tv Outnumbered FOX News July 27, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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thank you so much. and thank you for watching "outnumbered" is warming up to get ready next. i'll see you back here at 3:00 eastern time for the story this afternoon. ♪ ♪ speak of this is "outnumbered." hello, everyone, i'm emily compagno. joining me today, kennedy, jackie kendall's, kat timpf, and sean duffy. we begin with a shocking apology just a short time ago from the ladies of the view. the turning point usa. a war of words broke out after the conservative group was railing the next generation of voters of a youth summit this weekend. at the liberal panel could not help themselves. the group sent a scathing cease and desist letter suggesting that turning point had embraced neo-nazis who
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showed up outside the event, watch. >> this turning point conference neo-nazis were out there in front of the conference with anti-semitic slurs. it's important that every person that attended that turning point against the flag -- >> you at the minute you knew what they were. so you are complicit. >> i want to make a quick clarification about the neo nazis of the turning point event. they were outside my point was more metaphorical. you embraced a midtier thing i felt. >> fast forward to this morning the hosts apologized before quickly cutting to commercial. watch. >> monday we talked about the fact there were openly neo-nazi women -- we want to make clear
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that these demonstrators were gathered outside the event in that they were not invited or endorsed by turning point usa. the turning usa said the group 100% condemns those ideologies and said turning point c garrity tried to remove the neo-nazis from the area but could not because they were on public property. also turning point usa wanted us to clarify that this was a turning point usa summit and not a republican party event. we apologize for anything we said that may have been unclear on these points. >> way to botch the delivery. sean, something that struck me in the cease and desist letter was the sentence that specifically the video hosts insidiously and cavalierly stated that tp usa let the neo-nazis into their event and metaphorically embrace them. i felt that perfectly summed up exactly what those women were saying, which is something so deeply toxic and also so lightly
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thrown out there. >> these were protesters outside of the event. they couldn't get in. these were not neo-nazis inside of turning point usa. they were protesting on public grounds and turning point try to remove them. these people have been roundly criticized and shamed by the right but if you look at the little marxist economists that rally in the streets in protest on burn things. we condemn them but the love never condemns them. you had joy behar talking about this anti-semitism. you guys have heard about the boycott sanction and investment movement, which is a democratic movement to sanction israel anti-jewish movement. coming up in the five-year anniversary of the shooting on the baseball field, that was a bernie sanders supporter. now that none of us said this was bernie sanders felt when he had the shooter. that's exactly what they tried to do to us. >> also the point that that
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these neo-nazi demonstrators were on this public property specifically turning point try to remove them pair the fact that the association was made in such a chasm of geography let alone ideology. and it really is a falsehood. these women put forth the official ties to the g.o.p. it's like there's no end to the so they put out. >> or maybe there is. maybe some of the people who put forth these narratives will think about it before it escapes their. they'll know there are lines you cannot cross when you're talking about a story or when you're angry about something. you still have to stay within the grounds of what happened effectually. what up and there was they didn't watch the tape, they didn't even do any
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investigation. i don't think of this went to a trail sign it's more of a metaphorical -- i don't know if that reaches the legal threshold of excusing what might be of reputational damage. >> scott summer said they only understand being sued, they don't understand logic are facts or what not. let's put up for second that will be kohlberg said she was taken off air for that you do apologize. this is in her first rodeo. it's about race. it's not about race. it's about man's inhumanity.
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>> part two. first of all i actually spoke at turning point on saturday so i know for a fact that these were protesters who were outside. i even heard some of the kibitzing they must be protest us because we are not nazis. they tried to remove them. many things upset me about them, will be saying they were allowed in and then using the word metaphor. opposite doesn't mean metaphor. ana navarro sing every republican there needs to condemn this. i was there, i was speaking i'm not a republican i'm a libertarian but have that -- and so challenging and difficult for people to condemn. no it's not. i condemn nazis. i'm insulted and concerned a little bit about you have that view of the world where you think there's all these people that think that neo-nazis are great and would really struggle to condemned neo-nazis.
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i feel bad for anyone who lives their life out there. >> isn't this just another neoliberal example? i'm sure that's original segment of theirs will be amplified a million times more than the correction in the apology will. >> i'm sure it will be. as you guys describe the facts are all wrong. so the apology to me, the irony. why do we have to go round and round in these circles. that's all anyone's asking you to do but i'm glad turning point usa sent that letter and said you know what? you fix it. from a business standpoint remember abc is owned by disney. disney is already gone out on a limb with respect to its own
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business. this is what were going to do so i'm not surprised that that particular show would handle this in that way. but i'm glad they got the book thrown at them. >> joy and joy and whoopi goldberg are both such a liability. they must have to have to run incredible interference legally. they must have a team of lawyers onset drafting statements for them to read during every commercial because what they say is so out of touch. it's a miracle they are both gainfully employed. >> i don't think an attorney wrote that. be >> sean: you have these liberal it is up there bashing conservatives and trying to tie them to neo-nazis. if you have issue with policies, we like lower taxes and less regulation. we want to secure border and we don't like crime in america it's bad for families. attack us on the outcome have that debate. but you want to tie us because
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you can't debate that, ties to neo-nazis, it's shameful. speak of the largest liberal media keeps doing it. i think it will backfire because all that does is raise the indignant steer point earlier it raises the sense of it because everyone knows it's the furthest thing from the truth except for the people around the table. all right moving on. only adding insult to injury. the teen suspect in that brutal caught on camp subway cup assault is reportedly asking if he can press charges. the case highlighting the backwards nature of new york city's soft on crime policies, that's next. ams of pr. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. (sighs) here, i'll take that. ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar. enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big. ♪♪ migraine hits hard, so u hit back with ubrelvy u level up u won't take a time-out one dose of ubrelvy works fast
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officer and was freed less than 24 hours later. we showed you this video yesterday of the teenager attacking the cop. we then learned this wasn't his first brush with crime. he was released just days earlier for possession of a loaded gun and robbery. get the scum of the suspect reportedly asked a judge during his court appearance if he could press charges. new york city mayor may adams calling his own city out. >> catch, release, repeat. this person was arrested for robbery a few days ago. now he's back. as soon as we catch them the system releases them and they repeat the action. when i say we are the laughingstock of the country this is what i'm talking about. >> mla, there is no rehabilitation, there is no disincentive for this teenager
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to go out and do exactly what he has been doing. why would they expect different results when they're doing the same thing with violent criminals in new york and other cities? >> this is the second time they've done it with him. he was remanded to intensive community monitoring which means that he hangs out during the day doing whatever he wants on the street and he just has to come back to a detention facility by 6:00 p.m. every day. that's exactly what happened after he robbed a 49-year-old with a loaded gun before the brute to prior charges. then what happens? he goes and insult the police officer. he has five charges against him. he's out on these streets. he's probably right outside where there because there is no deterrent. by the way that was at the request of the people, the manhattan district attorney's office. at the detriment of those people that work so hard in the city to keep everything running and safe. including and especially our
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law enforcement officers. what recourse does that officer has? now this, what people are referring to by the way is a boy -- this dog come of this defendant was beating this cop is now out to do what he pleases. and the onus was on the police officer to behave with a certain decorum expected by the society that goes up in arms at the thought of the police officer actually up in the moment of horrific violence. >> we seen in new york, minneapolis, san francisco, violent crime is going up. our attorney general acknowledging the crime crisis in this country. let's hear from him. >> is rising crime with crisis in this country? >> i think violent crime is a matter of considerable concern for the country and the duck justice department as it should be. >> what a pencil pusher.
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he doesn't seem bothered by any of this at all. is that a surprise to you? >> it is a surprise to me. listen you can't fix the problem unless you can acknowledge the problem. number one. but i look at this young man who sees himself as a victim. this is shameful. but these are the result of liberal policies which were critical criminal justice reform. now we see the results from communities. this is not because we don't have that as we have a problem in our families. we have broken families. disintegration of families. liberals have tried to remove god from every aspect of our culture. what morals and values are kids being raised with? 30 years ago that would never happen. you don't beat up a cop. you respect cops. now there's no respect for cops. we have to figure that out. >> other has been -- they have
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dropped the ball in criminal justice reform. they are in big calls to defund the police. i think libertarians had it right all along. they take bad people like this and you take them out of society. don't hurt people, don't take their stuff cometh so were kind of out of balance here, aren't we? >> totally. and you and i have both been advocates of criminal justice reform before this was a popular thing. they're showing lenience for the violent criminals, which i don't understand how criminal justice reform ever came about became about advocating for those people. you can't denied any longer.
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one in three subway riders may not -- is not because gas is so cheap and it's easier to drive around. it's because people don't feel safe and then they see stories like this. they say hey, there's a reason why i don't feel safe. i'm not just imagining this because people are committing violent acts are back on the street. refusal to delineate the violence. part of the situation is because the age of adult. it gets to be put in that center. >> he's got the stones -- that reminds me of the whole bodega report as well.
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i want to respond to eric adams in the statement for a moment. i appreciate the fact that he gets up to the podium but what are you going to do with it, mayor adams? we've been waiting to see something. he said he was gonna come in and clean up the city. the city is not better than i was and they want so this point new yorkers who are still living here, normal people going to work and paying taxes come are wondering what's going on. put pressure on the governor and remove the d.a. make sure there are consequences for violent crimes in the city or nothing's gonna get better. people are going to keep walking out the going to take their tax dollars with them. that really is the issue. they also just want to make the point that alva and brad was voted in. everybody out there that voted him in, look what's happening in the city and think about it. think about the consequences to your vote on what's going here.
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we're in the future. the all-electric chevy bolt euv with available super cruise™ for hands-free driving. - dad. - yeah? do fish get thirsty? eh. find new answers. find new roads. chevrolet. >> new attention to the backup for president biden. kamala harris. suffering from some of the same problems as her current boss. by that i mean no polls and toned of tweets including this one from yesterday toting falling gas prices writing gas
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prices have now dropped $0.69 per gallon over the last six weeks. this drop in gas prices is the fastest in over a decade. we will continue to fight to lower cost for the american people. yet she never addresses or acknowledges my prices were so high in the first place. the poor light in which the public views harris raises questions as to any future political ambition. a scathing op-ed claims that she is stuck, that she's hampered by president biden's popularity and left is a fairly weak air of paris. this is on the heels of a new hampshire poll that ranks her seventh place with just 6% in this pool of 2022 democratic. in the limbic's we call that illusory. >> the problem is that democrats say they are the party of diversity and inclusion peer the problem is the top six are all
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white. the vice president of the united states you would think should be at the top of the list. the problem is she performed so poorly. i love the 1980s olympic hockey team. her brooks was the coach and he had a great quote that says great moments are born from great opportunity. kamala harris has great opportunity come to show the american people what you can do and how good she is. the woman has absolutely fallen flat on her face. you haven't risen to the occasion we have to look somewhere else. >> to that grade point the landscape is that americans continually rank their number one priority is inflation. job security and the like in this is someone who absolutely failed to acknowledge the pain that most americans are in right now. cost of living, cost of goods, inflation is affecting every american every day. yet to sean's point she's failing to even acknowledge it let alone take
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the opportunity to address it. >> we can talk about how we got here or a plan to fix it in a real way. even with the drop in gas prices it's putting the screws to the average american the ghost of philip at the tank peered we are $2 higher than we were at inauguration day. on the timepiece i agree that she's a weak heir apparent but for different reasons peer not because joe biden threw her under the bus. she had one job to do. she didn't want to have anything to do with it. she wiped her hands and is really done nothing in the last year and now all i see is her stepping up to the plate wanting to glom onto the abortion issue as she starts to think about 2024 and if she's going to be going for her bosses job essentially. i would say to her worry about doing your job right before you try to go after the bosses job. >> and it annoys me that you keep saying she's fighting for something. she's falling flat on her face and doing nothing. that's exactly what rich lowry wrote last month, which is what you just said.
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she's a political black hole, she's done nothing noteworthy good or bad. kamala harris has the authenticity of data on the common touch of adlai stevenson. it's a pretty much what every american feels, right? >> i think that's actually being charitable can. let's say the border was the biggest job that she was given. let's say she tackle that seriously. let's say she makes monthly trips to different border towns to keep an eye to talk to federal law enforcement trying to do whatever they can. figuring out how to do how to tackle that and came up with a multipronged plan people would take her very seriously. instead all you hear from anonymous sources are people complaining on her behalf. like you think that's hard? you think a few carved out projects in the vice presidency,
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that's difficult? try being the person in charge of the entire free world? she's not up to the task, that's why she did make it to any of the primaries or caucuses in 2020. >> i want tecra job. >> armchair quarterbacking is one thing but this is the furthest thing from that. to kennedy's point how hard is it to just show up for the american people at the border in places where your physical presence, your intentions matter? it would be so obvious and clear to show and yet for all of us we question. >> i think for the american people is the key point there. because it is not who she really doing it for she would say i will do that but i will be popular anymore. it's clear she wants things i will raise her political profile. to your point i don't know what it is that she stands for.
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she's done everything. she's been the tough on crime lady. whatever is popular and whatever is going to get people to like her. there's nothing that frightens me born a politician than somebody -- and i think a lot of them have this issue, somebody that's so clear about wanting power for the sake of power not actually wanting to help solve any problems. bragging about doing why chase pays to be a cheap date more than now than ever.
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>> steve winward on the "outnumbered" couch today. singles just can't seem to catch a break as if the dating apps and covid weren't enough now inflation is putting a serious dent in the love lives of those longing. the sky high cost of going up to the movies, getting a bite to eat, or even getting a drink. people are making their own bathtub moonshine because it's causing daters to reassess their priorities. >> they're not willing to drop a coin until they know their date is worth it. how do you know what date is worth it unless you both go do something fun and have an emotional connection? >> people are screening. they suggest taking walks and face time. they want to suggest their investment is worth it.
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people saying we won't go to dinner but we will have a drink. then they can have some fun but a guy doesn't know if he wants to pony up for dinner yet. then girlfriends told me well you should make your decision about whether you want a second date and be more decisive. if you wanted to explore before now you would cut the ties. so this is how people now are being forced to make serious life decisions. >> go dutch. do you think something you can both afford. if you pay for the movie he can pay for dinner. >> just go dutch. lf of the teleprompter teleprompter doesn't say anything that you are reading. we just throw things and there is awesome. i think this is a problem. you don't want to date someone who's not going to take you to dinner, who doesn't open doors for you, that's not the guy you want to. >> guys don't have to pay for everything. i'm not a gold digger. >> okay the men have to stand up and go i might have to take fewer dates and be a little bit more conservative and the dates we take but i'm still going to pay.
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you should still be traditional in that sense. young men have to work they have to get jobs to mom and dad aren't funding them. it's them working with their money taking a gal outcome of a outcome a lady out, a woman out. >> some of the guys that do have job -- what do we do? >> well the guy can show up -- that's the most important part. when you're opening doors and all that stuff now. it's more important, in my opinion, it's more important of a guy that set i want to spend time with you. costs are really hard for me so can we meet in the middle? let's go for a walk and get a coffee together.
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you really -- it doesn't matter near facetime. it doesn't matter how long you've been chatting or texting in early can i know if you're into some until we meet them but drinks are perfect. you don't have to sit there for however many hours. you bring up a good point but i have to go back to jackie because were talking about this last week now there's this whole dating movement -- i can't imagine -- now somebody has to be super attractive and instagram where they. they have to be rich as a kardashian. and you don't get to loosen up a little bit with head. >> him to go out on a limb and say i'm not interested in going for ice cream and i really don't want to take the walker to the facetime. take me out for a cocktail comeau should have a drink. when things go well will sit down like normal human beings.
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>> president trump under investigation by the justice department under january 6th. we'll talk it with marsha blackburn. democrats are spending millions helping republicans win primaries. what's the game? tim ryan will be here to explain. to the retirement age for pilots be increased to keep more in the seats? sooner lindsey graham says yes. we've also got larry kudlow and i had. i'm john roberts come and join sandra and me at the top of the hour for america reports. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back it's time for in
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case you missed it. all right the mega millions jackpot is now more than $1 billion after no one picked the six winning numbers yesterday. but if becoming a millionaire is appealing to you. the majority people apparently don't want more than $10 million for the ideal life. >> i can handle being a billionaire. i could find things to do as a billionaire. i'm looking to play the jackpot. >> tammy bruce brought us all lottery tickets. tammy did give me a ticket but rachel's dad were getting tickets comeau sharing five of them. like listen, i'm a 10-$20 million guy. i don't need a billion. i guess i could get a private plaintiff would get $30 million.
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>> family had 30 million i was i'm in the -- i'm somewhere in the 150-250000000. that's why like to lay my golden plane. >> jackie building is of billy and make bigger problems because everyone tries to get a piece. >> it's overrated being a billionaire. especially if you grew up with it and you always think people are trying to bring up the cheapness factor again. it starts to become stressful to figure out where you're going to park at all. out to say the 10 million, there's only so many vacations you can go on. >> alert next up a babies in
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bars? >> thank you. look at you, you have a baby in a bar. from the big screen to a bar near you kids play fun games so that parents get a chance to get a drink and let relax. kennedy when my favorite counter arguments from someone in the bar said i'd don't hang out on playgrounds and i don't want them in bars. sometimes these are family-friendly neighborhoods. so you have to multitask. sometimes you have to drink and parent of the same time. >> but, jackie, you're not the parent how do you feel if you walk into a bar in d.c. said parent parent with said children. not having a good time will your baby's trick screaming in my ear. i don't have a screaming baby and there's a good reason.
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what do you know your children? >> in wisconsin you can bring your kids to the bar. here's my biggest issue. i feel like after circumscribe my behavior. like i'm shouting too loud. like if it's the bar that has the baby night that's on you but if you're going to bring your baby to the bar don't be the person like don't say that my baby -- like you are in a bar. then don't be at the bar. >> about the drunk mom taking the baby home? >> if you are not a fan of safer straws maybe this will be in the improvement. some are even flavoring them to with different meals. there are also edible straws.
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are there going to be michelin stars in their future? >> i mean i'm not eating and edible straw. i can even deal with the paper straw. bring the plastic straws back. some things were good the way there the way they are. that's a wonderful idea i'm just waiting for a meet straw. haven't had one of those in a while. >> there's been a lot of innovators who have made edible things. i just stay away from them. nothing edible that you use -- >> i feel like i eat everything edible actually. in contrast to my colleagues here. everything sounds delicious. >> i just don't understand a paper straws can keep their jobs. how are they still being produced? if you don't just chug your drink in 30 seconds it gets soggy. it doesn't work. and it leaves a weird feeling in your mouth. finally aaron rodgers showed up to a green bay packers training camp like a scene out of a
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movie. long-haired think tub and jeans. can you guess which movie? conair with nicolas cage. check that out. can rodgers have an acting career after the nfl? maybe. or simply have one of those guys the walks runtimes going to get a picture with them pretending to be the person? >> about guess he potentially could but he could also just use his money. the data know you? like get your head in the game. >> not as upset feels like he is concerned about his luck. he wants to look the tank top, the long hair. >> he reminds me of on color
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ricoh from napoleon dynamite. he's like one step away from that. >> paul wine is growing his hair out. >> may be something in the water there. jackie, do you feel like you should just focus on football? >> noy think everyone is being a bunch of haters. were talking about football but with error aaron rodgers as well it looks like he's wearing full clothes but he looks like the naked cowboy. >> running a hand through his hair will the camera is on. calling it like it is. there is a bit of a self granted station. i know you speak football fluently. >> he i don't know the rules of football. >> meals also. i will never learn. if the look like that -- the quarterback is the one who
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throws it. i'll write more outnumbered and just a moment. ♪ ♪ with today's soaring home values, the time to turn your equity into cash is right now. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now.
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>> fighting the good state, massachusetts, bring back happy hour. it's been banned in the state since 1984 prohibition to crack down on drunk driving. the current government is against it and may veto the measure. sean, part of the argument is, a, 1983 called and want happy hours back and b, it's not about the alcohol, it's about what you do with it and there are so many
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ramifications if you do away with the temporary professional pricing, let everyone have their party, the bars have the party, everyone have a reason to go out starting at 5:00 p.m. >> there's a story about inflation. inflation is really high, people cannot afford to go out. if you have a bar willing to give you a break on an alcoholic drink at like 5 to 7, take it. let people celebrate and save a little money. thank you. >> i could not imagine being born in 1984 or after in massachusetts and never knowing what happy hour is like. >> i could not imagine the guy who has the guy that saved happy hour and to say no. what a buzz kill. happy is in the title. it's happy hour. who wouldn't want that? and they are not just selling booze, it's loaded nachos and chicken wings and three oysters for four bucks, and all the cohaugs you can possibly eat. and not the alcohol in the
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vacuum but the ancillary things and how people behalf. >> not a proponent of drunk driving, if you do it, you should be locked up. but have a cheap date, and if you like the person order chicken wings. you cannot control people in this way in such a tight restrictive way. people have to be left to their own devices to act responsibly and do the right thing. happy hour is not really the issue. >> liberals in massachusetts are not happy. >> clearly. >> would you -- would you rather have happy hour taken away from you or no dancing? footloose. >> i think combining happy hour and dancing might be the solution we need in the divided times. thank you for asking, emily. >> sean, what's your prediction? >> you have happy, drinking, inflation, coming together, a little more fun in massachusetts, even though big
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libs hate fun there. >> there should be protestors if he vetoes it. pro happy hour protestors. >> a boost for business, the point in these hard times. cheers to that. thank you everyone for watching, and now here is "america reports." >> we'll drink to that. >> john: emily, we'll drink to just about anything around here. thank you so much. awaiting an announcement from the federal reserve, another interest rate hike but growing concern the efforts to fight red hot inflation could trigger recession. >> sandra: filing for unemployment, housing market is softening, and the economy is expected to shrink the second quarter in a row. and the white house is redefining what constitutes a recession. tim ryan and larry kudlow will join us on that coming .
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