tv FOX News Sunday FOX News July 31, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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.com/hire hi, i'm karen. i lost 58 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for over a year. it was so easy that the weight just kept coming off. that's when i knew that this is real. golo works. i still can't believe that i look like this. bret: i am bret baier. president biden has a positive for covid again democrats surprise win for us to domestic, a tax-and-spend bill as the country enters a technical recession. ♪ >> this bill will reduce inflationary pressures on the economy. >> this is not a democrat bill for this is not a republican bill, this is an american bill progress republicans reject the deal per. >> that robbed american cabinet launch inflation out to rob the country second time to a
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gigantic job killing tax hike. >> democrats need all 50 of the senators on board and into town to pass. will ask senator joe manchin how it all plays out in the final push before the august recess. then. >> they have not met a war they won't sign up for print they have not met veterans they won't screw over. >> to vote toxic burn pits. hits a snake over the bill's language. >> this bill will ultimately pass but it will be more fiscally responsible progress will discuss the use frustration in the military and on capitol hill. plus, we are on the road to the midterms. in arizona in the race to take on mark kelly, one of the senate's most vulnerable democrats. and it michigan or a group promoting incumbent governor gretchen whitmer is spending millions to target a republican opponent. we'll sit out current gop front runner ahead of tuesday's
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primary gutter sunday panels take just 100 days from election day. all right now on fox news sunday. ♪. bret: and hello again for fox news and washington. after more than your stops and starts, senate democrats are close to a deal to push through at least a slimmed-down version of president biden signatures social spending package. they surprise a deal struck between senator chuck schumer and kee hold out senator choate includes billions to fight climate change and taxes to subsidize health care and lower the cost of prescription drugs. both republicans solidly oppose, passage is far from certain. democrats need every senator and their majority to be on board. the clock is ticking down toward august recess and midterm elections are now just 100 days away. in a moment will speak with the man in the middle of the
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negotiations. west virginia democratic senator joe manchin. but first to griffin jenkins alive at the white house with the present is back in isolation after experiencing a rebound from covid, griffith. >> good morning brett. the president is here at the white house this morning after testing positive again yesterday, forcing him to cancel plans to be in wilmington today and sidelining his return to the road to sell his agenda, scrapping a trip to michigan on tuesday, his doctor, kevin o'connor said in a letter quote the president has experienced no reemergence of symptoms and continues to feel quite well. the president first tested positive on july 21 underwent treatment and tested negative on wednesday. he downplayed the rebound case in the video. >> of it working from home the next couple of days. [inaudible] >> new questions are being
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raised how strictly he adhered to cdc guide wasn't mine's in several appearances this week but photographed as he designed a declaration yesterday, white house say he has been careful as it again underway for the rebound case is setback he's fit and healthy. >> group jenkins alive from the white house, griffin thank you. welcome back to fox news sunday. >> bret thanks for having it's always good to be with you. bret: attacks are business people over the past few days and they really wanted to know this, they wanted to know why you changed or involved you are thinking, and why now? >> have never changed her about my thinking. i always felt we should be able to fight inflation and tried to give relief all over the people in america with the highest inflation rates they've ever seen. and we do it by producing for you got to produce food for
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going to produce you have to be able to have more energy. you get the gas prices down you have more production, or manufacturing can get people working and not have layoffs and things of that sort. it's going to take some investment brunette always looked at that for a balanced approach but i never could get there did not think i was going to get there this time. it all came to fruition it worked out and i'm happy it did. >> in 2010 you said this, i don't think during a time of recession he messed with any of the taxes or increase any taxes. this bill does that. here you are earlier this month. >> you cannot be raising taxes, you cannot make anything inflationary pretty close loopholes, you can find out where some things that should be done that should have been done before. but it won't be inflationary at all but. >> technically we are in a recession. and technically according to multiple different organizations, this bill does raise taxes. >> they are wrong it does not raise taxes. i've said this before. i said all we did was close loopholes if you heard. first of all in 2017 the tax rate the corporate tax rate was 35%. what from 35 -- 21, 14%
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reduction. that did everyone said oh my goodness this is tremendous. all we are doing is basically saying the largest corporations in america but have a $1 billion of value or greater have to pay a minimum of 15% to help this great country. let us all pray don't think anyone west virginia but anyone could get by with at least pink 21%. we did not raise taxes we close loopholes. i made sure there's no tax increases and this whatsoever. >> here is the tax foundation for they say the proposed 15% met on tax corporate book income is most economic damaging provision in the bill, reducing gdp by .1% costing about 27000 jobs. as americans for tax reform on the energy portion of the legislation would be a regressive tax on oil and gas developed based on admission levels of methane during production leading to higher energy bills for consumers and higher cost of everyday products. are they wrong? >> we work with all those industries all the way through
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this piece of legislation on my sign all of my staff did. when they are talking about the things they are talking about, that is not true at all. first of all, basically deterring people from making investments, it had the absolute massive record profits for the last two years the most amount investment in capitalism as far as capitol expenditures. that is because people do not have confidence in the government. they are basically strangled by the permitting processing. we are accelerating permitting processing purging all the things we can to make sure we can get things to market as quickly as possible forget production backup bring manufacturing back. we have that everything humanly possible here. this is not a republican or democrat bill produce not a green bill this is a red, white, blue bill. we got one for this opportunity here to do something really, really monumental for our country. bret: laster said the american rescue plan, the covid relief bill would not cause inflation, listen to this. >> we are spending 1.9 trillion
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you may end up heeding the economy and causing inflation server. >> i hope we don't i don't think we will. again we spread it out we did not do it all at one time. >> most experts now believe, et cetera, that spending, that bill did spark the skyrocketing inflation but why should they believe you now would you say this new bill will not exacerbate inflation? >> i'm going to make sure i don't make that mistake again. with that, i tried. i was anticipating we could help and do more. and everything you have said here is correct and i am not countering that whatsoever. that is why i was extra cautious right now. for the eight months i have endured being against "build back better" at all the different things my democratic colleagues wanted to do with that were wrong, definitely could not do anymore and stopped all that from happening. this is a piece of legislation that is an investment. we take $3.5 trillion in
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spending that was aspirational spending that my colleagues wanted to do on the democrat side, we have taken that down to a 400 billion-dollar investment. we are not sending a check to anybody. you're going to have to basically produce. you're going to have to put capitol out there, take some risk and produce. bringing manufacturing jobs back to america. building up manufacturing and resourcing but i do not want to be dependent on foreign supply chain, that is exactly what has been happening, we are changing that. i am just grateful everyone is coming together. you know, my republican friends and said this we've done everything basically look at this bill we wanted to basically make sure we were formed permitting, we are doing that. you wanted to pay down debt, we are doing that. you wanted more manufacturing, we are doing that. we are doing everything you have asked for it i would hope in normal times this to be a bipartisan bill. but i understand the toxic atmosphere we are in.
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>> are some analysis groups nonpartisan groups university of pennsylvania, says the act very slightly increase inflation until 2024. then and decrease inflation after that. it says roughly it's indistinguishable from zero. they don't think it will have an impact on inflation. that is a group that's looking at this. >> and brett, i respectfully disagree on that. but you know what, we can have differences of opinions but reduce we pay down three to billion dollars of taxes into debt reduction, we have never done that in 25 years. we basically have taken $288 billion in savings that reduce the drug prices for americans across the board. it is not been talked about for years and never done. they've accelerated the permitting process tubing products to market quicker. we have done all of this. i am saying with that with 17 from the time before the said inflation's going to be transitory. so people have difference of opinion but they have to work hard to find some that i will
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give them credit for anything as quick as we are going to make changes, bring more products to market, bring more production and increase that for think you're going to see people start looking and reading the fine print there's an awful lot of balance and good for the american people. >> a couple more specific civil talked broadly. this bill would give families making $300,000 a $7500 tax credit to buy an electric vehicle the wall street journal writes at this with the buy demonstration is using regulation to essentially mandate automakers turn out electric vehicles. now they will subsidize that cost on top of the 7500-dollar electric vehicle tax credits. so affluent americans can buy more teslas. >> there's a waiting list right now the fuel price. they still want us to throw 5000 or 7000 or 12000-dollar credit to buy electric vehicle makes no sense to me whatsoever when supply and demand we cannot produce enough product for the people that wanted them are
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still going to pay them to take it. it's absolutely ludicrous in my mind. >> had to go from ludicrous to signing off on it being in this bill? >> it is still ludicrous if you're going to pay just for the sake of buying a car. the bottom line is it the first time in the history of our country that we are not self-sufficient within the transportation mode. we are dependent on china for the battery components, we don't do any of that. this bill is based around battery manufacturing. if the battery and the critical minerals are not sourced and processed in north america you don't get it. if you want to auteur at that industry so we are self sufficient transportation but this is the way to do it. we didn't just throw $7500 out because you want to buy an electric car. also i get for used people so people going to work have a $4000 credit. but that battery has to be sourced and produced in north america and all of our favored nation such as australia for this is what we are looking for
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we should not be looking for china, to make sure they have a total stranglehold on a spread that is what we're trying to break we are going to break it as quickly as we can because we are incentivizing. bret: you said extracted promises from senator schumer and speaker pelosi in the white house to re- look at infix oil permitting and focus on energy security. but that's not in this bill that part of it. home depot cofounder had this to say about the bill and your efforts. >> i think manchin is a fine man. it was she was a republican instead of a democrat. but i think his motive is normal and fair pete i believe he's going to be tricked that is what i'm worried about i shouldn't say i'm believe i'm worried he's going to be tricked. the expenses will be there that's going to be inflationary. that is going to be by its very definition inflationary. what should they do question work they're only putting more gas on the fire. >> to get that concern?
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>> well, i respect him, he is a fine person per he's done tremendous with all of his investments especially with home depot how well they have done and how well they treat their employees so i respect that tremendously. the difference is this. he is saying you get tricked in this and that. we have an agreement, i have a trust there. i can tell you it has consequences of either one of us do not keep our bargain. so from chuck schumer, to nancy pelosi, the president of the united states, we have an agreement that we are going to do permitting reforms. if that does not happen i said again on either side if i don't keep my word in my bargain if they don't keep theirs, there will be consequences. but on the other hand we do have that tied into this bill. if you are going to basically promote offshore wind or onshore wind and solar you have to also aggressively promote the fossil industry that we need that is the while that makes this country run right now. until that transition may happen
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when ever but we are not going to basically walk away any one of our fossil industry right now until we have something that will replace it down the road. we are not during the european model and that's what we are very adamant about. that is in the bill. the accelerating the permitting is going to be simultaneously what other countries do, elijah showed two, three, four processes as you're being evaluated going one at a time and taking eight or ten years versus six months, nine months, or two years. quick center that you have signed on but it is not a done deal yet. pierson cinema has been standing previously against tax increases of any kind. she would have been a no vote on "build back better" "new york times" edmiston is probably told colleagues shall not accept any corporate or income tax rate increases. you know where she stands on this bill? >> i really don't preach she is a dear friend of mine we work very close together. she has an awful lot in this bill because basically
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negotiating and working on this has a drug pricing we are able to save costs is fars high cost in pharmaceuticals and bring that down for medicare. let medicare negotiate that was great and i appreciate that. also she's been very adamant about tax increases. we made sure there's no tax increases. loopholes is a different thing. efraim believes we should pay their fair share. >> she seemed blindsided you didn't bring her in on the decision? >> i did bring anybody in because i didn't want anyone to be disappointed again. i have gone through eight months smart political thing is do nothing i guess that's what a lot of people do just sit back and do nothing because you can't get criticized for it. i never did quit looking for a better avenue for that solid energy production, reliability and fight inflation for that's what he been trying to do. i did not want to bring anyone into the fold that said this think might fall apart here's a joke going down the road again and were not getting there. i couldn't get there and i did know we are going to get there to be honest with you until it came to fruition.
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bret: last thing their story after story democrats expressing concern or flat out saying president biden should not run for reelection in 2024. do you think you will? >> i cannot predict 2024 but i truly can't and i don't think we should. bret: would you support him if he did? what's on me just say this that is what everyone is so upset about. everything we do here is calculated on the 2022 election, 2024 election but i'm not going to get into that however they send me if i am still here i will work with whoever whether it's the president biden or a new president, whoever it may be i'm not going to make those decisions. i'm just going to fight like the dickens to make sure this peet's of legislation gives us relief invites inflation and is great for america for that's all i care about right now. bret: would you support him if he did run in 24? >> i'm not going to get into the 254 election. [inaudible] bret: you talk to your donors but possibly running in 24?
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>> i am not going to get into 2024. no matter what happens, in 2020 for the be plenty of politics between now and then. can't we just fix what's in front of us right now high inflation, high gas prices high food prices high energy prices for this affixes that. i am asking my republican colleagues, work with me we've done things you've told me over the years, it is in this bill. it is a tremendous opportunity. bret: center manchin we appreciate your time as always. >> thank you brett. >> up next china issues ace current warning over nancy policies potential stop in taiwan during overseas trip to asia. we will bring or send a group to discuss the growing tensions, the threats from china and the white house reaction life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. finding the perfect developer isn't easy.
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soon those who voted trying to trillions of dollars to 70s men and women to work and now suddenly say it's not fiscally responsible to spend the money, to pay for the consequences of their service is outrageous. it is it add vacation of their responsibility. bret: that was comedian activist jon stewart busing senate republicans friday for blocking a bill that would offer help for veterans impacted by burn pits. it is time now for our sunday group at white house reporter for the wall street journal, catherine lucy. guy benson of fox news radio, former state department spokesperson marie and fox news correspondent gillian turner. this is an awful issue this vern pitt issue. putting in context it's legislatively in the weeds it started with the mistake on how it was written.
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and politically now there's more to it. >> politically it's eight fire iron here this is not just been years in that making it has been decades in the making. veteran advocacy organizations have been lobbying the u.s. government about this literally for multiple decades now. we arrived at this point blocking final pastors of the bill pretty could look to pat toomey he said that's nothing to do with not wanting to support these veterans. it has no democrats thinking and $40 billion in extra unrelated spending. so where you stand on this issue politically right now depends upon where you sit if you are democrat you are saying hold your nose if this is so important to you, spend some extra money. if you are a republican you are saying democrats are playing dirty, trying to sneak dirty extras into this a package they could just cut it out if they really cared about veterans. bret: it stops the funding is
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there to enabling usenet funding down the road, guy for something else. but politically you have democrats running on this now senate race in missouri, the candidate this was my view and iraq i like to see josh hawley in roy blunt flick next to this for months before the next vote on healthcare for veterans. it is something obviously republicans want to get off the front burner. >> i see center corner from texas believes it will get done this week. he has been saying that. senator toomey is making the case very clearly and concisely. people want to listen may be jon stewart and others don't want to listen is about $400 billion of completely unrelated spending. that's a drafting error or at some sneaky underhanded move by the democrats. it has nothing to do with the actual issue. toomey says he believes there's 85 votes in the u.s. senate out of 100 for the underlying legislation it is a very easy fix that can be accomplished here. it should be. and if the democrats want to achieve something for veterans,
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make the tweak. they want to attack republicans for hating veterans and scoring political points they can keep doing what they're doing. bret: let's talk about this manchin, humans deal you heard the senator on the specifics. what is your take about where the stands and where it's going? >> i think joe manchin for the life back into the biden demonstration slate of agenda this past week. he is right it closes on the tax loopholes for there's a lot of debate about the text piece of this print does a couple of things he biden administration believes are important but allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices for example, bringing down inflation but here people like larry summers who is not always been a fan of the biden ministration policy saying this bill will actually reduce inflation in the long haul. i think there are a number of priorities with its energy security, springing down inflation, whether it's negotiating prescription drug prices that will help average americans, the sebago legislative achievement if they can get it done.
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when you add that to the infrastructure bill, to chips, to a number of other bills the democrats have gotten past, this is looking like something joe biden and democrats in the midterm will actually want to write on. they are getting things done increasingly. >> they've got to have kyrsten sinema, joe manchin is on board obviously as he said where they got to have everybody voting. they cannot be out on covid or anything else. a couple things perked your ears did not? with no taxes? works they need everybody, joe manchin is on your show is on a lot of tv shows this morning. kyrsten sinema's actual person we need to hear from. we are yet to hear exactly which she is going to do it senator manchin says he thanks there's a bill that will work for her. she's really been an enigma rather than a career. we have to wait and see. certainly also democrats are really arguing hard this is going to reduce inflation. this achieve similar key priorities. the inflationary impacts, the economists we have talked to said they could be pretty modest and they could be long-term.
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in terms of a regular. >> sometimes regular americans who are frustrated about inflation, frustrate about gas prices were really filling this economy the idea they're going to feel any relief from this between now and the midterms appears unlikely for the question becomes can the democrats a message if they get to the finish line in a way that is compelling for those people? >> on foreign policy of china's president issuing the stern warning to present biden about the prospect of house speaker nancy pelosi stopping in taiwan for cheese announce the trip she's on her way to asia but is not said it's officially happening. the china foreign minister, they say president told biden on this call we firmly opposed taiwan independent separatism, interference by external forces will never leave any spacer taiwan independent forces in any form of playing with fire it will yourself on fire bring up the u.s. can see this clearly. stern words, we don't know if it
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was in fact said on the phone call per the white house could release the transcript are they one chipper. >> they could have glad you mention that that's a key aspect. the stern rhetoric and the threats even coming out of china if you look at state media over the weekend is all about the political messaging pretty is gearing up next month make this incredible bedford unprecedented third term in a series of commonest party meetings, just a few weeks from now for this is messaging to his potential voters inside china. quick court on pelosi's not usual for lawmakers to try to subvert the president conduct their own foreign policy, plus he did to president bush when she would sierra. i forget what year may be see mid thousand when she did this. what is different because obviously this president is her party. for democratic speaker of the house to potentially do a workaround when the president of the united states is not fully on board with her going to taiwan is a bit of anomaly. >> the fact this is public. the fact this is a negotiation kind of publicly, it's really
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strange isn't it? and if she does not go doesn't president biden or the administration look weak in some way? >> absolute look like the united states of america takes its marching orders about where our senior officials can travel the world from communist china which is completely unacceptable. i'm exceeded next to one former state hermit spokeswoman i had another one on my radio show this week. she made a really smart point on this. she said what should have happened on this gambit if pelosi's going to taiwan is what happens when u.s. and other western officials show up in ukraine. which is you just do it. you arrive with no warning. you make the statement by being there and then you get out. that is what should have happened here instead of all this chatter. feathers ratcheting up does seem more dangerous instead we have this very public which i don't think is helpful.
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in other places with united states and our allies in the region you shut the chinese government joe biden is made clear stand firm would buy them as a partner nancy pelosi and speaker of the same party would be delivering the same message a little different than some of the bush years. i think should probably end up going pretty think it's important to show we stand with taiwan as they feel so increasingly threatened by china by. >> last thing, cap in the white house also said it offered a deal to rush in hopes of bringing back basketball star brittney griner and paul whelan. another thing people were scratching their head, why did this publicly? why open this up? >> certainly up until now the been pretty careful what they
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been saying. a lot of things have been privately conducted but they are clearly trying to put this out there for their calling this a substantial offer. they want it known i think they are under a lot of pressure to show they are trying to do something here. and obviously secretary of state engaging on this is of the next step. so we have to see what happens but so far president biden is not been involved but it's not clear if you will be. bret: a russian arms dealer is exchange question it. >> it's unfair for the u.s. government as this deserves a precedent going forward everyone of course once a trencher and tried my back here in america per they never should have been illegally detained in the first place but you are as you mentioned one of the most notorious russian arms dealers, weapons traffickers in the world. a person is imminent danger to everybody in this country, not an equal trade. >> thanks panel. up next a tough reelection challenge for the governor of mitch michigan. gretchen wittner against five republican candidates who want to prevent her reelection in november.
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will sit down with one of them tutor dixon when fox sunday returns. ♪ (dad) we have to tell everyone that we just switched to verizon's new welcome unlimited plan, for just $30. (daughter) i've already told everyone! (nurse) wait... did you say verizon for just $30? (mom) it's their best unlimited price ever. (cool guy) $30...that's awesome. (dad) yeah, and it's from the most reliable 5g network in america. (woman) for $30 a line, i'm switching now. (mom) yeah, it's easy and you get $960 when you switch the whole family.
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bret: to the midterms of the race for governor and the key battleground state of michigan were first-term governor gretchen whitmer wristed national prominence through the covered pandemic. but pushback on restrictive policies led to a larger field of republicans looking to unseat her in november for joining us now the current front runner for the american nomination, tudor dixon who just picked up for president trump's endorsement this weekend. welcome to fox news sunday. >> thank you for having me. >> this detroit news write ups is your republican primary is a tossup, a total toss up in their words. most recent polling sees 38% of respondents still undecided in this race. you are up by four points. that is really within the margin of error. the primary is tuesday. pretty close. trucks well, we have seen polling that has us up nine points. we feel good going into tuesday. but it does not stop us from
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continuing to fight to make sure we get there. >> got the endorsement of the former president as i mentioned. you've got about 40% of the ballots arty cast with absentee voting. do you think that late endorsement makes a difference in your race? >> i think that is important in the race. i think these last few days of the race are going to be very interesting. i think i have proven myself as a candidate over the past year. but i am honored to have the president come out and say i've seen what she has done, i think she has been able to create a great campaign and she can beat everybody on tuesday. bret: former present still talks about the 2020 election a lot that it was stolen in his words. there are other gubernatorial candidates in arizona who use that as a big part of their campaign. do you think the 2020 election was stolen? >> well it is certainly a concern to a lot of folks here in michigan because of the way
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the election was handled by our secretary of state. she did things that were considered unlawful by a judge. we have to make sure our elections are secure in what happened in 2020 does not happen again produced obviously a different election. we had covid going on, there's an opportunity for changes to be made. this secretary of state made those changes sending out absentee ballot applications to everyone in the state ring and zuckerbucks, reducing the signature match. we are calling for commonsense election on the state of michigan by the legislature already passes, the governor vetoed it. she's very against voter id. we think if you don't like voter id there's a question as to why you don't like voter id. there are definitely things in the 2020 election has left us concerned about how it was operated. >> joe biden won michigan michigan by one or 54000 votes. i covered the recount in tallahassee, florida in 2537 votes, one or 54000 is a different thing. are you getting to the point you
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say on the stop at the election was stolen? understanding all the concerns you just said. >> you know, i've always focused on the concerns. you talk to be about the state of michigan i've always focused on the way the election was handled in how we need to make sure it is secure in the future. and that we do not have people looking back saying were questioning what actually happened. >> this group put michigan first is backed by the democratic governors association for their spending $2 million on it attack ad against you, the primary is tuesday. >> right, exactly it's interesting to see them coming after me. i think we can tell they are very nervous about gretchen whitmer. she is a vulnerable praetor policies for michigan have been terrible. the covid policies were terrible per they also know me as a person who comes from the manufacturing industry, will be able to expose what she does her job creators today and how she is treating them, her regular
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everyday policy is bad for michigan, that for families it's bad for students in the >> for job creators. and they are afraid of me. bret: must acquire policy pledge or economic plan includes this, readers to personal income tax, upscale workforce training emphasized the trade street/40% of regulations in four years, cut corporate welfare, make michigan open for business. so specifically what regulations are you cutting? >> well, we have a lot of overregulation in the state of michigan. i will just pick on one example. in the state of michigan we have the liquor control commission going out after businesses but i've got a guy who owns 130 gas stations. he said if i have a violation at one, it prevents all of my transactions at the other ones if i want to make a sale of a gas station for don't want to bring another gas station. the overregulation is so strict it will stop his business from flowing for four months. now in neighboring ohio think they have a violation one gas
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station at only that gas station that cannot be sold to a new business or is in the violation mode. these are things we can go into the state of michigan and say this is something we can streamline. we can cut some of this regulation and make sure it is easier to do business in the state, that is our goal. >> you say corporate welfare being cut. that means you're going to have a lack of or reduced revenue coming in, you make that up by income taxes? you say no in your plan are cut? >> you want to be very careful about how we spend money to bring business into the state. i think there's an opportunity to cut some of the corporate wear for but also cutting regulations. we have big industries like the auto industry are telling me it's hard for us to come to the state of michigan it's too overregulated but we cannot break ground, we cannot find a shovel ready spots. we cannot get to the permitting process to make sure we are in the race with our neighbors who
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were also trying to create ev vehicles. we are going to states that are easier to do business in. so for me i believe we can cut corporate welfare by offering better incentives to quickly start up your business here in michigan and be more business friendly. right now people are not choosing michigan and that's hurting as part. >> republican opponents a former president trump made a mistake by this late endorsement. obviously can understand they say that. but also say you are endorsed by the wealthy political divorce and family part former education secretary betsy devos stepped down from the trump administration after the generate six riots. she said in her resignation letter to president trump at the time quote, there is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation and it is the inflection point for me when she resigned. so, do you agree with secretary devos about the president's culpability or responsibility in some way for january 6?
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>> the secretary knows that she and i differ on that subject. i want to make sure political speech is always protected because that could open a can of words for anyone on both sides of the party. but the secretary knows i disagree with her on that point. >> what is the most important challenge facing michigan? >> a while, we are in a serious education crisis right now. you add an inflation in education those two things are hitting the state very hard. we have been in a steady decline in education for many years but we are 38th in the nation. we are hearing if we stay on this trajectory will be in the bottom five states in the nation. our literacy exams came back in our third-graders failed at 50% print in detroit it was nearly 90 per b also had kids out of school longer than almost any other states. we need to look how we can get education back on track because that is really the foundation for that is how we get businesses here, that's how we get families here. they have to look at my schools
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and say micon is going to get a great education in michigan and we are going to make sure that is possible. bret: tells but your family, your background too. >> i have a family of four girls. my husband and i have four daughters read my background is manufactured i come from the manufacturing industry. the last five years i've been in communications and that's what drew me into the political world. bret: listen, thank you for the time today. we'll be watching the primary tuesday and follow the race. >> thank you brick. >> up next to immigrants arriving by the bus full here in the nation's capitol, sent from the southern border by republican governors deceit mayor calls for the national guard to help in an urgent way innocent by the administration takes an unexpected move to close the gaps in the border wall. fox news sunday heads next to arizona were immigration is central to candidates on the road to the midterms. medium latte, half-caff, no foam. quite the personalized order. i know what i like.
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bret: fox news sunday is on the road to midterms with 100 days until election day, hard to believe. look at one of the most expensive senate races in the country. another primary battle between former president donald trump and his vice president mike pence candidates for arizona open governors seat a race that could give a glimpse into the future of the gop. at least there is life in phoenix. >> hi brett, $78 million raised so far and the battleford democrat mark kelly u.s. senate seat. kelly considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in the nation raise the lion share of that money. >> it is pretty obvious, pretty
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early we are all kind of in this together brick. >> former astronaut is trying to convince he gets it. they're hurting economically and concerned about the border. businessman jim is one of three top contenders in the gop billionaire and endorsed by former president trump. >> is no wacky things irregularities i'm hoping for clean election and a result on tuesday night too. >> both men insist they would not have certified the 2020 election. i didn't one arizona with little more than 10,000 votes. state attorney general also on the ticket certified those results and said he still gets some blowback even as he fights the president on illegal immigration pray. >> i should not have to be suing joe biden to force him to build a border wall but that's what i had to do for. >> the other battle in the desert, the governor's race.
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>> i've carried lake trump endorsed candidate for governor i am running against a real rhino. >> before you vote ask yourself what if it's all but an act? >> former news anchor and longtime arizona republican has been a proxy war between trump and his former vice president mike pence. gop strategist stan barnes says voters will decide more than just the nominee. >> they are actually choosing the soul of the party. what is the party going to be? that is what they are choosing amiri few days from now. >> even the border state, voters we talk to say the issue they are most concerned about, inflation, brett. bret: reporting from phoenix, thank you. we are back with the panel, cap and this is the most expensive senate race in the country so far. how important is this for republicans as far as gaining back controlled the senate? >> this is a key reit race for
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the hive a couple opportunities they seize arizona the state they could gain a seat. and the primary is really testing as he just said, where the role of the parties going it's testing whether the focus should be on the 2020 results, or on the future of the party, which is a fight we are seeing play out with former president trump and mike pence. we are going to see which of those arguments is the most successful in the primary and how that works. >> it's interesting to watch the different states. georgia in the primaries there, was kind of an anti- trump vote it seemed. and his endorsed candidates did not win. however arizona seems like a lot of back-and-forth with the former president. >> i think his pics and arizona are probably the favorites heading into that primary. but in georgia i think a lot of georgia republicans have been burned. they lost the state in 2020 then they lost both senate seats in
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2021 per there is a sense of okay we can't keep looking backwards we have to look forward. that is why you have governor kemp i think the driver seat to win reelection rate his secretary of state winning by a huge margin in the latest poll. will be a tale of two approaches to all of this. we'll see if both succeed for the republicans or one or the other does. seven the border is a huge issue, and gratian's a huge issue when you have the white out this week confirming they're going to close some of the gaps in if you want to call it trumps border wall, continue building in those gaps, saying it is about safety and not about blocking people, semantics aside how does the democratic party see that and that effort? >> first of all we have to point out here, there are semantics and there are semantics. republicans believed by making this move the biden administration is implicitly acknowledging having a border wall in place worked.
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so whether you spend 1st of million dollars, whether you fill in over one square foot or 100 square miles were proving the same point here. i would also point out like everything else these repairs to the wall are being made on a political calendar. probably not going to be completed to close to a year from now so think about how that plays out in midterms. one person who would really like to see the addition to the wall is senator kelly who has been pushing forward and pretty vocal about has been present biden demonstration heat what's to make the case he's tough on security. >> marie we just talk about the missions governors waste the air is out of this another major race in pennsylvania which is always a key state. our new fox poll shows democrat josh appear leading doug by ten points. this is one of the races democrats chose early on to spend money to boost his primary campaign. there is a poll had a little closer than we have it, it is early but does that strategy of
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boosting more trump friendly candidates in a place like pennsylvania, potentially backfire? >> i think we will see. i would not calmly trump friendly kenneth i think democrats prefer to run against extremist candidates people like dr. oz, peep like herschel walker in georgia or jd vance in ohio because they believe they want and 2020 preacher bided one by bring over some of those at moderate, some of the independence of the swing voters that exist in states like pennsylvania. that's why in a race like this democrats are feeling more confident per the senate numbers are looking better for it every time republicans nominate someone, eric is running in missouri, everything republicans nominate someone who is so extreme. democrats nominate someone who is not, they are feeling better that's why in the generic polling this week, the averages are basically tied now for the house were democrats and republicans are essentially tied but as we head into the mid turn 70s extreme candidates on the
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right where they have to talk about abortion or rote versus wade being overturned any of these other issues democrats are feeling they'd rather run against extremist polarizing figures than not. we'll see if it bears fruit in november. bret: it does go the other way, guy, the senate race in pennsylvania, fetterman leads dr. oz bite nine points in her latest poll. voter enthusiasm shows fetterman voters twice as enthusiastic than awes voters at this point. when you talk about policy, he is not exactly mainstream moderate democrat he is bernie sanders left wing. if you ask the abortion question and away, when are you okay with the limits? you don't get it answered prayer. >> answer is never from virtually everything will democrat in the country including suppose it moderates like tim ryan in ohio whose voter with joe biden one 100% of the time as a congressman part he does not support a single limit on abortion including late-term abortion it is just ghastly.
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that issue does cut both ways. i think it is interesting though, to marie's point yes on paper you always like to run to get someone you can paint as a crank, and extreme, or what have you tried to think it's quite cynical though for the democrats to say to anyone who will listen this is about more than party this is about country, this is about democracy. they do put millions of dollars behind people they would argo subvert democracy it's hard to take them seriously on that point. bret: put in the money then put an ad said this a threat to democracy. >> he is such a horrible affront to democracy, here's some money to help boost you because we want to run against you. >> your point early on former president trump and vice president in d.c. laying the groundwork for potential 2024 runs, both gave speeches, different messages in different tones, take a listen. >> the dangerously deranged roan are streets with impurity.
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for one reason there is no longer respect certainly is no order for a quick 2022 may be the best chance we ever have to build a lasting majority. to invigorate the conservative movement to fill conservatism purpose to save our nation left wing tierney socialism and the client requested doesn't seem to think it's moving independence? in think it's having an effect other moderate republicans, independence who tend to vote republican are feeling fatigue around trump? if they haven't changed their minds about january 6 they may be open to looking for somebody else, think that is the question now. >> is going to be interesting to see. that is one of the things we are looking at, panel thank you very much. we'll see you next sunday.
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that is that is it for me i'm right per drawing for special report on fox news john for the latest news come across the country and around the world. to make it a great week, see you next fox news sunday. day. rachel: go to church, everybody! bye. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. welcome to "sunday morning futures," i'm maria bart to romo. today, amateurish, underwater and dangerous. this week we learnedded what many expected, the economy is in recession. but instead of leading with a path forward, the biden administration decided to mislead the american people again, going on full spin control mode, attempting to redefine what recession really means and instead pushing a new talking point, transition. >> the united states in a better
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