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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 10, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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back in november. so a big moment for her. >> bill: she will never forget it. god bless her soul, too. we have to roll. a big day. still waiting, right? >> dana: we have a little -- there was news on all fronts, harris faulkner will take you through more of it. here she is. >> harris: fox news alert now with a new report breaking down exactly what happened during the raid at president trump's home. it comes across as heavy handed. so let's see if the justice department can justify why the f.b.i. spent nine hours, 30 agents and confiscated 12 boxes. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". the "new york post" is reporting agents spent hours inside trump's private primary home. they apparently broke open a safe and rifled through the
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drawers in the office there. the report also says agents searched former first lady melania trump's closet. trump's attorneys told the post agents would not let them inside the building to observe the raid. a laundry list of questions left unanswered at this point. silence from the d.o.j., at least until now. and from attorney general merrick garland himself. not a word. republicans are now demanding an explanation saying the american people have a right to know what sparked the raid. >> when are heads going to roll for those who are involved in weaponizing the power of our government to go after political enemies and to go after fishing expeditions such as this? >> the far left believes their cause is so worthy that anyone against them is a criminal and must be punished and put them away. >> is it plausible the f.b.i.
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would open up an investigation of donald trump without evidence? hell yes. this is too important to democracy, lay your cards on the table. you are doing a lot of damage to the country. >> harris: the white house, though, playing some serious duck and dodge on the topic. >> is this white house weaponizing the justice department and the f.b.i. against political opponents? >> the president has been very clear from before he was elected. very clear on this. hold on. throughout his time in office. >> i heard the quote we will be playing the quote tonight at 6:00. is this administration weaponizing the justice department and the f.b.i. against political opponents? >> peter, the president believes in the rule of law. >> harris: oh, and it got sparky. minnesota republican tom emmer is in "focus." first let's go to congressional correspondent aishah hosni live on capitol hill for the latest
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news. >> good morning. i can tell you that republicans are really uniting in their outrage over this raid and now even calling on the former president to push up a potential 2024 announcement. late last evening we saw congressman jim banks lead about a dozen lawmakers from the republican study committee to bedminster to meet with the former president and banks said everybody in the room encouraged the former president to run again because, as he puts it, the sooner that trump gets out on the campaign trail, the better the chances the gop has to take back the house and it's only then, he says, that they can really investigate and dig into this situation properly. >> i really believe if he gets out and hits the campaign trail, he will fire up republicans and non-traditional republicans to come out to the polls in november to fight back
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against the corruption of this administration. what they have done to tear america apart. to weaponize the department of justice in such an unamerican way. >> they want investigations and resignations and want to defund the f.b.i. meanwhile senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who has long been at odds with the former president. he waited more than 24 hours to finally comment on the raid. he doesn't mention trump's name or the word raid in the statement but in is what he says. the country deserves a thorough and immediate explanation of what led to the events of monday. attorney general garland and the department of justice should already have provided answers to the american people and must do so immediately. harris on the other side democrats are really choosing their words carefully. senate leader chuck schumer refuses to comment about this raid. meanwhile speaker pelosi is using it just to say look,
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everyone is at the mercy of the d.o.j., even a former president. she is expected to have a press conference in the next hour or so. and we'll be sure to ask her about this raid. harris. >> harris: all right, thank you very much. we want to welcome to the program republican congressman tom emmer from the great state of minnesota, chairman of the national republican congressional committee. you are in "focus." let's start with what we've learned now. just how many assets and resources and how much time the f.b.i. spent at the primary residence of a former president? >> it's amazing, harris. by the way, thank you for having me. everyone should be concerned. republican, democrat, other. everyone in this country should be concerned when the department of justice has been weaponized against american citizens. in this case by the biden administration against their political opponents. look what they are doing in
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washington, harris. it is not just this. they want to get 87,000 more i.r.s. agents with a bill we'll vote on on friday. think about that for a second. those 87,000 agents, the i.r.s. is going to be -- you can't tell me the i.r.s. won't be weaponized against conservatives the way it was under barack obama. everyone should be concerned with this abuse of power. >> harris: when you talk about the word weaponize, it gets tossed around a lot right now. i would love it if you could, for the american people, drill that down and you say everybody should be concerned about it. there is a core reason why we don't go after political opponents. do we really want to become venezuela? you take it. >> that's exactly right. you want to drill down on what the word is? the word is when one political party occupies the executive branch and they have everyone in their cabinet under their supervision, they are
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responsible to all americans. when they take those agencies of government in this case harris the f.b.i. and they use it to purposely go after their political opponents, then it becomes more like a banana republic. a dictator taking out their political opponents. that is not america and that's what we mean we weather we say they're weaponizing the f.b.i. >> >> harris: ronna mcdaniel writes trump targeted by biden administration and they can do it to you, too. exactly what congressman emotioner is telling us about right now. what is the next step in all of this and the next level in terms of, can you force the d.o.j. to justify what it has done? >> they are going to have to. this is unprecedented. not just raiding the home, the private residence of a former
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president on the pretense supposedly, we'll have to wait and see what they ultimately tell us the purpose was -- but we've been advised that it has something to do with records that the archivist doesn't think the president should have kept. classified information. harris, the former president has more classified information in his head than he has in his desk. and by the way, the president is the one who determines what is classified and what is not classified. so anybody who wants to try to compare this to a hillary clinton who literally violated the law by keeping official documents on her personal equipment, this is nothing like that. the president of the united states is the one who determines classified. i tell you the next steps, you have to get merrick garland and get the department of justice to explain the purpose, what brought it about, and what exactly did they take and why? i think that's the next step. then i would suggest to you it is winning an election in november. when the republicans win the
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mid-terms we'll hold this administration accountable for all these repeated abuses of power. >> harris: i want to talk to you about behind the scenes in politics. we learned yesterday the former president would be at his home in bedminster, new jersey and that representative jim banks and at least a dozen other people, republicans on the hill would be there. what is the talk behind the scenes about how galvanizing or dividing this could be heading into the mid-term elections? >> this was a huge mistake by the biden administration. this abuse of power -- forgive the pun but it trumps every other abuse of power. they went easy on rioters. this administration has looked the other way whenever it involves a republican and they target people. now they are actually seizing their political opponents' cell phones. this is the type of thing they'll be held accountable for. this one i will tell you,
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harris, it doesn't matter whether you are a fan of the former president or you don't like the former president, every american, this is going to be extremely concerning. i think they are going to stand up and show up in the november mid-terms. >> harris: i think what you are getting to is something the wall street editorial board highlighted to the double standard that a lot of people like yourself are pointing to and it is worth pointing out. didn't someone -- this is a quote from the "wall street journal" -- didn't someone at justice point out that a search in this case would draw comparisons to hillary clinton's mishandling of classified information before her 2016 presidential campaign? she was never prosecuted, as mr. trump was quick to point out himself. unless his offense involves a serious risk to national security, half of america may see the trump search as an example of unequal justice. your thoughts. >> well, you can't compare the
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two. again, hillary clinton broke the law. hillary clinton was treated like a white collar criminal and make an appointment with the head of the f.b.i., mr. comey, on a saturday afternoon. she was able to come in with her lawyers and talk to the former f.b.i. chief and she was allowed to walk away. we've got a former sitting president who determines what documents are classified, what documents are unclassified. he is the ultimate decision maker. the fact that he might have documents, that's nothing to be doing a raid on. by the way, his people were cooperating fully with any request for information. to wait until he leaves his residence and then to do this shock and awe show up with all kinds of personnel and equipment. in one report there was a safe cracker, harris, really? this is not the way we belaifsh in -- behave in the united
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states of america. the department of justice, the judge that issued the warrant, these people all need to answer questions. if there was a significant national security risk, tell us what it is. otherwise people are going to have to be held accountable. >> harris: the former president has already been cooperating and giving boxes to the national archive system. what would it look like if he hadn't been cooperating? oh my goodness. congressman, great to have you in "focus" today. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> harris: hillary clinton, let's talk about the money rolling in. she is cashing in. how she looks to be raising money now off the raid at mar-a-lago, wow. plus the border crisis battle between texas and new york city and other democrat-led municipalities raging. >> we don't need mayor adams to
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make political points. we should put americans' safety first. he has so many problems and this is what he wants to do with his time? it is really astonishing. >> harris: now the mayor of new york city is getting personal with making a new threat. how about we talk with the governor abbott of the great state of texas himself? we will in "focus" next. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, home values are going
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the busing until biden does his job and secures our border. mayor adams now with a new threat. >> call all my friends in texas and told them how to cast their vote and i am deeply contemplating taking a bus load of new yorkers to go to texas and do some good old-fashioned door knocking, because we have to -- for the good of america, we have to get him out of office. >> harris: greg abbott in "focus" now. your reaction to that latest threat from mayor adams in new york city. >> i kind of feel like clint eastwood, go ahead, mayor, make my day. there could hardly be anything better to aid my campaign against beto o'rourke than to have his campaign aided by a bunch of new yorkers. that won't be viewed positively
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in the state of texas. the only thing better than that is what has already occurred. beto has received a million dollars from george soros. this is a campaign by beto being run by people outside of the state of texas. this race is about texans and they're fed up with what the biden administration has done on our border, the chaos that it has caused. the damaged it caused in the state of texas and why we're sending these illegal immigrants to places like washington, d.c. and new york city. >> harris: you know, the political opponents across the aisle from you, everybody from governor hochul in new york to eric adams and others, muriel bowser in d.c. are using the term political pawns and accusing you of putting the illegal immigrants in the middle of this. what is your response? >> well, my response first of all is this is rank hypocrisy by the new york governor, by
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the new york mayor. listen, new york is a sanctuary city. mayor adams says they welcome in illegal immigrants. and now once they have to deal with the reality of it, they are suddenly can't handle it. they are getting a taste of what we are having to deal with. the most important things our fellow americans can do is to realize for themselves the challenges that texas is dealing with every day. only when they see that will the biden administration begin to have to realize the biden administration will have to finally start enforcing the laws passed by congress that secure the border. >> harris: you have not bent in the wind and there has been quite a headwind in all of this as the buses arrive in the different cities. but they weren't watching before. you know the white house wasn't watching before. and you have gotten people's attention. talk to me about withstanding all of this. you say you aren't going to
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stop. >> well listen, the reason why we will continue to do it is because of what shap evening on our border. the border patrol processes the paperwork for these illegal immigrants and then they dump them off in texas communities that are a tiny fraction the size of new york and washington, d.c. we're talking about communities of about 25,000 people. they cannot handle the overwhelming number of illegal immigrants coming across the border. one way of assisting them in dealing with this chaos in their own communities is by removing those illegal immigrants to washington, d.c. or new york. i have to add to make sure that you and your audience knows, that is not our only strategy. we are using the national guard to return back illegal immigrants who are trying to come across the border and the texas department of public safety is arresting illegal immigrants who do make it into the state of texas and returning them to the border or arresting them for trespassing. we have multiple strategies
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we're using. the busing to places like new york and d.c. is just one of those strategies. >> harris: and you know, the liberal media, your opponents aren't going to talk about the other things you are doing. when some of them have been successful. quickly, what do you make of the pushback from the federal government when these democrat-led city leaders ask for help from the federal government? governors like yourself in arizona and along the border have been asking for for months. >> exactly. i have think maybe the biden administration does realize the hypocrisy or duplicity. if they were to help new york and d.c. and not help the state of texas, then he and their administration would really come under fire. but our goal is to for one, help our local communities. in doing so send even more buses to new york, to d.c. and maybe even to other communities to alleviate the challenge
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we're dealing with but also to continue to expose the national catastrophe caused by president biden. >> harris: the last one if we can pop it up. op-ed in the hill asks a very good question so i wanted to include it today. it is about biden's immigration policy. the headline, why isn't biden removing more criminals among these people? ice immigration arrests in the interior fell to the lowest level in more than a decade in fiscal 2021. isis 6,000 enforcement officers only about one per month. your thought on that. >> it's astonishing. the biden administration's policy by not making those arrests and deporting these people is increasing crime in the united states, as well as it is fulfilling president biden's promise during his campaign to have an open border policy. he has succeeded on the campaign promise. americans see what chaos that has caused.
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>> harris: governor abbott, we're so grateful to have you. i know you are in the thick of this right now and you won't back down. we'll cover it and see if the mayor of new york city sends buses to your state. real quick, what happens if that does happen? what are you going to do? >> we will explain to our fellow texans that the beto campaign is being aided by a bunch of new yorkers in addition to george soros and that will do nothing but harm his campaign. bring it. >> harris: governor, thank you, appreciate your time. the white house taking a victory lap after a slight dip in inflation. that is good news. but not the victory lap the slight dip in inflation. you get it. some are warning biden's massive government spending could ruin any progress that we see in the short term. critics calling out left hypocrisy on the mar-a-lago raid. watch. >> for all the talk we hear about democrats being worried about the fall of our democracy
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and trying to prevent threats to our democracy, this is a threat to our democracy. >> harris: how a change in president saw democrats change their positions on things. "fox & friends" host brian kilmeade about to simulcast from his radio to this tv next.
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if you're a veteran, own a home, and need cash, you need to know about the newday 100 cash out loan. it lets you refinance up to 100% of your home's value to take out an average of $60,000 cash. 25% more cash than you get at a bank or credit union. pay big bills, make home improvements, or just have cash on hand in these times of rising prices. veterans get more at newday usa. >> president biden: first the economic plan is working and building an economy that will reward work. wages are up this month, provide opportunity. help the middle class and still have work to do. we're on track. >> harris: that's president biden taking a victory lap after a slight cooldown in consumer prices. however, inflation still hovering near a 40-year high. july's consumer price index
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report shows an 8.5% price increase compared to this time last year. so that's down a bit from the record breaking 9.1 jump we saw in june. fox business's larry kudlow says government spending could send us back in the wrong direction. >> inflation may have peaked. i underscore the word may. we just legislated a barrel full of government spending between the chips plus bill which is close to $300 billion and this manchin/schumer bill which is $750 billion. maybe that federal spending will take effect in three or four months and raise the inflation rate. >> harris: charles payne host of making money on fox business. the house gets that spending bill that larry was just talking about. majority of democrats probably nobody in that mix that will sober up politically and say let's help out the people before we send this in the
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wrong direction. >> no, they're not. for a lot of them might be their last chance to keep pushing through this idea that the more government spending, the better. even though we are living the consequences of it right now and extremely painful. >> harris: we were talking in the commercial break. i hate to make things trite so i won't. there really does seem to be an assault on breakfast prices. did you see the price of eggs was up 38%. >> 38% for eggs. 20% for coffee, 12% for bacon. butter is a little better. what it gets down to is >> harris: roasted coffee up 21%. >> you heard president biden talk about wages are up. they aren't keeping up. there is one chart that i just think everyone needs to look at that says it all. it is real hourly wages. real hourly wages. i've got a copy of it right
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here for people to see. see the red lines? ever since they passed the 1.9 trillion covid aid package, our money has gone a lot less further. in other words, it has been negative. so yeah, president biden says you used to make $100 and you make $110. you used to walk out with two bags in a store and now it's one bag. the real life consequences. nominally you can talk about things being up. that's politics. main street -- main street -- i would dare the president to go to any supermarket in america today, stand in the check-out line and smile at people and say aren't you happy prices are going down? especially if they are buying some of this breakfast stuff we just talked about. >> harris: talk to me about why the victory lap now? we're just at the beginning of something that is positive. we don't want to downplay that. but 8 1/2% inflation still puts us in record category. >> you have to be sober about
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these things, though. listen, i'm an optimist and we'll get to where we have to be. what people need to understand is why is this happening? now, if it's happening because the economy is slowing and there is evidence that it is slowing rapidly, the next step to this, the evil twin runaway inflation and then massive recession. you talk about a one-two punch to the gut. this is why everyone should hold off on the victory lap. >> harris: what about the spending bill? >> it's a disaster. >> harris: talk to me about the truth of it all when you put 87,000 i.r.s. agents out there and you mix that in, too. >> last year over half of the audits by the i.r.s. agents who are income $75,000 or less. that says it all. 700 billionaires. you need 87,000 i.r.s. agents? you are talking on my door. anyway, it is a disaster.
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a great idea big government has to have an army to influence society and this is intimidate society and give us all a hard time. people need to be careful. it is not the big rich person at the corner hit. you will get hurt. most people. >> harris: we've been saying it enough. they haven't passed the bill yet. let's see if any of them can sober up politically the dems in the house and do the right thing for the american people. brian kilmeade is on deck to hash out this one of the critics calling out democrats' hypocrisy on the f.b.i. raid on mar-a-lago. some signaled support for it on the left. but in the past have accused president trump of weaponizing the d.o.j. on various issues. jamie raskin, and adam schiff all accused then president trump and former attorney general bill barr of conspiring to get information against their political enemies.
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in 2019 house speaker nancy pelosi accused trump of weaponizing the d.o.j. over california fuel efficiency standards. it seems at least a couple of them have changed their tune. break out the violin. watch. >> so i don't really have too much to say except that to have a visit like that, you need a warrant. to have a warrant you need justification. no one is above the law. >> the great thing about the separation of powers we knew nothing about that. everybody in america speaking as a citizen we all have an interest in the rule of law in the country and respect for the rule of law. >> harris: brian kilmeade host of one nation on saturday night and host of his own radio show going on now. hello to his listeners. take it away on this hypocrisy.
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>> unbelievable. it is disbelief. for the president to say he doesn't know and the white house to say he doesn't noef is nuts. we just talked to two different f.b.i. agents over the last 2 1/2 hours saying they had to inform the white house under much lesser cases. can you imagine raiding the 45th president's house and not telling president biden? what was more important than that? did his dog have a problem? what was more interesting? he was isolated. at one point was he on calling waiting. you couldn't get in touch and say by the way, the archives, we have to get our documents back even though we're in talks with the 45th president to get it back. the bam yas and clintons trying to get back their furniture. let's just do a raid. i couldn't get ahold of the president. let's do it anyway. that's the issue. they don't think that we have a vcr or that you have a staff to pull this stuff in to show
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people how much hypocrisy there is. >> harris: the judge who signed off on the mar-a-lago search warrant has donated thousands of dollars to political campaigns giving thousands to barack obama's 2008 campaign and more money to the obama victory fund. he also gave $500 to jeb bush's campaign in 2016. you know, if you dig deeper on jun reinhart, though, you find out interesting connections in his background. >> jeffrey epstein number one. defended people in that case. two, he did donate to jeb bush's presidential campaign in particular. that situation. the other thing to keep in mind, too, is when you look at this whole investigation on what went on there, the whole thing with secrecy. the judge has a warrant -- signs a warrant and says go in. we know how it works. no other side to say excuse me, i don't think there is a lot of
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there there. a judge counting on the f.b.i. not to waste his time. even though it happened with the russian investigation and carter page. they lied, got their warrant, went to town. destroyed people's lives and put people in jail and curtailed or ham strung the presidency for the last 18 months. they go in there. we just don't know the answers. what were you looking for? was it archives? were you on a fishing expedition to bolster the department of justice case against the president that would stop him from running. >> harris: could you trust them if they told you? i would want to see the documents at this point. i don't know if i necessarily am going to draw any information from a forced news conference or people who feel like they have to answer questions. i want to see the evidence now. all right, let's get to this. because trump's former rival hillary clinton appears to be trying to make a quick buck off the f.b.i. raid. yesterday she tweeted a
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promotion for her merchandise that says but her emails. a popular phrase among her supporters. lock her up chants. the shirts and hats sold for $30 each. the proceeds will go to a political action committee she founded after losing to trump in 2016. anybody think she will run again? >> a couple of things on that. i'm not sure it will run again. i mean, i don't know if the democrats would get behind her. as soon as she lost you heard how everyone had doubts but strong armed to support her. i have to think that gavin newsom and prytzger and others won't step aside for her. how tone deaf is this? you have a situation where president trump has had some legal issues or challenges. you want to bring back the memory of 35,000 lost emails and the smashed phones and the memory of the way in which you handled all of that? you are i.t. guy refusing to answer a subpoena in order to
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turn over all this information? you want people to bring up again that you weaponized this whole steele dossier to trip up the president because of the future president and candidate because he was emphasizing too much your emails? so by bringing up -- if you got a dwi and you got yourself or you hope nobody brings up yours? you are bringing this up that all these questions were never answered. she feels impervious. i got away with it the last time and you can't touch me this time. >> harris: there is no accounting for how much thirst there is in politics that's for certain. brian kilmeade, thank you very much. simulcast is always good. president biden struggling to get through a speech after his long bout with covid. >> president biden: here in
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america -- excuse me, this law will do exactly that. [applause] >> harris: okay. so there wasn't a break between all of that mucous -- you don't pick on people when they come back from a battle. we know when we're sick we spread no matter what the situation and we don't need a pandemic for that lesson. i don't know what's happening with him. plus the f.b.i. raid on trump's home just might become a defining issue with voters in november and beyond. power panel next. >> i think that it is nonsense. i think they are trying to still get him in trouble even
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after they failed impeachment. >> i am looking for the truth and what went on. >> must have been looking for the clinton crime family or hunter's laptop. the clinton server, remember that? high cholesterol. heart disease. 17 fad diets... 5 kids... 3 grandkids... 1 heart attack. and 18 passwords that seem to change daily. with leqvio, john can lower his cholesterol— and so can you. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it low with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath.
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>> harris: president biden
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fresh off covid isolation and we're glad for him on "the faulkner focus" that he apparently was doing better. he was signing the chips bill yesterday, though, had all signs and kinds of trouble during that victory lap he took. let's watch together. >> president biden: here in america -- excuse me, backbone of our economy was hollowed out and as we saw during the pandemic. driving up costs for our families -- and everyone, not automobiles -- shortage of semi conductors. this law will do exactly that. [applause] ♪♪♪ >> harris: after all of that he went around maskless. he had on a mask earlier but not here around all the people. no hand sanitizer, shaking
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hands and hugging everybody. that speech capping on some political wins but some are worried he is losing that momentum. it's a distraction to see him struggle. our power panel now. former georgia congressman doug collins and kevin walling former campaign surrogate. kevin, i come to you first. with all respect and heart leading you watch someone struggle like that. if i were part of his team i would insure everybody responsible for him getting up there early was fired. some people need to go now. somebody sees this behind the scenes and they don't care enough him or the american people to make sure he can communicate. >> it is a good point. optics matter certainly. of course, you never want to see to your point anyone struggle. coming out of a second bout of covid on the south lawn. i chalk it up to it was like 100 plus degrees on the south lawn. it was pretty miserable.
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that had an effect. >> harris: you aren't a doctor, i'm not, either. >> exactly but listen. i just watch him sign the pact act to expand veterans benefits the biggest expansion in 30 years from the east room. didn't cough at all and spoke passionately about his support for veterans in the east room an hour ago. so clearly he is recovering and he looked to be in good shape this morning from the east room. >> harris: so doug, i guess it's remarkable when someone as they defend you has to say the words he didn't cough at all at the last event because it happens pretty regularly. right before he tested positive we showed him in east jerusalem and worse than that and having headaches on a previous occasion. he is struggling. >> obviously so. look, one of the interesting things to me about this is really we heard that he was doing very well through covid. i'm glad to see he is recovered. i don't want to see him
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positive but he is worse than was being let on. the recovery time. i agree with kevin. optics matter around the world. i think you would try maybe for a way it wouldn't look as bad. this has been ongoing for the last few months. it seems to be getting worse from be given a card to tell where to sit, who to talk to. this is not a good look. >> harris: i want to get to this. after weeks of isolation and multiple crises facing the nation now president biden is going on vacation. he says he plans to spend most of the week on an island in south carolina. oceanfront golf resort he has visited in the past. he has just been gone about 13 days back-to-back with covid and rebound on paxlovid.
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he is taking a vacation now. should the american people have a different expectation for the president? >> i don't. i'm excited to see him down here getting time off and play golf. he came here as vice president. often the case in august when it is a town period with congress that presidents take off. president george w. bush spent months at his ranch in august. you saw president trump do the same thing with extended trips during august. the interesting thing is just how effective he has been over the last two weeks with all the big victories coming out of congress. >> harris: we don't have a lot of time. i hear doug laughing. quick and then we'll move. >> great big victories that nobody likes. everybody loves 87,000 new i.r.s. agents to fill our stadium in athens. will you the tell me they aren't going to go after people who make under $400,000? not a chance. just another distraction on
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this bad legislation. >> harris: we have to go real quick. 90 days to the day to the mid-term elections. republicans saying the f.b.i. raid has handed trump the supercharged boost to declare haste 2024 run. >> you look around. look at all the support that came around in elected officials and people online. i don't look to just republicans. i look at democrats. even cuomo saying if it was just about boxes of materials and there is a problem. it shows there is a -- it has given donald trump the ability to say i was working with them. they are after me and in turn after you. >> harris: kevin, how much do you think it lies with merrick garland to tell the american people what he can? >> certainly i think it is important. the only information we really have coming out of this action at mar-a-lago is actually from
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former president trump himself. i love to see him release that search warrant. there is a movement on twitter to do that to see what they were after. listen, to your point we're 90 days away. we've been talking about the mid-terms for a long time. it will still be the economy 90 days out. >> harris: 100%. >> i'm glad it's the economy, harris. >> harris: i have to go. "outnumbered" next. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $60,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. turn your equity into cash with the newday100 va cash out loan call now.
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♪ ♪ >> stunning details on that unprecedented raid of donald trump's florida estate and how the dividing country could propel the former president back into office. this is "outnumbered," i am kayleigh mcenany, joining me today, kennedy, cheryl casone, pat cham, and raymond arroyo, the pressure is on a now silent merrick garland to give a rso


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