tv Americas Newsroom FOX News August 2, 2022 6:00am-8:00am PDT
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>> you're both eligible. i hope you both find amazing women to spend the rest of your life with. >> and we'll have a reality show. >> we'll talk about it when the micks are off. >> if you stay with the tv, how about julie and bill. >> bill: thank you, guys, fox news alert now. osama bin laden's number two killed in a drone strike in kabul, afghanistan. two hell fire missiles hitting the terror leader who orchestrated the attacks of 9/11. a pinpoint attack over the weekend. he was standing in the open on a balcony in a safe house in central kabul. now his long reign is over. get a live report in moments about how this all went down. meanwhile happening at this moment all eyes on taiwan, the country could be hours away
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from a historic visit by the house speaker nancy pelosi prompting threats of fierce retaliation out of beijing. good morning. it is tuesday. dana has the day off today. i'm bill hemmer. welcome back, sandra. >> good morning. glad to be with you. i'm sandra smith. this is "america's newsroom." those chinese fighter jets buzzing taiwan airspace amid local reporting now the speaker could be arriving there in a matter of hours. >> bill: she would be the highest ranking u.s. official to be in that island in 25 years. china sees it as a slap in the face saying the u.s. should not support a country that beijing views as a breakaway province. >> the white house has not confirmed her trip but maintains it will not be intimidated. here is what nfc spokesperson john kirby said just this morning. >> we gave her advice and counsel and gave her information and we're helping
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with her transportation. this is her decision and we support and respect that decision. what we have said is there is no reason that this visit should escalate tensions in any way whatsoever. >> bill: no reason to escalate. beijing seems hell bent on doing that. a propaganda video shows off military muscle threatening a response to a reckless provocation. there are multiple angles on this story. team fox coverage. alex hoff live from the white house with more. let's start overseas with greg palkot with us today. let's begin there. >> hello. tense times indeed, yes. if the reports are correct and all goes well speaker pelosi could be on the ground in taiwan in about an hour 20 minutes time. she wrapped up the second stop in her asian trip earlier today meeting with officials and others in the malaysian capital.
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her aircraft headed in the direction of taiwan taking the long way around the south china sea perhaps trying to avoid the big chinese military presence there. for good reason. beijing once again blasting the pelosi visit to the island it claims as its own. its planes and ships today coming close to taiwan's defensive line. the threat has been made pelosi travel could be interrupted if she nears taiwan. washington has been critical of china's rhetoric and actions and on the defense. the reagan strike force is east of taiwan and other ships and aircraft in the region. taiwan is gearing up for trouble going to its military bases to -- there has been a lot of video today out there, guys, showing chinese arm ored and amphibious vehicles on the move on the chinese coast near
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taiwan. one more bad sign. appears to be a major cyberattack on several websites in taiwan, including the island's president. we'll keep an eye on the region in these next critical minutes and hours and give you the latest. back to you. >> bill: certainly will. thanks, greg. leading us off in london, greg palkot. >> we're watching it all. for more on the white house response at this hour let's go to alexandria hoff reporting live from the north lawn to kick things off. >> hi, it's interesting. think back and confirmation that the trip was being considered came from the president himself in responding last month to the prospect of it. the military said it is not a good idea. we knew it was being talked about then. tom cotton had a conversation with speaker pell oelsy last week. listen. >> i saw her last week.
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we disagree on most things but once the biden administration leaked this trip in an effort to deter her from going i thought it was essential she go, that she show the united states will not be pushed around by chinese communists. they are not telling any american citizen, much less an elected member of the united states congress when and where we can travel. >> the tone from the white house today is while congress is an independent branch of government and pelosi is free to travel where she sees fit. she has traveled to taiwan before and others have done so this very year. >> for china to try to turn what is in the historical norm into a crisis or to try to use it as a pre-text for aggressive action around taiwan, that's on them. they would be the ones who would be escalating. the united states has no interest in escalation. but we will, of course, continue to assert our right to help support taiwan's self-defense no matter what
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happens in the coming days. >> sullivan added while this decision to travel has been left up to speaker pelosi the white house did provide briefings to showcase to her some possible risks. >> thank you. live at the white house. we'll have much more on this including expert analysis from michael pillsbury the director for chinese strategy at the hudson institute and we'll hear from him at the bottom of the hour. >> president biden: justice has been delivered and this terrorist leader is no more. people around the world no longer need to fear the vicious and determined killer. >> bill: president biden hailing a u.s. drone strike taking outlawed bin laden's right-hand man al-zawahiri killed in a raid over the weekend in kabul after living pretty much out in the open there. his death comes nearly a year after the chaotic withdrawal out of afghanistan and nearly 21 years since 9/11.
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front page "new york post" sums it up. view to a kill. trey yingst is live in the middle east. what is the latest that we're getting now? >> good morning. the leader of al qaeda is dead following a u.s. drone strike over the weekend in afghanistan. the wanted terrorist had a $25 million bounty on his head and was sheltering among the civilian population in the capital of kabul. reports indicate he was killed with a hell fire missile meant to minimize unintended casualties. it was the first over the horizon strike for the united states since the taliban took over amid concerns u.s. officials would have difficulty conducting counter terrorism operations in afghanistan. the compound where the strike took place is roped off by the taliban with local journalists being denied access to gather more information on the killing of him. he joined al qaeda in 1998 and served as osama bin laden's deputy before he was killed.
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he was part of the decision making process in major attacks from 9/11 to the u.s.s. cole and american embassy bombings in africa. it is a counter terrorism operation for the world. the strike location raises questions about how such a high profile individual was able to stay below the radar. biden said this about al qaeda in afghanistan. >> president biden: let's put this thing in prospective. what interest do we have in afghanistan at this point with al qaeda gone? we went to afghanistan for the express purpose of getting rid of al qaeda in afghanistan, as well as -- as well as getting osama bin laden. and we did. >> the reality is al qaeda still exists in afghanistan though a shadow of its former self. the organization maintains ties with the taliban network.
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>> bill: trey, stay with us a moment. we've been watching it since 21 jeers ago. getting to this point has been an epic american journey. >> explain once again who is shooting at whom behind you? >> the positions are about a mile. another day of heavey raids. >> 15 miles from the pakistan border directly that way. >> possible ieds, roadside explosives. they think they have found one right here. >> we're with a taliban unit in kabul patrolling the streets for criminals and isis-k fighters. >> bill: jennifer griffin, steve harrigan, trey yingst. i was watching initial
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reporting and the initial reporting came from you and bret baier on fox. based on the reporting he was spotted in central kabul in april. do we have any greater clarification for how long he was in afghanistan? >> i think the belief is from intelligence officials i've spoken to is that he moved somewhere in the last year since the afghan pull-out. he had been in that border region between pakistan on either side of the border with pakistan. he had been like osama bin laden probably hiding with the knowledge of pakistan's i.s.i. he was the guest, the interior minister. there were reports that the son and son-in-law were killed in the strike. but i think what really takes me back in looking at that footage, i lived in pakistan in 1995 when there was a bombing at the egyptian emotion bass see largely attributed to
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al-zawahiri. bin laden did not approve of that strike. al-zawahiri was one of the most educated egyptians, his grandfather was the president of cairo university, started the first university in saudi arabia. he himself was a doctor. he went out to afghanistan to treat afghan refugees and during the soviets were fighting them he first met bin laden in jeda. even from the time where i was where trey is now right after 9/11 after the strike on the world trade center, we did a profile of al-zawahiri because the israelis had been watching him. he had been a member of the muslim brotherhood and jailed several times in egypt for his alleged role in the assassination of sadat. his life and how he went from such an educated doctor to the
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world's leading terrorist is really an extraordinary story but also an extraordinary intelligence coup for the c.i.a. who led this mission and pieced it together with exquisite intelligence. >> this raises big questions today, lindsey graham poses the question as well. al qaeda's presence in afghanistan. the number two there felt so comfortable out in the open in kabul. >> you're right. on the one hand this is a brilliant move. tactically this is just a testament to the amazing u.s. military force to drop a missile not only in a crowded city but in a crowded building and crowded apartment to take out one person on a balcony. but in the bigger picture strategically, i mean, contrast it with the failure that afghanistan is. we were in there for 20 years like those videos show. a lot younger reporters, all
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the sacrifices americans made for the past 20 years and the same people that were in power 20 years ago are back in power right now. so tactically brilliance. strategically still a failure. >> bill: yeah. trey, you were there a year ago. we all watched the images live hour after hour. what were they saying about the future for the country and al qaeda coming back? >> there was a major concern at the time from u.s. officials that afghanistan would be a new launch point for terror activities around the world. and you heard president biden in those remarks that he made just five days after the taliban formally took over afghanistan and he said that al qaeda no longer existed and that was the reason the united states had to pull out. this was a much larger failure, a 20-year war that ultimately ended with the taliban in control of afghanistan. so many of the afghans were trying to get out of the country because they didn't know what the future would look
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like. we've seen a deterioration for the average afghan living there. this is significant that the security operation took place at the time that it did. almost a year after the taliban took over, al-zawahiri taken out by the united states in this drone strike over the weekend really showing that the u.s. does have the ability to launch these over the horizon strikes targeting terror operatives around the world, not just in afghanistan but obviously they're monitoring the situation in neighboring pakistan. the future is uncertain for afghanistan bust it raises the concern there could be terror organizations growing under taliban control not only groups like al qaeda but also isis-k when u.s. troops were on the ground in the airport killing american service members in kabul. >> jennifer, a similar question to steve about the open n*etion and how comfortable this leader felt out in kabul. michael waltz is raising the
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same question as well. what was the leader of al qaeda doing in kabul? he says he is hearing from a number of folks both in afghanistan and the intelligence community he had been there for quite some time. can you expand on that and what we're learning at this hour? >> i think, sandra, what is very clear from this it makes perfect sense to me that al-zawahiri, after the taliban took over, he is close to haqqani, had protection from pakistan i.s.i and said why not move to afghanistan. the u.s. isn't there anymore. pakistan didn't want him under their roof anymore. the point is the taliban, pakistan isi never made a break with al qaeda and it is what the strike shows. he was hiding in plain sight because he felt comfortable. bin laden felt comfortable living next to the pakistan training center. the naivety of signing any deal
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with the taliban saying it shows they broke the do har agreement. this shows up. a shot across the bow to haqqani, the interior minister and has the blood of many americans on his hands and it shows that the u.s. as long reach and long memories. al-zawahiri was not an operational leader of al qaeda. he was, if anything, a very ill man. had been sick for many years. is not respected by isis, for instance. there is a vicious rivalry between al qaeda and the aging leadership and the younger leaders and islamic state types who are still out and about trying to carry out big terrorist attacks, as well as the al qaeda factions in yemen and elsewhere. it is not clear they listen to al-zawahiri. it is a huge intelligence coup in terms of the closure needed from 9/11 for many c.i.a.
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officers who lost friends in the coast region when al qaeda sent a suicide bomber to their base. this is, you know, this is a moment that the c.i.a. should be celebrating. it was a c.i.a.-led strike carried out by a c.i.a. drone and c.i.a. intelligence who led them to al-zawahiri. >> bill: jen and steve and trey you wonder who steps up next. al-zawahiri stepped up when we took outlawed laud in 2011. john kirby was on the brian two hours ago and said it proves that our over the horizon capability can work, meaning we're not in the country, we're looking from afar but still in the region. how well do you know or how well should we understand what and how intense our over the horizon capability is at the moment? >> i think you are making a good point, bill.
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this strike really but rests the argument for over the horizon war. you can do war remotely like you can do so many things in our world now remotely and successfully. what you can't do remotely is rebuild a country. aid groups have left afghanistan. veils are coming back on. professors have left the country. you can't build a nation remotely. a victory for remote war but the boots on the ground to build the country, aid groups are not going back to afghanistan. >> steve, thank you for that. the c.i.a. hunting down this mastermind for 20 years before this was carried out. it was carried out 6:18 in the morning jennifer talking about it should be a moment for the celebration for c.i.a. and intelligence community. a look back as a reporter having covered in multiple war zones now and what this means not just to the intelligence community, americans who lost
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loved ones in 9/11 and those who have covered this for so many years and made so many sacrifices, trey. >> it's a reminder the united states government and military can target terrorists around the world whether it's al-zawahiri in afghanistan, al-baghdadi from isis and soleimani. they have the ability to target individuals in the world even without american troops on the ground. as for a successor to al-zawahiri it is unclear who would take over his position. al qaeda is a splintered organization right now and a shadow of their former self in afghanistan and pakistan but a reminder that extremism exists in the world and that there will be individuals who try to launch attacks abroad not only against americans but those who don't agree with their ideals. >> bill: trey, thank you and steve and jennifer, thank you. the story, however, is not over
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today and we're all quite aware of that. to our viewers at home, if you want to get a better understanding of the zau and the problems he caused the government in egypt going back 60 years, read "the looming tower." an incredible read. you will understand the relationship between bin laden and al-zawahiri in that book. well done. we'll talk very soon. the governor of texas inviting tem democratic mayors from new york city and washington, d.c. to witness the real crisis as big blue city money about an influx of illegals in their town. a california liquor store owner turns the tables on a would be robber armed with a rifle when he blasts a shotgun of his own. is there an argument for a good guy with a gun? >> a reputable report finds
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manchin and schumer's deal will raise taxes on americans of all incomes. the white house is in denial because it doesn't fit their narrative. >> the joint committee on taxation that you hailed is now not to be trusted here? uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big! only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... (emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it.
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>> sandra: violent crime across america not just plaguing the big cities. recent data shows smaller communities have comparable murder rates to larger cities, too. senior correspondent mike tobin is live in chicago for us. what are we learning, mike? >> sandra, chicago is such a glaring example of street violence out of control that we report on it quite a bit but the reality is chicago is just
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an example of a national trend and this violence is not limited to the big cities. ah analytics is an organization that compiled a list of cities in the u.s. with the highest murder rates. number one is not chicago, new york or l.a. ist is the big easy. new orleans has a per capita murder rate that is high and followed by birmingham, alabama. that doesn't mean to minimize the violence in places like chicago. they hit a murder rate last year the rivaled the cocaine wars of the 80s and 90s. new orleans is on pace to dwarf chicago's per capita murder rate for the year. when you go to law enforcement experts and asked if it is decreasing respect for human life or disdain for police and the defund movement the answer you get is it's all of the above. >> fanning the flames of discord across this country
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have had their impact in every single community. not just major cities. the lack of accountability, the attacks on the criminal justice system and policing. >> one of the places that has seen some success is st. louis. it was number one for murders per capita in 2020 but they are seeing the numbers decline. the county has a staff of over 1200 police and spends 48% of the budget on policing. if you want more details on the subject. an article just dropped on >> sandra: mike, thanks. >> he promised it wasn't going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $400,000 a year. but the joint committee on taxation says that's not true. >> that isn't correct. >> so the joint committee on taxation which you heralded as an effective body when you were
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talking about the infrastructure package is not to be trusted here? >> i said it is not correct because i will give you why it's not correct. it is incomplete. >> bill: the white house shutting down any criticism the manchin/schumer inflation reduction act will raise taxes on middle class americans. there are various studies that would disagree with that. dan henninger, fox news contributor. here is what we get from the jct. taxes will rise by about $17 billion in 2023 on americans making less than $200,000 a year. taxpayers earning between 200 and 500,000 a year will pay 14 billion dollars more. doesn't sound great, does it? >> it doesn't sound right at all but, you know, that exchange between peter doocy and karine jean-pierre was pretty important. on the one hand the white house is having a difficult time
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explaining why this bill is going to reduce inflation. but at the same time what she went on to say when she said the jct report is incomplete, she said it is incomplete because it doesn't include the quote benefits that the bill is providing to american taxpayers. this is the way the current set of economists in the white house think about the world. in other words, inflation, gasoline prices, food prices are rising. but what the people -- the public doesn't understand is that this bill will help them by taxing and then spending money and putting it into people's pockets indirectly through lowering prescription drug prices. they're robbing peter to pay paul. this is their fundamental idea was in the build back better bill. if you spend money by putting it in people's pockets somehow it makes inflation less oppressive to them. they aren't arguing it makes
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inflation comes down. they are saying it mitigates the cost of inflation by giving people money they've taxed out of the private sector. >> bill: on the issue of inflation, you know schumer and manchin want to get through the senate quickly before they go on recess. maybe that happens, maybe not. this is what the committee for responsible federal budget says. if you go ahead and give more student loan relief, quote, they should especially avoid measures to worsen inflation such as extending the student debt repayment pause. i would bet president biden wants to do this but things like this may hold him back. what do you think, dan? >> they really want to do the student debt pause for sure. you know, this is of a piece. there is nothing in this bill, really virtually nothing to help the supply side, to help productivity. but what they are doing is basically putting money in the
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pockets of graduate students who could pay these debts and those -- by doing so they are creating cash for these people which will create more demand and cause more inflation. >> bill: okay. a lot more to cover, dan. thanks for coming in and sorry it was short. we'll get more time next time. back with the latest from beijing.
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>> bill: back to one of our top stories, al qaeda leader killed over a u.s. drone strike. eric shawn is live in lower manhattan where nearly 3,000 americans lost their lives on 9/11. eric, hello. >> good morning, bill. it was a tuesday morning in 2001 like this one, blue, clear sky, people coming to work, as i was walking to work to fox news that morning when american airlines flight 11 flew over my head-to-heading directly to the world trade center.
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i always remember the plane was sloppily making the turn to hit directly into the tower. that early morning the first tower i rushed to fox news. we were on the air with jon scott when the united airlines 175. we saw it live on television, slammed into the south tower, as you said nearly 3,000 people killed here that day when the two gleaming towers thundered and collapsed into the ground. it was not the first attack oon our country by radical islamic terrorism. the first in recent times was 1990, the assassination of a brooklyn extremist rabbi in manhattan. part of a group of terrorist associated with sheik. they went on to bomb the world trade center driving a truck into the garage.
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[inaudible] told the f.b.i. handlers they would come back and take these towers down. sadly, they were true to their word. as i am reminded this morning a very different morning. people walking to work, biking here, the gleaming new building freedom tower behind me, a visible symbol of the resilience and triumph of this country, the sacrifice of our armed forces and the capability of the c.i.a. in taking out al-zawahiri in kabul. bill, it is a day and a legacy that not only will we always remember but also know we have to face that we're still vulnerable to islamic terrorism. it is still here out in the world. we have triumphed and it is a very different morning this morning down here what we used to call ground zero, bill. >> bill: different place today. eric shawn, good to have you there. thank you.
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>> they are the ones who have become more aggressive and intimidating their neighbors. there is no reason for them to behave in that way. there is no threat from the united states. what speaker pelosi is doing is what members of congress have in the past and have every right to do going forward and that is to visit taiwan. >> sandra: the white house condemning china ramping up demands. pelosi could be landing any moments. local reports are suggesting she could land within the hour in defiance of beijing. michael pillsbury is from the hudson institute and in charge of chinese strategy. a really important moment for these two countries to see how china will respond if she does touchdown in taiwan. allocations that she will. we're about to turn for our viewers there. new images of the tallest building in taiwan flashing
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speaker pelosi, welcome to tw. do the benefits of her visit outweigh the risks knowing china has been warning the united states not to have her visit there? >> yes, the benefits are definitely that she makes the trip. she needs to update her own knowledge of taiwan from her last visit many years ago. i think she will come away understanding the military balance shifted against taiwan. we need to do a great deal more to help taiwan improve its self-defense and get a feel for the new female president of taiwan who has been in office five years now. she is a lawyer and she is very concerned that china -- she is the president of taiwan i'm talking about. she is quite concerned legally that china is asserting that it owns taiwan. therefore, they can ban speaker of the house making a visit and do many other things because taiwan belongs to china, we claim. we have never accepted that. five u.s. president have said
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things like we acknowledge china's claim or we don't challenge it but never come out and said taiwan belongs to china. that's the core of this issue. nancy pelosi is putting herself at risk, you heard peter doocy ask the press secretary china says they'll murder the speaker. what do you have to say about that? there wasn't a good white house response. the white house keeps saying china shouldn't be upset or react this way but they have good reasons to be upset, sandra. >> sandra: very interesting. we note the recent chinese incursion into taiwan airspace. we put it into this chart so our viewers can see the spike we've seen. the chart goes back a couple of years, michael. it does show the mumber of incursions and military aircraft entering taiwan's air defense identification zone spiked in april. you can see the tallest line there. they are building up for something. to your point, the white house is warning china not to over
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react. do you believe that could be the case ultimately if she does touchdown? >> yes, the next 24 hours we're entering quite a dangerous period in my view. the last time this happened in 1996, we gave a visa to taiwan's president to come to cornell and give a speech. china fired four missiles near taiwan. they mobilized 100,000 troops to move toward taiwan in the province opposite taiwan. that's a lot. clinton woke up for the first time on china. sent two aircraft carriers to the area to tell taiwan and china to calm it down. i would be concerned that the chinese reaction this time will be even bigger than what they did in 1996. a lot depend on what nancy pelosi says in public. i hope she stays overnight there and has a lot of meetings tomorrow morning. if she says something in public
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that's very tame like the one china policy is still in force that may calm china down. if she says something of concern to taiwan's future, which i hope she does. that demands a chinese sponsor they will look like what they used to call us, sandra. they used to call us a paper tiger. china will look like a paper tiger if it doesn't do anything. >> sandra: she is expected to land in the next 30 minutes or so. real quick i want to put up on the screen, because we have now received this official video coming into us of taiwan's tallest building. the most iconic landmark. taiwan 101 welcoming the speaker's visit to taiwan. quick reaction, michael. >> the important thing is taiwan wants to be recognized as a country and want this to be an official visit and want to put up their flag and say we are the republic of china on taiwan. american executive branch policy has been to deny taiwan
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is not a country, just an undetermined status. the way this is all handled in the next 30 minutes whether she gets into taiwan airspace and lands without harassment from the chinese is one thing. whether she leaves peacefully tomorrow and they don't harass her airplane is another thing. a very sensitive 24 hours ahead of us. >> sandra: we'll watch it all. thank you for joining us, sir. >> bill: great analysis. the democratic party meddling in the republican primary yet again in michigan today trying to boost candidates they think will help their chances come november. now some democrats by the dozens are warning that they are playing with fire. plus a would be robber picking the wrong store. the owner shooting at the suspect all caught on tape. we'll show that to you and the outcome when we come back. you see, son, with a little elbow grease,
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>> bill: election calendar not taking time off this summer. today is another primary day. five states will vote. that includes battleground state michigan where democrats have their finger on the scale of gop races but that meddling not sitting well with all democrats. want to bring in one of them. a democrat.
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congresswoman debbie dingle. the co-chair back home in her state of michigan for the dcc. you know about this whole meddling deal on behalf of some of these races. so far today the democrats have spent $44 million trying to boost certain republican candidates. now, do you think it's money well spent? >> bill, i will be -- good to see you. it has been too long. i will be very careful in answering these questions because it is primary day in michigan and unfortunately we're in a world right now that anything i say could hurt potential candidates or help potential candidates. but so i will go as far as to say that we have a lot of candidates that need to be spending in their elections and that's where i would like to see a lot of this money spent. >> bill: you had three dozen former democrats who held
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office. they call it risky and unethical. ronna mcdaniel runs the rnc was with us yesterday and here is how she characterized it. >> the democrats are desperate. they have nothing to run on. they have no message. they will try to meddle in primaries. let me tell you voters don't take kindly to that. i don't think either party meddling in primaries bodes well. >> bill: she calls your party desperate. >> i can come back on that. ronna is a friend so people do know there are people that speak to each other and can strongly disagree but still talk to each other. i don't think that democrats are desperate. i think this is a strategy that some have undertaken because they are trying to get candidates that they perceive may not be strong in the november election. i don't even necessarily agree with that. if you look at this letter that
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you referred to, there are a significant number of well-respected people inside the democratic party like richard gephart who signed that letter. a lot of people have to think about -- by the way, republicans have done this in the past, too. there are a lot of things after this election that republicans and democrats and special interest groups have done that bother me deeply and someday i hope we can see some campaign finance reform that doesn't let some of this happen. but i think dem capts and republicans should be playing in the races where they support the candidates that they want to see win for the most part. >> bill: it is going on. i have 30 seconds. the inflation reduction act is being debated. i don't know if you are for it or against it. the inflation rate in michigan is 9.5%. national average is 9.1%. we talked about schools in michigan that need help, etc.
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there is a misery index in a bloomberg article. it says president joe biden's party can expect to lose 30 to 40 seats in the house and a few in the senate, too. do you believe, if you pass this bill, that inflation goes down? a quick answer on that if i could. >> there are a lot of things in there. yes, i do. i don't believe that our party will lose 30 to 40 seats. you know me, i'm out and about and dinner table issues have become -- gasoline prices have started to go down. farmers and crops coming out we'll start to see prices go down and other issues like women's healthcare separate. so i don't think we'll lose 30 or 40 seats. i think we have a strong chance of keeping the senate and house.
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>> bill: we shall see. 98 days. you know that. debbie dingle. >> i couldn't them every day. >> thank you for your time today. >> sandra: mayor bowser is one of several democratic mayors sounding the alarm over an influx of migrants. what governor abbott is now proposing saying they don't know the half of it. about two years ago i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active.
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spokesperson promising resolute and strong measures if the speaker goes to taiwan. >> bill: that trip heightens military tension. china could fire missiles in the taiwan strait in the coming days. the white house calling china's escalations unnecessary. >> the aggressiveness, coercion, increase in tensions in the last weeks and months have all come from the chinese side. there is no reason this visit should escalate tensions in any way whatsoever. >> bill: to aishah hosni who is live on the hill with the latest from there. what are you hearing? >> good morning to you, bill and sandra. it has been a long night and long morning. we're anxiously waiting to see what will happen. we have our eyes on a live feed of the taipei airport in taiwan right now as local media there
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is reporting that she is set to touchdown really at any moment right now and that she has plans to meet with the president of taiwan tomorrow. but the speaker's office here on the hill still very quiet. radio silent about the speaker's potential visit to taiwan. now, it is night in taipei. we show taiwan's tallest building flashing the words speaker pelosi, welcome to t.w. that's for taiwan. flight tracking website this morning have been following a military aircraft that is believed to be carrying house speaker nancy pelosi after she wraps up her visit to malaysia. and those sites indicate that plane took the long way around the philippines avoiding the south china sea as it approaches taiwan from the east. just waiting and watching to see if it might land in taipei
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any moment now. chinese spokesperson saying such a visit would lead to serious consequences. yesterday the white house indicated china could even fire missiles into the taiwan strait and taiwan announced a siesh attack this morning of some of its government websites. the white house has been trying to tamp down the rhetoric. some say it all started with the president's comments about the u.s. military not thinking that this visit was a good idea. i was there just about a week ago when speaker pelosi was asked about this. the president's comments clearly taken aback saying the president had said nothing to her. watch. >> speaker, the president said yesterday that the military does not think it is a good idea for you to visit taiwan. >> i don't know exactly. i didn't see it or hearing it. you are telling me and i've heard it anecdotally but i haven't heard it from the president. >> here is john kirby then responding to martha maccallum
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as to whether that is why this all escalated. >> was that a moment that allowed china to escalate this? >> i would disagree with that. the tensions of late have been caused on the chinese side. what speaker pelosi is doing is very consistent with what members of congress have in the past and have every right to do going forward. that is to visit taiwan. >> we're waiting and watching. speaker pelosi could touchdown in taipei any moment now. bill. >> bill: thank you. ian bremmer and author of the new book "the power of crisis." welcome back to our program. good to see you today. i want to play a clip from last hour. michael pillsbury, you know him well. an expert on china affairs said the following about what is at stake literally at this moment. watch here. >> the way this is all handled in the next 30 minutes whether she gets into taiwan airspace
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and lands without harassment from the chinese is one thing. whether she leaves peacefully tomorrow and they don't harass her airplane is another thing. it's a very sensitive 24 hours ahead of us. >> bill: i don't know if you disagree with that. i saw a video you filed earlier today. the title on your video, we're heading to a taiwan crisis and i looked at that and i thought maybe we insert china instead of taiwan. do you see it the same way here? it could be an international matter? >> yes, and i think you are right. it is the china crisis in the same way ukraine is really about russia. it the kremlin crisis, the putin crisis. obviously if the chinese military were to harass pelosi coming in or out. she will be escorted by american military jets taking off from okinawa i find it
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highly unlikely that the chinese would provoke direct military confrontation with the americans by doing that. but they clearly are going to respond. we've already seen over 100 taiwanese food exporters that have had their business to the mainland cut off by the chinese government over the last 24 hours. i expect you will see a lot more of that. the ties between the mainland and taiwan that are much more important for taiwan's economic development than for china's are going to be squeezed on the back of this trip. certainly when the chinese government says there will be military responses you are going to expect broader levels of interference, flights through the taiwanese air defense identification zone. perhaps ships sailing across the median line in the taiwan strait. there are plenty of things the chinese government can do here.
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salami tactics that will respond to this trip of nancy pelosi into taipei. unlike the russian invasion of ukraine, the question of where america's allies all over the world will stand i think will be more open to question. >> bill: the cross wires in washington, d.c. on this story are confounding. thomas friedman writes in the "new york times" earlier today. nancy pelosi don't defy your own president, all right? here is senator tom cotton, a republican from arkansas, who is on exactly the opposite side of that argument from earlier. >> bill: once the biden administration leaked this trip in an effort to deter nancy pelosi was going it was essential she go. i'm disappointed the biden white house has tried to put pressure on a speaker of their own party not to travel to taiwan, which is a longstanding
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tradition. >> bill: can you sort this out for viewers that are home trying to figure a from b to c? >> sure. i can tell you where senator cotton is wrong. the trip was not intentionally leaked by the biden white house. it made their life much more difficult once this became public. they were privately -- once they found out about the trip contacting pelosi's office to say we don't think it's a good idea. postpone it until after the party congress. biden didn't want it to be him publicly coming out against pelosi and telling her i'm telling her not to go. she could only dig in in that environment and come a matter of wills. nobody wanted to embarrass the other. once it become public it was much more challenging and why biden avoided publicly saying i'm telling pelosi not to go. he didn't want a direct fight with her. he chose to say the pentagon
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would rather you not make this trip. that they consider it to be dangerous. in other words, for american national security purposes there is no loss of face here but right now don't do it. and pelosi chose to ignore it. >> bill: let's watch for economic fallout after she leaves. once we get over this moment. china essentially supports putin's war in ukraine as well. a significant international story. what to make of the killing in kabul, afghanistan of al-zawahiri 21 years later. >> clearly a win for the united states. the u.s. has been trying to take this guy out for several administrations. now the leader of the al qaeda network around the world. the fact that the u.s. can do it without boots on the ground is a relief to the united states and allies in the region.
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there is no ability to trust the taliban, zero. it was true when trump did the deal with them and true when biden pulled out. the fact that they said they wouldn't be harboring al qaeda leader sh*i. he was harbor evidence directly by a staffer of the leader of the taliban. extraordinary and not surprising. it shows that afghanistan under the taliban is a rogue regime and pariah state and should be treated as such. >> bill: no doubt. more than two decades later still living up to that name. niles to see you. thank you for your analysis today. >> sandra: texas governor greg abbott has invited new york city mayor eric adams and washington, d.c. mayor mural bowser to tour the southern border as the democrat mayors continue to request assistance for illegal migrants heading to their cities. griff jenkins is live in the
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rio grande valley, texas for us. griff, what is the situation like at the border there today? >> well, sandra, a sad morning here near la joya, texas, we can show you a game warden there moments ago there were five boats right where that one boat is. they pulled a migrant out of the water who drowned here earlier this morning crossing in a group. i'm with texas lieutenant . if any mayor comes here what will they see? >> the large groups of immigrants coming across the border every single day that are just depleting the resources in the smaller border communities. state resources and federal resources but the gotaways and the criminal activity coming across the border. drugs powering across the border. fentanyl but to also see the loss of life.
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we just mentioned now just returned from the river trying to cross this dangerous river. what is taking plagues along the border. they will get it see it firsthand by coming here. governor abbott has made a strong message until the federal government takes action and views the border wealth owe continue to bus these immigrants to washington >> 185 migrant deaths this fiscal year as of sunday. we added one more, sadly. >> sandra: griff jenkins for us. thank you. >> bill: another story that is not going away. another day, another random attack in new york city. a man seen on video slashing a woman with a box cutter. is city hall turning a blind eye to incidents like this? texas father on trial for murdering two teenage daughters back in 2008. the evidence that could put him behind bars.
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>> bill: 18 past the hour now. gunfire ringing out at a california liquor store as the owner defends his business against an armed robbery attempt. it's on video. matt finn is live in l.a. with more. how did it turn out, matt? good morning. >> the 80-year-old man in southern california acted fast and defended his business spotting on surveillance four armed robbers joust side his door. he made himself and his rifle ready when one entered.
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[yelling] >> he saw one of the four armed robbers pull a mask over his face. the owner shot his rifle hitting the suspect in the arm causing the entire group to take off. it was captured on video before 3:00 a.m. on sunday. california customers of that store have a lot to say telling our affiliate that criminals are in control and customers are glad that he defended himself. >> i'm not for gun violence but he wasn't the one doing the violence. the people that came in were the ones doing the violence. that's what we need to understand in our society. when people are doing violence against us we have the right to protect ourselves. >> i've seen him a couple times when i've been here and honestly i would expect that from him. >> the riverside sheriff's office said the four suspects were found at a southern
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california hospital. the 23-year-old primary suspect who was shot in is critical but stable condition. all are being held on robbery and conspiracy charges. the sheriffs office writing in this case a lawfully armed member of our community prevented a violent crime and insured their own safety while being confronted with multiple armed suspects. the owner is craig who suffered a heart attack after the shocking incident but is recovering. bill. >> bill: wow. something else. matt finn, thank you in los angeles. >> sandra: now to developing news out of new york city where police are searching for a suspect seen on camera here sunday morning running up behind a woman, broad daylight, slashing her with a box cutter in the heart of times square. let's bring in retired nypd lieutenant joe card nellie. hard to see that. it is just down the street here. 42nd street and 7th avenue. you know the area well.
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broad daylight. where does this keep happening? >> this this keeps happening because not only the criminals but the mentally ill haven't been getting the help that they need and the soros backed d.a.s like gascon and bragg are continuing to let it happen. it is a useless effect when police officers make an arrest like this and they are turned on the street without the help they need or anything else. this will continue to happen. i applaud the governor in texas for inviting mayor adams to go down there. mayor adams is an empty suit. all talk and he knows what he has to do to make the city right and he is just not doing it. law enforcement is not turning the tide the way it used to. so these criminals are just as we always say emboldened to do the crimes -- commit the crimes they commit and commit the actions that lead up to the crimes. there are 100 times a
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shoplifter and it takes 100 times to put them behind bars? something is wrong here. >> sandra: it is hard to here. there has to be a way to fix this. most residents want to believe the city can come back. it has gotten bad before and been brought around. bill braten is one of those. he has to be an optimist. there is a blueprint to fix this. he writes this in his piece in many ways the crime and disorder new york city is experiencing is reminiscent of the city we turned around in the 1990s. while the nypd continues to make arrests our elected officials and district attorney better hit the history books and find common ground with the police or public or maybe in future elections many of them, let's hope, will be history. he said he has to be an optimist. he said we've turned the city around before. there is a roadmap for this if our elected officials look back at history they'll learn from it. is there a possibility that could happen, joe? >> yes, you can do it.
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i worked for mayor giuliani under commissioner braten, the one-two punch the city needed. we need it now. we go back to mayor giuliani because it worked. it was a business for him. he brought business back to new york. everybody is fleeing new york right nou. i have a friend that went to the theater and got out and 4-year-old and 5-year-old children are saying what are they doing, shooting up right in front of them? this can be turned around. you need the one-two punch we had once before. whether mayor adams doing it with somebody else. he has to take hold of the situation right now. he has the means and the power to do it. he has to go against what he thinks his party wants and do what's good for the sfe and the residents of the city. otherwise it will just continue to happen. eventually it can turn around with the right one-two punch. >> sandra: i want to get your
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reaction. leo terrell came on the program slamming soros accusing him to want to eliminate law enforcement after the billionaire claimed in a new "wall street journal" op-ed there is no connection, he said, to recent spikes in crime in some of these cities and the soft on crime policies and these reform-minded prosecutors. here is leo yesterday. >> what he wants to do is eliminate the criminal justice system and law enforcement. he wants no law enforcement and that's the welcome sight for career criminals and gang members. >> sandra: how is it possible that george soros has no connection to these soft on crime policies and these prosecutors in these cities where you see double digit rises in crime? new york city up 37%. chicago up 35%. your reaction. >> his footprint is all over this and he can deny it all he wants. his footprint is well into this.
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and he knows that if he keeps putting the money into the spots he needs he will garnish votes for the people he wants in power. you need somebody up in albany like lee zeldin that can remove a d.a. like bragg. bragg is not held to any civil liability for any of his actions. i think if you held the d.a.s and judges to the same liability that you hold the police officers to i think you will see them change their tune to a degree. when you have somebody as wealthy as soros backing you, you think you are invincible as well. the public needs to turn this around themselves and put the right officials in there and get rid of these d.a.s and judges and hold them accountable. let's change the law on the books. let's make them responsible like police officers are. take the indemnification away from them. they did it to the police. leo is correct. he systematically dismantling the whole law enforcement platform eliminating the first line of defense in the country and doing it through propaganda
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effectively. >> sandra: thank you very much, sir. >> any time. thank you. >> bill: back to breaking news. house speaker pelosi expected to arrive in taipei, taiwan moments from now spiking already tense relations with beijing. we'll have the latest for you as we follow it by the hour. the democratic primary challenger, far left squad member cori bush in st. louis calls her out for spending money on her own security and not just any money, hundreds of thousands of dollars this as she backs a defund the police movement. >> to continue this line of defunding the police causes further division without any real solutions to our crime issues.
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make sure taiwan can defend itself and continue to do that going forward. >> bill: the white house reafiermg a bit earlier today it's support for taiwan ahead of a visit by nancy pelosi which will begin at any moment. screen left. taipei, taiwan we are watching the airport there. she is set to land in the capital city any moment. as we await that, the plan visit has sparked a series of escalating threats out of beijing bringing u.s./china tensions to a boiling point. bring in former station chief of c.i.a. dan hoffman for analysis. good morning to you. how do you see the visit and forecast the fallout, dan? >> well, you know, i think both the united states and china have kind of backed themselves into a corner here a little bit. really the publicity of this trip has played a major role. if speaker pelosi has simply departed for taiwan without any
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public discussion beforehand we might have avoided all of this. right now china is escalating with very dangerous rhetoric and military drills around taiwan. if the visit had not gone on as planned, then we would have allowed china further to diplomatically isolate taiwan and there would have been a severe hift to u.s. credibility in the region and beyond. it is time now for -- i think it is key for our intelligence community to provide the administration with warning of whatever policy measures the chinese plan on implementing. i'm sure there are back channel discussions now between united states senior officials and chinese counterparts. >> bill: i'll read a tweet from mike pompeo. let me be clear china under the rule of the ccp, the chinese communist party, is the greatest threat to the u.s. in our history.
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he continues. it touches every facet of american life. it will take real unified effort in each for america to stay on top. i imagine you don't think he is wrong about that, dan. >> i have agree 100%. you know, one of the things -- the successes during the previous administration that secretary pompeo led was building a bipartisan consensus on the necessity to defend and counter and deter china's aggression. their militarizing the south china sea and threatening taiwan self-govern country of 23 million people and threatening to take over taiwan. xi considers taiwan a breakaway province to be reunited by force in necessary. they the mounting espionage against the united states and allies and stealing our
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intellectual properties. if they were to take taiwan it would have strategic implications and japan. they have would get taiwan's economy. they rely on them to power our cell phones and cars we drive. >> sandra: what are you watching for the next few minutes acknowledging the fact that speaker pelosi's office hasn't confirmed her trip prior to her touching down there? what will you be watching for over the next 30 minutes or hour here? >> definitely watching for how china responds militarily. i'm sure the chinese have put together some plans for how they may seek to demonstrate their opposition to this visit. obviously they will be running lots of propaganda in the media, their own media and threatening the united states with action and taiwan as well. there will be mounting massive espionage on the visit itself to collect intelligence on what
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speaker pelosi discusses with her taiwan counterparts. i am looking for whether chinese responds with some military provocation. that would be of greatest concern to the speaker and biden administration as well. >> sandra: dan, thank you very much for joining us on that. we'll be watching every single moment that any pictures we actually get, i don't know what the next couple of hours look like but it is a live shot of taipei, taiwan right now where the speaker is expected to land any moment. we're watching it. dan, thank you. a report on the economic tolls from rising inflation in the country now according to lending club. 61% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. that's as of june. that's up from 58% just one month earlier. let's bring in connor mcshane. put it into the pile of the white house saying we're not in a recession because there is other indications out there
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that people are going to weather this storm better than other economic periods where we did enter recession. when you've got 60% of the population living paycheck to paycheck that's real economic pain for american families, connell. >> it is, no doubt. it is a startling report. i doubt it is surprising to many viewers paying attention to their own lives and our reporting about inflation. the number is 61%, up from 58. it is up from 55% a year ago. we do always have a fair number of people in this country living paycheck to paycheck. when inflation is the top story and top economic concern those numbers only go up. why? it's simple. the things you are showing on the screen. things we need, food to some extent gas prices, especially food prices are going up faster than the rate that we're making money. hourly earnings are up. we're making more money as a country but not keeping up with the rate of inflation. >> sandra: not even close, right?
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put it on the screen for the virus what we're living through. wages up 5.7% to your point. it would otherwise in any moment be great news. when you have inflation up a historic 9.1% it is gobbling up all the wage growth. the cost of everyday goods are on the rise. still joe manchin, it is hard to believe for many who have seen him over the last few months get in the way of more government spending that caused the inflation, it is hard to imagine him saying this. listen. >> there is nothing on taxes at all. not one penny of change in taxes. i have no idea where they are coming at. let me tell you the only thing we did. the only thing that was done is basically we looked at taking everything out that could be looked at -- to fanning the fires of inflation or inflaming it. there is nothing there. >> sandra: he is pushing this plan to bring down inflation and jct looked and said taxes will go up for every single american in this country despite this white house saying
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that it would never raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. >> we're getting used to the semantic debates over what is a recession or not a recession. what's a tax hike or what is not a tax hike. this so-called inflation reduction act is $433 billion. you mentioned the joint committee on taxation study commissioned by republicans. what it found out was that if you do the math on this, there may not be any direct tax increases which allowed manchin to say what he said. but the minimum corporate tax in the bill, when you analyze that as this group did and you study it, what the impact of it will be once it is passed along to workers and just regular americans, that in effect works itself out like a tax hike. you end up paying more because corporations are having to pay a 15% minimum. this is where we get around
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this what we call it but at the end of the day what does it feel like? our costs and taxes are going up. >> sandra: everybody pays. the investors and workers will have more taken out of their paychecks. big consequences to that sort of action even though those companies make income excess of a billion dollars which the democrats like to tout as companies that can handle it. it was the workers that will pay. connell, thank you very much for joining us on that. bill. >> bill: so in a moment the trial of a man accused of murdering his two daughters in what is called honor killings begins today. there will be chilling evidence set to be unveiled in that case.
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at the moment 10:45 in the evening there. >> sandra: and this stop was never officially announced by her office. we are getting some word from the pentagon per a spokesperson there, when asked by fox news, if the u.s.s. ronald reagan aircraft carrier is operating in the sea of taiwan along with guided missile cruiser, the spokesperson emphasized these are normal deployments and locations there. this we're told is the plane. you can see the american flag on the tail. when asked if pelosi's mill naer aircraft is accompanied by military planes the pentagon said we never talk about security detail for unconfirmed or confirmed travel. we take all appropriate measures to insure the safety of members of congress wherever and whenever they choose to travel. >> bill: as we watch this,
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sandra, we ask the question how long will she stay and what will the chinese do while she is there and after she leaves taipei? dan hoffman is back with us. there is one report a moment ago translated from german that chinese su35 fighter aircraft said to be flying across the taiwan strait. wouldn't be the first time. get your general reaction if this is confirmed in time. >> chinese aircraft have been flying combat missions at really heightened rate over this past year. i would emphasize that it is good to see that plane land in taiwan. we should never allow china to exercise any sort of command and control over u.s. senior officials and their travel overseas. had we done that, that would have been a gross example of apiecement which is never good when you deal with a dictatorship. i think right now there is no
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question our intelligence community working closely with our allies in the region on very high alert right now to track whatever threats might be out there emanating from chinese military as well as their intelligence services. >> sandra: 10:47 p.m. on the ground there, dan. as you said earlier when you were talking to us, you said both china and the united states have backed themselves into corners here. we know that china just ahead of her official visit there as she lands on the ground there threatened serious military consequences. how do you fathom they respond now that she has touched down? can you envision them doing nothing? >> they kind of wrote a check that we'll see whether their military will cash it. will their rhetoric, this bombastic menacing rhetoric mask some military action they might take?
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they threatened the united states that such a visit would be playing with fire. if china does absolutely nothing, then that would risk some damage to their credibility, which would be good for us. but this sort of interaction between two super powers not good and really risks great miscalculations especially dangerous when we have the speaker of the house in taipei right now. so again, i think we're probably seeing back channel discussions between the united states and chinese. if nothing occurs, nothing untoward from the chinese side you may see some dialogue -- open dialogue and some commentary from the united states appreciating chinese restraint perhaps. this is a tenuous time right now and certainly with speaker of the house pelosi potentially staying overnight in taipei there are a number of hours for us to be tracking this. >> bill: michael pillsbury joins our conversation. thank you for coming back here.
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just to draft off dan hoffman's answer there, how much do you believe is propaganda versus how much is a legitimate threat out of beijing? >> i like dan's emphasis on intelligence collection while nancy pelosi is in taiwan. i think this is much more of a real threat than propaganda. the background, of course, is xi wants a third term, another five-year term to go against the old tradition that ping started that only serve 10 years and you're out. anything like a crisis and a need to respond to the americans and start a series maybe even a month or two of harassment of taiwan feeds into xi's argument that you need me for five more years. he is 70 years old, age 75. i see this in terms of how americans perceive china as a second issue. we still have a lot of americans, as many as a third,
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including in the congress, in the executive branch, who basically still love china. they have wishful thinking and fond hopes the u.s. and china can rule the world together, fight climate change. so in this kind of military crisis begins to emerge, it puts pressure on what the chinese call the friends of china in washington, d.c. where those who work for china sometimes they say in washington, d.c. puts pressure on them, how can you continue our trillion dollars of investment in chinese companies and how can you support exchange programs with the chinese military? it questions all these things. there is a lot of legislation in the congress now that nancy pelosi has spurned. she has not worked with the republicans. i have think when she comes home from this trip, she may be more bipartisan in her approach toward china policy for the long term. that's my wish and hopefully something good will come out of
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the vits. >> sandra: we see some debording the plane. mixed messaging from the white house. we watched the john kirby press conference ahead of the trip. not confirming the trip but ensuring safe travel should she at her call decide to make this trip. at one point john kirby asking the question, what's the drama after you to your point we heard this menacing rhetoric coming from china ahead of the speaker of the house's visit to taiwan? michael, you can take that. >> it's a dangerous situation when the speaker of the house and white house don't seem to be on the same page. i was very impressed when john kirby admitted yesterday that biden and nancy pelosi have not spoken about this trip. this is historic and it is dangerous and it is important. how could they not have discussed it? the answer is they don't agree. nancy pelosi has a long history
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of concern about human rights, dalai lama, very skeptical about china. the biden administration so far. >> sandra: she is coming off the plane now. >> let's take a look. let's hope this is the new bipartisan nancy pelosi when she gets home. >> bill: want to see if we can pick up any audio. difficult with the jet engines in the background. jennifer griffin joins our coverage. if we get a microphone there i'll interrupt jennifer. what has the pentagon's position been and what has mark milley be doing? is there a back channel of sorts with beijing on this? >> thanks, bill. we just got the list of u.s. warships that have been deployed in the region just east of taiwan. they are in the philippine sea
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and a spokesman said it is normal deployment. it is unusual when you have the u.s.s. ronald reagan aircraft carrier deployed. it is sending a very big signal to the chinese right now carrying out their own exercises in the region from august 2-6. there were live fire drills that took place over the weekend that were designed to intimidate taiwan ahead of speaker pelosi's visit. so the names of the other -- we have the guided missile cruiser, u.s.s. higgins and amphibious assault ship that are all in the area. the pentagon would not tell us whether u.s. military planes escorted speaker pelosi in. the congressional delegation into taipei. they went out of their way, the airspace, in order to avoid
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provoking china. but i think what you are going to see is you are going to see china start using other means in addition to some threatening military moves that will show, you know, that they can't look like a paper tiger right now. so they are going to have to do some drills that are going to be menacing and threatening to taipei but where they usually respond is economically and they have ways to really -- punish taiwan for allowing this visit to go forward, bill. >> sandra: we're watching these live images. >> bill: dan hoffman just listening to jennifer reporting there and this whole conversation about a paper tiger, think back to february and march of this year when putin went into ukraine and how the national conversation was that china is watching what the u.s. does and how it reacts to
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putin's move. when you consider that, you cannot afford to back down from a trip like this one would argue to keep america strong in the eyes of the world, to make sure beijing knows we mean business. putin made his move and beijing is watching. then the question became would beijing make a move on taiwan based on how they observed putin. and his invasion. how do you analyze all of that based on your c.i.a. background? >> i think you make a really important point. president biden has taken strategic ambiguity to the highest level by saying three times that the united states would come to the assistance of
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taiwan. each time his senior officials had to walk it back. so in the absence of strategic certainty about whether we would come to taiwan's assistance, i think that's one reason why china is testing us to see how strong we are, how resolute the united states is in defending taiwan. we're seeing right now whether the united states certainly speaker pelosi has delivered a strong message that we will continue to support our partners in taipei. but china is taking this one pretty hard and i think they are taking lessons from vladimir putin and they are resolute in their determination to capture taiwan and bring taiwan into the fold as they did with hong kong. we all know how that works out. >> sandra: if jennifer griffin is still with us as we look at the pictures in taipei. nancy pelosi touching down first house speaker to go to
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taiwan in 25 years. it is 11 at night. upon arrival she would have meetings right away with it being so late, most meetings were set for wednesday. jennifer, if you could add what we know about her schedule. a big question still whether or not she will be spending the night in taipei. >> it is our understanding that she is spending the night and planning to meet with the president of taiwan. we don't have a lot of details because they didn't confirm the trip in advance, as you know. there has been this real cat and mouse game between the white house and speaker pelosi's office. the pentagon wanting to not get dragged into the middle of it. there were -- when president biden mentioned that he had -- that the military didn't want speaker pelosi to go, i have spoken to sources here at the pentagon who say that is not the case. the military always briefs
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congressional delegations when they go to areas like taiwan where there can be tensions and brief about what the landscape is, what the potential military consequences could be to such a visit. that is what i'm told occurred. the military was not trying to talk her out of going. they were simply briefing her ahead of the visit. we don't have a lot of details. we did see that incredible tallest building in taiwan welcoming speaker pelosi, reaffirming the friendship with the u.s. that is bound to irritate beijing certainly. >> bill: jennifer, so it has happened and after a week of debating this publicly, whether the government wanted to or not in 20 seconds or less what's the takeaway? what does speaker pelosi come out of taipei with? >> it is a huge symbolic gesture from the united states of america that the u.s. stands strong with taiwan.
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a signal to president xi that the u.s. stands very firmly with taiwan and it will be taken as such by beijing. >> bill: thank you, jennifer. good to have you on today, michael pillsbury and dan hoffman and smitty. >> sandra: chuck grassley joining us at 1:00. >> bill: we'll see you then. here is harris. >> breaking news now with house speaker nancy pelosi on the ground in taiwan. china has been threatening the united states for days not to go there and one chinese state media commentator with these chilling words, pray for pelosi. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". nancy pelosi becomes the highest ranking united states official to visit taiwan in a quarter century. the last speaker of the house to
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