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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 30, 2022 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> escalating tensions in the east as house speaker nancy pelosi travels to asia. her trip will include stops in singapore, japan and south korea, but all eyes are on her potential stop in taiwan, as china announces it will conduct military exercises near the island. welcome to fox news live, i'm aishah hasnie. griff, good to see you. griff: good to see you, i'm griff jenkins.
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and white house denying that the president brought up genocide during the call on thursday. and the latest developing story from the white house. hey, david. >> good afternoon to you, aishah and everyone watching right now. the speaker is en route to asia. she has some pre scheduled trips to singapore, japan, south korea, but the big question, the suspense, will she go to taiwan? she wants to go. some republicans who are her political enemies in congress are agreeing with her, they want her to go. some democrats are saying don't go. the white house is being mum on it, but the communist party in china is saying absolutely do not go. >> listen. >> well, i don't remember talk about my travel because as some of you know it's a security issue, it's a security issue for every member of congress travelling, especially abroad, but for the speaker, it is additional security issue and for those travelling with me, not just members, but staff, et
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cetera. >> it's an interesting issue because pelosi, as i said, clearly wants to go and you know, those republicans that normally would not side with her are saying she does need to go specifically to show china we're not afraid. democrats say just don't do it. others are saying, listen, it's up to her, they are putting the burden on her. an official associated with chinese state media went so far as to say that her plane could be shot down. think about that rhetoric. the white house wouldn't give much of an answer when asked specifically about that threat. >> # something that we're just not going to speak to. right now that's a hypothetical. >> the president is spending his saturday here at the white house dealing with multiple issues abroad and here at home, specifically at home, the economy, if you bring up the word recession, everybody here that works here on this campus, they don't want to admit there's recession, they're going by the technical definition of recession. officials insist we're not in a recession.
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looking to that technical definition of two consecutive quarters of negative growth, they're viewing this as a bump in the road. white house will talk about inflation, no problem, looking to spend even more money. senator joe manchin now on word with the inflation reduction act that spends billion to help fight clooim change. >> this bill would be the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis. >> it also helps fund health care and prescription drugs and also imposes a new minimum tax on corporations. griff, aishah. griff: david spunt live from the north lawn, aishah. aishah: for more on u.s.-china tensions, joining us now from republican senator from alaska, sullivan, and serves on the environment and public works committees. you're a busy man. >> great to be here, aishah. aishah: thanks for being here on a saturday afternoon.
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let's talk about the china tensions, the back and forth between the two administrations over this call with president biden on whether or not he brought up human rights issues. china says he didn't. and now we've got the speaker on the way to asia, possibly touching down in taiwan. do you think she's actually helping the president's posture when it comes to our policy with china? >> well, look, at this point, if the speaker goes, i think you're going to see a lot of bipartisan support for the trip. i certainly will be supportive of her trip and i think you're going to see evidence of a lot of senators supporting it. and here is why. we cannot let the chinese communist party dictate where senior american officials travel. i was this taiwan last year with a bipartisan group 6 u.s. senators. american senior officials, including previous speakers of the house have traveled to taiwan for decades and right
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now, you know, there's a lot of things the speaker has done i don't agree with, but it's time for america to close ranks on this ability to travel to taiwan, which we do regularly and not let the chinese communist party dictate where americans go. aishah: do you think this is a make or break moment though? do you think that china will look at this if she does touch down in taiwan perhaps maybe we don't invade taiwan in the next 18 months, back off a little and wait? >> look, china has blustering language when anybody goes to taiwan. after my trip, they spent two days attacking me and the two u.s. senators that i traveled with, both of whom were democrats and i think you have to look at what's going on more broadly with regard to china and taiwan. this is what dictatorships do. aishah, as you know, xi jinping is having some significant domestic problems right now. he is trying in the 20th party congress in november to be
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essentially declared dictator for life and-- >> and this was a good strategic move for him domestically. >> i think a lot of times-- you look at history, whether it's hitler or putin. aishah: right. >> they create international crises to bring their citizens together. favor, right. >> to divert attention from what's happening at home. aishah: let's quickly pivot to inflation, our domestic issues at home we have so many. democrats have a new spending bill called the schumer-machine manchin bill. and sheer is representative yesterday. >> they tanked a bill to take care of veterans experiencing the bad health effects from burn pits and now we're hearing they may tank gay marriage to
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punish us. i think it's a cynical strategy and i think it's politically it's going to backfire. aishah: is the g.o.p. trying to tank the democrat's agenda and bills with bipartisan support? >> here is what's happening. the biden stagflation arrived in america. two consecutive quarters of shrinking gdp growth. the people bearing that are the american working class and american working families and what this legislation looks to do is exactly the wrong thing, more spending, raising taxes, as we're in a recession and of course, the democrats' favorite policy which is the go after the american energy sector. this is going to create more harm at home and it's going to-- it's not going to do anything with regard to global climate emegses. we're not doing what brian just said, we're actually trying to
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help the american working class prevent more damage to our economy, to job prospects, and again, aishah, one thing that's clear to us is that these, the stagflation that we're seeing right now has been a self-inflicted wound by the policies of the biden administration and the democrats in congress. aishah: senator, can i ask you specifically about the pact act. >> yes. aishah: it's so important for veterans exposed to burn pit, bipartisan support it passed for a procedural vote a month ago and now an amendment vote coming on monday, leader schumer promised that, but people are upset. people are very angry, including jon stewart. if we have a bite. let's play that because i want the senator's response. >> ain't this a (bleep), america's heroes who fought in
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our wars, battling all kind of ailments, while these (bleep) sit in the air conditioning, walled off from any of it, they don't have to hear it. aishah: so if this amendment fails on monday, you need 60 votes. are you still going to vote no for this bill? >> no look, i've been one of the leaders on toxic exposure issues for years in the senate, all right? i'm on the veterans affairs committee. armed services committee and still serving myself as a colonel in the u.s. marines so i have been focused on toxic exposure for years. when the pact act passed last time, i supported it, but the procedural votes moving forward on the act, i oppose some of them so we could get amendments that we were promised, that we were promised. changed-- >> that we were promised to get to make the bill better. so that's exactly what we're trying to do on the procedural
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votes, these are bills like we did a month ago to try to get amendments to actually improve the bill. and so that's where im. aishah: you're saying you're a yes vote. if it comes up for the vote again the amendment fails, but comes up for a vote again you're a yes. >> i was a yes vote last time, but here is the issue. aishah: we've got to go senator. on some of the procedural issues what we're trying to do is improve the bill, but at the end of the day, i've been a strong supporter of this and i will again. aishah: understand, thank you for joining us, a lot to get to. thank you so much, griff. griff: aishah, thank you. a quick correction during david spunt's excellent reporting we showed pelosi visiting taiwan, she's not known to be visiting taiwan, that does not include a taiwanese stop, but she may stop there, and that's what reaction is about.
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from the other side, texas congressional, al green, it's all eyes on this trip. speaker prost travelling to japan, singapore, malaysia, but there's speculation that she could possibly stop in taiwan, your thoughts? >> i'll support the speaker if she stops. i'll support her if she's not. i don't think she'll be badgered into doing anything. i've known the speaker for two decades and she bases her decisions on empirical evidence and i trust her to make the decisions, and support her either way. griff: do you see as critics, republicans and democrats, with the bellicose talk threatening to shoot the speaker's plane down that it's a threat, that she has to stop now.
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how do you see it? >> bellicosity does not infuns it one way or the other. and as speaker of the house, third in line to the president, you don't allow another country to make comments that will motivate you to do one inning or another. you do it based upon empirical evidence. i'm appreciative of what is being said about failure to do so would make us look weak. well, we will look as strong as all of these warheads we have are. we will look as strong as the aircraft carriers that we have, there's nothing in the world like us. we are global. we are a global power. we can send out a nimitz class aircraft carrier and it doesn't have to come back for 25 years. so they're not going to make us look weak by being bellicose. griff: you raise a good point because the u.s.s. ronald reagan this week moving its carrier and strike group into
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the south china sea. now, that's not unprecedented and the pentagon not commenting on ship movements. does it indicate to you how high tensions may be in the competition between our two countries? >> well, we are around the globe consistently and i don't see it as highly unusual for us to have an aircraft carrier in those waters. we are everywhere. there's nothing like us. so, i wouldn't draw conclusions, other than we're doing something that we deemed to be important and critical for our mission, not the mission of someone else. >> congressman, changing gears just a little bit. the white house really doesn't want to use that word recession after the second quarter gdp falling again, which is a common definition for being in a recession. how do you see it? >> it is a technical recession, but you cannot overlook the fact that you're creating jobs,
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that unemployment is very low. those two things would cause one to conclude that we're not in a recession of the type that we normally experience just yet, and we are working to prevent that from happening, that's why we have the inflation reduction act to help us to bring prices down and the persons would have an opportunity to have more money in their pocket and keep more of the.that they have in their pocket. so, i'm very much of pleased with what the president is trying to do to get this done. this bill that we're looking at will reduce the deficit by more than 300 billion dollars. and it's making those big corporations, the 200 that pay less than 15% in taxings, right. >> they should pay their fair share. there's nothing wrong with that. >> i want to get to that, but first, congressman, you and i
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are old enough to have lived through recessions in the past and so let me ask you, do you believe americans and your constituents in texas are feeling a recession, whether the white house is calling it that or not? >> of course they are. of course people have a mindset that's been created to cause them to think recession. i don't deny it. my constituents care about the stock market, but they live by the supermarket and when they see prices going up in the supermarket, that impacts them at the service stations, but remember this, if we had no worldwide pandemic, no shutdown of the work force worldwide, if we didn't have those two things and if there was no russian invasion, we wouldn't have 9.1% inflation. it wouldn't be the case. this is all brought on by a multiplicity of things and we ought not try to conclude that any president would be able to
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handle this better than this president has handled it. griff: critics of president biden would disagree with you. just before we run out of time. i did want to ask you about a border question just because you're a texas congressman. we see that the administration has gone and reversed themselves. they said they would not build another inch of trump's border wall and now they're going to build in four sections in yuma, arizona new border wall to fill some gaps. do you believe that the administration is reversing course and would you like to see them perhaps do a similar thing in some of the areas in texas? >> what i'd like to see is both parties, both sides sit and discuss tomorrow-- comprehensive immigration reform. we can discuss walls and discuss the 11 million people already here and these are the two major issues on the table. i think if we can do that and we can't negotiate it through the press, that would be a
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mistake, but i'd like to see us sit and try our very best to have comprehensive immigration reform, which i think would eliminate a lot of the problems we're having. by the way not everybody who comes to this country wants to stay, many want to work. and comprehensive immigration could take care of that. griff: it a great point. i'm not sure we could get to that meeting. congressman al green, thank you for your the conversation today. >> thank you. griff: and tomorrow, bret baier anchors fox news sunday and he'll interview joe manchin and bret will speak with michigan governor candidate dixon. and advisor liz smith tomorrow, 11 a.m. eastern only on the fox news channel.
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aishah: live pictures of the destruction in kentucky after one of the worst floods in the state's history killed at least 25 and left many more missing. governor andy bashir says the death toll is going to keep climbing, and go a lot higher and the search for victims could take weeks. max is looking at the latest for us from the ground in kentucky. >> we have avenue seen in kentucky, standing at lost creek, we've seen cars and trucks tossed aside like they're toys and trees and debris. the power of this water all over the place you see empty pads where homes used to be. and if you come along with me, you can see where this home ended up, all the way down there nearly a football field away. that's where this home ended up because of the flood waters. we've been hearing incredible stories of survival throughout this flooding event. hundreds of people had to be
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rescued by air and boat and people were plucked from trees, roof tops, whatever they could hold onto and also stories of loss. the death toll of this flood is expected to rise in the coming weeks. there's no firm number on the number of people still missing. unfortunately, four children are confirmed to be among the dead, all from one family. many of the others who were lost in the floods were elderly. one woman told her elderly neighborhood called her on the phone and no one could get to her. >> when she first contacted her, it was up to her bed and then she side up to the ceiling and the last time she spoke with mer daughter she could hear it crackling and her home and her was swept away. so, you know, that's been so much loss. >> and right here, it's one of the staging areas for rescue crews, crews from across the country have descended here on eastern kentucky to help out with the rescue efforts, more than 600 air rescues and 700
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water rescues have taken place and those rescues are still underway, and this is a very active scene. back to you. aishah: max gordon live for us in kentucky, thanks so much. griff. well, follow the latest details and track your local weather on the fax fox weather app and scan the code on the screen now. griff: and the jaw dropping water pouring into las vegas casinos as they struggle to clear up the damage from the storms that flooded the famous strip. rivers of water cascading down the streets and gushing in through light fix tours and knocking out power for as many as 7,000 people according to local outlets. could there final be be a winner of the now over $1 billion mega millions jackpot? got the answer right after this. i brought in ensure max protein
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>> one lucky winner is walking away with the nation's third largest lottery prize of all time. the winning ticket for the $1.28 billion dollar mega millions jackpot sold in des plaines, illinois. it's not here in fox, nate foy,
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it's not you either. >> it's not either of us. the winning ticket was sold at a gas station 20 miles outside of chicago. whoever the lucky person is, this is the moment they found out they won the jackpot 1.28 billion dollars. >> first winning number tonight is 67 #, followed by 45 up next 57. your next number is 36 and your final white ball is 13. for the mega ball number, 14. tonight's winning numbers: . >> we should not feel bad. the chances of winning were one in 303 million. if the winner opts, lump sum. the state of illinois will get over 63 million in tax money. and 26 secondary winners in this drawing who won at least a
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million dollars, some of them more. this opportunity is rare. look at this, the third largest u.s. jackpot ever and the second largest mega millions jackpot in the game's 20-year history. whenever you have money like this in or approaching that billion dollar mark and people can't help, but day dream. here is one person waking up to reality today. >> i've got plans, got visions, a whole bunch of stuff when you see me again and i have he got a billion dollars, don't call me, you need to e-mail me, i don't answer phone calls and i'm getting money and tossing it out of the sky. >> hopefully his phone is working. the employees at raising cane are disappointed. they bought 50,000 tickets for the employees. there had been 29 consecutive
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drawings without a winner in the jackpot. now it'll go down to 20 million. aishah: still a lot of money. something to pay for my gas. in des plaines, illinois. griff: and we have live images from the southern border in texas. live over our drone in eagle pass, texas where there have been more than 375,000 migrant encounters have fiscal year pass the biden administration is quietly green lighting to fill gaps in the yuma, arizona wall. we go now to steve harrigan who is reporting live from eagle pass. hey, steve. >> griff, the biden administration say this is not changing course, but seems that way. the biden campaign vowing not to build any more border wall. that changed thursday when the department of homeland security green lit filling in four areas of trump-built wall around yuma, arizona.
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these gaps were an eyesore and they created a major travel point for those around the world. and in the first six months of this year, as per one year ago, the administration is saying safety is the reason behind filling in these gaps. both for the agents and for the migrants who sometimes drown in the area. here is senator kelly. >> it's clear to me on my first visit there that it was ridiculous that we had these gaps in the border wall and that's why we're getting them closed up. and those agents have to sit there and police a 60-foot gap, that doesn't really help with the overall picture and the overall problem. >> fox news cameras watched some human smugglers get captured by police yesterday. the smuggler involved this time was a woman, a u.s. citizen bringing two migrants into the u.s. illegally. she hoped to get $1,000 for
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about a two-hour ride. instead now she's facing two felony charges. griff, back to you. griff: great reporting, steve harrigan live for us in eagle pass. thank you very much. and coming up in the next hour, the mayor of yuma, arizona joins us to talk about the biden administration's recent efforts to start building a border wall in his area. it's going to be a good conversation. stay tuned for that, but coming up next, 47 years after the blockbuster began with steven spielberg's "jaws", and my own home movie of swimming with the sharks. whether i survived next. pool floaties are like whooping cough. amusement parks are like whooping cough. even ice cream is like whooping cough, it's not just for kids. whooping cough is highly contagious for people of any age. and it can cause violent uncontrollable coughing fits.
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>> a string of shark attacks and sightings is causing many beachgoers to think twice before jumping in the water. experts say more shark sightings could actually be a good thing, a sign the
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conservation efforts are working. i took a trip off the coast of jupiter, florida to find out firsthand if these toothy creatures are something to shrink from. >> they are the ocean's most feared and misunderstood apex predators of the sea. just up the coast of florida there's a super highway of sharks where anyone curious enough can get a closer look. >> what's going on? >> welcome aboard. >> cameron and mickey smith are professional shark divers who spend their days in the water telling people about the misconceptions about sharks. >> they're man eaters. if someone is swimming in the wild it'll swim up and attack you, which is false. >> and the water is 175 feet deep, crystal clear and full of sharks. >> almost everyone on the boat
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has done this except for me and lexie. they're not afraid to get in. lexie are you afraid to go? the first time. >> a little bit, but i'm excited, very excited, yes. >> et cetera the experience of a lifetime, swimming among these graceful yet powerful and dangerous creatures. >> okay. we survived the first round. time for round two. i think i'm addicted. that's what happens. >> we even witnessed cameron braving some dental work, taking hooks out of their mouths. the sharks appreciate it. we've taken multiple hooks, i've taken six out of one's mouth. >> and it's a passion that turned into a job.
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>> and it started as a hobby and when they think that sharks are bad and we want to show that they're not evil. >> they've changed their minds. >> sharks are my biggest fear and i wanted to get over it and it was awesome. >> and i cannot thank cameron nimmo and mickey smith enough of shark addicts in jupiter. anyone can go and do that. they were amazing to go out with. to dive deeper into the fascinating world of sharks, joining us now live is one of the world's leading shark behavioral ecologists in florida national university, the professor, yanis, you're a celebrity in the shark world, it's great to have you here. your reaction to what viewers should take away from my package and the fact that i was able to go and witness the beautiful creatures without really being threatened. >> yeah, i mean, thanks for having me and you know, it
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pleases me to see people in the water with sharks for the first time and have your response. and that really is to see thoo that these animals are not man eaters or killers. we rarely appear on their menus. and they're similar size of humans and not including prey. there are larger species sharks and the danger can go up a little bit, but in the case of white sharks, of them wanting to consume a human as part of their diet is extremely rare. griff: even the sharks we were in the water with were bull sharks, known to be aggressive and dangerous. >> they have bitten humans the case of bull sharks eating humans, is rare. we are rae not sure why a shark bite happens or why occasionally they'll bite a
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shark. the chance is low. you should be careful with these animals, you can't take them for granted. and you have to respect them. they can cause injury, but again, chance of something going wrong or bad is low. griff: and i gave them every bit of respect. cam told me maintain eye contact with them and that's what i was focused on difficult when there are multiples around. there have been a string, a spate of attacks here in recent weeks this summer. many of them off long island, all along the shore. even a surfer in a recent attack. why are thee seeing these attacks along the shore and yet, i was able to go out and swim with them? >> obviously, there can be a difference in terms of you being in the water in a more controlled situation, swimming with them as people on the beach swimming not looking for sharks. five bites seems like a lot,
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but it's difficult to see if it's a trend. and next year may be only one bite. it possible that it's happening and could be a few reasons one being the one you mentioned at the beginning that we are starting to see some shark population start to rebalance, come back up. and we have fisheries and methods for decades and might see the response to that. griff: and what's your advice, yanis, for any of our viewers at the peach beach this coming weeks, how to react to it. >> you should not be scared of the water. go in the water at the beach and if you see a shark and you're swimming in the ocean, it's smart to possibly get out of the water. it's different if you're diving. scuba driving, most want to see
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a shark and they're in an environment prepared for that. if you're swimming on the beach, it makes sense to get out of the water to reduce that risk. as cameron gave you that advice keeping your eye on the animal. if you see a shark get out of the water, don't panic, don't rush to shore and try your best to keep your eye on the animal, make that animal aware that you know it's there. >> and finally, yannis, if someone is watching this as you saw the young lady in our piece there, she said she was afraid of sharks, she had a fear of sharks, but yet, going in the water was-- she was able to overcome that. what would you say to everyday americans that might be considering going out on an eco tour like the one. >> i recommend it. it's an incredible experience you can speak to this firsthand having done it. the ability to see sharks in those numbers, it's not common.
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there's not many places in the world you can do that. it's kind of a great thing about florida we have the shark numbers and you can do that and experience that, it's an incredible experience and i really recommend people to try that out and again, it pleases me to see responses like that, people scared of sharks, getting in the water and up close, and species potentially dangerous like bull sharks and coming out with a completely different experience. you've always got to respect these animals, they're not pets or your friend, but it's an amazing experience and hope more people get to do. griff: it was the experience of a lifetime, yannis thank you for the work you do. if you go out again with the great whites, maybe i would do it not sure, i might go with you, i'll stay in touch. >> thank you for having me. thank you. griff: so, aishah, obviously, i'm interested to go with the great whites, but onset, this
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is-- i'm not sure if you can see this, this is the actual hook that i watched cameron nimmo take out of the mouth of a shark. it's unbelievable, really, what guys like yannis and mickey can do in the water. aishah: you should make that into a nicholas. i'm not afraid of sharks, because i can't swim, i i would be dead before the sharks could get to me. griff: and the sharks, with a spate of attacks and there are a lot of misconceptions about sharks and the biggest one is that they are these man eating killers out there and if they're near you, they would eat you. in my case they doesn't happen. aishah: the visuals are incredible. good for you for doing that.
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ukrainian president zelenskyy condemning a prisoner of war camp, we're live on the ground in kyiv next. (vo) get business internet from verizon, the network businesses rely on. ditch cable and switch to verizon business internet, with fast, reliable solutions, nationwide. find the perfect solution for your business. from the network businesses rely on.
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>> the ukrainian military claiming it's killed scores of russian soldiers and destroyed two ammunition dumps in the
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region. and this after condemning what they call a war crime against ukrainian p.o.w.'s. alex hogan is live in kyiv with the latest. >> hi, aishah. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is calling on russia to be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism after an attack on a prison with dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. >> it was a deliberate russian war crime, a deliberate mass murder of ukrainian prisoners of war. >> more than 50 are dead and 75 wounded. both countries, however, deny responsibility and blame the other for the blast. ukraine called on the united nations to investigate and the u.n. says it's ready to send a full group of experts to conduct that investigation. right now, it's the loved ones, especially the parents who are desperate for immediate answers about their missing kids. >> my son was there.
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i don't know how he is, where he is, if he's alive or not. i don't know. >> meanwhile, the death toll of ukrainians killed at a bus stop continues to rise. seven people are dead and at least 19 were wounded after the shelling. and nearby the fighting incense phis as the russian forces launch ground assaults. the ukrainian government says it's killed more than 100 russian soldiers on friday, this as the chief of britain's mi-6 foreign intelligence agency says on social media that russian forces could be running out of steam. five months into the war, russia is ramping up its recruitment of volunteer soldiers. as of right now, men up to the age of 60 with no prior criminal record are eligible to fight and they do not need any military experience. now, this is also as people are
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saying that there is military fatigue and burnout among russian troops, but all of that being said, russia continues to advance while ukrainian troops are trying to hold onto territory in the east and russians slowly, incrementally are taking more territory, day by day. aishah: thank you so much. alex hogan live for us in kyiv. thanks, alex. griff: aishah, americans hcrime crisis, new video shows a landmark club in san francisco stripped bare by looters. details next. i did. but i haven't even thrown yet. you threw good money away when you bought those glasses. next time, go to america's best - where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. it's a quality exam worth 50 bucks. can't beat that. can't beat this, either. alright, i'll give you that one. ...and, apparently, that one. two pairs and a free exam starting at just $79.95.
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>> a san francisco jazz club is the latest victim of the growing crime crisis. the response to vandalism led to hours of looting, security cameras catching two dozen people stealing everything from guitars to champagne. >> hi, griff. take a look at the disturbing video of the san francisco's black cat club being raided by thieves.
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the operator of the jazz club, that has been trashed after it was looted and made him feel physically ill. somebody broke in tuesday morning. a person was arrested outside of the club, but later released. the fire department put tape on a shattered door and more people broke in later and stole thousands worth of liquor and music equipment. the place was raided by more than 25 people for at least five hours, between two and 7:00 a.m. >> they were making piles of stuff outside. and grab the equipment and put it outside and come back in and outside and cars going back and seeing this would happen and stop in the middle of the road and put their flashers on and come in and get stuff, which to me is crazy. >> just so bold of these criminals. this club is in san francisco's tender loin district, plagued
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with vandalism and drug use, less than a block away from a police station. officers said they tried to contact representative of the jazz club multiple times during the looting, but were unsuccessful. chatman says he and the owner never got a call from police that night. we reached out to san francisco p.d. to see if any arrests were made in this case, but we're waiting to hear back, griff. griff: frightening stuff. christina coleman live for us on that disturbing tape. aishah. aishah: a lot more ahead. despite condemning the border wall as racist, the biden wall resumes building the area in at least one key border town that's seen thousands of migrants crossing into the u.s. every single day. we'll talk to the mayor of yuma, arizona straight ahead. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein,
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>> we are could looking live from a drone over eagle pass, texas, the del rio sector of the border taking an unprecedented crisis for more than a year, migrants streaming in, 376,000 encounters in this area alone is the biden
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administration resumes building part of the border wall despite calling the wall racist when donald trump was in office. great to have you with us. aishah:washington's mayor is calling for national guard health, busing from texas continuing to grow but first let's go live to the board, steve harrigan is live on the ground in eagle pass, texas. >> reporter: the biden administration pledged to build no more border wall, that changed when they gave the green light to fill in some gaps of trump border wall around yuma. they say this is no about-face. >> we are not finishing the wall, we are cleaning up the mess that the last administration made. >> reporter: the gaps in the wall have, symbol of the
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failure of border policy and one of the busiest spots for migrants to cross into the us flying from around the world, to make the crossings and that spot through 6 months of this year, four times as many crossed as a year ago. the administration says safety is behind the move, for border agents and the migrants. fox news cameras yesterday captured smuggling interests of one smuggler, woman out of houston, offered to drive two migrants who entered the us illegally to san antonio, a 2 and half hour ride hoping to earn $1000, instead she's charged with two felonies. aishah: thanks so much. griff: we are joined by mayor douglas nichols.
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thank you for joining us. great reporting from eagle pass, texas, you mentioned the president biden said that there wasn't going to be any building of new walls. that's an understatement, let us play for you exactly what he said. listen. >> president biden: there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. i will make sure we have border protection but it will be based on making sure we use high tech capacity to deal with it. at ports of entry. griff: they are building onto the trump wall. >> i think it's a very practical move, something we've been advocating for a year and 1/2 so great that it is going to be here in a few months although i do believe, i'm hearing a rumor that it won't look like the trump wall, it
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will be more of a different type of barrier, but a positive barrier in any case will be a dramatic improvement for that section of border, a lot of people coming through, 50% of the traffic comes to that one area. griff: is the admin a station quietly trying to realize they have a crisis on their hands and need to do something and finally listening to border patrol officials who say infrastructure works? >> anybody looks at these numbers can't say everything is fine. you have to recognize these numbers are historical, anywhere in this country of history so what needs to be done is what is starting to get done but decades before, this wasn't a partisan issue, this
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was a practical on the ground issue so hopefully the administration is taking the politics out of it, what is needed for the border. griff: you are in that sector the third busiest in the nation, 35 migrant deaths, not made public by border patrol but one that i have from my border patrol sources and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. >> the number is higher because it doesn't include those who passed away in the city limits which we responded to with border patrol. it is a huge issue and having something going in the right direction, it is a first step. there are many more steps that need to get done but without this first step we want to go get to the other one so this is
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moving in the right direction. griff: you've encountered 265,000 migrants this fiscal year but here in washington where i am, dc mayor muriel bowser is calling it a communitarian crisis after receiving just 4000 migrants here in the nation's capital, here's what she had to say about calling in the national guard. >> we need space and we need the federal government so i asked the deployment of the guard as long as we need the guard to deal with the humanitarian crisis that we expect escalate. the number of people crossing the border seeking asylum we expect to go up. griff: what do you make of this? >> it is great they are joining the conversation, this is something we've and talking about for year and a half and to finally have other mayors that understand, beginning to
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understand what that impact is, washington dc is millions of people and their concern about 4000 people, we get 5000 people in a week through the year the area and we are only a community of 100,000 people. after finally getting the understanding that this is a bigger issue than little towns along the border is a great thing. griff: these are migrants that have been dropped off, sleeping there, a sad humanitarian crisis indeed, the mayor is right pointing to the fact that this is a federal responsibility, the ministration is abdicating that spot ability. >> i believe they are but not in washington dc, they are doing that at the border, to wait 5 or 6 years for a judge, there needs to be a change that stops the process otherwise all
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we are doing is continuing the process of trafficking the cartels start so the federal government needs to find ways, enforcing the laws that are on the books would help stop the traffic from happening and end up in a situation like washington dc. griff: the other thing they are taking advantage of, open border, pushing drugs particularly fentanyl across, what are you seeing in your area? >> since border patrol is getting back to border protection activity we are seeing an increase in the number of apprehensions, smugglers as well as actual drugs but there's still dramatic number of trafficking that is probably not, possibly getting into the interior of the united states. griff: a thousand none got
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aways, that is concerning one indeed, thank you for taking the time. yuma mayor doug nichols, thank you. arthel: we are days from another primary, the site race is playing out all across the country. hillary von is in missouri but we start with alicia in phoenix, arizona where all eyes are on the races for governor and u.s. senate. >> reporter: us senator mark kelly is considered one of the most vulnerable democrats incumbents in the country and the gop race to take him on in november is heated. in the lead, political newcomer blake masters who was endorsed by donald trump and funded by peter thiel, masters denies president biden won the
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election as does his nearest competitor, businessman jim lehman. mark burned veg points to his legal cases battling the biden administration on voting rights and the border. >> that's one of the things that frustrates me, that a lot of times because i don't have the endorsement of donald trump must somehow that makes me less conservative than i am. >> the polarization in this nation turns a lot of people off especially new voters, younger people don't want to be part of a system that is broken, doesn't work for them so you can change the system by voting. >> reporter: that was joseph garcia who is not running for u.s. senate but turnout is always a challenge in primaries. spending $10 million in a nonpartisan effort to activate more hispanic voters who have a history of lower participation, the group tells us they don't care which party registers as
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long as they vote. >> the polarization in this nation turns people off especially new voters, younger people who don't want to be part of a system that is broken, doesn't work for them so you can change the system by voting. >> reporter: we have two technical gremlins going on, the other big race here, the one for governor has trump and mike pence on opposite sides. former local tv anchor cary lake has never held office, is trump endorsed, a firebrand, her opponent for the gop nomination is karen taylor robson, well-known in arizona political circles, she has the backing of pence and outgoing gop governor doug doocy, it is a battle in the desert. we are here for, back to you. thanks a lot.
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griff: the missouri primary, china is emerging as a top issue. hillary von is on the ground with the latest. >> reporter: republicans running to replace republican senator roy blunt are flexing their america first record. in a contest over who was tougher on china they are throwing jabs at who they think is not. she has made taking on china a top priority in congress. >> i'm the only candidate sanctions by china. eric schmidt when he was in the state legislature tried to give $400 million of our state tax dollars to companies and have china come into missouri and former china hub. >> reporter: that china hubba
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never happened about the current front runner attorney general eric schmidt has been good-sized by his opponent for voting for build allowed foreign businesses including chinese companies to unlimited amounts of misery farmland. >> they regret supporting those things? >> those are distortions of my record. i clearly fought for more exports, i thought for more american jobs so those are disparate attacks by my opponent to have a lot to hide in their own record which is why they are sinking in the polls which i was the first attorney general to sue communist china for releasing the coronavirus on the world. we need a tough on china senator from missouri. >> reporter: there was sexual misconduct allegations, calling out a trip to beijing in 2017, talking up the importance of the missouri china trade relationship on chinese tv. as a former navy seal he put his life on the line for america first.
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>> only one candidate in this race was arrested for teaching about the united states constitution and that was me. i have always stood up for american values and put my life on the line for it. >> reporter: the races shifted a lot, brighton was the front runner, that faded and now schmidt has taken the lead. voters are undecided and open to changing their minds before primary day. griff: we will be watching, hillary, thank you. aishah: our eyes are glued to two critical elections that could shift majority control of the senate over to the gop, georgia democratic senator rafael warknocko flipped the seat in a runoff election is running against herschel walker, fox news polls show a very tight race underway there in georgia with warknocko leading by 4% margin, only 9%
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of georgia voters are still undecided and very much up for grabs. aishah: pat toomey's retirement will even of deceit up for grabs, republican candidate mehmet oz trailing with 13% of voters on his side, the republican seat may go. minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> a close election, almost everywhere at 50-50 country. i think it is too early to assume they have a great election laura disaster this fall. griff: it will be close and interesting. aishah: pennsylvania, a lot of trouble for doctor oz, what
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republicans, how they feel about him. you see here this -- there we go, the senate, describing support for the candidate, you can see the percentage of ours supporters still have reservations about him, that's not good for him and their primary, he had the campaign trail all to himself because federman is recovering from that stroke and instead of hitting the ground and campaigning and taking advantage of the opportunity he has been traveling, he has been in palm beach, in ireland. if he had hit the ground early polls wouldn't be looking as bad as that for him. let's switch to georgia, this paul that i think will favor
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and do really well for herschel walker. he is behind warknock but this is how republicans feel about him, the motivation poll, really motivated in 2022, you can see 81% of supporters are republicans, support walker as opposed to 74% for warknock, this is huge news not only for water but the republican party especially republican senator kelly leffler. i spoke to her about how she is trying to shift the mood and the way that republican voters feel about elections and try to get them out to the polls, trying to get people to trust the system enough to show up at the polls. griff: in the georgia fox paul inflation tops the list of important issues but it would appear herschel walker's biggest challenge is to prove to not only republicans, but to
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independents that he can do something to help georgians at the gas pump, at the grocery store. aishah: inflation will be the number one issue, there are things being worked out in the senate but i think inflation is number one and we are seeing this across the country where even in nevada, in their primary a lot of folks ditching their party and deciding to be independent because they are sick of the partisan politics is want people to focus on the issues. griff: a political panel on the growing tensions between the us and china next. rd to only get this far with his cholesterol. taken with a statin, leqvio can lower bad cholesterol and keep it low with two doses a year. side effects were injection site reaction,
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griff: pope francisca be the second pope in 6 centuries to resign. he is not considering retirement yet but he asked to either cut down on his travels or think about the possibility of stepping aside. kitty logan has the latest from london.
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>> reporter: the pope was making these comments to reporters as he returned home to italy after a trip to canada. he said he couldn't keep up the same pace as before because of his agent injuries, history and sublimity in his knee which can't easily be operated on. he was seen using a wheelchair on his visit to canada which hindered his ability to mix with crowds and travel to places and making it much more difficult for him to get around and do his usual work, the pontiff told reporters, to see how he gets on with his injury but he did say he does want to continue to travel as much as possible. he hopes to visit ukraine, kazakhstan and south sudan. none of this is certain but he does seem to be in very good spirits, plenty of energy. she was able to travel to the edge of the arctic friday to meet with indigenous people there.
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pope francis did say he would not be able to rule out re-signing at some time in the future but he does seem determined to carry on. back to you. house speaker nancy pelosi traveling to visit us allies in asia. the possibility of a stop in taiwan means china announced military exercises near the island. >> reporter: troubling signs from an associate connected with chinese immediate who suggested pelosi's government plane if flown over taiwan would be shot down or could be shot down. troubling rhetoric. nancy pelosi famously said she does not discuss her travel but there are some general concerns about her trip there and we are no closer to finding out if she will go. she's on route to asia for a multi-day trip to several countries, japan, south korea,
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singapore, but the suspense around that visit to taiwan, she won't give a firm answer, the white house won't either in the chinese communist parties saying do not go. >> i don't talk about my travel because it is a security issue for every member of congress traveling especially abroad, but for the speaker is additional security issue. >> reporter: it is interesting because pelosi clearly wants to go, republicans are normally her political enemies on capitol hill are siding with her that she needs to go to show china that the united states is not afraid, democrats in many cases are telling her not to go, saying it is up to her, the president has not spoken about these recent threats about shooting her plane down. he's here at the white house and will go to delaware tomorrow but he has another problem which is the economy and the word recession. if you ask anybody at the white
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house who works for the administration about recession it is something they don't want to talk about, saying we are not in a recession because it doesn't fit the true definition of recession which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth but the white house is happy to talk about inflation. they say they are looking to spend more. senator joe manchin on board the inflation reduction act saying billions to help fund climate change and healthcare and prescription drugs and imposes a tax on corporations. griff: thank you, great reporting. >> former hello clinton member, democratic strategist and partner, william mckinley, former trump white house
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cabinet secretary and assistant to the president, thank you for joining us. let's get into it with the pelosi news, speaker pelosi could touchdown in taiwan this weekend, the administration didn't think this was the greatest idea. china does not want her to go but republicans for the most part have been very supportive of a potential trip. dan sullivan on this show in the last hour. >> a lot of things the speaker has done that i don't agree with but it is time for americans to close ranks on this ability to travel to taiwan which we do regularly and not let the chinese comes party dictate. >> reporter: why do you think the administration was seemingly trying to get in the way of a potential trip to taiwan? >> administrations like to run their departments the way they want to do it in the time and manner they want to do it and don't like others to do it
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instead but i agree, senator pelosi knows better than most what is the right thing to do and traveling taiwan is a good thing to do. aishah: in terms of our pasture in china you think of this actually happens and takes place you think this will have any impact on china and their plan for taiwan? >> this demonstrates the world has become more, located and dangerous place and we are seeing this play out in real time with the potential trip of the speaker to taiwan. i would also note that whoever leaked the travel details of her trip is somebody who should be held accountable. i stand with senator sullivan, i don't agree with speaker pelosi on a lot of issues but the chinese comes party should not be dictating the travel itinerary of the speaker of the house, the number 3
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constitutional officer of the united states, especially when we have a history with taiwan, they should not dictate her travel like that. i wish her a safe trip and i hope cooler heads prevail but this belligerent rhetoric from the ccp about this, or spokesman closely aligned with them is really unfortunate and america needs to stand strong. we are the indispensable nation and we need to present leadership to the world. aishah: who leaked the speaker's plans? >> i don't know. it has the same themes as the supreme court leaked, maybe somebody was hoping to change her travel itinerary when they saw there was the potential for a touchdown or flyover of taiwan either for symbolical political matters but these types of leaks have got to stop. you ever the people are that
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are doing this are putting lives in danger and risking the national security of the united states. aishah: let's pivot to the economy and the are word no one wants to say at the white house come here's what the president thinks about two straight quarters of negative growth. >> president biden: chairman powell and many significant banking personnel and economists say we are not in a recession. doesn't sound like a recession to be. aishah: why won't the white house, recession? >> for obvious reasons but they do acknowledge and happy to talk about the fact that people are suffering but also they would like to talk about what they are doing to address that, gas prices coming down, a lot of other prices coming down,
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they just passed a major bill that will address our manufacturing and competitiveness for decades until post be china on the most important technologies in the world, things are happening but not great for people now. aishah: i went to get to the manchin/schumer deal, i've got to ask with $750 billion in tax and spending, they call it the inflation reduction act but don't you think when you start raising taxes on americans, even wealthy americans that have trickle-down effects? >> of going into recession the first thing you do is raise taxes. we go after small businesses, and owners and businesses
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coffers to find more goods. spiking the football a little early, happen heard from kristin sonoma from arizona and -- and come back. >> the death toll rises, we will take you there next. yet. you threw good money away when you bought those glasses. next time, go to america's best - where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. can't beat that. can't beat this, either. book an exam today at hi, i'm karen. i lost 58 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for over a year. it was so easy that the weight just kept coming off. that's when i knew that this is real. golo works. i still can't believe that i look like this.
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aishah: kentucky governor bashir system record flooding in his state has killed 25 people, many more are unaccounted for. we have team coverage. katie burns in lost creek, kentucky. >> reporter: rescues are still happening and is slow challenge getting into the hard-hit areas.
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the ones that are not still under out water are like this today. you see homes stripped from their foundations. the family's furniture is sitting in the front lawn, that's the couch, and her favorite cartoon character on her sheets. the governor says rescuing people remains a priority, dealing with limited cell service in some areas but we are hearing about getting in contact with their loved ones. he finally reached his granddaughter. >> my granddaughter -- got destroyed over budapest -- i called and it is too late for them to get out. to the neighbor's home. this is devastating. she face time to me and they got cell service back and to see that face was the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life.
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>> reporter: hundreds of people have been rescued by helicopter or by boat. the governor said the money from the relief funds is going to first go to the funerals. aishah: heartbreaking hearing and seeing that, thank you. griff: shocking video from sin city showing water surging through las vegas friday night after severe thunderstorm sent flash floods through the area. leaking from walls, parking lots turned into raging rivers. without power on thursday night. now let's go to the fox weather center, the fox weather forecast. >> reporter: flooding is one of the stories and more heavy rain is in store for part of the country, you see where this is happening, temperatures in the
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northern tier, 80 °, closer to 90 degrees along the boundary. we call that a cold front, a frontal boundary where showers pop-up and we are seeing it today, where we see a ton of rain the last week or so so potentially more flooding in hard-hit areas. something to pay attention to as this system drifts to the east over the coming days. today the best chance of flash flooding going across the plains states, oklahoma into texas and into the arkansas area. all of this continues to drift east and as it makes the move it runs over areas they are battling extreme flooding. this is taking you into sunday into kentucky and tennessee, a lot of heavy rainfall, certainly something we will be
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thinking about, another three inches across this area. it is something we will be paying attention to. aishah: not news anyone in kentucky wants to hear. as millions of americans feel the pinch of inflation we will talk to a top economists about ways to refresh your hard-earned cash. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar
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aishah: the biden administration maintains the economies on the right track despite the gdp shrinking two consecutive quarters prompt and concerns the us is in the midst of a recession. joining me live to weigh in on all of this. the president and coo of the job creators network, thank you for joining us. let's pull up this billboard, the job creators network just put out in times square showing the president, you can see it is written on their, read my lips, no new recession. it's the economy, stupid. why the billboard? >> thanks for having me. why the billboard? sheer frustration listening to the biden administration from president biden to his advisors taking two weeks to spin the american public, putting them
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on spin cycle and trying to convince than what they are feeling day in and day out every day americans, small business owners doesn't really exist, isn't real. what they are feeling is the pinch, the pain at the pump, at the grocery stores, the pain of their electric bills, now we see the pain of the economy, two quarters of economic decline which for the past 40 years economists have said that is the traditional definition of a recession. aishah: you are talking about everything rising in price, pull up the latest notable price hikes according to consumer price index from june. might not be a recession at 1600 pennsylvania but it is a recession for many americans.
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everything is up, gasoline, airfares are up, hearing a lot of complaints about that. what is your advice to the average american that spend so much of their income sometimes 25% on bills? >> that the hardest part. that is where biden and the rest of the administration seems out of touch, so frustrating for the average american. eggs up 33%, natural gas 65%. these numbers are astronomical. look at the wholesale price, these are up 11%, there is no sign of slowing down, look at the data the came out friday. the biggest advice consumers and americans have is cash is
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key and we have to conserve cash as much as possible which means making hard decisions, might not take that summer trip anymore or going out as much to restaurants, you might have to do this at home. >> we have the manchin schumer deal, want to tax wealthy americans to bring the deficit down but in a recession, what are employers telling you? are you forecasting job cuts? >> absolutely, no doubt about it. we saw the data come for the past few months in our internal polls that show small business owners, 2 thirds of new job growth comes from small business owners and not feeling the great economy that president biden is talking about, feeling the pain in the hurt and it is the number one thing they complain about, they
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don't believe this administration understand their pain and is doing enough to address it. especially for small business owners this is much worse than it is for large businesses, they don't have the advantage of binding power. aishah: it was rough during the pandemic and they go into the situation. got to go, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. griff: a month after the slap seen around the world at the oscars comedian chris rock responding to will smith's new apology video. we will tell you what he said next. hi! need new glasses? get 50% off a complete pair at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone! hey!
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aishah: chris rock response to will smith's apology for slapping him at the oscars, charles watson is live in atlanta with the latest. >> reporter: good afternoon. we hadn't heard a lot from chris rock about being slapped at the oscars, haven't heard much from him about smith's recent apology but rock is making the best of the situation, he does not consider
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himself a victim. at the atlanta stop, for the world tour, rock said, quote, everybody is trying to be a victim. everybody claims to be a victim that nobody will hear the real victims. he took a jab at will smith jokingly saying even be getting smacked by will smith. i went to work the next day and have kids, that's reference to notoriously violent felon and former music executive suge knight. there was a 6 minute video apology on social media which smith explains his actions following the slap it shocked world and soiled his reputation. >> chris, i apologize to you. my behavior was unacceptable and i am here whenever you are ready to talk.
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i want to apologize to chris's mother, the interview chris's mother did, one of the things about the moment i didn't realize, i wasn't thinking how many people got hurt. >> reporter: smith reached out to rock to talk but the comedian isn't ready to accept his invitation just yet, smith made a point to apologize to his children for putting the heat on them and performance at the oscars, that he said he ruined. >> i promise you i am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world. if you hang on i promise we will be able to be friends again. >> reporter: she does at least seem remorseful and there's an opening for him and chris rock to move past this situation. he says rock is not ready for
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that yet but maybe in the future. griff: charles watson, thank you very much. i don't know. aishah: my take, i am all for apologies, we should all give grace when it is needed. with thing people can't get over with the situation is it is one thing to grab somebody after the show on the side and have a talk with him but it is another thing to completely lose any sense of reality that you are in front of hundreds of people on live tv, that is -- griff: what took four months to come to that realization? that sit for this hour, fox news live continues with eric and
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arthel: china closes the white house of lying about president biden's phone call with his chinese counterpart. beijing denying the administration claim president biden addressed genocide and forced labor with president xi. tension with china arty high over speaker nancy pelosi asia trip and whether she will visit taiwan. yesterday a former chief editor for chinese state media suggested shooting down the speakers plane if she does. pelosi speaking with reporters before leaving for her


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