tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News July 27, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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but i think i am a good dude. sorry, i've had a few beers. next time i should wait until after i email you to -- misspellings galore. todd, have another. tucker is up next. always remember. i am watters this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." d after day they bombard you from every new source telling you that january 6 was the worst insurrection since mussolini's march on. obviously there lying. you know that. they know that. where are they doing it? they are doing it in the hope that if they scream light enough you will forget what actually happened. in january of 2017 shortly after
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trump won a fairly large group of elected democrats tried to overturn what was a free and fair election. they were insurrectionist. the group included congressman j.d. raskin. barbara lee, sheila jackson, maxine waters, jim mcgovern from others. and then on the basis of no evidence whatsoever nancy pelosi promoted the dangerous conspiracy theory that the election had been "hijacked by a hostile foreign government." russia. then on january 13, 2017 because we kept track, democratic party holy man john lewis declared that donald trump was not the legitimate president. talk about breaking our norms. then not surprisingly on inauguration day the democratic party's volition descended on washington. hundreds of rioters committed vandalism, overturned cars at one point lit a limousine on fire. most of the violence was concentrated in franklin square. six police officers were
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seriously injured. they threw bricks and trash cans. in all, 200 of nancy pelosi's forces were arrested. it took 5,000 national guardsmen to quell the violence. the first of many riots the democratic party encouraged during the trump administration. if you're wondering if any of that happened, you're seeing it, you may be wondering. you can look it up because it's all on video. in retrospect, the justice department responded to the violence. no one at doj open a criminal investigation into nancy pelosi. no way into john lewis for sparking the right. that was never even under consideration because at the time this was america. political speech is not a crime in america. it has never been a crime in america. even if extremists use your words to justify their violence, you cannot be arrested for their deeds because we have a first amendment. political speech is sacrosanct, period. the supreme court has ruled on
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this many times. the very heart of our system. it's why it's a free country. but in the single most radical move perhaps of the entire biden administration, the attorney general merrick garland has decided to change this. "the washington post" is reporting that the justice department is investigating former president donald trump as part of a criminal probe in january 6. that may confuse you since trump did not commit any act of violence are generally six. he publicly urged his voters to "stay peaceful." when they enter the capitol building he told them to go home. that's all on public record. according to merrick garland, donald trump is still liable for every single one of his supporters' crimes that day. donald trump's speech is violent. that is the new rule. your speech is violent. hitters the thing, that rule only applies to you, to opponents of the democratic party. supporters of the democratic party can still say whatever they want. what we have here is not just infuriating or hypocritical, it's worse than that.
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it is the definition of selective justice and there is nothing scarier than selective justice which is no justice at all. suddenly you see evidence of it everywhere. carrying a legal gun in the bronx and the chances are you will not go to jail because you voted for joe biden. keep in your closet in florida and joe biden will blame you for school shootings. that's how it works. you see it everywhere. at the same woman, doj is investigating a former president for saying things joe biden didn't like, that same doj is apparently hiding evidence of criminal activity by joe biden's son hunter. the latest evidence is from senator chuck grassley of iowa. grassley's office has received whistle-blower complaint within the fbi. those complaints reveal efforts to "improperly discredit negative hunter biden information as disinformation, there by causing investigative activity to cease." call it russian disinformation and the investigation into whatever hunter biden did.
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the words of chuck grassley, the allegations provided to my office appeared to indicate that there was scheme in place among certain fbi officials to undermine derogatory information connected to hunter biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation. in other words, not only did they not consider charging the president's son. they actively lied to the public about the nature of his crimes. to some extent we saw this play out in public. 50 former intelligence officials at the highest level. jim clapper, mike hedden, john brennan, michael morel, all claimed in a publicly circulated letter that hunter biden's laptop was "russian disinformation." it wasn't. it was entirely real. they knew it was real. not one of them has apologized. not one of the 50's apologize for lying on the eve of the presidential election about facts that might have influenced voters to vote differently from the way they voted.
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they interfered, those 50 intel officials, interfered in our democracy. they've never been held accountable. he never even acknowledged what they did. that was happening in public. but in private, according to chuck grassley's office, one senior fbi official ordered a hunter biden probe" without providing valid reason as required by fbi guidelines. just shut it down. the president's son, we want this kind of win. don't hassle his boy. another case officials improperly had damaging information about hunter biden in a subfolder that almost nobody at the fbi could find. the fbi appears to have abandoned the case. ignoring it from the first day were lying about it. "the new york post" has stayed on this story and so has this network, fox. it's because the documents on his laptop contain evidence that the president of the united states, joe biden, sold
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political influence to our number one geopolitical rival, country that considers us its main enemy and that would be china. joe biden used his public office to enrich his family. that is a crime. it's a crime by statute and it's certainly a moral crime. joe biden has denied this repeatedly, that he knew nothing about what his son was doing overseas. here is biden in 2019. >> mr. vice president, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> i've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. i've never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything to do with their businesses, period. >> tucker: that was a lie. provably so that was a flat out lie. you know that because we played you the voice mail of joe biden telling hunter he is "in the clear" after a "new york times" piece. hunter biden accompanied his father, the sitting vice president of the
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united states on trips to china and met with communist officials. that is a lie. we show you the picture. joe biden golfing with hunter biden's business partners. most damning is that we have firsthand testimony from one of those partners. his name is tony bobulinski. we sat with him for an hour in october of 2020. he told us that joe biden stood to gain tens of millions of dollars from a business deal with the chinese energy company cfc. the emails on the laptop identified joe biden as "the big guy. you've seen a number of journalists, reporters covering this story, including some who should know better, declare triumphantly that no document you have released connects the former vice president to this deal. how do you react to that? what is your answer to it? >> i want to simplify this for the american people as much as i can. on may 13, that email was sent from james gilliard to me.
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i didn't generate that email. james gilliard generated that email and in that email, james gilliard goes through intimate detail of what each individual's requests were from compensation perspective and how the equity in the enterprise will be divvied up. very important. may 13. that email was generated by somebody else to me. in that email there is a statement where they go through the equity. joe biden references 10%. jim. it has 10%. the big guy. i 1000% secure know that the big guy is referencing joe biden. it's crystal clear to me because i lived it. i met with the former vice president in person multiple times and i have been meeting and talking with hunter biden and jim biden and rob walker and james gilliard. >> tucker: is kind of amazing looking at that tape more than a
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year and a half later. now that joe biden's president. that interview took place before the 2020 presidential election. in a normal country with a free press, every claim tony bobulinski made would've been run down by big news organizations. it wouldn't have been up to fox news in "the new york post" to run it down. but they ignored it and they lied about it. one of the names that bobulinski mentioned was james gilliard. he is the business partner of the biden family. bobulinski told us very specifically that he and gilliard were setting up deals with a chinese energy company while joe biden was the sitting vice president. >> christmas eve 2015 he sent you the following text. which explains the deal with china that he wanted you to become part of it i just want to read the first sentence of this. "there will be a deal between one the most prominent families from the u.s. and them constructed by me." >> that's correct. >> tucker: tell me what he was saying.
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>> james gilliard was referencing something he'd been working on throughout 2015 with rob walker at a chinese company called cfc. he'd been traveling around the world developing ideal and that text was just the culmination of him making me aware that the deal was moving forward. >> tucker: he doesn't say i wanted to deal with you and me on hunter biden or me and you and hunter biden and jim biden. he said between one of the most prominent families from the united states, talking about the biden family. >> that is correct. >> tucker: if you think about it, this whole conversation is ludicrous. hunter biden was trading on his father's office. why else would a chinese energy company seek him out to do business? hunter biden didn't speak chinese. he knew nothing about energy. he never in effect had a real job in his life with a promise to pay them tens of millions of dollars because why?
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because of his expertise in the energy business? it's insane. and yet when we aired that video, the usual liars failed to respond and so they attacked tony bobulinski, a man who made not one dime for the interview. a man who caused himself untold trouble by giving the interview, men who provided documentation to back up every single thing he said directly from hunter biden's laptop. but they were totally ignored. now we are learning the fbi who had the laptop buried it deliberately to protect the president. that's what grassley's office was just uncovered. no investigation whatsoever. tonight tony bobulinski's claims have been corroborated. "the new york post" obtained a medication claiming that gilliard, the man who her describe the business partner panics over the possibility
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joe biden's involvement in the deal might be uncovered. miranda devine broke the story. she is the author of "the laptop from hell." miranda, thanks much for joining us. tell us where this information comes from and what it says. >> this is new communication that's been brought by a whistle-blower to the republican congressional investigators who are getting their probe in the laptop, the biden family influence peddling scheme. this at least two committees that will be looking at that after the midterms, provided the republicans of course win majority in congress which the polls show they will. and so they are getting multiple whistle-blowers coming forward with lots of very useful information and one of those is a communication between james
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gilliard, the shadowy british former special forces operative who had links to british intelligence, mi6. he's having a conversation, panicked conversation which ensued on the very day that "the new york post" first broke the first story from the laptop which was october 14, 2020, three weeks before the presidential election. this communication has james gilliard talking to an unnamed person about what happen if hunter biden, joe biden, and joe biden's campaign basically threw their partners under the bus. this was a concern that was being raised in multiple phone calls and sort of messages between various people who were involved with hunter biden. james gilliard was very cool when he was being asked about this possibility and he said
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look, i really don't think they will do that, meaning the bidens. because he looked at two scenarios. one if joe biden lost the election in which he said he thinks they would just leave "sleeping dogs lie." and if joe biden won the election, james gilliard's theory was that they wouldn't have to worry about any investigations into the influence peddling operation because joe biden would be so busy doing other things. i think you have the direct quote from it. it is another example where james gilley are described joe biden as the big guy and that cooperates with tony bob linsky has always had which is n reference to the big guy, that means joe biden. of course james gilliar was the author of that email in 2017 in
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which the big guy was due to get 10% of a very lucrative deal with the chinese communist government. >> tucker: of course the big guy was the whole point of the business deal in the first place. hunter biden and gilliar brought no value to a chinese energy company. it was joe biden's influence they were after. for a reality check. >> exactly right. they had nothing to offer except the biden name which was use basically by president xi jinping's initiative to open doors around the world where the chinese communist government wanted to buy up infrastructure and trapped countries in debt. so when joe biden was getting allocated, supposedly the big guy. 10% of the deal. this is just part of a lot of evidence on the laptop which might suggest the joe biden was
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actually profiting from some of these deals. >> tucker: of course he was. what a total sellout of the united states. miranda devine, thank you for your relentless reporting on this. appreciate it. the president of ukraine take a break from his packed schedule meeting with hollywood celebrities to do a photo shoot for vogue because ukraine really needs a lot more of our tax dollars as our economy collapses. we have the vogue photo shoot with the world's newest george washington, next.
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>> tucker: there's really only one thing that pretty much everyone in washington agrees on and that is that our borders don't matter at all but ukraine's borders are holy and therefore the government of ukraine needs tens of millions of dollars from the u.s. taxpayers immediately. stop complaining. and indefinitely. forever. both parties in washington agree with this. single most important priority for the country but every poll shows that actually it's not the number one issue for americans. the number one issue for actual americans is inflation so yesterday the president of ukraine, zelenskyy, was asked about the inflation that the
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funding of this country is causing on his response was this. "inflation is nothing. who is thinking about inflation? these things are secondary. really? maybe to you, mr. zelenskyy. but to americans they are kind of meaningful. our countries are not the same. want you run yours. we'll run our spread ukraine's leaders are not really hiding anymore. they just want our money. they don't care about the united states even the little bit. it's not democracies uniting in solidarity. it is a scam. every other week zelenskyy has appeared in public. you may have noticed this with u.s. politicians, snuggling with lindsey graham once again. it's kind of weird that he never seems worried about his own safety. he has met with a ton of hollywood celebrities. ben stiller. >> taking the time. it's a great honor for me.
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it's really wonderful. you are my hero. he quit a great acting career to do this. >> not so great. >> what you have done in the way you've rallied the country and what it means to the world, >> tucker: yeah, you really are hero. this week, he got the anti-leader with treatment vogue. was his real video. this is real video. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: pretty insulting to the thousands of ukrainians who have died and to the u.s.
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taxpayer who is finding all of this but ukraine has gotten away with it because with the complicity of the american media they have from day one waged a fierce information war. they lied about the ghost of kyiv, lied about the island where the troops. they keep lying. they can lie all they want to wire we still funding this? the founder of city media. he joins us. thanks for coming on. at a certain point when the president of ukraine, again, he is allowed to worry about his country but we are allowed to worry about ours and we are funding nuts and play but his government and we don't even know where the money going. clearly a lot of it is being stolen. he gives the finger to american taxpayers by saying that your stupid worries about inflation mean nothing. how masochistic do you have to be to keep sending this guy money. >> thanks for having me back, tucker. it's an honor. we talked previously about how corrupt ukrainians and i've met with a lot of these oligarchs. they their only allegiance is to
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themselves, their power and their wealth. they have no allegiance to the people of ukraine. it's like our oligarch class. it's a huge scam. i know all this money is not getting to where he supposed to go. this recent plane crash in greece with ukrainian cargo plane with eight ukrainian crewmembers who all died in paris because the plane was loaded with explosives and weapons. the narrative was that it was coming from serbia to bangladesh. i find that extremely hard to believe. what i think is happening is the weapons are getting sold and this is just a big rift for the looker class, the defense contractors in the u.s. maybe biden is sending weapons somewhere. i don't know. this money is not getting to where we think it's going, that's for sure. speed you i don't understand how any responsible person could spend billions in advanced weapons systems into a war zone and that make no effort to track
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what happens. >> this is the big problem. as i've said before on your show, it's a safe space for criminals to do whatever they want. they want no accountability. they have either pushed too far because they are now losing this war and it doesn't matter how many weapons unless we send the u.s. military in there, i don't believe ukraine can win this conflict. there needs to be in immediate negotiated settlement because the ukrainian people are suffering. either they have pushed too far they are getting the pushback from the russian federation which is coming in massive waves or they want a war with ukraine which is what i fear and why we need adult leadership in the white house. >> tucker: yeah, and yet everyone in washington fell for this just like they fell for the george floyd myths and the covid lies. i appreciate your coming out tonight. >> any time.
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>> tucker: public health authorities telling us we need to change the name of monkeypox because monkeypox is somehow racist. obviously you don't want to get monkeypox. let's be honest. greatest name of any disease ever. i've got monkeypox. you don't want monkeypox but it's a prequel name. but it's racist. commissioner of new york's health department just said there was "growing concerns of a potentially stigmatizing effects that the messaging around the monkeypox virus could have on vulnerable communities." dr. marc siegel joins us to assess. thank you so much for coming on. they are worried about the name. this is infecting thousands of people but they are worried about what it's called. what does that tell us? >> it tells us they are focusing on whether a virus is politically correct. viruses don't know from that. the infective grass. they infect republicans. they try to cause you to suffer. they try to spend other people. they are not politically correct. in 1918, by not naming the virus the chinese flu or the chinese flew, we ended up ignoring a
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century of flus that came out of asia. then later on we have covid didn't by not naming at the wuhan virus, we did of course, by the world not naming it that we lost the opportunity to really focusing on china and say does this come from a lab? we think maybe you did. and then omicron came out of africa, right? we didn't wanted to call it the african strain so we missed the idea that many strains might come out of africa after that because we ignored it. we in science need not to do that. we need to look at origins exactly where they come from because they guide science. monkeypox comes from 1958, a colony of monkeys. m tucker, it is exotic sounding. i like that. you know why? it scares people into taking it seriously. by the way, speaking of not taking it seriously, speaking of disrespect to the and bisexual community, how about this?
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not enough vaccines. not enough treatments, not enough tests. thousands and thousands and thousands more tests we need. which we don't have. i'm going to prove i'm right. in the 1980s, i trained on hiv and we showed a lot of disrespect to the gay community. there's a lot of homophobia. we called it acquired immune deficiency syndrome. it doesn't sound clinically incorrect to me. it sounds like a whitewash but it didn't stop people from mistreating gay people and we should've learned from that. nowadays we are making the same mistake again. what about chicken pox? should we say that that offense chickens? we have to do is we have to go to shakespeare for an answer to this. shakespeare said you've got to get along. if not, it is a play or a pox on both of your houses, tucker. >> tucker: hard to trust these people at this point. thanks for joining us. words that are descriptive or precise are horrifying to people who want to control your brain
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because they give you too much information on what things really are. as we said, we like monkeypox. it's a great name. as long as they're going to change the name, we should have some role in naming it. it shouldn't be left up to tony fauci and deborah box. what should we call it? tweet us your suggestions. we will read the best ones tomorrow. if they're going to rename monkeypox, we should have a say. political investing standards, esg, crushing economies around the world. they are a drag on our economy but if you live in the developing world who may be toppling your government. government ron desantis has noted this. he joins us next.
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hi, my name's steve. i lost 138 pounds on golo and i kept it off. so with other diets, you just feel like you're muscling your way through it. the reason why i like golo is plain and simple, it was easy. i didn't have to grit my teeth and do a diet. golo's a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays off. golo's changed my life in so many ways. i sleep better, i eat better. took my shirt off for the first time in 25 years. it's golo. it's all golo.
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principles of global investing right now but try to get someono define what esg is and no one will because there is no precise definition because the point of it is to push corporate investors to the left and then of course to punish anyone who dissents. in pursuit of high esg scores, countries like sri lanka have destroyed their economies enhancing their government toppled. germans are dimming their traffic lights to save electricity. if esg accelerates in this country, you can imagine where we will be. very few politicians seem aware this is even happening. one who does know what's going on is doing something to stop it, the governor of florida, ron desantis. he has an announcement tonight about his plan to fight esg in the state of florida. governor, thanks so much for coming on. thanks for noticing this. it's a big deal. what are you going to do pushback? >> tucker, we are going to do a
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couple things. through the florida state pension system we will do a flat fan fan on any type of esg and as you say they like to wiggle around and do politics and we are going to make sure that fiduciary duty is defined very clearly. and that they stick to that. we are also -- going to provide protection for people in the financial market from being discriminated against based on ideology. we have seen wall street banks discriminate against contractors who were involved, helping us against illegal immigration or against firearm manufacturers, things they don't like. the upshot of all this is we want to stop these masters of the universe from trying to do through economic power what they cannot achieve at the ballot box. it is an end run around democracy where they are trying to impose these things. in florida i want to be governed by the values of -- not the values of davos.
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>> tucker: there has never been a vote on anything pertaining to esg, am i right? >> what happens is you have asset managers who manage these pension funds. they will require esg. the companies themselves will do it. i think there's a couple reasons. i do think part of this is theirs woke employees in these companies when the inmates have basically run the asylum so some of the ceos been to that but i do think there are some of the ceo's who really like to exert power over the rest of us and that's what we're doing. it will be a disaster for our economy of course, what we have seen with the energy but to have the economy politicize this way, that's a recipe for disaster. then also it takes power away from the american people and lodges into these international titans. that's not i think what our founding fathers ever intended. >> tucker: it isn't and it's been going on for years and i don't think i've ever heard of
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national level politicians mention it. our other governors where this is happening in their state with their state pension fund? >> i think there are any think you're going to see some other states do what florida and i would like to get a lot of the conservative states together and let's get our proxy voting rights on all of our funds, let's combine those and vote as a block. tucker, we would have over a trillion dollars in assets between just the red state. that would make a difference when you're talking about that so we would be able to check a lot of these esg votes that are going on throughout corporate america. i would urge all my fellow governors around the country, republican or democrat, let's band together and fight back against the so we can keep power to the people. >> tucker: yeah. the consequences around the world have been really scary. governor ron desantis of florida, appreciate you telling us about it. >> thanks. >> tucker: as we told you, we
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showed you the video. the government of sri lanka, the whole governing structure collapsed because of esg. decided to ban chemical fertilizers because climate. in canada, fidel castro's potential son, justin trudeau, thought we need more of that here. we'll tell you what he's trying to do to canada, a big agriculture exporter will ask how long it happens before it happens to our agricultural economy. that's next.
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and find out what your case all when a truck hit my car,ade. ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou ♪ ♪ >> tucker: january 6 was a violent insurrection. no matter how many times they say it, it's not true. but there are violent insurrection is. do you want to know what they look like? the video from sri lanka when angry mobs come over the wall and kicked out the leaders of the government, swim in their pool, go through their sock drawer, start setting things on fire. why did that happen? is not an inherently violent country. it happened because the government of sri lanka was pushed to ban all chemical fertilizers and it cause the
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price to double. massive instability and violence. can we get policies like that here? they are on the way. they have already come to canada. first, justin trudeau, who for the record is a dictator, banned handguns. now is going after fertilizer. "the federal government looking to impose a requirement to reduce nitrous oxide emissions saying that the greenhouse gas contributes to climate change." jerry knows a lot about agriculture, he's a former minister of agriculture. we are happy to have them join us. thanks so much. if trudeau does this, what will happen to canadian agriculture. >> banning fertilizer because at the end of the day this is his petulance coming through in response to the trucker convoy that took over his home city for about three weeks last winter and there's been other trucker
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rallies pretty much sri lanka. we saw it happening there. salt of the earth producers pushed too far. seeing the same thing in holland, italy, and you'll see it in canada if he continues on this very dangerous path. as you point out, the border between canada and the u.s. is just that, we are very synergistic when it comes to food production. we buy a lot of inputs from the u.s. including nitrogen, and we send a lot of product to the u.s. to be processed then exported to the rest of the world so this is going to affect that tenuous situation that he's putting us in. >> tucker: but it is food. the last world leader to mess with the food supply at scale was mate tongue and he killed tens of millions of people in a famine. isn't trudeau worried when you mess with the food supply that you are really messing with the core structure in any society? >> i don't think he realizes the rabbit hole he has gone down and who he is pulling with him. at the end of the day, canadian production is already as
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environmentally friendly as you possibly get. can we do more? we always will. at the end of the day, there's no recognition of that stewardship that our farmers already do by cutting the use of fertilizer, going to the kind usage of fertilizer. going to elements like sulfur and magnesium and copper. top dressing feels is they needed. we map our fields doing soil samples. there's very little acreage not under the management of agronomy professionals who take the map and send it up to the cloud and that governs where you are feeder puts fertilizer and seed down. governs where your sprayer makes us passages. we are as environmentally friendly as we can. we had a big show here in saskatchewan and it was about 90% technology, the use of drones and so on. so for him to go to this extent, he's not looking at the big picture at all. >> tucker: he has no idea where food comes from.
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he may soon find out. former ag minister in canada. thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: one of their rare upsides to the internet is that parents have been able to see with happening in their kids classrooms and they are upset about it, justifiably. a lot of parents are playing a lot more attention. one extraordinary recent example. >> i am going to give a sampling from three books that are in our libraries. and then we can discuss -- you can discuss the process by which these books get on the shelves. there is an employee who got paid to put this book. i'm going to read things. there's children watching. cover their ears. >> i'm going to stop you right there. i'm going to stop you right there. >> turn the microphone off. >> turnoff is microphone please. i've told you i am stopping you.
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there are federal and state laws that prohibit you from saying the things that you are getting ready to say on television. >> tucker: oh, so it turns out there are fascists in charge. founder of the 1776 project pack to elect school board members who are not fascist. he joins us to remind us how printed is. thanks for what you're doing. you're focusing on small politics because you say it matters. tell us why it matters. >> the left oftentimes is using public education to sit there and push their radical ideology not just because they want future democrats. they are getting that of course but because they want to end civil society as we know it. public schools, we invest in them so we have an educated workforce who knows reading, writing and arithmetic but some people love the republic. they want to be involved. they want to invest. they want children to be invested in the future and they want to take care of us when we are old. when you are telling a child they perpetually a racist or
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that they are victims of racism or that every institution is racist, then that whole structure breaks apart in seconds and it's happening in red counties in red states and it's really about local politics, getting involved in small local politics and that's what my pac does. >> tucker: it is suicidal, is it not, to tell the next generation of americans that america is terrible? what is the end game here? >> the end game is to have more of a critical theory-based politics. that was in devol county. in florida, a red county. they have a policy right now their schools right now where they are ending disparities on suspension based on race. the only way you can do that is you punish some kids more based on the race and some kids less based on their race. august 23rd is the day every school board county in florida is up for abode and that's primary day but the senate and that government don't have primary so if you don't vote on
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that day, they don't go to november. august 23rd is an essential day. we are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars. go to our website. we can change it for the better. it takes a generation. takes time. we can preserve this country. >> tucker: you've got to pay attention or else you're done. thank you for reminding us of that. so biden has announced he's recovered from covid. something weird about biden when he said that. see if you notice it. we'll show you the tape next
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five days. [cheers and applause] thankfully i will now be able to return to work in person. i get to go back to the oval office. thank you all very much. >> tucker: [laughs] they hired people to cheer. one person who didn't even bother to cheer was kamala harris. rumor has it she's the only person not clapping when biden said he had recovered from corona. we didn't even hear a cackle. we listen carefully. what also strange is how biden recovered. the white house had them on something. look in his eyes. this was taken from a video on biden's twitter account. he doesn't blank in the video. ask yourself have you ever seen joe biden's eyes that wide open. whenever he's taking ought to be publicly available for all of us. share it, man. that's it for us tonight. send in your suggestions for
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what we should call monkeypox. you can read miranda devine's blockbuster story we told you about at the top of the show. tomorrow will be on the front page of the near posted tomorrow we'll be back on television at 8:00 p.m. the show that's the enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. stay tuned for sean hannity to whom we are going four seconds early, catching them totally by surprise. >> sean: will "share it, man," replaced "come on, man." ." are you a junkie? >> tucker: he knows a thing or two about dope i have a feeling. >> sean: talked his son about that. welcome to "hannity." it's official, another whopping three quarters of a percent interest rate hike from your fed. we're going to explain in great detail how this is going to impact your ability to get a loan, pay off debt, finance a car, house, whatever. and how many americans will now be shut out of the dream, the american dream of owning a home
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