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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 1, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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dan, you and bret baier look like twins with the same tie on today. he called me before today. the color wheel. that's all for tonight. dvr the show. tucker is up next. always remember. i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." if you are joe biden, it takes a lot of brass to brag about afghanistan or even mention the word. bill clinton doesn't casually drop the term monica lewinsky in conversation. tries to forget it ever happened. you would think biden would feel the same about afghanistan. his withdrawal from that country was the single most humiliating
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moment in america since the fall of saigon. biden chose a path designed to inflict maximum damage the interests of the united states. he did that. this kind of know debating it. biden is not ashamed of it. he wasn't ashamed of identities not ashamed of it now. biden gave a speech boasting that he killed an al qaeda figure in afghanistan. feel safer? of course you don't. nobody does. the reason nobody feels safer is biden's response to the disaster in afghanistan. rocco then pause and learn from it, may be firing responsible. rather than do any of that, biden set off in another direction provoking another conflict, this one in eastern europe. he provoked it. they lie about it but it's true. the facts are out there and it's very obvious. so just days after the russian government announced yet again that if ukraine joined nato, if
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ukraine were to join nato, the russian army would invade ukraine. days after they said this for like the 50th time, kamala harris arrived at the u.n. security conference on publicly reading from a script called for ukraine to join nato. she read the words. they were written by someone at the state department so they know exactly who they were doing. they wanted a war with russia. now we have one. we're not winning that war by the way. the main american casualties so far has been our economy which is dying. so what was the point of this exercise? maybe someday they will tell us we don't have time to think about because now we have yet another potential war to contend with. and it comes in asia. just what we need. this week with the blessing of the biden administration nancy pelosi decided to head to taiwan. it's all but confirmed. government officials in taipei have been motivated that
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pelosi's arrival is imminent. she's definitely coming. the only variable is whether she spends the night so nancy pelosi goes to taipei what's the effect of that we don't need to guess the chinese government has said repeatedly and clearly so that if nancy pelosi lands in taiwan they could trigger a global war. watch. >> a chinese spokesperson said there would be serious consequences for the visit. >> of how speaker pelosi insists on visiting taiwan, china will take resolute and strong measures. >> tucker: are they bluffing? doesn't sound like it actually. a representative of the chinese state media said "if u.s. fighter jets escort pelosi's plane into taiwan, it is an invasion. the chinese army has the right to forcibly dispel pelosi's plane and the u.s. fighter jets
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including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of instruction. shoot them down. oh, okay. the white house was asked about this. suddenly on the brink of yet another global war potentially nuclear war because nancy pelosi has been given the green light by the white house to fly to taiwan. so what's the white house view of this? listen. >> unofficial associated with chinese state media suggesting that if speaker pelosi tries to go to taiwan her plane could be shot down. does the president have a response? >> you know, i have been asked, i know you're asking specifically about the rhetoric that we are hearing from china. as it relates to the speakers travels, it's something we are just not going to speak to. right now that is a hypothetical. >> tucker: it doesn't seem
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like a big deal to put dumb people in positions of authority. oh, we are helping them out. until something terrible goes wrong. which inevitably happens when you're running the biggest country in the world. that's hypothetical, says karine jean-pierre, even though of course it's the opposite of a hypothetical. there is nothing hypothetical about it. china has repeatedly threatened to shoot down planes carrying america speaker of the house. third in line to the president. yet no one seems to think this is a big deal. this is one of the weirdest moments in the weirdest presidency in american history. the biden administration is provoking a hot war with china which by itself would seem to be headline news. but why? it might make a kind of sense if biden had been the china hawk over the course of his career. if he wasn't taking money from the chinese government which he has but of course he's the opposite of a china hawk. he is a toady to china. he has helped the chinese
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government in ways no american president has contemplated. the administration helped cover up the origins of covid even after it became clear the global pandemic that wrecked the american economy is graded by the chinese military but we can't mention that because it was racist. the white house shut down a counterespionage program designed to shut down chinese spying. he refused to do anything to move critical any factoring back to the united states. he is telling strategic or or serves to china and ending our grade. today the pentagon spokesman john kirby who acts as a white house spokesman all of a sudden said this. we do not support taiwan independence. when was the last time the white house said that? no, they don't say that. now they are staying at. we don't think i want is its own country. okay.
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so on every level, meaningfully on the policy levels that matter biden has been more pro-china than any president and yet he seems to want a war with china now. this does not make any sense at all. in fact it only makes sense the biden white house is intentionally trying to weaken and destroy the united states. there is no other logical explanation for what we are seeing now. in fact, the template is very familiar. was happening in china looks very much like what happened in ukraine. the administration tends that these capable possible emissary to a flash point in a faraway part of the world in order to provoke a violent response. that it was kamala harris who is an international joke, the last person you attended negotiate any kind of peaceful settlement to the conflict between russia and ukraine with a sitter anyway. she exacerbated it and they got what they wanted which of the invasion of a ukraine in a war with russia which is what they
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wanted now they are setting nancy pelosi. not to be mean but like joe biden, nancy pelosi is senile. you probably don't see or speak very often. here is her explanation for why she's going to taiwan. >> the president, earlier in his term part about a strong emphasis on asian-pacific. he has visited there is vice president, secretary of commerce and others. we want the congress of the united states to be part of that initiative. of course as a west coast person we see the pacific as, that's our home. we are part of that as well. it's not to diminish the importance of our transatlantic relationships as well. i am very excited, should we go to the countries you'll be
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hearing about it along the way. >> tucker: she is excited. she is going to assemble a slideshow. it's a west coast person, nancy pelosi very much as that. taiwan has always been on her bucket list. she stared across the bay and wondered what it's like over there in taipei. for nancy pelosi, this is a dream come true. next year she is going to disney world. this year, taipei. this is lunacy. nancy pelosi clearly, you just saw the tape, has no understanding of what she's doing or what might happen if she does it. no one wants to say it out loud but the truth is she can't know. like, here is, she has never even been in a bar fight. she has no understanding of violence or its consequences. there are consequences including the potential deaths of millions of people. this is exactly the wrong time, the crazies possible time to send an 82-year-old narcissist
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to taiwan. the u.s. has never been less ready for war particularly forward with china. the biden administration has done everything it can to make certain we are not ready. for a war with china or even with taliban. biden has since the day he took office politicized and weakened the united states military systematically to the point we are not going to win a war against china. sorry, that's true. general mark milley out there telling congress that soldiers need to learn about white rage because otherwise they'll be unprepared for combat. attacking people on the basis of their skin color? right. firing navy seals because they won't get the vaccine. the healthiest people in the world? and they are fired? because they won't get the vaccine. to make totally clear with the point is the point of course is humiliation and degradation and destruction of centuries of military tradition.
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let's have bank shows on military bases. which they are now doing. no one should be surprise that people don't really want to join the military. a walk military. it's a joke. recruitment numbers show it. this is a crisis. u.s. military is signing up no exaggeration mentally deficient troops. it's not hyperbole. the army used of ban recruits with a history of mental health problems including self-mutilation. of course he would. now dod issuing waivers for those recruits because they need them as well as for recruits with aptitude issues. in other words, and i.q. so low it would be very difficult to navigate modern war as well as records of drug use. all of this, lowering the standards to these points, are still not enough to make recruitment goals. the army told congress has to reduce its total strength by 10,000. we will be 21,000 troops short.
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the army met half of its recruiting goals so far this year with two months left. why. they are halfway there. again, because the military under joe biden. the last great meritocracy in the west is no longer a meritocracy. it's totally politicized. firing soldiers who didn't take the shot. more than 60,000 national guard and reserve soldiers lost pay and benefits because they wouldn't take the shot in the face of a mountain of evidence that the shot actually doesn't work and can hurt you particularly if you are young man. then the military once again telling white men that they are privileged and inherently evil. major general ed thomas, air force recruitment director published an op-ed called 86% of air force pilots are white men. here's why this needs to change. really? the thousands of air forced pilots who died in the service
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of the country happen to be white men. for families being informed they shouldn't of phone anyway because of their race. what is the air force want to become? the end of july, hosting a diversity festival. with a drag show featuring a performer called herbie daniels. bouncy house and face painting for children. meanwhile in china here's a video that the pla put out which was a different kind of orientation. watch.
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did you notice the difference? no trans admirals in that video part is publicly available so next time you hear members of congress and we can think of quite a few lecturing you about our military. we support our military. signing off on a brand-new military budget, they have done nothing about this. the degradation of the u.s. military politicized woke, weak, that happened with no oversight from congress. they keep funding stuff. they're implicated in it. there's also pictures of china's navy and the video. turns out china's navy is larger than ours. that's a problem because once china controls the shipping lanes china controls the economy of the world. according to the spectator in london "if a naval blockade gave beijing control of the export of taiwan's semiconductor industry, than western leaders would find
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themselves beholden to china to get their economies going. russia's use of gas to dampen western opposition to its actions in ukraine were would be dwarfed by china's ability to ransom the world." if we went to war with china and we are moving in that direction the chinese can turn off our economy because of people in charge of our country have made no preparations. the chinese government can prevent us from having cars that run, refrigerators, cell phones, computers, they would be able to stop exports of antibiotics. according the council on foreign relations, chinese pharmaceutical companies supply more than 90% of american antibiotics as well as ibuprofen. vitamin c, hydrocortisone. asthma and arthritis. china supplies more than 70% of acetaminophen often called tylenol. what else does china make question or china makes everything that you need to transport goods across the country. china produces 96% of the
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world's shipping containers. they make 80% of the cranes that carry cargo from the ship to the dock. so because this has been coming at us in slow motion for a decade and a half and no one has done anything about it, we find ourselves right now august 1st 2022 incapable of winning a war against china. if this goes forward we will lose and yet for some reason the biden administration, like nancy pelosi, going over there to provoke a military confrontation with china. is there any other explanation other than they are rooting for the destruction of the united states? some republicans are for this. they are for all war. mike gallagher represent wisconsin and said "i think would be in keeping with the track record and very useful for my american diplomacy and foreign policy for the speaker of the house to go to taiwan." whatever. republican rep sending ohio "i think it's a part we show solidarity with our ally, taiwan." oh, okay. are we in a position to show
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solidarity with our ally, taiwan? how far are we willing to take it. china has a lot of nuclear weapons. how is that factoring? they are threatening. you think our leaders would have a response. karine jean-pierre has no idea what's going on which is why the white house put the pentagon spokesman at the podium and here's what he said. >> i guess i'm wondering why is the president monitoring with this drama from the beginning. why not rather than saying the military doesn't think it's a good idea to go, why not call the chinese bluff when they started bellyaching? given as you pointed out there is no change in policy and there is president for pelosi to visit taiwan. >> what is the drama? >> i've been here the last couple weeks. i haven't seen any drama. i think you are manufacturing it with your question. >> tucker: so oily. i think you are manufacturing
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drama with your question. so the pentagon press secretary. after china has threatened to shoot down the speaker of the house, to kill the speaker of the house. i think you are manufacturing drama. the drum is inherent. what the hell is going on? this seems like a systematic attempt to end the united states. how does the u.s. conceivably benefit from being at war over taiwan right now? there are probably pretty good reasons to prepare for war with china but that's not one of them. colonel doug mcgregor joins us. thanks so much for coming on. i can't do anything but speculate as to motive here. this is one of the craziest things i think i've ever seen in my life but as the united states military in a position no to stage a war with china? >> of course not. you are 100% right on that topic. we have to admit this is probably the most reckless and
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irresponsible administration in living memory. we don't have anyone that qualifies as a statesman. statesmanship involves advancing american interests of the least cost the american people. none of that is in play here. we are dealing with a group of posers. people who are posturing, posturing is not statesmanship. the american people need to understand something that no one has bothered to tell them. the during world war ii, taiwan was the unsinkable aircraft carrier of the imperial japanese armed forces. all the major invasions of china were launched from taiwan. beijing will not allow taiwan to become a garrison state for american armed forces or japanese armed forces or any foreign power. if they think that we are going to align ourselves with taiwan, if they think we are going to intervene to defend that island in the event of a dispute then
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we will be at war with china for the reasons that i just outlined. we are not prepared for that. we are grossly overstretched. we don't have the logistical infrastructure and frankly it is an old adage that everyone should remember. a ship's a fool to fight a fort. you have to fight china from the sea. we can't win that. china can observe everything we throw at it and the chinese are happy to sit there, let us travel thousands of miles to reach them and then sink us. >> tucker: i don't know why every show on tv is not covering this right now. seems like one of the craziest things that's happened in my lifetime. do you have any speculation and guess as to why the biden administration would want this? >> the biden administration and its predecessors treated everything that the russian government said for the last 15 years about ukraine with complete contempt. they are repeating that process. we see how well that's worked in
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ukraine. the russians were always serious. hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost in this war in ukraine that we should have acted quickly to stop and now we are provoking the chinese over an issue that is at least strategically important to them. >> tucker: beyond belief. colonel doug mcgregor, appreciate it. >> sure. >> tucker: we don't do a lot of golf topics on the show. in fact we try not to ever weigh in on topics we don't know a lot about. we know a lot of you at home are golfers. you probably know the name greg norman. he's at the center of the biggest controversy in sports right now. a new golf league called liv, taking players from the pga tour. i thought it was interesting enough. we went to trump national golf club in new jersey and asked a lot of questions about what this is and it was worth the trip. show you the tape when we come
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>> tucker: one of our unbending rules is don't get involved with things you don't
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understand. don't take sides in arguments you don't really get. we violated all the time of course because sometime something really interesting happens. that's exactly what's happening in golf right now. we are not taking sides in this but one of the biggest controversies in sports and many years is taking place between the pga tour and an upstart tour called liv. we didn't know exactly what to make of it but it seemed interesting. lots of drama and one of america's top sports. we decided to go to trump bedminster, the golf club, yesterday in new jersey and find out what's happening. we talked to the best golfers. now the commissioner of liv international and asked, why are you doing this question were greg norman. here's part of the conversation.
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what's the business model? you are not signing to an exclusive contract. you are streaming it for free. they are putting a huge amount of money into it. that's obvious. how does the revenue arise. >> the revenue will come in once we launched. this year is a start up. quite honestly back in february, there were a few obstacles thrown our way from the pga tour. >> tucker: can you give us a sense of those obstacles. >> the book came out about phil mickelson. phil mickelson made some not so complimentary remarks about the saudis, where the money came from, saudi arabia. it snowballed and it created kind of a domino, scary effect. the pga tour came in, they do the right thing trying to protect their monopoly. the players backed off a little
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bit so we had to regroup. we are ready to sign the next week. ready to sign multiple players and launch the league so we decided to take a step back, analyze the situation. we knew our model was where it was. we knew that it was there. the money was in the bank. we made an adjustment and we worked around every obstacle that's been thrown in our path so we came up with the invitational series. with the fans, we did a survey for nearly 12 months around the world asking fans from different tours what do they like and what are they missing? they came up overwhelmingly, more fan engagement. more fan experiences. team sport. give us more team. that's what we built the model around. our model is 100% built around
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the gulf ecosystem from the ground up. we are not trying to destroy the pga tour or the european tour. we are they are to work within the ecosystem to show that it's a big enough space. it's a multibillion-dollar industry. >> tucker: why would sponsors dropped golfers for participating in liv? >> tucker, that blows my mind. sponsors who spend millions of daughters in saudi arabia. the pga tour. >> tucker: that's a good point. can you give us examples? >> the pga tour i think has about 27 sponsors on the pga tour through 40 plus billion dollars worth of business on an annual basis in saudi arabia. why doesn't the pga tour call the ceos of -- saying that we can't do business with you because you are doing business with saudi arabia? why are they faking on
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professional golfers? male professional golfers. they'll pga tour is sponsored, the largest sponsor of of women's golf in the world. not one word said about them? why are we the ogres? what have we done wrong? where independent contractors. we have a right to play anywhere in the world? >> tucker: it's coolly not about principle so what is it? >> it is a monopoly. they want to shut us down. they will lose whatever leverage point they can. they're not going to shut us down because the product speak for itself. we have almost on a daily basis, we get calls every day from players. i want in. can i join? i tell them, sorry, the shop is
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close to. the list gets longer and longer for the players who want to come in. it's a testament to the right white noise. >> tucker: why is it so offensive to some american golf fans that you are doing this? what are they mad about? >> i don't know. i really don't care. i just love the game so much and i want to grow the game of golf and we see that opportunity not just for the men but for the women. we see it for ncaa and younger generations. we see it as a pathway to opportunities for the kids to experience the new out there. liv is the future of golf. it's very simple simple phrase and comment. liv is the future of golf. you don't see what we see in the future. csr programs, education programs, all the stuff that we want to get involved in for golf
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and growing the game of golf. three to keep reading that you offered seven, $800 billion to tiger woods? >> that number was out there before i became ceo. that number has been out there, yes. tiger is a needle mover. so course you got to look at the best of the best. the originally approached tiger before i became ceo so yes, that number is somewhere in that neighborhood. >> tucker: big number. [laughs] i would say. call me small-time. what is donald trump's connection? seems like a supporter. we are at his golf club. >> i have known donald a long time. i played with golf -- golf with him before he was president. i have done golf courses that he acquired. his passion for the game of golf is as passionate as he has been
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a president where stars & stripes flows through his blood. he loves golf and he sees the commercial opportunity and what golf can give him. trump bedminster is no different. the membership here is full. it's a commercial entity. it's an operation where he can make revenue out of it. so when we first started, obviously as a start up, needed venues. we were in discussions with him and we negotiated a venue theme with him and he loved it. he's been in the background but in the foreground. he's been fantastic this week. he is not putting himself out in front of liv. he has embraced it. he walks to the first tee, he will allow liv to breathe which i think it's fantastic. i have been with him every day. it's an opportunity for us because they're great venues. players love it.
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great opportunity for us to showcase. i just went up there and i just walked through with 600 members through the member section of the clubhouse. you cannot believe the thank yous and the energy and appreciate what you've done here for the organization. i've never seen our boss so happy. you've done this for bedminster. we really, really do thank you for it. it's just incredible. from a commissioner standpoint, it's exhausting sometimes to go around 600 people and do that but it's so rewarding to hear the feedback from them. with actually re-energizes me. so i just did that before coming to see you. >> tucker: thank you. again, we are not taking sides at all. that's not our lane but it was interesting.
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we also talked to an emerging golfer, one of the best, bryson dechambeau. a much longer clip for tomorrow but here is a snippet from our conversation. >> there is a vibe in golf, it's more than a vibe. it is a stated ethics where it's not really about the money or you should play for free. >> in that case it just becomes a hobby. it's our livelihoods. there is a great economic opportunity for golfers to make a lot of money. that's why we grew up playing golf, also the history. the majors, pga tour. i want to win back liv events. it's evolving and changing dynamically. people stuck in their old ways of thinking and what they know about the game of golf. but needless to say, i believe personally in the future that this will only enhance the game moving forward. it's not going to deter people, frustrate people.
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if anything, it's going to make them more excited. >> tucker: are all professional golfers that smart and articulate? the ones that we spoke to were very impressive. more on that tomorrow. the media are in of course denial about the fact that we are in a recession because joe biden costed ten they got joe biden elected so instead of telling you anything that resembles the truth, they are dragging out totally misguided economists to repeat talking points written by the lighthouse and we can't resist showing onef them because it's so unbelievable.
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>> tucker: the economy goes south then you want to know what's going on so you look for an economist interview and somehow you find the single most absurd, most discredited economist in the world, paul krugman of "the new york times," the guy who told us the internet
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would be less important than a fax machine. but they brought him on because only the worst. here is he said. >> can we dispense with the recession debate? are we in a recession and does the term matter? >> no, we aren't. no, he doesn't. >> one sentence, that's it. >> that's it. >> tucker: yeah. blake masters is one of the people who changed the united states senate if he gets there. he is running from arizona. primary is tomorrow. why is it so hard to say the obvious that we are in a recession? >> the democratic dishonesty runs deep. demented spending. they call as a recession. they were in a recession and it's their fault but instead of being honest about it, they lie and now they are trying to redefine the word recession. it's so crazy. we know about this in arizona. mark kelly, the incumbent democrat, he lied to arizonans when he said he would be
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moderate, independent. no, he is in the senate voting. if you call him on this and then he just says oh, i used to be an astronaut and on the international space station. no, people are tired of this. right back on planet earth, arizonans are suffering. the democrats in charge of failed. they are destroying the country and then they will lie about it. >> tucker: things of gotten so bad that if you're still identifying with the democratic party you have discredited yourself. we are rooting for you. thank you for coming on. good luck tomorrow. here's the most interesting conversation we've had and probably a couple decades. gary nolan is a tenured professor at stanford medical school. probably one of the most famous at stanford medical school. he spent years at the request of the u.s. government studying the
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biological changes, physical damage the u.s. military personnel have suffered when they interact with ufos. concluded you cannot deny ufos are absolutely real and they hurt an awful lot of people. this amazing conversation. even if you think you know a lot about the topic, this is worth watching. here's part of it. >> what we had done, looking at some of these mris, we had noticed damage in the brain. white matter disease it's called. if you know anybody who's had multiple sclerosis and you look at an image of their brain, you'll see these white matter objects. you can see it, the white tracks are just damage to the brain. that was what essentially convince me. when i asked for, not just going to believe you because you
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showed me images of these people. i want to meet the people. i was taken to meet the people and interview them. >> tucker: got to watch that interview. gary nolan, very successful in this area which has nothing to do with ufos. he did this interview because it's true and he wants people to know that it's true. you're no longer allowed to share memes on social media in england. you can be arrested for it if protected groups are targeted. we will show you a video straight ahead.
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the insurance company enwasn't fair.ity y ca i didn't know what my case was worth,
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so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> tucker: england bequeaths civil liberties to the world. now civil liberties no longer exist in the u.k. police arresting people for "causing anxiety to politically protected groups. because what they don't care about your anxiety but the people you care about must be protected at gunpoint from anxiety. this is video of police in the u.k. arresting an army veteran for posting criticism of trans
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activists on social media. >> realize how ridiculous this is. >> would take it to this level? i don't understand. we come to arrest me. you don't arrest him. why? something he said. >> based upon your social media site. >> tucker: keep in mind the guy who got arrested didn't hurt anybody. he called those activists fascist so to prove they are not fascist, they stood by and laughed as he was arrested for making fun of them because they are not fascists. right. lawrence fox is the man who shot the footage you just saw. he is an actor and leader in a british political party. thanks for coming on. is there anything we are missing? did the guy who was arrested and physically attack anybody?
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is there context that we don't know about. >> good evening. not at all. the great tragedy here is a british army veteran, he served in iraq and afghanistan, proudly served our flag, now being arrested for not worshiping at the altar of the holy pride flag. it's an appalling arrest by the british gestapo which is what bullied british police forces have become. >> tucker: i don't think that's an overstatement at all. did they applauded, logic and played, defend the guy arrested for making fun of them? >> not at all. once we heard of this gross horribleness, we decided we would surprise the police and give them a taste of their own medicine which we did and we offered them contact resolution form where they could pay some
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money to us. the british police are much too interested in virtue signaling and bowing of the altar of wokery. >> tucker: i hope you fight back. everything is at stake. thank you. we'll be right back.
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>> tucker: we are out of time sadly i can't believe it we will be back tomorrow and every
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weeknight the sworn enemy of smugness and groupthink have a good night but the ones you love. sean hannity takes over here he is. >> hannity: i love him all have to watch the special. he has loud when he performs a been one of his shows he is very entertaining. tucker thank you. welcome to "hannity" tonight we begin with some good news. al qaeda's ayman al zawahiri is dead thanks to a successful u.s. drone strike. this is our u.s. military and intelligence community at their very best once again. unsurprisingly he was killed in afghanistan or terrorist organizations have now become a safe haven they have been rapidly gaining ground since jill biden abandon the country last year leaving behind scores of american citizens green card holders despite this promise he made almost one year ago to the day take a


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