tv Hannity FOX News July 26, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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she's patronizing blind people. kamala harris, play that tapes, again p and again and again and ask yourself, so the democratic party be required to nominate her in 2020 four? oh yeah.te have a great night. the ones you love, your sean hannity taking over c. all right. and tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity" tonight. we have extremely graphicea new video that reveals the verys real horrors, human trafficking. and it's happening every single day at our southern borderytyt. is a true nightmare that the biden administration is doing nothing to resolveoy real lives being destroyed. senator cruzed will be here with us. will showow us this videoo will respond to that. plus a bombshell new claim from a government whistleblower. oh, i thought the democratsst od whistleblowers detailing how a few high ranking federal a officials now attempted to cover up and downplay possibled crimes committed by theby president's son , hunter biden. we have thatnt full report tonight. and also tonight, a major a announcement from the vice
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. iident m m takes a look here, a tease and woman sitting at the table résumé. we're going to play the full cringeworthy remarks. that's coming upinge. but first, we begin with what top economists are calling a perfectre storm . and it's one for you of pain o and suffering todayf, the consumer confidence index declined for the third straight month. dexthe drop was even larger than expected driving these numbers. ninety one million of your fellow americans, adults who are nowca unable to afford everyday household expenses because of joe biden's inflation and his energy policies. all told, 40%nfla of americans e now having difficulty just paying their bills. now , this includes half of all senior citizens. they cannot affordf essential expenses. meanwhile, foreclosures, they're on the rise. new home sales, they have dropped to a twenty four month low motor vehicles. well, the repo man is back to being repossessed at anea alarming rate and ink the peak
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of summer, this is sad for kids i used to love an ice cream truck came by mr. softee, let's say good humor. even ice cream trucks are nowic being forced off the streets. ce they can't afford the insane price of diesel to run their truck. even retail giant wal-mart just warned investors that profits, t they're drying uphe and a slowdown is imminent. we're a in the middle of it. sadly, it's only going to get worse from here. buckle up. the fedan is expected to announe another major rate hike that should take place tomorrow. we expect seventy five basis the words three quarters of a full point interest rate increase, maybe a a full basis point. and on thursday, the second quarter gdp, two days from now, it's going to reveal whether or not officially the u.s. is in a recession. the atlanta fed, they areta predicting contraction in the second quarter of one point six percent. now, keep in mind this is important. it shouldn't be important, but it is important only because of the biden administration lying the historic barometer for
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our definition of a recession is two straight quarters ofs negative growth. last quarterer, the u.s. recordd one point six percent, minus one point six percent growth negative growth this quarter. the economy also expected to be in the red. now instead of making a course correction, facing the truth, facing reality that we're in a recession and focusing on changing failed policies to revive our economy, lift this burden of inflation at forty one year high , the record high gas prices ecwe're paying the biden administration, they're more interested in parsing word games.aying parar now, for two weeks, the white house has been trying towr rewrite the official definition of a recession into something very obscure and nebulous. and simply if you'reta charitable, you saybl they're spinning you. if you're a realist like i am, you'll say they're outright lying to us . t and then to make matters worse, they are now vowing thatwa the u.s. is definitely not
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headed towards a recession. joe bidenrd said this week, god willing, whatever that means today our very than peter doocy was on his game asking biden's very nervous looking economic adviser about this very shady approach to read , define what is a, well,d standard definition of a recession. can't a believe is it a recession? are you can you define whatoc a woman is ? the questions society is asking now every day. take a look a. he the president's economic advisers were telling a lastin year that inflation was goingg to be temporary. that's not true. now the president's economic advisers are saying there's noti going to be a recession. are you sure? well, letaree me just say this. we look at a range of data. we assess that data and wees lay it out for ourselves and for the president. but you don't have to take our our word on this. you know what? i'll stick with that part. w we are going to take your word w
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on this or pretty much anything else after the inflationoror is mere transitory. after that lie, after joe bident announced in december. oh, we've now reached the peak of inflation that was seven percent. and i want nine point one .ce the consumer price index. ny whyth would we trust anything that they're saying here? eys cois the cold, hard truth the administration won't tell you w you and your families need to know so you can prepare forre where we. are. we are in a time of stagflation barreling towards a full blown recession. ite will probably be deep. there will not be any type of soft landing, as they call it.g americans are now struggling toi payr their bills, fill up their gas tanks and even put t food on the table. inflation is at a forty one year high . the biden administration p is doing nothing to produce more energy, oil, gas, coal, reopen refineries or curtail government spending. nearly every single thing that caused inflation to spike in the first place is now still in place. now the administration can call
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lthis economic suffering pretty, much whatever they want, but it won't change. the direto reality is one top economist told bloomberg any prediction tol of a shallow downturn is totally delusional. take a lookl.. now the consensus view is becoming that hard landing is likely as opposed to a softe landing, but not people who say, well, be short, shallow, mild, plain vanilla, you know, garden variety. i beg to disagree. i think there are many reasonsns why we're going to havere a severe recession and a severe that and financial crisis. sot the idea this is going to a be shortnd, okay, it's totally delusional, by the way, roubini predicted the collapse in 08. w unfortunately, the biden white house, they're totally delusional right now. according to them, the environment hasio to been d because we're now importing oil from russia. iran's o saudi arabia, venezuel, opec, instead of producing it right here i at home, accordingi to them, trillions and trillions of dollars inilsp new spending. printing had nothing to do with inflation, according to biden. well, iacrdin he created a recod
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number of jobs when in reality we havelity yet to fully recover all the lost jobs from the covide shut down even biden's, you know, persona as middle class joe ispl completely delusional because under biden's radical climate cult inspired agenda, poor middlee class people on fixed incomes, especially those on fixed incomes, they are getting squeezed the most. they are suffering under these economic these policies, these energy policies . they are the oness that to are struggling to buy the gas. they arere the ones having a had time buying food, never mindoo food that they like. they've already made that adjustment. and now biden's only solution, let them eat cake, buy anio electric vehicle at sixty five grand. what are you goingn, to get thee sixty five grand here now with reaction is the founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, stephen moore, along with ohio congressmane jim jordan. the only surprise to me, jim jordan, is how quickly it happened. i predicted this would allll
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happen, but it's how fast things have have literally spiral downward and i don't seem that they're making any move to make any course correction at all how fast they got this bad and all the ridiculous things that the democrats say. you said it best. first, democrats can't define what a woman is now. they can't define whates a recession is . and here's the point, john . if it's not going to happen,to why do you have to redefine if we're not really going to have a recession, why do you care about the definition or changingitio the accepted definition? but the american people get it.f they they have less gas inhe their car, less money in their wallet. less and that's why we've talkedan about this many times. in that'sg why i think they're fixing to make a big change come thiss november. big change meeting the american people. you big, steve moore, look, you work with president trump independentsenn for the first time in seventy five years. we're nowe paying double the price for a gallon of gasoline. now justli think of it rather
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than make countries that hate our guts because every country i mentioned that we're trying to do deals with on energy,nerg they don't't really like us . they're hostile regimes, most of them instead of putting our national security at riskat with them. whyio don't we produce all of it domestically? why don't we create the high paying career jobs with it? whyy don't we lower the price at a pump that'll have a great impact on lowering inflation and then maybe we can evene produce enough natural gas of which we e have hundreds of yean worth of known supplies in ohio and pennsylvania. and ship it out to our our friends in nato and western europe and they won't't have to be relying on vladimir putin make him bankrupt int the process. how will we do that? well, what you just described is exactly what the trump energy strategy was when i usedd to talk to trump. i say, you know, look, if we produce our oil and gas and coal and nuclear power and all the resources that weul have, that wed could be energy independent and trump, you say, no, i want to be energy
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dominant and we became the energy dominant country. don't forgete you said this mano times on your show, but it'sw, worth repeating the month that donald trump left office in january . 2020 one . me exporter of oiln and gas and now, you know, it's it's embarrassing. it's pitifulss that our presidet has to go to saudi arabia, russia and other countries and beg them to b produce more oil and gas and so that even if you're a climate changes fanatic, as many of the democrats look, when wena produce more natural gas, we'reb actually reducing carbon emissions. we're cleaning up the environment. do you think that presidentoninr one minute, sean, cares aboutin climate change rightut now? there's a there's an article inl the financial times that ran this weekend that china is in the midst of building 30 new coal plants, that one of us the largest coal plants in w the world while we're shutting down our coal plants in west virginia, wyoming and pennsylvania, it makes no sense for the american economy or the american worker. okay, so they're not going to
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change course and they're going to cling to the climate alarmists, religion that they embrace so tightly. j be prettyim a foolish to expectro things to turn around on it on its own. right. so this is only going to go on longer and it's going to be deeper than ever. well, hopefully. but w we went back that majorit. we canwe we can put some of us e check, but we're not going toil get the kind of change we really need until we back in office and do the things that he did that steve just talked about. bouteven if joe biden had ano epiphany and wanted to do the right things, the left that controls his party won't let't him remember. he stood in front l of our troos and said the climate crisis is the biggest threat we face. that's how crazy these people are. and again, it's why i think the country, the people of this great country get it. there's a reasoner why nine , 10 of our fellow citizens thinke we're on the wrong track. they think that becauseck we are and they are going to make a change in my judgment, i would argue that general milley dealing with the threat of china, they're threatening the fact that nancy pelosi is going to taiwan. they're they're flying
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their fighter jets all over taiwan airspace. i think with general milli's dealing with this a little bit more imperative than whatate. joe biden is talking about with with climate change. all right. so you don'tl make the change which they're the base of their party, which is 90 percent of their party, they're not going to go for the change. ng whate. is the predictable result long term for the economy? how long does this last? how how much longerch will americans suffer? because the rigid climate cult religion? well,, it's hard to say, but h i do thinkar we are in a soft recession right now. i don't think there's any question about it. i don't carew.. what do we know thursday me when well, we know thursday fort sure. yeah, we'll know. we'll know. i mean, in terms of how long this is going to last, that's that's the real question. will this be a soft landing or will we have a crash landing as we had in the 70s and then suddenly, you know, biden's b numbers on the economy, john , are worse thanidid jimmy carters were on the economy. ca americans don't have any
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trust or any any thoughts that this president has the right c plan. wee could turn the economy around. i mean, look, if i sound frustrated, john , i am. and you know why? because if donald trump were w president today, we wouldn'ter be talking about a recession. you kidding me? we'd, w is talking about a boomn the economy. we wouldn't have shut down american and we'd be energyou dominant. we would. well, well, firstld, i don't think you would have invaded ukraine. and secondly, if he did a a, wew would be providing western europe with all their energy needs and we'dit be getting ric, not putin and iran and saudi arabia. that's why, you know, remember when trump used to say that our adversariesth are laughing behind our back? i mean, the two biggest winnersb of the biden agenda arevl vladimir putin and russiaad and president xi and china. i got too tell you this, shawn. you this.e when you watch what chinaic is doing with their energy policy and their pollutionyhe levels, i guarantee you the communists in china don't care about climate change.
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the only a person who believeshe that is john kerry. yeah. all tjohn kerry flying around in hs private jet, which i'm not againstg, by the way i'm all for. but i'm not lecturing people on their suvs anyway. and maybe if they're really committed to climated change, maybe they can get rid of their , you know, nearly 1000 fleet of jets and helicopters that all these cabinetia officials fly around it. allro right, congressman jordan, thank you. steve moore, thank you you. now we turn to a deeply disturbing report from our southern border tonight. now texas senator ted cruz is shining a light on what he is calling the narco slave trade. now viewer warning what youto were about to see kids inm, the room is incredibly graphic. three to one . these children come in in invest to vicious cartels. thousands and thousands ofho dollars. and the teenage boysus work for gangs and every city in america and the teenage girls
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experience a worse than that with far t too many of them humn trafficked into slavery. joe biden and kamala our response a for the worst plague of slavery in america since the civil war. all joining us now with more is texas senator ted cruz. senator , a while back on my radio show, i interviewed somebody that that secure the border, one of the agents. t and for 15 years followed the industry that literally comes b across the southern border. you've been now chroniclingav thise in real time, happening at a much, much more accelerated pace than in prior years.. you see? it is horrific. it is a human tragedy that is playing out on our southern border. so two weeks a ago i brought seven senators down to the southern border. i've been down there many, manyd times. it is the worst i've ever seen i
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it. we've hadt. over three million people cross illegally sincein joe biden became president. we went out. weme arrived thursday night.g first thingwa we did is we went out on midnight patrol with the patrol. you don't have to hunt fort illegal aliens f within minutes. you find them literally within minutes. the first group we t g found waste three teenagers. we found them within about fourn minutes of being out there. e aboutse five minutes later, we found the second group. the second group was g about a dozen people. it was almost all womenan and children. there werehi two little girls, both seven years old, both of them are unaccompanied minors.en they didn't have a parent.mi they don't havely a family member. they weren't sisters. sosoe they were unrelated. they were in this group of adults, the border patrol agents we were with , they showed us a patch of grass is about three hundred yards from where we were where two weeks earlier they had found two girls ages five and six , bothix of whom had been brutally right there by the drug cartelss . and they provided medical care to these girls who were g horribly injured by these
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violent criminals. this is happening every minute of every day. you cannot watch it. so on the banks of the rio grande, you see littered these these plastic wrist bracelets, virtually every illegal immigrant who crosses the border is wearingga a color coded plastic wrist bracelet. the color corresponds to how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartel. so you've got t to pay a cartel anywhere between three thousand and four for chinese illegal immigrants. they're paying as much as 50s or seventy thousand to come in illegally. and you have to pay the cartel. a hundred percent operational control of the border if you try to crossou on your own, the cartel will kill you. and what w happenshe when you cs over the border patrol isn'te, catching these people. they go look for the borderun patrol. they turn themselves in voluntarily. they have a name and address a ofat someone in the unitedd states and joe biden kamala harrisha, they are the last mile of the human trafficking
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network. so every city in america you might think i don't live in texas, i'm not in the border 'minstate t. i promise you, whatever city you're in, whatever state you're in, you were in a border state because joe biden is flying illegal immigrants to your state and the teenage boys show up. they oh, the mexican drug cartels, thousands of the way they pay it off is they work for the drug cartels. they're in the employ of these i criminal cartels and the girls have it worse. the girls horribly, many of them are trapped in slavery. and you know, shawn, think about it for a second. let's say you're a honduran little girl, you're fifteen years old, you're looking north. you're imaginingla life ine america. you're imagining life in freedom and you end upre your parents agree to payed the cartels and you you end up six months later working in a brothel, trapped where every day you're in w slavery trying to pay off your debt.
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and it's like an old schoolo plantation. they charge the girls for their food, for their room, for their board, forr their air conditioning. they charge them $40 to cut off an ankle bracelet. and every day, whatever money they make, they charge them t against and they're just trapped in . this is what joe biden and the democrats are doing. you cannot defend it. it's not humane. it's not compassionate. itit is horrific. and inhumane and evil. and any adult traveling ins a caravan that sees this happening with the cartels, their hands are tied. if they attempt to stop a , they will be murdered on the spot, correct? yes. r and i'll tell you something, the border patrol agents told me this time it's something i've never heard for atey the border. they described a phenomenon they're seeing nowow, which is what they call trees, which is the cartel take women over girls or women. and in the unitedic states , they violently them here and then they hang the girls of
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the women's underwear in the trees. trees wherere they have dozens of women's underwear hanging in them. t and it'so designed to be it's a trophy, but it's also taunting law enforcement. you can't stop me. and the maddening thing is we can't stop them. we knoww how to stop. this wasn't happening under donald trump. the reason thisrump is happenini is joe biden and kamala harris care more about the radicals d and the open border leftists than they do about protectingo the immigrants who are being murdered. look, we saw in san antonio a tractor trailer with fifty four people who died of heat exposure, children as youngg. thirteen fifty four murdered the body54 bags under joe bidenu are building upp over and over again. we sat down, sean, with ranchers and landowners. they showed me picture after picture of illegal aliensr they find on their property
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pregnant women that the cartelsm abandoned and and it's over and over and over again last year we had one hundred thousand over 100,000 drug overdoses, fentanyl flowing across the border. the body bags keep adding up.he and the maddening thing is joee biden and kamala harris and schumer and pelosi, they could stop this, but they don't want to because it's not in their political interests. they won't even show up. they won't go down and spend time to see for themselves. t they haven't beenhe there. i've been down to the border fifteen, fourteen, fifteen times whatever it said. what you're describing, senator , i hope peoplee here because americans are dyingos and those that are being tolde to come here are dying and they're being and men are being sold into slavery and this can be prevented just i by controlling the border. senator , thank youou for that. it's worth focusing for a second on why bidennd and harris won't go to
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the border because if biden went down to the border, the tv cameras would follow whatt they are counting on asun the corrupt corporate media refusing to tell people, look, your viewers know about the crisis at the border. if you watch cnn, if you're one of the six people in the country that watches cnn, if you watch msnbc or or the networks, you don't knows this is happening. they're counting on the corrupt corporatepe media to disappear it. and that's whyd th they won'ton go because't they want to hideef this. this is indefensible. if youen seee i t what they're . senator , thank you for that report. i hope people hear what you're saying, that evil is happening we come back .en tonight, breaking kamala harrise found out today she's a woman.e how do we know? shesh told us . u we'll discuss the vices. president's most recent odd remarks. pam bondi, lara trump, they'rene next as we continue for
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don't win 887 three one nine four six six vice president harris tonight at the center of mockery yet againb after this bizarreiz moment d during a white house meeting earlier todayurus with disabiliy activists where harris, alongis with attendees, they wente through their pronouns and describe what they were . aring take a look. good afternoon and welcome, ladies, for coming in. we have this very important discussion about some ofss the most pressing issues ofue our time. i am carmeli and i point out that she and her woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit, okay? ay and of course the day wouldn't be complete without yet another rambling word salad fromm your ever so articulate vice president. at least she's not giggling. take a look at that situation
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and the fact that the united states supreme court to take away a constitutional right that has been recognizedtitu bye people of america will impact a lot of people and differently in some situations. ne and weed need to be responsive o these issues and also lift up the voices of all people who will be impacted in the way that they will be impacted. well, of course, bizarre verbal blunders are the least of harris' troubles v as a new report lays out what we've been telling you from day one , which is that even democratst are not that impressed with the vice president according to a new w poll of a possible 20202 four democratic primary02 harris polls in sixth placece behind biden potholed mayor pete gavin newsom and others. and as i laid out on the program last night, you watch mark w my words is a prediction etched in stone.dgto it's going to be gavin and will be anointed the new anointed
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one and the next democratic party, a media mob darling here with reaction, former florida attorney general pam bondi, along with fox news contributor lara trump. n i don't k even know where to begin. so, laura , the first time ever was brought to my attention. i am a i am wearing a blue suit, okay is a friends of mine. m had a child go to brown university five years ago and it's orientation day and then they'd walk aroundsk the courtyard and would ask, how would youo like to be addressed? and i'm like, what? never quite heard about that before. i don't care iffre people feel the need that they want to be described a certain way. i respect their wishes but, butw doing it this wayit with all the problems this country hasli seems a little frivolous to me. yeah, i guess when you think that we've hit rock bottom, me kamala harris comess out and shows you that you can actually go lower there. there o is a lower rung to all f
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it. and you know,w, i think a lot of people have asked themselves, are we regressing? sean, as a society in america? well, here is the answer to that. question.ik sadly, it feels like yes, if you watch this video of kamala harris and i think it's justt totally insane, a lot of peoplee look atir this and totally roll their eyes because toec your point, sean, this is what the people in the white house are focusing on , pandering and pronouns. i mean, my goodness, you just had senator cruz on talking about the horrific crisis atde the southern border. there's the borders arer. rightd there. we have people dying every day at the southern border, people being sold like cattle, you know, into human trafficking. i it is a horrific situation. ho how about the fentanyl epidemici that is killing the youth ins america? kamala harris, it's supposed to be heading up the charge for all of that of obviously went dn to the border one time. forgetime. about the fact that f
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have forty year high inflation. forget about the high gaslaet a , forget about the embarrassment on the world stage and the failure there then thist is where our government is putting the effortin and it is really sad. and i'll tell you one thing, if i'm xi jinping of china and i'm looking to overtake america as the superpowerlo of the world and i see a video like this as absurd. this is from the vice presidents of the united states . man,m i am pretty sure that i'm on the fast track to overtaking america and sadly, sooner rather than later, you know, i guess this>> will all pn him in the election. we have a midterm coming up inom november. that'll be the first indicationn whether or notpe people are hapy with their policies. i don't see how they possiblylii could. i can't think of a single subject where they've been successful. now there's another level of this and that is they want to teach kids all of this. you know, sometimes doctors, ey they make a guess whether a babybb is a boy or girl. t that'syp the type of thing that
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we've been reading that schools want to teach kids in evens first grade for crying out loud. but yet they can't do reading, writing, math and scienceitin. r they don't know computers very well and we spend more per capita thannd any otherho industrialized country. how does that make sense? it doesn't shine. and look what they're putting in our textbooks. foundow, in florida, we they were putting inks our textbooks in elementary school math , critical race theory, gender orientation question. it was unbelievable in math books in my own state. so those books were removed from the state of florida. you know what laura said about what's going on and it's not going on . and just one or twotwo universitieses, it's in almostal every major liberal university in u this country. and i think kamala harris is just pandering to the left as far left as she could get kingo instead of focusingha on the important things that laura just talked about, you know,t abo with donald trump all afternoon when he gave his policy speech, america first
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policy institute, you know what she should be worried about? what's s ha happening right here. i'm in d.c. in her own backyard driving here tonight to the studio is president trump said there are tent cities everywhere. d.c. is ain different place than it was two years ago. she should be worried about homeless people regardless ofhe what their pronoun is . it's really unbelievable thatri this is happening in our world right now. our republican party, our slate of candidates for 2020 two. there's some of the most diverse we've ever had in this country. we'reotal talking about that. what we're talking aboutit is uniting our country because they're qualified and bringing people together, not having to identify what color blazer you're wearing that that's absurd to me. you know, we have the worst educational system, as ime mentioned, laura , and we paynt more than any otherus industrialized country. we have crime outtrtr of controo and every bigut blue state and every town , every city in this country defund no bells, w
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not working wide open borders. as you mentioned, ted cruz, gas prices record record high . forty one year, inflationil high . and we'll find out thursday if it's official if we're ino a recession, although they want to change the definition of a recessionf a, you would thinko they'd work on on literallyme salvaging the mess that they've made rather than focusing on pronounced? i mean, i think a lot of p people would heed that advice, but perhaps they've just given up at this point because as you just laid out, what have o the democrats contributed inut any way to americans that has been positive? i mean, they have completelyye destroyed this country on every front and by every metric . ssible so maybe this is all a distraction technique. hold these cozy little functions at the white houseal and talk about pronouns in ank effort t to distract americans from the reality of their everyday situation, which is dire for most people at thisf point.
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but i do want to remind people of one thing as bad as thes democrats have been and as competent and i think as republicans are heading into these midterms, we can never take anything for granted. we have to make sure that people get out and vote v and make sure you are voting for the right people know who you're voting for. allre the way down the ticket. we can leave nothing to chance last 30 seconds. laura's exactly right and is down ballot races that we talk about all the time. the district attorneysys, is the mayors, all of these local races are the ones that arery going to change our country as well as our congressional and senate a slate. r a and that's what's so important for our country right now. r rthe democrats are not focusa on this, that they're trying tos become as left and progressive as they possibly can be .ly and we're going to unite thise country. and i think everyone should listen to donald trump's speecho today from america first policy institute about the future of our country. all right, pam,nt thankry you.
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laura , thank you. p straight ahead, tonight, senator grassley saying whistleblowers have now come forward alleging tonsl the fbibi is actively trying to downplay any negative information about zero experience. hunter biden, senator ronac johnson is demanding accountability. he'll tell us all about it. that'scocol straight ahead. in our bathroom was very outdated. it uplift and just the shower alone made it look brand new . renew your bathroom with renewably, transform your old outdated bathtub into a beautiful walk in shower with local expertise and national support. renew what you can, install your custom shower system in as little as one day. it's our summer savings that say five hundred dollars on a new bathtub or shower. ask about six months same as cash and receive a one hundred dollar bed bath beyond a gift card with purchase. but call right now and a bonus will double your savings. save one thousand dollars a new
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according to grassley, histo letter to the fbi quote,y the allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there ind was a scheme in place among certain fbi officials to undermineff derogatory information connected to hunter bidene by falsely suggesting it was disinformation. , it was just the latest evidence of a two tiered justice system inside the fbi and this politicized department of justice and how theseio institutions are both politicized. and that's not all according a new report from the washington examiner, delaware police considered hunter biden the victim back int 2018 when his handgun was tossed near a grocery store by his sister in law. hali biden. no charges ever filed in a the incident, no chargeses connected to him lying on his gun application and tonight, wisconsin senator ron johnson has also sent a letter to the fbii director christopher wray, pressing the bureau for bibimore transparency and laying out more evidence to
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their efforts to underminethun the investigation in the hunter, biden and the biden family syndicatete. it was reaction reaction. wisconsin senator ron johnson, by the way, i have noticedy and many are taking note tens of millions of dollars from outside of wisconsin is flowing into your state to try to take you out. you've become the number one targetta for democrats in this election cycle. i don't knowecti that's an honoi distinction, but it's happening. is that true? sshait's over forty four million dollars so i far . so ron johnson for .com, i'm getting a lot of help if you want me to continue my investigations. yeah, i'm sure that everybody in wisconsin loves people outside of wisconsin telling them who to vote for. all right. this is importantdvo because if you go back to 2016, there was a big lie perpetrated. hillary clinton's bought and paid for dirty russiang ie dossier then becomes the basis of a fisa application. it's unverifiable. it's been debunked. four a separate warrants, never
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verified or verifiable. then in the lead up o to 2020 w election weeks before weee get this laptop from . now it's been verified and yet still the fbi and people in the media and the democratic party and all thesepa intel officials past and present. oh, no, no. this looks like russian disinformation. so they use russia in two electionsa in two different way to impact our elections. how many how manyou more timesha the democrats are going tot play that game and get away with it? oh, it's their playbook. let me first thank m the whistleblowerse for coming forward. we need a lot more whistleblowers inside the fbi, department of justice, the federal health agencies. if we're to restore credibilityr for these agencies, weed need to know the truth. and that's going to requireto whistleblowers. youow unfortunately, sean, i don't find this revelation shocking. it's outrageous. but, you know, there's so many things that are suspicious. you know, for example, senator grassley and i both receive briefings, we didn't request from the fbi.
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they were later leaked to "the washington post". but to smearak t us and discredt our our investigation, i'll never forget destructs texta. lisa page said that our systems are leaking like mad feeling scorned, worried and political. they're kicking into overdrive and now we're finding out foror these whistleblowers that the fbi actually had, you know, i don't know whatt you would call it, but individuals specifically taking derogatory information against hunter biden s downgrading it to end the investigations were were they responsible, talking to their intelligence sistersns of the fifty one intelligence officials that came forwardra and engaged their own information operation when they said that biden's laptop had all the earmarks ofhe a russian information operation. this is dirty. this is corrupt. we need answers. and christopher wray, attorney general merrick garland, these people have to come clean.
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us what i know this mayci need we mayal need special counsel on this one .unea well, i would agree with you, but why would we have any confidence in them? because you mentioned we can talk about comey. mccabe struck page and a wholer list of other people. nobody'se, ever held accountabl. and then time passes and they t move on . christopherve hasn't cleaned upf the he hasn't done is he hasn't lifted a finger to to takehe on the abuse of power that took place, the russian lie or the lies to the fisa court on four separate occasions. hasn't taken on any of the people that said biden's laptop was disinformation. he hasn't doneid anything to clean everything up. and asea far asn the departmentf justice, okay, what happened on january six was wrong. i i said it in real time. i said itsh that night on this show. i'll say again tonight, but so are the five hundred and seventy four riots in the summer of 2020. o thatf if i'm not mistaken, kamala harris defended and said beware, take note. b they won't stop. n
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otthey shouldn't stop. we're not going to stop and then promoted a bail fund for the rioters. how come that's not important. how come the people on videotape rioting and burning down businesses and policeand precincts, how coe those people haven't been held accountable? because we have highly partisan political actors h inside these federal agencies and that's why we need to get to the bottom oft this. this is why we need more whistleblowers coming forward, patriots that, actually appreciate their agencies want to seeeepa credibility, integrity restored, to them. the only way we're going to w restore that credibility is i don't trust christopher wray. remember, under his hisn' leadership, the fbi brief the senate intel committee innt march ofel twenty teams at the cdc had integrity, even though the fbi knew was russian disinformation. he's the one whohe wasre there o while this operation was apparently set up. he's the one that potentially directed the briefing to senator grassley. and either way, that was i w thn leaked and then used to smear
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us . so i don't trust him, but t he's the one we've got to call on to answer some questions. all right. thank you, senator ron johnson, wisconsin, going to be watching your election reelection hopefully all throughout this campaign season. up next, crime across america spiraling way out of control. have americans finally hitca a breakingns point? we'll check in with greg jarrett and sergeant trey penny next. when it's go time i constipation don't make you great tasting doggle. actually , work naturally with the water in your body and as little as 30 minutes you can go fast, go gently and go on with life you don't like to eat, buy you comfortably in control. ever wonder how what your neighbor's house is worth go to only decomposers value estimate and compare your home could be worth more than you think. visit ownerly .com today. attention veterans.
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to learn more , go to mercy ships dot org. ht also, tonight, more out ofof control, crime and inhumanity. all caught on tape. take a look at your screen. vegas police are searching forpu a suspect seen on video on sunday pulling out a gun, trying to shoot a guy in anar apparent botched attempt at an armed robbery. the homeowner narrowly survived right after the criminal gun.
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thankfully,, failed to fire .ut and that's not all because out in chicago, what a shock. chicago, they never have crime. a man wearing an ankle monitor film stealing wine and food from a target store and just the latest brazen act of theft across the windy city. and frankly,y, many big cities all across the country. and lastly, to customerss th are now suing a dallas tacoo bell after surveillance video appears to show a store managero pouring boiling hot water on them back in june. why? because a customer allegedly t complained that the order was w not prepared correctly, prompting chaos inside the store. it was reaction. fox legal analyst greg jared, along with the president of the national fallen officer foundation, trey penny is with us today. good to seeee you again, sergeant. you know, i look at this and here's what happens. nobody gets held accountable next to nobody. so why would why would we everec expect crime to go down when we
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don't prosecute people even on video committing crime? look, there is no, no, no, no. there's no credibility in our justice system anymore, unfortunately. i mean, thisuny. is the criminas know that they're going to get away with these crimes, which is one of the reasons why i spent today lobbying the senate judiciary to helpta help us transfer certain crimes over tove the to the federalic jurisdiction so weti can get certain people off of g the streets. i mean,he we can't keep let thee people run around a victim of ae our communitiess,. we have to do something about it. and look, by all accounts,l i know that we've in the name of all this crime, sean, they've been risking everything toav let all the the black criminals get away with doing x, y, z. e that looks like a hate crimeho that you just showed me thatwe looked like a young man hader attacked an older gentleman because he was white g and triea to kill them instead of having that in a state court. why don't we get that't over to the federal prosecutorswe individual for hate crimes so c we could keep them locked up? and when you look at the law, you know, as longw, as you havel
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no bail laws, i mean, look at this case. this guy tried to assassinate lee zeldin. the other e and immediately let out on his own recognizanceet greg jarrett, if you have nofu bail laws and defund the police ,it's not only going to get worse, it's going toh get much worse if you can steal up to a thousand dollars worth of stuff and we won't bug you, e we won't arrest you, we won't even ticket. you know, store cany stay in business with those rules. no. well, a of course, pass along the cost of theft tohi the consumer in the form of higher prices. look, thiss is the new normal tragically. so get used to it. too many prosecutors no longer believe that things like armed robbery and attempted murder are crimes that merit incarceration soft on crime policies, incentivize more crime. is it any wonder that everyha major category of crime acrossts america in majors cities has skyrocketed? c
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because when you treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals, you will get more crime and more innocent victims at some point in time, americans will reach w a threshold levelil in which they say enough, enough of this kumbaya woke social justice, defund police, abolish prisons ,insanity. and you know, they haven't reached that threshold level.y butwi when they do, they will get rid of the liberal politicians in places like albany and sacramentos that have ended cash bail and they will get rid of the progressive ideas that don't care about crime and criminals, only aboutd helping c care about education and care about law and order. they care about secure borders. you care about lowering inflation, care about energy h independence. you have an opportunity to change thingsan c in november t. thank you very. thank you, sean hannity. straight ahead, you know how your car insurance rates just kind of creep up.
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12:00 am
unfortunately, that is all the time we have this evening. as always, thank you for beingho with us. thank you for making this show possible. plplease set your dvr so you never, ever, ever missve anpi episode of hannity for news any time fox, hannity, .com in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. i'm not getting a compliment forrtek, the rest of the week.. that's it.ur they're over therea done or ingram ready to take you home now that the rest. wellf well wait a second. yeah you're right. no i don't know but i know i am going to offer a compliment to president trump. did you see that speech today? p i think he played you played a clip or two from it.>> yeah. i mean, he's like, oh, he's not substantive. not substantive. what other politician in america can keep a crowd in rapt attention for 90 minutes straight? it was i think it was from my perspective whenct
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