tv Outnumbered FOX News August 4, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> harris: tensions with china quickly escalating. we are awaiting reaction with china's live fire drill around i want to be or the massive show of force held nancy pelosi's trip to the governing island. you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner with my cohost and wake up on oh, kayleigh mcenany. also joining us today lara trump. v5 hey, girl.
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>> harris: china surrounding taiwan. air, water, watch. >> harris: yep, they hit every quarter they could possibly imagine to at least some presence in land and sea. and precision missile gnomic missile strikes in the taiwan strait. that country's air force joined by navy and it simply creating a blockade now. and the target are said to be the closest ever to taiwan's spirit and as i said to come in they were surrounded. look at them appear here the president of taiwan is urging citizens to stay on high alert as intensifies their information war and calling on the international community to help support a democratic taiwan. and critics are going after the
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white house for the way it is handled, the house speaker's visit to taiwan purity former assistant secretary of state told politico about arguing about pelosi's travel we made a spectacle forcing beijing to react. have we done the trip quietly as we usually do, it would have generated none of the brinkmanship that we are now seeing. lara, your thoughts. >> lara: i think it is interesting how far and wide for this trip has meant broadcast. if we have been talking about this trip to taiwan for quite some time here in and usually, we actually never hear about a trip by a person like nancy pelosi so high up the chain going overseas to somewhere like taiwan. so, i think a lot of people want to know why it was done that way? why was it broadcast? was it perhaps something to distract from something nancy pelosi has personally going on or the disasters everyday in america?
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i think the big take away from people is you have joe biden and half a century of foreign policy experience under his belt and yet under his tenure as president, we have never had a weaker position on the world stage our foreign policy in decades has not been this bad. what a bungled mess by the white house the way they responded. i think there are a lot of unanswered questions about this trip so far. >> harris: the way you put it, it made me think, lara, the possibility she was being told "no" and the white house is think the president. this was a public pushback so that we would all know what is going on. i mean, that is one way to get what she wants, but she was certainly going to go anyway i would imagine, emily. >> emily: oldest it is present a fractured front, not only to the country but also to the globe because it is so dangerous. we talk about unintended escalation. i think the attorney government
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made it clear they have an intended escalation and many lines in the sand. but the fear for america is, what happens when it is accidental? the fact that we are hearing or questioning any type of perceived political implications or a type of redirection and personal he that that might result in the escalation of the taiwanese community and we hear reports what if there is an invasion soon? i'm not trying to peer monger but the question being raised, unfortunately, by the weakness of the administration and the offices of the show of force and strength with a visit. >> harris: it is interesting, kayleigh we talk about the source of fox news with chinese invasion of taiwan as emily mentioned. so, here is a quote, intelligence that this has gone from indefinite nebulous scenario to a belief there is a window of opportunity and the next 18 months.
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i don't think that is a coincidence that a window of opportunity is within a biden administration, which comes right back to what you were saying. >> kayleigh: exactly. this reporting is fastening. multiple u.s. intelligence officials, former i think you are citing a trump administration senior level official. he talks about the 18 month window between the national congress and chinese communist party xi jinping will secure a third term in the 2024 election when many believe biden will be out the door and therefore, his weakness with him. very interesting that the senior administration officials decide of both international things that have happened like afghanistan, the invasion of ukraine, but they also say domestic issues the chinese government is looking at pure high crime, the failures at the southern border and i will say the biden administration there
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was a meeting in alaska that took place the u.s. delegation and the chinese lectured us about black lives matter and internal strife that we have in the country. they are connected on these social issues. it boils down to the fact of former boss president trump peace through strength. we have violence through weakness and not just on the international stage but at home as well. >> harris: i don't think we talk enough about the lecture in alaska. and what it meant really. that is like saying from a communist company my country perspective, we may be communist, but look at that mes? >> i don't appreciate you pointing at me when you talk about that. >> harris: it was a flower. >> jimmy: i want to get mad at nancy pelosi for flying around in a jet when her husband is -- >> harris: it is bad for the environment. >> jimmy: she made biden look weak at a time he already looks weak. why?
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the military doesn't think it is a good idea if she goes. john kirby to address that by saying what, russia makes its own decisions. >> harris: that is part of what i was saying... be five that is part of the perception biden is not in charge. the military doesn't think it is a good idea and the commander in chief would ultimately have the card whether i stay or go and she ultimately went anyway. it is important that we stand up to china. on one end back, we are calling for more of that but it is more important to have an organized front because this is provocative of the message and afghanistan. >> harris: she could have easily done that with bipartisan. >> jimmy: she didn't invite anybody. that is the bigger problem. when you told her about foreign policy, it has gone from. a big stick and babble incoherently and push a teleprompter peer of the world sees that. bottom line. >> harris: i want to get to the fact though that no matter what would have happened, would we be looking at a situation
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after russia invaded ukraine? and we didn't have a united message about what we would do without you there? we couldn't even figure out, do we want to give weapons right now or do we want to just get paid? what does a fly zone -- what do we do? i mean, those questions -- he said let it sit for 30 days at the very beginning. so 18 months. if there is that window for china to invade taiwan, they didn't just come up with that in a vacuum. well, maybe that stuff worked. >> jimmy: we are not trying to peer monger but china said they long gained. we have an administration that very much seems to govern towards twitter. they want the day's news, trade in a pair way by the time it is midnight. but regardless of the consequences might be long-term, china sees and yes if you are going to strike a divided america, there would never be a time better than election season. because during election season, we don't throw wine to each
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other because we need the booze. >> kayleigh: antony blinken secretary of state at the last meeting apologized for americans. we do have sins of our past. >> jimmy: we are mom and pop compared to china. >> harris: correct. any last words? >> emily: it is so embarrassing and it started with that meeting and then afghanistan and then obviously ukraine and russia situation. it makes america look weak all around. gosh, what a bad position for us. >> harris: . >> harris: florida governor ron desantis has taken action against liberal prosecutors to make sure that the laws in his state are enforced. pain hits fast. so get relief fast.
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>> kayleigh: florida governor ron desantis is a federal prosecutor when charge certain crimes. he took issue with hillsborough county state attorney and refusal to enforce law against child sex change surgeries and abortion rights. >> we are going to make sure our laws are enforced and that no individual prosecutor puts himself above the law. i can tell you the states and localities have allowed this to happen. they are running the day. >> kayleigh: emily, this is a big deal. my home county and we had a lawless state attorney who thinks he's a legislature in florida who thinks he is the governor of florida and out the prosecutor that doesn't enact the law, but, in fact, enforces the laws put on the books by congress. >> emily: specifically here,
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willful neglect, willful defiance of his duty and governor desantis pointed out, the further of his duties to suspend this prosecutor who won't prosecute. they put in this sort of the fact that you have a blanket to refusal of the prosecute of a crime is not discretion. discretion is individualized and case specific, that passion when we vote someone into that position, hope that they further. it is not an absolute refusal. i see through the statement to prosecute and then the final point, the first identity on andrew warren twitter was criminal justice reform. so we didn't even identify as the prosecutor of that state, which by the way, the sole arm of the prosecute to rural realm is the state attorney peer that is only vehicle the governor has it that state level to prosecute crime. when someone absolutely neglect their duty and demonstrate that incompetent set out in that order, what other choice does the governor have?
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>> kayleigh: exactly and for viewers the abortion law band after 15 weeks and it exception for the life of the mother, et cetera. and also to know women are not prosecuted. they key tentative pro-life movement and the victims themselves but doctors, it is about 15 weeks, we know "the wall street journal" 48% of americans support 43%. again, the lawless state attorney now functional detail of state law is what governor gascon said. governor desantis said to. >> your job is to enforce the law. this was a george soros affect individual the state attorney we are discussing. we have seen what the record is with the george soros backed prosecutors. they often do not enforce the law. if you are not willing to do your job, you shouldn't have your job you are within the rights of ron desantis the governor of florida to say if
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you are not going to do what you were put in place to do, why would you have your job here? kayleigh, you bring up a good point. a lot of people like to complete the real situations with the laws. the fact is no women are being prosecuted here. we are talking about doctors performing abortion. don't let anybody else out there tell you differently what they would like to do on the left and a lot of times the mainstream media. no different than the voting rights bill that has nothing to do with voting rights. all of the way they complete things these days. speak to all of the distortions, it is exactly right. harris, the fact that he was not prosecuting let's say misdemeanors of same law enforcement is the initial defense like crossing the street. he didn't like criminal law included. >> harris: what i think is interesting about this, this type of behavior from the george soros backed d.a. will
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encourage regular folks, citizens out there that don't pay that much attention to those people are to really press on because if you have a d.a. that is yoked politically to the governor of the state, particularly in this case, look at new york. we can't recall the d.a., right? governor hochul happens to like what is happening in new york even though she complains about gun crime and many people getting stabbed and pushed down steps and everything else, yeah, she is not likely to suspend a liberal d.a. >> kayleigh: right. >> harris: okay? people have pay attention who they vote for, i think. and it draws people into say, wait a minute, if something doesn't go right and broken a crime, do i want everybody on the same page if that page got us here in the first place? this could be a wide awakening for people on the left to say, "i want to go jagged edges here." look what they did with eric adams. they were republicans who
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switched parties to vote in the primary to make sure that he was there and not someone more liberal candidates who were running for mayor of new york. >> kayleigh: it is a great point, but we have a duty of an attorney here. ada called alvin bragg and then you look at gascon and all these guys, and governor hochul, save yourself because you are destroying a ci. >> jimmy: imagine, never play monopoly with alvin bragg because nobody goes to jail. he and it drives me crazy because people portray crime as like black-and-white issue. it is just a right or wrong issue, but the bigger issue when it comes to local reforms, they are targeting minority communities. the reason i say that is you are letting people out in the name of equity. but when you look at hardworking citizens and the fact that 95% of crimes committed against people of the same race, all you are doing is pumping up the law breakers at the expense of those
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others. and equity is more equally distributing by letting people out of jail for violent crime or any crime for that matter. so if you want to care about anyways, you should care about all of them thin and walk up the bad guys. how does this become controversial? >> jimmy: i will never pass a background check. >> harris: stop letting people out in the name of equity. jimmy failla. >> jimmy: i'm telling you. >> kayleigh: jiminy's don't like jimmy is the governor. "the washington post" calling josh hawley a man hunt obsessed critic and wanting masculinity is more about prejudice than anything else. hold on tight and let go! stay two nights and get a free night. book now at i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein.
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breakthrough heartburn... means your heartburn treatment is broken. try zegerid otc. it contains the leading medicine to treat frequent heartburn, uniquely designed for absorption. get all day, all night relief with zegerid otc. ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: the associate editor at "the washington post" is going after missouri senator josh hawley purity accusing the conservative republican of being manhood
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obsessed hypocrite and josh hawley's problems with masculinity. and in the piste, vilified josh hawley and claims he is advocating for masculinity based on racial resentment. he wrote this, "we dismiss him at our own risk. he is selling a vision of masculinity to white america that has more to do with prejudice than manliness." harris, they come up with a new more far-fetched liberal lunacy. this is another example. it is all about prejudice. >> harris: everything comes down to race. i'm not exactly sure how this does in this occasion, but i get it because the word is what gets everybody's attention. minted masculinity turned out to be a horrible thing? what about femininity? if you hate one thing you must take the other appearance so i don't understand how we got to the point in this day and age at
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talking about masculinity and femininity when we talk about pronouns and everything else. so it comes down to race, it comes down to gender and oldies come i think step away. and apparently he's been quiet. >> kayleigh: he has been. you have a resident referred to as masculinity. >> jimmy: they were at. it's funny because i married a woman who grew up on a dairy farm. so i'm actually more of a housewife. but no, i get it and i'm with josh hawley on this one. this is the frustration, okay, masculinity is why i'm here in the overall scheme of things. we are here in a free country because our grandparent stormed the beach and save private ryan. this generation watching private ryan and saying it is not inclusive in a enough, you know what i mean? you tried to break this down on racial lines and this is the real hustle because minority children suffer from a strong male presence in a home much higher rate than anybody else. so if you go out and champion
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strong role models that will only help communities and studies show across all racial barriers. that is why they say, when you go to the race, they know you have lost the argument. they sang comedy do not open with your clothes are. calling racist in this day is a closer and if you are opening you don't have anything else. i am going josh hawley, even though he looks masculine, he has pretty here, i'm just saying. >> harris: you do too. >> jimmy: he is pretty. >> kayleigh: pretty in that suit. laura, senator hawley, what a conservative rock star and he's going after big tech. he told me afghanistan to be investigated in a republic congress. i think that is the problem if he wanted the best and brightest in the party. because they always go after and i look the way they went after my father-in-law and senators dee santos and senator hawley no different. but jimmy, i love the point and when i was reading this and by
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the way it was the grain of salt. but all i could think about my grandfather who fought in world war ii and the men that died young and old and fought for our country. the reason society has been able to progress truly so we have individuals at "the washington post" able to write such ridiculous columns like this. it is because of masculinity and harris, when did it become a bad thing? we need men and our society and women in our society... >> harris: we need everybody. >> we need fathers in the home, jimmy click you said and it is to attack something that has been beneficial and a key part of truly our history. spay went they don't appreciate our man so i doubt they would appreciate our women. >> lara: democracy dies in darkness but common sense dies in darkness. we are putting light on this,
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but toxic masculinity nonsense everywhere. >> emily: with the majority claimed by the op-ed was astounding. 20 football fields. what i mean by that, the link this author went to to incite another author as well in deconstructing and pushing holly into a box and they have the nerve to do the exact same thing they were accusing him of which was being an wielding, right? they said incidentally, the version of masculinity vulnerability is a virtue. and like family and community. that is exactly what josh hawley is doing. that is exactly what masculinity is through that strength, being the best man you can be. and they are saying heterosexual marriage and in the weeds here. absolutely attacking this man for daring to put forth his vision of masculinity. they are saying the exact same thing that he did. i find it preposterous. and i am really curious anyone
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would accept this argument whatsoever. >> kayleigh: the issue is labor organizing. this is called domain called liberalism. at the root of it, "the washington post" had peas, well done, i guess. a mixed martial arts fighter takes down a suspect in manhattan. mayor adams reveals how damaging bale reform has in new york city.
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"the new york post" found in the times since then, ten career criminals have made up nearly 500 arrests and many of those repeat offenders are, you guessed it,ree. new york city mayor adams was staggering statistics and cold to roll back reform. watch. >> our criminal justice system is insane. it is dangerous, it is harmful, and it is destroying the fabric of our city. time and time again, are police officers make an arrest and then the person who is arrested for assault or felonious assault, robberies, and composition find themselves back on the street within days if not hours after the arrest. and they are going to commit more crimes within weeks if not days. >> jimmy, to have those
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defendants and that cluster out of 500 times actually committed up literally embarking on career criminal likelihood since the bail reform was passed in new york and even arrested 33 times, 20 times, fish you're alone respectively. it reminds me of incarcerated individual life in prison who said that he learned how to commit crimes while incarcerated. because there is nothing like the government or lack thereof to pave the way. >> jimmy: no, it is true crimes get together and talk crime and baseball say ted williams and hitting a curveball will talk three hours. if a criminal, you talk about sticking up a bodega will talk for three hours. none of the things he is referencing are new. just saying. they existed when he was running for mayor. these are not new bail reform laws. this is the problem he inherited, but apparently he did not see the crime at the bottle
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service at the 44 club. that is what he is a mayor who wants to run for president. they do that by not getting their hands dirty. you come out and say the right things. oh, crime is bad, gee, thanks we didn't know it was a bad thing but he doesn't actually do anything. and the initiative to be a call because he's not a cop. my brother is in nypd cop for years. he is called a house and he stays in the precinct and studies for tests, gets promoted and is a politician not a cop. we don't have plenty. i would take the cup over the village people over eric adams right now. >> emily: i will say i hear everything you're saying but anyone who wears belt law enforcement uniform i respect. harris, let's take him at his word. hopefully, this is his final word before he takes action. contrast that with the naysayers who say these statistics, you are cherry picking.
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this is working. criminal justice is somehow working but the fact is, the arrest rate and the rearrest rate or three times as high now as they were before this bail reform was enacted in the city. >> harris: we were talking about when you were telling everybody the crime that has happened and kind of bringing us under this topic is the fact that he now is in his seven month and almost eighth because he took over in december as mayor appeared so none of this is new to him. so the question becomes, what is the political flex he has been doing up until now? and can he bring the fervor to his words and then motivate them into action the way that he did when the scrum stopped him a few weeks ago, the media scrum, and says, "how far do you pick abortion the day of birth or after? " yes, we wait for a revolving door of citizen crime because the d.a. is more than he can
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take. he's got to do more to catch up now. >> emily: great point, back to the mma fighter, he has been called the real-life batman, real-life hero. here is what i love about him, he checked in with the victims first. then he still had time to run after the perpetrator and subdue him. when all of the people who had been sucker punched by this guy, they were irate and heckling him, he held them back and said, "leave it for the cops. he has such a hero but i wished we didn't need somebody like this. this is just another day and a lot of crazies on the streets will be mike please be careful. they will sucker punch you and we are seeing this everyday. >> kayleigh: we need more mma fighters apparently new york is what we are finding out. we sit here and talk about this all the time, but the implications are very real. people are getting hurt and it is causing people to leave new york city major cities across america. and actually, one of the things
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i found interesting it cost $1,000 to $2,000 to arrest someone for a misdemeanor crime in new york. if you are looking at the ten individuals "the new york post" highlighted, you are looking somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million to cost the taxpayers of new york city just to oppress these people because they have been rearrested so many times. it is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. >> emily: we talk about the governor of florida for suspending for neglect, exactly what lara is saying why are we paying taxes if to keep us safe qwest market's average joe or mma fighters are the ones that keep us safe on the streets because the police are underfunded and deep under the pier of the laws are not being enforced. it is absolutely insane. b2 what a comparison you make that segment and firing that state attorney but the criminal justice record can do the same. but this year adams guy, very
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clear now, complained by day and party by night. that is exactly what he does. and brian kilmeade on the couch talking about bill de blasio sleeping in his office, eric adams is no better but just complains a right way. what is he actually do, put the pressure on the governor who can fire alvin bragg who you praise, by the way, coming into the office. i know him needs a great prosecutor. i think the bodega guy who went to rikers -- >> emily: the mother of the mcdonald's worker in critical condition, she was acquitted and she said, "i'm not ready for this. are not ready for this." i keep thinking about that, none of us are ready for this purity we are in a sustained position not ready for this as a city on the sidewalks have become an absolute breeding ground for violence. coming up the cost of apparently woke big budget movie "batgirl"
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left humiliated after warner bros. shut down nearly finished film over fears it would be a big screen dud. it is finally taking a hit for moviegoers? in case you missed it is up next. too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember.
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>> china threatening taiwan with buyer exercises raising tensions with the u.s. did biden botch the response to nancy pelosi's trip? senator john grasso on that. senator john cornyn weather biden china policy influenced by china's influence. and to free brittney griner, the judge's sentencing her to nine years in jail. did the democrats go low and supporting republican candidates in the primaries? katie pavlich. in the slain police officer gives as her thoughts about george soros depending soft on crime prosecutors. john roberts, sandra's up-to-date and anita vogel and me at the top of the hour on "america reports."
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a female version of the beloved caped crusader appears to be too woke and reportedly "irredeemable in the eyes of the production company executive." the best part of the movie is that michael keaton is the best batman of all times was in it. >> jimmy: imagine that. well, it was too woke so should it not be called "batgirl" but that person? why do we not have gender for the superheroes? think about how bad this movie had to suck for them to cancel a comic book movie which is the only thing people go to skip the box office. nobody watches anything else. this had to be with all respect to michael keaton "the worst thing ever made." >> this might be the most expensive movie made and canceled appearance between $90 million and cancel that bad appeared the screenplay for this the previous work by one
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credit, -- "the washington post" up that we talked about in the film version. >> maybe it was a good movie. >> leslie grace, who by the way i like her. she said on the heels of the recent movie of "batgirl," i am proud of the love, work and all the incredible cast put into this film over seven months in scotland. imagine being one of these actors. and what, by the way as to what for hollywood? that is like to too chocolate for me. you could put chocolate on ribs and i will eat it. [laughter] that is my version of wokeness in hollywood. it goes everywhere. what was it? i'm curious to know. >> lara: hopefully, the hard work will pay off for people to see it but certainly not through the that market share of the big blockbuster hit which to your point, the bread and butter of
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movies. >> kayleigh: apparently, that video, the mark of a really bad movie. extremely goofy movie and one in the chamber, i'm not sure, jimmy you may know about that one. maybe you don't want to tune in for that one. >> lara: i was just being too generous for that, next up, a hotly debated topic, who is better behind the wheel, men or women? i think it is pretty obvious a new study shows self-driving cars, women are quicker than men had taking back control in sticky situations. the studies suggest the driverless vehicle could be gender setting to account for the difference. >> harris: oh, my goodness. >> emily: you know i'm a huge car growth so i can't help -- >> harris: was that you? >> emily: innovation performance. >> did you put your gender and before that question were >> emily: this is beast and it does not matter the gender when i drive. lara, not people identifying as gender in the control, what do
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you make of the women? >> lara: any mom knows this, we have a sense when something is about to go bad, i can see things in the back of my head and yelling at my kids about it. although, i will say someone is a terrible driver in front of me and let me get around this lady. [laughter] >> emily: jimmy, your wife's car is pretty amazing. jimmy failla -- >> jimmy: a bad dodge ram. but i am for superior driver and the new york city cab driver, i'm driving vehicular combat for 12 hours a day. on a personal note, i do think the mail would be better suited. but i can concede women have awareness for problems that would make them the better a dominated driver but here is the issue. what happens if your card transitions halfway down the highway and an male gender car again and out of luck. transphobic and you have to
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respect the car. >> we won't judge you. >> jimmy: they call me boy jim. >> emily: and everyone mentioning that women have -- we are cautious but i'm not grandma speeding around. [laughter] sorry about that but i have to agree. >> harris: i don't know, if we have to get somewhere fast my husband says, "you drive." >> emily: and finally off the court's back and so apparently are the office woke. that includes annoying colleagues. and rediscovering the pet peeves that come with working inches apart from one another for nearly three years of remote work. now, before the segment, we talked about what our office pet peeves were so go ahead and weigh in. >> jimmy: negative energy. this is the thing that drives me crazy. >> emily: why are you pointing at me? >> jimmy: just men in general, of course you are. when you are working in an office environment your pipe has
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such a profound on the vibes of people around you. you want to be like me. unlike a job with a job -- a dog with a job. and they pet my stomach in the green room. a better work environment. >> emily: happy hour for all of us and lara, you were talking about microwaving certain things. >> lara: seafood out of the office. my goodness, just don't even bother with it. but i used to work with someone that would eat food and have foods on their hands and then go back -- i don't know if the keyboard was ever cleaned off. so working in close proximity. >> jimmy: you still married him though. >> emily: some of the guys come at the sound of keyboard clacking pier that it's people working. >> harris: >> lara: welcome to working at home. >> harris: i have to admit
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that after i came from being at home for a while because we were at her home studios at the height of the outbreak and i came back and so happy to see people. and then a month later... [laughter] i realized that these were actual people that also had not been around anybody. so, i think we have to show each other little grays and patience. even now, i find a lot more need for generosity most of the time. we have to remember that we are all in this together. >> emily: it seems like people's sense of decrease and patience for everybody whatever that in the grass is cold appeared up next the faa wants to hear from you when it comes to the size of airplane fees. that is up next. ♪ ♪ rotein with 30 grams of protein.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> i have never seen anybody get as excited about music in a show as jimmy. last but want least. do you think airplane seats are too small? that's a dumb question. the faa wants to know your feedback. this is not about your comfort. the agency wants to learn more about what is necessary for safe evacuation. air travelers have been feeling squeezed and airlines are looking to push boundaries father. this double decker design was before the pandemic. this woman the current design suits her just fine. >> oh my gosh. all humanitity is out the window on every flight. people are not showering and
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they are in pajamas. yes, the seats need to be bigger. can they recline more? i vote for more space. >> i could not imagine why they are asking us for the safety measures. don't we leave that up to the experts? if you ask me about comfort, i would be yes. safety, i don't want to be responsible for evaccination mid air. >> what about someone sitting above you? >> it's disgusting. it looks like a human centipede. who came up with this idea? if i wanted somebody's body on mei would fly without blankets. >> the person on top of you, as if air travel could not get
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anymore terrible. >> imagine travelling with children. >> yes. >> having to deal with somebody. adult-sized above your kids. >> this is why we put lincoln in the overhead bin. >> we have to go. this was fun. good to see everybody. "america reports" now. >> john: thank you very much. insane and dangerous. 2 words used by the mayor of new york city to describe the criminal justice system releasing repeat offenders through a revolving door. 10 career criminals wracked up 500 arrests since the state enacted bail reform laws. >> and soros defends his donations to the far left with soft on crime policies. philadelphia police sarge around
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