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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  July 30, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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[laughter] [inaudible] be sure to check out their business and here's the trophy here we go. [cheering] goodbye everybody. ♪ ♪ ♪ trying to change it from a technical to a quarter explanation to whatever it is now, i do not agree. we started feeling it months ago. >> recession and small businesses but. >> not messily feeling it right now, but i am in the future have some big plans. >> hits here and there. still living our life. >> i am a student so spending less is kind of what i do pray. >> can be pay for groceries, you pay at the pump everything is just more expensive these days.
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>> we do not have enough money. 361 filling the economy is officially in a recession as they continue struggling with something else that is beyond doubt, inflation. democrats saying this is exactly why we need more spending but would that make potentially even worse? we are on top of it all in the rescue and recovery still going on in kentucky. the death toll they're climbing to 25 after this devastating flash flood's. where going to the very latest in the state's governor, andy beshear. welcome everyone i am at cavuto. to you. it has been a turbulent week at this far, among the growing concerns on the state of the economy. recession and doubting instills the case as with the ministration is saying. and inflation, no one doubting that is alive and well. we are on top of both in how the administration is responding to be go to david's pond with the latest. >> hi neil good morning.
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president here at the white house. if you use the word recession here on these grounds officials here are quick to point out they're not going to talk specifically about recession because they do not believe they are in a recession right now. suddenly technical definition two consecutive quarters of negative growth. however, as you mentioned inflation is a term they want to talk about here. but as far as recession, white house officials all the way up to the president to mere bump in the road. >> our job market remains historically strong. our economy created more than 9 million jobs since i came to office. the fed chairman powell said it's clear he does not think the u.s. economy is currently in a recession. >> white house officials are happy to talk about inflation, looking to spend even more so center joe manchin abort the inflation reduction act and send billions to fight climate change, fund healthcare and prescription drugs. corporations will also have
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decedent minimum tax year. >> this bill be the most significant legislation in the history to tackle the climate crisis. >> another big topic for the white house, china, on thursday at the present spent more than two hours on the phone with his chinese counterpart shooting pain. a big topic is taiwan nancy pelosi in route right now to asia. she's going to go to singapore, japan, also south korea. however, we do not know, the big question will she visit taiwan? party does not want to go to the taiwan president xi told president biden those who play with fire will perish by it. it's help they'll be clear eyed about this brother someone with chinese state media about shooting down below sees a plaintiff that it's intense or rhetoric. the white house said they're not going to speak specifically about her travel. some serious threats right there from china, not clear if indeed she will do that. as for president xi, in october he is going to seek an
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unprecedented third term in office. the office of the communist party meets every five years and he wants to be in as long as possible. it looks like that will likely happen. neil: david spunt at the white house thank you david for this back-and-forth on recession is a topic i brought up with economic advisor to president biden, ending on the same page was tough, take a listen. >> i think all the president at any of us are doing is trying to offer a balanced view of the economy. first of all, every family is the world's greatest expert on how they are doing. and we don't millions of american families have not escaped the higher prices that have come from this global inflation, the world is going through now. that is a squeeze at the gas pump. to squeeze at the grocery line. we understand that and are not negating that. on the other hand i don't think there's any way to look at the
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last six months and say this is what a recession it looks like. 2.7 million jobs that were created in the first months of this year, other than last year the most of jobs created in the first six months of the year in the history of our country. that does not meet everything was great about the economy. but as the chairman of the fed, jerome powell said yesterday, there is no way a six month period with 3.6% unemployment and 2.7 million jobs created is consistent with what you think of, anyone thanks of. neil: that might be the case of a seer you're coming from. the fact of the many as i can show many more statistics show things are recessionary. a factory production, i could talk about what's going on with retail sales but i could talk about mortgage demand the worst it is been in 20 years. i could talk about existing home sales going down, new home sales going down. >> you could also be six weeks
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they were not intercession whatever hope you get from that in americans here that, and are members of the stuff that i am talking about, they think you're just out of touch. you almost make it sound like let them eat cake. >> i didn't except we aren't and i didn't. i started this by saying every family is the greatest expert of their situation, he built feel squeezed. they feel the recession. >> when they go to the gas pump they do feel that. that makes them unhappy. i don't know what words they want to used to describe it. but we understand people feel this way of higher prices. neil: if we don't do say there's a recession fine but acknowledge their pain. >> here's the thing, you've just said acknowledge their pain for times. i literally started my discussion here by saying people felt squeezed in a gut punch for higher prices. so i guess no matter how many
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times i do that you are not going to acknowledge i said that. you are right to mention. [inaudible] >> that's not true. >> i'm very clear,. [inaudible] >> what did i say? i said you want to give after the record a red-hot economy we had in 2021, you are seeing, understandably a cooling as the federal reserve is raising rates. i think we saved a lot of time talking over one another. but the bottom line is the classic definition of a recession there others by the weight not just two negative quarters, but by looking at something good things going on in the economy like the job growth and is quite right to talk about that backdrop. but again, the sentiment numbers are the lowest they've been out
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in quite a few years. the american public is feeling it and angry about it. it's even showing up among fellow democrats two out of three of them say the president should not run again for office. in the eyes of the beholder but where are we? are we in a recession right now? we've also got former obama economic council chair. and francis nugent stacy. francis, let me get your view of this. are we in a recession? >> yes, i think so. really everything being probabilities we have a lot of anomalies coming out of covid. the thing is we never have had two negative quarters of gdp growth and not had a recession go alongside that. so again, the probability is we are in a recession. what's very interesting as the jobs are typically a lagging indicator. despite the fact the federal reserve raised rates, 75 basis
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points or three quarters of a percent, the yield on bonds are actually going down. markets are trading as if it is a recession. gold is going up and reversals, silver is going up and bonds are going down. the markets are anticipating recession. neil: the markets are not nostradamus but they do seem be telegraphing a slowdown. whether that confirms the numbers we have been seeing, the market has seen to prefer that scenario and then ate willy-nilly upward trajectory and interest rates. where do you see it? >> the market soared this month. it is on the back of two things into things only right now. the ten year yield top june 17, s&p bottom june 17. commodity prices over the last two months helped out the situation big time. what you have going right now is
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we have gas prices went from $5.2 down to $4.23. that is good news. the bad news is it is still at $4.23 per eels are down to 2.6 and change, good news the bad news is that a still double what it was a year ago. there is a lot to work out. on an individual personal basis, the families i speak to, the people i speak to they are just paying a time more for everything come affordability for housing because of that bubble is troublesome. we've seen it in mortgage applications and some of the other statistics we talk to gina sperling, there's a lot that has to be taken care of. i am just worried because what are weakening? a big tax and spend out of this administration. the opposite but we sought the last administration where they lowered taxes across the board and the economy skyrocketed. i wish they would look at history. i just don't think that's going to happen with the bite administration right now.
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>> to be fair, gary, the last administration was not spending a lot of money you could spend at the time. but you are right there is a different style altogether. but often comment let me get your take not so much on recession or not a recession it's very different than the 70s experience, i lived through that. the leisure suit notwithstanding were tough enough. i remember odd, even days waiting to fill up your gas tank and all of that. i don't see us and think close i see a backdrop of still strong jobs. better than 11 million job openings in this country from a get that, get regina's coming from. but do you think the administration risk looking tone deaf when it dismisses a lot of this? i know it jean was saying about some of these pockets of growth that's out there. but does it look clueless? >> you kind of put him in a gotcha situation, we are all friends put you in a gotcha situation there is literally nothing he could say.
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there's obviously inflation. inflation is not a recession. inflation makes people upset, consumer confidence has been quite low since there is been inflation, since gas prices were higher. that does not mean we should call it a recession. neil: what is your definition of recession. these eight economist come up with charting the beginning, i get that. what do you look at? when you are in the obama administration what did you look at? >> i do not look to come up with the phrase is that a recession or not a recession? because you knew it was. you know you came in office it was a recession. >> we have never had a recession in the united states were jobs were growing. so on that point i think they are right. we have not been in a recession the first several months of this year.
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where i think they are running a risk with their language is the fed is raising rates as fast as they have ever raised them. and if you look at the 14 recession since world war ii, by far the most common cause of actual recessions is the fed raising interest rates faster than the economy can handle. [inaudible] >> hold on neil. we very well might be intercession soon and then everything they're saying now about the first three or six months of this year are going to just look completely out of time and out of touch. that is what i think. neil: alright francis i think his argument are not in a recession, you think we are in a recession briefly get back and forth in the somatic battle. what if it is just a shallow one? what if it's just a slowdown? what if the economy were receding were not necessarily in a recession, but in the end it doesn't matter, what do you think?
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>> inflation is not where the hockey puck is going it's where it has been. commodity prices have fallen off of a cliff. there's a several month delay before this price changes show up for cpi which is the headline inflation they pay attention too. and next, jobs we have negative earning growth over half of the s&p 500 is reported earnings is diving for negative earnings growth. they are not going to be hiring, tech is put a hiring freeze it. it's a lagging indicator. neil: all this pretense things are going to slow down. really quickly gary do you see things getting worse or better the market seem to be signaling they could be getting better look at stock prices they're not always 2020 on on this but what do you think? >> i will be careful about the market. i've seen big bear market rallies in the past that failed pretty quickly. i am looking at one thing now, neil that is the job market. if we lose the job market the
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recession we are in is going to deepen and then trouble is going to show up in a much bigger way were probably going to see some negative twos in gdp. neil: but watch closely thank you all coming on saturday, appreciated guys, thank you. in the meantime how this all falls out politically. primaries coming up next week probably the most closely curtain a state of the mall is arizona. we'll have the latest on what could be at stake and who is at stake after that. ♪ finding the perfect developer isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found her. she's in prague, between the perfect cup of coffee and her museum of personal computers. and you can find her, and millions of other talented pros, right now on we got the house! talented pros, right now you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready.
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neil: for five big primaries next week as we will down the cast of candidates that will represent each other's a party for the november midterm. arizona grew the most scrutiny right now. there you have sort of a donald
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trump, mike pence competition going on between their backed candidates. get a little more convoluted as that. alicia in phoenix, arizona with the latest. >> hi, good morning neil. some of the most expensive primaries in the nation are happening right here in arizona. all while voters are telling us they are hurting. first of the governor's race. former local tv news anchor kerri at lake backed by and karen taylor and doris by former vice president mike pence per they are duking it out on the gop side what's been called the battle for the soul of the arizona republican party. the u.s. senate the fight to take on incumbent senator mark kelly. trump endorsed blake masters filed by arizona jim lehman. state attorney michael berkowitz who still feels the wrath from trump supporters because he certified the election. voters told us they had their latest problems.
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independent voters and disaffected republicans helped them by didn't win, inflation hit 12.3% compared to june of 2020 at just 2%. eight truckdriver, father of four says neither side is listening to regular folks. >> the republicans are taking down the same road of debt. i saw that a long time ago. what dhec, why a republicans voting like democrats? >> then this reverend, a democrat supporting berkowitz for senate race et cetera kelly at last touch with his community. >> a black voters especially voters of color are looking for a candidate who knows who they are already. who knows what our problems are and knows how to get things done in the political arena. next neil, i do remember arizona
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was the center of the storm. biden one he's deeply unpopular in the state. trump still says he won arizona for the folks we are talking to say they just want affordable groceries, neil. neil: i understand where they're coming from, thank you for that. and that meantime, only in washington these days can a package price around seven or $48 billion be considered leaner and meaner. i guess in the earlier stages they were talking well over $8 trillion. but joe manchin likes it. top republican senator say about that? after this zevo traps use light, not odors or chemical insecticides, to attract and trap flying insects. they work continuously so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. ...the tower cam for a - hey! folks, we seem to have a visitor. it looks like - looks like you paid too much for your glasses. ...who?
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>> the person in the room cutting the stills joe manchin basement talk but inflation from day one. scott provisions in this build to lower the deficit. there are provisions in their to lower prescription drug costs. there are increases of taxes that are deflationary. >> wait, wait, wait you got a lot of taxes and your corporation say the super wealthy and all of that. how is raising taxes on anyone, in an environment like this ever beneficial? >> because it is anti- inflationary. it lowers the deficit and it means the fed. neil: you really think this is going to lower the deficit, congressman? with its hundred billion dollars i understand the framework is going to put toward that. neil: i'm going to say i'm going to lose 10 pounds and people say neil you need to lose 50. i guess what i'm saying here is, this is not the first time the program has been introduced as paying for itself and then some. not a one ever has. what makes you think this is going to be different? >> two things, neil. one thing, larry summers, as you
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would acknowledge is been the biggest voice against inflation. this is a good bill this is going to lower the deficit it is going to lower inflation. and joe manchin would never sign on something that was inflationary. ducks are a california congressman was with me earlier in the week and hope does spring eternal does address climate change also address over one will beat the magic elixir and bring down deficits but it would be a first we've never seen that. then they've got to get more people on board. just because you had joe manchin on board does not mean for example you have kyrsten sinema on board in arizona part or for that matter a number of other democrats who are beginning to wince at the notion this does not even go far enough for their liking. so not a done deal. but at this point right now the back and forth is is going to do what it is billed to do. not only reduce inflation but reduce the deficit. let's just say kansas republican
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senator gerry moran has his doubts but he is with us right now. you are a no on this so far, correct? >> i am a no on this. i don't think you need the word so far. i suppose something could change but nothing here that appeals to me. i am in kansas city dodge city parade behind it. i have had a chance to visit there is no belief this bill is going to do anything to improve their lives. they are very worried they're going to make things worse. the cost of living is the topic no one's talking weathering the recession or not, they are saying times are tough for us and congress needs to get its act together get spending under control. kansas never believed her most kansas never believed raising taxes is going to do anything to help the economy. neil: the argument up the tax thing is you are well aware senator and joe manchin said is rates are not rising here.
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going to be a 15% minimum tax for companies to pay, especially those that do not pay taxes now but that's a whole separate argument quite legal write-offs and the rest. that allows them to do this. that is not withstanding the administration is arguing that this is an opportunity for those companies to pay their fair share parade to protect the climate, to do all the stuff you say? >> i say it we can have a debate, discussion and even vote on a bill that tries to make the tax code more fair and didn't have to be detrimental to the economy. now, and this time of a recession, this time of high cost of living is not the time to tinker with the tax code in a way that i could not see anything but bad news coming from it. i think this is dangerous territory congress, republicans and democrats originally a democrat ever since they took
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the majority, have been looking for ways to spend more money. never seen the democrats in this congress look for ways to spend less money. you're going to cut taxes you've got to spend cut spending for that's ronald reagan group had a very difficult time doing that. i have never seen a congress that has a majority of democrats in the leadership that are willing to cut spending. this is not a time to take a risk on raising taxes. it is a time to make sure we start balancing our books by spending less money not more. >> good luck with that, that will never happen. let me get your sense then senator one of the reasons we are told senator manchin went ahead and supported this, that it calls not only for investments in clean energy, which it sounds many of your colleagues that's either very important or not crucial in this environment. he likes the fact that it provides tax credits and still benefits traditional fossil
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fuels. in other words he liked the all in on all energy feature. that sealed the deal for him, what you think about that? >> i'm an all energy guy i produce natural gas but renewable fuels, ethanol, we have an interest in the policies this bill involves. what i can say it does not do what needs to be done. at this point with the cost of living increases related to the cost of oil and natural gas, my farmers are paying through the nose on diesel fuel. we need to be drilling, exploring, producing more, all sources of energy. and i do not see much coming from this bill. i don't see anything coming from this bill that helps us get there quickly. neil: are watching very closely, senator thank you for taking the time i know you have a swamped schedule today. senator jerry moran on other key committees as well.
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let's go to governor andy beshear the democratic governor kind enough to join us right now. governor, thank you for being with us. what can you tell us right now? >> this is an ongoing natural disaster. we are still in search and rescue mode but thankfully the rain has stopped. but it is going to rain more starting sunday afternoon. we can confirm we have lost at least 25 kentuckians. that number is going to increase significantly. we are blessed to have incredible national guard kentucky state police, national guard from west virginia, from tennessee. our fish and wildlife oaks and so many more out there making rescues. just in the last couple of days, over 660 air rescues. we have got over 30 aircraft up in reconnaissance and in rescue mode. hundreds i know over 600 boat rescues.
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but just total devastation the likes of which we have never seen. >> governor cometh hard to access some these areas too, isn't it? >> it is. when you think about what this water has done, it has taken out roads. it has created landslides but is overwhelmed water systems. we cannot get to some power systems and water systems because they are fully flooded. and this is in the appalachian region. one road being blocked can mean we can't get to dozens or even hundreds of people. and it is tough. those that are lucky enough to still be here with us have lost everything. these are folks that did not have much to begin with. but we are working day and night to get them to safety. to get them to shelter and we are committed to a full rebuilding effort to get these folks back on their feet. but for now we are just praying that we do not lose anybody
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else. six what amazes and what about the whole thing, governors how fast it happen how quickly people were caught off guard. particularly the children who died. >> in one area alone we know we had 10 inches of fall directly on it overnight. when think what the goalies, the hollers, water in one area in that amount and another come together and it just gets even worse. i did a fly over yesterday and houses gone. not just a walls gone but entire house is gone. you cannot even see the debris it's probably miles away at this point. again, searching each and every moment. we are now going to be able to get vehicles in places. we have the national guard with high water vehicles are going to will get into places we previously had not, to make sure we can get as many people out and to safety. but we are going to have people
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without power and without water for a long time. it's about to get hot in the middle of next week. so we are already doing the planning to take care of them. >> you mentioned those without power, governor, can you give us an update on that and where they can go? it's hard to reach out to them given physically getting to them in finding a way to communicate with them. >> that is been a challenge. especially letcher county where we hope the water will crest today. your phones don't work and a lot of these areas right now. so our goal is to get to his many people as possible and get them to a shelter. even shelters are being overwhelmed. we have opened our state parks one, the road is blocked to the state park in the county that needs it the most. we are at work trying to get that open so we can take these folks in and help them. it's about 18000 houses that are
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without power. and i note the utilities are working as hard as they can to get it back up and running. neil: you know, stepping back from this you've been through tornadoes, disasters upon taking office and now this. talk about baptism by fire. growing concerns here about whether your utilities are going to be able to keep up with this. and that is no ill reflection on them parade that is obviously a lot to handle to put it mildly. americans watching this, governor will want to know what they can do, how they can help? any ideas or ways you can communicate to the outside world how to help your fellow kentuckians? >> we do need your help. and we have got a lot of people on the ground right now that are going to be helping over the next couple of days. but these are folks that have lost everything. we have created a team eastern kentucky flood relief fund. that is going to be a long-term fund. that's going to help get them on their feet.
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going to help with the rebuilding. going to provide assistance when people are putting their lives back together. that is team ek wyatt, flood it is an opportunity for people to chip in. americans are amazing people per they open their hearts and their homes to one another. this is a time of need it. after the tornadoes, and incredible outpouring of love from all over. and we are grateful for it. it reminds us that even tough times, god is good every day. and we appreciate everybody's out there who has helped. neil: governor thank you very, very much we will pass that along. you're showing people where you are right now they can help in any way they can. governor beshear thank you, be strong i appreciate it sir. >> thank you. looks alright in the meantime just want to update you on a couple of things were falling right now prepurchase going on
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and iraq. they have some big elections coming up. this is something you don't often see right now. there is a battle back and forth as to watch a future iraq's went to cp thousands of followers breached iraq's parliament for this a second time that is happened in a little more than a week. they are protesting government formation efforts that are present being led by his opponents and rival per they do not like that. i think some secret hanky-panky going on here. this is not a common siding yet it's a second time it is happened in the last week or so. we are keeping an eye on it here. they are expecting the elections to add to the volatility not only in that country but the entire middle east. that's what we are looking at it. we will be updating it after this.
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we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. neil: or successor has been talk increasing about holding airlines accountable for these
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delays and cancellations, even finding them a number of u.s. senators as you are aware have been caught up. they have promised action on this. would you support punishing airlines, finding airlines for the sort of thing? >> i really don't. i couldn't say that except it's too much secretary of transportation because you have to be very balanced and very judicious in the way you talk. airlines do not want to see this happen. they've just suffered through to devastating years in which they lost money. they are so glad to see the end of covid, they want to see air travel come back. they can once again return to the former profitability's that give better jobs to their employees. and have a better option for their investors and also a better experience for the traveling public. six former transportation secretary, by the way former labor secretary as well not too
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keen on punishing the airline. also agrees that may be this idea of not raising the retirement age for pilots in order pushing it from 65 -- 67, he thanks it is a bad idea. she things is a good idea but it would when anthony roman thanks a commercial rated pilot turn corporate pilot, his thoughts on all that. good to have a 65 to 67 does not seemed like a huge leap. but what you think? >> oh, i think it's an easy decision. the airlines are a vital part of the american economy. and of the american dream of going on vacation. and the secretary is rights, the airlines are the last organization in the world that want these problems. but faced with covid, the
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economy turning down, the airlines are faced with enormous problems. and one of those problems staring at us directly between the eyes, is the retirement age of airline pilots, which is currently 65 years of age. and a half almost half of all airline pilots will be due for mandatory retirement within the next two years. and it is going to be impossible, nearly impossible for the airlines to replace half of all of their pilots in that period of time. rex are they aging outcome anthony it's not clear. if we did move it to 67, how would that improve things or at least avoid a pilot exodus? >> well, it buys the airlines time on the accelerated training programs for qualified pilots to train for the airline industry
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and train in heavy aircraft flying. and so two years, not enough time. for years, just enough time for the airlines to catch up, recover from the covid recession. and come to full pilot population. now, what of the risks here? what are the health risks? everyone is concerned a 67-year-old pilot is just too old. i am a 67-year-old pilot. i do not believe i am too old. my medical condition is excellent and my reflexes are as fast as they were many, many years ago with regard to flying. so, what are the statistics with regard to health? 20% of the life expectancy has gone up. 20%. the average age now is 83 -- 84.
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they have plenty of time to stay healthy and medical exams every year. >> all right, stay healthy, stay strong, anthony we will see were all this goes, appreciate it my friend. all right, we were back at this age thing where they are too young, too old, did you know it's national golden girls a day? today is actually date. so how are they celebrating to honor an iconic show with characters who weren't kids, but they were very, very popular. we will tell you all about it after this. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. announcer: ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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get verizon business unlimited from the network businesses rely on. seen this ad? it's not paid for by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> what slice this baby up and
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saw our sophia problem, here darling. >> junior, 80 problems we have solved over a cheesecake in this kitchen table? >> note dorothy exactly. >> 147. [laughter] proxy member that show? it was a classic with the whole concept was surreal but it worked for year after years of among the most watched shows in the country today's natural golden girls day. i did not know that they've got a pop-up restaurant in l.a. that celebrates and gives you the chance to be one of them. jimmy joins us the washington examiner as welford what you think of this sarah? >> you know, golden girls is a little before my time. actually a lot before my time. sounds like from the clip the golden girls were. >> she rubs that and she rubs that in pre- >> i will take any opportunity to remind me i'm young was still amber it looks like they use cheesecake like me and my girlfriend use wine just solving your proms of a bottle of wine. i understand what people might want to go try some cheesecake,
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the nostalgia factor. in a kitchen that looks like the golden girls. three 6a jimmy it's the wind with a cheesecake i think is the draw. but when you make of this, jimmy? >> i think covering this story is a little bit of a cheap shot given effect of fox keeps telling me too stop eating cheesecake put up and yelled at by the wardrobe department. neil: joined the club. >> if i get warmer call for the wardrobe department tell me too stop eating cheesecake i do not know what to do, neil. here is the thing, even if you are too young to have grown up with this show, and sarah's case is just good escapism to better time and our country. people just want to get away from that rigmarole of today's new cycle. the one thing i would tell people is if you can't get tickets to go to this exhibit but you still want to feel like it's the early 80s, check out the inflation rates. neil: you are right is pretty high around the time that show started. it went on for quite a while.
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sarah, there does seem to be a craving to relive the 70s, 80s, even the early 90s. i am just wondering there is the good with the bad. the good of course being a shows like this the bad with the inflation like it was back then, not quite, not yet. what do you think? >> i think that's obsolete it. people are struggling right now they are looking for escapism, hearken back to a time before everything was so complicated and fraught with emotions, everything these days, education, grocery shopping, going to the gas station. i think for my generation the friends experience, re-create the show the '90s and the early 2000's all the rage. >> there's no comparison. [laughter] alright, alright. so jimmy come on. you have to counter that. >> listen, we get it mickey mouse club, you are young we understand. [laughter] the reason everybody should watch the show this is the real draw of the show, you've got a
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bunch of old women together, who have hit an age were they have lost their filters. everybody has a grandma or a mom that hits a certain age and there is no defense you walk in the room they are like what did you do to your hair? >> you hit that 25 years ago. [laughter] x you've got a lot of nerve cavuto? [laughter] neil: there i think you might be right about that. that's the draw of the show it was a very time these women were on their own during their own thing, whatever they wanted. that was kind of cutting edge way ahead of its time. >> the feminism that of a suppose i don't really have a filter now. so when i hit that age it's probably going to be problematic for society. [laughter] but i think you are convincing meet me back should go check out the show i don't know i'm getting wisdom for my elders here to watch golden girls pre- >> incredible paired final word, i do not know why i'm to be the final words are but i am out of
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respect. jimmy will just say i think will talk about a guy who could open up a pop-up restaurant right now would sell out and immediately. we'll see were all this goes. by the way, you're looking back to the good old times inflation was dominant on that show comments back in order right now. someone a one that big lottery. someone won more than one at a quarter billion dollars, what do they do with that? after this. isconnect, hold on tight and let go! stay two nights and get a free night. book now at ... say hello to high end stylings at prices you'll only find at lowe's.
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>> well, the border is still a mess, but right now, the biden administration could be pulling a 180 on how to deal with it, open to the prospect of a wall or at least closing gaps in an existing one, in yuma, arizona. steve harrigan has more now eagle pass, texas. >> that's right, the biden campaign was clear they would not be building any more border wall, but that changed thursday when the department of homeland
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security gave the go ahead to fill in four gaps in the trump-built wall around yuma, arizona. here is what the white house had to say. >> it's ineffective. we're not finishing a wall, we are cleaning up the mess that the last administration made. >> those gaps in the trump-built wall in yuma are an eyesore. they've become one of the busiest transit points of migrants coming into the u.s., and the they say safety reasons are behind completing the gaps in the wall, safety for border agents and for migrants who often fall and drown in that area. fox cameras, continue to capture human smugglers along the border and this group of smugglers they included one woman who was smuggling two migrants illegally into the u.s. in a vehicle. the chief of border protection here says often those migrants
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are taken initially from stash houses where the conditions are harsh. >> stocked away in stash houses, sometimes for weeks on end with no air conditioning, no running water, limited amount of food in a house that's meant for a family of four, there may be 50 to 100 people. they're extorted for additional money. >> that u.s. citizen, woman smuggler was hoping to make $1,000 for a two-hour drive. instead now she's facing two felony charges. neil, back to you. neil: steve, if you don't mind, wasn't the argument for safety one of the reasons why president trump was building a wall? it seems that the administration, at least in yuma has gone back to that argument to see finishing the one there. >> finishing trump's wall and taking trump's argument. the amazing thing about the yuma area, people come from around the world, a lot of africans, and asians, flying to
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mexico to cross at that easy spot, neil. neil: wild. steve harrigan, be safe, my friend. at eagle pass, texas. the border patrol council, hector, what does it make for you, it seems to be a 180 on the part of the administration. it seems you would welcome it regardless. >> we're always going to be supporting a border wall to secure the united states, right? unfortunately, this type of border wall that's built in yuma, arizona does pretty much nothing to be able to provide security. what the administration is trying to accomplish, every single asylum seeker border crosser, to a specific point. what the biden administration has created an unofficially point of entry so border patrol agents to process illegal aliens. we have a legal point of entry,
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but the administration has created unofficial ports of entry, between ports of entry, where we can now process illegal aliens and unfortunately, this is part of the plan and this section of the wall does with little to secure the border. >> you know, and you know this far better than i, but i kind of sense in the administration they don't like the whole concept of a wall, that it's, you know, it's ugly and they don't like the notion behind it you're trying to keep people out, yet, walls do work, where we're having migrants surges are areas where there is no walls. and i'm just wondering, why go through hoops debating what clearly seems to work, no matter whether you consider it an eyesore or not? >> well, we do know that there's been a lot of political conversations regarding senator mark kelly and senator mark kelly pushing for this section of the border wall in arizona and able there is some political agenda behind this part of the wall in order to
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seek some type of support for senator mark kelly, but that's something that usually happens with these border issues. we would call for border walls along the laredo sector, the laredo has zero miles of border wall, zero infrastructure and the problem, neil, we can get a border wall in certain parts of the border, but we can get technology and you remember a lot of the democrats in the biden administration, they promised us, they westbound building a virtual wall and that has not happened in the almost two years of the administration, and unfortunately, the border patrol agents and the citizens that live along the border communities are left holding the bag with all of these problems that are created with these border security policies. >> hector, i haven't had a chance to talk to you since the homeland security secretary announced that the border is secure. what did you think of that? >> that's a flat-out lie to the american public. we see every single day where
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the border is definitely not secure. not only are we seeing an uncontrollable amount of asylum seekers that are allegedly seeking asylum, but we're seeing untold thousands and thousands of pounds of illegal narcotics coming across the border. we're also seeing so many criminal illegal aliens that are getting away when they cross the border illegally. so, it's tough to believe what's coming out of this administration's mouth when they say that the border is secure when we along the border are seeing the disasters created due to an unsecure border. we're seeing daily deaths with illegal aliens involving human smuggling events, we're seeing police pursuits along the southern border on a daily basis, several times a day. for this administration to come out and say the border is secure, it's a flat-out lie to the american public. we would welcome them to come to the border and talk to the real border security professionals and see what's
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happening on the border. neil: why don't you think they do? >> well, unfortunately, it's all political. these politicians, democrats, and biden administration, they've put politics ahead of the safety and security of the american public. they're just trying to secure their elections and we know we've got the midterms and before you know it, we'll have president trump running again against these democrats, but it's all about politics and unfortunately, they are forgetting about the safety of the american public. they're forgetting about the border communities are being ravaged by human and drug smuggling incidents and criminal organizations are taking over our communities and unfortunately, our children, our families, our neighbors, and people are actually dying because of this crisis. neil: a lot of these towns and cities north of texas don't think too keenly when the governor, governor abbott, sends those same migrants and those trying to cross into the country into their neck of the woods and then it's a very different crisis, isn't it?
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>> what's important is that governor abbott and governor doocy from arizona, they continue sending these illegal immigrants to washington d.c., new york. so they actually know how these illegal aliens are taking up the local resources from the communities that are meant for the people of those towns and those communities. now, we know that governor abbott has been doing an amazing job and proving a point that illegal immigration that's out of control actually creates problems in communities and it takes services away from the people that are paying for those services, which is the taxpayer, and unfortunately, these illegal aliens that ravage these communities, do take a lot of the health care resources, education resources and unfortunately am of the illegal aliens are victimized because what the biden administration does, we send these illegal aliens to the communities and illegal aliens are victimized by the cartels that control the communities in the united states. this is just a big problem
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overall and unfortunately, nos policies of the biden administration is affecting real people like us in laredo, texas and real people in northern states in the united states and quite frankly needs to stop and the biden administration needs to put the safety and security of the american people ahead of the political agenda. neil: hector, very good checking up with you. hector garza, folks, if we can show it again, these live shots we're getting from our drone that show just how potentially porous that border is. there's no wall, there's nothing really that will separate mex mexico on the right to texas on the left and how easily accessible it is. so, look at it. this isn't sort of a prearranged graphic, it's a live shot of the border via a drone that hector just pointed out is very accessible, almost too much so. from protecting the border
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though to just protecting average folks. the house is looking at giving lawmakers $10,000 to put in security systems in their homes to keep them safe, but many in that same house are dead set against efforts to refund the police over the defund police movements. is that a little odd? rich edson on the hypocrisy, rich. >> neil, starting august 15th, members of congress will get $10,000 to secure their homes with security systems and then $150 a month for monitoring. the program's defenders say threats against congress are up. the same congress that just had to approve protection for supreme court justices. democrats in the house are also trying to pass comprehensive safety bill in an effort to deliver moderates more police fundings and progressives gun control measures. in between they've scrapped in the house, democratic leaders will try again next month. features an assault weapons
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ban, legal liability for gun makers and grants for local police departments. >> what i hear from the vast majority of the people i represent and certainly the vast majority of my colleagues is that we need to make investments in ensuring that our police departments can be all that they want to be. >> the chairwoman the congressional progressive caucus, told the washington times additional police funding need more guardrails, end quote. we need to make sure there are strong accountability provisions and we're actually ensuring public safety for everyone. going into the midterms, crime and public safety is a major theme for republicans trying to take control of the house. >> when will democrats get the message that people want safe communities? they don't want defunding of the police yet democrats here in washington still want to go after cops. >> house majority leader steny hoyer told that democrats will vote on this bill as soon as he thinks they've reached a compromise that will pass. neil. neil: rich edson, thank you very much for that.
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they always say in politics it's the economy, stupid, but interestingly enough in the missouri senate race, especially among the republicans, it's china, stupid. we'll explain and explore after this. dad, when is the future? um, oh wow. um, the future is, uh, what's ahead of us. i don't get it. yeah. maybe this will help. so now we're in the present. and now... we're in the future. the all-electric chevy bolt euv with available super cruise™ for hands-free driving. - dad. - yeah? do fish get thirsty? eh. find new answers. find new roads. chevrolet. friday. now let's head over to the tower cam for a - hey! folks, we seem to have a visitor. it looks like... looks like you paid too much for your glasses. who? anyone who isn't shopping at america's best where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95.
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>> all right. so, who is going to be tougher on china. in missouri and particularly in the g.o.p. senate race, that's really likely to be the top issue. it is right now as they weigh how to treat china, relations between our two countries getting increasingly bellicose. it's enough for hillary vaughn to chase them down in poplar bluff, missouri. >> hey, neil. well, missouri attorney general eric schmitt just wrapped up a meet and greet in poplar bluff. you're right, china has been a big issue in this race, it is a
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top issue for missouri voters. the republicans running to replace retiring missouri senator roy blunt are flexing their american first records in a contest who is tougher on china and throwing jabs at who they think is not. six term congressman vicky harzler tells me she's been taking on china is a top priority in congress. >> i'm the only congress person sanctioned by china. and he tried to give tax dollars to companies and to have a china come here into missouri and form a china hub. >> that china hub never happened, but the current front runner, missouri's attorney general eric schmitt has also been criticized by his opponents for voting for a bill that allowed foreign businesses, including chinese companies, to own limited amounts of missouri farmland.
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>> do you regret supporting those two things? >> well, those are disportions of my record, i've clearly fought for more exports, i've fought for more american jobs and so those are desperate attacks by my opponents who have a lot to hide in their records, which is why they're sinking in the polls. >> and i've been the first for china enleashing coronavirus on the world. >> both have criticized eric greitens for getting cozy to the country, in 2017 where he talked up the importance of the missouri-chinese trade relationship on chinese television. greitens is a normal navy seal and he says he put his life on the line for america first. >> there's only one candidate who has been arrest for my
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values and that's me. >> the race has changed with a lot of different candidates taking the lead in different polls so voters are clearly undecided, but also open to changing their mind before tuesday's primary. neil. neil: well, we'll watch it closely. hillary, thank you for that. back to what is a national issue in the economy even though there are concerns about china, what is uncanny about the average american is how ahead of the government he or she has and is. fretting about the economy when government statisticians were not. what do they see? because right now they're seeing somethings that are not good. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ "shake your thang" by salt n pepa
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>> all right. aum eyes on the economy when all americans rated fair to poor and a lot of this is coming by the time we got official word that we had a contracting second quarter which on top of the contracting first quarter meets the classic definition of a recession. but a lot of folks in this country were and are feeling it regardless of what a stat says. and kelly mcgee white joining us, what do you think? >> i think this is going to be the biggest issue for voters headed into the midterms and you're right, it doesn't matter what the technical definition of a recession is or whether the biden administration is going to admit that this is a recession or not because voters have been feeling this for months. they're paying about 50% more for a tank of gas this year than last year. their groceries are 5% more expensive across the board than last year. inflation continues to go up, it's eating up on average about $3400 out of the workers average paycheck.
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that's a big expense, and voters are feeling it across the board. >> you know, i'm curious, too, the administration's approach is to focus on the good news out there, the back drop of jobs that are still going at a pretty good pace, 11 million jobs that go begging, in other words, job openings that are out there, talking about gas even though it's gone up to the degree that you say it has. it's down substantially after 44, 45 straight days of declines, so, i'm wondering, is that resonating with anyone? they keep pushing that, but i don't see their poll numbers improving or american sentiment the way things are going improving. >> it's not making a difference because, again, the economy is one of those issues that voters feel directly. when they're not bringing as much money home to the dinner table, they're going to take that out on the sitting president and you know, electoral history just is not on biden's side on this.
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even if he was able to somehow change the messaging to make this seem less than it is, no sitting president has ever had an economic down turn and has come out actually winning seats in the midterms. i think that ronald reagan, but his was early in the cycle. and biden is late and he'll have another gdp come out two weeks before the voters head to the polls in november. >> and even ronald reagan did lose 26 seats. what's interesting about that reagan example if you think about it and i don't know how they're looking at it, certainly, i know the administration is hoping that lightning strikes twice, is back around the midterms time, the first midterm in '82 for ronald reagan, "the washington post" had a famous editorial talking about he should step down, things are horrible and we see a lot of that today. we know that eventually, paul
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volcker succeeded in raising rates to the point it did squash inflation and ronald reagan with the tax cuts and the rest is history. is there any sense that that happens again? >> it could be, but the way that the biden administration is approaching this right now is to sort of deny what's happening, right? if the biden administration were to come to the american people and say listen, we know things are bad right now, they might get a little worse, but we have to do this in order to bring inflation rates down, then maybe people would be a bit more understanding and he might be able to save face. that's not what he's doing. he's trying to literally redefine what recession is. they're telling people in the stock market and the grocery aisle is not happening. it's not a good approach at all. >> and you know, the other thing, i can understand not wanting to take blame for something, but when you're shifting the blame and not acknowledging the severity of
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the problem or at least admitting that you got it wrong on inflation and that it wasn't transitory and you weren't alone, you know, jerome powell botched it at the federal reserve. janet yellen admitted that she botched it. i think that americans are very for giving. i wonder if they recoil, you know, when you don't say that. when you don't state the obvious. when you deny or deflect? i kind of think they get really ticked off. >> absolutely. and i think your example of the biden administration, you know, getting inflation so wrong from the get-go. saying that it was just temporary, it's just transitory, don't worry about it, i mean, look at where we are now. inflation is at a 40 year high. it's not getting any better and the only way that it will get better is if we literally go into recession and people are going to lose jobs. people are going to struggle to make ends meet. they're already struggling to make ends meet so it's just a
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horrible situation. they got it so wrong the first time. why should the public have any trust in them moving forward? >> yeah, just admit when you goof. i built a career out of it, kaylee. good to see you. kaylee mcghee white. and argue the most successful in human history, the meltdown throughout the first half of the year he made 32% for his hedge fund. so, it's very interesting to talk to a guy like that, what he makes of this environment. he's worried beyond the markets, beyond inflation, with growing global tensions, and he particularly cites what's going on between ourselves and china, that the bellicose talk and the threats, even down to this whole nancy pelosi, should she, should she not go to taiwan. he's actually put a number to it. a 30% shot, our two countries
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could go to war. and something as innocuous as the speaker's visit to taiwan could set it off. how weird is that, after that. where you can bundle and save., isn't that right phil? i'm in the metaverse, bundling my home and auto insurance. bundle home and auto and save. call a local agent or 1-888-allstate for a quote today. finding the perfect designer isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found her. she's in austin between a fresh bowl of matcha and a fresh batch of wireframes. and you can find her, and millions of other talented pros, right now on say hello to high end stylings at prices you'll only find at lowe's. talented pros, right now ♪ ♪
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>> when you say that taiwan is a one of a kind interest that china would fight more, because taiwan is part of china, it's doubtful that i say that the u.s. would be worth a fight to defend, but it might. >> i think that both sides would recognize how terrible military conflict would be. but you could take something like nancy pelosi's trip. neil: i was just thinking, would that trigger it? >> the fact that we're simply talking about it, that we're so close to the edge, it's not the old days. neil: you know, dalio, one of the greatest investors that
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lives. when everybody zigs, he zags, he looks this country and other countries and in history, in the latest book goes back 500 years at kingdoms and powers that come and gone, and defined event that threatens the world security. he says we're living in those times right now. when you look at the relationship between the united states and china. he didn't mention russia, dependent mention ukraine. he says that this particular tension between our two particular countries is such that the odds of this developing into war are much stronger than most people think. he puts it at 30%. so, again, that's one billionaire investor's view, but a billionaire investor that's been prescient. and he said it doesn't take much to slip into something
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very, very bad. whether nancy pelosi's trip does that, he wasn't venturing a guess on that. griff jenkins with us now. griff, the argument that this could spiral out of control isn't unique to ray dalio. but there are tensions. griff: nancy pelosi plans to visit japan and a taiwan stop, pelosi wouldn't address it, but says that a trip to the region is vital. >> we have global responsibilities, whether it comes to three things, i always say, security, economy, and governance, and this will be part of that. griff: and neil, at the white house, they also didn't want to discuss it. here is what was said. >> i know, you're asking specifically about the rhetoric
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that we're hearing from china, but as it relates to the speaker's travels, that's something we're just not going to speak to right now. griff: now, the tension escalated on thursday after president biden spent more than two hours on the phone with chinese president xi jinping who indicated he didn't want pelosi in taiwan. according to the readout, he told that those who play with fire will perish by it, it's hoped that the u.s. would be clear-eyed about this, after a chinese media tweet threatened to shoot pelosi's plane down, but republican congressman michael walls, a former green beret commander has no choice now. >> she has to go, because if she doesn't, the message that will send to our allies, the japanese, the taiwanee militaries if we're not willing
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to visit we'll back down because of a tough phone call. griff: and this is interesting, the u.s.s. ronald reagan and strike group has moved into the south china sea. the pentagon not commenting on the ship's, but it's interesting. should this visit happen. pelosi to have been the most senior politician to visit in a 25 years. neil: that would have been newt gingrich. has the president told nancy pelosi not idea? >> that's a good question. and they're tip-lipped, and critics pointed out. this could be another international gaffe of sorts and we'll find out whether or not she's going to stop in the coming days, neil. neil: i know you'll be all over this, griff, with aishah
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hasnie, i consider myself your warm-up act, something like zz top. griff: you're kind. we only try to live up to the great big shoes for us. a teaser, i went swimming with sharks last weekend, we'll bring it to you. neil: my goodness. i don't do that. the whole shark thing, that's a whole separate story. look forward to seeing you at the top of the hour, griff jenkins will be joining-- i don't know if aishia is going to do the shark thing. too dangerous for the world. and china dangerous for the world? it doesn't take long for something to go awry. and multiple best sellers, the latest, "kings of the east", and the pelosi trip, and the dust-up it creates, there will be more of a dust-up if she
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didn't go, it will look like she did an about-face under pressure from china. is that fair? >> that's fair. i agree with congressman walsh that we can't back down. people need to understand who president xi is. he's orchestrating things behind the scenes. just this week, he got a shot in the arm from his own polit bureau who said he did a great job since he was put in 2018 as an obscure politician to go after the corruption in the country and so he's done that. one of the mandates that he's put out before the entire world is that he is going to take back taiwan, one way or the other. so by us going there, it is a mark on the wall and of course, we've already seen provocations, intercepts, all over the east and south china sea. we've seen declarations of
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sovereignty over the south china sea. china's military is building up and arguably since the time of mao and emphasized especially over the last decade, that china has conducted what i would consider an irregular war against the u.s. on many fronts and it's just becoming very obvious, i think, to more people. neil: you know, colonel, i was talking about ray dalio, a very successful investor i had a chance to get on fox business, which if you don't get, you should demand and you're colonel. having said that he talked about how easy it is for a series of seemingly arcane events to combine into something disastrous. for example, the assassination of archduke ferdinand that led to world war i and a series of complicated relationships and ties. could the same happen here? there's been such brinkmanship and provocative action of china in the south china sea and the
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u.s.s. ronald reagan is in that neck of the woods right now. it wouldn't take much for something to get dicey. what do you think? >> there are a lot of trip wires out there, neil. clearly kim jong-un is threatening his seventh nuclear test and the japanese just recently radically increased their defense spending and may change their constitution. the taiwanese of course are being rather provocative themselves, understand, they're under the gun. of course, we've had some missteps, some gaffes by the president, mr. biden, with regard to taiwan and that has, of course, stirred the pot and beijing for president xi. so we need to recognize, yes, whether it's what happened in leading to world war ii or world war i or much further back in history, we've seen a series of steps here. let there be no doubt that president xi is in charge of china. he had as a very clear mandate.
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he's a marxist leninist in spite of what some of our economic advisors would like to think, everything is rainbows over there, it's not. they're very hogmonic. and listen to south com who said the other day that she sees strategic choke points around the world controlled my china that would control maritime operations. they're sucking up major resources around the world and doing precisely what we're trying to do and control the microchip industry. so, these things are very important strategically. we're in a major competition with china. neil: to put is mildly, colonel. we'll watch it closely and look at your guidance and expertise as we do. colonel bob mcinnis and thank you very much and to your
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service to this country. there are probably more parochial concern for an individual we're told in the chicago area just won that mega millions, more like $1.28 billion lottery. we don't know that person yet, but we did get a reaction that went something like this ahhh, i won! after this. ♪ she wants money ♪ ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] discover is accepted at 99% of places in the u.s. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] with best western rewards you get rewarded when you stay on the road and on the go. find your rewards so you can reconnect, disconnect, hold on tight and let go!
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>> that winning ticket was sold at a gas station 20 miles outside of chicago, whoever the lucky person is, this is the moment they found out. >> first winning number tonight 67, followed by 45, up next we have 57 next is 36 and final white ball number for this evening 13. now for the mega ball number 14. >> so, neil, the chances of winning were one in 303 million. but the opportunity was also rare. this was the third largest u.s. jackpot ever and the second largest mega millions jackpot in the game's 20-year history. if the winner opts for lump sum, 747 million dollars. now there were also 26 secondary winners last night and these people won at least a million dollars. but there's a lot more people who had big dreams and, well, they're waking up to reality this morning. here are some of those people, neil. >> i got plans, i've got visions, a whole bunch of
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stuff. when you see me again and see a billion dollars, don't call me you need to e-mail me i don't answer phone calls anymore and tossing money out of the sky like, boom, boom. >> he's still using his phone today, neil. employees at raising canes are among those disappointed as well. because their company ceo bought 50,000 tickets from last night's drawing and 50,000 for tuesday's drawing and that's one for every employee at the fast food chicken restaurant, but luck was not on their side. this has been growing since mid april. 29 consecutive drawings, now that someone has, the jackpot goes back to 20 million and grows based on game sales and we'll have to wait a little longer for our billion dollar opportunity, neil. neil: i'm wondering had no one won, i guess the next lottery would have been next week, tuesday or so and could have gone up to 1.8 billion? >> which would have been the most ever. 2016 was the most, this point
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1.5 billion. it was a rare opportunity. neil: and i heard, nate, people are telling me even if you would have won, you would have shown up for work and continued working as if nothing happened so, i commend you for that. >> i'm too young right now, neil. i've got a lot to prove. neil: thank you, nate. nate foy, who did not win this particular lottery, but you know, hope springs eternal. there are future lotteries. and they say you have low odds, but someone does win, right? someone does win. what to do with that money and handling the inflation that's around you. i guess if you have that much money, you don't worry about it that much, but jimmy fallow has some ideas next. ♪♪
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>> all right. we still don't know the actual name and the whole deal on the final winner of that big lottery. we do know that after winning about one and a quarter billion dollars, he or she doesn't have to think twice may go $40,000 for a convict to see adele in las vegas or a similar amount or more to see bruce springsteen with his latest national tour. again, money could change a lot of things. jimly fallo, radio host and much more. sarah westwood, washington examiner, both of the final individuals, even they'd won would have showed up for today's hit. good thing. good to have both of them. obviously that winner does not
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have to worry about some of these things and could fork over $40,000 to see adele and wet worth it, but i digress, your thoughts. >> $40,000 for adele is the most expensive group therapy session, i know you love her, but everybody crying and hugging each other. i didn't mean to play the adele card on you this early in the hit. neil: it is early. if i did win i would show up to work only because i can't allow people to know i won because i owe so many people money from my young gambling days, i might have won for all you know, you'll never know, that's the hook, neil. neil: do you have to release, sarah, you know, your name? i guess you do, but that would be a problem, right? all of a sudden you'd have all of these people like, hey, how you doing, right? >> actually i'd love to rub it in people's faces, i'm a millionaire and i'm cool and
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finally be popular. absolutelily i would not show up to work, you'd never see me again, thanks to joe biden's economy i could use an extra $1.2 billion. it's tough i wasn't the winner. >> you had to dot biden thing. >> and we stepped back from this, inflation is the problem. but i guess that people have their priorities, and i noticed jimmy, that mcdonald's and chipotle, even raises prices dozens of times between the two of them, their customers are breaking down the doors and buying the stuff and willing to put up with that. so, when it comes to food and you see it in new york with crowded restaurants, booked solid and all that, so, maybe they pick and choose their pricey battles. what do you think? >> well, absolutely. one of the luxuries of running a restaurant chain in the fattest country in the world, you've always got everybody
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where it hurts. other people will be forced to make adjustments and the fast food folks are always going to be fine, man. i'm never worried about them and they're not worried about them either because they know we'll cut everything, but the burrito, but the mcdonald's french fries, that salt. as you know, i am paid in cheeseburgers from mcdonald's, so i can't say a word. neil: really, you are? i found out how the anchors are paid and that's a separate battle. and don't want you to drag you into it. sarah, we're talking about the food and paying more about that and that's fine. across the board, when it comes to either buying clothing or certainly the used car or new car, that's, forget it, they're not going to do that. i'm wondering how that sorts out. inflation, whatever people think about recession and the inflation thing is real and not going away. what do you think? >> yeah, i mean, we're not in a
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recession, i don't know if you heard from the biden administration, we are not. that's in the economy, people are going to get tired of paying for high prices. there's certain point people's tolerance levels are exceed bide this funding and they're going to cut things considered superfluous, and then there will be a self-perpetuating cycle in the economy. neil: i have a figure in my head the most i'll pay for a ring ding, $50. do you have a drop dead they think you've got to have? >> i don't believe that you do have a drop dead price on ring-dings neil as someone who spent time with you. i'm throwing the challenge flag. [laughter] >> i don't see it and i don't
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buy it. neil: $50. $50. [laughter] >> we're not there yet. >> one thing, good to know, one thing quick, you brought up-- okay. time. neil: okay. that was good. i know it was profound, too. maybe next week he'll finish that thought. in the meantime, griff and aisha coming up. (woman) for $30 a line, i'm switching now. (vo) the network you want. the price you love. only from verizon. better luck next time. but i haven't even thrown yet. you threw good money away when you bought those glasses. next time, go to america's best - where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. can't beat that. can't beat this, either. book an exam today at say hello to high end stylings at prices you'll only find at lowe's. ♪ ♪
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>> escalating tensions in the east as house speaker nancy pelosi travels to asia. her trip will include stops in singapore, japan and south korea, but all eyes are on her potential stop in taiwan, as china announces it will conduct military exercises near the island. welcome to fox news live, i'm aishah hasnie. griff, good to see you. griff: good to see you, i'm griff jenkins.


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