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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 5, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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the cities of america. thank you, mr. president. >> that looked like a hostage video. that was actually sad. i don't think we should have played that. it's too sad. don't forget, set your dvr so you can stay connected with us. remember it's america now and you better believe it. greg gutfeld and the gang take it from here. >> democrats one step closer to pushing through the $800 billion climate spending bill with synema kirsten's blessing. we see not one, not two, but hundreds of economists warning it could make inflation worse. you're watching "fox & friends first." >> americans say soaring prices are the biggest concern heading to the midterm and even other democrats are questioning the
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left spending agenda with one advisor telling politico, quote, the biden administration doesn't understand that the only thing people care about is the inflation, gas prices, and the economy. of course there's no messaging and they don't have any idea what the message is. they are living in lala land. kirsten synema has agreed to back the bill saying we have agreed to remove the carried tax provision, advance manufacturing, and boost our clean economy in the senate's budget reconciliation. biden saying we've taken a step towards reducing inflation and the costs for american families. i look forward to the senate taking up the legislation and passing it as soon as possible. >> at the center of this, joe man chin whose support earlier this week really paved the way to head to a vote. here's what he had to say about
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getting republicans onboard. >> you said this week you think that republicans should vote -- >> i would like to think -- i talk to my republican friends, they want to make sure we have more energy. guess what, we're going to have a lot more oilf >> meanwhile, the congressional budget office saying the so-called inflation reduction act will not ease inflation but could increase it. hundreds of economists agree saying it would, quote, create immediate inflationary pressures by reducing demand by saying it will drain private sectors of much-needed resources and republicans are seizing on that. >> if you're worried about inflation, gas prices, the economy generally, i think this is a really bad bill. i'm hoping that more democrats are going to come to that realization. >> today we're expecting the july jobs report. here's the white house actually downplaying expectations on this one. >> we are in a transition to a
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stable and steady growth. and during that transition, what you'll see is instead of that record high breaking number job numbers that we have been seeing every month in the realm of 500,000 to 00,000 jobs on average per month, we're expecting to be closer to 150,000 jobs per month. >> it's not just republicans. other leaders are responding to manchin for backing the spending bill claiming the calls to increase climate spending will severely threat b their future. >> leaders from eight states write the amendment will diminish our coal-producing operations and all but oh blifate any need to increase coal assets. chris hamilton joins us now. good morning to you. coal, west virginia is the second top producing coal state in the country.
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you say that the bill that west virginia senator joe manchin signed off on will hurt the coal industry, one of the most important industries in the state. so how so? >> well, it hurts in a number of ways. first of all, it really increases the advantages and all of the tax credits for all of the competing fuels. it really turbo charges the existing tax credits for all the intermittent energy sources such as solar and wind, which are doing very well on their own without some needed help. but doubles the taxation on every kind of coal that's mined throughout america. and it also sets us back on the order of magnitude of hundreds of thousands of jobs based on the tax foundations report that was released yesterday. >> drilling down on that last point, what will passage of this bill mean to the livelihood of coal miners in joe manchin's state. >> well, american power also has
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analyzed this extensive piece of legislation for us. and they maintain it will absolutely accelerate the closure of coal-fired plants which is one of our leading markets, not only in west virginia but also throughout the country. we've seen a decrease in the plant, the decrease in the delivery of reliable electricity. we're receiving warning after warning, national grid operators, and we're getting increasingly dangerously close to blackouts and brownouts back of the lack of base load coal fire electricity manufacturing. >> yeah, so just to drill down on some specifics, this bill would double the current taxonomy coal -- the coal industry. and subject mining companies to the highest tax of almost any other business in america. senator manchin, apparently, got a guarantee that the biden administration would approve a pipeline in west virginia in exchange for the approval of this bill. so it sounds like he chose
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natural gas over your industry, the coal industry. what's your reaction to that? >> some may be able to see it that way. we're not sure that pipeline is ever going to be constructed. we're not sure that the extreme environmental community is going to ease their opposition to that pipeline just as they haven't eased their opposition to the coal fired electric generation. >> why would he sign off on this bill if not for the pipeline? >> i'm not sure. we're working with individuals that are using every single federal agency, every resource available to them under biden to completely eliminate all fossil energy, which, you know, which absolutely could -- it constitutes the core of our economy today. it -- you know, it provides paying jobs to hundreds of thousands of americans and west virginiians and we're concerned over this legislation. it would be accelerated through the budget reconciliation process without any vetting,
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hearings, discussions of all of the relevant committees is a real surprise to us as well. >> do you feel used and abandoned by joe manchin. >> that's a pretty strong -- joe has been out there with us, he's been working with us. we're working with him on this piece of legislation. but we hope to make some amendments with this legislation here over the course of the next couple of days just as we heard senator synema made some changes yesterday. we would like to see a little help in this expensive energy bill, for coal fire generation and for coal miners. our american coal miners are a huge plus for our economy. they work day in and day out to provide secure, reliable electricity throughout america. they deserve better from the government. >> chris hamilton, thank you so much for joining us this morning to share your perspective. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> all right, brittney griner's
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lawyers said the wnba star is convicted of nine years after being convicted of smuggling marijuana oil into the country. she learned her fate. >> i want to apologize for my teammate, my club, the fans, and the city for the mistake i made and the embarrassment i brought to them. i never meant to hurt anybody. i never meant to put in jeopardy the russian population. i never meant to break any laws here. >> griner and her legal team have time to file an appeal. the biden administration is floating the idea of a prisoner swap. the trade is for brittney griner and a former marine in exchange for who is called the merchant of death. the official said there's still no serious response by the
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russians on the proposal but the swap could happen in a couple of weeks. >> griner's sentence could be attributed to biden's weak foreign policy. >> when they smell weakness, it makes leaders like xi and putin a lot more aggressive. we can see it. a nine-year sentence for ms. griner. it's sad. we want her to come home. now we're trading her for a prisoner who was convicted of conspiracy who killed american citizens? it's a very bad press debit. >> vice president kamala harris called out for her hypocrisy. russia continues the wrongful detention of brittney griner, she should be released immediately. criticism on twitter followed. brittney griner got nine years for drug possession in russia which sounds like most of the
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sentences kamala harris got people in the her time as ag. harris' office sent more than 1500 people to state prisons for marijuana-related offenses between 2011 and 2016. in her time as the san francisco da, harris saw more than 1900. >> let's hope her and paul, with helan come home. they're americans, they belong here. pelosi in the korean peninsula. >> the white house fuming at the house speaker's controversial trip and the fact she ignored advice not to go. the cia operations officer who served in east asia. first let's get to the dmz point. good move by pelosi or not. >> it's a terrible move. if she was looking to pour more fuel on the fire she started in taiwan, she has succeeded.
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>> all right, so are you saying you don't think she should have gone to taiwan? >> i think she should have definitely not have gone to taiwan. # look, she has provoked a chinese response that is potentially catastrophic. right now, we have in effect a chinese blockade of taiwan. everybody keeps talking about drills. in effect, they surrounded the island, they have closed off air and sea traffic to that island. the only question now is whether they will lift that blockade in a few days when supposedly they're going to end the drills or they're going to maintain it. that's a potentially catastrophic world-changing event as a result of her visit to taiwan. >> focusing on the white house response for a moment, sam. we understand exactly what you're saying. point taken. what does the biden white house response fueled by anger, filled with anger, i should say. what does that say by joe biden
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and the ultimate resolve to take on china? >> there's no -- there's no world -- no scenario in which joe biden is prepared to take on and confront the communist chinese. you can pick one of two explanations for what's happening. one is grotesque incompetence on a scale that we have never seen before. the other is we are apparently deliberately attempting to provoke the chinese. i mean, as one of the earlier guests talked about was the amount of weakness this administration is projecting. this is the top foreign policy issue for the chinese, taiwan, right? they regard it as a breakaway province, an internal matter, and we have gone and poked them. we're not prepared to follow through on that. >> sam, but shouldn't the house speaker of the united states be allowed to travel where she wants to go? and, you know, this trip was ultimately leaked to the press -- it was likely supposed
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to be a secret. and then we would find out after she had already left. but people do say if she announced this trip and then decides to back down because russia says she can't go, that would make us look even weaker in the face of a possible increase tension with russia? what do you say to that? or china, rather? >> well, there's no question once you leak this and you talked about it, you have created a chain of events and now, you suggest, it kind of cascades, right? we said we're going to do it. now is it going to be worse if we don't follow it through. you know, maybe? the point is, this is not the way to conduct national security. i'm not a friend of xixinping. why do we provoke them? in all respects we're projecting weakness. if you're xi and you want to
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settle the tie wab issue once and for all, do you want to wait until 2024 and roll the dice on who is in the white house, or do you want to move now? this is a moment of national peril. # >> as you alluded to, launching the live fire exercises around taiwan with missiles shot over the island. give us the reaction to the show of force. how worried should we be of one of these missiles mistakenly landing somewhere and potentially starting world war. do we have that concern that world war could start from a mistake? >> without question. you have live fire exercises, you have the potential for an event -- everybody makes the analogy to how world war i started where something happens that nobody wanted but it takes on a life of it's own. we have a lot of military force out there. the taiwanese have force.
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the chinese are firing ballistic missiles and staging other live fire exercises every day. any moment you could have something that actually nobody intended and it cascades. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> a chilling and sober view of what could be a tragic and horrific crash here in los angeles. we want to warn you, look at that, the video graphic. killing six, including a pregnant woman. we will tell you what we know about that speeding driver. >> and new yorkers are fed up with gas prices demanding the governor do something about it. kevin mccarthy is sending the message that new york is a mess. more on that coming up next. ♪♪ ♪♪ you had me at allison® 10-speed transmission. ♪♪
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>> frightening moments in new mexico as a driver plows through a parade leaving two police officers and several others injured. through a celebratory parade celebrating native american culture. the driver and two other passengers are in custody. the investigation is ongoing. tragedy in los angeles county. six people, including a pregnant mother, infact, killed in a fiery car wreck. this is graphic. mercedes coupe running a red light.
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you can see it -- oh, my gosh, look at that. literally plowing through a line of traffic at full speed. six vehicles were involved in the accident. three burst into flames. oh, my gosh, look at that. the 40-year-old woman behind the wheel of the mercedes survived that crash but suffered major injuries. multiple charges will be filed. >> temporary lockdown today after a shooter opened fire, officials say a fight broke out between two groups and a nike store yesterday afternoon. the suspects pulled out a handgun and fired three shots, sending people running, including nascar driver kyle busch and his wife. busch's wife shared the scary moment on her instagram saying we got out. we're safe praying others are tooment. the suspect is still at large. new york governor kathy hochul facing lawmakers and community leaders to change the state's bail reform law putting criminals and repeat offenders immediately back on the street.
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>> but the governor, however, says she's in no rush. ashley joins us live with all of the details. ashley? >> kevin mccarthy accused governor hochul of playing politics instead of trying to clean up the crime-ridden streets of new york. he made the comments hosting a roundtable in new york. listen -- >> say to the governor, get rid of the prosecutors who won't uphold the law. you have the power to do it. do it today. why do we have to wait for her to actment. why isn't she here? >> this as business owners across the city to plead for the governor to step up and take action to oh curb the soaring crime rate. the of the chinese america's citizen's alliance for the bail report saying we're in trouble. have a special session, talk about it. you cannot ignore it. this is the data. members of the hispanic chamber of commerce saying their members would vote against the governor and she runs it risk of losing
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the latino vote if she doesn't reach out to them. but hochul said she's going to wait to address bail reform. >> we always know that the legislature meets again next january. that's the time -- by that time, we are going to assess the real impact of our change. how long do i need to study this? i can't do that until january. that's out of limit there. >> as ten career criminals have been arrested 500 times as they keep being released back into societyment. crime in new york is so bad an mma fighter was forced to step in and take down a man accused of assault. >> they were like, we got to stop this guy. my martial arts kicks in. we have to put this guy away. in my mind, i'm thinking about my parents. they're older. he hit an old man, he hit a younger person. what's to say he's not going to hit another person. >> eric adams has been asking state lawmakers to get the bail
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reform laws in check to stop the repeat offenders as recently as wednesday. he said it's dangerous and destroying the city. back to you guys. >> thank you for that. by backing food trucks from downtown area, the denver police department realizes relocating food trucks could cause disruption for the food truck vendors but to increase safety for all who visit and work in the area including the vendors, dpd believes having them operate in a different location is a solution. joining me now is the owner of rj's taco food trucks. good morning to you. how is this going to impact your business? # >> good morning. it already has affected our business. we were given only a few days' notice that they were banning food trucks in the area and so we had to scramble to find an
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alternate location. ultimately it doesn't matter what is the lowell occasion, if it's not there, it's not as good. we lost more than half of our revenue last weekend. this weekend, i haven't even heard back from permitting on whether or not any food trucks are getting permits. i haven't gotten one for this weekend yet. >> the downtown area is where all of the people are. that's a problem when it comes to crime. police are saying if people leave the bars, they gather around food trucks like yours. they've been drinking then violence breaks out. your perspective is you open a business. you're trying to sell food. now they're saying you have to go to a more remote location. you're thinking there's got to be a better way. >> i never felt threatened or unsafe working downtown with my female co-worker.
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she and i run shifts until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and never felt unsafe by our patrons. i understand that's where people congregate. but pushing us further out is only going to cause the people to follow the food. then we're not going to have patrols in that area if something were to happen. that's the natural progression now. in addition to upsetting residents of people who live in the downtown area who aren't used to having food trucks in front of their building, they're getting upset about us being there as well. what choices do we have as food trucks. that's the biggest issue for us, food truck owners right now is that we just had zero say they threw it at us and said deal with it. haven't given us a new location or somewhere else to be. >> i understand. and also i was reading this is
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the relatively new business for you as well. it's not just this situation where you have to go to a move to a remote location, you're dealing with inflation. so how are things going? >> we are very new. haven't been open a year yet. i was a teacher downtown where i serve my food and decided that teaching was not it for me at the moment. decided to open a food truck last august. we got open towards the end of august. we tried to open it around june is when we started the process. got open around august. and then, you know, it's been this struggle and we finally have gotten traction and had bars downtown that were wanting us there, paying for our meters, now just kind of going back to zero. >> well, we're wishing you the best of luck. i was looking at your menu yesterday. true ice cream sandwiches, buffalo chicken sandwiches,
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turning sandwiches to tacos and tacos to sandwiches. if you are in denver, go to r.j.'s taco food truck. # wish you the best of luck this morning. >> you said churro ice cream sandwich? >> yeah. she makes sandwiches into tacos and vice versa. >> can we get her here? >> inventive. >> right outside of the building. >> maybe she could do the summer concert series alongside the barbecue. have to have that. republican senator fbi director christopher wray about the hunter bide b probe and allegations of bias inside of the agency. tom is here with his top takeaways from the hearing. >> you get them in there and what they do is they want to change the criminal justice system through nonenforcement. it underlines the idea that we're supposed to be a government of laws, not of
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individual men. >> remember this? ron desantis suspending a prosecutor. we'll tell you why. i think you can guess it. # buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreceipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documents and receipts. paper goes in and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes, into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll get over $300 in added value, including a robust time saving software bundle. plus get free shipping and a money back guarantee. act now and save up to $100 for a limited time. people everywhere love the
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>> florida governor ron desantis cracking down on woke government officials who refuse to enforce laws on the books in the sunshine state. announcing the suspension of sorry soros-backed state attorney. >> individual prosecutors take it upon themselves to determine which laws they like and will enforce and which laws they don't like and then don't enforce. ment andrew warren has put himself publicly above the law. in june of 2021, he sign add letter saying that he would not enforce any prohibitions on sex change operations for minors. he signed a letter saying he
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would not enforce any laws relating to protecting the right to life. we are not going to let that get a foothold here in the state of florida. >> florida democrats, including warren himself including the governor and laws past in tallahassee. niki freehed calling desantis a wannabe dictator on twitter. desantis insists he will not back down. >> what they do is they want to change the criminal justice system through nonenforcement. it's an end run around the system. the results have been disruptive around the country but also really undermines the idea that we're supposed to be a government of laws, not individual men. we took it seriously, we did a thorough review and pulled the trigger today. >> susan lopez is slated to replace warren in the coming days. >> fbi director christopher wray testifying on the alleged fbi
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cover-up of damning information about hunter biden. >> the bureau under intense pressure after whistleblowers came forward with what chuck grassley calls highly credible claims. # >> hey, good morning, guys, fbi director christopher wray getting drilled with questions in the senate judiciary committee. he's admitting the whistleblower allegations that fbi agents came one a scheme to cover up unfavorable information about hunter biden are alarming. listen. >> isn't it true that agent and fbi supervisory intelligence analyst brian okan covered up derogatory information about mr. hunter biden? >> when i read the letter that describes the kinds of things that you're talking about, i found it deeply troubling. >> wray goes on to promise the whistleblowers will be protected. chuck grassley wrote a letter to
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wray and attorney general merrick garland summarizing there appeared to indicate there was a scheme in among certain fbi officials to falsely suggest it was disinformation. that potentially damning information was coming from hunter's infamous lap top. "the new york post" reported on materials from that lap top. twitter at the time suppressed the story ahead of the 2020 election. now, josh hawley says the scandal goes far beyond the actions of the's son, watch. >> the when you sayle blowers have said over and over that the fbi colluded where the big tech companies to try to bury the hunter biden story, to try to protect joe biden, to interfere, frankly, about the reporting of the 2020 elections. >> now, we recent bly learned that the criminal investigation into hunter biden reached critical stages. officials decide whether or not to bring charges against the's
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son. >> thank you very much. with that, let us bring in tom -- are you satisfied with what you heard from christopher wray on hunter biden? >> no, it's more of the same, deeply troubled. he suggests it's going to be a personnel action. what we need is a criminal investigation of the criminal investigation of hunter biden. an investigation, by the way, that implicates and involves his father. this goes back to october of 2020. the fbi again is bearing information it looks like about hunter biden, using the same type of language that democrats and outside supporters of joe biden were using to try to dismiss the allegations. and also according to the whistleblowers, it looks like working with or alied with democrats in congress who are trying to blow up senator grassley's and senator johnson's
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investigation of hunter biden, the investigation, for instance, which highlighted that hunter had gotten millions of dollars from the widow of a russian oligarch. so, i don't understand why it is still three years after they got the lap top in december of 2019 reportedly, they're still agonizing on whether to prosecute hunter biden. and i think it's because of the necessary -- necessarily that it implicates the and the rules are, according to what we were told in the mueller investigation, that if there's a conflict of interest by the justice department, there has to be a special counsel appointed. one hasn't been appointed and that's a scandal too. so, the fbi and the doj are showing why they can't be trusted to handle this investigation. # once again. # >> if this is true, and the fbi was providing cover for hunter
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biden by saying the things that were found in this lap top were misinformation, how does that impact the current investigation into him out of the delaware -- the u.s. attorney's office in delaware. >> it's not -- it's a good question. because it's not clear how it did impact it. the whistleblowers are coming forward a year, you know, almost two years after it happened. did it derail or change the direction of the investigation? some of the material allegedly was hidden from other fbi individuals who would have a need to see it and review it. it's buried in the bowels of the fbi computer networks. that's what the allegation is. and, you know now we're learning that the baltimore office, according to director wray of the fbi is helping the delaware u.s. attorney's office, that alone tells you there's something up. if this was a serious investigation, it would be run out of doj here in town and in
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washington, d.c. and they'd have the appropriate number of people and resources targeting it. # instead, it's up in the middle of nowhere as far as washington, d.c. is concerned in terms of the bureaucracy and the focus of justice department investigations. they don't want anything to happen. that's why they're burying it out to delaware. >> seems like it's a little bit of a home game as well for hunter which begs the question of why. director wray said the border has a, quote, wide array of criminal threats and security is a significant issue. that's all well and good. knowing is half the ba -- battle. i think you agree with that. what is the fbi doing about it? >> it's news to pretty much everyone on the border. the news to the mayors of new york and washington, d.c. who are complaining about it being overwhelmed. it's not only a national security crisis as director wray
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has highlighted but it's also resulting in crimes throughout the land as foreign nationals aren't supposed to be here. in addition to the crime of crossing the border and remaining here illegally are engaged in other criminal activity, some of which is deadly. # and, you know, the fbi, i would like to hear some more leadership from federal law enforcement about the security issues at the border. and we're not getting it. so, it was a relief to see at least wray mention it. but, you know, wray is a weak fbi director. he's not going to take on what i believe to be the deep state and, you know, we have had open borders for nearly two years. now we're hearing some noise from the fbi about national security or security issues. # you know, previously what we're hearing out of the fbi and the justice department is noise about parents complaining about school curriculum. the priorities are screwed up. # >> yeah, i was going to say,
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when it comes to the border, it's not really fbi but dhs. department of homeland security secretary on his watch, 150 people on the terror watchlist we know of trying to speak to our country over half a million this year known got-aways, you have to wonder who those people are in that mix. >> tom, thank you, friend. we appreciate it. biden insisting he's running for re-election in 2024. but a growing number of democrats are saying, no, we're good. >> do you want to see joe biden. >> i don't want to answer that question. >> you -- >> i'm just asking if you would support -- >> i think there's a lot of us who want to see new voices rise in the party. >> our next guest is the former democratic leader of the california state senate who said her party has gone too far left for it's own good. # if you have diabetes, then getting on the dexcom g6 is the single most important thing you can do.
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than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> former tv news anchor kari lake comes out on top in the primary race. she narrowly defeated businesswoman carol
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robeson. a long list of primary winners backed by donald trump. she will face katie hobbs in arizona's governor's race in november. wyoming, liz cheney is down in the polls ahead of her august 16 primary race. she's turning to her father for help, former vice president dick cheney, the star of a new anti-trump campaign ad. >> never been an individual who was a greater threat to our republic than donald trump. there is nothing more important she will do than lead the effort to make sure that donald trump is never again on the ballot. >> that ad may fall flat with wyoming voters. 2020, trump easily defeating president biden in the state taking 69% of the vote. back in 2016, he beat hillary clinton by a landslide. congressman byron donalds predicts voters will send a strong message to liz cheney.
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lauren bobert said it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. >> what she's doing is an atrocity within the party and the country. if you have your beef, that's one thing, you want to pass your vote, that's another. you have somebody going along with nancy pelosi to try to get to the department of justice to go down a line the department of justice has no business going down. >> not surprised that america first candidates are winning. no one should be surprised by that. they wanted to put america first and get our country back on track. that is what's most important. it's not extreme, it's not far right to want to view the right thing. it's okay to say it's wrong to mutilate our children, okay to say our parents should be in charge of our children's education. it's good to say we need to lower inflation and not do so by spending another $800 billion. >> and problems for democrats go all the way to the top. president biden quickly losing support in his own party as top
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democrats continue to lose faith in joe biden's leadership and chances to win re-election in 2024. listen. >> do you want to see joe biden run for a second term? >> yeah, you know? >> an easy question. it won't take long. >> we don't want to answer that question. yeah, i don't want to answer that question. . >> i'm not going to talk about it. i'm not going to talk about it. >> if the president has a vision, that's something we're all willing to entertain and examine when the time comes. >> a lot of us want to see new voices rise in the party. that's not just the presidency, by the way. >> former democratic leader of the california state senate, gloria romero joins me now. it should be noted while you no longer hold that position in the state senate, you are a democrats. is joe biden officially lost your party? >> absolutely. no doubt about i. what we are seeing from so many of these hardly profiles in
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courage, these essentially rats running from a sinking ship that everybody can see right now is happening. >> you heard in that sound bite, this call for quote/unquote new voices in the democratic party. we're going to hear that call for new voices a lot more as democrats like you say continue to jump ship of. >> i would be interested in seeing new voices, but it really is a disingenuous excuse. look, everybody knew who joe biden was. everybody knew this was hardly a new generation of leadership when he was elected a couple of years ago. and, so, the plan that was put in to motion to basically have essentially a weekend at bernie's type of presidency has now turned into a few more years because of the really dismal performance of the vp and of really flattened bench that's available to us. so, now it's
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simply saying, oh, we're looking for a new generation of leadership? no, the people are not that dumb. and that's why leading with democrats across all groups, we are finding that we do not believe the messaging that's coming from the dnc and are basically saying it's not about a new generation of leadership, it's about the economy. it's about the recession, it's about inflation. it's about jobs. it's about basically the same kitchen table issues that this democratic party led by joe biden are failing to address. so, it's going to continue to sink. let's see if those profiles in courage will finally stand up and just say no. we don't want him for these reasons and articulate them clearly. >> you mentioned groups within the democratic party. when i was living in los angeles, i was close to your district at the time when you were the
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california state democratic leader and latinos went more or less 100% to the democratic party. that is not happening. isn't it about the fundamental issues that are driving the latinos away from the democrats and two republicans putting the hold on democrats' chances across the board. >> absolutely. whether we are democrat or republican. look, i was the co-chair for obama's re-election campaign in california. in california -- if we take a look at the new congresswoman from texas, she was an obama delegate in texas at the time. she's a republican now. so, whether it's republican democrat across the board, when we find that only 19% of latinos which have just been counted on as being part of the core of the democratic party saying, ya vasa, enough, we are tired of joe biden, whether it's dealing with border insecurity at the border, inflation, recession,
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too much wokism gone amock, the lack of parents' rights in education. latinos are a key group and the democratic party is waking up tow a very cruel slap in the face from latinos saying we're tired of being taken for granted. >> we're not breakfast tacos. we will leave it there. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. with that, do not go anywhere. jack brewer still ahead. >> and the all american summer concert series rolls on with country music star michael ray on fox square. check out that cool patriotic backdrop. stay tuned.
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>> carley: democrats one step closer to pushing through the $800 billion climate spending bill with kyrsten sinema's blessing and we could see a final vote this weekend despite economists warning the act could make inflation worse. you're watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: we don't want worse, we want better. i'm todd piro. americans say soaring prices are the biggest concern this
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