tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News July 28, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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tomorrow on "special report," an update on the investigation into the leak leak of the u.s. supreme court draft of it controversial decision on abortion. where is that investigation? we will bring it to you. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" is now, horses and goats. that's how i tossed to you i usually get a bear video. >> jesse: i can't beat horses and goats. i'm interested. i want to stick around. >> bret: all right. see you. >> jesse: see you. ♪ ♪ today joe biden proved to "primetime" that he is compromised. he is not really in charge. biden has just been a front man for the national security state. after taking a two-hour phone call with our biggest enemy, chinese president xi jinping, biden came out of it with nothing. according to readouts from the call, biden never brought up the wuhan lab leak and he didn't
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confront china with flooding our country with fentanyl. the chinese actually threatened joe biden on the call and said if we mess around with taiwan, quote: those who play with fire perish by it biden just took it. and the white house put out a statement like a good little boy and said the two presidents discussed a range of issues important to the bilateral relationship and other region and global issues. of the call was a disaster. it's all a part of the bigger scandal involving all the major players in washington. the people who run washington, d.c. know joe biden's compromised. washington knew it before they put him in the oval office. they have been running cover for the biden family for years. and have been selling americans out for money and power. the entire biden family, joe, his brother jim, son hunter, they have all been caught in bed with china. hunter has been caught with chinese spies and the
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intelligence community buried it. the fbi scheme to discredit and down play hunter's laptop? it worked. it got joe elected. dozens of cia officials came into say it was just russian disinformation. even though they knew it was real because the intelligence community has known what the biden family has been up to this whole time. this cia has known about hunter and the chinese. the cia knows everything. the cia knew everything joe was doing in ukraine. it was the cia guy who was the whistleblower. it flagged trump for getting too close to burisma. it's the cia's job to know what countries are blackmailing our politicians. or who is getting rich off the side. do anything about it? no. they colluded with big tech and the media to kill the hunter biden story. joe lies with ease because he knows everybody in washington has his back. >> my son has not made money in
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terms of this thing about -- what are you talking about, china? i have not had -- the only guy that made money from china is this guy. he is the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> jesse: that's why he lies. he knows he is good. joe flew his son to china where he cut deals. the biden family has made millions in china. it's been reported everywhere. and joe meets with hunter's business partners all the time. joe biden has met at least 14 of hunter's business partners that we could find. here's an email from hunter admitting it, quote: i have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the f'ing white house and the vice president's house and the inauguration and then you go completely silent. we have joe biden on tape knowing what his son is up to with the chinese. >> hey, pal, it's dad. it's 8:15 on wednesday night. if you get a chance, give me a call. nothing urgent.
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just want to talk to you. i thought the article, at least that has been online that's going to be printed tomorrow in the "times" was good. i think you're clear. >> jesse: we have emails saying joe was getting a 10% kick back from china's deal hold 10% for the big guy. hunter's business partners wanted to keep it all on the down low. remember? one of them said, quote: don't mention joe being involved. it's only when you are face to face. i know you know that but they are paranoid. so they called him the big guy. if there was any doubt as to who the big guy was, all they had to do was ask hunter biden's partner tony bobulinski. >> 10% for the big guy held by h. i thousand percent sit here and know that the big guy is referencing joe biden. it's -- that's crystal clear to me because i lived it. i met with the former vice president in person multiple times and i had been meeting and talking with hunter biden and
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jim biden. >> jesse: when the "new york post" broke the story in the fall of 2020, the biden people panicked. the "new york post" just published new text messages of hunter's business partners worried at the time that the big guy was going to get exposed. afraid joe was going to toss him under the bus before the election. saying then hunter and joe's campaign would try to make it seem oh we were never involved and make us collateral damage. if they lose from this honestly, i don't think that the big guy really cares about that because he will be too busy focusing on all the other blank he is doing. notice how they also called him the big guy. but everything just got covered up. no one got exposed. so biden is in the white house and all he has to do now is just have the justice department clean up the son's charges. do you think the prosecutor in delaware is really going to put the president's son in prison? do you think this one little prosecutor in delaware is going
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to investigate the president of the united states getting kickbacks from the communists? have you been paying any attention? the u.s. attorney in delaware hasn't even interviewed tony bobulinski. they are going to make the hunter thing go away. and then they are going to investigate trump again. here's one of the top fbi guy at a house hearing today. cat has got his tongue. >> patrick ho was convicted of bribing government officials in africa and he gave a million bucks to hunter biden. are you familiar with that? >> i'm not going to speak about any ongoing investigation. >> is that an ongoing investigation? >> i'm not going. >> patrick bribe. >> i'm not going to talk aboutfully will potential ongoing investigation. >> hunter biden's business partner called joe biden the big guy in panic messages. do you guys call joe biden the big guy at the department of justice. >> i think it's important to understand why we don't speak about cases outside of the courtroom. >> by the way, by the way, i already know why. >> if i may answer the question. >> do you know why?
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>> may i answer the question? >> because it's about hunter biden. >> jesse: the fbi, the justice department, the cia, the defense department, and some of america's most powerful interests are there to protect joe because joe is just as corrupt as they are. and with the president they control, they can all make money and china and ukraine would just looking loot like a money laundering operation that would never have happened if trump were president. lee smith wrote extensively on the biden cover-up in tablet mag. we recommend you read it it's called the national tragedy of hunter biden's laptop. and he puts it this way, quote: biden is a front man for america's national security state. and its foreign wars. when the commander-in-chief, with the congressional majority, says there is nothing he can do to protect the electorate from foreign actors who, in his own telling, are responsible for the price hikes crushing american households, he is confessing
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that he is not really in charge. it's all an attempt to transfer u.s. taxpayer money to the oligarchs. it's true. biden does what he is told. he is told to be soft on china. he knows it. he is getting paid. he rat holed the lab leak, lets fentanyl pour. in dropped tariffs on solar panels. warns nancy not go taiwan and sells oil to a chinese company linked to hunter. he is told to use ukraine as a proxy war to drain russia, pay defense contractors and launder money. he has been told to keep the border open so his donors have cheap labor. and he has been told to limit american oil and gas so his investors and donors go green. and he knows that no one is going it touch a hair on his head because he is doing everything they are telling him to do. and that's why he lies with such ease about not knowing anything. our country is being stolen from us and they are doing it in
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broad daylight. green greenwald is a substack columnist and award-winning investigative journalist. it's pretty bad, isn't it, glen? >> yeah, i mean, as i listen to that, i have to point out, again, that in my opinion, the single greatest journalist stick and political scandal of the last decade, easily, is when the cia and the other agencies of the security state invented a lie which was that the archives showing everything that you just went through was russian kiss information. the rye that it came from russia, the lie that it was forged document. and the media then took that lie and ratified it and spread it in multiple news outlets all across the country. weeks before americans were going to go vote for the president and then big tech seize on that lie and centered this story the internet from being discussed who knows how many millions of people cast their ballot without having access to this information about
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the president's business activities in ukraine and china that revealed a lot about the questions about him. it was manipulation of the electorate. and a lie on center gram scale and i think one of the reasons they don't want to look at anything involving hunter biden is because we all now know, even the "new york times" and "the washington post" admit that that archive was athletic all along and they would have to graham with the magnitude of the fraud that they imposed to protect joe biden right before the election. >> jesse: it's too big to touch. you can't -- if you got joe biden in a room one-on-one with a camera rolling and you are live, you wouldn't survive five minutes, glen. you just read his words back to him. you do that with any of these guys who run these agencies, the fbi, the doj. you are not even allowed to go there with the biden family because it's so rotten. and it infects the entire
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washington establishment. every agency is affected by it all the big ones that matter. so that's why everybody is protecting this guy because he they're actually protecting themselves and their own careers and their own profits. am i right? >> exactly. i don't know if you remember, but there was one reporter from cbs who tried to ask biden when he got off a plane about these materials showing that joe biden was pursuing business deals in china using his influence as vice president and potentially as president. and the entire media, his colleagues, bill erickson was his name completely maligned and mauled him saying he was doing putin's bidding by using these fake documents to try to force the public and force biden to answer and biden didn't have to answer because the entire press protected him and he was able to say oh, that's russian disinformation, you are doing putin's bidding. there is a chinese scholar, one of the lead chinese scholars in political science who right when biden won gave a speech saying we always got what we want from clinton, bush and obama because we had people at the highest levels of wall street who would
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fix everything for us. under trump, they couldn't control him and that's why we had a problem. and because of our influence with hunter biden this chinese scholar said when biden is back in office, everything will be good again. we will be able to control washington. you can debate what our posture should be to china, i'm worried when it's too antagonistic. this is information, jesse, crucial to understanding the world and it's the media in playing the leading role in covering it up it is despicable. >> jesse: it is despicable. this show and we are not going to stop reporting on it. it's just too big. glen, thanks as always. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: come up, johnny asks some latinos here in new york what they think about jill biden. >> first lady jill biden compared you to a taco. how do you feel about that? >> i'm human. ♪ d. [ sfx: submarine rising out of water ]
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>> jesse: 13 marines were killed curing the afghanistan evacuations and we were told that was a success. >> extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravery and selfless courage of the united states military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. >> jesse: millions of illegals have broken into our country and we are told our border was secure. >> the border is secure. the border, we are working to make the border more secure. that has been an historic challenge. >> jesse: millions of americans ran to get a vaccine because we were told we wouldn't catch covid. >> you're okay. you are not going to get covid if you have these evenings. >> they printed and spent trillions of dollars and we were told there would be no
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inflation. >> i really doubt that we're going to see an inflationary cycle. >> our analysis is going to be done by our economic experts. they continue to convey that they believe the impact will be temporary, transitory. >> there is nobody suggesting there is not inflation on the way. no serious economists. >> jesse: and then this summer they told us there wouldn't be a recession. >> we're not going to be in a recession, in my view. my hope is we go from this rapid growth to steady growth and so we will see some coming down but i don't think we're going to, god willing, i don't think we are going to see a recession. >> jesse: today we found out that the g.d.p. was negative for the second quarter in a row and that's been considered the sign of a recession for decades that was before. words have less meaning today. failure can be success. a secure border can be open and a recession can be a transition. >> we are transitioning clearly
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from a pace of break neck growth in 2021. >> what we are seeing is we are in a transition. >> we are certainly in a transition and we are seeing slowing as we all would have expected. >> we are in a transitional moment in our economies that. >> jesse: our economy is transitioning. what are our economy's new pronouns? is our economy now identifying as less than historic? real americans don't care about the debate they have been getting crushed all year on the day our economy technically entered into a recession our president wouldn't answer a question about it. >> doesn't sound like a recession to me. thank you very much. >> mr. president. >> mr. president. >> how confident are you that we are not heading towards a recession? >> jesse: now that inflation has destroyed economic value, where what do the democrats plan to do about it? last night, schumer and manchin
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struck a deal on the reduce inflation act did you guys get that they are going to spend $700 billion and call it the reduce inflation act. they just rebranded build back better with a smaller price tag. is it a good idea to tax and spend during a recession? well, let's just ask joe manchin. >> i don't think during a time of recession you mess with any of the taxes or increase any taxes. >> jesse: if manchin knows it's a bad idea, then why did he do it? answer, they bribed him biden pelosi and schumer told manchin if he played ball on the green stuff they would give manchin his natural gas pipeline that he has been begging for in west virginia. so it's the pipeline payoff. millions of dollars are going out the door for climate stuff, west virginia is going to get their pipeline. the rest is corporate welfare for democrat donors. if you build a solar panel or a windmill and you vote democrat, there is money in there for you for sure.
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$80 billion is set aside for electric car rebates. so our tax dollars are going to go to give some yuppy 7 grand to buy a tesla. and then they are spending $25 billion to start a green bank. it's not actually going to be green. it's just a slush fund for democrats to hand out cash to their buddies for green energy projects. so if you like make organic moisturizer can you probably get a pretty sweet loan. how do i know this is a scam? because this guy loves it. >> this bill has won the support of climate leaders like former vice president al gore, who said the bill is, quote: long overdue and necessary step to ensure the united states takes decisive action on the climate crisis. >> jesse: so what else did they slip in there? well, they are going to send the irs a ton of money to hire more people to audit are you. hunter is not going to get audited, you are. and that's how they plan to pay for this bill.
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oh, and then they are going to raise taxes on corporations and then they are going to tax methane which is going to increase your electricity bills. none of this is going to stop inflation because it's not designed to. it's like a skinny margarita. this is the skinny version of the green new deal. i personally would like to thank the voters of georgia for this because this never would have happened if they had put a republican senator in there just one. sarah huckabee sanders is running for governor in arkansas and is a former white house press secretary. so, sarah, if you were ever at the white house podium and donald trump told you to say that black was white or that up was down, would you just get out to the podium and read that binder and say it? >> not at all but the media is also supporting all of this craziness. they will went along with the biden administration when they said that the border was secure or afghanistan was a success
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that men could get pregnant. they think if they change the definition of these things like a recession then they don't exist. but the truth is americans are feeling that pain every single time they go to the grocery store, every single time they put gas in their car. the only people that don't realize what is happening in the country are the democrats who are trying to sell a different story. one definition, i think, that most of us are seeing and feeling is that of failure. and that's exactly what the biden presidency is and we are seeing it every minute of every day in every single thing they are pushing out of washington. >> jesse: i'm surprised they didn't call the g.d.p. number russia disinformation because they use that for pretty much everything. >> don't give them any ideas, jesse, that will be what we hear tomorrow. >> jesse: i'm sorry. i know they watch the show carefully. when you go out and meet people in your state of arkansas, do they come up to you and say, you know, actually, sarah, you know, it's not -- it's not two
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consecutive quarts of negative g.d.p. growth other things that factor into this. has anybody said that to you? >> not a single person. and i don't expect them to any time soon. what they do say is we have got to make sure that we stop these bad policies. we have to make sure we win in november and that we have strong conservative governors across the country pushing back. because what they are doing is crippling our families and destroying our country. that's what people care about. they don't care how they define it. they feel the pain at home and they want it to stop. >> jesse: all right. we are going to now be transitioning to another segment so we are going to have to say goodbye sarah huckabee sanders thank you so much. >> thanks, jesse. appreciate you having me on. >> jesse: we know eric swalwell loves a good boon dongle why do his staffers keep going to paris? what's going on in paris? this is john. he hasn't worked this hard
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>> jesse: fox news alert. cops just crashed the climate protest outside nationals park in washington, d.c. arresting several members of the radical left wing climate cult who blocked the entrance to tonight's congressional baseball game in the name, of course, of environment justice. did they not hear about the green bank that manchin just let slide through? i guess not. everybody wants to be rich and most of us want to get rich quick so, you know, play the lotto, hope a few numbers will hit or maybe you are a con man, do a little three card monty, we all want to live the high life. if you really want to make quick cash in america, the best way to do it? get involved in politics because the campaign is nothing more than a slush fund to use as your personal piggy bank. earlier this week we reported on california congressman eric swalwell, i hate saying that name and his luxury lifestyle as a member of the house. enjoying fancy hotels, lavish
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meals and five star vacations to the middle east where he does his best lawrence of arabia impression. getting is good in swalwell's office. not just eric who is living large. two campaign staffers, kevin callahan farley and finance director martin nelson have been tossing around campaign cash like monopoly money. the pair dropped nearly 100 grand on travel and food just in the last three months. including $3,500 to stay at the uber exclusive ritz carlton in paris. and the $5,000 stay at the swanky lowe's hotel in miami beach, talk about fringe benefits. i'm in the wrong line of work. but kevin martin call vanitying across europe may have been too good to be true. campaign staffs don't really go on these trips. maybe if they were congressional staff but not campaign lackeys what are they doing over there?
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high and dry. and without answers we're just left to speculate, swalwell's office trying to make croissant the official state food of california or are they trying to score tickets at the cabaret performance at mulan rouge maybe they love the eiffel tower? it's very romantic, this campaign will waste money on nearly anything. it looks like the only thing they can't use donor funds on is to pay the babysitter. swalwell certainly tried. hey, at least the fec is finally saying no to something. maybe it's a good thing for eric. if he spends a little more time at home with the kids, he can give us more campaign ads like this. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: clay travis is the host of clay travis and buck sexton show. all right, clay. can you put the pictures of the two dudes up on the screen so if
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two dudes are flying to paris and spending nights in the ritz carlton together, now, i don't want to insinuate anything because that's not what we do here at "primetime," but why are two guys that are working for a california congressman, his campaign, flying to paris? why would they be doing that? >> well, the positive here, let's start with positives, right, jesse? because you know that like you i try to look on the brighter side of things. at least if they are spending money on this, there is less money to spend on chinese spies. [laughter] and we all know that eric swalwell has had his own fill, to speak of chinese spies allegedly. and so in general, i think this is elm policemennatic of a larger issue for democrats, which is california has become such a one-party state that whether it's gavin newsom,
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whether it's kamala harris, whether it's swalwell, the people who are representing california are so rarely challenged in any way that they end up on the national stage and they have no idea how to actually battle in ideas. kamala harris is the only person in america who is worse at public speaking than joe biden and gavin newsom is somehow saving grace now that i feel may well end nominee democrat in 2024 not because he is particularly astute or particularly talented as a politician, but just because they have nobody else and california, it's unfortunate you sure you look seattle all the way up to portland, some of these west coast cities have followed california lead and led what should be some of the most beautiful and spectacular places in our nation into cesspools of
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disgust. you look at all. >> any better not turn paris into san francisco because that is a beautiful city and we don't want that happening. i don't know if you can see the pictures we have them on the screen i don't know if they go together. i'm not saying one looks like he could do better than the other? what i'm saying is what business do these two swalwell campaign staffers have in spending thousands of dollars staying at romantic expensive hotels in the most romantic city in europe? are is it espionage? are they fundraising with for x pats? it doesn't make any sense to me so, we will get to the bottom of this because now i'm very intrigued about what they are doing out there because it just seems suspicious and i have instincts for, this clay. i'm going to have you back.
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and when we find out what they are doing you are going to come back. that democrats might be spending money in unsav would never we al trying to figure out whether joe biden got 10% for the big guy or not and that's been two years. there is no way -- >> jesse: maybe they are going for the bag gtes, we will find out one way or the other. >> appreciate it, jesse. >> jesse: fancy nancy and pappa paulie p. have been the wolves of washington for decades. built the family empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to timely stock trades. all good reacts come to an end especially if you get sloppy. remember, you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself. >> didn't i tell you not to attract attention? [bleep] get a 20,000. bring it back. >> jesse: well, paulie p. brought something much bigger than a mink coat.
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he purchased $4.5 million worth of nvidia stock a chip making company that would have benefited greatly from the passage of the chip's act which is about to be signed into law. that raised a lot of eyebrows. made a lot of people angry and sparked public pressure campaign led by some people. we reported last night that paulie p. sold all of his shares of in. individual i can't at a loss 340,000. our friends at unusual whales noticed something well unusual about the trade. it was the first time the pelosis had both filed and revealed the transaction on the same day two days before the vote and the bill being passed. the house voted on the chip's act today. i'm sure that had nothing to do with the pelosis unprecedented act of transparency. but we know what happened. nancy and paulie p. realized the block was a little hot and if they didn't unload that stock before the bill passed they were going to be in a heap of trouble. the former president of the federal bank of dallas is
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calling it like he sees it though. >> clearly people have taken advantage of inside information forever. i'm sorry to see that paul pelosi and nancy pelosi and others are appear it's all appearance right now. we don't know the facts to have taken advantage of inside information. >> jesse: wow. sadly their days of insider trading may be over soon though. house democrats, nancy's people are pushing a ban lawmakers and their spouses and senior staffers from trading stocks outside of a blind trust. is nancy going to let them pass that? maybe. she is shrewd. she knows the tide is rising against her and sick and tired of her husband landing her in another controversy. or she will retire amp the republicans win the house. speaking of which we have update on paulie p.'s dui case. his hearing is this wednesday. and we are already getting word that it's going to be a short
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hearing. even paulie p. is not showing up. he is just sending in his attorney. and in typical napa county d.a. form. there is going to be no cameras in the courtroom. our friend alley is going to be there. don't expect her to make a statement because you know, it's a shame. we have a lot of questions still. send in the guards. >> d.c.'s mayor is asking for the feds to bring in the national guard to help her with the migrants.
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bowser is begging him please, please, bring in the national guard. >> well, we need space and we -- we need the federal government to be involved. so i have asked for the deployment of the guard as long as we need the guard to deal with the humanitarian crisis that we expect to escalate. the number of people crossing the border seeking asylum we expect to only go up. >> jesse: wait a second. i thought the border was secure. why would the migrants deescalate -- oh, never mind. so will joe send in the guard? our very own stupid son of a bitch asked the french woman today. listen. >> so, as to your question on the national guard, i refer you to the department of defense. they will have that answer for you. but we have been in regular touch with mayor bowser and her team. and i said this before and i said this last week about republicans using migrants as a political tool and that is shameful and that is just wrong. >> jesse: wait a second.
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did governor greg abbott stuff the migrants in the stash house? was it abbott's cocaine? no, he just asked them if they wanted a bus ticket to d.c. because texas is getting crowded. but here's the thing about our friend muriel she didn't always like having the national guard in her city like in the summer of 2020 when the rioters tried to burn d.c. down to the ground she was down right angry that trump deployed the national guard. >> we wanted to make sure that our metropolitan police department could ensure that people could exercise their first amendment rights but also protect our city from damage and destruction that we had seen on the night before but at no time do we think it was appropriate that people who had not violated the curfew or anything else receive that treatment. >> jesse: stephen miller is a former adviser to president trump and founder of america first legal. all right, stephen, what's going
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on in d.c.? >> well, first of all, muriel bowser is right, of course, this is a crisis, it's a catastrophe. we need the military. think about this. she is saying that is a humanitarian crisis in d.c. because 4,000 illegal aliens have accepted bus tickets from governor abbott and have gone from texas to washington. we have 4,000 illegal aliens arriving on our border every morning before breakfast. we have more than 4 million illegal aliens that border patrol has put into apprehension, most of whom have been released since inauguration day plus millions more who got in the way entirely undetected. what's the word for that if 4,000 is a humanitarian crisis? that's an apocalypse by comparison. and for the white house to say oh, well they are being used as a political tool? wait, i'm con giewsed i was told illegal immigration is a wondrous gift, a glorious
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blessing. our schools are made great and cities safer. deficits disappear. drugs vanish off the street, manna rains down from heaven. this is a glorious blessing for the people of washington. >> jesse: you have outdone yourself as always. thank you as always. >> thank you. >> jesse: i will miss seeing you on friday, miller because fridays with miller i look forward to. >> that's true. we will do an early weekend. >> jesse: do an early weekend. thank you. coming up, what is joe biden doing to help latinos? >> what has he done for the latino community? >> damn. damn. ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month.
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biden's press secretary resigned. shocked? not really. remember this. >> the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the bronx, as beautiful as the bosses of miami. as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. >> jesse: jill found somebody to take the blame. how did latinos feel about this comment? we had to send johnny. >> are you taco? >> i beg your pardon. >> i'm not a taco. >> what did she mean by that, taco? >> first lady jill biden compares you to this, a taco. >> i'm human. >> that's [bleep] >> i'm offended. >> i am not a taco.
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>> what you want to tell jill biden? >> shut the [bleep] [bleep] up. >> she will get punch in the face by the mob of tacos. >> she needs an assistant. >> she needs a johnny in her life. >> yes. >> jesse: we are presenting you johnny for a day. >> is jill biden a racist? >> it's a racist remark. >> tuesday, no. any other day, may be. taco tuesday. >> i'm going to make a pitcher of margaritas. >> tell me about jill biden. >> he's the president of the united states. >> no, he's not. is he a rapper? ♪ ♪ >> he should be thinking about retiring soon. >> if he needs any help when he is in a wheelchair for me to push him around, i'll offer my help. >> i like him. >> what has he done for the
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latino community? >> damn. damn. >> don't we owe them better? >> a lot of [bleep] >> for the black community, probably the same thing he would do for the police. >> nothing. >> i don't feel safe on the streets anymore. >> how old are you? >> i'm 79. >> you could be president. >> yes. >> what's your name? >> estella. >> estella 2024. >> vote for me and senator harris. >> if joe biden was in food, what would be be? >> old male. >> because he is an old guy. >> string being. >> cabbage. he is wrinkled and white. >> what issue do you care about the most? >> inflation. >> violence.
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>> more law and order. more police. >> economical. >> how is joe biden doing on the economy? >> he doesn't do very well. >> did you vote for joe biden? >> i didn't vote. >> i didn't vote at all. >> i voted for him. >> are you going to vote for joe biden in 2024? >> hell no. no. no. he don't do nothing. >> we need something fresh. we need something new. >> and trump became president he was 70 but it was trump. >> [groaning] >> you're going to be on jesse watters prime time. what do you want to tell jesse? >> agents, if you're watching, call me. >> [speaking spanish] >> jesse: who is the best james bond? last weekend i watched octopussy
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and i thought it was a little corny but i liked it and then i saw "the man with the golden gun" which i thought was pretty good so i'm working my way up through the james bond films and if you have any suggestions or you think roger morris better than sean connery, let me know. i want to know. let's do some texts. carla. ottawa, illinois. the democrats are redefining deflation, they are reimagining it. just like the police. elaine says mayor bowser intro to the hotels in d.c. to kick the national guard out and had them sleep in cold parking garages. now she wants them? yeah, i don't know. i don't think she can get them there. thomas from dallas, texas. "jesse, the boys, the original hotel. more swanky than the ritz-carlton. "really? is that why it's $3500 a night. must be swanky.
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i have to take emma. if i just make a promise i can't keep? tony. "you made a statement to len greenwald and asked, am i right? you sound weak when you asked for approval for my guest." you're right. that was weak. i shouldn't have said that and i'm never going to ask that again. just assume i'm right? tucker is always right. i am watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." you think you've got a tough job? imagine being joe biden's handlers. he spent all day try to keep the guy away from hot mike's. that's not easy. biden feels about microphones the way golden retriever's feel about casseroles greatly one on the low table and he pounces on it. that's not good for anyone. tell israeli officials to keep alive the honor
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