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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 2, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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just a few clicks. it's soicki it's more . customers today are relying w on their cars and safety featureshye is like automatic emergency braking and lane departure warningte. ty that's f why our recalibrations service is state of the art. nk we recalibrate your vehicle's camera so you can still count on those safety features. all right. we're all finished. thank you so much. thank you. don't schedule now, please let me pay your speech tonight. we place. good evening and welcome tucker carlson tonight. the thing about the chinese government is this is kind of weird. the chinese government almost never celebrates diversity. think about that american liberals little threat. the west loves china. it's just america's model. but china does not celebrate diversity. in fact, in the american media never says this, but it's absolutely true. china is a militarized ethno state. it's run along traditional
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fascist lines for the benefit of a specific ethnic group. the han chinese are not supposed to be allowed, but they're doing it. so to chinese leaders, the concept of diversity, equity and inclusion, those concepts make no sense at all. in fact, they're bizarre. it's one of those incomprehensible jokes that western liberals tell the chinese don't get it at all. so when nancy pelosi took off for taiwan today aboard a us military jet, the chinese government did not issue a statement applauding her remarkable display of spunky girl power. no one in beijing congratulated nancy pelosi for breaking glass ceilings. is the very first speaker in history to identify as a woman. no one in china even mentioned that. instead, chinese leaders treated pelosi's arrival like an invasion. air raid sirens sounded in coastal towns in china as her plane approached. when she finally landed, the chinese military announced live fire exercises in the airspace around taiwan for the next four days, china's foreign ministry declared that nancy pelosi's mere presence, quote, gravely undermines peace
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and stability across the taiwan strait and quote, proving that in asia as at home, things rarely improve when nancy pelosi shows. so the question really is why does she go in the first place? that's the real question. and the punchline in washington, as always, is totally implausible is that pelosi's trip was designed to, quote, reaffirm taiwan status as a us ally. okay, except the problem is taiwan is not a us ally. in fact, taiwan may be the only country in the world the bush administration believes does not have a right of self-determination. we do not support taiwan's independence. wait a second. they're against democracy. they were for democracy rights, always taiwan democracy. it turns. they don't mean it. not that you ever felt they did. so the one thing you can be certain of is that nancy pelosi did not fly all the way to taiwan to signal that the united states is going to defend that island from a chinese invasion. we're not going to do that. we're not in a position to do that. even if we wanted to do that,
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we've already sent too many of our surface to air missiles, for example, to ukraine where our oligarch friends are busy selling them to various dark actors on the international arms market. so if there's a major war in asia any time soon, we will not be winning it. every sober person knows that. sad but true. so what's really going on here? well, in the internet, you may have noticed quite a bit of speculation, some of it generated by chinese state media that pelosi went to taiwan to check on investments that her husband paul made using insider information. he did make those investments in the u.s. insider information. that's why he's such a fantastic stock picker worth more than one hundred million dollars in this case, paul pelosi bought semiconductor stock. taiwan makes semiconductors rising tensions in the region would create more demand for semiconductors. that's the theory. is it true? well, nancy pelosi is from baltimore. she wouldn't put anything past her, but it doesn't quite satisfy as an explanation. that is a long and highly public trip to take for a relatively small investment. it's got to be something else going on . what is it? well, it is entirely possible
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that most obvious explanation for this debacle is the right one . it's possible the bush administration are so completely incompetent. the people who run the white house are so utterly blinded by their own arrogance and their ineptitude. they just don't appreciate or even understand the implications of what they are doing. so nancy pelosi got bored of spending the summer nap and she wants to take a free trip to asia where she can pretend to be a statesman for a week. girl power let her go . it's possible. that's all the thinking they did before signing off on pelosi's trip here. for example, john kirby, who's supposed to take seriously proving the point effectively this morning on fox is the aggressiveness, the coercion, the increasing tensions in the last weeks and months have all come from the chinese side. what we have said is that there's no reason that this visit should escalate tensions in any way whatsoever. also, there's no reason that this visit should escalate tensions in any way whatsoever.
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thanks, john kirby, for describing the world as you fervently wish it was. we'd love to hear your views on perpetual motion machine. now back to reality as we actually find nancy pelosi's trip to taiwan has in fact dramatic escalated tensions in the region throughout asia, in fact, escalated more than any single act in recent memory. so you have to ask yourself for what how exactly is the united states, which he serves, benefiting from what she's doing? is there an upside here for us ? that's one question that people like john kirby never think to ask. they just assume china must be bluffing. just another backward third world government making whuffie noises don't take them seriously, just like russia. well, they said they're going to invade ukraine if we push ukraine to join. now, who cares what they think ? they're a gas station with a government bluffing. that's what arrogance does do,
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blinds you to reality. so the question is , is china bluffing? what if they're not? what if in response to pelosi's totally pointless trip to taiwan, the chinese decide to seize the kamini, which are now governed by taiwan, whose defense we've implicitly, effectively guaranteed for seventy five years? well, that could actually happen. the chinese government is already making the kind of noises you would expect it to make before doing something like that. here's a selection ahead of the stop. the chinese government continue to ramp their warnings, saying it undermines china's sovereignty and security, sending them veto. we hope u.s. officials will clearly understand the importance and sensitivity of the issue and how dangerous it would be if the visit actually happens. the chinese claim taiwan as their own and there are concerns beijing could use the visit as a pretext to ramp military action in the area. huh. maybe that's bluffing. maybe it's not. but the deeper question is when's the last time american liberals built
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something one does? let's have nancy pelosi or joe biden or any of these people. susan rice created something worth having. we'll give you a few minutes before they break things. they show up, they make things worse. they move on to the next thing. they never apologized. they did in afghanistan. they did it in iraq. they did it ukraine. they did it in syria. they did it in libya. are they going to do it now with china breaking things? in fact, if you were trying to give beijing a pretext to seize taiwan, this is exactly the kind of trip you would take and what would happen if beijing seized taiwan will be a humanitarian disaster for the taiwanese. they would lose any semblance of self-determination. democracy would die. so that's bad. but more to the point, it would be disastrous for us , for us because it would make this is the effect of virtually every policy that come out of the bush administration. it would make china
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more powerful. how powerful is china? we understate their power. actually , china already makes 90% of the world's antibiotics. it makes 80% of the world's lithium batteries. 96% of the shipping containers used to transport goods across the world, mostly from china, are made in china. but one thing china does not yet control is the semiconductor industry. at the end of 2020 one , china held just four percent of the global semiconductor market. north america, the asia pacific region, the dominant players. now semiconductors are not a small thing. in fact, they're essential to modern life. they're in everything brakes, sensors in your car to your phone, to your computer there and everything. and as it happens, virtually all advanced semiconductors are made where they made their made in taiwan, the taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company makes 90% of the world's advanced semiconductors. it is by far the world's largest semiconductor foundry without the taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company. that would mean companies like apple, qualcomm and many others could not function. that's a lot of the american
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economy. last year, taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company accounted for more than half of the total foundry revenue in the world. so maybe showing up in taiwan would give beijing a pretext to invade taiwan and take over the world's largest semiconductor foundry. and that puts us in the beta position to an even greater extent, to put it mildly. is that the goal of this trip? could it be that tony blinken and barack obama and the rest of the people who are actually running the biden administration without the knowledge joe biden can't remember anything at this point. could it be that all these people perfectly well, his recklessness is now perfectly well what the effects could be and they are doing it not just in spite of those effects, but because of those effects, because actually , at least on some gut level, they want to hasten the end of american hegemony, which is to say the end of the u.s. as we know it. that would explain why they sent kamala harris, of all people, to avert a war on ukraine, knowing full well that kamala harris would
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read the notes they wrote for her and insist that ukraine join nato and then guarantee that russia invades ukraine, constricts the world's energy and food markets and makes us weaker. maybe that would happen. maybe they're not that stupid. maybe that would also explain why they sent nancy pelosi over to taiwan effectively the administration's representative, even though nancy pelosi rival kamala harris inability to form a coherent thought. now, again, we learned this lesson, but it's just true as we watch this stuff, we hope you don't hope you have a real life. but if you see nancy pelosi reeson since she turned 80 , for example, two years ago, you know, this is someone who was having a lot of trouble speaking. he was pelosi the briefing back in november, for example. the other thing that we're getting, we're sending stuff over to the senate. most of the product that we've done is now we may have had it in the last hour or so. and some of what we added a senate to the bill hearing
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for doesn't like hearing accusing bernie loves hearing mentioned it doesn't want a hearing in the bill. so some sen. orrin and then we have medical medically the figures they're putting things in, then we can put something in even if mention doesn't like. so so we are getting some bird and privilege. i think i think mostly we're getting privileged scrub because privilege drive is devoted to a bill 30% it's important. it's you have to take it out. but privilege violation can take you out. so at this point august of 2020 two, taiwan is the world's great flashpoint. it's the largest power with a name it has articulated repeatedly over almost 80 years to invade a neighboring country, taiwan. so there's no delicate place
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diplomatically on the globe. so if you're sending that person to calm tensions or reassure allies, probably doing what you say you're doing, you may be doing the opposite. if you're trying to provoke your enemies and terrify your so-called allies, you'd probably pick nancy pelosi as your representative in taiwan. what is going on here? well, if you're willing to understand the motive of the people in charge, consider this at the same moment that we are clearly goading other countries into conflict with each other and with us , we are meeting the administration, degrading our ability to participate or prevail in those wars. our defensive capabilities have never been weaker and that's on accident. they did it, for example, the central intelligence agency, whatever you think that we don't think much kind of important to our country, certainly well funded. here's a recent recruiting ad from the cia. i'm a woman of color. i am a mom. i am a gender millennial who been diagnosed
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with generalized disorder. i am intersectional for my existence is not a box checking exercise. i am a walking declaration. a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences, suggesting that a question has been asked. i used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at thirty six i refuse to internalize misca patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be . oh you're intersectional. that generalized anxiety sort of come work in a critical federal agency. so if you're running an ad like that, not only are you not serious, you are trying to degrade and hurt the ability of the united states to defend itself, to perpetuate itself, to remain the united states for our grandchildren. that's exactly what let's stop lying about this exactly what you're doing. and it's just happening at cia . nothing joe biden has done in the last year and a half has made our armed forces better prepared to fight wars. instead, it has been
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one calculated humiliation after another for the u.s. armed forces. vax mandates antiwhite ideology , changes, drag shows, whatever is necessary to telegraph to the united states military. you are worthless. you are defending a country that does not deserve to be defended. your traditions are disgusting . you're terrible. that's the message. here's the latest. the va has decided to desecrate military cemetery cemeteries that be america's last remaining national shrine. our military cemeteries desecrated with industrial wind turbines one just one up in massachusetts national cemetery. so texas is back there starting more wars while simultaneously making it harder for the united states to fight and prevail in those wars. spokesperson for the chinese foreign ministry said this morning that their army will , quote, never sit by idly. well, you know what? we have an army, too, and would take strong by idly either.
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don't tell our neighbors where they can go and where they can't defend . i salute nancy pelosi for going there, for sending a message that taiwan is an ally and just as we won't support taiwan's independence and breaking away from this one , china policy, we will not stand idly by if it's mainland china decides to invade taiwan or childish posturing from people who have no idea what they're talking about, have no skin in the game whatsoever. the truth, we're not in a position to prosecute a successful war against china should be we should have been making defensive strategic moves for the past twenty years. on shoring critical manufacturing, building up a strong military and yes, a strong cia not degrading them with identity politics and other pointless lunacy that detracts from the mission, which is to protect the united states . but that's exactly what we've done.
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republicans in congress have allowed it to happen. oh, we're funding for you. so whatever the motive here is , the effect is absolutely predictable. as with afghanistan and ukraine and covid and nine other disasters, when what we're watching right now finally ends, the u.s. is likely to be weaker and china is likely to be stronger. so what does this mean? it means the beginning of the end of american influence in asia, influence that we paid for with . and that's not an overstatement. more than half a million american servicemen were killed or wounded the pacific theater in the second world war and in korea a few years after that and as a result of their sacrifice and wise diplomacy, countries like japan and south korea and singapore and the philippines have all been in our orbit. the western orbit, america's orbit for most of the last century. and that's been a good thing for all involved. not perfect, but better than the alternative. but we're about to see the alternative thanks to whatever the motive, the lunacy of people like pelosi and by harry kent, the nsa is the president of the rogue states project. he joins us tonight to assess
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where china is . and here. thanks so much for coming on . so i guess the question is to what extent is china bluffing, if any? what do you think? oh, tucker, i'm going to be honest with you. they're not bluffing at all. they've been preparing for this scenario for thirty years. and if you go back to 1995, 1996, we had a similar situation with china when taiwan's president wanted to come back to cornell university to visit his alma mater. we had a very similar crisis. but at the time the united states was the overwhelming military superpower. we had no problems worrying about china. in fact, chinese military officials couldn't even find our aircraft carriers today the situation is very different. the chinese have prepped for the scenario. they have thousands of ballistic cruise missiles, hypersonic missiles, carrier killer missiles. so if there was a war between the united states and china, the first thing you're going to do is they're going to attack with a bolt from the blue. they're going to destroy our satellites in orbit. they're going to destroy our communications equipment. we're not going to fight about
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transgender issues on ticktock any more because it's not going to work in the united states and then they're going to destroy our aircraft carriers, destroy all of our bases in asia. this is all been gamed out. i've actually fought this war in simulators for over ten years. you know, it happens every time, tucker. we lose. so everyone prays it would never get to a point anywhere near what you describe. of course it could. and the chinese have not been, i don't think, very subtle about telegraphing their intentions in the face of this looming threat from this rising power. how has the entire united states congress sat back and continue to fund a military that gets weaker, more politicized every year? i don't understand that. i don't either. chuck, with you. i mean, a lot of this is mis prioritization. i mean, it feels like we're forever stuck in a cold war mindset. i mean, we're forever stuck in this idea that we're the dominant hegemon, a lot of our foreign policy thinking seems like it's stuck in the 1990s. you know, the unipolar moment, if you will , where the united states is omnipotent, can do
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anything. nothing can happen to us . you know, we've got the atlantic, the pacific, we've got canada and mexico and nothing can permeate our our our space. but i think 9/11 proved that that, you know, obviously can happen. and i think china proves that this threat is very real. and let's face it, tucker, we're not ready for it. yeah. and if this moment doesn't freeze the renewable energy cult in its tracks and makes a laughingstock of anybody, suggest running our grid over to china. i don't know honestly what will . harry, great to see tonight. thank you for that. thanks. so it's been more than two years since st george floyd died and the country changed completely. that happened, of course, minneapolis memorial day 2020. but whatever happened in minneapolis, we know the city defended its police. is it a utopian? laura ingraham was interested enough to go to minneapolis to find out. she joins us live here from minneapolis. and then our conversation
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with golfer bryce dechambeau. interesting. even if you don't care about golf, the straight we need a small business on this long fulgoni there's a better way to get a fast small business loan, go to inject and if approved, get your funds as the same day your loan is pundak ready? you don't want to be late. libby's name is even right. it's sticking with the p h. the address is by 31st street. that's just next to city hall. where are my keys? my glasses said wait, how are you doing? this foget factor is factor has been clinically shown to improve memory, concentration and focus. it improves verbal learning and short term memory by forty four percent. so get your reinstein on it. focus back to your einstein.
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victims. to discuss your case now, eight hundred nine zero one nine nine seven just over two years ago, that violent
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ex-con called george foy got arrested in minneapolis for trying to passrr counterfeit twenty dollar bill and promptly died of a fentanyl o.d. or attem leastpt that's what the medical examiner apparently determined on . think what to say that's on tv. but anyway, he died and in response to his death sentence for death, democrats encouraged riots all over the country. they bailed out criminals. he paid r for a the whole thing so you have to kind of wonder what happened to minneapolis. we were wondering the other day used to be one of the nicesthe cities in the world. it's not anymore. we t just got this text from someone who's in minneapolis, quote, this place is a freakin' disaster.isas. i can't believe anyone live here. shootings galore. i'm afraid to even go totohe the mall of americao . so that got us thinking we should go to minneapolis and see what it's like. then we found out that laura ingraham and not for the first time had beat us to o it and she was already there. so she's about to join us live from minneapolis once the 3rd i precinct, which is still abandoned after it wass destroyed by rioters. r we spoke to one officer who went back to the scene for the first time since those riots of 2020 one . i thinkwa one of the biggest challenges is just working
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with the deficit of officers working on rebuilding the trust with the community, working on getting more cops to help cit us and working with what limited resources we have now has the activist movement, which always seems to, in my view, be biased against law enforcementvi. j has that made your job more difficult on a daily basis? just interacting with regular folks? oh,, absolutely. and the more of that that gets put out the media, it makes its tough for us to actually just do our jobs without being harassed and cameras in our face when we're just trying tr not we'ren we're not trying to takee away t anybody's rights. we're just trying to do our job. so as we said, laura ingraham has been on this story, beat us to it. she's the host, of course, o the incremental tension. e she's in a lot more on m minneapolis on our show tonight. it's going to join us right now for a preview m. laura , thank you for doing this. what's your sense ofow how minneapolis is doing? well, i was so sad, tucker. i've been coming to minnesota for, i don't know, twelve yearss
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every summer i've college friends here. i've gotten to know the city, other parts of the state. g and it'sre such a great state. it's amazing people here. it's kind of quirky politically as we butow i was here shortly after the riots and it was, as you can imagine, a total disaster. businesses at total loss burned to the ground, still smoldering ,3rd precinct abandoned. so i thought let's go back. in i wasg, stunned at how bad it is in certain parts of minneapolis 3rd precinct. they're still operating out of a school. they don't s even have a permanent presence, a permanent building structure in minneapolis to this day. this is like twenty six months after floyd was killed and you can feel in the in the officerst they're trying to put on a brave face and great people. but can you imagine having a deficit of three hundred law enforcement in a city that is we're seeing burgeoning
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crime, violence even nearur the university of minnesota, whichge is a great school.ob they're having problems there. so this has got to be addressedo and you're going to need a real change inu' political leadership to do it.t it but it's very sad and infuriating. and as a you've reported at the time and i did, too, all too predictable. o all too p predictable. what's weird is that big companies paid for these riots . wehe put the list on the screen many times, but they haven't paid to rebuild t one of america's nicest cities that they destroyed. so where's nike and google and facebook fund to rebuild minneapolis? some of the larger companies? have rebuilt near that precinct. i think there's a targetds and there's cub foods and as couple of others. but sort ofut the smaller businesses as usual, tucker,nd get the short end of the stick. and i think some black owned businesses have gotten some help. but i mean, i am shocked. one dinerr i'm going to take people to is actually derrick chauvin actually worked above
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it in the club above it that was burned to the ground. so i go to that same location. i saidne, well, where'she the where's the rebuild? it'sat just like weeds. it's a whole lot of weeds now. nothing nothing's been done. shocking. so they destroy the city. they put this cop in prison for the rest of his life. we all have to a pretend he committed murder, which he didn't. but whatever , we have too pretend it and then they leaveet and they move on to the next thing to destroy. so perfect. ingram , i appreciate the fact that you're on the story and in your report from there tonight. thanks so much. we'll see you at 10:00 eastern for more on that. thanks so much, dr.. soxt as women last night we broe our cardinal rule and got involved in a controversial see that we don't know very much about as to what golf and wee interviewed greg norman. he made his case for a new golf league that he's the commissioner called live several big playersr are leaving the pga tour for live golf. and we sit down with one of them called brice's, the shimbo talk to the trump national golf course about why he's doing this was interesting to get that he's going to fox
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nation exclusive. one critical challenge for this defibrillate it's lights out with state troopers. anybody coming across this border is paying a smuggler for a first hand journey to the front line. christine, that actually did not make it out of these ranches and end up dying. just the cartels control everything on the maria bartiromo leads the on. this is the reality that is the texas border connecting the cartels are seeing openings as we get it has only gotten worse as americans impacted by the growing dangers. i quickly ran like i came back . i can no longer walk out here by myself. can the border before it's too late. broken borders special streaming down the line some streaming wednesday
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so. so last week our producers just did a story on golf. i hunt and fish. i learned about golf. it's no it's actually really interesting and it is interesting. inere's a new league called live golf competing with the pga tour g. we so we decided to get down to trump bedminster from national golf club investments in gn new jersey this weekend to learn more about it. you part ofd b b our visit last night with a conversation with the new commissionerig of golf, greg norman, on the greatest players in the world. but we want to of know what were participating in live golf. think of this and why leave the pga anyway? why would anyone leave the pga ? well, bryson dechambeau is one of the best golfers inof the world. pixellated smu is one of o the longest drivers inne the history of the sport he's now playing for i tg with joe biden relating personal story to. so we sat f p down with himsa and asked himt lots of golfue related questions. here's part of what he saidd . spent six years on the pga tour . you were one of the best young
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players in college. how did you wind up here is a controversial choice according to a lot of people. it definitely a lot of opportunity. that was the first and foremost thing. there was a new opportunity to do something an different in the game golf. i've always been a bit of a trendsetter when i was growing up, i always thought that i'd do something cool in the game of golf. i don't know what ithat would be that i see this. s i know this is a big part of it and the reason i say that is because i've always thought that golf has to start to tailor to the younger generation if we want to continue to grow the gamen ifif . about growth in g the game of golf and i think that as time has gone, this opportunity with live golf, the way it's structured from an investment perspective, also fromin a enjoyment perspective and entertainment perspective, all has the possibility to doll things that the game of golfli has never seen before. e gawhen you talk to people abot live, they suggest that there's a violation of some kind ofio unspoken honor code in golf or
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you're going to change the culture of golf to make it more vulgarr, more populist, less honorable. i know you hear versions of that. i'm not sure i'm describing it exactly. the spirit of golf is being stripped of golf is somehow just spoiled orra desecrated by this. how do you respond the spirit t of golf? look, i think that in every industry, no matter what it is , it's always been changing, innovating right in golf i don't think is anything different over the course tin of time. if we want to continue to grow the game or make the game more interesting, if you're going to keep it with hickory shops and of a lote -- of ball d know technology, people are not. going to be interested by that. we've got to find ways toe makeo it more interesting whether it's, you know, a new format. teams. that's personally one of my favorite things about golf is the team aspect. a no, i think it's enhancing the spirit of the game. so t pga tour saying anyone
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who participates in live will be banned for life from pga tour p. it doesn't matter. twenty eight . are you i worried about that? no, no. i think it'll get figured outer in the end. i personally know i that itut will get figured out whether it's legallyle or whether w they come to the table and work out terms. i definitely thinkth it'll it'll all wash itself i out in the future pretty shortly. urbut it's funny. it's so weird because it's like let's leave this as a reference. i heard this earlier thishe weee . youss have a pizza shop that's been in existence forll fifty years and all the customers go to it'sdu a great product. allct of a sudden a new pizza shop opens up and they start paying the customers to come and thatttr place pizza is potentially a little bit better of a pizza rightle. na and then all of a suddenou the original pizza house, because if you go over therer, o we're banning youm remember coming back to our, you know, pizza shop t. what's wrong with that economic model that's just seem shortsighted, particularly if you have been the only pizzaed shop in town if you've had a monopoly. correct.
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that's probably not allowed. but there is this vibe in golf. it's more than vibe. it's kind of the stated ethic where you know, it's not really about the money or you shouldn't play for free or for that case it just becomesy. a hobby. yeah, we're playing for freedom. is a livelihood. and , you know, there's a there's a great economic opportunity for golfers to make a lot of money. i mean, that's why we grew up playing golf also for. the history to go in majors and when pga tour events initially and now i'm out here, i want to win live events.. i mean, you can see the passion and competitive aspect of thiser environment here and we alle, want to compete to win every single week, you know, any time anyone invests over a billion dollars and do, let's say, the game of golf, how is that not going to grow the game? t how is that not going to provide more opportunities? what is your parents, your friends, your ketanji? you know, what did they all say? well, when wead looked at the economics solely forke the economics, it was a no brainer considering the relationships built with myy sponsors, consideringor the relationship i have with the tour r relationship
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i have with my competitors out there on tour as well. i had t to think about all ofnd that, how that affected my livelihood moving forward in the future. and i had to weigh the pros,ut outweigh the cons and for mewean from a financiald perspective, resource allocation perspective, meaning likepers i'm able to do things now in dallas. i think we can get toet that knw a little bit. i had to weigh all of those a consequences. socialos consequence, how howng i was going to be viewed publicly. i've got a youtube channel nowng that's growing and doing very well and want to continue to produce products thereon so i cn showcase entertainment and my skill sets on that platform as well. onnatyou are well known for brg science to golf. yeah,in give us an example. wow. well, there's a lot of examples. one of themm that o i can thinkf my head off the top of . this is more statistics, but hitting it farther has been a big notion of mine. and thee reason i did that was because i knew that if i could gain three more yards off
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the tee, i could get i could be six more yards off line. so three more yards, right or less and still havee positive strokes gain potential and what that means is that i'm gaininghe shots on the field. and so from that t perspective, i took it- on how do i hit itsi farther? how do we consistently that i father how do i get my body ht stronger? i what do i do from a biomechanics perspective to make my golf swing more repeatable sove on gears and try and understand how my biomechanics are moving into the most repeatable and powerful athlete i can possibly be . so how do youos do that? a lot of studying data, trying to understand crunchingnd numbers, trying to understand how to create flat spots, he the golf swing as it's gettingg, really technical now please do flat spots in the golf swing where you're making a combined motion that allows the golf club to move a very consistenttr straight manner. it's not this arching manner. er you'rey very sensitive to aeron. you're trying to become less sensitive to air. so i'm able to wrap around
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the corner. this club is going down, but because i'm going up, it's actually playing out and it goes straight into the ball. so i angle of attack is more consistent. you're lost that impact. the dynamice often impactse more consistency. you're hitting your spots a lot more consistentlyot m, meaning t you're launching is going to be consistent spinner. it's going to be consistent. and your landing this is goingsn way more consistent. so you doing calculations inou your head as you. yeah, yeah. heawe can't use greensburg's bs which have a topographical mapng of the putting. re green tells me exactly two point three percent. so we get i know on average what a two percent looks like,ok a three percent looks like it's not me doing the math in my head. i just have memorized all the numbers. you count cardsds in blackjack? no,, i could, but i don't want to go down that road. i want to get in trouble. that's totally fair. but ingolf are allowed to do the correct trying to find a distinct advantage to help benefit the game of golf inef a positive way and help my life out init the mostelp and best wt possible. amazing. and it paid the off well. ou
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do you think it's paid off? well, it sounds like it has. i think that for me i'm very blessed and very lucky. my family's v very, very happy. my friends around me are very happy and i'm now able to do d things back in dallas, get back to my community building. i'm going to build a multisport complex into their statue and education center there. that's my charity todu t it's my charity. and shamba foundation supports junior golf health and it's going to build an education center. educationonild an center with i've got an idea and model for that i think will help benefit the education system in general. temso the resources that i now have doesn't mean that i'm able to just sit on my and do nothing. i've got more responsibility now to take care ofot my community, my country, possiblyas much as i can. and at certain a point in time you go , man, there's more to life than just golf. and that's what live golf allows me to do. t i mean,o i'm able to play golf and enjoy and compete with some
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of the best players inth the world but also have a life outside of this. so here's a pretty huge story. d it was ignored for some reason. it turns out that alzheimer's, which is destroyed so many families and is rising actually is different from what we thought. turns out most of what we thought we knew abouter alzheimer's is untrue. and the people telling us this t knew it was untrue. and it turns out that this fake information about alzheimer's was used to push expensive drugs, don't even work in the fda knew that, but he tended to approve the drug. so all science is settled set and health is not. we've got this hils on this amazing story. hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one of you one last chance to get your very own. mypillow for joe biden go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. use your promo code and you'll get the lowest prices ever. for example, you get my bill showing queen size regular
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today. call your local weather center at 1-800- due to one to two to mira. remember this was back in 2000 ,seven march of 2007, a group of marine force recon operators were in afghanistan. they were ambushedn by a bomb, a an ied, and they fought back and for doing thatt, they were falsely accused of mass murder and relieved of duty and puts on a war crimes trial, the longest in marine corps history. well, turns the whole thing was
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a sham today for 10% tucker carlson, we spoke to major brad galvin, who was the commanding officer actually who's just written a book on this amazing conversation. . re's part of it your family think it was it wasd very devastating forev the marines in our company to be shamed this way that certain these were the most elite marines we had in the marine corps. they'd given everything orps had done, multiple combat deployments. you know, i started seeing these guys, especially the seven of us , the codefendant on trial endedis getting cancer. his senior enlisted, the senior enlisted in his platoon ended up getting diabetes. three , four of us out of the seven of us , the three of t four who were married, iv divorced. i mean, this hador no way huge negative effectsth and guess what? you have no repercussion whenn you got a guy like colonel nicholson slandering you and destroying your characterde. ba
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when you're cleared, you just go back to work. youu the money thatpe you spent on a homicide, mass murder trial, you don't get any you can't sue you. good luck. so we just went back to work. we all went back and redeployed. is crazy that it does sound crazy as we went back and did so you were acquitted? we were acquitted, yes. were you surprised? i was surprised how it happens . amazing conversations. i'm tucker carlson. say tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. on foxngom nation. so here's a story that has not received enough attention for decades. scientists told us that something called sticky plaques in the brain caused caused ti. eimer's one most devastating illnesses a there is . and then recentlyf th a vanderbt university neuroscientist along with science magazine for a closer lookkis at these sticky plaques and they found, quote, shockingly blatant instances of fraud, fraudulent data. according to donna wilcox,'s who works in alzheimer's disease research in kentucky, it was fraudulent. and yet the fda has continued
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to approve alzheimer's drugsug that assume sticky plaques are the cause of alzheimer's. even the fda advisory panel said those drugs don't work. what -- is going on here? well, chris bedford is one of the very few people who's taking a close look at what is going on . here is a senior editor at the federalist. he joins us tonight. chris , thanks so much for e coming on . this story tells us a lot about a lot as far as i can tell. what have you found looking into it? there's not that many evil characters here. there's a couple of fraudsters, it seems. but the real opponent here and the real danger here is there was a lot of pride. there was a lot of ego.e, there was some greed. and there's one of the thingsin that you love the most. there's a lot ofk groupthink now for about 100 over one hundred years since you first discovered alzheimer's, we've noticed these plaques are are found in the brains. butra since the early 90s, since bthe beginning, really modern alzheimer's science, there's been information pointing to maybe this isn'talzh actually a cause, maybe this is more of a marker of damage that's being done. but mar then there are so many s wrapped into this. now, when it got to the 100 year anniversary of the first
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discovery of alzheimer's, we might have been able to takeo a second look and say we've been putting billions of dollars of this in decades of research into this. we've never gotten anything. we've never found any, cure. we've never found anything that makes it betteryt beyond. the first few years, right or wrong. but then there was just new study that came out that got everyone excited and everyone looked pastnd the lead scientists who knew better that no sign of them being corrupt looked past some of their assistance. what t appears to be completely fraudulent data because they were so assured and at the end there's become a cabal t inhe the alzheimer's science community, something that one of the senior government researcherse described as more of a religious cult than actuall science. that kind of groupthink or people are very protective ofm the strongest voices in the room are saying this is thea only way that's going tohe puton money toward one that takes charge in alzheimer's. you know, that's a science has got no access to real political power, real political money. you know that if that can take hold and alzheimer's science, what does it mean for global warming? what does it mean for covid? what does it mean for c the sciences, forov the scientists who joined the cult, get real power over tp our daily livesow.
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so let's just smart explanation. that's the way the worldac actually works. corruption is too simple. an explanation is worse than that. it'stue a lack of free thinkin. i appreciate your getting to that. chrispin and for your reporting on a great piece. good to see you. thank you. t soha it's tuesday and that means we have to ask a question we always ask, which is what's kamala harris , kamala, kamala, kamala, whatever the vice president what's she up to? oh, we have the tape. time for a kamala harris update next. my friends, i come to you today on behalf of the jewish people in ukrainefa whose lives have been completely destroyed, family and loved ones brutally international fellowship of christians, inside of ukraine providing emergency foodor and supplies to tens of
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thousands of people. but the food crisis is growing for jewish families and especially for the elderly. i am shocked how many elderly people came here because they are afraid and they o realize now that there arenl more people than box. forty five dollars can help provide emergency supplies and foodrl filled with all the necessities for the elderly remaining in ukraine. please o call online the people please o call online the people of ukraine. what's in the crosshairs of war? many of these people are out there fighting for elderlyre were dying them. no, and we must reach them now before it's too late. is isergio, the world is in ther against i am alone.
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the just dropping your secret the just dropping your secret ingredient to any size anywhere lend itself to that is 1% research program now is almost to cover 40% had fabulous episodes streaming now on station. so we promised you a tape from t our picks for the democratic nominee in 2020 four. kamala harrisom. in we can't get the tape to load. so instead we're leaving you with a similarly edifyingdi picture of nancyfy pelosi in taipei where she's attempting to start another nuclear war, y but she's wearing a mask. and the lesson that we're taking from this is no matterou
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how reckless and crazy your behavior is , no matter how destabilizing too the world order, no matterin how threatening to your children and grandchildren, the american economy to western civilization itself, no matter how crazed your behavior, if you'reim wearing a paper surgical mask, you're safe public facilities, they say. es so that's it for us .ac we'rek out of time. we show this to sort out of line s privacy smugness. terrific. seanes hannity right now, tucker i do knowou the difference between kid and chris rock justc in case any ofd your audience thought otherwise. do you think you know you'ree getting ready? i'm like, oh, tucker. hi ,ti one of those moments anyway. thank you, tucker. and welcome to hannity. a all right.nd brace yourself and prepare for an audit because west virginiat democratic senator joe manchin is now attemptingvi to double the size of our irs, more thanf double thatou actually more on manchin is hard left that's coming o up tonight. also, georgia, the georgia senate candidate herschel walker will


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