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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 1, 2022 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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♪♪♪ >> thanks. >> coming to concert in this area. a lot of girls on long island. >> today was fun. let's do it tomorrow. >> bill: thanks, guys, good morning, everybody. counter measures and consequences is what beijing is threatening in response to a possible taiwan visit by speaker pelosi as she arrives in singapore. good morning. hope you had a great weekend. dana has the day off. bill hemmer, julie, welcome back. >> i'm julie banderas and this is "america's newsroom." singapore is the first of four official stops on pelosi's trip to asia. taiwan is not included on the
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itinerary but there is rumor she will visit it. >> bill: she would be the highest u.s. ranking official since gingrich did it in 1997. here is what newt gingrich said earlier today. >> the chinese communist dictatorship doesn't tell the american speaker where they can or can't go. you have to stand up to them or they will interpret it as a sign of weakness and they will grow even more aggressive. >> bill: greg palkot begins our story in london. big story. hello to you. >> big story, a lot of developments. nancy pelosi has started her asia trip that could include the taiwan stop and guess what? china is still not liking that at all. house speaker was in singapore meeting with its president and prime minister and scheduled to visit malaysia and south korea and japan. on the way she could make that
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visit to taiwan. continued some aggressive military exercises over the weekend. live fire drills off the coast in the direction of taiwan which is only about 80 miles away. its government officials have been speaking again today saying if there is a visit, its military would not sit idly by calling the stop a gross interference in china's internal affairs. the pentagon is not sitting idly by either. the ronald reagan aircraft carrier and strike group northeast of the phillip pins off taiwan in a short amount of time and other u.s. vessels and aircraft are in the region. taiwan media is reporting pelosi could begin her visit to the island as well -- as early as tuesday night into wednesday. there have been other reports
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talking like that. geographically logistically it makes sense but no confirmation. the confirmation is there is a lot of tension in that region. back to you. >> bill: greg, thank you. good stuff starting us off today. general jack keane has a lot to say about this. his analysis moments away right here. julie. >> meanwhile senate democrats are fast tracking a bill that would raise taxes on nearly all americans. this despite the u.s. entering a recession last week officially, not to mention a promise the president made on the campaign trail. >> president biden: nobody making under $400,000 would have their taxes raised period, bingo. >> edward lawrence is reporting live from the white house this morning. good morning, edward. >> the renamed -- the newly named inflation reduction act would raise taxes on almost everyone including corporations. more of the president's build
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back better agenda in it. a study says that bill would not lower inflation. in fact the spending in the bill. energy security climate change $369 billion. total spendsing on affordable care act ex tense $64 billion. $433 billion in new spending on top of all the money sloshing around already. the minneapolis federal reserve president over the weekend said it would not lower inflation. >> over the next couple of years it won't have much of an impact on inflation and how i analyze inflation. long term it may have some effect but over the near term we have acute mismatch between demand and supply. >> republicans say the mismatch is due to more government spending. the president argues we need even more spending to help a transition to stable growth, slower growth. i asked this. >> when can americans expect
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the transition to be over? >> it is happening currently right now. that is what we're stepping into. we see that -- we see that a little bit of a cooling, right, with the job numbers that we see every month. that is expected. so we'll continue to see that. >> just like the question about transitory inflation last year, no word on when the transition will be over. democrats say the increased taxes will pay for the increased spending. >> edward lawrence, thank you so much. >> bill: thank you, julie. countdown to the high stakes mid-term is on. 99 days on the calendar before voters decide the balance of power. ronna mcdaniel, rnc chairwoman. good morning. the tax story is something else. a lot to chew over in the days to come. there are primaries tomorrow. what you have seen in many primaries is the democratic
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party putting money behind trump-supported candidates. thinking if the trump-supported candidate wins they would have a better chance to defeat them in november. peter meyer voted to impeach the president, michigan 03, your home state. he just put out a piece. it reads why the democrats are funding my far right opponent. they said trump was a threat to democracy. now they are propping up my maga challenger, pretty rich. >> democrats are separate. nothing to run on, no message. they will try to meddle in primaries. voters don't take kindly to that. i don't think either party meddling in parties bodes well. 2020 trump-banked candidates in the house 15 picked up seats. we started the red wave back then and only need four to take the majority and retire nancy
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pelosi. >> bill: so senator manchin was out, did all the talk shows on sunday talking about the new plan and new idea edward lawrence is talking about and the taxes embedded in this report and see how it goes over in the end whether it passes or not. he was with bret on "fox news sunday". this exchange is probably rather telling. watch. >> i can't predict 2024, i truly can't and i don't think we should. >> would you support him if he did >> everything that we do here is calculated on the 2022 election, 2024 election. if i'm still here i work with whoever whether president biden or whoever it may be. i'm not going to make those decision. >> bill: that is pretty much a non-commitment. >> the only place that joe biden's approval number is lower than with the american people is with democrats in the senate and house.
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none of them are endorsing their president. he has the lowest approval of any sitting president i think it speaks volumes where our country is. biden inflation, baby formula, gas prices, border, afghanistan, drug crisis. we are in shambles as a country over joe biden. manchin contributed to that with this act. it will raise prices on the american people. many democrats said you don't raise taxes during a recession. we're in the definition of a recession with two quarters of negative gdp and now they are raising taxes. it is a shame and their policies are hurting the american people. >> bill: some see it entirely differently, ronna. when you consider the lowest approval rating in july hit 31% and inflation 9.1% in july apparently a friend of the president spoke to axios.
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we are reagan, we had a big plan. we're getting it in place. suggesting that ronald reagan, the early 80s had work to do but once he got going there it was off to the races and that's what they -- that's the situation they find themselves now. how would you react to that? >> i would say let's look at the history books. ronald reagan inherited a recession from jimmy carter and took us out of it. joe biden inheristed a recovery under donald trump and took us into a recession. we know that happened because of the stimulus package, cut the keystone pipeline. increased energy prices. we're all suffering from it. the american people know we're under a recession and joe biden is at the helm of that. they should reread their history before they start comparing joe biden to ronald reagan. i think it's a little sacrilegious, actually. >> bill: thank you so much. primary day tomorrow yet again. ronna mcdaniel. thank you for your time from
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the rnc. the devastation in eastern kentucky at times is biblical. four young siblings now among those confirmed dead in the flooding. how that community is trying to respond now coming up. >> president biden suffering a rebound case of covid after taking the drug paxlovid. the same thing that happened to dr. fauci. is it still a viable treatment? we'll ask dr. marc siegel. >> bill: a council woman in new jersey accused in a brutal hit and run on camera prompting calls for her to resign now. wait until you hear how she is responding coming up. (cool guy) $30...that's awesome. (mom) it's their best unlimited price ever. (woman) for $30 a line, i'm switching now. (vo) the network you want. the price you love. only from verizon.
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>> julie: bizarre and mysterious death in north carolina. the co-pilot of a small cargo plane either fell or jumped from the cockpit in midair before the pilot made an emergency landing. jonathan serrie is following this investigation for us. good morning. >> good morning to you, julie. the ntsb is investigating along with state and local authorities. ist all began as an emergency landing at -- the problem reporting a problem with the landing gear. it landed without its right wheel. witnesses could see the right wing tilting toward the ground. the plane came to rest in a grassy area on the side of the runway. pilot treated and released from the hospital with injuries. there was a co-pilot on the plane who was nowhere to be seen and not immediately clear whether that co-pilot, a 23-year-old, had jumped or
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fallen from the plane. >> it's a unique situation. normally we deal with airplane crashes, never with an individual exiting out of a plane. i know that a lot of people have helped out. matter of fact that's how we came about locating the -- mr. crooks. >> while police searched the grounld along the flight path a resident approached them in a suburb 30 miles from the airport and said she heard a noise earlier behind her home. they discovered the body of the co-pilot nearby. investigators say they believe the victim fell 3500 feet from the plane. they have yet to say whether they believe the fall is what killed him or whether he died before his body left the plane. mr. crooks's father tells wral news his son had always wanted to be a private pilot. he got his license when he was in college and he was living his dream. would not have traded places
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with anyone up until his tragic and very unexpected death on friday. >> julie: so sad. thank you. >> bill: meanwhile, house speaker nancy pelosi touching down in singapore today, the first stop on her tour of asia. missing from her official itinerary is a potential stop in taiwan. there is growing speculation the speaker is going to go in defiance of beijing. the reports are that she will be in taiwan tomorrow night. what do you make of the back and forth and back again? >> i think that's likely and it is the right decision. this got off on the wrong foot. it's unfortunate because it led to much more of a story. even more of a crisis. it began when someone in the administration leaked the story that the speaker was going to make an unscheduled, unannounced stop in taiwan slairm to how senior officials
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have gone to iraq, afghanistan, even ukraine unannounced and likely unscheduled in terms of public notification. so that made the story much larger and then secondly, when the president intervened and sort of threw water on it by saying well, the military doesn't see it as the right thing to do. that made it a huge story because now we have a president disagreeing with the speaker who is making a visit and it incentivized the chinese, bill, to come on strong because they saw an opportunity. the opportunity was let's ramp this up and let's get the united states to back down. it looks like they're already way to doing it and we'll score a major political victory for president xi prior to the national party congress, which is coming up in several weeks, where he will be enshrined for the third term. they seized on this.
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the rhetoric was stronger than it normally is. it became so much more than what it deserved to be. i don't believe the consequences that the chinese are talking about -- >> sorry about that. my apologies. a couple things here. there is a report out of taipei that taiwan has gone on high alert. see how it plays out. the way you describe this general seems like they screwed it up publicly from the very beginning. just fumbled the entire mission and operation there. but newt gingrich said something on air two hours ago. he said if you can't keep the house speaker safe in and out of taiwan how will you keep taiwan safe? it's a heck of a statement. >> i don't know who has doubts about our ability to keep the speaker safe. we can obviously do that. this is all about -- listen, what's lost in this is russia
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committed itself to a military invasion of ukraine after announcing to the world for years that ukraine is part of russia. we have president xi here for 10 years now saying that taiwan is really a part of mainland china. if they don't willingly submit to our governance of taiwan, then we'll take it by force. we cannot provide any incentive to this man to think that we are weak and we are not going to come to the assistance of taiwan. that's the damage that was about to be done here. certainly going forward with the visit will reassure our allies that we are still engaged with taiwan and support them. what are they looking at? the implications are will you support us, japan, south korea, philippines, australia, given the aggression and malign behavior of china in the region? >> it's a lot. general quickly here you have the heavy rocket that was supposed to have lift-off over
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the weekend. it was brought back to earth and you have talked repeatedly about president xi trying to fortify his position in the eyes of the others within the communist party in beijing. this is nothing short of an embarrassment, i would imagine, for him, is it not? >> well, yeah, certainly. and having this rocket 10 stories high weighing 23 tons falling back into the earth's atmosphere, most of it not being guided to a safe location in the earth's atmosphere, is pretty outrageous. it begs the fact that we've got to get some international rules and regulations governing space and its debris and other things. this is an area, i think, where the united states can lead. look, we know space is being weaponized but look at all the commercial entities involved in space. we have to get some rules
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governing the safety of space utilization. >> bill: thank you as always for your time and we'll call on you very soon and see how the trip in taiwan goes if it happens as reported. jack keane. back to julie. >> julie: shocking news out of virginia. where police have discovered a synthetic opioid far more deadly than fentanyl and the white house has offered a deal for the release of two americans detained in russia. are they closer to coming home? we'll get reaction from trevor reid who was released from russia in a prisoner swap next.
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>> we can now confirm we've lost 30 people in kentucky to this flooding and it is going to grow. >> bill: wow. kentucky's governor giving an update a few moments ago. emergency crews working now desperately to rescue people trapped by the floodwaters in the eastern part of that state. making things even worse, more rain in the forecast for the area again. fox weather correspondent is live in hazard, kentucky again eastern part of the state. nicole, it's a mess where you are. hello. >> good morning. unfortunately i'm standing in the remnants of what was a family's home. you can see around me pieces of their roof, their walls, and
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just next to me right here a doll covered in mud and debris. that's the reality for so many across eastern kentucky as we learn more and more people are among the dead. 30 now across the state. but that number includes four children. it is just a devastating picture to paint as we talk with survivors who continue to express not only how grateful they are to be alive but also the amount of guilt they feel knowing they made it through. but the stories of survival across these communities incredible. one man telling us he strapped his family to a light post for two hours as those raging floodwaters tore his community to pieces. you will look behind me and you will see what is likely left of this home. i may be standing in the remnants of likely traveling miles down the still-rushing creek as we've already seen, a good amount of rain this
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morning and with more to come. of course, the fear only elevated. so community members today are focused on two things. one, the continued search and rescue effort doing anything they can to provide resources to energy responders, the national guardsmen who remain committed to digging through debris just like this to try to search for those survivors. but also getting help to those that have nothing left. many hundreds still sleeping in shelters. they need food, clean water and a lot of support during this trying time. >> bill: nicole, it is unbelievable. the river has been running for it seems like seven straight days. i see some sun on your face. what is the forecast today? is there more rain in sight? >> rain in the forecast, yes. we're looking at a glimpse of the sun. the first time this morning in hazard, kentucky. even just the talk of a chance
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of rain for the folks in eastern kentucky is not something they are comfortable saying and knowing just how devastating things already are. whether or not it could equate to the level of flooding is unclear. but any rain won't help the search and rescue efforts throughout the state. >> bill: our best to all of them. we keep our prayers for eastern kentucky. nicole, thank you. good to have you there from fox weather. >> julie: president biden is back in isolation after testing positive for covid again in what the white house is calling a quote rebound case. the president tweeting saturday folks, today i tested positive for covid again. this happens with a small minority of folks. i've got no symptoms but i am going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. i'm still at work and will be back on the road soon. we've got fox news contributor dr. marc siegel joining us to
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talk about this. not the first time we've heard of this. certainly not the last. the president, dr. fauci among many others. what is the reason for these rebound cases for patients treated with paxlovid. >> they are underestimating this greatly, the first thing. they are behind on this. the new sub variants coming off have a lot more virus attached to them. if you get sick with omicron now you have a lot more virus in your system. paxlovid is knocking it down and back and why you feel better and the test turns negative. the fda is saying 1 to 2% rebound. it's more like 20 to 30% in my experience and going up. i think the fda should have taken a close look at this and extended the five days to seven to eight days a while ago. i'm having to prescribe second rounds of paxlovid and having disagreement with pharmacists on a daily basis. fda needs to get involved.
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the president's case proves this. i also think the president played fast and loose with this. he was still congested when he went out of quarantine on wednesday. i was concerned this was going to happen and i said it on the air. >> julie: the biden administration, they have touted the drug as an effective tool in the fight against covid and they insist that it is reliable, despite these rebound cases being they are rare. there is a pfizer clinical trial that shows that pfizer's trial has proven that there is a rebound in 1 to 2 percent of patients. hearing from you it is more common than that. i wonder if the biden administration is sort of -- you know, underplaying this, downgrading this in order not to alarm people or i don't understand what to make of it. >> the drug works. by the usual mixed messaging or out of date messaging they are
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sending a lack of confidence into the community and opponents use to attack the drug. that's the wrong idea. the administration has done this over and over with masks, mandates, vaccines. straight messaging. the drug works. you may need it for more days. you may need a longer course, it may not cure completely the virus but it is a valuable tool against it. the vaccination plus packs -- paxlovid put us in a place where we weren't. nasal congestion and getting a rebound case for the president is a bad look for them. the way they should message now is to say the drug works but doesn't work as well or as effectively against these sub variants. we may need to use more of it, not less. i see a dramatic response to this drug and a fan of the drug. i've seen more and more and more cases where it rebounds. >> julie: it is extremely much more contagious these days with the smaller variants but again
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thank god the symptoms are not even close to what it was in the original. >> you shouldn't be out there. if he is going to talk about not spreading it, he shouldn't be out there with a positive test, should he? >> julie: or with symptoms. that's for another day, i suppose. dr. marc siegel. thank you for coming on. >> bill: fallout over an apparent hit and run involving a new jersey council woman. reports are that she waited hours before she reported the hit. a live report and people are calling for her to step down. critics say joe manchin caved on a bill. it will further damage an economy that is already reeling. they say taxes for those middle americans will go up without question, they will go higher. check it out. >> you are seeing them essentially raid the treasury on their way out because they
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seen this ad? it's not paid for by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> julie: senate democrats are rushing to pass this multi-trillion dollar spending bill. the "wall street journal" calling it the schumer/manchin tax increase. the editorial board says it
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hits u.s. manufacturing especially hard and will raise taxes on americans making less than $400,000 a year. that would break a promise the president made. let's bring in fox business anchor dagen mcdowell. awesome to see you. let's talk about the bill. it is rushed. i don't know why. it is expected to add billions of dollars in new taxes. biden promised not to raise taxes on us. another broken promise in the midst of all times a recession. what are democrats thinking? >> they're thinking about themselves again. politicians -- politics seems to be a profession of meism, not youism. as in you the american people. it is 433 billion in new spending, as you said, $327 billion in new taxes, all of
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those taxes about half of it according to the joint committee on taxation, half of those new taxes would hit u.s. manufacturers. so what does that do? it crushes job creation, it crushes spending by those very american businesses that means less money to hire, less money to pass on wage increases to the existing employees. and then you have the -- those taxes will also hit working americans. research done on this is that taxes are going to rise by 16.7 billion dollars just next year on americans earning less than $200,000 a year. and then you have the spending that fuels inflation. so when the economy is in recession and you have 40-year high inflation is one thing you don't do is pass a new huge tax and spend monstrosity.
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that's exactly what joe manchin and chuck schumer are trying to do. it's mind-boggling. i could go on but continue, julie. i won't run off at the mouth. >> julie: you should. they should be listening and they're not. that's the biggest problem. the people making under $400,000 will get hit where it hurts. let's talk about the people 200 to 400,000. the total revenue raised, $739 billion. 13% corporate minimum tax, prescription drug pricing and on and on. that's the bill breakdown. here is joe manchin on criticism that inflation will be negatively impacted by his deal. react to this. >> they don't think it will have an impact on inflation. so that's a group that is looking at this. >> bret, i respectfully disagree on that. we can have differences of opinion. we have done all of this and i'm saying with that we have 17
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nobel laureates the time before say inflation will be transitory. people have difference of opinions but they have to work hard to find some. >> julie: a difference of opinion. this isn't opinion, it's fact. the taxes would mostly hurt 49.7% of the tax would hit u.s. manufacturers, wholesale trade, retail trade, information companies and analysis by congress joint committee on taxation concurs it will be a mess. we're in the middle of a recession which they denied until a week ago. and americans are already hurting. badly. now this is just going to punch them even harder. >> so joe manchin, what is he getting out of all of this? some new permitting for pipelines and energy projects that will never materialize? i think we all have to ask that
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question. but the budget model which senator manchin has watched in the past and "wall street journal" editorial page notes that in its editorial today, the quote from penn wharton says the impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero. i would argue that it will make it worse. but whatever happened to democrats who said don't raise taxes during a recession? barack obama said that in 2009, chuck schumer said it in 2008, joe manchin said i don't think during a time of recession you mess with any of the taxes or increase any of the taxes. he said that in 2010. again, i've stopped trying to understand what these liberals are doing. they are living in a left wing loon-a verse that is disconnected from hard working men and women whose standard of living is in decline who are being screwed over by these policies all day long every day.
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>> julie: selective memory only when it serves them. when it doesn't serve them i never said that. there is proof. that's what tv is for. great to see you. >> bill: julie, new jersey city democratic council woman refusing calls to resign. we'll show you the video here. apparently shows her hit a bicyclist at an intersection and kept going. david lee, what are the facts about what we understand on this now? >> although the video is difficult to look at. the bike rider was not seriously injured. damage to the reputation of the council woman who was allegedly behind the wheel of the s.u.v. is significant with growing calls for her to resign. the collision happened a few weeks ago in jersey city. an s.u.v. slams into a cyclist and drives away. the cyclist gets back on his
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feet and makes his way out of the intersection. >> you are coming this way? >> julie: they drove through a red light. i was going and going and -- she drives away. >> black later said he ran the red light not the s.u.v. that hit him. the alleged driver of the car is jersey city council woman amy degise. she was given two summonss. failure to report an accident and leaving the scene of an accident. her spokesperson says she is not going to step down. a portion of a statement reads council woman degise was elected a few months ago and has no intention of walking away from the commitment she made. she will not resign and plans to complete her full term and continue in public service. as of this morning, more than 3500 people have signed an online petition calling for the council woman's ouster. this is not the first
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controversy for the council woman. soon after she was elected her car was toed for an expired registration and parking illegally. attempting to prevent the car from being impounded she said she was endorsed by jersey city police and a council woman. nevertheless the car was taken away. we'll see what happens with this. >> david lee miller in the new york newsroom. >> julie: house speaker nancy pelosi in singapore, the first stop of a multi-country asia tour. will she still visit taiwan despite warnings from china? plus from the concert stage to the courtroom, pop star shakira on trial in spain. we know her hips don't lie but what about her tax returns, next.
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>> julie: pop star shakira could face up to eight years in jail. she is going on trial in spain on tax evasion charges. she says she is innocent. william la jeunesse in l.a. with the details. william. >> julie, it is doubtful this worldwide celebrity will spend any time in jail but right now it is scheduled to go to trial. the issue is this. how many days each year did shakira live in spain? if prosecutors can prove she lived there for more than six months each year, she owes spain $17 million in backs taxes and another $24 million in penalties. this is the game they play. a house in a low-cost state or country. in shakira's case the bahamas with zero income tax and zero inheritance, zero capital gains tax. spain claims she was really living in barcelona with her ex, the soccer star and her two children where the tax rate is
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50%. a judge has determined there is sufficient evidence to go to court. with prosecutors claiming they have resets, medical care, shopping and more and shakira cheated living in spain for more than 200 days in year in 2012, 13 and 14. and spain claims to have evidence that the 45-year-old singer is hiding income in off shore accounts. she has a net worth of $300 million. she says she is innocent, julie. she sifrmd followed the advice of her accountants. chances are they reach a settlement and she doesn't go to jail. >> julie: she is pretty sure she won't be going to jail if you look at cases like this in spain. you will unlikely will be spending time behind bars. that's it. thank you so much. interesting story. bill. >> bill: meanwhile we've got this proposed prisoner swap with moscow.
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wnba star britteny griner and a former marine paul whelan for viktor bout. this man spent three years in a jail and he is cautiously optimistic about a deal. trevor reed, thank you for your time. i read where you said your message is that more needs to be done. like what, trevor? >> so there is over 65 americans who are wrongfully detained around the world. so the biden administration is obviously working to get paul whelan and britteny griner home. i support that and i'm grateful they're doing that. they have been surprisingly transparent with that interest but there is, you know, dozens of other americans who are
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being held overseas in multiple countries and i hope that the administration will continue to work to get those americans out as well. >> bill: yeah. trevor, what were conditions like for you for three years there? >> yeah, it's terrible there. obviously the food that you are getting is extremely poor quality. the forced labor camp i refused to work so i was being punished by being put in solitary confinement that consists of basically just a concrete room. i slept on the floor for most of my time there. you have one hour a day where you can walk inside a small, concrete room about the size of a large closet. i had malnutrition when i came back, i was 130 pounds.
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i have regained about 60 pounds since i've been home in that time. >> bill: that's unbelievable. they accused you of getting rough with a police officer in moscow. you fought that and lost for three years. but i read where you said that you didn't want to hear any news about a potential release for yourself in captivity. how come? >> yeah, i asked my family to, you know, to not give me any information involving any type of potential release or a trade or any type of optimistic information like that because i didn't want the russian government to be able to take that from me. to me i wanted to kind of have this wall up and protect myself from any type of potential pain or disappointment. so i asked them not to do that. they didn't listen to me.
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>> bill: i can imagine. i have about 15 seconds left. should we swap a convicted arms dealer for americans held there against their will? >> i believe so. i believe in this case that it's worth and that trade is probably, you know, to the benefit of the united states more than it is to russia. viktor bout has sat 20 years in u.s. prison and paul whelan has 13 years left in prison. he is innocent, britteny griner we don't know how long she has but she will have a large sentence as well. so i believe in this case it is definitely worth it and i hope that they consider that with other americans as well. >> bill: trevor, good to see you. you look well and healthy. thank you for sharing your story. trevor reed. >> thank you. >> bill: fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi
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touching down in singapore a few hours ago. first leg of her big trip in asia. her office confirming additional stops in japan, south korea, malaysia, still no word officially on whether she will visit taiwan. there are reports that will happen. brand-new hour begins now on a monday, the first day of august. dana has the day off today. i'm bill hemmer and welcome back to you, j.b. >> julie: i can't believe summer is half over. where did it go? so sad. i know you love august. >> bill: august is my favorite month. >> julie: you're in it now. i'm julie banderas. thank you for coming on and joining us on "america's newsroom." chinese state media warn of severe punishment and even calling for pelosi's plane to be shot down if she visits taiwan. general jack keane last hour. >> we have president xi here for 10 years now saying that taiwan is really a part of
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mainland china. if they don't willingly submit to our governance of taiwan, then we'll take it by force. we cannot provide any incentive to this man to think that we are weak and we will not come to the assistance of taiwan. >> bill: jack keane was hot on fire. former national security council member michael allen standing by. aishah hosni, the news today. good morning. >> good morning. the whole world is watching her every move and this morning there are several reports that the speaker will travel to taiwan as china, beijing really issues warning after warning saying that this is a very serious situation. so just this morning speaker pelosi tweeted these pictures of her visit to singapore where she greeted u.s. marines and met with the deputy prime minister. over the weekend she released her official itinerary. taiwan is notably missing from that. leading up to the trip, bill.
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she faced serious pressure from china and even from the white house to not visit the island. china state media commentator warned her plane could be shot down if accompanied by u.s. military jets. as she went on her journey this weekend china announced it would conduct a military exercise off its coast near taiwan. now warning that such a visit could lead to a very serious situation and consequences. >> if house speaker pelosi insists on visiting taiwan china will defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. as for what measures we will take let's see if she dares making the visit. >> national security coordinator john kirby on all of the tension. >> we shouldn't be intimidated by that rhetoric or those potential actions. this san important trip for the speaker to be on and we'll
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support her. is the u.s. prepared for fallout from china? >> i don't want to get ahead of where things are. >> bill, the pressure is on. if she doesn't make this trip some, like senate g.o.p. mitch mcconnell has criticized she would be handing china a victory. >> bill: aishah hosni, thanks from the hill. michael allen, former national security council member with me now. thank you for coming back here. it looks like it is going to happen based on some of the reporting three hours ago. where do we stand now, michael? >> well, i think what we are going to see in the region is severely enhanced tensions. xi is coming up on a very serious internal chinese meeting this fall where he will get an unprecedented third term as the leader of china. it is in his interest to stoke tensions, to show he is tough and pretend he is the only
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chinese leader who can deal with the united states. so i expect him not so much to take it out on the united states, but he will ramp up pressure in the maritime and sea domain against taiwan significantly. so i do think this is going to be a time for enhanced tensions. that's why we have the ronald reagan carrier strike group in the region. i expect speaker's airplane to be flanked by two f-15s. it is a serious situation and we need to pay very close attention to what's happening. >> bill: last week after the call between biden and xi the whole line was about you are playing with fire. michael goodwin picked up on that somewhat today in his column in the "new york post." here is what he writes. enough of joe biden's he said xi said. he goes on, it seems a mere visit by pelosi a grounds for chinese threats of military
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action. if in fact xi said anything sung as much on the call, then china has changed the rules of the arrangement and promised war if america does not comply. that's a monumental event and why it is imperative the american public know what xi said but exactly how biden responded. i would be curious to know that, wouldn't you? >> i would be curious to know that. i think president biden has not done a good job of explaining the stakes of the u.s./china competition to the american people. he said several times we need to defend taiwan and we will. but i haven't seen a true justification from him. he needs to give a better read-out of what happened on the call. we ought to know more about what is on the biden agenda and he ought to do it very, very soon because listen, this whole episode is indicative of a very tense relationship and the
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american people need to be briefed up on it. >> bill: i agree with you 1,000 percent. why would he not do that, however? >> i think that he is too busy with other things and i think they just delegated it out to the secretary of state. he should do it. it has to do with how much bandwidth he has to carry on these big massive issues. i really wish even president biden ought to get out there and explain this to the american people. this is by the way one of the most bipartisan issues that there is in the united states. republicans and democrats together concede that china is a big threat. we need to have an agenda and the american people need to know what we are doing each and every day to meet the china threat. >> bill: good to have you back. we'll watch it by the hour. thanks for coming today. >> julie: voters in arizona are heading to the polls tomorrow with lots of eyes on the republican senate primary where
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several candidates hope to unseat democrat incumbent mark kelly. fox news senior correspondent alicia acuna is following the race live in phoenix. >> bill: democratic senator mark kelly is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in the country and he is in a state that former president trump takes very personally. trump has endorsed blake masters, who has worked for tech billionaire peter keel and receiving his financial backing. masters was in tucson last night talking to voters. >> the left is driving this country into a ditch. ifm owe sick of it. you know what else i'm sick of? weak willed establishment republicans who have just let it happen. no more of that. >> also on the ballot jim lehman self-funding his campaign. he would not have certified the
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2020 election when president biden won here and while not trump endorsed he promises an america first agenda. >> we want our energy back. we want to get back mining in america. >> arizona attorney general mark brnovich did certify the 2020 results here. that's part of his job. he says he is still getting plenty of heat for that but also reminds voters he is actually from here. >> i think the day in age when people can buy a senate seat shouldn't be here. in arizona we have a long history of rejecting self-funders. >> here is a look at the real clear politics average of polls. masters has a double digit lead over both competitors, turnout is critical and chick an owes is on the ground registering. organizers say neither party is listening and democrats need to step it up. julie, it is a battle in the desert and we're here for it.
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>> julie: thank you. >> bill: tomorrow it is. first look at thousands of previously-sealed documents from the johnny depp/amber heard trial. those materials include some very interesting text messages. have details on that coming up right here >> julie: chicago prosecutor blasting state's attorney kim foxx in a scorched earth resignation letter and why he says he has zero confidence in her leadership. >> bill: a growing chorus of republicans accusing the f.b.i. actively working to protect hunter biden. what it might mean for the future of the agency. >> they want to characterize it as disinformation and they shut that investigation down. now, this is hurting the credibility of the f.b.i. people ought to have ultimate confidence in the f.b.i. home eq. you can get at least 25% more cash at newday
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>> julie: a chilling discovery in virginia. state police say they have found a new synthetic opioid that is three times more powerful and deadly than fentanyl. mike tobin is live with the story. mike. >> heroin and more finish,
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youent you had with fentanyl unprecedented number of overdose deaths. and now virginia state police just mentioned say there is another synthetic opioid three times more potent than fentanyl. they are potent because they bind tighter to the receptors in the brain that pick up on opioids. when you talk about three times more potent than fentanyl that times is 50 times more potent that heroin. the center for forensic science and research warns these drugs are gaining traction across the united states and canada. they're being found mixed with heroin and oxycodone. people have to keep in mind with all the synthetic drugs out there and they are mixed together you don't know what you are buying. the new synthetic opioids are
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not widespread ye. overdoses caused are relatively low but relative to fentanyl. last year the u.s. had a record of overdoses 108,000. most of them were from fentanyl. the antidote or treatment for opioid overdoses is narcan. with a new synthetic opioids pulling back someone from an overdose requires three times the narcan dose. the advice is obvious. if you get a pill and not from your doctor, don't take it. back to you. >> julie: thank you very much. bill. >> bill: president's poll numbers in the tank the "washington post" put together their own list of democrats most likely to replace him at the top of the ticket. according to the opinion writers vladimir putin -- vp kamala harris is at the top of
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the list. one writer describes her as charmless, gaffe prone, and not particularly loved by voters. end quote. marc thiessen has a few thoughts on this. what else do you want to throw at her, marc? >> well, my friend understates the case. kamala harris is less popular -- joe biden is the left popular president and kamala harris is less popular than him. she can't string a coherent sentence together. i don't think nominating here is the democrats' dream ticket. >> bill: the top nine
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candidates. harris, buttigieg, newsom, whitmer, klobuchar. aoc, checks in at number 6. warnock, see if he can win his reelection in november. corey beerk and shared brown. harris is at the top of the heap. >> yeah. this list in and off itself is an indictment of the democratic party. why did democrats nominate joe biden in the first place? they spent the entire 2020 primary season looking for an alternative to biden. he was the least worst candidate. the genial inoffensive centrist who wouldn't scare away moderate voters who didn't like donald trump and didn't want socialism. the reason his approval is ing socialism and he abandoned his promise to be a moderate centrist uniter and spent like
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a drunken sailor and why he is collapsing. what do you have on this list? the also rans from before who were passed over in favor of joe biden. you got kamala harris who is less pop you are, gavin new some the governor of a state with a shortage of u haul drux because people are leaving the state and whitner? aoc the person who has driven the biden administration into the ground? leader of the progressive movement that convinced biden to try to become a new fdr without the fdr-like majorities in congress? all of these people are worse choices than biden. shows you the problem democrats have. >> bill: ron johnson is in a reelection campaign. he was hot on fire about the f.b.i. over the weekend going back to the laptop story, hunter biden. listen to what senator johnson
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had to say. >> it is important the american public understand the f.b.i. had hunter biden's laptop in december of 2019. here we are in end of july, early august of 2022, what have they done with it? no, you can't trust this department of justice and f.b.i. to get to the bottom of this. >> bill: he has felt this way for a long time and if you listen to johnson, people are coming to him and grassley, senator grassley, and giving them information, marc. go. >> that's exactly right. what people need to understand this is not republican senators accusing the f.b.i. of wrongdoing. these are people within the f.b.i. coming to grassley and johnson. chuck grassley is the nonpartisan champion of whistleblowers from left to right. everybody knows if you see wrongdoing you can bring it to chuck grassley and he will protect you and he will get to the bottom of it. what happened was a bunch of
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whistleblowers including senior f.b.i. officials who are concerned with this came to them with evidence that they were trying to shut down the hunter biden investigation by taking and declaring that information that had been proven credible was in fact russian disinformation an they tried to undermine their investigation by giving them a briefing and leaking it to the media saying they were pursuing leads that were russian distore. this is coming from inside the f.b.i. from patriotic people in the f.b.i. concerned about the credibility and direction of their agency. not a republican or conservative attack on the f.b.i. >> bill: likely more to come. marc, thank you. nice to see you on this monday. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, bill. >> because of their actions, every single community in america is now a border city. this is a national crisis. >> julie: the migrant crisis
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moving to cities all across the country. former border patrol chief is up next on why biden's lax policies are spreading agents thin. plus another massive wildfire raging on in california. we have a live report on efforts to contain the inferno.
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and they can often help veterans when other lenders won't. need money for your family? call newday usa right now and use the va home loan benefit you've earned and deserve. >> julie: kentucky governor says at least 30 people are now dead in the flooding there. in a briefing last hour he said 12,000 people are still without power and some areas are still getting inundated with rain. responders meantime have been able to clear some roads and handing out food, medical supplies and clothes. >> the level of devastation is really unprecedented. it is going to take us a long time to rebuild. our commitment, my personal commitment, is we'll be here every day, every week, and as many years as it takes to
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rebuild this area. >> julie: the national guard saying it is continuing to support search efforts. troops helped rescue 500 people over the weekend. >> bill: a huge wildfire in northern california near the state of oregon burning since friday. firefighters still struggling to put it out. claudia cowen reports from says lito. are they making any progress? >> in some respects but we've learned this massive wildfire has caused two fatalities. it has now become a deadly fire. the mckinley fire as it is known just exploded in size over the weekend to 80 square miles in a national forest near the oregon border and the state's biggest wildfire so far
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this year. the bodies of two people were found in their car in a driveway trying to escape as the flames tore through the small town where nearly every home burned to the ground. heartbreaking. crews are bracing for more lightning strikes and hot, windy conditions. >> the thunderstorms coming into the area, the threat of -- they the end to drive the fire in all directions. >> in this scenario fires send embers flying past containment lines sparking new fires. the area is sparsely populated. hundreds of homes are threatened and hundreds of residents are evacuated. the mckinney fire is zero contained and firefighters are bracing for more thunderstorms and hot, windy conditions today.
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>> bill: wow. claudia, thank you. nice to see you in northern california. >> why is the biden administration building a border wall in arizona? >> so we are not -- we are not finishing the wall. we are cleaning up the mess the prior administration left behind. >> but president biden when he was a candidate said there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. what changed? >> we're not finishing the wall. >> julie: the white house is denying as you heard twice there it is not finishing the border wall. as the biden administration quietly resumes construction on gaps near yuma, arizona, one of the busiest crossings for migrants trying to enter the u.s. illegally. joining us now former u.s. border patrol and acting ice director. i don't understand why they are
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so against admitting that this is what is happening? why are they hiding what i believe most americans might actually find comfort in knowing that they are at least trying to do something to try to stop the influx of illegal immigrants flowing across the border of arizona? why deny it? >> i agree. they have to deny it because he ran on saying he wasn't going to build anymore wall. it is important to close the gaps. yuma is out of control. thousands of people coming to that border every day. this administration is promoting an open border scenario. when you leave gaps in the wall it further takes agents off the mission. when you have a gap in the border wall people will exploit it. smugglers will exploit it and drug smugglers will exploit it. agents have to be stationary in the gaps instead of actually
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patrolling the area. it's difficult for the men and women of the border patrol now. they are so busy and overwhelmed with the open border policy that is driving many people from all over the world to come to our border right now. >> julie: when denying they were finishing the wall that we just saw with the white house press secretary she said instead this was a bit odd to say she was cleaning up the mess the prior administration made. the prior administration was trying to clean up a mess that the prior administration made, the bam yo administration and they're the ones that started the building of the wall in the first place. isn't this just another case of biden administration hypocrisy? >> it is, it is. they know walls work and only ideologues and the super woke will say walls don't work on the southwest border. agents know walls work, data shows walls work and it provides anchor for border security regime across the
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border and gives access to agents. makes them safer, an anchor for technology and other tools that agents need to work safely. and helps protect the border. only the radicals are saying that walls don't work. any agent that has been in the border patrol for more than five minutes know walls work and the data shows it. >> julie: they took in 21 cuban migrants off the coast of florida sunday in two separate events on top of the 15 cubans arrested saturday morning. agents are inundated from the south to the west. at the border with mexico they continue to deal with record migrant encounters. biden's lax border policies are stretching cdp, the customs border patrol agents thinner than ever before. what more should be done? >> they need resources for sure. they need to change back to policies that were actually working on our southwest border. this is an example of what the
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border patrol does to save people. the people were abandoned off the coast of florida and that's what agents do. they protect and help people but they're completely overwhelmed last month 207,000 encounters. people all around the world know that this administration is promoting an open border so they are coming in large numbers. almost 7,000 a day all last month and no end in sight. no plan from this administration to secure that border. no plan to ask for resources. they leave us all wondering what they are trying to accomplish. >> julie: i would think they would want to own it if they are finishing the wall so it looks as if they are doing something. thank you so much. >> bill: on and on it goes. a woman dying after apparently falling out of a moving police car in the state of georgia. what we're learning now from
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the state's investigation on that. a former top prosecutor is blaming the state's attorney in illinois, kim foxx, for an abrupt and angry resignation. civil rights attorney leo terrell will take it on next. have a listen.
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>> bill: new details on the death of brianna greer after she apparently fell out of a moving patrol car in georgia as officials release video of the incident. charles watson will tell us more about this. what are we learning here? good morning. >> good morning, bill. the georgia bureau of investigation released body cam video of the incident and the dep sees involved played a part in her fall from a moving patrol car while she was handcuffed. before we get to the video i want to warn viewers they may find the following images disturbing. taken on july 15th you see and hear greer yelling and struggling as two sheriffs deputies carry the handcuffed woman to a patrol car. her family says they called for help because she was having a
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mental health crisis. things got out of hand. at one point you see one deputy threaten greer with his taser before they lift her into the back seat of the vehicle. four minutes later the deputy with greer in custody is seen driving and stops, gets out. walks toward greer who at this point has fallen out of the vehicle and is laying face first on the ground. >> brianna, brianna. >> she isn't breengt. >> she is getting up. >> greer suffered substantial injuries that led to her death on july 21. according to the georgia bureau of investigation deputies didn't close the rear passenger side door near where the woman was sitting and failed to secure her with a seat belt.
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her family has hired benjamin crump and want to know how something like this could ever happen. >> we want to know what happened. we want to know what happened. that was my child? that was my daughter. >> a lot of emotions there, bill. a lot of questions as to why greer was handcuffed or arrested in the first place. the gbi says it is still an active investigation. possibly more answers to come, bill. >> bill: charles, thank you. that mystery continues in georgia. thank you. >> julie: a former top prosecutor in illinois who resigned friday night blaming cook county state attorney kim foxx, remember her? for his abrupt departure. he told staff in an email i have zero confidence in their leadership. i cannot continue to work for an administration i no longer respect.
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let's bring in leo terrell, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. great to see you, leo. let's get more from james murphy's resignation letter. it was long and good. how many mass shootings do there have to be before something is done? the this administration is more concern with political narratives and agends than prosecuting violent crime. that's why i can't stay any longer. kim foxx is no stranger to politically motivated rulings and this guy had had enough. when is kim foxx going to send in her resignation letter? >> never because she is backed by guys like george soros. you think of the justice she provided tore jussie smollett. soft on crime and career
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criminals. murphy is a 29 year prosecutor and had enough. nothing going on in chicago regarding prosecuting gang members and career criminals. just the reverse. they're soft on criminals. >> julie: i'm glad you brought up jussie smollett. she said the justice system failed him when he was sentenced to 150 days for staging a hate crime. she recused herself after we learned she was protecting him. george soros. what he wrote in the op-ed in the "wall street journal" is laughable. he says this, the most rigorous academic study analyzing data across 35 jurisdictions shows no connection between the election of reform-minded prosecutors and local crime rates. murder rates have been rising fastest in some republican states led by tough on crime
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politicians. where on earth is he getting those statistics? if you take a look at these statistics first. george soros, the crime rise in democratic led cities up from 2022 -- since 2021. new york city up 37%, chicago, los angeles. look at chicago, 35%, los angeles 5.8, san francisco 5.6. shootings are up. crime in up. these are in what, democrat-led cities. what is george soros talking about? >> first of all, that survey is a lie. he is living in an alternative universe. he doesn't live in chicago and l.a. he has private skooufrment i read the entire piece. he is doubling down and going to spend more money on bank rolling soft prosecutors like kim foxx and george gascon and he plays the race card. those cities like chicago and new york are run by minorities.
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he is claiming the criminal justice system is racist. he wants to eliminate the criminal justice system and law enforcement. he wants no law enforcement and it's a welcome sight for career criminals and gang members. >> julie: why the repeat rate in all these democratic cities are through the rule. bail reform is crap. these guys get arrested, out in 24 hours and they are accused of murder in many cases like los angeles where the governor there is responsible for the deaths of two cops who should have in -- the shooter should have been in jail. leo terrell, it fires me up. we don't have any more time. great to see you. >> thank you, julie. >> bill: everybody check out that piece in the "wall street journal," too. bombshell revelations unsealed in thousands of pages of documents from the johnny depp and amber heard defamation
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trial. tailor swift's p.r. campaign to make her look like a climate activist. [sfx: ding] [message] hey babe, meet us at the bottom of the trail. oh, man. hey! open up! the redesigned chevy silverado. with a sophisticated, high-tech interior... open the door! it's easy to forget it's a truck. ♪♪ - thanks. - nice truck! it was. find new style. find new roads.
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>> julie: newly unsealed court documents giving fans an inside look at the legal strategies used by johnny depp and amber heard during their bombshell defamation case. matt finn has the story from los angeles. >> these newly unsealed documents in the johnny depp and pd amber heard trial say depp's heard -- there was a series of texts between depp and manson. it reviewed thousands of pages of documents revealing depp's
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efforts to bring up heard's stint as an exotic dancer. heard's lawyers opposed mr. depp's attempt to maliciously suggest at one time ms. heard was an ex court. a 2016 text between d*eps and manson he said i have an amber 2.0. depp responded i've been reading a lot -- depp and manson did a lot of drugs together before heard arrived in australia and got into the fight where depp lost the tip of his right middle finger and how his legal team excluded testimony about depp's arrest record and a lawsuit accusing him of assault that was settled in ju. you may recall some of the sensational details that emerged in the defamation trial in where depp and heard alleged extreme mental and physical
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abuse. >> my life was falling apart. i was at a crossroads in my life. i was really furious and i had been attacked on my 30th birthday by a violent husband. >> the only person i have ever abused in my life is myself. >> a jury overwhelmingly agreed with depp awarding him $10 million. >> bill: julie, new jersey city council woman amy degise facing widespread pushback for refusing to resign after traffic kam video surfaced showing her hitting a cyclist with her s.u.v. at 8:00 in the morning and she drove off without stopping or slowing down. she apparently had the green light. comedian joins me now jamie la salle. wow. she goes to the cop shop six hours later. it's 8:00. why didn't she stop to make sure the guy was okay?
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it turns out he ran the red light, not her. >> you are right. she should have stopped. i think how you behave and how you react in an emergency shows who you really are. this is like your gut reaction. i'm so glad this guy is okay. what did she think she was getting away with? nothing we do is not being caught on camera. i ran a red light by mistake, a big truck in front of me. a week later i get a picture of me running the red light in the mail. how did they know that's me? the next picture was an hd picture of me so close i could have used it as a head shot. i don't know how she thinks she is getting away with this. when i see bikers in new york. super enthusiasts all dressed up or a d.u.i. i'm glad this guy is okay. >> bill: it can be a mess here.
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she said she hit her head in the car when she struck this man. see how it turns out. two more topics. taylor swift apparently flies a lot. 170 times since the first of january. that is almost every day. she says it is not me. i guess it's just a lot of her rich friends? >> right, yeah. i'll be honest my first thought when i read this was i wish i had a private jet and i'm so jealous. that is a lot of time to spend on this private jet. i don't know, man, i get it is super convenient. to be honest with you i'm not this type of person. i don't drive private. i actually on the way here from florida took a spirit airlines, which is almost the opposite of flying private. they charge me $50 just to uncross my arms and -- but i
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enjoyed when it was my turn to fly. it is too much. sometimes gigs and you need to fly private but this is too much. >> bill: in new york it has gotten so bad. welcome back. dwayne reed because of crime and inflation they're locking up the spam so it cannot be stolen. this is the town we have built, jamie. >> yeah. i love what they are saying. if you want to steal spam, you get a free gift. if i didn't want anyone to steal spam just have people try it. [laughter] >> bill: that would do it. you might save a lot. jamie, nice to see you. back to new york.
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see you soon. thanks for the laugh. that does it for a monday. we're in august, august 1. off we roll, right? >> julie: i love this much as much as you. i look forward to it. gillian turner is in for harris on "the faulkner focus". sigh back here tomorrow, bill. >> bill: see you then. here is gillian. >> fox news alert now. west virginia senator joe manchin defended his decision to back the spending bill. it is $400 billion. he says it won't raise taxes on the average family and will reduce inflation. critics say he is flat out wrong. we'll get into it. this is "the faulkner focus" and i'm gillian turner in for harris today. senator manchin admits he was wrong about the impact the last spending bill had on inflation. he also says the new plan's corporate


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