tv Outnumbered FOX News July 28, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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is a here president biden reaction to new gd pp reported showing u.s. economy shank for second con second ufive quarter plunging country in are crest. despite his. best efforts to spin it otherwise this is out number hld until low everybody. am will joining me today. kept de. jackie. andlessly. and jason. there there no doubt about today gdp numbers prove we are if ecrest. fact that didn't come as surprise to most con military. but while they were worrying
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about it, biden aed merchandize prap sfrpgs doing everything in their power to key sign this was about to happen. watch. >> in my view the probability of redress within next year not particularly elevated. no no one predicted recession now. i don't think we crest it will inelfable number recession not. there non right now we don't see recession. these numbers that we are posting are very much in with recession fairly poll until. we are going to go i don't they we will see recession. >> and traded president appeared to be gas lighting america. now saying in statement that quote no surprise economy is slowing down. justice department see want get your top line thinks on this and also through the lens of what do americans kay about a common or technical definition of recession? did they feel it no matter what costs that's point we all any
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were in recession before we got this number white house spin and put in blends der they can stlerd eninflation which not transition story all of those people in month age said it was involvement no transit. has put in this position right now and americans across country are struggling with higher gas prices higher food price. higher costs good er is vice across the board they are struggling to make end meet and put food on tailing n literally that's point we are get to so ever that you talk. every market we are all recession. and that's how people feel. the polls reflect it. as well. and that's just a senate throughout country he get on tv right now and say that he not surprised that are sort slow down that's all nothing worried about. but reality is you cannot shaping deafnist of where we are right now. and as you said people feel they feel family and you see stock market. smart most has been predicting this for sometime not just in
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some about the understand would market as well sxflt actually object of this what i am wore read we are for period of stagflation that's stagflation since we low growth, with high inflation at love this inflation embedded she deeply in had the economy. not going to go away overnight only reason some a little bit higher he had tad saying objection we will technically now and by the definition he would are in recession so maybe. not going to have to be an aggressive's has been or peopled that that he would be. why you this kind of just did will sort like jump along if you will that bump along that ride, that's tough for people. >> yes it is. and jerome powell we are not recession because of the strength labor market. 3.6 employment raid. 2.7 million it don't math all things crack be somebody what's
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really map he tree try redefine flaw its redefine you know put spip on this. what americans understand a this administration dogs not have game plan. which you don't hear from them. all right here's what we are going to do about increase supply for instance on energy, and you don't have man actually turn on this spicket and produce american energy. you are not go solve this problem it is going to continue drag on. so going into mid terms. which are coming early voting pretty soon. any would hate to democrat none of them campaign with biden i think he endorsed let's than five people going into midterms. bass he is will radio active no nobody want to touch him he doesn't plan is when he goes out and speaks wobbled shutter because, spe just not cognitive in his ability to actually an articulate separatist that maybe sense and just solve the problem
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that's the problem. >> xep dejust today after the gdp report came out. let's take a look headlines that americans were subjected to. we will show you out be out. cnn u.s. economy, contract again fuel will recession fierce. . and all of these are not to finally point yet they all are sort of holding out this hope approximately fy fying white us going light it is gas lighting. but also truth bass if you read between lines sort of abstract with what president think admitting that we are already in not only recongress but stagflation fair repeat. to jackie it is is not slow down but b unable it is not necessarily what jaw want. but what would you have national api amounts of just can uncontrolled spending from federal god. and he. and so long in you can pom pound that with supply chain i am either with very much real.
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you know look hot china supplies united states and they are still very much locked down. so you know and there are elements that people didn't see coming built the best acknowledging that stag nations here it is real. froolly by that i mean he is one term president. and yes. if you can't spend money if you nts can afford things, if you lay awake at night worrying about how you are going provide for your family than you are a will in recession. and, that's administration that's being so tell you, that you know hings are great, it is just a little warm when your house on fire, there nothing more offensive and voter are going to act on that and minimum right polls so that over six # i a p/e americans feel that way. they worry about their pay checks stretching cover costs is we talk being shell vls.
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let's talk about media have more paid take a look. >> how you change the way people think because we are in economic recovery. >> what economy already on collision course for recession? it is depends on how you ask lots of people all would have two contract gdp decline, that are crest. no. in that's not definition. but you are require he ma mit walking down straight with your dpidz what they label it? does affect them? now. no american feel abandoned boy the president and thissed a partnership vague that refuse act non their pipe and all right by media refuse to cover act lastly. i don't think that there refusing to being a knowledge the pain. and, i think the labelling i ink of this they are right on don't matter what you call it what vote ser feel and then that's not democrat or reason e. right there are good news you know point you the gas prices you fall for.
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unemployment low you have shopping job retail. up. and that he is are all plus which were some economist head state whether you with zan fray year the head of the citicorp. ceo or up. the and that say, look you know i think we are some of growth premature and to say we are in gively did he. coming but then that's marian websterty faints i am hook for definition for from con member but, bothers are not be who to any kind of definition. i think. they cost feep recession. tells, anybody how it affected them. they just know what feeling right now and that's not positive. in how does one that justify their continued spending their continued hemorrhaging of our men that's increasing all of this pipe and suffering. how is that? first of all 1.9 trillion
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responsible for less than 2% of the all our inflation. and, we when look at world factors he would have global we have global problem with ininflation right we yerply now that you know i am it have a you no supply chain issues all of that contributed to this. but right twrou hook you know joe mappings on board with legislation we are going to hear about shortly when joe mappings on board with something i think republican, would be on boards because each though fellow democrat i think thinks cape purple more that it is blue. yes i mean i don't necessarily buy that you are ruth about joe mappings it extra chair will called hill in talk with his i stit. and he knows they are heart who know that american want to be energy and independence. and he not paying them lip service and tell,them it is
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raining when really he. one quick thing about labor market as well i know something democrat are happening ahad a with i am kel about is as this closeness starts take hold within economy we a going see more and more companies start lay people off that's only go of american people and then you talk about for more problem right now is that every per that's look for a job they are two twopts they could file people didn't go back to work the way they 14d have innerest. and you have lots of people sitting home as well i think combination of those two them could be very prop maybe the. he sad said labor market unstauply hot that was his. go my family. we are being liking for all right coming up. dark said of social media. parents suing the parents company of instagrahm in two separate lawsuitsing i about total to 12 ray length willing ability to develop severe mental health issue. eating disorder and suicide
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>> welcome back. kentucky families have filed separate lawsuits against meta. they state that the algorithm expose their daughters to hurtful images that do dominic drove them to develop eating disorders and drove them to attempt suicide. here's a father. >> around 2016, we noticed extreme weight loss. we put the puzzle pieces together that it was a direct correlation to social media, more specifically instagram. >> an excerpt from one lawsuit says alex was repeatedly
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bombarded with and exposed to content recommended or made available to her by meta which increasingly included underweight models, unhealthy eating, and eating disorder content. the second family alleges their daughters use of instagram developed into a dependency on the instagram product and coincided with steady but severe decline in her mental health. i see you nodding, jackie. these are heartbreaking stories. how much responsibility does meta and instagram have for what these young women were exposed to a question mark >> i'm so glad that we were talking about this because it is such an impo. from a legal perspective, a business perspective. the bar is high. they need to prove that they create an addictive platform that draws girls in but i can say this from first-hand knowledge and personal experience. seven years ago when i first got on instagram, i did find it was much more addictive than facebook was at the time. when it was was the fashion magazines of the 80s have now turned to instagram and they have become far worse.
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i found myself getting sucked in to this vacuum lists vortex of imagery and trying to make my life look like someone else's life and i started to feel bad about myself to the point where i had to pull away from it and delete my account. i had the wherewithal to know that's what i needed to do and that something was wrong and the addiction to these images was not right. the time that i spent on instagram was not valuable and it wasn't helping me. it was hurting me. to say that as a young adult, i sit back and say what would a teenage girl go through seeing these images? i'm not surprised that people are having such trouble and meta when it comes to facebook and instagram, they do make the content so you spend more time on it. it's a business. they are advertising through it and they are selling you products through it. this is a whole gambit of what business model is. if they weren't doing it that way, they'd be doing something wrong. this is a conversation that everyone needs to have. parents need to be engaged and
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involved in social media content for their children. >> it's absolutely heartbreaking. you think about what you go through as an adolescent as it is with the best of circumstances with no technology. then you throw in social media and the point is, and jackie brings it up, to scramble your brain and make the content more addictive. then you have a pandemic where all you are doing is spending your entire life online. we were only connection to your friends in the outside world is through apps like instagram. >> the standard, it's a negligence case. i think we have come far past the point of knowing the harmful effects. the argument in the lawsuit, they say you failed to address your algorithm. you've made minor adjustments and put resources on the page, but the reality remains that you flood these young girls with images, toxic images. it goes to the broader
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conversation of having your feed to be what you choose versus what instagram thinks you want to see. the think you want to see is the algorithm that pushes negative and harmful images. again, so much time has passed especially with a hearing last year where the whistle-blower, we learned the extent of the knowledge of those executives in creators and charge. the founders who know exactly about these harmful effects and still refused to make actual viable changes. you talk about the parent involvement and what was so heartbreaking to me when i was reading these lawsuits is the extent that the parents tried. the extent that they were involved with these girls and tried every day, all day, including taking the phones away and creating a recovery. doing everything they could do to work with these girls. >> licked company still knew. they sit before congress and they apologize and mark zuckerberg says we do better. but they never do better. the harm that they are capable
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of imposing, especially on young women, it's unforgivable. is it better to hit on the bottom line and have families file lawsuits like this? >> i think that lawsuits are the way to go. it would be an interesting discovery and it's right for a jury verdict. it is not just girls. a lot of bullying in a lot of boys that suffer from the same problems and challenges. everyone likes to be liked as a teenager and everyone wants to be liked as an adult, for goodness sake. they're so much shaming that goes on there. i hope that they do prevail. i also hope that we do what europe has been trying to do which is the right to be forgotten. i think there should be the ability for you to get out of that contract that you may sign as a 13-year-old. to get out of the contract and have all of your content erased. >> get it back. >> why can't you get your life back? i think it is the one thing that congress can and should do in a
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bipartisan way. >> did we just agree? we agree sometimes. i've so much to say about this. i have buried a child so my heart goes out to the family and any family that does that. i know that when it happens, you want to blame somebody. for my situation, it was god. i've a 14-year-old daughter and she's going to kill me for saying this on national television, but she will talk to me about her nose. i think my daughter is beautiful. we all think our kids are beautiful. my nose is this, i'm worried about my weight. she's a stick. it is not just the instagram and facebooks and tiktoks. i think that women, since adam and eve, women have been judged by how we look. men do it to us, sorry, women do it to each other. for our kids and for her
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daughters and future daughters, but in addition to that anorexia nervosa, i have a family member but i won't say which one, not my daughter, it comes down to pain. it comes down to a lack of self-worth and neck -- that is from a bigger issue. it can be family problems, academic problems, that one kid at school it bothers you and you haven't told anyone about it. you implode, you cut yourself, you don't eat. i'm not sure that alonso will make a difference because the problem is much bigger. stop judging women for how we look. let's address the problems that these kids want to address hurt them selves over. >> it is a much larger than that. one of those plaintiffs, hurt anorexia resulted in the loss of
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brain matter. these effects are insurmountable in many cases in life is forever altered. it is unrecoverable. >> and it's incredibly hard to trace. hit them where it counts. in the baby maker and the bottom line. coming up, a new study shows the left may be losing the culture war they started over pronounce. we will explain next. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles
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this secondary definition of female as "having a gender identity that is the opposite of mail." >> it's very interesting. it's a lot to keep track of and you never want to offend somebody. my frustration is when one person uses so many pronouns, i will be she/they but you have to alternate or you have violated a violent stomach silent contract. i want to honor you. if you want to identify as a goat, i will milk you and take whatever makes to do. extend people little bit of grace because they're trying. but it's too many. a lot to keep track of. >> to that point, the hard part is the repercussion. we are all trying to help each other and the repercussions are disproportionate from an accidental i'm sorry i didn't
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know. people are getting fired, prosecuted, shunned for trying to do the right thing. >> i am all about choice. if you choose to use a pronoun, that's great, or pronouns. you can choose if you want to be a goat but if you want to, choose not to. i don't think that people should be mocked or ridiculed if they choose to do that. for me, i was in a meeting and everyone said my name is jane smith and my pronouns are she/her. it got to me and i said my name are leslie marshall and my pronounce or she/her because of peer pressure. you get in with it. i've been to conferences where they ask you how do you identify? i identify as female. i'm female identifying. i am not offended by it, i'm not confused by it. it's a new and it is something to get use to and change is something that we all as human beings have a difficult time with. there are people out there, my own children, who have fun with it. my son wants to be called wolf,
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jokingly, and my husband wants him to call him the ward but that has not happened. >> and it's really permeating every part of society. when i did the city bike at the other day on the street, and asked me what my pronouns were. what is a bicycle app needing to know my pronouns as our public education system failing? we are losing footing on the global stage on so many areas but this is where we are spending our time. >> 62% of americans think that this is going too far. i really do think it gets to the point of some degree of absurdity. trying to force it on other people is it where they lose their own cause and try to force people and shame people into doing it. i also think that law enforcement, birth certificates, things like that, i think we are going in the wrong direction. we should not have to succumb to the very, very, very small
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percentage of people that want to have us embrace everything that they are doing. i don't think it should be forced upon us. >> when you get into the vague realm, merriam-webster definition what the opposite of mail. at circular logic because then what is that? the opposite of female? i'm not a biologist. >> these are the conversations that are mind-numbing to a certain degree. i agree, everyone should have a choice, i love everybody. be whatever you want to be and use what pronouns you want but the political correctness is going too far. we are alienating the majority now to cater to people who are sensitive to this particular issue. having said that, you bring up the notion of teaching in schools. think about what we are teaching in schools and what we are arguing over day today in america. do you think that china's teaching pronouns to the kindergarten kids? no. they are teaching them how to rule the world and they are focused and regular waste and
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disciplined. we keep having conversations that are side conversations you can be whatever you want to be and i embrace it, but that does not need to be the focus of the meeting or how we introduce ourselves. let's get down to business and what matters. >> don't you feel like -- having it be ancillary is one thing, but having it be primary in so many different arenas, we are suffering losses that jackie's has spoken. especially academia. distraction has harmful effects on education and advancement. >> what are they teaching in china construct math, math, math, math, math. >> they should teach that here. >> you should see my son's algebra grades. to your point, why are we catering to a minority of people and disregarding the 62%? i don't think we are. how did we get here? how we got here is that minority of people was not as much of a
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minority as we thought. especially our children who were part of the lgbtq community, especially children that are trans and how they are more than marginalized. how they were offended and ignored it whether it was within the school system or within systems in general. i don't think it is a big deal. they can do it. >> but why do you have to introduce yourself with your pronouns customer >> i don't have to. i've never been forced. >> i like calling people certain man. >> i got called sir the other day. >> i get called sir all the time. i was like yes? >> like many americans, andrew yang is fed up with democrats and republicans. up next, his plan to shake up the two-party system and move things forward. ♪ ♪
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call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> look at that. the two-party system is not cutting it for a former democrat andrew yang. the former presidential candidate is partnering with x democrats and republicans to launch the forward party which aims to appeal to millions of americans who are fed up with political polarization and they are looking for something in the middle. are these a bunch of mushy moderates or are they on to something? some people who identify as republican and democrat are fed up with the fact that if you are republican coming from a democrat, you are the devil. >> this is going nowhere fast. there's a libertarian party which has a lot of members to it. the green party has a lot of members to it. the idea that we are going to have something other than just
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two is out there. there are multiple parties out there. these happen to be wannabes who came in eighth place and to suggest he was an actual presidential candidate is generous at best. he comes up with good and creative ideas. >> he did better than kamala harris and she's vice president. >> he was leading her and california and that's why she dropped out. andrew lang has interesting ideas but nobody will be talking about this. >> i think he's on to something. i really do. i think that people are that up. they see two seats that do the same thing and they are fed up. they fight and nothing meaningful is ever achieved. is there something about rising above the frame being high-minded and going issue by issue with people who are decent? >> only if you get rid of the electoral college which will not happen in our lifetime. you said good luck and i would agree with you there.
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i do think it will happen someday, i really do. sadly, i don't think any of us will be alive for it. that is what you need to do. our system is catered to benefit a democrat or republican to winning, not a libertarian, not a green party candidate, not a reform candidate. >> the duopoly. there's the presidential debate and they will never let outside voices come in and challenge the status quo, unfortunately. >> republicans don't want to get behind the prudential debate commission. they are opposed to it as well. >> go to. let the libertarians. >> we have had different hearty start history. >> now we don't have parties, we have factions. >> and there something to that. decent people and i love the notion. the two pillars are "reinvigorate a fair and flourishing economy and to give americans more choices in elections and confidence in a government that works and more
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say in our future." that's on pretty republican to me especially if you add in lowering taxes. maybe for that reason, more democrats and republicans have expressed dismay at the new party for fear that it will draw from their ranks. >> ralph nader. that subtle site. every time you have ralph nader or a ralph nader, it takes away from the party. >> hillary clinton would argue that gary johnson in 2016 took just enough. it was a percentage here and there. >> what about ross perot? disrupted. george w. bush would argue. >> look where that got us, jackie. >> it did not get us to a horrible place. what is happening with this movement is the underlying need to not be so polarized. if you look at the last election cycle, joe biden got his own votes and then he got votes from people who might have voted for donald trump last time but did not want to do it again this
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time because the two sides were so extreme. those people that flipped over and voted for joe biden were hoping to see a more moderate candidate, a more bill clinton style of rule on the economy and so many other issues. that's what people wanted and then they realize that joe biden, he is being tugged at by the progressive left in that is what we are seeing play out over the course of last year or so. but people's need for centrism is definitely there. i think if you are a smart candidate on the right or the left you would grab onto that in the next election cycle and step up to the podium and be that person. >> i saw andrew yang >> week and a half ago at freedom fest in las vegas and he was talking about this. we might not have a universal platform and that's where coalitions come in. that's where you need people from different parties were you agree on one issue and you come together and you cross legislation and you try to make the country better. >> what i do like coming into your point, i agree with that.
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having the two-party see the polarization with us and them in the division on two levels, we are spreading it around. let's be honest, i have in my democratic party people that are not democrats. they are socialists. then we have people in the republican party, rand paul and others, who were not republicans. not truly republicans. i think it's a good idea for the future. i am into a true democracy. majority rules not the republic that we operate as. >> the sad part is that there's a futility of this. two-thirds of americans believe that we need the third party and yet, to your conversation earlier, it's not going to happen. the futility part is what is the most disheartening about it because we see the need for it. >> we will see if centrism will overcome extremism. that will be the ticket. coming up, meghan markle called up for telling oprah winfrey that she was an only child in the inconvenient fact getting in
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>> we are waiting for speech by the president. he is at this big lie from the white house as the u.s. economy falls into recession. we will take his marks life. the presidents poll numbers following with members of his own party. guy benson at events and join us today onset an end all of this l steam ahead on a new spending bill. isn't that what got us into the economic mess in the first place? governor of south dakota will react. come join john roberts and me live for america reports at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. the duchess of sox oaks is being accused of being the duchess of the seat. her half sister has filed a
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defamation lawsuit saying that she lied when she told oprah that she grew up as an only child. watch. >> i grew up as an only child which everyone who grew up around me notes. i wished i had siblings. i would have loved to have had siblings which is why i'm so excited to be pregnant so that archie has someone. >> but she does in fact have two half siblings. her attorney said she is well within her rights to make the comment because it was based on a feeling explaining that megan's response to the question that she grew up as an only child was obviously not meant to be a statement of objective fact that she had no genetic siblings or half siblings but a textbook example of a subjective statement on how a person feels about her childhood. kennedy, no. she is a statement about her feelings and her childhood. that's why i'm happy my son is having a sibling. she went well beyond the realms of feeling like i was an only child. that's a straight up lie.
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>> i'm going to take her side on this. psychologically, if children are raised in separate households, they react to the world as though they are only children. she grew up essentially with her mom and all of her mom's energy went to her. i think she's a very selfish person and i think she feels like she's the only person in the world. she is the most important person in the world. anytime you ask your question about anyone or anything else, she will direct it right back to herself. that could be the trait of some only children. >> leslie, kennedy used a qualifier that megan did not. essentially. she was treated essentially like an only child in her household and that right there nails -- hits the nail on the head. it's not biologically accurate, but feeling some way stating it in front of a millions of viewers interview with oprah winfrey. this is not sitting at a lunch table saying i was raised as an only child and i have two half
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siblings. this is a pretty emphatic and clear-cut statement that clearly hurt her half sibling deeply. speak out for my understanding, and i'm not the biggest fan of her, but my understanding is, and to your point, she grew up with her mom. her mom is a single parent, her and her mom. she did not have a relationship at all with her half sister's. do you ever read that? adopted child and son. half siblings, step children. we in society qualify it. if you are not growing up with these people and it is your mom and not their mom, you do feel like an only child. there are people out there who have siblings all over the country, all over the world, and they feel like an only child because in their family with their mother, mother and father, father and father, mother and mother, whatever the family dynamic, they were the only kid and they did not have the relationship with the other
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siblings. speak out the argument here, the triumph of feeling over fact, do you put this in the same category as elizabeth warren saying that she's native american, rachel identifying as black. they are called up for something that they weren't. here's another global person who is identifying as something she is not. is this triumph of feeling perfect? >> are we still calling her the duchess? she does not feel like a royal. i have a half-brother and i spend a couple of months, maybe a month with him. he is nine years older and i love him and care for him, but yeah, me and my brother alex. that's who i grew up with day in and day out and had a room right next door. i don't know. can i be honest? i don't care about meghan markle. i don't know enough about her
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growing up and how she did it. if she has fitting, don't have an attorney go out there and say we are talking about subjective versus objective. to lose me right there. either you did grew up with one or you didn't. to file a lawsuit, they must've been pretty upset. >> i'm tired of meghan markle and prince harry making headlines and actually being considered news. i sit back and say seriously? are we talking about this? the half sister needs to get a life, megan needs to stop lying, and the nonsense has to stop. we need to stop giving these people oxygen. >> i hope that is what the judge's ruling is. you need to get a life and you need to stop lying. moving forward, more outnumbered is next. ♪ ♪
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>> we are awaiting the president right now who is about to speak from the white house dining room making his first remarks since this morning's g.d.p. report. kennedy, what do we hope the president says? >> i hope the president acknowledges that we are, in fact, in recession. he is approaching the podium, taking off his mask. >> good afternoon. yesterday i spoke with both senator schumer and manchin and offered my support for historic agreement to fight inflation and low costs for american families. reduction act of 2022. some will see a lot of similarities between the beginning of build back better initiative, not all of it, we have moved a long way. i'll be going into detail in a minute, but simply put, the bill will lower health care costs for millions of americans and the most important investment, not
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hyperbole, and developing cost savings and creating clean energy solutions for the future, it's a big deal. and begin to restore fairness to the tax code, largest corporations in america pay their fair share without any new taxes on people making under $400,000 a year. experts, even some experts who have criticized my administration in the past agree that this bill, this bill will reduce inflationary pressures on the economy. this bill will reduce inflationary pressure on the economy. it's a bill that cost, will cut your cost of living and reduce inflation, and lowers the deficit. strengthens the economy in the long run as well. the bill has won support of
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climate leaders like al gore, who said the bill is long overdue and necessary step to ensure the united states takes decisive action on the climate crisis that helps our economy and provides leadership for the world by example. inflation hawks like former secretary treasury larry summers said this bill is fighting inflation. let me say it, this bill is fighting inflation. progressive leaders like senator elizabeth warren said this is a bill that truly is about fighting inflation, bringing down the costs for families and putting the country on a sounder economic footing. here is how it works. first, the bill finally delivers on a promise that washington has made for decades to the american people. we are giving medicare, we are giving medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, which means seniors and consumers will pay less for their prescription drugs. medicare will save
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