tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 27, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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the time we have this evening. as always, thank you for beingho with us. thank you for making this show possible. plplease set your dvr so you never, ever, ever missve anpi episode of hannity for news any time fox, hannity, .com in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. i'm not getting a compliment forrtek, the rest of the week.. that's it.ur they're over therea done or ingram ready to take you home now that the rest. wellf well wait a second. yeah you're right. no i don't know but i know i am going to offer a compliment to president trump. did you see that speech today? p i think he played you played a clip or two from it.>> yeah. i mean, he's like, oh, he's not substantive. not substantive. what other politician in america can keep a crowd in rapt attention for 90 minutes straight? it was i think it was from my perspective whenct he's on
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issues and he's standing for the forgotten men and women and running that campaign, i think fantasticic. te nobodyly really. and it's a fantastic show tonight. sean, i'll pick up where you left off. not going too hammer again. is ingram angle fromtoain. washington tonight. the china block. that'sinat the focus's of tonigs angle. will she or won't she? so who's bluffing? china or pelosi now nancy's really tough when she's waggingi her finger at trump or ripping her speech up at the state of the union. but is she tough enough toy defo bothur our pentagon handwringers and the ccp now? she has a long history of at least speaking out against the evils of china. and justbi because china is a bg economy and because we have a big relationship doesn't mean that the challenge to our conscience if we don't speak out against that in china with his own moral authority toy speak out against in any other speak out against in any other
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accession is simply giving china a blank checkck, failed to comply with market commitments in china has changed over thirty years. in some respects it is appalling that its human rights record hasects worsened a fantastic right. i can't believe i'm saying thatt about nancy pelosi. but. now as speaker of the house and third in line to t the presidencycy, she has a golden opportunity to move beyond rhetoric and actuallyy strike a blow for liberty. ed, as we learn about her. intention one week ago to travel to taiwanful, powerful forces here and in china have been trying to hav waiver off with not so subtle threats to chinese has repeatedly made t clear to the u.s. sidehe our serious concern over speaker pelosi's potential visit to taiwan and our firmt. opposition to the visit. we are fullyly prepared for any eventuality if the other sidensg insists on making a visit a, the chinese side will take firm and strong measures too
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safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity. and of course, when chinare bars ,weak kneed biden flacksk wflinch. no need to be mean president gee, that kind of rhetoric coming out ofm the chinese side is clearly unhelpful. and not necessary. i mean, again, there's been no there's been no announced and there's there's no call for that kind of escalatory rhetoricof. what are we unhelpful? actually , i think it's very helpful because it's always helpful when the americans people get to see china for what it really is , a ruthless dictatorship that has grown soow powerful it thinks they canr dominate us . and it's helpful for us to seend just how weak and pathetic our own government is . of course, in reacting to china's own aggression, pathetic and even worse than kerbis flaccid response is the fact that we're actually rewarding the communist party of chinana after they threaten the speakere
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of the house. now,dl biden is reportedlype expected to speak with xi by telephone on thursday. this. is an absolutee embarrassment. this would never have happenedth under president trump. i'll tell you what the agenda is going to be . xi gets what he wants. he promises nothing. n and biden's team declares that progress has been made from everything from the tensions over taiwan to the war in ukraine, as well as how weow better manage competition between our two nations. between our two nations. a host of issues and this is aor call that has been scheduled for a long time and for a long time. his. long friendship with she was going to mean she would be nicer to us . of course, the man has never
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been right about a singleter foreign policy matter in his life. inever. and don't you think chineseth intelligence knows this? they knew bidenes was weak befoe he was president. it wasas s so easy for china to compromise the biden family with some sweetheart deals, piece of cake and they know biden is even weaker now. the ccp couldn't ask for a better scenario. dy a hobbled u.s. h president who they already have in their back pocket. it's like taking candy from a memory care patient. a memory care patient. republicans are speaking out c supporting pelosi's trip. this could be a rare moment of bipartisan. speaker pelosi should absolutely go forward with her trip to taiwan. ep youub might want to consider adding a prominent republican like kevin mccarthy. the house republican leader, to show the bipartisan support that existspo in this country fr taiwan now refusing to bow to the people who use slave labor to make t-shirts s and flip flos
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would be the smartest political move. nancy pelosirtes has ever made. yeah, maybe ever. the only question is will she let herself be talked out of it nervous nellieseaked out of it in the defense department? now, biden already tipped hisks hand about what he. thinks. well, i think that the nra thinks it's not a good idea right now. and our establishment official newspaper record , the new york times published a story filledli with administrationsh leaks that our military is very concerned that pelosi's taiwanarnc stopovu could provoke china into doingvo something very dangerous. huh. you noticed that we didn't see any anonymous pentagon sources or anyone in the white house concerned about provoking vladimir putin in ukraine. i wonder why last time i checked, russia is a nuclear power, too.
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now, it's important that everyone understands this. there are four distinct groups that are opposed to upsetting china and thereforetiosed insist that pelosi cancel this trip. of course, the military establishment knows that china. is dangerous. they've said as much thiss aggressive and irresponsible behavior represents s one ofmo the most significant threats tod peace and stability in the region today, including in the south china sea. we see beijing combining its growing military power with greater willingnessin to take risks.ri butra our military leadership current and retired, they're compromised. i'm not sure what a positive can come out of this and there will be some signal, some measure by the chinese chiand responsible, but not a d idea. now,w, mccaffreyra and co. were embarrassed with the outcomes in iraq and afghanistan and they don't want to undergo the kind of reform in the military that's actually needed for us to
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be able to beat the people's liberation army. second, of course, there's the business community. they never want to provoke n t china no matter how many labor camps china is operating camps china is operating china and for china, do youe feel like you have to t sacrifie your values at all as a companyb to do business there at all?rt sir, we participate in sport all over the world, including chinalu. i china i is a very importantrk market for us . we're continuing to invest in chinaet and will continue to i invest in china. well, bign business entire agenda is to make it easier for themselves to set up shop in china and ultimately ship more american jobs over there. o vethird, well, the academics in the universities, they make so much money off china. remember the research grants ofc swanky tripsh, thousands of chinese students, three hundred fifty thousand to be exact, studying here in the united states . they don't want to do anything es to jeopardizerdiz its cash cow r us . of course, our regime media, ay they've always loved carrying water for china. sthey know they'll be reallyng
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embarrassed for getting it wrong all these years. if pelosil tf goes over to taiwn and is treated really badly by the ccpad so they don't want her to go because it would expose their complicity. so all these forces protecting china, they already know thatt president xi is evil and isat the single greatest danger to freedom worldwide. they already know that. and yet they choose to do nothing and instead, well, our military, of course, m focusing almost exclusively on europeosus. they know full well that she is a murderous, dictatorial. yet they choose the path of more , not less economic engagement with him. and they're contemplating removing trump'somic tariffs. the administration is critical of leverage that weio needn at this time. this time. pelosi's court. she never has been known as someone who can be easily intimidated. we know thatmi about nancy. but if china can get her to back offo, it's going to be aow
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crushing blow to us power and prestige. it's humiliating ife the speaker of the house now allows some second rate chinese foreign diplomat to issue a a statement and change the direction, change the actions that the united states will take states will take fearful of them. we are in for a long struggle and it will not end f well with that kind of failed leadership. it tells everyry one of our allies in the region, the japanese, the south koreans, the australians, it says don't hang with the americans. they're fearfululso. the problem isn't pelosi's desire to show support for the people of taiwanis. that's actually admirable. the problem is that fromra day one , the biden administration has established a reputation for weakness and incompetence not just in domesticst affairs but foreign affairs as well. and this encourages china to bully and embarrass the by the administration at every opportunity . right now, chinese officials are banking on the continuation of the status quo, the slowthe t
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short capitulation of the united states . let's face uat she thinksde democracies are weak and he believes that americamo is and europe will eventually become his puppet states . soet pelosi needs to call everybody's bluff, refused to change their travel plans because if she does not, she might as well give she the strength. and that's the angle t if sheip went through with the trip, pelosiosi wouldn't be the firstt sitting u.s. speaker to visit taiwan. that would be my next t guest. joining me now is newt gingrich, fox news contributor, author of the fantasticr bookig defeating big government socialism. mr. speaker,,gove we have pictus up right now of your own tripn n to taiwan back in 1997. it's quite amazing that nope house speaker's travel the excuse is always given that, youkn know, china has s gotten more aggressive. so we've got tooe' be careful nt to provoke them. but what does that say about us ? well, i have to say i was
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a little surprised to realize i was the highest rankinge american official ever to visit taiwan. we did so as part of a trip c the chinese communist had invited us to shanghai and beijing. we agreed. yes, i went with a bipartisan delegation. one of the points i make toeld nancy pelosi is very important. take a bipartisan delegation with 11 members, including john dingell, who is the senioro democrat at that time.e and we said to them just before a trip started, by the way, we're going to go to taiwan. they were furious. they didno everything they're doing right now. they they threaten, they bully ,they bluffed. and gardnerth relaxium , who was my national security adviser, i remember being near him, was on the phone call the chinese ambassador, and he said, look, the chinese communists are not the travel guides for the travel guides for the house. if you don't wanto them to come
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to china, he'll skip china s and go to taiwan whereki all they said, well, s no, no, no, no, i went to china now the only condition was where to go . china, japan and then back to taiwan. we couldn't go directly from the mainland. china's the communist party directly to taiwan. the president of taiwan met with all of us have bipartisan delegation. they were thrilled that we were there. i was really surprised to realize that that 1997 visit was the last time that a senior american leader had actually visited taiwan. i encouraged nancy to go particularly now that it's public. i think it would be humiliating and destructive if she were to back downan. and i have to say having a woke defense department that's not sure how to deal with the american speaker go to taiwan, makes you wonder what they would do in a real crisis
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now. well, eight hundred billion dollars a year. i mean, that's what their budget is . right. and here's how the white house today tried to explain biden's w stance on this trip. watch this. you can't say whetherhe the president personally would support this trip,n even in a hypothetical. no, i have not spoken to him personally. you've heard him. i think someone and maybe someone on your team asked him a week ago last wednesday about this, particularly specifically about the speaker's travel and not going tospea go beyond t he said. no. now, this is no small issue and she's claiming that she hasn't spoken to the president about it really abo? sure. of course. i believe that you've got a guy who is cognitive challenges. i'm not sure he knows k whereno taiwan is . w why would in and he has a press- secretary doesn't know anything. so why would you think that the woman who did not know c anything and the guy who can'tis remember what it is he used to
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know would actually haves a conversation about a topic that's only very, very important? i think you have too t recognizi this is very simple. if speaker pelosi backs down what the chinese communist stswill learn is one more exampe of an american weakness att t a timeim in the bush administration was defeat in afghanistan has failed totally in ukraine and continues to signal its utter weakness. this would be , i think, increasing the danger of itself. a communist invasion of taiwan.t on the other hand ,he if speake pelosi decides i hope she will to take a bipartisan delegation. so it's very clear to the chinese communist whether you're democrat or a republican. we arere for the freedom of taiwan from not being invaded. i think that's important.. historically, it would be amazing for her legacy. i'm not trying to give her
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legacy advice, but it's a separate pointcy ep. but it would be great for her to separate herself from the herd mentalityat, which sees to be moving to protect china's interest in the united. so i think she's smart enough to do the right i hope so.g.e noot, you were the perfect guest tonight. guest tonight. former president of perhaps candidate for president would arguably chair a country apart.u is that your concern as you d make your decision downec the road here? do you have to think about things like that, akwe? pursue justice without fear or favor. weill will hold accountable anye who was criminally responsible for attempting to interfere with the transfer of legitimate lawful transfer of power from one administration to the next jessamine. after that interview a aired, "the washington post" conveniently dropped a breakingd news story announcing that the justice department is officiallyusepar investigatig president trump's actions inri a criminal probe related to
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january 6th, saying people familiar with the probe saidsa investigatorsid are examining the former president's conversations and have seized phoneeco records of top aides. here now as jonathan turley george washington university law professor, fox news contributor, professor n, n, it was all a little too cute by half the interview followed by the story. well, it was a complete package, wasn't it? but the the gist of what the attorney general said is unassailably true. obviously, if there was evidence criminal conduct by any president, including former president trump, most of us , i hope would be saying he should be charged. i felt that richard nixont should have been charged. i felt bill clinton should havec been charged in those were easyo cases. those were very clear ,uld w straight forward crimes that i think could have been a resulted in rather quick convictions. that's not a current situation with donald trump. the six committee said that
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they would be presenting new evidencewo showing crimes committed by president trump. they really haven't made that case yet. they haven't put out a greatrm atdeal of new information. now, this new this grand jury may have new information, but b they need to be able to makecl their case with some clarity. and , youarar know, if they cano ,then most people would say, sure, you know, if there's if there's clear evidence ofve a criminal act, no one is above. the law. but after all this time and after nine hearings, we b still have not seen that case being made with clarity. well, professor, the idea that they would have to be , i believe, specific intent topt disrupt a process in the u.s. government proceeding in the u.s. government, not that he thought he was legally entitled right under the constitution t to this particular remedy or approach. e
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that's what my understanding of the case is . they haven't shown specific, intent. again, to me, that's what itlo looks like thus far . but we don't have allhe the facts. what i think they're are what i think they're are critical elements. and that came out in the january 6th committee. you know, they repeatedly and consistently refused to give alternative explanations for evidence. othey edited evidence to take o out what mightut be mitigating material, even statements from from trump. that's not how youou build a cae that you might build ratings. that's not how you build a case. now, hopefully the justice department is going at thisus more in a systemic professional way. well, we still don't see those critical linkages that you talked about, particularly in ted. you know, he had twopapahe teamf lawyers and one team of lawyerss that were saying, yeah, you can do this now. the committee said, well, no one would believe that to be true. well, a lote of people believe that to be true. that to be true.
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i didn't think there was a case to challenge the certification or the election. but just to just assume intent that you just referenced is not a very strong case to make. you need something more direct. and that's what we had with nixon and clinton who were not charged criminally but that's what they'lly' need with president former president trumpt, now begins to look like a political vendetta to prevent someone from running for office and succeeding in winning the presidency again to millions of millions ofam americans. jonathan, great to see you tonight. thank you. eranananunow new evidence reveat president biden is now the weakest incumbent in modern american history. american history. now the stunning findings with tom bevan. monica crowley in just moments. you won't believe it, so stay there. giving it life insurance. no, but we have life insurance. john , i'm trying to find something we could afford. fortunate in only a few
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want a different candidate. well, how mightily has he a fallen? the same poll five months agogo showed 45% wanted biden. 51% wanted someone else. and thisel might be the most shocking of all. a new poll out of new hampshire has biden trailing mayor cleaver, budha jeg in the early primary state while kamalath is in seventh place. joining me now, tom bevan, real clear politics co-founder and president. also monica crowley, former treasury assistant secretary for public affairs. monica crowley, podcastley. hos. i love that podcast. tom , has there ever been a modern president in this position that biden finds himself in? he well, hard to say. c i mean,om there are two that coe to mind. obviously, lbj8 in 68 . right, dropped out d after the new hampshire primary. he was facing eugene mccarthy, . dwas facing eugene mccarthy, he was afraid he wasn't goinger to win the nomination and then
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he had jimmy carter write in who who got a challenge from from ted kennedy. ted kennedyke won 12 contests ik that primary and took it all a the way to the convention, which is the last time that wee had a contested convention. carter and lbj both had approval ratings around biden's where biden was. obviously carter had inflation numbers, gas lines, rationing all that. l soot a lot of similarities ther, but there's no question aboutef it. biden is definitely weak and he throw on top of it his age being the oldest president currently and would be way older than any one to run again. and he's in, a very, very weak spot. i think you see that why democrats are positioning themselveses and looking for hoping that he's not going to run again. but but privately plotting foroe for a plan bs if he does decidee to try and run monica, the paint metric is really quite shocking given what a goofball he is . i mean, we have all these problems of airlines, right? huge problems at our ports
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supply chain and people juste talking about marriage equality talking about marriage equality i don't know what he's talking about, but he's not talkingng about, but he's not talkingng about. and yet he's meeting biden innt new hampshire. how significant i is that or no? yeah, well, imagine how desperate you have to be asc a political party in america. al to think that small town mayor pete could be your presidential savior. this is how desperate they all are. e.i mean, let's face it, he's done a horrible job as transportation secretary. he had no f qualifications fore the job to begin with , laura , as we know. but he's essentially ann overall nonentity. and yet in new hampshire, democratic votersew seem to thir that he's the guy to reach for. this is an indication of for. the catastrophic failure, the historic catastrophe that is joe biden's presidency inhi every direction from the economy to the border to foreign policy. everybody th sees it, including
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members of his own party to the point where members of the squad, aoc and just over the last day, cory bush refused to say whether they would endorse him if he decides to run again. so clearly the democrats are not going to run joe biden and they've got a couple of robl problem. e a couple of she doesn't even rate in these polls at all. and she's the sitting vice a president. io so the question is to who did the democrats turn? gavin newsomo, michelle obama, mrs. clinton? these are all, you mic know, essentially retreads in one form or another. but i think i think a lot decision making on the democratic side is going to wait until president trump makes his decision about twenty four . right. well,raom of and part of the ise is that the biden team, they can't handle the clintonsey know i feel your pain message. they just blame everybody elses . there's no n question that these are challenging economic times. the president hasas acknowledged as such this economy thattit we are facing is the result ofem a pandemic, this pandemic that remainsai with us as well
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as russia's war on ukraine and we know that that has disrupted our economic system, that has disrupted global markets as well. ltom , american people are goil to buy this. it's notno, their fault. no, i don't think they are. i mean, biden wants to take credit for the good parts of the economy and blame all the bad parts of the economy on on putin. and i just t don't think it'sep going to sellen with voters, particularly independent voters in november. the buck stops somewhere. but tom and monica, great to see you. thank you. honow those most interested inhe further regulating and grabbingg your guns are constantly revealing how little they actually know about firearms. now take rhode island rep.d david cicilline. butid this stabilizing brace which is depicted here when. when attached here it turns this weapon into an automatic weapon, this bombom becomes a bump stock he just described the arm brace, which is used t
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by people who have a handicap to help fire a pistol. he just described it as a bump stock. they have noo ideae what they'ri trying to ban. like if they could use wikipedia or a picture orre something here really quickly to understand that she what she's offering has nothing to a do with the bomb stock. co with the bomb stock. >> joining meng now is congressman tom mccarthy, the man you just m explainingg the basics of a gun t structurec to that democratic representative. congressman. have they figuredpres out yet wo they're trying to ban other than saying weaponsn, of war, which is a tedious phraseio they're they have such zeal to ban everything that they don't even know what their bill bans. and my colleague, rep. michele fischbach, she offered a very simple amendment to say, i just want to make sure you're w not banning this device that's used by disabled people to fire pistol and that's when they said it was a machine gun.
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look, this is this is a trend.ld they could laugh more athe their ignorance. gn butor here's the problem ofo their ignorance causes them to write billswr that will cover lw abiding citizens. they wrote a bill a couple of weeks ago and passed it to cover gun traffickers. but i pointed out to them it would cover victims of domestic violence if they merely borrowed a gun from their neighbor in this same bill that they passed lastl week that this lady was talking about. they're trying to ban bomb stocks, but they've written in i such a way it'll cover a mechanism that lightenster the trigger pull like just make your gun easier to fire and time and time again are over legislating, i would say, because socause so i'm torn. i do'm you educate them or do youe just let them flop around? the problemy is when they flop around, they ban everything. tonight on nbc, merrickn garland, the attorney general congressman, issued a warning once this is very cheap devices that can be made at home that
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can transform a semi-automatic rifle or a semiautomatic pistol. and you just saw a demonstration. that's right. or a few cents. a semiautomatic weapon became a machine, essentially. exactly. your responseme there. they're coming for the gun, nogu doubt about it. nso well, you saw there they'ret going to make the argument that if a cheap thingng to convert a semiautomatic into a fully automatic, then they gottly to n all semiautomatics and that's what they want to do. they're calling tdo these weapor of war law. so i offered an amendment that said, well, off let's make suree don't give weapons of war to the department of educationon and to the usda. use couldsisda. they have for those inco their missionsul? and the t democrats argued that the department of education needs what they're calling weapons of war. of course, they're notea weapons of war, but that's the way they want to vilify the common gun owners. well, they think iff they ownll the language alone, the argument. right.
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and so a nine millimeter, you're saying basically a nine m millimeter glock 30 , aboutil forty three or 19 or 17 .ul thatti ultimately is what they want to ban. right. that's that's ultimately where this is going. well, biden called it the lung blower. s the two to three rounds is the one that they're really vilifying now in the house of representatives. but i pointed out they're banning a 30 odd six , which is more than twiceba as powerful as two to three . it's not about the actual ballistics. it's not about the lethality ofh the gun. the gun. they want to ban a mini 14 int one form but not ban n it in another form. ey i had w to show them in thing they were banning and banning . sy were banning and banning the problem is you can't trust them. you can't trust their motives. they hate the constitution. and congressman, thank you for pointing this out. your school voted judge last week on the grid and faslane this week. now up next, why the democrats new golden goose gavin newsom targeting tens of thousands of targeting tens of thousands of
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five . eight hundred eighty six forty eight . sixty five . w now up until today the port of oakland was brought to a grinding halt. independent truckers blocked all access to it, protesting the golden state golden boy gavin newsom. now many truckersnow are saying that the california governor is taking away their abilityer as matt san is in our westwi coast newsroom with all the newi details that lower california's third busiest port in oaklandlsa is back open after hundreds of truckers interfered truckers interfered protest over california's abb five law. the law is now in effect after the supreme court last month denied a review brought by a california trucking company, the aban five law requires independent truckers to either set up their own corporate or be forced to become t employees of trucking companies, impacting an estimated 70000 truckers who owned or lease
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their trucks working as contractors while taking advantage of the employer'srs insurance discounts. truckers warn the law couldld force independent drivers outer of business while reducing trucking capacity. here's one trucker who says a five is going to put him out of business unless governor newsom intervenes. i'm losing everything my truck ,my overpriced truck, my 17 years i've been working here dedicated working here in the based out of open due to eighty five gallon lucy. he can do something he hasn't, i ventured. i think he feels the shortage and truckers because he's trying to push 7000. governor newsom is standing iner support of the ab five law, urging the truck protesters who shut down the port ofin oakland to focus on supporting the transition. newsom spokesperson says 85 was enacted in 2019, so no one should be caught by surprise by the law's requirements at this time.he
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and there are still truckers protesting at the oakland port. the president of the oakland port services says that truckers have been restricted to designatedtr free speech zons or face arrest. laura , i love thoseha free speech zones. matt , thanks so much. joining me now is california assemblyman vince fong. he's also vice chair of the transportation committee. and now, assemblyman. this issue is not just a local issue. it's something that will impact everyone. how so? well, this law is an ill conceived law. we warned the governor when wece were debating this bill and when you signed in 2013. but those seventy thousand independent truckers represented 70% of the truckersr to operate ines and around the ports of california and 40 percent of the products c percent of the products c the united states come through the ports in california and 30 percent of our exports go out throughxp ports. so
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so this is a massive impact and could disrupt our supply chain not only withinit the united states but globallyhi . so the reference to the quote, transition we've heard this in so many sectorsrs of our society with the high gas prices, with everythingices, the supply with everythingices, the supply experiencing and once again inex protest, that this is all about moving people along to a the transition away from fossil fuels. is any this realistic, given what needs to move as far as commerce in this country? it makes no sense. been telling the governor that we need to make policies in economic reality. and what he's proposing is somei rigid ideology that makes no sense in the real world. we n need to get products not only to the stores but to our homes. and so in a time when we're dealing with persistent inflatione, we are going to havo a situation where there's not
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enough truckers toet get producs to the stores, to people'sns homes. that means shortages in c the stores. that means more inflation. everything is going to cost more . thisisth is disastrous. well, they already have s a shortage of truckers, aren't they , assemblyman fong? i mean, you've seen you've seen ads all over the place for the long haul truckers. they can't get enough truckers now. they're going to make life more miserable for them. again, it makes zero sense unless you want to actually kill off an industry. absolutely. we have an eighty thousand we need eighty thousand more truckers nationally and that's going to worsen by 20 30 . you may that may double. we may need one hundred and sixty thousand more truckers ink by 20 30 .es so this law only makes it worse. we're going to force truck drivers out of state or to retire completely and that's just going to exacerbate an stretched supply chain atli the voters of california. i mean, nonefo n of this is working. they haveg. to choose a differet
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path going forward. thank you. some have been fineded for f raising this issue and we're going to be tracking it now. last week we showed you how l.a. health officials were lying about covid rates in order to reimpose their masking requirements. they love ordimpo the masks. well, we just got our hands on new video today of their defending this madness. and you will not h believeoi the defiance. we're going tong show it y to yn in momentsdj. blend at summer sale is on now.t cool p off with this hot deal unblended yet to impact on the go and it crushes right through ice just dropping your favorite ingredients, even your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruits and make a smoothie any time anywhere. blender cleans itself. w juston add a drop of soap water and blend recharge quickly with any usb port. hi , this is mike huckabee.
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told you last week how l.a. county led by public health , was trying toublic health reinstate an enormous mandate based on phony twistex. well, the angle has exposed her lies. now this mandate now may not go into effect, but that doesn't stop her from lashing out and well aware of the unhappiness many are expressing about the possibility that there could be universal indoor masking if we don't see signs of slowing transmission. i'm also aware of massive a misinformation campaign that question both the effectiveness of math as well as minimize the dangers of sars-cov-2 both of these campaigns hurt our communities. our issue i don't even know where she is and that video. but what actually hurts
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the community is when public health officials likeeea masferrer, by the way, she's not a doctor when they use lies and scare tacticsn to try to grab power. and he thought she was bad. her supervisor is even worseor on particular i, really struck by kind of the blowback from a no no, not really significant number of sort of snowflake. we about how oppressive itt is to wear a mask. r i don't hear them then riding me about shoes which are actually more oppressive to your feet than wearing a masko on your face. njoining me now is dr. jay bhattacharya, professor at stanford school of medicine. dr. b, well, california residents ever escaped this madness. i guess if the political leadership doesn't change, i mean, it's just it's like groundhog day. it's amazing to watch laura . i just can't fathom thate
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a public health professional looking at the data on glass mandates in the past,el completely making no dent on castrates, then concluding that we need another massiveha mandate. i mean, the case rates are m coming down in l.a. county without a massive mandate. s what t does he think causes tax rates go up and then they have this illusion of control overs the spread of the virus that t they cannot let go and they and they cannot let go and they and they feel like they're losing power. i mean, you can feelap the bitterness. they were never happier than when we had that daily briefingf from fauciau and then they ally got their marching orders. they were never a happier then and now with florida and texas numbers allit that we see south dakota. no, it's beyond obvious that none of these closures made a difference. yeah, and the keyffer thing is o remember is that we now have a very large fraction of the populationctio. we've had cobian recovered. we actually also have a very large fraction of the population. we're vaccinated.
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and so what that means is cases can come and go. they will forever, laura . and but they're not producing a deaths at the same rate.te. she called it misinformation. just look at itt basic fact, b which is that covid is muchhi less deadly now than it was in 2020. that is a fact.fact. and it's it's kind of shocking to me because i think it's if l.a. brings back math mandates now on the basis of the facts that we're seeing in front of us ,ng that means that we'll hae massive mandates in california, in l.a. forever. there is no end date to this. is i want to ask quickly aboutx monkeypox situation. "the washington post" reporting that the white house is estimating it made seven billion dollars to mount a response to it. they're considering announcing a monkeypox czar and declaring a monkeypox czar and declaring reallyly quickly, your thoughts i mean, i don't think it should be an emergency. it is it is a serious problem for certain communities, communities. i think actually here you can
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use contact tracing and there's a effective vaccine. there shouldn't be an emergency, but there should be good public health responses . all right, dr. bhattacharyya, great to see you tonight as always. raymond arroyot is here. so what is that about? stay there. stunt work. meet daughters playtime. you hear this?to thankfully, metaphore don't help the things that i know. it's really smart just to low would seem far out and tantrums them to keep you insane or so the whole team. they on track metoprolol, the smart video entice let me work from home work to use their credit score getting in the way of things you want to do. personal loan to get credit help for the ten thousand dollars. so check your eligibility on the credit .com today without affecting your credit score,
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save his teenage brother, murder his city in chaos. yanov holwell joins me now to discuss what we've got to stop the violence plaguing streaming now online. ai now, wait a second. wait a second. raymond arroyo, what are you doing here? hi'm here to help the ratings. no, i'm teasing those seen and unseen. laura , i reported yesterday on the themerk parks, the violence that they are. i have an amazing updateve i have an amazing updateve people will not want too miss. i'll give you a clue. a star rising in the east and the tour. and the tour. i thoughtt online announced, you know, don't say anything. ingram you announce tomorrow or like it's online when you say we are revealing all it's
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online and i've actually already seen the coveri . i've seen the cover tumblr. i know but no one else on the cover. i'm going to shareng it tomorrow only here and can raymond. thank you. thankk you. and i can't wait to see if of here. all right. that's it for us tonight. don't forget to set your dvr tov always stay connectedr with us. thank you for watching. remember, it's america better off that country's quote, facing famine. boy, we've lowered expectations in our country and we should be celebrating, according to the white house, because we're not detailed here in the 1980s . you're watching fox friends first here on a wednesday morning here in america, 90% coalition guests, democrats aren't happy about the state of the economy e
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