituted rights. but i agree, we need to take violent offenders off the street. again put public safety front and center. democrats are focused on pushing public safety, putting more cops on the street getting perimeter control the nation. >> brad hauer, tony, thanks very much regrets my pleasure mike >> letter to them "fox news live", eric and arthur will speak with congressman lee zeldin he's in the subject of national tension during his attack at the came campaign stop earlier this week
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with that's 4:00 p.m. eastern, stay tuned. from president trump closing of the second day of turning points student action summit as a keynote speaker putting teats a potential 2024 presidential bid. and slammed his political enemies in a fiery speech. bill keating's live in tampa, hello phil. >> good afternoon mike. the turning point usa student action summit is now officially over for the three day affair features people packing up their booths and hauling their gear away. this year's summit featured a lot of conservatives. a lot of republicans as well as a lot of potential 2024 white house candidates including glass lights headliner. hugs and likewise, getting more votes than any sitting president and the history of our country by far. and now, we may just have to do it again.
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[cheering] >> a trumpet teasing the crowd that his political future could still go either way. the former president came onto the stage with a bang in front of the standing room only crowd in the ballroom in tampa. a crowd of mostly young people is that what turning point usa is all about. getting to high school and college age kids. emphasizing conservative principles and politics. >> and so we say it turning point usa lives will be changing for me no that is to be true. what's amazing to think about how my future governors, senators and congressmen were going to be walking through the doors right here. >> one the u.s. senators who could end up running for president is florida rick scott. he told me right now he is more focused on the midterms. exiting the big thing now at this point in 2022 that i'm the head of the senate committee. we have got to get a majority in the house and part of got a lot of work to do. next there were about 3000
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attendees here at the convention center for turning point usa. and organizers conducted a straw poll. the results were just released who they wanted to be running on the primary ticket as the presidential candidate in 2024, 78% went for trout. 19% went to florida governor desantis who also headlined the speech friday night. interesting, mike. mike: interesting, thanks a lot. once a well established south carolina lawyer, alec murdoch is indicted for the murder of his wife and son. more on that story next. end al's is full of them. because flowers find a way to break through. just like we will. join the fight at (vo) get verizon business unlimited from the network businesses rely on. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever.
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mike: this is fox news alert. five images of pope francis' arrival in canada. over the next few days he will meet with indigenous leaders and survivors of the residential school system where many indigenous children were abused was also expected to personally apologize for the catholic church's role in establishing the system. pope francis arriving in canada. alec murdoch once a prominent cell phone out lawyer is facing more than 80 charges raising from financial crimes to the murder of his wife and son.
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let mysterious circumstances during their deaths as well the details of the murdoch family shadow we passed to draw national attention but for more insight toward me no criminal defense attorney brian claypool, brian welcome back. >> things or have me mike. >> alex murdoch pleaded not guilty to the murders of his wife and son but he faces 30 years to life in prison without parole if convicted. maggie and paul murdoch were found fatally shot in june 2021. what you see is the most critical facts or prosecutors must approve first, brian? >> this case a looks and smells like a slamdunk for the prosecutors. but not so fast apart with the need to prove are two crucial facts for the first is they have got to place a murdoch at the scene of the crime, right? the timeline is as follows by the time of death is 9:00 p.m. at night. murdoch says he does not get there until 9:30 p.m. after the alleged murders. so prosecutors are going to have to put them there at 9:00 p.m.
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how do they do that? look at the gps tracking look up to look at his watch at the evidence to put him there at the scene of the crime. the next crucial fact is, and did murdoch shoot and kill his wife and son? a member were two high-powered rifles used. i'm believe it or not, my, what i think is really going to solve this case is called a blood spatter analysis. in violent crimes you can look at the patter of blood spatter on the clothing to determine whether the person shot the gun or not. what i mean by that is close range, high rifle shot will ignite what is called a mystic. a mist of blood. if you look at the clothing of a murdoch you're going to see the blood see if it's misty or concentrated. he told 911 he helped with the victim so if the blood is concentrated on his clothing you might have an argument he did not deploy the rifles were. >> what is the likely defense? >> is going to argue first of
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all what is my motive why am i going to kill my wife. more importantly why am i going to kill my son question if that's the first argument. and the second, i think is best argument, mike is there were two bibles used. that's pretty odd, right? most of murder cases of one weapon. his lawyer is going to argue there were two shooters pretty was that the shooter. he was not even there and you have got the wrong person for there might be two killers on the loose. amy: has a 37 minute gap in failing to call 911 play with the jury? >> there's two other devastating facts for murdaugh. one, you pointed out which is if you were a wife and your son are lying there in a pool of blood after being shot close range you are going to call 911 lickety-split within a second. this a gap is going to be devastating for him. he should've called right away. know when he called he was not that upset about it. he sobbed a little bit.
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here's another rough critical fact i think is going to be devastating for murdaugh, there is no sign of a robbery inside the house, why is that important? it suggests this was a personal crime for this to somebody who really wanted to kill these people, had no interest in robbing the home. i think that is going to be really, really damaging for murdaugh. mike: obviously this is getting national attention we are speaking about right now for the prosecution and defense have agreed to a gag order, is that appropriate? >> i do not like gag orders per think it violates free speech. i more important, it might come at my expense and a case you can always vet jurors during jury selection to see for example whether they've heard anything about the case. you can do what's called individual and say hey have you learned a thing about the case question recovery heard a thing on tv? have you seen mike sure about this case? you can vet jurors before the trial starts but i do not like gag orders. i do not think they are appropriate in the situation.
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you don't have any evidence before the judge right now the potential jury pool has been contaminated brickwork defense attorney is also a state senator, mike political connections help in any way? >> the location of this trial, it might come is unlike any other. this family has a wonder to history and south carolina. they've got a con of a political legal connections. and boy, i have got to tell you if i am a prosecutor in this case, i might want to try to move or change believe it or not. i would want to get this case out of this territory where they are in because of the murdaugh connections and maybe get this and a nether location in south carolina or possibly even another state so that you can get a fair trial. these small-town jury trials who knows who and how that might be influenced in determining this case. mike: brian claypool looking
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sharp on the set up a thank you for your time and analysis buddy per. >> you bet might come have a great day. mike: you too. now for a look at some of our weather headlines. more than 85 million americans are under heat alerts for the brutal temperatures are scorching the northeast and parts of the south and west have excessive heat warnings and advisories in place. while in the midwest a quick moving storm system with heavy winds hail, even tornadoes threaten several states. in new york city this year's triathlon will go on as scheduled rather the biking and running segments have been shortened. in boston is chosen to postpone it triathlon entirely said the new date to august 21. due to dangerous weather conditions. farmers and cattle ranchers struggling with scorching hot temperatures as the hot weather dries out the soil severely affecting the growing season for many crops and perching pastors but worsening long-running drought conditions in parts of
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kansas, oklahoma, texas and other states. some scientists say they wave scorching the u.s., europe and asia are all connected by the record high temperatures are having deadly consequences sparking wild fires, scorching crops and killing thousands. check in the global heatwave forced from jerusalem, a trey. >> might get afternoon. that he waved across the world has killed thousands of people's records are set in multiple areas. the high temperatures are moving further east to effect countries like greece and italy. greek officials the four major wild fires are burning across the country forcing evacuations from homes and hotels. hundreds of firefighters are working on the clock to control the flames. the devastation comes after western europe's heat spikes earlier in the week with england recording record temperatures over 104 degrees fahrenheit. authorities in london have issued a level four heat warning meaning even if you are fit and healthy, you are at risk at of death.
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protesters in england and neighboring scotland call for faster action against climate change during protests over the weekend for the demonstrators called for taxes against the big polluters and limiting permits given to gas and oil companies. is not just europe suffering under the new heatwave, countries across asia bracing for higher temperatures this week been tried in this situation is so dire officials are warning of dam failures due to melting glaciers. the increased water flow and flooding could affect cotton crops in the country as well print this heatwave clearly affecting the entire world. officials trying to warn people to stay inside and stay hydrated. there are deadly consequences to this weather event, mike. >> great report, trait live in jerusalem, thanks very much. part of california is now under state of emergency is a fast-moving wildfire spreads near yosemite national park. more than 6000 people are being asked to evacuate their homes, thousands of others are left without power after the blaze exploded yesterday. the fire broke out on friday
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north of fresno. a spokesperson for sierra national forest at firefighters battling the blaze are facing an array of tough conditions including hot weather, low humidity and bone dry vegetation. just a one day after ukraine and russia reached a deal on grain exports, russian missile strike the port city of odesa. a live reports coming up. [sfx: ding] [message] hey babe, meet us at the bottom of the trail. oh, man. hey! open up! the redesigned chevy silverado. with a sophisticated, high-tech interior... open the door! it's easy to forget it's a truck. ♪♪ - thanks. - nice truck! it was. find new style. find new roads.
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her expansive news alert these are live images from pope francis arrival in edmonton, canada for the first of three stops he will be making up north in canada over the next few days he will meet with indigenous leaders and survivors of the residential school system were many indigenous children were abused. there you see some of the crew getting off, there is the pope inside the door bread we will see if he comes out and waves to the crowd. but pope francis making what is
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seen as a very important trip to canada to meet with faithful there. and to basically extend the apologies of the catholic leadership for a terrible tragedy that happened years ago in the indigenous school system. ♪ ♪ ♪ as russia's war on ukraine enters its sixth month, several members of congress to the bite administration sure to send u.s. military advisers to ukraine. lucas tomlinson spoke to some of those lawmakers but he joins me live from kyiv. hello lucas. >> hello mike, good evening from ukraine's capitol but as you mentioned u.s. lawmakers from the house armed services committee met with president zelenskyy to discuss potentially deepening the u.s. military involvement in ukraine. >> mr. zelenskyy has a terrible, terrible choice between peace are having hostilities continue. i think at a minimum of 2014
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line. i think if they could they would get rush out completely. >> u.s. military advisers to help with logistics intelligent keeping tabs on the billions of dollars and americans weapons flowing into this country but discount them serving on the front lines. u.s. has committed three times more money to ukraine than the 27 nation european union combined. once you're up step up and spend more. first denying it russian no admitting it launched a missile strike on odesa from a missile ship in the black sea hours after the deal was signed. ukrainian foreign minister said the strike was a spit in their face, defense ministry compared to stalin's tactics in the 1930s killing millions of ukrainian. the statement secretary of state tony blinken condemned the strike saying and part quote it undermines the effort to bring food to the hungry and the credibility of russia's commitments to the deal. while russia's gaining ground in the east and slowly enveloping the donbas region, ukrainian forces are trying to open up a new front to the south part that
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fell quickly as the russians launched a full-scale invasion exactly five months ago today, micro degrading forces are showing a key brescia cut off russia's escape and create a kill zone for your cranes have the city can be recaptured by september pretty cretins were also hoping and praying for fighter jets from the u.s. john kirby just shot that down in a deal proposed earlier that he mentioned on media buzz. >> it is just an exploratory measure to kind of see what long term, trying to help improve ukraine's defense needs long, long term even postwar. >> officials are so ukraine is not winning the war, they are not losing it either. right now they're nowhere close to defeating the russians, micro. >> lucas you cover the pentagon for many years. what is a likelihood those u.s. military advisers are sent to ukraine? what's going to be very politically sensitive topic back in washington and the white house it would not be a popular move to put any u.s. military advisers of any kind here in the
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capitol. not u.s. embassy of course has been reopened here in the capitol, there certainly a lot of empty office space we've been told is kind of a skeleton crew for there is room for them but certainly get a lot of blowback from the russians and certainly different swaths of the american public. for right now the ukrainian forces are outgunned by the russian military holds three -- one advantage the ukraine's need a lot more ammunition. it is coming in but officials are on the ground tell me it's not enough, micro. >> lucas tomlinson live, thank you very much. for more on this we are joined now the advisors ukraine's defense minister, welcome. >> good evening. thank you for inviting me. >> so, my pleasure. the russians of fired rockets into odesa a day after a great export deal was struck. what happened in odesa? what is the impact? >> what happened in odesa is another terror attack by russia. we have been saying for a long time and today as you have said in the earlier report is exactly
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large-scale advisors the war of genocide against the ukraine people began. russian has proven itself as a terrorist state for their striking innocent civilian residential houses. they are fighting peaceful cities. and the strike at the airport less than 24 hours after the green deal was signed, so the proof russia indeed is a terrorist and should be designated officially as a terrorist state by all civilized nations. we are happy there is talk about that in the u.s. now as well. mike: you take that attack meaning the green deal is now torn up? >> our minister of infrastructure section of the one who signed the deal. i like to mention this is not a deal ukraine signed with russia. this deal consists of two separate deals. what was signed by ukraine with turkey and the brokers of the un. another was signed by russia,
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turkey, and the un parts our minister of infrastructure said this cynical callous missile strike. ukraine will still be prepared to start exporting grain because we understand fully we need to avert a global food crisis but hundreds of millions of people expected grain, sunflower oil and other agricultural products were. >> of course ukraine the breadbasket of europe. american lawmakers visiting call for ideas sending in some american assistance military planners to help, would that be helpful in your view? >> well, i think that would be helpful. and just so you know and our viewers know there are so many american citizens right now. just before i came on this program i met with three american citizens from colorado they had just returned from the front lines they have been
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delivered drones have been fundraising all around the world. american citizens are already in ukraine. if you train gets professional military advisers this will strengthen our military capability. mike: i am here in washington d.c. but what more do you need from the united states that we are five months into this war? >> well, first of i like to take this opportunity to thank every individual american citizen for your support so far. i like to thank the u.s. for the bipartisan support and the initiatives in terms of the military assistance ukraine. we have received already a lot. we have received one or 55 howitzers if certain number of heimer systems but of course this is over two and half thousand kilometer frontline. we need more heavy artillery. we need more missiles they would have 300-kilometer range. i would also like to stress and we are very thankful to the u.s.
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congress for beginning to consider the bill and allocating 100 million u.s. dollars for the pilot training program. some think we very badly need and require. i can assure you ukrainian pilots are ready to start the training already tomorrow. mike: were nearly out of time i want to play clipper mute russian foreign minister and i went to give you a chance to respond. >> we do not have any prejudice about resuming negotiations on a wide range of issues. with the matter does not depend on us. ukrainian authorities from the president, to his innumerable advisors constantly say there'll be no negotiations until ukraine defeats russia on the battlefield. >> how do you respond? >> i respond this is indeed a war that will be have to be one on the battlefield. this is why we are asking our international partners to support with more weaponry. russia cannot be trusted. note negotiation with russia are
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possible. and for us of course the priority number one is complete the occupation of ukrainian territories per this is something russia will never do. will have to defeat them on the battlefield for. >> advisor to the accrediting defense minister, thank you for your time. stay healthy sir. >> thank you very much. mike: california governor gavin did some sense into bill grant citizens the ability to sue manufacturers and sellers of ghost guns and band high-powered weapons. setting the stage for a fight at the supreme court. christina coleman is alive from gun rights advocates, executive director of gun owners of californian organization with more than 3000 members statewide tells me this law will likely be challenged at the supreme court level. and he strongly believes governor newsom and the state of california will lose. >> we are very confident in
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newsom will be defeated. and what he isn't doing is showing the rest of america where he stands on the constitution and the rule of law. they are basically of flipping the finger to the united states supreme court. >> the new gun law allows private individuals to sue anyone who makes, sells, imports or disturbance illegal guns in california. democrats say it's modeled after the texas law that allows private citizens to take legal action against abortion providers. gun rights advocates say california's law is based off of flawed logic. >> that is like saying if we got in an accident and a drunk driver hit us the fact the drunk driver was driving a ford you can sue ford. >> despite swift criticism, governor gavin newsom a coalition of democrats argue they are using the legal framework used in texas to prevent gun violence.
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>> if they are going to use texas and greg abbott and the republican leadership, they are going to use this framework to put women's lives at risk. we are going to use it to save people's lives here in the state of california. i hope other democratic governors all across america take notice. i hope they take this example and move forward as well. we need to get these guns off the streets. >> under california's new gun law, a court can order 10,000 dollars in damages for each weapon used in an alleged violation for it as of now the slot is set to go into effect in january. >> i heard that, king newsom reference in regards to california governor very interesting, christina coleman thanks a lot. new york beachgoers on high alert after a string of shark encounters. more on that after the break.
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grabs if you see a shark could keep your eyes on it. creditors usually will not attack things that are watching them. keep your eye on the shark but if it is a big one especially i would get out of the water slowly, keeping your eye on it. >> remember that, i on the shark. marina offering sage advice on "fox news live" as a string of shark attacks and signs on the east coast scare summers away from the beach. alexis joints is me live from the iconic rockaway beach was become the latest stretch of ocean to close because of shark concerns, hello alexis. >> hey it might keep your i on the shark is his advice but here people were just getting out of the water it yesterday thereto shark sightings here. this is the third time in a month here at rockaway beach then to close the beach down to two shark sightings. the people we talk to hear new yorkers and local say it's really not that scared, listen. >> sharks are hungry they got to eat something.
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i am not concerned about as long as there are lifeguards out there and they let people know to come out of the water. not an issue with me. next yesterday at new york city parks department temporarily close this beach down. no swimmers allowed in the water after several shark sightings with the beach back open today by the closure came on one of the hottest days this summer for this weekend thousands of new yorkers hit the beach during the ongoing heatwave. local say even with the shark sightings it is just too hot to not get in the water. >> might wife is worried. i told her if i see them i will not go in for yet if i don't see them it is super hot i'm going to go in. >> so far this year they have been at least 25 shark attacks sites in the united states are going to track for long island clocking in at least six attacks so far this summer. california had two that brings us to this viral video from california which was taken by a shark tagger out in catalina island read that you can see the sharks swim up and bite down on
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a line with a fish head on it. he was he the shark coming in and out of the water for the men struggling to pull the rope. bops the shark right on the nose as it dips in and of the ocean every becker new york the parks department they understand some swimmers may still be a little nervous, a little scared seeing the sharks in the ocean is a sign of conservation efforts that are working for a healthy environment, micro- >> do not want to run into that shark in catalina island, that was a big shark. >> a big operate on the nose. >> alexis mcadams live at the beach, alexis thanks very much. for suspected gang members in atlanta are now in custody in connection with a string of home invasions targeting high profile celebrities. more on that coming up. ♪ discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish]
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it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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suspected gang there's been a resident with a string of celebrity home invasions in the atlanta area after a year-long investigation. charles watson has more on this, hello charles. >> hey good afternoon, mike. those arrests happened about 15 miles north of the city of atlanta and sandy springs, georgia buried police say those
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arrests were part of a year-long investigation of a criminal organization that has targeted the homes of celebrities, athletes and high profiled public figures for the sandy springs police department released this a body camera footage of officers with their guns drawn as they arrest four of the alleged gang members last week. police said they received some information, decided to conduct surveillance for that's when they said the suspect attempted to break in, allegedly the home of a woman who shares a child with the wrap superstar, future. >> based up the intelligence that we had, we thought they might be in that area again and we are fortunate. that night they decided to come to us. and we were able to make for a respite. >> so police say the four who were arrested and other alleged gang members are suspected in at least 15 home invasions in the area. including a break-in earlier this month were a resident was shopping the gang allegedly use social media to track their victims. please say atlanta falcons and united players are among those
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that were targeted. at real housewives of atlanta star marlo hampton tells her fox issued in atlanta she had a run it with the suspects earlier this month. >> i looked and went and had a gun, they kicked in the door and i screamed. they were not thinking anyone was home for they took off running. they were like oh shoot never mind. >> might, police tell us they expect more arrests in connection to those targeted home invasions, back to you progress charles watson live in atlanta, charles many thanks. that is all for this hour of "fox news live". fox news sunday anchoring this week is up next. i am mike and manuel. thanks for watching, have an awesome day ♪♪ i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates,
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president biden in isolation for covid derailing plans for a busy traveling schedule to push his domestic agenda. the math the president works from home as the white house faces questions over how he got sick. >> we knew this was going to happen. >> we ask the coordinator about the recovery ahead. then, the january 6 committee lays out its case about what president donald trump did and did not do as
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