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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 4, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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supplements. also pure absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qnol. ever wonder how much your neighbor's house is worth ? go to only duncombe to search home value estimate and compare your home could be worth more than you think. visit ownerly .com today. anything of welcome to tucker carlson tonight when a hungarian financier called h george soros shorted the english pound thirty years agoun, back in 1992, the britis1 government fought back . itit is everything it could to preserve the value of its national currency. britishs officials raised interest rates all the way to 15% the bank of england and sold 40 billion dollars of foreign currency reserves in a desperate effort to prop up
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the pound. in the end, of course, it didn't work. the bank of england collapsed. cost to the population. great britain. well, that's hard but to measur, but it was at least three billion pounds this ats. a time when the pound was worth nearly two and a half dollars. it's now at a dollar twenty tells you a lot.e so the uk got poorer, but not george soros. his fund made off n with a billion dollars in profit, a billion dollars for creating nothing only destroying things. in the years since,ea soros has become richer still billions and billions of dollars richer. george soros has become so rich that at this point western governments rarely fight back whengo interferes in their most basic domestic affairs. the most important domestic affairs. in 2015, for example, soros decided that europe had to resettle millions of penniless refugees m from africa and the middle east.mi relatively few europeans wantedt to happen at all, butge george soros wanted it soor we spent more than half a billion dollars pushing ngoss s and european governments ton
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accept what turned out to g be a massive wave of human migration . so what happened next? what'sd the second part of the story? well, there's a humanitarian crisis. that crisis is still going on . life in europe much worse. have you been to paris lately? you should visit violent c crimes, particularly skyrocketed. an and yetd european politicians, many of them funded by soros, refused to acknowledge look away. they said this isn't happening.i you're crazy or a criminal for noticing. g so n for the past several years, something not so different has been happening inng our country. george soros has decided to destroy the american justice system and he's doing it with prosecutors. but this pro point fully one in five americans, that's more than 70 million people now live in a jurisdiction overseen by a soros that's prosecutorct soros visa's run cities like new york , chicago, st. louis, new orleans, philadelphia, los c angeles, our biggest cities, the elsewhere in places likeit travis county, texas.lo in orange county, mississippi and loudoun county, virginia.
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chatham,ni county, georgia. all of them have stories that prosecutors sources influence comes in the form of campaign finance. the money comes from sources open society foundations and affiliated political action committees and shell companies. a recent analysis by the lawse enforcement legal defense fund found that in total more than seventy five soros backed prosecutors currently hold office in the united states to get those people in those job sources spent more than 40 billion dollars often he's the largest donor in the race in the race in philadelphia, for example, 90% of now d.a. larry krasnov financing came from george soros again. what happened next? drive through center city, hi philadelphia sometime and you'll see soros prosecutorsndu'll refused to ene the law against protected groups. that is their signaturedups. qug . that'sy. the heart of o their ideology. the result has of this has been a lot of posturing, but evena more murder victims. a lot of people have died.
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last year, philadelphia recorded its highest homicide total in historyer overall nationally, according to the fbi, homicides in the united states jumped 30% in 2020. that is then largest single year increase in murders in american history, all because one billionaire decided that laws american citizens voted for and support were racist. does that sound like democracy towe you? of course it's not democracy. democracy is at' system in which the will of the majority is recognized and often acted upon the people rule.e. what we just described is oligarchy. at best it's grotesque and it's killed a lot of you're probably aware of thisti on some level and it's frustrating to hear. but until a few hours ago no one had really done anything about it. but thenover today, governor , on the senatee, a florida man who , unlike george soros, has actually been elected by american voterss sor, decidee sack a suspect prosecutor in his state who has
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and relentlessly politicizing the justice system in tampa. a thatnd man's name is andrew warren. for six years, warren fo has refused to enforce laws that george soros doesn't like. today that ended. >> watch the prosecutor, stateci attorney for this judicial circuit, andrew warren, has put himself publicly above the law . in june of 2020 one , he signedn a letter saying that he woulden not enforce any prohibitions on change operation forhe minors. and then most recently afterre the dobs decision was rendered by the us supreme court, he signed a letter saying he would not enforce any laws relating, to protecting the right to life in the state of florida. and mind you, we have had prohibition on third trimester abortions for a long time. when you make yourself aboveav the law, you have violated y your duty. you have neglected your duty and you are displaying a lack
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of competence to be able to perform those duties. and so today we are suspending state attorney andrew warren . fective immediately so to be clear, in case you missed civics class prosecutors don't get to make the laws. prosecutors enforce the laws. they prosecute people for violating the laws. legislatures make laws. y your representatives areou elected by you to write into law. ru the rules that you support. o youwn get to create the parameters of your own society. called democracy. but when a prosecutor decides which laws are valid and which laws are not, that is the most basic subversion of democracy. and andrew warren has done that for six years. and by the way,e the list the governor dissenters just read , it's just partial. and warren also decided that hes would not enforce hb one .ed that's the law that increased penalties for rioters. warren refused too prosecute
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sixty seven blm riders in the summer of 2020. he said there have been noer breach of the peace in tampa when there most certainly had been. but he decidedede to ignore it because he agreed with their politics. tlre recently, warren declined to prosecute a gang member accused of shooting into a house with childrenchil inside after shooting somebody else. turns out the gang member was oppressed and of course, also likely a biden voter. so heho got a pass. people who aren't biden voters have had a much tougher time inr andrew warren's jurisdiction since christians, for example, tadrew warren considers them criminals. two years ago,mp warren hadhe a tampa pastor arrested forgged the crime of holding a church service and he bragged about it. watch a defiant florida pastor arrested for openly , blatantly violating a ban on largeay gatherings continuing to hold sunday church services c. it's not about a virus. a it's about the church being a essential service toow
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the community. pastor rodney howard brown ofri the river churchve in tampa is accused of ignoring local safe at home orders encourage i purging hundreds of parishioners to show up. howard brown insists he was within his rights, ignored the garbage news coverage. whate you have here is a pastorv arrested for holdingic a church service. ro thisse is the criminal andrew warren decided to prosecute, not the gang member m shooting into a building with kids inside know a christian minister reading the bible in public. now, as abc told you, that pastor insists is within his rights, but there's no insisting necessary in this case. is prima facie true if the first amendment doesn't protect churchoesn services, ith doesn't protect anything. of course, thisinou pastor and l pastors are within their rightss to preach. there is no adult debate about that. didn't care.rren he doesn't like the pastors like that because pastors like that believeas power higher than george soros.
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so he tried to send them into tn jail. then in one of these slimiest moments ever caughtntw on videotape, andrew warren quoted the christian gospels to justify this oppression and to abuse. watch this a t. it's disgusting putting your parishioners at risk in a time of an emergency like this. nis not only reckless, but it's a legal one where people are to obey law enforcement. in this regard, you risk beingns arrestedte and prosecuted. i'd like to note that things unfortunate that the pastor here is hiding behind the first amendmentndme one . it's absolutely clear that emergency orders like this are constitutional and valid. lastly, i'd remind g the goodoo of mark twelve thirty one which says there's no more important commandment to love thy neighborn as thyself. loving your neighbors is protecting yelf. you, not jeg their health by exposing them to this deadly virus. theit's just disgusting on eve>
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level. how dare you have a law enforcement official telling constituents not to quote, hide behind the first amendment by trying to hold church services? that's a right you're born with . it cannot be taken away by some sort of black prosecutor. then that same law enforcement official mocks christians , setting the bible as a justification for suspending religious freedom. so this is not law enforcement. this is authoritarianism posing and we're not the only one . dozens of days have been trained to do this in law i school and george soros is funding their campaign. this is exactly why the nation of hungary closed a source funded nonprofit in budapest a few years ago because it wast poison. and now that poisons here in the united states when ford 15 week ban on abortions was reinstated to name just one example, andrew warren announced he would a defynn the law. the law passed by voters. woulk his reasoning he was like his daughter to be able to have abortions h. rt what's this? we all want abortion to be safey and legal.
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and now in many parts of the country, in many circumstances, it will be neither. and i know we've h been focused a lot on how and where those lines are drawn. twenty six weeks or 24 weeks or 15 weeks. but we're missingment the fundamental question.. it's not where we draw the line, it's who gets to draw the line. ed i worryom about my daughters, about the freedom that's being taken away from them, about the future that we're leaving themea. d so i'm horrified. lookd. said i'm disappointed. i'm scared. i'm worried. not enough abortions. daughters is crying about it. who gets toe a draw the line? actually have an answer to that because it's in the constitution. voters get to draw the line. legislatures elected voters by s get to draw the line. prosecutors don't draw the line .prosecut if they don't likeor the line, they can resign and go do something else because aluminum siding or insurancece all but they're not allowed to makee b the laws. but insurance t not ashamed abot any of this. what hes is ashamed about is where the money came from that got him elected. the support that hee has
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received from george soros. wewe think so, warren told a reporter when he was asked if his campaign had received cash from george soros, quote, we understand u he gave money to the state democratic party in the state party money went to supportup different candidates and i very little incentive the amount of money he gave, who went to etc.. oh, but of course that wasn't true because warren knew when he said that that he had been endorsed by one of soros as many pacs is pac calledof the color of change pac. warren also knew that many of the sixty seven blm riders het l let escaped back in 2020et in tampa were affiliated with this same path. you see how this works kind a snake eating its tail. soros sends money toat andrew morton and andrew warren refuses to prosecute thugs who are also supported by george soros. that happened in tampa. that is happening all over the country. rhonda sense's is the man who put an end to it today in the state of florida. will be speaking to him in just a moment. but first, we want to bring you
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an update from the white house a now after a covid-19 vaccines came outut to much fanfare, tony fauci told us and we're quoting, when people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they're not going to get infectede. why are we rereading this to you? because history is important . this just happened last year and everyone's forgotten. we refuse to forget f because the entire business of america stopped and people's lives were destroyed. ivdeston the basis of these cla. here's another cdc director , rachelle leonski at the vaccine that people, quote, do notr carry the virus and don't get sick, that the head of the cdc and then joe biden toldd us repeatedly this is a pandemicic of the unvaccinated. that w was the talking point of the month. all of a sudden, the pandemic is starting to look kind of different. the pandemic is starting tohe look like a pandemic of joe biden. he seems to have the most of it out of three hundred and fiftye million people in this country by this double vaccinene double boosted. and yet he just tested positive for covid. again, for the sixth straight o day. but biden first tested positive twenty first for keeping track that he tested negative that have what they're
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calling. a rebound. so what is this about? we'd love to know, but nohi one can talk tos. the white houe doctor about any of this. why? ab wely don't know. probably other reasons, but we are able to hear from joe biden, who's in isolation. how's he doing? well, during today during a roue discussion with business leaders, joe biden announced le that he is not actually the president which already knew . instead, biden said he's thees vice presidentid joe biden about the possibility of my visit by one of those karine jean-pierre electric vehicles that you want to come out. i'm not going to be able toon do it because i can't drive ave vehicle while i'm vice president, can't drive ae vehicle while he's vice president, which he d currently is . if you can't drive a vehicle because state delaware has revoked his license inho the interest of public safety for whatever turns out, the guy who got the most votes for president ever eight hundred and forty seven million or wason a billion votes, more votes than anyone ever more votes than there are people on planet
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earth doesn't realize that he's still the president. joe biden's comments are great news for at least one person who lives in the delaware area. and that, of course, would be called pop, the bad dude of wilmington. as if katie couric knows joe biden is not driving any throwdowns this corvette with the top down six foot chain in hand . you canop he's the vice presidet . well, there's's breaking news outch of the taiwan strait tonight. china has just firedinissi misss at taiwan in response to nancyma pelosi's peacemaking visit to the island. not surprising, but still interesting. we'll have the latest blustery video from within the white house showing the real michellee obama, who is exactly likeel l michelle obamaik. imagine it turns out it's all t true what she thought she was. we'll be right back . do you listen to the tv on high volume or have trouble hearing conversations? then you would benefit from hearing aids. don't waste thousands on expensive hearing aids when you can get nanos revolutionary technology for just two hundred
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now do you see if you're eligible? eighty two three zero three zero eight . it's so funny to hear republican politicians in washington callans other peoplec snowflakes when they spend almost all of their time complaining aboutan things and then doing nothing. nothing we can do anything, send us more money and if we get elected again, then we'll fix it. maybe promise ? no, i guess we won't. we'll just invade ukraine or something. so it's kind of amazing and a little jarring to see republican politicians ri something about something all off us have known about suspect prosecutors for a long time and the effectno they're havingwn on the country
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like a lot of people dying. but it wasn't until today that anyone actually acted and that would be governor ronda's heads to florida who just they saw us back. prosecutor in tampa called andrew warren from within r six years. andrew warren was refusing to enforce laws that he didn't like. well, as promised, governor sanford joins right now to discuss why he did this. governor , thanks so much for coming on . sois this is kind of a big move. it seems like. why didn't you do it? well, tucker, you documented that just struction that we've seen with these saurus prosecutors around the countryta where they basically take it upon themselves to determine which laws should be followed and which laws should notou be followed. and i can tell you in florida's constitution that constitute the veto power in the governor,a not an individual districttt attorney or state attorneyy where they can pick and choose. and so t i asked my staff to review allll state attorneys ins the state of florida. i wanted to seeic who was pickig
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and choosing. and this is the guy that all the line prosecutors, all the law enforcement said he thinks he can pick and choose which laws and he actually signed the lettersld saying he would enforce lawsor against transgender surgeries for minors, laws protecting the right to life. and then he has all these policies in his agency that ared called presumptive non prosecution. no, the law is presumptively enforced. that's not i something that's acceptable. right. and so we ers today we made the decision. the jarring thing about it, though, tucker, i had all these sheriffs from the area there. he i had the former police chief in tampa. there's a lot of line prosecutors in that office that are very happy that this was done and so we took it seriously. we did a thorough review and wee obviou the trigger today. i mean, it's so obviously unconstitutional. legislators make the lawses m. judges decide whether they're consistent with the constitution. prosecutors have a role in that. they don't have the legal right, the constitutional right to selective to enforce the law
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or am i missing something? no, you're right. but here's the here's what saurus is doing. it's actually smart on his part. they can't get these things enacted in a legislature where you're just going to let't criminal run run. i so what they do, he will get involved in these democrat primaries and the democrat area. he'll flush a million dollars to get so radical to win the primary, then they usually win the general becauseon the party affiliation difference in the jurisdiction. so then you get them inff their and what they do is they want to change the criminal justice systeme through's nonenforcement. so it's a total end tot run arod our constitutional system. the results obviously have beenh destructiveav around the countr, but it also really underminesrs the idea i that ours is supposed to be a government of laws, not a government of individual men . even if i agreed with the results, i would hate ites because this subversion of democracy and finally someone is doing something more than one . thank you, g governor sanders, for coming on .>> so i appreciate it. thanks. : soon one thing we know is that
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joe biden is not running for presidentt again. sorry. h nobody wants himis to meet his wife. does nobody elseno els? 70% of democratic voters say they'd rather someone else run. soer s will that person be ? well, kamala harris is the vice president, apparently. but vic police and good lucken getting into the vote for bush judge. he's a joke. so the person the insiders are talking about obviously should be michelle obama. obviously p, polls show democras love her. the media loves her more than anything. she went to princeton on merit. she's a fashion icon. she's married to barack obama. she plays in her own vegetable garden. therefore, he's totally qualified. and we assume this was goingng o happen until we saw a new showtime series that portrays michelle obama as first lady. m and it turns out that michelle obama is exactly the person you thought she was. here she is . you don't't think i'm on the top of every time i see another unarmed black kid get shot? t
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you know, i want to be out there on the streets right along with those kids. but that's not our reality because we're yeah. with black family and we've been called in every way possible for once. let's be all right. so first of all, she's using the n-word or the actress portraying excuse me, what's itt like? that's your gun. you can't hold hol higherher ofn even if an actor is using your image to use that word, you're set. you can't be president. but there's also a problem thate michelle obama portrayed there m is completely unhingedtr. again, this is produced by showtime. these are not our enemies. these are her p friend. here's michelle obama saying she wants to beat up from supporters. a black man can rise to the highest office in the land
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built on the backs of and. it s tears them up. soo much that they elect something like that. you know, i want to be just put[ outbl of every single person who voted for them. i want too follow. you gotta wonder, do they call r me openoffice? this is like the right caricature of michelle obama, presumably showtime. the people who wrotetely this ka michelle obama and that's whatt she's really like. who knows how this got made all the obamas mad about it. they should be viewers don't like it sometimes. that's the first lady. this show be canceled after just one season. well, not flattering. well,, we in just a moment are going to give you a respite from the insana final exam on emily compagno and will cain. does either exa one of them knoo the capitol of canada? does any americanw know what the capitol of canadaa is ? we'll find out in just
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is dannii. time now for a final exam respite from the craziness. this is a game we test tested these professional teams and paying attention and paying attention to this. we are candidates outnumbered co-host emily come on . oh, she has won twice before because she's super smart. speaking of smart fox and friends weekend co-host will cain, who is in addition to everything his attorney. but this is his first time playing the game. woo! you do both is making me nervous like an all star around. okay, nowow i know emily as a hall of famer, you know the rules. will cain, i'm going to i read you in. okay, hentzen buzzer's firstfi person to buzz in gets to answer. here's the critically importantt fact. you have to the wait until i fir asking the question before you answeron each question. tonight is a multiple choice.os i will present three possible answers. gets yourect answer one point.
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get it wrong.. you lose a point. best of five wins. makes sense. yes, it does make sense. bo let's go back to smoke. emily, these these are really weird question. here's's the first one . a passenger flying fromm bali to australia was just fine. nearly two thousand dollars for failing to declare something dangerous in his luggage. it wasas not a weapon. it was fast food.ts it turns out australia has enough of its own bad f food and they don't want yours. this i person was bringing inou whatnt to the country? was it a white castle? slider's? was it b muffins or was it c taco bell burritos? emily yes. b, tucker egg mcmuffin. yeah. i don't know how you know that ,emily, but it's that esoteric knowledge that keeps you at the top of the rankings, your final exams necessarily. the tape as well. you do just an airlinee passenger arriving in australia. more than eighteensa hundred dollars. i tried whatever they can to install mcloughlin's into
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the country in his bag. they claim biosecurity risk r because of rules aimed atpi keeping foot and mouth disease out of the countryisea as much e they do. amazing. that is good. ld whatever they're called at's mcdonald's breakfast treat question to a player in chicago just won a second largest jackpot in megaa millionsio jackpot was one pointn. g three billion dollars. but because the government lies about everything, the person who won is not getting anywhere close to one point three dollars billion. how much money will the playerll actually get? will it be a i eight hundred0 million? b, six hundred and fifty million or c four hundred and thirty million too soon. will cain, i mean, if you wantio to appeal to the joe i'm sorr what i told our judgess our judges are saying that you hit too soon and they're penalizing you with nothing personal. too soon, sooner as it were. tucker wrote , yeah, it was
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claymates tab and we're going to amole. i'm going to vote a eight hundred million. n, well, you're a good person, emily. you have faithu in your government. t don't think they take almost a billion dollars off the top, do you, with thaton o? don't have faith iny my government, but did i get itl wrong? the only lottery winner who has 100% success rate when it comes to winning a portion of every eo jackpott,, the taxman, this week's mega millions winner, if, they decide to take all their winnings now, will take home four hundred and thirty three point seven million dollars, one point two eight billion dollars technicality. that's radicality. yes. they say it's a one point three billion dollar jackpot and they picked nine hundred million off the top. the mafia, for all its faults, didn't do that. p they paid you you won. so that tells you a lot. sorry about lotto questions. the okay, now most of the time we only see world leaders fully. clothed. . praise god. so it may have come as a surprise to learn that a world of a ravena tattoo
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on his or her shoulder. who isth that world leader with the raven tattoo today? t tjustin trudeau. t is itru be emmanuel macron or is it c? angela merkel got to play to win. tucke i'm going to go tuckerr,. the answer this is based upon who would have the mostn embarrassing tattoo that i can imagine and i can only imagine thate would be justin trudeau, fidel castro's son for a win roll tape, please.o' he certainly wasn't shot. he is now pummeling bravo going shirtless to charity boxing match him. that is true. your opponent, the senator, a bloody nose while also revealing a tattoo he mightst be the first canadian primepr minister wasim one amazing. oh, yes. you're rambling on that doesn't belong to miracles are pretty rough check. but even on our shoulder.
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okay, question for which holieri than celebrity has just been named the world's biggest climate criminal after using her private jet one hundred and seventy times this yearth alone is it a ellen degeneres? is it be taylor swift or is it c, the fake duchess from los angeles? meghanom markle. oh, that's a fair swipe fair. but i think that's got too be taylor swift. you think it's taylor swift,lo by the way?r yes, i know that. i pronounce the sister's name incorrectly. r:did it for fun. is itt taylor swift? that's a great guess. now you're up one roll tape, please. emily, are you feeling the pressure? just the music charts. but now the celebrities or the jets are leaving the work carbon footprint. the analysis shows the private jet has already won
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one hundred and seventy times this year alone. the fact that she's not even on tour i'm at all okay. wow, this is good stuff likehi this. okay, so we're getting to the fifth and final question. the two pointer. so if emily were to win, then we would go to sudden death overtime. single question, single q answe. it's always the same question. we'll see. the national game show commission requires we ask an animal question. securitas oh, i a virginian woman's trip to the supermarket took an unexpected turn and shed picked up a bag of popcorn and an animal emerged from the bag. what kind of animal popped out of her popcorn? was it a possum? was it be a snake?yi was it see a flying squirrel? so i just let you go .re i should have just let you go and rested on my two points a tucker i'm going to venturegog guess that it wasue a possum.
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no, a possum. okay,r: now before we roll tape, i'm just asking you too visualize how a possum wouldum fit in a yes pocket. it's fairly, fairly large animal. but you know, we're leaving open the possibility you'reho right. ppra she was shopping and grabn the bag. would you discover the pop kernels were not alone? and she says the snake you found inside of the car b and slithered out before goingef back inside. would you one take? that yes, i was going to go for that. i taken a i knew it wasn't a possum and i was like, whatever , it's a tie. de okay, we'rere going to so we're going to sudden death. okay, single question. single answer. this is a hard one . i want you to prepare probably not one in the thousand americans knows the answer. so get the synapses firing. here it is . what is the capital of canada, emily? oh no. you've got your first ontario
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oh oh t oh. i knew it started. it may be within the state or new , but that's>> okay. sorry. oh, so you you lose the game but you have solidifiedec your bona fides as a truet american. you don't even t know the capitol of because we don'tc care we don't care about women's like they have long, important, important particularly. well, the winner after i took down the champion to cheer ike creepy lawyer good game. there it is . still making money at air time. thank you. thank you to you both. boy, that was a nail biter. see you started with an oh i knew it started with an hello. i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one of you one last chance to get your very own. mypillow kill bed sheets go to
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eight hundred nine zero one five nine nine. jon stewart was famous once. he had a tv show over at comedy central. it was never that amusing. that highly rated, much lauded by the rest of the media. they lovedho it. no show won more awards
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with the subject of more syrupy magazine profiles and more loved from his fellow journalists than jon stewart show. but then right around the endtea of the obama administration, jon stewart kindon s of disapped and you didn't hear anything from him?ce well, he has resurfaced. in washington, r d.c. the other day. looksoo like a guy who lives in the men's room at your public libraryar eating imaginary insects out of the air. and he was there to get for some reason to a shouting match with a senior editor of human events called jack. the soviet wasevn on tape. t youhe should watch this. what's really the most interesting part of it? it's not the policy debate, butl jon stewart himself is totally unrecognized. >>dg he looks demented. but you judge for yourself here to you're in the role of a judge. you're not. so what's the problem? like i said, what is good? why is john i'm not evens against you guys. >> what arere you going. on
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that's jon stewart, the famous jon stewart. mentaliee a homeless patient. he's shrieking and disheveled and veryki short, really short.t too short to date. was he always sure what happened? was he been the last seven years? if u yous know, let us know. we want answers. p so nancy pelosi showed up in taiwan the other day. the world's great flash pointnd to make things a lot worse. 's and she g did one thing she's good at china's military just fired multiple missiles near taiwan.le that's according to the defense ministryco of taiwan and chinese state media trying to saying the missiles actually flew overl taiwan. chinese military expert told state mediad tonight, quote, we will hit the targets under the observation of us egis combat system, whichch means the chinese military has solved the difficulties of hittingar
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long range targets on the water. that's not good for taiwan. wasn't pelosi supposed to make things better? she seems to make things much, much worse because at the same t time that china has decided to align with russia to challenge the preeminence of the u.s. dollar as the world's reserve currency. that, of course, would be fatal for this country. toi no overstatement. where's this going exactly? gordon chang is a senior fellow at the gates on institute, author of the great us chinaata tech war t and a frequent guest of ours. gordon, thanks so much for coming on . so we can let the military situation develop as it will . we can read about in the news.ab but underneath all of that is a huge story about the u.s.t as the global reserve currency.a tell us what you believe china would like to do about that. well, certainly china would like to replace the dollar as the global reserve currencyan with the renminbi. now china's one to doteo this fc a decade and so areac
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the russians. but now they're actually attacking the dollar because they think they can get away with it. and so therefore, this is a moment of vulnerability because certainly if we don't have a global reserve currency, the power of the united states will be substantially diminished, as you point out. so this is a core american interest. this is not like n promotingot trans rights in botswana, whicha they're also doing. this is the key to our standard of living in our economy. so why wouldn't pelosi and the various geniuses around her keep that in mind before she left for taipei? well, probably she doesn't think that it's within her ambit a, but this is certainly within the ambit of joe biden and biden's crazy spending plans that is eventually going to i end up in a much cheaper t dollar. and people aroundre the world ae not going to want to keepf their wealth in dollars if they think that it's goingng to get less valuable. united statesnt
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,i think, really needs to-t understand the ultimate longis term effects of his spending. you put it so simply and clearly. i appreciate that. do you think c and so you cleary understand that most people who spend five minutes on it can understand it. do youd think there arehe economists at the white house w who are worried about thisg and taking steps to prevent it? no, d i don't think they reallye care about this. yeah, there probably are communiststs in the white house or those least we know that there are sympathizers of the regime in beijing. and , you know, i don't know what's in their minds, but, you know, if they wanted to undermine the core interests oft the united states , which is the primacy ofeshe the dolla, they're doing a very goodre job of that tucker. so shocking and scary. gordon chang, thank you for that update tonight. arthank you. so what's happened to our economy is the product of a theory called modern monetaryi theory with the federal reserve just prints the money it wants that inevitably results in inflation. of course, no one deniesou that.
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but then to fix inflation, you take money out of the system t through taxation. that is thela plan according too modern monetary theory. so a conspiracy theory can look it up. so it's probably not a coincidence that the irs has now gotten a lot more funding and a lot more guns. the irs has its own army. they've already stockpiled five million rounds of ammunition and thousandsnd of firearms. why i are they doing that exactly? why is no one noticinging in tht case? the florida is trying to stop it. bless him. he joinss my friends. i come to you today on behalf of the jewish people in ukraineo whose lives have beenne completely destroyed, family and loved ones brutally killed . the international fellowship of christians and is inside ukraine providing emergency food and suppliesbu of tens of
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six on fox. fifteen 2020 five from dallas, texas on fox news, speeches from top leaders of the republican party can watch the show from texas 10% fox station .com. so so when they start treating the irs as a military agency, you should be very worried. and that's exactly with the u.s. government is doing in 2018, the government accountability office reportedic that more than two thousand irs enforcement agents have more and 4000 weapons, guns
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that kill people. remember there is also p stockpiling more thann five million rounds ofmm ammunition in 2020 to watchin the organization open books. he .com reported the irs has spent more than twenty millionha dollars on guns and ammo between twenty six and 2018. a few lawmakers are trying to stop this. former congressman matt gaetzwmy is one of them. he just introduced the disarm the irs act response by marjorie taylor , paul gosar and jeff duncan make a congressman. thanks so much for coming on and for doing this. why would the irs need millions of dollars worth of guns and ammo? well, joe biden is raising taxes, disarming americans. bidi so of course,s they are arming a up the irs like they'rere preparing to take fallujah. likeke you mentioned, five million rounds of ammunition. forty five hundred firearms, automatic weapons and seven hundred thirty one thousand dollars of taxpayer money spent this year to quite literally
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weaponizes your government against you. so it's not really that joe biden and the democrats hate guns. they just hate law. ouabiding americans having them and they take the money from the people to go and have their own little private arsenals. and it's particularly egregioust from a country that militarizesl its bureaucraciesy, then forces its grandmothers to go and fend for themselveshen on dangerousng streets because they defend the police and have cashless bailer. another hug, a woke, criminal justice policies. that's why i'm introducing legislation to stop it. will , god bless you. i mean, corey bush has bodyguards, extended magazines. they're t not against guns are against you having guns. so how could anybody rhetorical question here in the u.s. congress oppose your bill? on what grounds? well, i'm hoping i'm hoping we get a vote on because it will show the hypocrisy that is around gun ownership in america. and you just look at the last assault weapons ban that they passed off the floor of the congress, that special exemptions for the department of education and the department of agriculture and the irs to d have guns.
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so i don'tepf know if the future is like critical race theory and tax payments at the end of r a rifle, but i certainly hope not. sounds like it may be .nd si don't know what else to infei from this. thank you for fighting against it very much. that mccain supporter. thank you, tucker. a well, we are out of time, but we'll be back every night 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. taking a break foror a weekki. i'll be back hitting sunday anyway. have a wonderful time. i hope you get some time offha with the ones that you love. and as a gesture of great affection, we are throwing it cash on hand to the foul 40 seconds or have a wonderful time
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. and welcome to hannity reporting from dallas tonight. and coming up, fbi bossp, christopher wray grilled on capitol hill about biden political bias and public corruption at some of the highest levels of the fbi. plus, a frequent cnn columnist has proclaimed that donald trump supporters are no different than the terrorists of al qaeda. oh, i guess so much for the new era of journalism under the new fake news boss, this guy chris licht and fake news cnn. maybe it's time for him to


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