tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 29, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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unfortunately thatt is allor tuthe time we have left thiss, evening. as always, thank youou for being with us. thank you for making this show possible. please dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity for news any time. just go to foxox news .com hanny .com. inin the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. the ingraham angle. that means laura ingraham is next and she is fired up. revved up, ready to go . laura , you know you're so mean, sean to hunter biden. i mean, night after night, hunter biden can't get a break. i mean, the guy is i know he's put upon his you know, he doesn't have enough money to pay his bills selling. right. you know, blow out over five hundred thousand dollars a pop. i'm going to look into the portraits of a crack addict. and if there's like a one or two dollar a five dollar painting by numbers, i'll buy one . i think you should consider it then maybe you can get access
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to the other people, the shady characters who actually bought some of that artwork and what influence it got. all right, john , we're going to pick it up. i have a great show where you how are you left off? good to see you. i'm laura ingram . this is ingram angle. thanks for being with us tonight. redefining failure. that's the focus of tonight's angle. today was one of the worst days the bush administration has had since its inauguration. now two things have now become undeniable for everybody, but slavish biden apologists no. one , americans are getting poorer. no to america is getting weaker . yes, the white house, of course, is trying to spin gold out of goose after they been all week trying to redefine the term recession. the gdp number came out and naturally it's worse than expected. additionally, two successive quarters of negative economic growth has been deemed a recession and confirmation of
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that ugly reality came today. looking back on this, we probably may say that you, the u.s. descended into a recession starting around the middle of this year. we're going hear from the president is coming out, obviously, because he knows it was bad news this morning. i remember getting you used to living with less. is there a policy? but they also know that the r word hurts them politically. so they just ignore the numbers . biden may be covered free , but today he was also fact free . let me just give you what the facts are in terms of the state of the economy. businesses are investing america at record rates. we've a record job market of record unemployment. this is powering the strongest rebound in american manufacturing. that doesn't sound like recession. thank you very much. you never see and walk faster than i believe in the press. well, literally everything you just heard him say is a lie.
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businesses are reducing their investments. more americans have entirely giving up, given up, looking for work and pay raises are nowhere near keeping up with inflation. so the media, if we had a media, they should be asking biden why his views on the us economy are so much rosier than the imf. under trump, we had the strongest economy of the g7 . remember that? and now we're tied with france in fourth place with a two point three percent gdp. france just that is embarrassing and the projections get even worse for 2020 three . we dropped to one percent gdp. now the imf reports that the risks are overwhelmingly tilted to the downside. that's a quote. and yet listen really closely as biden's again try to redefine failure.
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there's no doubt we expect growth to be slower than last year, but that's consistent with the transition to a stable ,steady growth. what we're seeing is that we are in a transition. we had this strong economic growth and now what we're seeing is a transition into stable and steady growth. this report indicates an economy that is transitioning to more steady sustainable growth, more like transitioning to permanent decline, which is what they want to use less travel, less prosper, less expect the biden's propagandists if americans are stupid, but they are not. no is that americans hate this economy. read the cnn poll out recently found that sixty four percent of americans believe the u.s. economy is current in a recession. remember, this is only going to get worse under biden's policies and things will get more , not less expensive after the spending explosion on that
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climate crapola. meanwhile, things are getting more dangerous on the national security front. chinese president xi and biden spent two hours today on the phone and basically it looks like china spent the entire time lecturing us and warning biden the cops read out, went like this. china firmly opposes separatist moves toward taiwan independence and interference by external forces. the position of the chinese government and people on the taiwan question is consistent. those who play with fire will perish by it. it is hoped that the u.s. will be clear eyed about this, that those who play with fire will perish. but now journalists again, if we have any left, should be asking the white house if china accurately captured what was said and if so, press them on why. but just an end. the call immediately. they're threatening the speaker of the house, sir. joe biden looks incredibly weak
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here for two years. biden people have been up to china. and for what? because john kerry thought china was going to help us on the climate change issue. but of course, the communist party is playing all of them. it doesn't give a rat's you know, what about carbon emissions? it doesn't ever feel constrained by the rules based international order and it never operates in good faith, never. it's a dictatorship. kids just ask jack ma from alibaba. they just took his multibillion dollar company from him. why? because they can. our big corporations and banks doing business there will ultimately suffer the same fate. it's only a matter of time. so biden apparently also talked terrorists that the only thing she really cares about obviously china wants them removed. now, this would make china only richer and stronger and american manufacturing weaker. so of course, biden's actually thinking about doing it. you can't make up is insane unless this is all part of biden's plan.
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of course, meaning whoever controls biden's plan. now, biden, the democrats have put america behind the eight ball here. this is an emergency that requires a radical change in leadership in congress. of course, later on in the white house, if you ever want this country to be strong again, to our our families to be prosperous again, your streets to be safe again, we have to get rid of these people and that means taking back the senate. every seat is critical. so vote in georgia for raphael warnock is a vote for decline. a vote for john fetterman in pennsylvania is a vote for high energy prices a vote for tim ryan in ohio is a vote for high food prices, a vote for mark kelly in arizona is a vote to send more american jobs overseas. none of these people, none of them are moderate. they're in lockstep with biden and schumer. all current or future enablers of this unfolding american tragedy.
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so they can try to redefine decline success all they want, but it's not going to work. americans winning too much. and today it became clearer than ever that biden only knows how to lose. and that's the angle. joining me now is john ratcliffe, former trump director of national intel, and victor davis hanson, hoover institution senior fellow. john , let's take these humiliations and that's what they are. one by one , how could the white house not have foreseen that the chinese would completely dominate them with this readout? well, your lead in was spot on . laura with the readout speaks volumes according to the readout, joe biden told president xi that he opposed any unilateral efforts to
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change the status quo. president xi was more direct. he promised a fiery death. he promised that those that play with fire set themselves on fire and would perish very clearly from that. it sounds like president xi is playing hardball. president biden is playing wiffle ball and we've seen that far too often. and to your point about whether this is accurate, well, we know that it is at least in part because both parties agree in the readout that the gentlemen agreed to a face to face meeting. president xi never would have agreed to a face to face meeting if after he set the red line on taiwan, had joe biden stood up to him and said nancy pelosi or any american politician can go to taiwan anytime they want. so the ball is really on nancy pelosi's court now for the sake of our national security laura . nancy pelosi needs to go to taiwan. the chinese government, the chinese communist party cannot be setting american foreign policy in the south china sea. and if nancy pelosi backs down, then to your point, i think you're right.
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republicans need to spend the next few months telling americans, look, we have a president who very clearly won't stand up to our number one adversary in the world. and if a democratically controlled congress won't stand up to him either, the only way to keep america safe is for republicans to be in charge of congress. now, the democrats have to be wiped out across the board victor and cupie, the press secretary, revealed some other things apparently that biden and discussed. watch. i'll share a little bit of what they covered. the first was a detailed discussion of areas where the two countries can work together with particular focus on climate change and health security and counter in narcotics. the two teams will be following up on these areas. okay, victor, just so we catalog that china pollutes, they were responsible for covid and they fled america with the sentinel killing tens of thousands of americans every year. so how are we working with them
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on any of this? well, they're looking at all this and they're wondering why we're not mad of them or we're not deterring them. and they started in anchorage. remember, the beginning of the biden term when they took that insulting speech to them and they didn't have any pushback. so after afghanistan, it's whether china or iran or north korea or russia, they feel the united states cannot or will not deter its enemies. they look at our recruitment figures. we're only 40 percent of getting people to join the army . they look at the border, they look at crime. they think that we and the europeans on energy matters are committing collective and national suicide and they're adventurous. and when they look at our chairman of the joint chiefs, what do they think? they concluded that mark milley will tip them off in advance if he feels that as commander in chief is not fully cognizant as he did during the trumpet demonstration as far as they're concerned, merely call them up and say, you know, joe biden seems like he's cognitive challenge.
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i want to warn you, if he gives me an order that's a little bit too risky. so they have lost respect for the u.s. military, the u.s. administration, and they feel culturally, politically and economically that we're in decline and they're going to continue to take advantage, that this is the beginning or it's not going to stop. it's going to be a new reality that they're telling us this is how you're going to perform. this is what you're going to do. these are the rules that you're going to abide by . if you don't like it, do something about and we haven't. and you know, nancy pelosi calling go to taiwan. polian said, if we're going to take vienna, take vienna. don't say you're going and then stop. all right, john , cnn's pentagon correspondent revealed just how dangerous the situation's getting now with china. watch. chinese warships are already shadowing that aircraft carrier ,the ronald reagan in the south china sea. the chairman of the joint chiefs, general mark milley, has been tracking all of this
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and he's that chinese dangerous, aggressive if you will . actions in the region are way up, john . how close is china to taking aggressive military action against the united states or our allies? well, i think everyone's looking at the intelligence has to believe china is much closer to moving against taiwan. why wouldn't they ? laura ? victor's right. joe biden's been backing up since day one . he backed down to the taliban in ukraine. he tried to get zelenskyy to back down the opposition skier right out of the ukraine on the second day after the after the russian invasion. and he's backed down repeatedly to china. and so, you know, part of what deterred us was was the strength of the trump administration to take on china directly, to look at the intelligence, to say clearly what they intend to do is to replace us as the world's superpower and the result of the biden administration has
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been to undo all the good work that we've done to counter china and china's aggression around the world. so why wouldn't president xi be more aggressive? and i think he sees a window of opportunity during the biden administration that may not be there when republicans are back in charge or also blowing a huge amount of money in ukraine and sending ammunition to ukraine when china is helping russia keep it all going, keep the war machine going by buying its agriculture oil. so it's such a perverse situation, victor. and we have to place here come the biden comeback stories after some potential legislative movement. politico today wrote , after enduring a brutal year, biden is suddenly on the verge of a turnaround to the white house believes could salvage his summer and alter the trajectory of his presidency. now they write, even though, of course, their own poll from this week, victor, shows
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and biden's at 37% approval. this is a feeling it's going to salvage his summer. what about the people who can't put gas in their car? what about their summer? their we're coming up to gut check time in ukraine because it's turning into a verden verdun like slog. we have to decide are we going to continue to up the and escalate the aid so they can survive or are we going to have a negotiated settlement or are we going to really get into a cuban missile crisis, a nuclear brinkmanship with vladimir putin? nobody's talking about that. but china is watching all this very carefully. and the only thing i think has changed or is that we're starting to get leaks now from the doj and the whistleblowers in the fbi about the laptop and other tax problems, the biden family. and that would not have happened if they felt that joe biden was an asset, which they did in 2020 when they withheld that information, especially fbi. so now they feel that he's a
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liability and they're testing the waters by leaking us out because they want to make him, i think, inert, if not after the midterms, at least in 2024. all right, john and victor, thank you so much. good to see both sides and to weaken america from within. there are some states that are actually fighting back against the president and the corporations that are pandering to the left destructive greengold. the state of west virginia has just deemed five financial institutions ineligible for state banking contracts on the grounds that they boycott fossil fuel companies. you want to know what courage looks like? it's standing up to blackrock, goldman sachs, jp morgan, chase, morgan stanley and wells fargo. some of the biggest firms in the world. joining me now is a man who made this determination west virginia treasury riley moore. riley, thank. when we had you on in january at the time, you noted that other states were considering moves like this.
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will this be the start of a domino effect against the woke ceos? laura , thank you so much for having me on . and yes, i do believe this is the first step because similar legislation that has authorized me to do this has also passed in kentucky, oklahoma, tennessee and texas. and i've been in conversations with them and they are working on their lists like we have in west virginia now, the restricted financial institutions. so this is just the first step in this process. well, jpmorgan responded to your move, telling the new york times that this decision is sighted and disconnected from the facts, adding that its business practices are not in conflict with this anti free market law. now, rilly, the big banks are obviously trying to just pay lip service to conservatives or assuage their concerns about free markets.
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your response? yeah, that's hilarious. so jpmorgan chase and these other banks that we have listed clearly have prohibitions on lending to the fossil fuel industry. maybe perhaps they might do some business in oil, maybe they might do them in gas. but i'll give you an example. they do have direct prohibitions on lending to coal, which we are a coal state here in west virginia. we just happened to power the country, i guess not that big of a deal, but it is a very important resource here in the united states . so they have direct lending prohibition on all thermal coal in this country and any financing related to that. so i don't buy that argument. and secondarily, this is a free market solution. i am a market participant. i'm not a market regulator. and all we're asking for is for the free market to remain free , for these financial institutions to assess risk and capital and decide all their decisions based on those
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factors and not some political agenda. well, broadly speaking of coal, phil kerpen discovered buried in spend arama climate change bill that your senator joe manchin supports is going to make possible. included in this is a big tax hike in section 13 , nine and one on coal increasing tax per ton on underground mines from 50 cents to a dollar, ten from twenty five cents to fifty five cents on the surface surface mines. is joe manchin really representing the interests of the people of west virginia with this legislation, in your view? i have to say it is really disappointing. his support of this legislation with this tax on coal and just to be clear, the coal operators aren't going to end up paying us tax. it's like all taxes that democrats put forward their consumer will you already
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see energy prices rising right now they're 14% increase in energy prices in this country, which is really driven that cpi number, the number that we just saw come out as it relates to inflation. this is going to just pile more onto that. this is going to increase inflation. so i do have to say it is disappointing to see that he is supporting us since we are a coal state. but at the end of the day, this should be important to everybody in the country because you are going to end up price and riley or being charitable. it's disgusting what joe manchin did. i don't know what they gave him in return. i don't know what the whole thing stinks to high heaven. but what you're doing against the oil ceos is invaluable. we appreciate. thank you. thank you for standing up to these institutions. now, remember, the story we brought you last night about how the fbi was kind of fudging their domestic terror numbers to try to appease president biden? well, we have a big update on that.
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jim jordan and mollie hemingway have reaction. plus, d.c. mayor muriel bowser, she's really upset. she's upset about the migrants. we're going to explain it status. i'm katie tablas. you might recognize me from my day job, but i've been bagging big game with my dad. i but i also appreciate the finer things in life. when you think of something you don't typically think of, there's tons of natural light and feeling this incredible. so taking you to the most decked out hunting lodges in america. that's where my two worlds collide. you guys. oh, my goodness. look at brown . you can just see what the pioneers when they were coming across this are here because i was cooking everyone
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story we brought you w last night. now the whistleblower documents that allege that unnamed fbi officials were pressuringto agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism in orderer to make their targeting of political opponents seem really important and worthwhile. well, today we not only learned of this, of the agent behind all of this, but what else he was involved. meet agent timothy tybalt, who is reportedly the same special agent who put a stop to any potential investigation into hunter biden before it could get off the ground joining me now is ohioss congressman jim jordan, rankingr member of the house judiciaryf committee, and mollie hemingway, editor in chief of yythe federalist and fox news contributor. congressman, what can you tell tonight about this agent? well, yeah, laura , we got another we got another peter struck. i mean, on one hand he is using the numbers of domestic violence, extremism in the country i, cataloging that t those type of cases. and on o the othern hand ,
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suppressing evidence aboutnt hunter biden. and it's part ofernd a pattern. you know, this is nothing has changed at the fbi, the justiceh department. this is noen different than comey. mccabe struck page and this is part of this broad pattern of the bureaucracy using their power for politics. er we saw it with the when they tried to form the disinformation governance board. we saws.s.we a decade ago with o lerner at the irs. and it's wrong and it needs to stop. we're going to do everything we can to stop it. well, molly, when you have the american public increasingly not trusting our federal law enforcement, i mean, we see this happening on the local level with local law enforcement. but this is you know, this is just horrific. people should not be trustingru the fbi and department of justicest because they have t consistently shown for the last few years that they arers being run, frankly, by lunatics who believe in going to war
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against half of the country.nt and there is example afterry examplee after example of this.i and it is a threat to the republic. this is how this is how countries unravel. everybody knows there are two standards of justice and that if you are j a republican voterw or republican officials, youil will be treated dramatically differently than if you are a democrat. and this is no way for the country tos continue. and congressman jordan, your colleague hakeem jeffries was contending, well, we'll go to molly on this, i guess was contending something beyondus outrageous yesterday. the threat right now in this country to the american people are extreme maga republicans. that's the threat. that's the problem. that's's a crisis that we tconfront. not only we're trying tont get the congressman to be able
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to hear us better, but notat language like that. how can anyone call this anything but political persecution? republicans are the big problem in the country. come on . i think hakeem jeffries shows what the regime currently thinks and what they think is that the american people are a threat to their power and that they need to go to war against them. and that's why we have seen soo many examples of this fromf the department of justice, whether it's going after parents who wanted to be involved in their school board or going after the president of the united states or deciding not to do their duty and investigate the corrupt business a dealings of a powerful family. and this is an issue that we i think we are all horrified to see how the fbi itself got involved in spreading disinformation about how the hunter biden laptopow ts itself. this information that was something they did to advantaged their political allies. and it's why, as we a reported, that the federalists this week increasing numbers of department of justice officials, both currentntt" tin
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and former, are saying that there needs to be much more resources given to the people who are investigating the biden family. and just today,re former attorny general bill barr told us at the federalist that he thinks it's past time for attorney general merrick garland to . point a special counsel and yet instead of doing that, what what merrick garlanday is doing is trying to figures out ways to put his primary political opponents inn prison. this is this is really dangerous stuff that he is playing with . and it is something that allci republican officials need to speak loudly against, not just on behalf ofak their constituens ,but also just for the sake of preserving the republic. i keep thinking this in my mind that they spent a lot of time criticizing vladimir putin rightly for putting his i political opponents in jail for persecuting them. and what are they doing? what's happening, whether it'sti the investigation of trump or all the people ofll january six,
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what is it exactly that congress said? we'll get to you. sorry, i don't know who can hear me and who can't. congressman, i got to go to you on it. got mek back . i want to i want to get to something that's happening, if we could in dc. switch gears a little bitt because the left wing mayor, muriel bowser, she's not going to criticize the open borders in d.c.e o in fact, back in 201, she declared d.c.. a sanctuary city d. she reacted to all the migrants arriving in her city this way we need space and we we need the federal government to be involved. so i've asked for on the deployment of the guard as long as we need the guard to deal with the humanitarian crisis that we expect to escalate. finally, they're figuring out a reason to call in the national guard. congresswoman, too good to be true, i guess. yeah. what's g what she should do
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is call secretary my office and call president biden and say stop the madness. actually enforcebi the law put i place we know what works, whichw is remain in mexicoe, buildo, the wall, don't have catch and release. that's what she did to call the national guard, call up n joe biden, call up secretary. my work and say do your job. remember, mike , my office told us in a hearing when we asked you about forty two illegal migrants who were on the terrorist watch list, i asked him a question. i said, what's the status of those individuals? his answerr was, i don't know. so the real policy to make it to those guys and say do your job well, they found aboutt what? seventy five people as part ofhe a human smuggling operation, migrants and others in a home in northwest d.c., which is the nicest quadrant of dc and that was revealed today, you know. seventy five people in one home with thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in cashhol i mean, this is no this is out
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of c control. it is out of control and it's intentional. it's deliberate. it's premeditated. nal.secretary malachi's told us last year hese is executing his plan and his plan is to not have a border, to have the borderless hemisphere. s secretary clintonec talked about six years ago when she ran for rapresident, which is what the left has always wanted.te but the american people don't. and hispanicican in texas who elected my reforms just a few weeks ago, they don't lewant either. they want a country that actually abides by the law and enforces immigration measures. congressman, sorry forut the little audio hiccups, but we appreciate you. thank you. all right. you've heard of a back end deal , right? well well, jennifer lopez has a big one for you. and why have concerts suddenly become so expensive? raymond arroyo with a specialsue thursday follies next. why are so many people turning to superbeets? crystal because it would be crystal. give you the energy and blood
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that return to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, good to see you on a thursday. now i want to start with jaylo ,who is pushing a major asset a this that'see such a bad read for he. what do we know about be ben affleck or jennifer lopez was parading around in her white dress on instagram, but that has been replaced with a 60 foot billboard of this image in l.a. it is a new ad for lopez's new jaylo body bomb. that's right. for sixty five dollars. you too.y can have a like jenny from the block or a like a block. and for those who have never applied cream before, it alsoe comes with this very reservedcr instructionea video. this is a targeted treatment to really your body applyod a generous layery onto the inside once a day. also, any areas you'd like toee
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see that tightening fit sergeant into the skin inn a circular motion until it'sun fully absorbed. i actually feel a slight tingle when applying and i like that. i'm like, oh,ike i'm kidding. if this weren't a family show, laura , by several jars of this and do a comparison like the old pepsi taste test, the only way you're going to get a like jello is if that.l jaro is a personal trainer andh chef under the lid. okay, and that's going to cost a heck of a lot more than sixty five bucks. i can promise you. i don't know quite where to go at this discussion, raymond, but let's just say she's a very beautiful woman and she doesn't mind showing it off. i'm goingdom to try to put it te lower third that we have. you wrote thatr . ur all right. t ino your time to read . go ahead now they're making me laugh. all right. in the midst of these economic
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woes, concertgoer what's going g on with concer going in the united states . it's always a major distraction for americans. well, now inflation has even hit the concert market. now remember what adel had to cancel her vegas residency last year. soel i'm so sorry to everyone. but again, i'm really, really sorry. well, laura , it's the audience who's crying now. adel's vegas residency is backen on and the tickets are going a for anywhere between several hundred dollars and forty thousand dollars a ticket. that's an eleven thousand 100% increase for that price, she'd have to come to my house and sing and let me stay at hers. now, i know that troubadour off the working man, thraymond,r one of your absolute favorites
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. he's going out on tour as well. the ball tells me that he's laying the blacktop over his fan base floor. they're infuriated because tickets to his>> upcoming tour are going for five thousand dollars a ticket. that's a four thousand nine hundred percent increase. laura .th i mean,is this is something that ticketmaster has dubbed dynamic pricing. it's like hotel rates. the more you demand, the higher the price rises. there is nois face value ticket anymore. and naturally people are enraged. well, springsteen's longtime manager, jon landau,ti he's defending the ticket price hike this way thing and pricing tickets for the tour. we look carefully at what our peers have been doingur. i believe that in today's environment that is a fair price to see someone universally regarded as among the very greatest artists of hiss in other words, now what? pay up?
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yeah, well, the the question is , will working class, middle class fans be able to afford this? i mean, now are that's only going to become accessiblee to the wealthy. look, taylor swift is charging now fifteen hundred dollars a ticket. that'sh one hundred fifty percent increase over what she was charging drake two thousand dollars that ticket, olivia rodriguez, the girls got one hit foria r thousand dollar. the ticket i'm sorry, those arey really high prices, for a working class american to afford. and now everyone's playing. rodriguez isn't part of that e street band has toured with straight springsteen forever. he tweeted, i have nothing whatsoever to do with the price of tickets. nothing, nada yet. but d word on his way to cash the check from the ticket sales. he had nothing to do with little stevie did find time to cut a political ad for that working man,or john fetterman, kithe pennsylvania democratic senate candidate. i guess snooki was no longer. available. you know that guy's fevzi here.a
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whatre are you doing in pennsylvania? everybody knows you live in new jersey and you're just using your in-laws address over there. you do not want to t mess around with john fetterman. trust me. i like watching sopranos. they arraignment's to helping those people who kept referring and the e street band in green for all these years to help them get to the concert. i mean, if your fans can't come, why are you performing just two private events? itpriv sounded like it was actually still in the sopranos during that little have to me the absolutely ridiculous and i don't mind springsteen charging as much as he wants, but don't trash the capitalist system. 24/7 c to make it when it's politically expedient and then charge four thousand bucks. but that is my friend and i have friends that hire these people all the time to do weddings the. wewe got to go to an engagement party. ur c millionour cool
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that way but don't open area league and then expect them to pay o forty thousand dollars a ticket after you sing. i'm sorry, you better come up merrily playing for a late drama. we got a roll. all right. michigan's gretchen whitmer has been one of the most destructive governors in america over the two years and with her reelection coming up, she's now her running scareg we're going to tell you who she's most scared of in the gop moments awayy. my friends, i come to you today on behalf of the jewish people strain whose lives have been completely destroyed. family and loved ones brutally killed. fellowship christians and inside of ukraine providing emergency food and supplies toop tens of thousands of people. r i amea shocked how many elderly people came here. they are afraid and they realize that there arey
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don't win gold 887 three one nine four six six. what a desperation look like. well, if you're a michigan governor , gretchen whitlams wittmeyer, it means spending millions to target a republicano who hasn't even won a primaryn yet. put michigan first is a group aligned with wittmer in the democratic governors association. it's spending at least two million bucks on this last an ad attack ad against the republican tooter dixon to to dicksons. dangerous budget plan could b slash up toud 500 million from state police across michigan. the michigan association of police organizations says dixon's approach would have a devastatingth impact on police budgets, leaving law enforcement crippledd due to dixon's devastating plan would mean less cops on the street, making michigan less safe and fewer cops, not less cops.
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but grandma wittmer is attempting to paper overr hed own position here she was back in 2020. look at budget and they are overwhelmingly focused on policing and corrections systems and the criminal justice system. you think thattce the funding would be somewhat in support of defunding movement, which i think you do all those other r things. on you don't need all the money that's going in the police department. so yeah, i mean, the spirity of it, i do supportsu that spirit, but i joining me is tooter dixon, gop gubernatorial candidate who's leading in the primary in michigan to are great to see it tonight. is it possible that wittmer has suddenly had a change of heartun on the defund the police movement? absolutely not. but>> she's a great guest laters i mean, right now she's also telling us that she increased auto jobs in t the statepl and that's a complete lie. they trying to attack meg because they're scaredd of me. l sheea knows i'm leading in the polls, but i findpo this really interesting in the state
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of michigan because the democratic governors associationigan hasn't gottend involved in any republican races yet. cycle except for ours. and this is a very pointed attack to have more than twogo million dollars go into an ad t in the last seven days of the primary just to get me out of there. she's definitely afraid. they're afraid. they already see that she's the most vulnerable governor in america and yet they're still pitching her to be president of the united states in 2020 four. they don't want her to get kicked out and i know i can do it. well, i've never heard of this scenario before. or an incumbent governor and her allied organizations are spending two million dollars against another candidate who hasn't won the primary has yet . it's very odd. they're obviously totally threatened by a smartd b, tt attractive woman with a corporate background in the steel industry a to run against her. but michigan live is reporting that about 56% of the nine
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point five wittmer raised from individuals is from michiganders. roughly twenty four thousand.5 three hundred donors. but it also got,3 money from nearly thirty one thousand six hundred donors from outside the state. talking aboutst donors who might be outside of the state lines. take a look at this they're from all over the country tooter. they are. we're really worriedcoun aboutre their locked down lover, gretchen whitmer going down in flames here. and i think they're most worried about you of course, she hasre a terrible record . we're coming out with a messagee that really resonates with the people of michigan. we want t to bring back our education system. it's been in decline for many years. we want safe cities. that's the best w part. i'm out here constantly talkingg about putting more money into policingng, making sure our cities are safe and incentivizing police officerse to come to the state of michigan because we need them desperately and becoming investment friendly to our job creators. these are all things thatnd shel
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has a terrible record on. you played her saying that she supports the spirit of the fund, the police, that she would love to see that money out of the budget spent in different ways. she's using her own attack against us . it's very comical. it's very, flattering. butut i i need help. we need a conservative femalele governor and one ofan our battleground states . and you would be so dixon, tuesday is the primary, right? yes. absolutely. go vote. all right, everybody get out and vote on tuesday. odin michigan. tooter dixon, thank you. now how one play from a congressional baseball game tonight was the harbinger of what mightht happen in november. >> i'll explain it next. if something
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>> there is a night shot toward center field that might bring home two, gonzales my swing to bring home to at the plate and out at the plate! >> laura: movable up object meet movable object and republicans 110-6. >> todd: the white house, economic reveal we are in a recession after two straight quarters of negative gdp growth. the president getting a lot of backing for the media working overtime to defend his story. boy, the spending is out of control. you are watching "fox & friends first" on friday morning i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus pure democrats to continue failed vending spree that in
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