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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 29, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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filling in for laura and filling in for her. if you want to learn more about me go to jason in the my podcast wildlife photography again thanks to laura for letting me sit in. have a great weekend remember united states of america greatest country on the face of the planet. have a great weekend. ♪♪ >> greg: all right, look away for one minute. one minute and you guys, all right, happy friday. wearing my glasses tonight. maybe we'll win an emmy. so let's take a look at all the things that pissed me off, besides the looks i get when i buy clothes in the boys department. not my fault. first, biden's ratings are so
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far down the toilet they could wave hello to chris wallace. it's so bad i hear biden's new strategist is rote 0 router. wow just a chuckle. i thought that would work. no wonder he's once again talking up student loan forgiveness when really joe should be asking for forgiveness not doling it out. forgiveness for afghanistan, for tanking the economy, for farting in front of the royal family. that bomb was so rank the queen thought the germans were blitzing again. >> tyrus: dang. >> jason: now they want to forgive ten grand, or roughly what hunter paid for a weekend of hookers. of course this is a hail mary pass or for the gender confused, a hail larry, known appeal to young voters before the midterms which should crush the dems like a dozen eggs under brian stelter's box springs. did i say voters i meant democratic voters the ones too
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dumb to realize they're trading their future for a quick payout. taking your money to pay a bribe to the people who hate you to elect the same freaks who demonizing daily. it's a democratic birthday party and you're the pinata. but like geraldo's ex-wife, these people, they don't need the money. [laughter] >> jason: this isn't a food stamp program or welfare, it's transferring money from the working class to the wealthy and upper middle class who vacation in aspen while running up college debt. as regular people have to take second jobs. or, like me, who paid for college by making deposits to sperm banks. some of it was my own. think of all of the aocs of the world. the whiner who claims she can't live off six figures as she tools around in a tesla with her
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french bulldog. i think that was her dog. either that or her fiancee. . >> tyrus: oh. >> jason: >> greg: they call you race it. you can tell which tesla is hers, it's the one dragging an extension cord. but it's immoral. i sound like pelosi while she's handing her amex card to her plastic surgeon. and if your blood isn't boiling over this you must be deader than a former clinton associate. think of all those people who paid off their student loans. you know, that's lying paining a hooker for sex and finding out she's been giving it away to your neighbors for free. that's why we divorced. gets worse. house dems blocked a fund to defend police while receiving ten grand each to bulk up their home security. it's that ten grand again. why? because they assume everyone will call it chump change. but who's the chump? it's us.
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because we're paying for the security of people who refuse to grant us the same safety. during, thanks to them, the worst crime wave in my lifetime. what's that old saying, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. that's not strong enough. how about don't take a dump on my head and tell me it's a mud slide. [laughter]. >> tyrus: what? >> jason: i'm disgusting all of you. but, remember, while cities were burning and cops were getting killed, they said, let's have less police. now you see why these crooks got into the business, so they could be exempt from the punishment they enact on others. they can screw you but you can't screw them back. al capone had nothing on these people. politics are as organized as crime gets. at least the gang sisters didn't pretend toing helping you while robbing you blind. but this is how it works.
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they create laws for us and not them. gavin newsome met friends for lunch while the rest of la had to wrap themselves up like mummies. the president's son has a life that would make charlie sheen blush. nancy pelosi's husband strolled away from a dui. but i guess if i were coming home to nancy i'd knock back a few shots. of kerosene. and, finally, a senior fbi agent allegedly tried to pad the number of domestic violent extremism cases. meaning, as we suspected they were gas lighting us and not in a fun way that involved a trip tom taco bell and flicking a big lighter an hour later. so like real rage they ended up hopefully being you. no surprise they already targeted parents, trumpers, anywhere near the capitol on january 6th. i'm surprised that they haven't gone after me. and i'm glad they haven't. i would not survive prison. i would be one of the prizes in
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a card game. i'd become someone's bitch faster than colbert became biden's. so what's good for the goose is good for the gander, said the guy zipping his fly as he approached a very scared gander. i feel dirty. >> tyrus: you, too? >> jason: yes. we need to make sure they feel the consequences of their action and how we have to play their game once republicans take the house. if they want to bribe people with your money let's do the same with their money get all those gender studies grads to pay for your projects. how about nra instruction for teachers, fund students instead of the schools so people have a real choice at education. and let's embrace loan forgiveness but make the overpaid colleges refund the
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dough. defund the crap out of them. they have it coming. you send billy off to harvard at 73 grand a year and comes home for christmas with a new pronoun a pair of home grown boobs and hatred for america, i'm thinking you got a raw deal. [cheers and applause] >> greg: poor billy. as for crime, they applauded incoherent mobs coming to supreme court justices home. which is ironic when the president, their biggest cheerleader can't find his own. meanwhile new york governor said to disrupt lee zeldin's rallies. what if thugs made it to the neighbors of progressive das and anti cop dems, just put funds towards half way houses right next to theirs. make alvin bragg or george gascón have to worry about crime like you do. it's working now with
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immigration, all the phoney sanctuary cities now must walk the walk. it's time for a taste of their washability i mean, isn't that how vaccines work? so drop your pants and bend over democrat politicians. this won't hurt very much, i promise. ♪ >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. he worked his way up from beat reporter by savagely beating other reporters. fox news contributor and washington times opinion editor charlie hurts. ♪♪ [cheers and applause] ♪♪ >> greg: she thinks it's a trifle to carry two glocks and a rifle, host of luxury hunting lodges of america on fox nation, katie pavlich! [cheers and applause] ♪♪ >> greg: her classmates called her teacher's pet because she kept biting everyone >> kat: yeah >> greg: fox news contributor
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kat timpf [cheers and applause] >> greg: and he once gave the tooth fairy a hernia, my massive side kick and nwa world champion tyrus [cheers and applause] >> greg: charlie great to see you as always. >> charlie: same to you greg >> greg: missed you >> charlie: i'm going to leave that there >> greg: you comfortable. >> charlie: very comfortable thank you >> greg: lot of facets to that brilliant monologue. care to address any one of them. >> charlie: truthfully i think you're on to something here, a big reason why the biden administration is talking about wanting to bail out student loans is because the democrat party has become the party of privileged white college educated people and it's all part of a much larger realignment that we're seeing in the political parties. i think it's, personally i think it's a good thing. but they are terrified and there is no amount of money that they wouldn't pay to buy off a new
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set of voters. but they should be -- you know, anybody should be aware that it's kind of interesting with how the democratic party has, for 40 years, been on this project to bring -- to woo hispanic voters, and as soon as they find out that hispanic voters don't like them, they're like, call in the national guard, let's build the wall, let's be done. so anybody thinking about getting into bed with the democrats should be aware of that >> greg: yes. especially if they're hunter biden. wow. coming back with a lot of different poxes. you know, that's true. >> tyrus: hunter pox. >> jason: we should do a segment called pox news. i think we did >> kat: i think we did like four of those >> greg: i think we were there first. katie to charlie's point we have mayor muriel bowser. >> katie: muriel bowser >> greg: to complain about to
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have the national guard there because their sanctuary city is literally now a sanctuary city. >> katie: how did this happen? >> greg: i don't know. is there a way we can do this with other issues because i think the half way house thing is the solution. >> katie: the first thing i would say on the student loan bailout be terrified of the 3-ds the deranged woke women because they are the most dangerous we have in this country and they will scream at you in your lululemon pants especially if you're a black cop. so it's a payoff for their base. so yes this is happening in dc. i remember when donald trump wanted to send the national guard to the actual border and the left freaked out that it was xenophobic, racist and now all of a sudden people start showing up at union station and all the homeless shelters in dc which is also a huge problem gets filled up and reality hits the mayors in the face and, oh, you mean there are only limited resources for a certain number of people
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so now ethiopian build a tent city in dc and have the national guard process people. so again they're building cases and will blame it on republicans >> greg: floss cages. >> katie: the worst kind >> greg: those people are actually coming there to work and they're going to have the national guard again people working as opposed to like during riots during those riots in seattle or portland oregon. tyrus what did you think of the points i was makeing? care to offer your keen observations? >> tyrus: i believe the original saying was don't business down my back and tell me it's rain and you have turned that into something that i don't think anyone will ever say that again >> greg: really? >> tyrus: yeah, i think you've changed the game. >> greg: thank you. >> tyrus: that will forever be an image. the only good news is right before i could process that, you got even creepier. so i'm still thinking about the whole sometimes it was mine comment. so in between the ridiculously inappropriate creepy comments
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you made some really solid points >> greg: thank you. >> tyrus: it's just harded to sift through sometimes >> greg: i like to get people to think and ponder. >> tyrus: you did but when you're regurgitating and thinking it's difficulted which regurgitating is pretty good because that's what the woke are doing right now. because we always say it's not a problem when you're uneffected and everyone's racist andstein phobic until it's in your yard and now it's in your yard and if i was governor of texas or arizona or a border state i would be like let's get more buses, let's get more things going and i would start having billboards, beautiful washington, dc where the streets are full of jobs and money and free healthcare and i would just arrows pointing that way and i would just keep them going. just keep them sending. you know? >> greg: i would. you know, kat, i would love to replace every politician with a migrant worker >> kat: yes >> greg: ten of them. we would get so much more stuff done >> kat: i'm down to just try
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anything at this point. try something new >> greg: yes, that's kind of your mo >> kat: yeah. i'm a curious person >> greg: you are. you're a curious kat >> kat: there's nothing wronging with that except all the times it's gone horribly wrong. >> tyrus: not to bring up another old saying but curiosity killed the kat >> kat: i am still alive some house. >> tyrus: i'm waiting for him to change that >> kat: it is amazing. i don't know, i think one thing they could try is maybe try not spending all their time trying to figure out new things to spend money on. but they don't think of that because they don't take responsibility for what they're doing and if you're not asking those questions, where did i maybe mess up here? it's not going to be obvious that you're continuing to have the same problem over and over again. i don't think we should print more money for student loan debt. that's absurd. especially because the more money that goes into it, the colleges have no reason to not keep charging more and more and more and more.
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it's going to keep getting worse >> greg: division tripled the last three decades because nobody bothered to pump the brakes. that analogy >> charlie: i think it would be a tremendous contribution to the country if somebody did put together a massive class action lawsuit to go after these universities that teach nonsense and teach total bumkiss it doesn't get you anything in the world in terms of a job, and make them pay some of it >> greg: the only problem is the only people that do class action lawsuits are liberals. >> charlie: i know >> greg: conservatives are too busy creating rather than taking. >> katie: they should tax the endo youments and let them bail out the homes. they're huge and there's no incentives to get draws when they leave because there's no return on investment and then they want them to bail them out. >> tyrus: hold on in the car wash biden doesn't remember much but he remembers not to bring this into action.
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he keeps saying next month >> kat: whenever thinks are going badly he's like hey. >> tyrus: i know he likes to play kick the can because he's ancient but he's no dummy >> greg: plays kick the can for sure. that was thoughtful. neither blue nowhere red a party to attract voters who are dead. flowers are fighters. that's why the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's is full of them. because flowers find a way to break through. just like we will. join the fight at
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>> greg: can a new third party offer more than playing spoiler in 2024? former democratic presidential nominee andrew yang, that's him on the left... [laughter] >> greg: that was funny. and former new jersey republican governor christine todd whitman announced they formed a new third national party called forward. they're already fiscally
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responsible. look how much they spent to come up with that name. and yang and whitman? that's a dream team if your nightmare is winning elections. they hope it will appeal to voters disillusions with republican and democrat parties and who want to fight climate change by voting for someone with a snowball's chance in hell. because let's face it third parties usually do little more than siphon off more voters from one party to another and end up electing a side they lease like. take 2000 when nater took away enough voters from al gore and putting president bush in the white house. and who could forget ross perot? god he was a sexy man. you could argue he helped elect bill cline by stealing votes from the older bush. and democrats are at it again worried this new forward party will hurt them more than it will republicans, just like they tried to play hillary's loss on the eight votes that went to
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jill stein. which is unfair since this dr. jill actually went to med school. it's true. fact is, if you're going to create a third party, at least find someone to lead it, you know, who's charming, shrewd, charismatic, brilliant, independent, gorgeous, and a little sassy. though could that be? ♪♪ [cheers and applause] >> tyrus: you got me. you got me. you got me. >> greg: i tricked all of you. i tricked every single one of you. don't mess with me. i greg rolled you. so kat i know this is a sticking point with you because you get grief for not voting in either party as though you didn't vote for the libertarian party you would have voted ford either trump or hillary as if somehow that was spongeable if that was
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the word >> kat: i remember never voted for a republican or democrat in any election, i always vote libertarian and when that's not i write in my cast name, jean simmons has been written in a lot. because i believe the two party leads to mediocrity and corruption because whatever you do your side will back you up because there's this mentality of at least it's not the other side. there would be a lot more accountability if people had more options. because if the option's either/or you allow for both of them to [bleep] >> greg: yeah. i don't know, though. tyrus, it's kind of like we ideal ize the alternatives butr where in life it's dualism. you either like or hate a team. if there's an issue and you're in a debate you can't choose the middle because people think
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you're weak. so it's like we talk about, it would be nice to have another choice but then we always go back to who's going to win. >> tyrus: well, i think in this case, this is for moderate democrats, independents trying to get away from the mess that is the woke progressives that have just caused a disease in the democratic party. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: yang was one of their brightest faces and they ran him out of the building. he had good ideas, you could have a conversation with him. you could exchange ideas and he wouldn't call you a racist or what pronoun would you use. he was a young voice in the democratic party and i respected that and they ran him out because he wasn't part of the plan. he's not part of the progressive socialist thing. so i think, and i've been saying, there's two parties, a socialist party the democratic party, so they should reveal themselves and i think you'll see more democrats going that way which is fine with us. because we're not messing this up. you know, like we got to do some
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work when we get in there but no one from the republican party is thinking about -- and the ones that do, you know -- >> greg: i wonder though katie you think hear about certain republicans that are going to run. >> katie: like all of them? >> greg: yes. do you think this party has a chance? >> katie: well first i'm grateful for you to introducing us to the first female president thank you very much. it's not going to be kamala, that's not happening. i would vote for her. this party has no chance. it's amazing in politics that you can just start something and get $5 million. >> tyrus: wait, what? >> katie: yeah. you should start a party, the tyrus party. you just get money to go do things. but it's interesting to listen to what they're saying because they're saying like they're kind of a combination of the two so they're in the middle. the only thing in the middle is rogue hill. at the end of the day someone's going to win and you have to make a choice about which things you're comfortable with because
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there's going to be a president. so maybe up don't agree with everything, but is there something you can find? because there's going to be an end result at some point >> greg: to katie's point. >> katie: i know, i understand >> kat: i disagree because i would never give -- i'm not middle of the road. i think both are way bigger government than i'm comfortable voting for so me voting for either major party i feel like is voting for somebody saying yes you can have my rights. >> tyrus: $5 million. and to katie's point, rogue kills down the middle but eventually ends up on the side. boom, road kill party. >> katie: i would never vote for lib tarns as the forward party though. >> greg: charlie to katie's point, you know what else is in the middle is your belly button. so are you in or out? >> what? >> charlie: wow. >> greg: i just came up with that. >> tyrus: yeah. >> greg: you just came up with that? how would i know she was
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going to say that? >> charlie: oh, okay. >> greg: i have problems charlie. >> charlie: clearly. no anytime somebody comes up with a third party option everyone makes fun of them and i count myself among those people. but throughout our history we've had dozens of political parties and they happen because parties diane new parties start. and, i mean, when you look around and you look at the political realignment, the absolute political upheaval going on in washington and in the country today, it's absolutely nuts. and if there was ever a time when you actually could have a third party rise up, this is the environment in which that sort of thing happens. that said, my suspicion is that what you're going to wind up with is some crazy new party with andrew yang and christie todd whitman who believe global warming is a religion and they want to be in the pocket of wall street. so instead of being the best of both parties they'll winds up
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being the worst of both parties and it will be a disaster. >> greg: i feel like this happened a couple years ago and there was another party just like this and it imploded the same exact way. we have to move on. up next they want to turn the word recession into a semantic lesson. you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. and don't take it if you are on dialysis.
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miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. your gut. and your mood will follow. >> greg: instead of fixing a recession, they're changing the expression. biden's only hope for an encore, the trick from 1984. so the democrats are pleading, don't say the economy's receding. yeah, for half a century recession has meant two or more straight quarters of negative growth. i know that feeling. [laughter]. >> greg: but now that's happened the white house insists the economy is healthy and we're just in the middle of a great transition. like my uncle bob. we're with you uncle bob. but if i wanted to see someone put lipstick on a pig, i would rsvp to larry kudlow's barbecue. guy's a psycho.
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who puts lipstick on a stuffed pig. fact is the only growth we're seeing is janet yellen's nose when she spins a fairytale like this. so we're in a recession but if you don't call it that it goes away. so call it something jazzy like a free pony ride naked scarlett johansson pizza party. i would be into that. love ponies. to be fair they don't care about anything struggling despite biden's struggling poll numbers and the only thing they control is the dictionary which now identifies as a that that sewer rus. they do this all the time, when it stopped making sense they called it climate change, mothers became birthing persons, illegals are now undocumented or just migrants, criminals are persons or individuals affected by the justice systems. trans gents are people without housing or person in need and republicans are now white supremacists, including even the
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black ones. and you know, if we call [bleep] on this, they'll redefine that as animal fudge. all right. so tyrus, i have to go to you first because you were the first person, i believe, to ever point this out. the difference between internal problems and external problems. while one half of the politicians, let's say the right is busy building things and fixing things and attacking problems, the other half is on the periphery basically changing words around. >> tyrus: yeah. >> greg: and thinking that that is actual process. >> tyrus: like the doctors telling them they have herpes and they're saying no doc it's an ingrown hair. it's bad. no, it's fine. >> greg: there goes my excuse. [laughter]. >> tyrus: dam, man. just once. just -- not even you. >> greg: yes. >> tyrus: no. but just once, if they just came out and said, dam it, we're in a recession and we're going to do
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everything we can to get out of it. here are some plans, we're going to feel the pinch, we're going to try and do this and this. the american people would accept this. they're like we can handle bad news. but the constant lying and treating us like we're ignorant and dumb and talking about stuff that doesn't matter or go after somebody -- it's basically like murder somebody and they arrest you for sitting on the sidewalk. they continue to do these things instead of just talking to the american people. and what i hate about -- but the entire last administration, they created fake lies. they created fake accusations. they -- the people that voted for them are literally getting everything they made up in the previous administration. they lie about everything, they try to cover up everything and it's horrible. just try to be honest one time, because everyone can handle bad news. >> greg: to the point about bad news, charlie, let's stealman that are argument. i came up with that. actually i didn't. are they trying to remain
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optimistic so people keep spending or are they trying to escape blame? >> charlie: i think they're completely trying to escape blame. not only are they trying to escape blame but they're also trying to escape blame, particularly with the global warming, they're trying to escape like new york sub ways get flooded every time they've rain because for 50 years they've neglected infrastructure. they're trying to blame it on the rest of us by saying it's all global warming. but democrats, they're the masters of euphemisms and i love euphemisms because they're usually hilarious and usually reveal more. but they run through all of their euphemisms, all of the words that -- they ruin them. remember liberal used to be a really great word. they completely destroyed it. they had to go to the next thing. they destroyed the word immigrant, they destroyed the word women. but they do understand this one thing and that is, if you control the language, you control the debate. and if you have a willing dishonest media that lapping it
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all up and believing it, you have unchecked power. >> greg: to that excellent point katie and going back to my monologue of giving them a dose of their medicine, why doesn't the right start redefining words? i mean, what if that happened? i don't even know how to do it. >> katie: because we live in reality greg. we like to live in reality. >> greg: yes. >> katie: the left likes to change language when the reality is uncomfortable for them so they try to shift it and pretend that's not actually happening. but this whole debate going on with the white house and washington in general about the definition of a recession. obviously it matters because rejecting the actual definition but it's such an academic debate to have. everybody having this debate in dc who's in charge are the same people wanting you to bail out their student loans. the same people that get degrees from the fancy universities that mean nothing and come back and say well actually the definition of these words that we learned about are no longer true. so i think people can feel how the economy's going and they can talk all they want about whether
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it's a recession or not but the reality is, the economy is in a really bad place and it's about to get a lot worse. >> charlie: and then come up with a bill and call the bill the inflation reduction act as they're pumping $400 billion more of inflation into the market. >> greg: you wanted inflation reduction act just jump in a cold swimming pool. [laughter]. >> tyrus: wow. >> greg: kat, are you worried? i'm worried >> kat: yeah we should have never let them get away with the oil cancer. >> greg: yes >> kat: think about it, they're also saying that i, and so many other people, are suffering cancer from oil actually means i used to have skin cancer from the sun. >> greg: right >> kat: so that one we let him get away from that that makes no sense, redefine recession. even going back to student loan debt cancellation.
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everybody calls it cancellation but it's not cancellation it's just making someone else pay for it who had nothing to do with it which isn't what the word cancels means. they keep doing this and everybody goes along everybody goes along everybody goes along and they get it and nothing changes. the thing about recession they can call it what they want people are still feeling the pain and are struggling so the word doesn't really matter. >> greg: it's kind of like always referring to dr. jill biden. . >> tyrus: pediatric surgeon dr. jill biden. >> greg: pediatric neurosurgeon. >> tyrus: i stand correctd. >> greg: anyway coming up, the top cities disclosed for biking with no clothes.
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most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. that makes work from home work for you. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. ♪ >> a story in five words. ♪ >> greg: a story in five words: best cities for nude cycling. all right, katie, i don't know why. according to a new survey by lawn starter, chicago, portland,
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seattle, austin and st. louis are the top five cities for biking naked. they took into account city regulations, the size of the cycling community, i guess size is not the person, and the climate >> kat: they also took into account average monthly google searches for world naked bike ride. >> greg: really? my god i didn't know that >> kat: i went deep into this one. >> greg: katie, i don't understand this. because it's prohibited to be publicly naked in the top two cities. >> katie: you know, maybe everything's so lawless right now you can bike naked wherever you want. the story on this the first line said some cyclists like to feel the wind blowing in their hair... [laughter] >> katie: i thought that was a little weird. one way to say it. >> greg: that is. >> tyrus: oh, boy >> greg: all right, kat, i can tell you are chomping at the bit >> kat: this is one of the most
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in-depth involved studies i ever saw and i wanted to know really bad who did it but it just said staff writer and i want to know who are you. like who actually wrote it. like who is saying, all right, got to go to work and what that means is researching this because it's so in-depth and i'm just fascinated by it. >> greg: i guess lawn starter did a previous thing on nude lawn gardening >> kat: is there a specialist? they suckered me in. they were like there's one show that will definitely cover it and they were right. you're not going to get this on fox and friends, right? they're terrified of nude cyclists and they're hypocrites. >> katie: oh, really? >> greg: you ever see nude fox and friends. >> katie: brian kilmeade? >> greg: it was on sin max ten years ago. >> tyrus: you watched through the squiggly lines? >> greg: i saw kilmeade, i could recognize that birthmark
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anywhere. what do you think about this? gross, disgusting? >> charlie: i'm just glad to have looked at this because i know now the 50 places i don't need to go visit. >> greg: it's bs, though. tyrus, chicago's number one. consider the weather. consider the knack nudity prohibited. >> tyrus: i'm going to stop you right now. >> greg: okay >> kat: they did also take into account historical number of extremely cold days. >> tyrus: gutfeld, just own it. you wrote this. if it's not you, it's kern or one of your buddies, rob long, one you guys got together with your little bare foot wine drinking things at your cabin. because only a man or a guy would write this. because everything nudist is every lonely man's fantasy and it's just a place to see a bunch of other lonely men. there are no women at these naked sausage fests.
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it's a bunch of guys hoping that a few women would be dumb enough to go naked bike riding. literally probably the worst thing. i'm not a plumber but i'm assuming plumbing-wise, that is not a good time. to go bike riding. >> katie: no, it's not. i'm not a guy but wow. >> greg: while i agree with you the internal truth is the people that go nude are never the people you want to see nude. >> tyrus: no. >> greg: so of course i'm not going to go naked. you don't give the beautiful stuff away for free. you want to see this, you got to pay. go to my fans -- my only fans >> kat: only fans. >> greg: my only fans site, you'll see some things you'll never forget. you'll have to scrape your eyeballs. >> tyrus: why are you pointing at me? >> katie: i'm saying you're right he obviously wrote it. >> greg: we have to cut this short okay? before you go to sleep, some jokes we didn't keep.
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["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish]
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seen this ad? discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. it's not paid for by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> greg' leftovers. >> greg: time once again for leftovers, this is the segment where you watch me eat for 40 minutes straight. actually, it's where we read the jokes we didn't use this week. and like any leftovers, until you dig in, you never know if they're any good or just plain terrible and as always, this is my first time reading these. all right, here we go. this week during an interview on
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news nation, former cnn anchor chris cuomo announced he accepted a job at a fledgeling network. i watched a few minutes decided he was pretty good then i finished filling up my gas tank and drove away. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: but it was nice to see news nation finally broadcaster in color. can't have them all. chris's brother andrew also accepted a new tv job, i'm looking for him on the qvc selling his new brand of nipple rings. though he says the senior discount will no longer be available. black family suing sesame place alleging some of their costumed characters ignored their daughter based on her race. president biden said any excuse for ignoring a little girl doesn't pass the sniff development all this comes after sesame street couldn't versely
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blamed bert and ernie for spreading monkeypox. the makers of grand theft auto announced they're releasing a sixth version of the hit game now with the ability to play as a female character which will make it even more realistic now that it's a woman crashing the car. a sexist would say. i own that. this past weekend a group of nazi protesters showed up outside a turning point usa convention. organizers tried to remove them but they were on public property and you can't tell the fbi what to do. wow, ding. that's good. jet blue has agreed to purchase spirit airlines for $3.8 billion. aviation and business experts say jet blue overpaid by $3.8 billion. these are good. also the deal was expected to go through immediately but it's still stuck in fort lauderdale.
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[laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: this week the new york times wrote on the trend of cannibalism and contemporary fiction which means the media thinks will soon be hungry enough to start eating each other. the gus into i'll finally goat that five star mesh lan rating for my app. new survey finds one in three admits stealing a co-workers food from the office refrigerator. the other two-thirds are dam liars kilmeade. according to a new study, get that paper off. a low la la bead 0 has been added to the list of long covid. said jill biden thank god >> this week john hinkly tweeted his support for abortion. which is not surprising that he supports killing people during the first term. [laughter]. >> wow. >> greg: that is cold.
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a new study claims that dogsing with white sounding names get adopted from shelters faster than dogs with black sounding names. my dog adolf already knew that. we're the best. finally subway restaurants are offering free sandwiches for life to the first person who gets a foot long tattoo, which is a lot better than when jared offered free sandwiches to see anyone's foot long. those are pretty dam good. >> wow. >> greg: got to say. don't go away, we'll be right back.
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tree. >> shannon: link tree. >> tyrus: check it out. link tree, check it out. >> shannon: i like that. what a great show, huh? thank you katie pavlich. nice threads. charlie hurts, tyrus, kat, our studios audience, fox news at night with evil shannon bream. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you america. ♪♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to fox news at night. i'm shannon bream in washington. ♪ >> breaking tonight an alarming warning from a chinese state media personality suggesting beijing should shoot down the plane carrying house speaker nancy pelosi if she tries to make a stop in taiwan on her asia trip. usual team standing by live to weigh in. and the biden administration quietly a


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