tv Hannity FOX News July 25, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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he has back and play. shirtless on another camel. we will be keeping track of eric swalwell's international travels we have the data. were out of time. we will be back tomorrow have the best night with the ones that you love. still a great country and sean hannity is next. in fact he is right now. [laughs] >> hannity: welcome to "hannity" tonight a disturbing security alert china buying up massive amounts of american land and cattle ranches right here in the continental united states often very close in the military installations. you won't believe how many hundreds of thousands of acres they are now owning the leading people republic of china that is straight ahead. also buckle up because a full-blown recession is near you
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we might find out as early as thursday. we're gonna show you more importantly how to white house is trying to play a game of smoke and mirrors and they want to change the very definition of the word recession sort of like the new recession, inflation is transitory live. also tonight take a look your screen this is pretty unbelievable. a bishop robbed at gunpoint right there in the middle of a church service. we have the entire video coming up. first tonight we begin in the washington squad. it joe biden it continues to from covid-19 thankfully we don't want anybody sick of this program we wish him well. so far his schedule as primus remained kind of normal for him which is to say he does little to nothing. no president in modern american history has worked less in your present joe biden. he rarely appears in public he almost never conducts sitdown interviews or press conferences. frequently the daily briefing is the only thing on a schedule and then to make matters worse
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whoever is running the white house while joe biden is napping is doing a pretty terrible job. now by every metric that we possibly have americans are far worse off under joe biden than they were under president donald trump. it is so bad now that most democrats in the media mob there no jumping ship they are all desperately looking for alternatives. which brings us to our big topic tonight. look at the polls, they speak for themselves. "the new york times" 64% of democrats they want somebody else on the ticket in 2024. his approval rating according to -- is 31%. an opinion piece over the weekend by "the washington post" following the footsteps of "the new york times" begging joe biden to step down after one term. quit joe, quit. have a drill joe drill. he could save the midterms with a one term pledge. the left-wing atlantic their publishing this article listing all the reasons joe biden should not run for a second term.
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chief among them he's too old for the next election. one interesting new development late-night comedians have pretty much given joe biden a pass even when he was on jimmy kimmel he stammering and stuttering and doesn't know what to say next. and kimmel is there to bail him out, but now the starting to make fun of joe biden. that is assigned to pay attention to. listen to this awkward moment when a reporter asked democratic cori bush if he should run for a second term take a look. >> do you want to see him run for second term? >> that's an easy question do you want to see him with mark >> i don't answer that. i don't want to answer that question. he is the president he is the right to run for a second term absolutely. i'd rather you not do that. you know. >> hannity: that raises the question fed if not joe biden then who? when we go out on a limb tonight
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i'm to a production. bernie sanders will be too old. the bernie's credit cognitively he is the same bernie sanders communist socialist that is always been he is so sharp with a lot of passion. his time simply has unfortunately for him past. elizabeth warren has too much baggage and frankly she comes off as very unlikable. no one on earth really thinks that small town mayor pete buttigieg is out for the job and then of course vice president kamala harris who doesn't really seem to have a firm grasp on any issue over the weekend, love proclaimed women getting pregnant is a real problem in america. she said it take a look. >> vice president harris: there might be litigation but we will be in a much better position than to not do that. listen women are getting pregnant every day in america. this is a real issue and we have to act with a sense of taste. about what is at play, what is
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at stake and codifying roe v. wade will be an important moment in terms of putting back in place protections for the folks who are at risk. because of what the court did just weeks ago. >> hannity: it's no surprise that she is pulling worse. possible 2024 candidates here's the big prediction one person now is emerging as a democratic party and media mob darling. that guy right there. allow me to introduce you to california's gavin newsom. he might be the single worst governor in the entire country, but since he's not a hundred years old he can read a teleprompter. he likes to fight a little bit, he's little bit more interesting you can even say that he is a central casting liberal socialist democrat. he is now mark my words and this will come to pass. he is now the left-wing and
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media mob's new start. right on cue gavin recently took a trip to the white house. joe wasn't there she was there to measure the drapes. and mark my words with each passing day the left, the media mob organ and al begin to do their best to make him the second coming of the anointed one himself barack obama. members of the press are already worshiping the ground that gavin newsom walks on and protecting his fragile image at all costs and tonight gavin newsom has already began campaigning. recently he purchased a full-page ad and a lot of local texas newspapers and commercial airtime. by the way on the fox news channel in florida his message is moved to california we still believe in freedom. that's got to be a joke because california is probably the least a free state in the entire country. just to get things started as long as now the worship of gavin newsom the building up of gavin newsom has begun.
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since 2020 california has been pretty much completely shut down three separate times. now the states residents were literally prohibited from leaving their homes unless it was absolutely essential i think work is kind of essential. this violated the first amendment shut down churches, he barred californians for meeting at local restaurants even outdoors. he was mandating masked indoors and outdoors and mandating vaccines. worst of all he close the state's public schools and forced all kids of all ages, all abilities to mobile learning. of course like any good radical socialist authoritarian none of those rules ever applied to king gavin newsom was during the height of covid you might recall when restaurants across the state were shutting down and people weren't allowed to go to them gavin newsom you could see their pictures right there was enjoying a large dinner party indoors at one of the most expensive restaurants in the state on a single mask insight
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and zero social distancing when millions of kids were struggling in california with the state-mandated remote learning will gavin newsom's children they enjoyed every day in person learning an expensive private school. during california's months, and months of mask mandates gavin newsom look right there was frequently pictured in large crowds without any mask and of course you can see a nice grin. right out of central casting to want to leftist socialist authoritarian it's him not magic johnson. the hypocrisy doesn't end there. gavin newsom band official travel to 22 different states because of political differences, but guess again. the rules don't apply to him or his family. the governor recently enjoyed a vacation the band red state of montana. that's authoritarian right? you can't travel to montana. only i can. some forget about his war on your site commitment rights he just signed a law encouraging
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californians to sue gun makers and gun dealers allowing them to collect 10,000 taxpayer dollars plus legal fees if their k-6 successful. then to make matters worse california is one of the highest taxed and regulated states by far in the country only rivaling new york for example the regulation surviving long-haul truckers have now led a because that's going in this country in terms of keeping the ongoing supply chain crisis alive and well. in fact many of the truckers are now on strike outside of major california ports because of a new law that prohibits them from filing as independent contractors. while they're on their own rate they should be able to. other restrictions and taxes surrounding businesses, real estate development are driving up costs everywhere. it is now made california totally unlivable. as a result americans are fleeing california in droves. california is now one of only a
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few states in the country that is declined and population. as a matter of fact what gavin newsom was governor he decline in population for first time in over 170 years. businesses are also fleeing. nearly 300 major corporations never mind small businesses. they have left the state since 2020 alone. texas, florida they're both booming both states are growing in population. both states are searching economically. for example californians on employment rate is nearly doubled out of florida. that's not all the education rates with greater proficiencies math, science, reading is much better in florida than california. meanwhile the cost own at home in is much lower, violent crime is also much lower in florida versus california. by the way it's not a sanctuary state of florida the weight is in california. so was the state's budget, get this.
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florida collects zero income tax whereas california income tax can be as high as 13% of that to the 40% income tax rate so how does california spend all of that tax revenue? much of it is allocated to entitlements including free health care, other state-funded benefits, many for millions of illegal immigrants will begin at sanctuary state california. so gavin newsom as governor as a matter of policy is like jill biden meeting in them biting lawbreakers in evening preferential treatment to lawbreakers. now sadly california has all the potential. i lived in santa barbara when i had no money in the 80s. it could be one of the most amazing places to live, the weather, the view was incredible. if not for the sleazy left-wing politicians like that guy from central casting gavin newsom. the media mob and democrats will now galvanize around. if he becomes the democratic nominee in 2024 i think you will lose, but only if republicans
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put forward a simple america first make america great again agenda. criticisms of democrats is warranted it's important. republicans pledge to do and then do and spelling out their vision is way more important. when he agenda for every republican is simple. it would include making america energy independent as it was under donald trump again. restoring law and order in every city, peace through strength overall the biggest meanest, that military on face the earth. free and fair trade, draining the swamp, election integrity, parental choice. putting regulations, lowering taxes and securing our border. a some forget the protection of natural rights. god-given rights. constitutional rights and freedoms to summon a gavin newsom seems to know nothing about. here with more author of the number one "new york times" best seller here is the deal former senior counsel the president trump kellyanne conway. am i wrong?
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is he can be the new anointed one? i would bet a lot of money that i'm correct. >> sean i sure hope so. the only difference between him and joe biden and gavin newsom is that he could do a full 30 minutes on the palatine bike. retired about border versus a surfboard or policy is the same. you're both socialists. they both don't like dealing with kamala harris. i think the age difference is irrelevant when you talk about the policy similarities. everything woke joe biden is trying to do in washington, d.c., with democratic rule, gavin newsom has ever tried to do or has succeeded in doing and awoke one party democratic rule in california. what is his greatest export? he is against oil and gas. is against fracking in california. he of course open hollywood before you opened your children's schools in california. you pointed out quite cogently
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all the hypocrisy and the hubris that is marked his career by the way sean people snow all across the country gavin newsom selected career started in 2004. here's a guy who's been in public office taxpayers even funny for everything you see that he has. for 18 years. and i in a run for president. i also think this is a bit of a slap to kamala harris who is the highest-ranking californian in the country in the local government of course. is there was a slap in andrew cuomo because he was sort of the governor of new york until he resigned in disgrace and i you have gavin newsom. what i think is fascinating sean is the as the gavin newsom is running in texas. he literally starts out with our creators gave us life. i'm sure that a lot of people out there.
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notice how gavin newsom does not yet have the courage to go out and run these ads in so-called blue states for the democratic governors. like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. a theater purple states. the altu have democratic governors. he is trying to raise his profile and raise some money to raise a lot of hackles off the backs of successful republican governors like texas. >> hannity: who else do they have? think about it. it's not kamala harris, it's not joe biden, so they are the top three. cooley toon troop? i'm predicting that they will turn to him. do you think he's got the odds? what? >> the odds are right that he will be in the mix because he will say i'm a chief executive and a governor ivey been part of this functional washington swamp
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with one party rule for absolutely nothing got done. here's the difference i think that he is a governor. when you are governor sean or chief executive if the owner and eat all of your policies whether your joe biden washington gavin newsom and california. your center like amy klobuchar who didn't come off as minnesota nice to be a woman who can actually speak well, kamala harris cannot. yes you can probably say i tried. >> hannity: will put down a marker you say it might not be him i think the odds are that he is the heavy favorite right now but time will tell. congrats by the way on the book. >> that's great let's run against them. >> hannity: doesn't worry me one bit. america wants gavin newsom then america wants failure because that's what california has done it's failed. showing us how the author of the brand-new book everyone reminds me of something adam corolla. write your own california you've
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a pretty good perspective on what's going on nationally. is it a good bet that he's gonna run and be the democratic nominee who else do they have? >> here's how you know that gavin newsom is running for president. he says that is not can run for president and he lies about everything. that's how you know. if he says that he was running for president and you know wasn't running for president maybe he just went to florida to cut that add so we can get one u-haul truck coming from florida back to california instead of the other direction. >> hannity: if you take the l.a. san francisco u-haul. you take it to texas. you pay around $2,000 somewhere around there i guess it's a higher price of gas a might be more. but if you take it back from texas to california you doing u-haul a favor. you can get it for 400 bucks the other way. does not speak volumes?
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>> that's all you need to know and what gavin newsom is basically saying he has her own california it's basically like he is saying i managed to chick-fil-a and burbank the chicken sandwiches are twice as much we've been shut down but i hope to three times. event 3 fires, now i would like to manage all of the chick-fil-a's throughout the nation. >> hannity: it seems the mob and the media i think that they be happy with anyone if donald trump runs want gavin newsom versus drum. of ron desantis he would run. they would love gavin newsom. they don't pay a penny in income tax in florida you pay 13% under state income tax out there? >> 13 plus it's like almost 14% and he's talking about raising it some more and for that were
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told were to have rolling brownouts. we can use our appliances during peak hours. you can't hose down the driveway or wash the car because were out of water and we can put out the fires because we don't manage the forest and after all this we have no power grid and he screamed about having a leak electric fleet by -- >> hannity: how are you gonna charge electric vehicle they're forcing you to buy. congratulations on the new book we thank you for being with us. we come back this is truly alarming there's no information tonight saying that chinese investors they are spending billions, and billions of dollars on american farms. cattle ranches, and many of these locations are right near military installations. sara carter will weigh in next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: joe biden backing down to china trying to appease our number one g.o.p. political foe. this includes a largely under a po boarded story about major chinese companies buying massive amounts of american land, farms, cattle ranches coming here with much more is sara carter. not only are they buying it a lot of the land is next to military installations. that should concern every american because i doubt were allowed to buy land in china are we? >> no we cannot sean and it should concern every american and that's what the federal government has continuing and ongoing investigation into what is been massive land grabs by the chinese government through chinese firms. it chinese firms connected to the chinese communists country
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by getting land in united states just to give you some perspective in 2019 sean the u.s. to permit a factor of agriculture said that the chinese government on about a hundred and 92,000 acres of land in the united states. over the past 12 months leading up to march the 12 months leading up to this march. the chinese government has actually purchased $6.1 billion worth of land. most of the land is very close to sensitive u.s. military installations. for example in 2021, hundred and 30,000 acres of land was purchased right here in del rio, texas, along the u.s.-mexico border by a former chinese military official. that land is very close to laughlin airbase, and actually surrounds that sensitive airbase and a member border is also highly national security concern for the united states has tons of fenton all most of which those precursor drugs are coming through china being mixed in
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mexico and then shift into united states have led to the depths of more than a hundred thousand americans over the last year. another major issue is north dakota. it would seem 300 acres being purchased in north dakota. your other sensitive u.s. military installations that has drones. the biggest one sean the one that everyone is talking about right now is huawei purchased a significant amount of land in montana it was near our nuclear arsenal and reign of the federal government is actually conducting an investigation to see whether those huawei cell towers were intercepting and could block our communications with our nuclear silos. this is very concerning i spoke with u.s. intelligence as well as foreign intelligence officials about this and they say that they have been sounding alarm for quite some time and they are very concerned that already might be too late. >> you will have a report with them tomorrow will have a part two of this report thank you.
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>> hannity: we have about him soft on china stance. he gave china oil at this point were paying highest amount we have repaid for gallon of gasoline. he is now selling what? 5 billion barrels of aral oil tumor strategic energy oil reserves. he is suspending tariffs on chinese solar panels. a trump era panel chinese espionage. of course we do know it's on hunter outrage doing business with china despite zero experience, no qualifications and also developing tonight something that we all need to pay attention to. i want now holding air raid drills after china issued more warnings against an upcoming visit by speaker nancy pelosi. why is joe biden continuing to buckle under pressure from china they made their ambitions the so-called ramifications very clear. we note the threat is going for
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example. joint chiefs of staff chairman of the joint chiefs mark milley. they said beijing's military aggression now has grown significantly over the past five years. and joe biden stance appear to be getting softer and softer. he wants to lift tariffs off of china as well. the question i have is how compromise is a joe biden family syndicate? how connected is this to all the businesses that hunter did in china? do they have compromise materials on hunter biden for example when he was a seemingly addicted to. does the time he was doing business with china emmett chinese government and chinese government. i think is most important book to date is called the feeding big government socialism, bookstores everywhere. at 4:00 p.m. eastern he will be doing a book signing fox tell books.
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let's look at why we are allowing this to happen. now from the farmer standpoints the paying 400% more for fertilizer and seed is costing twice what it cost last year periods they are struggling as it is. income someone with a truck load of cash that was a paid premium for the land i don't blame them for selling or cattle for selling. i do believe our government for allowing it to happen. what are your thoughts? >> look we clearly have a very sophisticated chinese economic warfare in which they are buying up access to be able to surround americare in american military facilities in a way that in a war could become just devastating. it's very clear and this is across the board. it chinese corporations are allowed to break the rules americans have to follow. the chinese are routinely subsidizing and bribing
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professors and researchers is no question or waging a software against united states across almost every front and at the same time there trying to intimidate us and of course with a weak and confused joe biden administration intimidation is all too easy. which is why i called for nancy pelosi to keep her on a proposal go to taiwan take a bipartisan congressional delegation and look right in the face the chinese communists and say you are not going to intimidate the united states. >> hannity: when you look at the waiver that joe biden gave vladimir putin simultaneously and in the keystone xl pipeline if i was finished would be getting 900,000 barrels of canadian oil every single day. at the same time give a break to russia. now there are no lift tariffs all the benefits were given to
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china china is now threatening the united states of nancy pelosi makes a visit to our allied taiwan and morgan list of them? >> i think you have to start with the idea of a joe biden administration is the most anti-american administration history and the functional terms of what they do. they go to saudi arabia but i will go to texas. they will ship american oil to talk china which does nothing to help the americans by the way that hunter biden did business with. the given to the chinese on everything. the fact is this is an administration and the state department and the woke defense department and the white house itself in the department of homeland security over and over again the summing will hurt americans therefore it summing will help america they are against it. it's the most amazing thing i've
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ever seen they have no historic precedent that this kind of active continuous anti-american behavior. >> hannity: neglect my opening monologue because this goes to the heartier book. it's one thing to go against what the democrats are doing economic policy, foreign policy, that's one thing. i laid out a list of things republicans not even republicans to keep talking about a new american majority i kind of transcends republican and democrat governance that works. we'll call it that for example law and order in every town and city. secure borders choice in education. less regulation simple basic fundamental principles that will work for everybody that were working for someone until 18 months ago. how do republicans best articulate that if they want to maximize their chances in the november midterms because never underestimate the republican
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party's ability to screw things up. >> i think kevin mccarthy clearly has a leader in the house and the speaker the house. they are committed to a commitment to america that will be about specifics. my hope is that mitch mcconnell will decide to parallel it may be in some uniquely different ways for the senate, but nonetheless have a senate commitment to america is similar. the point is pretty simple and you're right on target. we can offer little things like not getting murdered. having access to enough infant formula. have a gasoline you can afford. being able to be able to afford the food used to buy. knowing that your border was controlled. there are a lot of prepractical everyday things that the american majority project which you see in american majority we asked a simple question. do you think that we need to restore the america that works? there's 87% of the country who
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believe that this is working. some liberal or conservative it's stupid. it's not working and needs to be replaced and we need to beat the very idea is not the people. but the very ideas that are failing america. >> hannity: i will tell you this to book you put out feeding big government socialism is a must read before the election and gives candidates a particular ideas that will help meet a winning platform for this coming midterms. mr. speaker thank you we appreciate you being with us when when we come back the white house racing horrific economic news all week long. we will tell you what numbers will be coming in, what day they will be coming in on, and now they want to change the definition of what a recession is probably because they expect we will officially be in one as of thursday. straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: the feeling joe biden white house is already doing damage control tonight actually trying to rewrite the definition of a recession now this is ahead of this week's gdp report which very well may show a beast according to the atlanta fed that gdp declines now in the last two quarters which by its very definition would be two quarters of negative growth that is a recession. they are retreating toward games and word forcing as a way of trying to convince you that the historical definition of a recession is no longer the definition of a recession. take a look. >> it sounds like you are anticipating what will be comments from saying the two quarters of negative growth in a row that is a recession. >> and certainly in terms of the technical definition is not a recession the technical definition is a much broader spectrum of data points.
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in practical terms what matters to the american people is whether they have a little economic breathing room. >> the labor market is now extremely strong. this is not an economy that's in a recession. >> hannity: and inflation thing was transitory and then joe biden said inflation has peaked in december. never member the federal reserve they made this week also that's gonna be on tuesday will be expect maybe perhaps .75 increase on interest rates or maybe a full interest point. that's can it increase home sales. let me tell you how this works. the first thing that's gonna happen and it will affect many americans, new home construction will come to a screeching halt wide with higher interest rates that means fewer people are to be buying new homes because they can afford the premium interest rate that there can have to pay on any new home they buy. the next to be impacted after that will be the sales of pre-existing homes that will an
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end whose want to give up their what question 2.5, 3.5, 3.75 fixed mortgage for a 7% mortgage over 30 years? not many people. there to stay where they are. joe biden he doesn't think were in a recession will see if he's right or the atlanta fed are right by thursday take a look. >> were getting gdp numbers on thursday how worried should americans be that we could be in a recession? >> president biden: organ were not to be in a recession in my view. the employment rate is one of the lowest we've had in the history 3.6 area. we still find ourselves in people investing. my hope is is that we go from this rapid growth to a steady growth. we'll see some coming down but i don't think god willing i think were gonna see a recession. >> hannity: the consumer price index is now a 9.1% december
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joe biden said that it peaked at 7%. so he has been wrong the entire time the beginning he said was transitory. once again joe biden appears to be disconnected from the day-to-day struggles of hardworking americans. two-thirds of home are living paycheck to paycheck. new report from "the wall street journal" lays out how the middle class is getting squeezed as expenses grow as investment declines. they is now reporting around half of older americans can even afford basic everyday expenses. despite these massive economic warning signs joe biden, the democrats continue to double down on stupid, and that means double down on the far left climate cold alarmist agenda which says that okay we won't produce energy the lifeblood of the world economy here. we will beg russia, iran, venezuela, and opec to perform produce it for us. somehow that would cleaner faster and cheaper. it would be much better the permit producer domestically.
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they will not unleash the power of american oil and gas sector, coal sector and continue to amplify the historic hysteria of the extreme climate cold activists that run their party. for example that group called the tire extinguishers that we told you about they've now announced plans to destroy property and more cities like new york and chicago, slashing tires of suvs in the city streets all the name of climate change. where's the outrage from democrats over the blatant criminal behavior? by the way if you are so interested in carbon footprints may be joe biden can ground the 1,000 plane feet fleet that he has with helicopters and it gets worse because al gore is actually now comparing any opponents to his far left climate radicalism to police officers in the of all the school shooting pretty despicable even by his standards take a look. >> i think it's time for us all the step up. the climate deniers are really
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in some ways similar to all of those almost 400 law enforcement officers in uvalde, texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred. they heard the screams, gunshots, nobody step forward. >> hannity: with reaction former trump treasury official along with fox business contributor phil. two consecutive quarters of negative growth equals a recession. did i miss something? did they change the definition or are they trying to change the definition because they believe probably the prediction that the atlanta fed is dead on accurate. >> while like every good dictatorship this crew is trying to manipulate the language in order to manipulate public perception away from what is actually happening. so sean they are trying to change the definition of recession with that they try to
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change the definition of vaccine, women, secure border, and mostly peaceful. this kind of language manipulation is very, very much on point for this kind of regime. because if he can do that you can control the language if he could control the language you can control the narrative and then you can control perception and behavior. look, we are in very difficult and economic strains. this is a direct result of what president joe biden and unified democratic control and congress in washington has given us. president donald trump delivered a very strong in fact robust economic recovery from any president on record. over the last year and a half we have seen when joe biden and the democrats have done to it. they have torpedoed it on purpose. you are witnessing intentional destruction of the u.s. economy. if they had any sense, any common sense you would've seen a course correction. you haven't. so they fully intend to stick to
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this economic agenda which is destroying the middle class, destroying the working class and the poor and those of the grooves of the democrats profess to champion the most. >> hannity: and the elderly as we just pointed out. the biggest problem that i see that they have is that every time everybody goes to flip the tank they are now paying twice for the paid when donald trump was president. every store they go to the are paying more everything they buy. that is directly related to the economic and energy policies of joe biden. whether he likes it or not or it's a full on recession by definition are not, they are gonna get the blame that the richly deserve will they not? >> they deserve it. this is an administration that since the beginning spends their time making excuses for their failures whether it's of course when gasoline prices come down from all-time highs
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they want to go out and put out a press release saying look how wonderful we are. redefining the recession thing it's kind like me i want to redefine my diet the same way. i don't want to change my diet. i don't want to exercise. this can change the scale i went away myself from disk to lower it to the new number and should be better. so many fixes. i think we solved it. maybe they're onto something here. listen bottom line here is your absolutely right. everything that monica said is right on target. this administration, every move that they have made and listen. the grant sequent and low inflation for donald trump those years was his energy policy. they'll realize the impact that the u.s. energy producer had on the world and keeping them in check, keeping russia and check, we were a big producer we sent a message to the world basically saying hey you better not mess
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with us we are going to control your energy sector. energy is power. >> hannity: artificially they reduce the world supply is still remains in spite of the great hopes the lifeblood of the world economy and now we are begging them for all of our needed energy when we have an under our feet. all right thank thank you both. straight-ahead prime liberal cities is getting much worse. now to attacks on camera in new york city this weekend we have the tape that straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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seen this ad? it's not paid for by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting
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reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. after my car accident, they wrote it for themselves. i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hannity: more new york city crime look your screen new york city bishop robbed of almost $1 million worth of
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jewels during a sermon while it was streamed live and so far no arrests have been made and thus not all. take a look at this video from over the weekend a 16-year-old male punching an nypd officer after the officer confronted him after allegedly dropping a turnstile into the subway the suspect has previous arrests for possession of a loaded gun and robbery. they have been released with no bail on their own recognizance. he with reaction the oh 2.0 will start with you. on his own recognizance or you let that guy out punching the out of cops? had a gun violation may be of his me i was a bishop have a million dollars with the jules always doing a service question right is a lot of money up there. [laughs] >> maybe before he went into the bishop done he had made a lot of money with the stock market when it's going up when donald trump was president who knows? i'd say this much right now sean this shouldn't surprise anybody
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who is attention what's going on all over the country but in particular new york give us assassination attempts and people are getting out on bail as soon after the assassination attempts. i was reading a story in the new york journal start focusing on baltimore analyzing the overall crime rate they found? the people who are committing murders a vast majority of them have already committed violent crimes and shouldn't have been on the street doesn't surprise anybody everyone knows this. we solve this problem in the 90s it requires two things. more police able to do their job and putting the violent criminals behind bars and keep them boom the crime rate plummets. it's a testament to joe biden's failures. >> hannity: he laid it out that's the whole argument right there. we do those things and we win the war against these criminals. it's not hard. >> sean i agree with everything but can you please show the video the 16-year-old black kid attacking a police officer who happens to be black. the anger of that kid he doesn't
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even care about being a police officer were a black lives matter? which life is more important here? only to look at this. this is an attack on a law enforcement officer black on black look at it. i want everyone to see this okay where's black lives matter? where's al sharpton? this outrageous. look at it. this is crazy. there's no respect for police officers in this country. don't play the race card look at this. it's crazy. >> hannity: this is madness that you are right about clay you of the answer you nailed it thank you both if we don't turn this around it just to get more, and more. more "hannity" after the break. ♪ ♪
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>> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us, thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity." for news, anytime, anyplace,,, and in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, i can hear laura -- i can hear her already. >> laura: you can hear me? i'm not speaking. i'm not even saying anything and i'm getting blamed. >> sean: that wasn't you? i thought it was you. happy monday, how are you? >> laura: i like the blue on blue combo, that's very fetching, i like that. >> sean: thank you. all right, i will lend you my tie anytime you want. >> laura: you've now hit your limit of complement for the week, no more for you. >> sean: i don't deserve any. >> laura: a looks great. we will pick up where you left off. a great show as always. i more income, this is "the ingraham angle." from a very busy washington tonight, how do you solve a problem like kamala? that's the focus of tonight angle.
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