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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 8, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> bill: i feel like i have been defrauded. >> dana: will you sue? i think it is proof there are no ufos. i will go with this evidence. >> bill: what would you tell the fighter jets, those pilots from the u.s. navy? >> dana: check the deli counter. here is harris faulkner. >> harris: dire warnings for democrats now. that so-called inflation reduction act has passed. the poll it will tax mower grab that sics the i.r.s. on middle class families may backfire in november. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". it is a nearly $740 billion energy and healthcare bill squeaking by the senate. vice president kamala harris had to cast the deciding vote in the evenly divided senate.
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democrats wasted no time taking a bow. >> at last we have arrived and we are elated. every member of my caucus is elated about what happened because we really have changed the world in a way that you rarely get an opportunity to do that. it is going to make a difference to my grandkids. the world will be a better place for my grandchildren because of what we did today. >> harris: many economists paint a very different picture from he just said calling the inflation reduction act saying it will do exactly the opposite and republicans are warning the legislation will wind up raising taxes on the middle class. >> they call it the inflation reduction act. the most orwellian name in the senate since i've been there. people paid 26 paychecks a
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year, biden policies have consumed four of those 26 paychecks out of every year. that is appalling. it is doubling appalling they would spend more and raise taxes in the middle of a recession while we're in inflation. >> harris: the spending plan beefs up the i.r.s. because it is such a critical point. in hopes that it will help them root out tax cheats. they are going after the money they'll need to pay for some of this. by going after the middle class taxpayers with 87,000 new i.r.s. agents. that is more staffers than the state department, the f.b.i., and the border patrol combined. and a "new york post" op-ed argues the real targets are not the super rich. again, it is the middle class. ronna mcdaniel, gop chairwoman for the rnc is in "focus" now.
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so let's start with the reality of just that point, being hunted by a tax organization and agency. that is going to hurt. >> absolutely. senator crepeau put forward an amendment saying can we make sure the 87,000 i.r.s. agents do not target the middle class? 50 democrats said no, we will target the middle class. every waitress depending on her tips. anybody who is getting any extra money in their lives or extra income the government just increased the size of the i.r.s. to harass every american. it is shameful. instead of saying how to we reduce gas prices and more police on the streaks and solve the problems that so many americans are facing they said in a time of recession let's find a way to raise taxes and create a government agency to target average americans.
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>> harris: i want to point to one of those government agencies that we're struggling mightily with now and could use 87,000 people. that would be the border patrol. your thoughts. >> absolutely. another amendment was put forward to secure the border. every single democrat once again, all 50 said no. remember joe biden in his state of the union saying we'll secure the border? they had their chance last night and chances were made clear. we will not secure the border. drugs are coming across our border and the leading cause of death for 18 to 45-year-olds in this country now with fentanyl pouring through the southern border. democrats didn't do that. they didn't put more cops out there. they raised our taxes during a recession and made sure our gas prices will go up and they are taking a victory lap on the backs of average americans who are struggling because of their policies and they doubled down
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on them yesterday. every single american hurting now knows the democrats do not care because they did nothing to help them yesterday. >> harris: the president said this while he was celebrating earlier. >> president biden: do i expect it to help? yes. a whole range of things are game changers to ordinary folks. some of it is not going to kick in for a little bit but it's all good. >> harris: the part where he says some won't kick in for a little bit. the penn wharton models that looked into it that says for inflation purposes it won't kick in at all. 2031 they look that far out. it is zero impact on the high inflation. yet it is called the inflation reduction act. chairwoman. >> they are lying to the american people. even bernie sanders said this will not help reduce inflation. so they lied. they lied with the name of this. people are going to hurt. not only are we dealing with inflation, a tax hike right now but they raised taxes in the
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middle of a recession. shame on the democrats and every american needs to mobilize to make sure we take back the house and senate in november. >> harris: quickly because chuck schumer moments ago was starting his celebration out with at last we have arrived. you head up the republican national committee and you are taking a look now 92 days down the road it's november 8th. what does that statement mean and did this help or hurt a red wave potential for republicans, this bill? >> i think this is going to unfortunately hurt the american people which will make them more motivated to vote republican. i absolutely think. we aren't happy to see the american people struggling. we talk to people every day who are barely making ends meet who are deciding do i have groceries or gas right now? the democrats are patting themselves on the back. they are so out of touch with main street america right now. for them to raise gas prices. there is a gas hike in there.
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for them to say we'll sell gas to china which raises our gas prices. keep our border open, which they did yesterday and also raise taxes on the american people during a recession shows that they do not care about the pain and suffering on main street. they are so out of touch in their washington bubble. the american people will have the last word in november when we take back the house and senate. >> harris: let's take a look. according to a new poll public perception of the economy is the lowest since 2008. it shows 69% of americans feel the economy is getting worse. and more than 1/3 say they trust republicans to do a better job handling the economy compared with the 25% who say they trust democrats more to deal with that issue. this was taken before they passed this monster spending bill and we haven't even felt the grasp of some of the items in the bill. the congressional budget office, congresswoman mcdaniel said that no -- no effect on
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inflation in a positive way. it will reduce the deficit. but again economists have said there is no straight line between reducing the deficit and fixing the pain that we're in with inflation right now. >> let's look back at the history of this administration. they said inflation was transitory. that was a lie. they said they weren't going to do things to lower gas prices. they didn't. they cut out the keystone pipeline day one and seen gas prices rise over $2 since biden took office. everything they promised the american people they lied. they did it again yesterday. they penalize the gas industry. they gutted them yesterday. agreed to a tax increase on gas. 16 cents per barrel. they won't -- on every issue the democrats doubled down on
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bad pollz. >> harris: china is buzzing down with missile and military muscle flexing to let taiwan know that pelosi touched ground for a few hours there. peter mayer, who lost his g.o.p. primary last week is not letting up. the dccc poured half a million delays in ads to boost his opponent john gibbs. strategy shows what's wrong with american politics right now. >> in a rare showing of bipartisan unity nancy pelosi and the house democratic campaign committee united to try to knock me off the ballot. now this just highlights the cynicism and hypocrisy of our politics today. the fact that we have the establishment left and the extreme right locking arms in common cause paints a telling picture where our politics are
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in 2022. >> what is your take on this? >> the democrats are so desperate they are ore playing in republican primaries. they'll have tight races. we need four to win back the house. if i were in michigan going against barrett i would be mad. she will lose that seat. if i was in michigan, i would be mad they spent the money on the primary. he will lose his seat and i can go through a bunch of democrats in tight races and the democrat party played in the republican primary? place your money, great. we'll take back the house. they don't believe in their candidates and no message to run on and they are trying to meddle in our primaries and it won't work for them. >> harris: in the senate democrats are fundraising hand over fist right now. >> they are raising a ton of money but we saw this in 2020, susan collins, thom tillis and
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others were outspent. we retained the seats. democrats are for higher gas prices, drugs coming across the border. criminalize nation with cashless bail and republicans are saying enough is enough and we'll restore order to washington, d.c. >> harris: great to have you in "focus." growing outrage in liberal los angeles over a plan to put the homeless in vacant hotel rooms next to paying customers. just let that marinate like chicken for a second. yeah. one squad member cannot believe how bad the homelessness and crime situations are in her own democrat-run city. you can't make this up. and a tense war of words over our southern border. >> it is so funny that adams would complain about a bus load when i've been complaining and sounding the alarm since last august. this is affecting our local
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schools, communities, healthcare systems. >> harris: a republican in new york calling it what it is, hypocritical. texas governor greg abbott and big city dem-led mayors trading blows verbally after another bus load of illegal immigrants arrives in new york city. jason rantz in "focus" next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, home values are going through the roof, and so is home equity. unlock your equity and turn it into an average of $60,000 cash
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>> this is horrific when you think about what the governor is doing, the governor of texas, after months of traveling across the border, going on the bus with no direction to come here to new york. >> harris: that's new york city mayor eric adams ripping
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governor greg abbott for sending the border surge his way. the mayor is pleading for the feds to help out and deal with all of these illegal immigrants making their way to new york city and d.c. and other places but the governor of texas is willing to put them in buses and send them after a second bus of illegal immigrants arrived at the new york city's port authority bus terminal yesterday. mayor adams was there to meet and greet. 14 got off. the mayor expected 40. he was overheard saying that may be fear of new york city crime, leaving some of them to get off elsewhere. nate foye is with me here on the mez. so good to see you. boy, it is odd to hear that. somebody describing crime that way in the city that even the illegal immigrants don't want to get off the bus. >> bill: 14 out of 40. mayor says some migrants got off the bus at different stops
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along the way. a three-day journey. >> we'll be on the phone with the white house. they are willing to speak with us and communicate so that we can resolve the humanitarian issue and crisis that we're facing. >> mayor adams promises to take care of all migrants that arrive in new york ste. you see the second bus here. he says resources are strained, though. he calls what governor abbott is doing horrific and claims migrants are being forced on these buses. the governor responding on twitter three minutes to midnight last night. new york city mayor says it's horrific. did he say it was horrific when biden flew plane loads in new
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york? no, the new york mayor has no idea how horrific it really is. this comes after the first migrant bus arrived in new york city on friday. this group was bigger at 50. new york congressman and gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin says the economic burden from this will continue to get worse in new york and time for the biden administration to lead. >> we have to work together as americans to tackle this. we know how to fix it but we need willing partners especially those who are in charge of the country especially the president of the united states. >> governor abbott says 6500 migrants have been bushd to washington, d.c. since april. d.c. mayor's request for national guard support was rejected from the pentagon. >> harris: she wants to put specificity and details of care and housing and that whole thing. and the mayor here may have to do some of the same things. a no is a no from the federal government. who would know that better from
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those red state governors and city leaders along the southern border? >> something that's interesting to note. they said fema is providing funds for n.g.o.s. ngos in texas are overrun. when you look at texas and new york just over 50. >> harris: 14 today. >> it's not that many comparatively. it is definitely going to be interesting to see. >> harris: they say fema will help out. it proves my point that it is an emergency. apparently it hasn't been an emergency until it touched certain people. i'm not asking you to get into the politics but a fact is a fact. >> i can tell you that was governor abbott's objective from the start with bring light on it and force the biden administration to acknowledge the crisis at our border. on some level it appears to be
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working. >> harris: lots of light when the media tune in. some of us willing to cover the story. nate foye, great to have you in "focus." jason rantz now. seattle radio talk show host. i know you were perched to listen to the facts. i want to add this. the democrats politically seem to hope for some migration but a different kind. i'll call it a migrating perception that they actually care more about people coming across the border than republicans because i keep hearing them say from mayors bowser and adams we care about the people. we'll take care of them. who do you think has been feeding those babies? who do you think has been putting the masks on the people to protect us and them from covid as they cross the border? who do you think is pulling them out of the rio grande when they go down on the slippery rocks. we have had lawmakers stand there while the border patrol put themselves in harm's way to save them. republicans care. >> they do.
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they see a virtue signal. all the democrats come out and they we were so involved on the issue of immigration and they're compassionate and care. come to our cities and states. we're sanctuaries for you. we want you here. they don't actually want them there. we want to give the perception they care more than they have to show they care. the republicans have been taking the brunt of all of this. they have been providing the resources, the support, the compassion for folks and for the most part we have heard pretty much nothing from democrats other than how evil the republicans are. the second you get 14 folks coming to new york city it is horrific. why is it horrific? i was told that kind of language is xenophobic. mayor adams, are you a xenophobe or will you allow all these people to show up in your city >> harris: the hypocrisy only makes room when we get the migrating perception about who cares about whom.
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now we have room for hypocrisy. you are the federal government. you want to sic the i.r.s. on people but not help out your own party's people with their migration problems now by flowing cash and resources. how will that go over in the democrat party? >> it is really interesting. you have two different political realities here. number one you have latino voters in this country starting to shift pretty dramatically to the republicans in large part because they don't support a borderless united states. they want folks to come into this country the legal way. on the other hand you have hard core progressives that are open border democrats and not help the people you encouraged to come without help. politically speak it will be interesting to see democrats get out of it. i don't think that you can walk
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those kinds of statements back. >> harris: it reminds me of when vice president kamala harris at her becoming the czar of the border or whatever her title was, she said don't come. do you remember that? and all the people who were just so angry, particularly the far left that she would say it out loud and had to fix it and say of course you can come. so it is tricky for democrats apparently. it is tricky when it is messaged, too. the los angeles city council letting voters decide whether to house the homeless in empty hotel rooms in 2024. hotel owners are pushing back. aside from safety concerns, many owners are worried properties will face damage similar to when hotels were used as isolation shelters during the pandemic. >> they're asking us to combine both populations in a hotel. paying guests and those with hotel vouchers issued by the city. great concern is the safety of
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our guests, our staff and also our neighbors that surround the business communities. >> harris: even squad member ilhan omar, congresswoman in minnesota says she is shocked by the homelessness and crime in democrat-run minneapolis. >> the homelessness that we have -- [inaudible] it is shocking. no one would ever expect that. there is no way that our city would -- >> harris: no one would stand for it? this has been going on for five years. where has she been? >> has she visited any democrat-run city where it has been happening for much longer than five years? to start in l.a., this idea is absolutely ludicrous. imagine you take your family to l.a. and finally able to afford
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a vacation, $249 a night and you realize the neighbor is smoking fentanyl in the hotel room and causing problems. the reason why people are homeless doesn't have to do merely because they don't have a home but the reason why they're without a home. there is an underlying issue there that needs to get addressed. sometimes it has to do with drug addiction. sometimes mental health issues not being treated. but if you don't treat that or provide the services for that, simply putting them in a home, simply means you are putting them in a hotel room for one night and they will immediately revert back to the same behavior that ultimately is going to kill them. how about we actually take this seriously, not ruin businesses, not ruin hotels. part of this program would be to let them know by 2:00 p.m. when you have open rooms. absurd. people don't check into hotel
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after 2:00 p.m. saying why did you give my room to this person? >> harris: there is always collateral damage when you mix a population that potentially -- we don't know the circumstances of every homeless person but from the syringes on the ground in brooklyn and other areas in new york, there are a lot of drugs out there among these people living on the streets. if any is fentanyl a little can kill a square block and now you put that in a room in a hotel with other people? talk about potential for disaster. they have to figure this out. but look, ilhan omar lived with it for five years before she complained. jason rantz, thank you. a year since the disastrous u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. we'll take a look at the military move and the presidential decision that ignited a taliban takeover.
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plus china is ramping up tensions around taiwan. critics want president biden to step up and meet the challenge. >> we've got to start showing strength and preventing wars. we have to start taking the world back towards an avenue of peace and not one that runs from any enemy that seems to shout louder. >> harris: congressman and former green beret michael waltz is in "focus." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. >> tech: cracked windshield? don't wait. and borrow up to $100k. go to you can schedule service in just a few clicks.
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use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now. >> harris: we're looking back at the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. at this same time last year the taliban were marching toward kabul taking over province after province. you could see it coming. before that deadly bombing at kabul airport, which was on august 26th. 13 u.s. service members and 170
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afghan civilians were killed in that attack. this began the journey the world watched as the taliban moved in. >> it is hard to believe it has been almost a year, harris. afghanistan has always been known as the graveyard of empires. four successive u.s. presidents tried to pull all u.s. troops out of afghanistan. three presidents were talked out of it. february 29th, 2020 secretary of state mike pompeo at president trump's direction signed a peace deal with the taliban which includes a promise to withdrawal u.s. troops and release 5,000 taliban fighters from prison that begins the eventual u.s. withdrawal. defense secretary marks per is fired days after the 2020 election after sending a letter to president trump outlining the dangers of a full withdrawal. chris miller is trump's final defense secretary. >> we will implement president trump's orders to continue our repositioning of forces by
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january 15th, 2021. our forces, their size in afghanistan will be 2,500 troops. >> president biden must decide whether to continue. all his national security advisors advise against pulling all u.s. troops out. april 14th, 2021 u.s. president joe biden announces u.s. forces will withdraw unconditionally by september 11th. july 2, 2021 u.s. troops pull out of bag gram air force base leaving in the middle of the night surprising afghan partners and leaving thousands of prisoners un-- the taliban take kabul and take over the presidential palace hours after the president fled the country. scenes of desperation at the airport ensue. u.s. troops are sent to secure the airport and the largest
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evacuation of civilians ever carried out by the u.s. military. august 26, 2021, 13 u.s. service members, 11 marines, soldiers and navy coreman are killed by a suicide bomber. then the 82nd airborne general boards the last aircraft as it leaves kabul. the united states has completed its withdrawal from afghanistan hoping to end america's longest war. a year later, president biden announces u.s. forces have killed al qaeda leader al-zawahiri at a guest house in kabul where he was living as a guest of the taliban. harris. >> harris: unbelievable. full circle. jennifer griffin, great reporting as always. florida congressman michael waltz member of the house armed services committee and highly decorated former green beret with multiple tours in
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afghanistan and africa. great to have you in "focus" today. as i hear special forces experts then and now talk about what was coming, what part of the predictions and the warnings from a year ago have now come to fruition. what pops? >> well, look at where we are a year later, harris. girls in afghanistan can't be educated. women can't leave their home. much less hold a job. the entire country is in a massive famine with historic food insecurity. our allies are being hunted down by the taliban's intelligence director. i had the relative of one of my interpreters strung up behind a truck and drug around his village to send a message. there is a small resistance to the taliban regime but the state department. biden's state department has denounced them and now here we have al qaeda senior leadership living openly in kabul once
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again. so, you know, we could spend the next hour talking about what the problems are and while i am thrilled to see al-zawahiri dead, absolutely thrilled, we have to remember obama yanked us out of iraq without leaving a plan. a few years later we had the rise of isis despite having more drones and troops and assets in iraq than afghanistan. the intelligence community is telling us that al qaeda and isis are growing and fully intend to attack us again and we have very little in the region to deal with it. one strike was a success story. to stop the rise of the groups under a taliban umbrella is something that has me really concerned. finally, harris, when we get congress back in november, when republicans take over, we have to have accountability. we have to have accountability for all these decisions for the veterans groups. so many of them that have
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exhausted themselves and most of all for the 13 gold star families that shouldn't be without their loved ones right now. we have to get behind how these decisions were made, what was proposed and advised into the white house, into biden and what did he ignore? despite all of this, he is still saying it was a massive success story. >> harris: we're perched right now to see if there will be another grab of land and lives and that would be china with taiwan. we've already seen one. the only president in the 21st century not to have russia invade its neighbors was president trump. so we've seen another invasion by russia into a neighbor under president biden. so his decisions and what he does under pressure globally affect every american. always has. but particularly if he can't make up his mind or doesn't listen to the generals. go ahead, quick thought and i
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will move to china. >> strength from the commander-in-chief matters. and we saw with the debacle that was afghanistan, no coincidence then the largest land invasion in europe since world war ii, and deterrents failed in the case of ukraine. there has been a strong response since but it failed. president trump was the first to give the ukrainians lethal weapons and he led the shift on china. and we have to continue those policies but we are not. >> harris: let's go there and i do want to get to the ukraine part about it. you brought up former president trump. china is ignoring calls to calm tensions following the speaker's visit to taiwan, nancy pelosi. today it announced it will continue military exercises around that island nation that were supposed to end yesterday. this comes after a weekend of cat and mouse games. probably doesn't feel that innocent if you're taiwan
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between chinese and taiwanese warships. former u.s. ambassador to the united states nikki haley with this. >> the way you prevent wars is you don't shy away from having the backs of your allies and you let your enemies know what we expect of them. these temper tantrums are childish and dangerous and shouldn't be doing that. the last thing we need to do vun from that. >> harris: imagine what happens if they make a big mistake. then what? china's xi is a genuine threat to taiwan and team biden needs to wake up. congressman. >> well, i think the entire country needs to wake up to what is going on. we're drunk as a country on chinese money from hollywood to wall street to the sports industry, to -- certainly in our politics, you know, the biggest example of what the chinese call elite chapter is
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hunter biden. today it can be blockadeing shipping and aircraft to taiwan. tomorrow oil into japan and the next move by chairman xi could be pharmaceuticals into the united states. we saw the senate pass billions to go into green energy. where is all that going? it is going into chinese made solar panels and wind turbines and lithium that is all chinese owned. it takes an all society and all government support and we need to bring the supply chains back home. the chinese force the enemy to capitulate without firing a shot. what the chinese are planning on is us bankrupting ourselves and choking off the critical supply chains to our economy before we tank about tanks, planes and ships in the taiwan strait. this administration is playing right into their hands. >> harris: we're doing what we
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need to do to help them. and they are killing our young people, our people with fentanyl that they produce more than anybody else in the world. it is coming across our southern border and we just usher it right in. it is like there is a playbook but we american citizens can't get our hands on the playbook that somebody else is not just reading and playing from but writing new chapters every day. >> the economy from a virus they released. the last three were viruss they released. we're playing right into their hands. this administration has to wake up. i don't know -- this is the greatest adversary we've ever faced, harris, and on this track, the track that this administration has us on, i think whether we prevail or not prevail is really in doubt. >> harris: former secretary of state mike pompeo said the same thing to me as we were going into the weekend that china is what keeps him up at night. i just have to ask the question
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why? it's a rhetorical question right now. the president won't answer it. i want to know why are we treating china this way? is there something that we're missing? can he tell us? congressman, i have to let you go but i'll bring you back and we'll be in "focus." more and more democrats seem to be distancing themselves from president biden as the mid-terms loom. 92 days, and we're counting. >> politicians aren't always idiotic, if you tell somebody would you rather try to win or lose as a general rule most try to win. and you are not going to win this year standing in ex to joe biden. >> harris: many in the political party side stepping the burning question is joe biden going to run for reelection in power panel next.
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>> harris: democrats are doing the backaway from joe biden for 2024 run. senator chris coons the latest to join the list.
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>> are you encouraging him to run again? >> i'm encouraging him to focus on what's right in front of us. >> do you think president biden is the best candidate for2024? >> i will be very blunt and honest with you. my focus is totally on this november. >> i'm working on my own election and that's all i'm focused on now. >> i'm concerned with the mid-term election. that's why i said we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. >> i don't want to answer that question. that's not -- i don't want to answer that question. >> harris: the president of the united states, do you want to see him run in 2024? >> i am not talking about 2022, i am not talking about 2024. >> harris: wow. even democrats running for reelection in the mid-term elections are not calling on joe biden to join them on the campaign trail. a "new york post" op-ed suggests when it comes to biden absence makes the heart grow
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fonder. for american voters the less they see of joe biden the more they like him. a "new york times" op-ed says hey joe, don't give it a go. cassie smedly from america rising pac and car lucci, former state senator in new york. david, i will start with you. we could go on to the montage. democrats are willing to say the quiet part out loud. they don't want to talk about this guy. they don't think he is the guy. what happened? >> well, look, we need to look at the reality that president biden is delivering results. we're just coming off the inflation reduction act. >> harris: after things were passing in the senate. the president delivering some of what you are saying and democrats still don't want him. why is that? >> it is very clear they are
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100% focused on the mid-term elections and to put it further down the road to 2024 is nothing but political theater. >> harris: maybe some don't actually want him, though. cori bush didn't think he was focused on 2022 or whatever. she didn't want to -- i'll move on and see if i can get an answer. cassie. >> well there are a few things here. if democrats are so proud of all these accomplishments under the biden administration why are they running away from him. they have voted for these biden policies that have gotten us into this mess. 95, 96, 100% of the time. tim ryan is trying to run for senate. i would also note the bill they passed yesterday in the senate that they are all patting themselves on the back does little to address the number one issue that's on the minds of voters, inflation, economy, rising prices. it don't address that, none of it. how can you say they're focused
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on 2022 and helping the american people when they are passing these bills and carrying water for biden? >> harris: hunter biden, will he be a problem? you know things are dire when you lose cnn. this is brian stelter answering that question and asking his guest a question. >> what about hunter? hunter under federal investigation, charges could be coming at any time. this is not just a right wing media story. it is a real problem for the bidens. could he decide not to run for reelection given his son? >> david, your take. >> absolutely not. hunter biden is nothing but a distraction. look, the republicans have said hey, when we take power, when we take congress the first thing we are going to do is investigate hunter biden. americans want results. that's what president biden is delivering. republicans should be in a much better position right now
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heading into the mid-terms. we know with president clinton and president obama, they had polling ratings that were not much better than biden. what happened? they went on to win reelection after the mid-terms. this is nothing but a distraction. the american people i think are excited about the realities that have passed in the past few weeks. >> harris: i promise to bring you back. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" is next. ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere ♪ ♪♪ i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans because i know so ♪ i've been everywhere ♪ many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for you family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes
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♪ ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." hello, everybody, i'm kayleigh mcenany here with my cohost harris faulkner. also joined jackie tienda, michelle to foia command todd piro to kick out the week. republicans are blasting the massive spending plan that just narrowly passed in the senate, calling it an economic assault on the middle class and warning that democrats will pay the


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