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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 10, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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you asked me traditional available. you do three professional groups from cmc. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. gtonight i'm brian kilmeade in for tucker. take a vacation. he deserves it.t.brta kethe latest inflation report shows consumer prices were more than eight percent higher compared to last year. butt joe biden celebrated this news as zero inflation. >> i want to say a word about news that came out today relative to the economy. actually , i just want to say a number zero today we received
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news that our economy had zero percent inflation in the month of julyy, zero percent. okay, we'll have more on that a little bit later in the show, i promise. but first, there never been a more important day for the permanent washington time than inauguration day for joe biden. january 20th last year it was moment democrats and their voters in the federal bureaucracy have been waiting for for four years. none of it had to do with joe biden or possibilities his presidency could bring to them.t the best part about joe biden taking office was donald trump was leaving office, although it was made possible because somehow voters during a pandemicus had accomplished what, four years off witch hunts, pausing to investigate the full force of surveillance state could not removing donald trump from the white house despite getting seventy four million votes. but it quickly becameus clear removing donald trump was not the end goal. believe it or not, almost
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immediately joe biden and his newly installed attorneyy general at the department of justice, merrick garland, began targeting hundredsnet of trump voters who protested the election results on january six . roteelultsso the biden administn jailed people like, you know, pam hempel, 69 year old grandmother with cancer. she walked into the capitol. evenen people who were nowherede near the capital on january six were arrested by president biden's justice department. fbi agents put former trumpent n adviser peter navarro in leg irons as he tried to board a flight. they raided former doj official jeffrey clarkes home at seven a.m. in the morning. political weaponization of the doj wasn't limited to in january six , by the way. he was left in his underwear in front of his house. but all this was just a pretext. in april of last year, federal agents raided rudy giuliani's office, has seized his cell phone, took hi computer. in november, the fbi then raided the home of two project veritas journalistsnd after the outlet obtained a diary that contained firsthand accounts of
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inappropriate showers president biden took with daughter ashley just a week after that former white house chief strategist steve bannon turned himself in to the fbi after he was indicted on contempt of congress. but unlike former president obama, attorney generaley eric holder, who has never been and who would never even indicted when he was found in contempt of congress, steve bannon was later found guilty. and of course, earlier this week the justice departmentra raided the home ofid joe biden's former and possible future opponent, donald trump. we've now learned the judge who signed off on the raids an interesting charactersi. his name is bruce rhinehart. hehe wrote anti trump rants on facebook. why not? a he clearly should have recused himself. right. he shared posts from a leftist f account called woke. folks, l here's a photo forac the judge's facebook. look atebt that. he is there drinking whiskey with an entire pack of oreos. imagine what to say.os, imagine order looks like the fbi agents who raided mara lago. bragged about having, quote, full access to everything in the building thanks to that guy. they scoured former first
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lady'shank melania trump's clost to manage staff turn off all security cameras. by the way,ec they didn't. the former president's lawyersrm were also not allowed to observe the fbi's nine hour search. that's how political they got. lawyers can't even make sureve the federaln just are following due process. how could that be okay? it's tha obvious to anyone watcn the joe biden is fully weaponizes the doj againstthat n political opponents. and at the white house,en this is called following the rule of law. >> the administration weaponizes the justice department and the fbi against political . peter , the president believes in the rule of lawpp. the president believes inn i the independence of the department of justicen. no, that is no. it's's a yes or no for you. o i'm answering the question. you may not like it, but i'm answering the question and i'm well, no, i'm answering your question and i'm telling you that we are noto going to comment on a criminal
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investigation. they saidthat they didn't get a heads upet on it. do you believe that? soea youds got that targeting? your opponent is now following the rule of law, just liketa they told us when men can get can get pregnant, remember that in consecutive negative gdp is not a sign of recession, even though we were told that a recession, joe biden's lackeys in the media already the very newse outlets that employ ex intelligence agents who are disgraced. by the way, andy mccabe, john brennan, james clapper have already declared you'ree not allowed to be outraged that the raid of marro largo a, which by the way, wasn't even a raid. it wasn't a raid on his house.u, no doors were kicked down. it's all legal. i it'st' all lawful. it's not a raid. and i know donald trump is saying that this is a raid, but that's a grosson exaggeration. we havee to be careful not to adopt the term raid. the only reason you'd have a search like this unlessot be polite and call it a search, not a raid. trumpal talks about a raid on hs
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home. no, man, it was no raid on your home. me.s was a raid. we should not think of this as the fbi in the middle of the night banging down the dooro with someone answering in their boxer shorts. explain to us what today would have looked like because it's definitely being mischaracterized by a lot of folks out there. hey, ineing the words of joe bi, it was a raid back on late night tv, former comedian turned lunatic stephen colbert, who recently orchestrated the insurrection of his own, w celebrated the news as if it was a religious holiday. it may be hot outside, but in christmas because yesterday we all got the president. we wanted fbi agents raided lago. that's the most beautiful sentence america hasth evered produced. does he know he's not supposedd to use the word raid? well, kno h fbi raid admiral la isn't the end of the democratic party's war against donaldhe trump and its
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it's just the beginning. why? because if can embark oa crusade of never ending witchnd hunts to remove a sittingin presidentt from office and thend raid his home more than a year after he left, then it's clear you can do anything. there are noanth limits your po. now, yesterday we saw just one example of how the department of justiceye is unleashing the power on regime dissidents. you know, just a day t after federal agents raided donald trump's palm beach home, fbi agents approached republican congressman and freedom caucusheub chair sct perry while he was traveling with his wife and children. they immediately seized perry's cell phone before he could, consulting sei attorney republis in congress was put a stop to this abuse of powers immediatey find some way to do it. they should do whatever they can to stop all order of business in the house and senate to the democrats, call up their dogs at the doj. it can't wait to the midterms. that m might be too late. scott perry, the aforementioned congressman from pennsylvania, joinsenn us right now for his first exclusive interview since the fbi confiscated hisnter pho.
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congressman, thanks for joining us . can you bring us through what happened? brian , you're absolutely right. it got a knock on the door in the morning. i wentr, to the door. there are three fbi agents of a course, like you said, i'm traveling with my family. we have twog young daughters and with my my elderlyau in-laws and , you know, they they want to take my cell phone and i said, you know, could you contact my attorney? you know why m does this have to happen, you know, out on the street, you know, m and how did you find me, by the way? of course they wouldn't answer that question. ai they said they were going to image the cell phone and return it some time later since i didn't have phone and this is my personal cell phone, brian , i have a you know, i have a official cell phone. they don't wantt that. so this is my personal cell phone that i talk to my wife on that i talk to my children, on my constituents. none of the government's business, you know, and of course, immediately the story blows up. i'm sure youou know what's
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interesting, though, is this while that story blew up, i heard from my attorneys who talked directly to the department of justice their clientt and not a target of this n investigation. noww think about that. if i'm not a target, why do they come follow me, you know, on when i'm traveling with my family. to my house.mey they don't contact my attorney. why do they come and seized my cell phone to image it in that fashion? if they would i just contacted my attorney, certainly we wouldm have provided the information necessary as required by law and that would have beenn and w the end of it. but they want a spectacle. they want this show. they want the intimidation and of course, the media is not saying anything about the fact that, you know, reported today that i am not a target of the of this investigation. and so, look, this is this is the doj run amuck. and i think what people need toi really think about is in aboutn a day we're going to vote on a package and it will probably pass where they're going to employ eighty seven thousand new irs agents. what do you think they're going
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to be doing? they're they're going to be coming for all of you, you know, said so yesterday. it was my cell phone.oi tomorrowng it's going to be it's going to be average hardworking americansng are just trying to make it through their days. >> when did they confront you with de? yesterday was yesterday. was saturday morning. m now,or the president's house was raided monday. >> do you think they're linked? right? i do.>> so i think all of this is linked. >> of course it i is .t: and what do you think they're looking for? well, i don't know. like i said, we asked i'm not a target of the investigation, so i can't really speculate. i don't what they're looking for. but they came and took my cell phone even though i'm not a target with this. so think about that is going toi be somebody it could go tos ths where i'm getting at the national guard. they the fbi said although the trump family has not seen the the warrant, the fbi said we're here for on behalf of the national archives. okay, so the national archives
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or is this about january 6th? >> what do you think? boy,y, here's what i think. i think that they're scared to death that president donald trump is going to come back in a twenty , twenty four and win reelection and they're going to do every single thingo that they can to make sure that doesn't happen, including make up some kind off charges from the national archives. i mean, quite honestly, it's absurd if it's the nationaltl archives. i mean, the presidenturd is the ultimate classification authority. they're saying he took classified ut information.e' you know, he's the classified james comey leaked classifiedsi information to get a special counsel. hillaryfi clinton. well, weno don't know the extent of the classified information sheheon s had on her private se. no accountability whatsoever. but somehow do they think that president trump packed the boxes at the white house tha take toke mar a lago? you know, i think this is all aboutt twenty , twenty four and and their disdain for president trump d, the fact that they know
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he's coming back and likely tobe beat their candidate, joe biden . did you seebi any other candidate? would you get your phonene back? did you get your phone back , congressman? did you get your phone back ? i guess we might have lost him. all right, congressman scott parry, thanks. we'll watch we'll play this back and you'll see. i did. thank you. i wasn't rude. meanwhile, democrats are doing everything they can to take out donald trump to support i their own as their own party crumbles in many respects. for example, just say w the president was deposed by the new york state attorney general's office. but thesese tactics are not working. trump endorse candidates continue to winng their primaris ahead of the november midterms. joe kent is one of thosehe examples. he just defeated an establishment incumbent in the state of washington and joins us now.w.cong congratulations, joe . what does it feel likeratu tola he very much feels great and still kind of surreal. hasn't really sunk in, still very much in campaign mode. but i feel very grateful for all the supportor that i gotam and all the hard work my campaign team put in. what are>> the trump endorsement to the trump endorsement??
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powerful endorsement in the history of politics that really helped us coalesce the america first movement h behind us . so couldn't be more grateful and honored to have president trump's endorsement g, the incumbent that unseated voted to impeach donald trump. you think that madebe a difference? oh, it madeou a huge difference to put her in play. it really exposed the full scope of her record . but she also took to what we j were just talking about. she voted for the january six commission, which has turned the tools of the national security state against presidentof sec trump, against congressman perry and then really against americans thattrum are dissentig against what the regime is putting out. even parents that show up at schoolhe board meetings to protest trt being taught in their school, the fbi ournterterrorism task force. we just caught them red handed going after those parents. so right now we're seeing the full scope of the weaponization of the national security stateon. all starts with the impeachment vote in this january 6th narrativement . so, congressman, every single one of the trump candidates, one , he's one. 93%% of his primaries are the people that he picked many
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against the odds like yourself. a lot of people think that really put steroids to tuesday's vote when this raid became public. do you one of those people that agree with that in fact, i was speaking to a member of the trump family today and he believe that really got peopleel out to vote . do you think so? i think it did. i think if the left was trying to intimidate people oras tryak and take make donald trumpe a less powerful, it really blew up inn their face becausepl the american people, even if they didn't care for president trump, they see a way that the national security state is going after a former presidents , a private citizenze going and raiding his house. that's really going to alarm a lot of folks and it's really going to galvanize the america first movement. we know that president trump fought hard foror us from 2016 on until he was actually removed from the white house. and so now it's timed for us to unify and fight for his movement, fight foror the ameria first movement to put our country first. oh, you agree, beret?fi: you know, you don't intimidatee easy by trade.
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you had the training, so nowng you're just doing in a suit. but it's not s going to be easy should you win the general. g best of luck, joe kent. thank you so much, brian . a straightre ahead, there are a lt of weird stories we come across every day, but this show has never seen anything quite like this. there's a series of bizarre cattle mutilations happening across the unitede ca states .it no one has been able to solve these attacks. tucker investigateses this strange mystery for i a brand new episode of the documentary series. tucker carlson original. >> take a look. we found a dead bull. it's missing its reproductive organs, missing its and its in its tony fauci. and i said what a single drop of blood maybe found nothing on the ground and then' scavengers won't eat it enough.t the least ten thousand cases ine the united harvey county
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sheriff told people to be on alert after someone removed organs from a bowl surgically. >> we haven't solved any of't the it's almost hours s. there's no evidence the sheriff's department doesn't have any leads at the time. she if you asked us to go replicatee that process and not leave evidence, i don't think thathi would be possible. nkit kind of freaked a lot of people out. aliens coming and taking our animals c. it's the greatest unsolved serial crime spree in history. you cannot not watch the episode. it's called cattle mutilations. the title says it all. it's out tomorrow on fox nation. extended preview
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free memberships are unavailable at tucker carlson .com. on all right. it's.c not just the fbi that has weaponizes joe biden. democrats in congress now plan to do something with the irs. they just passed a bill that would empower the agency to target everyday americans like us . we're going to tell you house and why next. ones are out of work and the will need it and it doesn't work over the past two years, more than 10,000 animals have been killed in very strange ways. the mammary glands, the whole grain was gone, poured out like a just mystery. overwhelmed law enforcement. there's no evidence to point to one thing or another to
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now do see if you're eligible eight hundred eight two three zero three zero eight . all right.t' it's not just the doj that'se been weaponizes to target the biden administration's political enemies. i want to tell you about the irshe ant, the so-called inflation reduction act that i democrats just passed inon r the senate will hire eighty seven thousand new irs agents to put that00 over perspective, the irs now hase about ninety thousand employees . the irs will soon have more agents than the fbi. state department and border patrol combined. those agencies employ more thang one hundred and fifty thousand agents in total. the irs will now employ t70 more than one hundred and seventy thousand. how does that make sense? dokethis is , among other thing, a back to a fundraiser for a democrats. ea i mean, the national treasury employees union represents abouttitiun seventy thousand irs employees. the americans for tax reformir found that the unions a political action committee
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donated more than six hundred thousand dollarsctte and recent campaign cycle. 97%n of all that money went to democrats. now that union is about to double in size. what are all those ages going to do once they're hired? aside from donated democrats with your tax dollars? for one thing, they're going to collect new taxes on individuals in this country. keep in mind that joe biden promised that would never happen back in march. none of my plan, nobody h will say this again.ap i nobody earning less than fourn hundred thousand a year will pay an additional y in new taxes, not a single penny. a and the crowd roared. re sod according to the congress, to congressro joint committee on taxation, the bill that b democrats just passed will raise taxesil. more than 90% of taxpayersay making between seventy five thousander and one hundred thousand dollars and more than 97% of americans making between one hundred and two hundred thousand dollarsn will get a tax hike. now some of this tax hike comes in the form of four one k that you might ask o americans for. m
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tax reform reports thater theres a one hundred and twentys four billion dollars tax on stock buybacks in the bill , which will hurt americans with retirement accounts. americans will alson be paying a lot more for energy. according to the cbo, the bill taxes oil and gas development to the tune of six point five billion dollars. now, according to congress's joint committee on taxation, there's also a 12 billion dollar tax on crude oil, along with one point two dollars billion tax on coal. that means more expensive energy for bothth individuals and small business. again, you remember joe bidenss denied this would ever happen. well, taxeses on their small businesses go up under your administration. no taxes on small business income, whatever he meant that was also untrue. included in the bill is a 50 billion dollar pass through businesses, meaning small businesses that are subjected to corporate tax that take operating losses. at the same time, nothing inim the legislation closesle
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the so-called carried interest loophole for privategied equity thanks to senator kitchen cinema . now this is a tax increase solely on the middle class. it has to be there. there's not enough rich people tax to 100% to fund the great leap forward, which we're about to get jammed down our throats friday when the house votesur. now, according to the joint committee on taxation, between 70 to 90%nt of the money raised from underreported income under this new billlll w will come frm americans under two hundred thousand dollars a year. that's why democrats voted downn an amendment that would have ensured that americans making under forty thousand dollars a year wouldn't get targeted by theyear new irs agents. w thinkou about this. why would they not do that? so we now live in a country that is vilified border enforcement as racist, defundedb police and pursue criminals that pursue criminals and beefed upsu enforcement on productive middle class workers. defend the criminal, punish the taxpayer. they're not just coming for donald trump. they're coming for you. they're coming for me. what will that look like exactly now?
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thanks. oror live job posting on the irs website. we now know irsting agents have a license to kill the irs triedk to take the posting downe afterp it went viral, buty we managed to get a copy. you're looking at here's what says irs specials agent especially just have to, quote, carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force if necessary. be willing and able toat participate in arrests, execution of search warrantse and the dangerous assignments really. tulsi gabbard is a formerusnmen congresswoman and presidential candidate, joins us now to react. kurtwood, this is your party. i understand it. does this help americans to put the irs on steroids and double their personnel? it doesn't. it doesn't. you know, you look at those numbers that you broke out and the messaging that's comingn out ofgr the democrats inll congress saying, hey, this will only apply to the wealthy. we're o only taxing the wealthy well, that's only one to two percent of all taxpayers. so why in the world do they need 80 billion dollars and eighty seven thousand new hires in order to go after
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one to two percent of taxpayers? their math absolutely does not which should be frightening and concerning because this means exactly what you said. they're coming after us . they're coming afterom entrepreneurs, coming afterr small business owners. they're coming after our middle class hard a working americans. there's no question about that.u and then you layer on top that y you just mentionedou there, their criminal division with the j power of enforcement of a gun essentially and how wey have already seen it's not's a it's not a theory that the irs has also, like many of these other federal agencies, abuse their power to go after political opponents. we have seen them doer this with lois lerner. under the obama administration, there were no consequences . there she was directly targeting, directly targeting, blatantlyly conservative organizations. and so this dangerous trend that we are seeing that happen gradually over years. ry butth everything from the irs to department of homeland security, their counterterrorismsmte
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division, the fbi, the department of justice, webi are seeing how they are w more blatantly in broad daylight being weaponizes to political opponents of those in powerse and anyone who dares to dissent or question or challenge t their actions and policieshe. ri doan you realize that their system is so antiquated that is they were using cobalt and they can't keep up with the amount of calls amo they get? twelve hundred calls per second around the country with people who are confused c about our complex tax system, whichex keeps changing. do you know that out of all the money that's earmarked fore the irs, only five of the eighty seven billion is for in improving the technology. ion how dumb is that? >> it's worse than dumb. this is government bureaucracy at its worst rather than actually identifying the problem by saying, hey, how do we more efficiently serve the needs of the american people and increase our ability to deliver and serve them, they're taking our money. this t is money that is coming out of our pockets in
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our paychecks to go and plus upp their force and their abilitye to go and take more money from us rather than actually fixing the inefficiencies in their antiquated systemsms th. di 51% of the audits last year went after taxpayers who made,0 less than seventy five thousand dollars. so unless they're going to change their doctrine all ofnd a sudden, i'm pretty sure thatpr the average american is going to feel the the scrutiny of the irs in a way that we're not prepared for, nor f do we have the high price accounting firms to fight for us for in many cases, unless someone turbo tax is going to help us out. thanks so much, congressman. we're always great to see you. tosi. thanks, brian . and guess what? don't make plans for friday. you're going to be hosting tucker. so 8:00 eastern time right here . yes. no, you take it out of it. you're going to be here. celsi, thanks so much for joining us to look forward to seeing you. thank you. all right. meanwhile, democrats in the senate justmete voted to rae taxes for everyday americans. as we just told you, they are also doubling the size of t the irs just to review
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the biden administration's todayhebi claim none of this c will affect the middle class right resources will not add to audits for households under 400000 and thoses same households will not see one penny increase in their taxes based on proposals in the inflation reduction. so let's just make sure the record is clear on that point. yeah, we taped that.'l jaredl bernstein will make sure one person who does not believe that jimmy says he's the host of fox across america and hee says he was audited when he worked as a cab driver over a decade ago. ca ajimmy , i can't verify this story. i'm putting my best people on it, but it'll give brian yoenis to actually verify your paperwork. asm going to go with your storyb . why wereto you audited and what was it like? well, let me jumpit right in hea because i have a lot to l say about the irs. and if the irs hase an issue with any of you can message me on twitter at greg gutfeld . just reach right out. to i owed s you one . i got to stick up for you. kill me. here's the thing, okay? at the time my son lincoln wasln born, as you know, we have one kid.
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the state would never letd us have two. but at the time my son lincoln was born, i was driving a taxi and doing stand up comedy and i had pretty high fuel expenses between driving on the road as a comic and driving as a cabbie. soon the irs called me and is a guy who had declared about twenty thousand dollars worth of income and said there's nour way you're surviving on this little money. youtle must be working some type of an end around with these gas receipts. but i actually had the receipts and didn't wind up w owing them a lot of money. but the pointhem is , yes, thee always going to go after the little guy, brian , becausef we're a pinata. if you hit us with a letter inng the mail, money is going to t come out w because we can't figt back . if you hit a rich person a lawyer is going to come out, g an accountant is going to comed out and that's why they're always going come after us as part of this. that's why most of the audience lean this way. so, jimi, let me ask you something for their own political survival, why wouldpo they target a number of people that would never vote for them again if they're ever auditedf? you know how brutal it is to be audited. you've got to be able to produce these things, go back t to restaurant. oh, go back to all these things t that are career expenses.
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set up your own categories. i get it. i get it.. i do it. so why would they alienated put on your talk show hat for a second would they just going for the short the quick hit. t well, what i think is we have a big spending problem and they're just inn a desperate spot where they can't continue to fund any this stuff ify they don't start raising money fast. that's the issue f. i mean, if you really caredhe about the country, simplify the tax code, give us a flat ton tax on consumption. but they won't do that because they can't flatten spending. and god love anybody, bryan,ny who says eighty seven thousand't agents isn't going to lead to more middle class audits. hello,o, it's like saying i bought eighty seven , but i don't plan on smoking l marijuana. what else are you going to useij these agents for? goodar. w jimmy ,as who is the first cook to hire you and actually pay you to do stand up? oh, gotham comedy club christmas philly my main man down on twenty third streetot shout out to him although i'm probably going to get audited for mentioning that too. aud and so is he because you
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brought him into it. good job with him now it's the best. i've known him forever. he does a great job. so check out gotham comedy club is also seinfeld's favorite comedy club too. he's almostt f as funny as you. hey, i'll take it.ou i'll give you the twenty bucks later for saying that.t don't forget to declare it on your taxes, jimmy . get some rest . you got a big show tomorrow. i've got the man right. all right. t meanwhile, straight ahead,. a lifelong democrat mega donor who has given millions tohe the party says he's just about seen enough. whatd pushed him to finally jump ship? nall us next to explain.ove thi. you've got to love this. it started in nineteen seventy two. an avid young angler with a passion for fishing and his first tackle shop at his father's liquor store is going sort of fellow anglers can provide great value for over 50 years, johnnie morris's dream has grown to serve conservation and all who love the great outdoors. it's moving in the roots of that friendly, passionate house
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and keep it off. who loses one hundred and thirty eight pounds in nine months? nine months? and you make the change and it stays the new bell ringing supreme. thanks america. and also feel welcome . america has just feel the show for the people we already know. this is your lucky day. you're watching me people. what they want is i can't we know people screw up weeknights only on fox news channel. >> america's working, you know, for many years. steve keusch with the democratic party mageddon, he says give him more than twenty million dollars to help elect democrats. and now he mightoc mor just be jumping ship. might steve curtius is anan entrepreneur. self-made successjust b and joio us now to explain his reasoning. reasoninhen did the democraticc party started going south with you? well, when they violated my my
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my trust, brian , they told the agencies, the fda, the cdc ,the nih said that these vaccines were safe and effective and wheny i started seeing my friends die and being injured and started looking at the data, there was no question that this vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created. by man. ites is a thousand times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine and that's too unsafe for people to use. u and i could not get even a single minute in front of any democratic congressman. the best i got was that rokan gave me to a staff member who took two months to get back to me.nd whe and whenn i asked if she had read what i had sent her, she said no. it disagreed with theagre cdc. so it's not right. and so i didn't really read . soso that's as far as i ever go. but you didn't stop there. you did your own research. did you find what did d you fin? was effective and what was the reaction when you put it out there?
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well, i what i found was that hundreds of thousands of b americans have been killedee by this vaccine and millions have been injured. and , you know, they're clearly you are more likely toli be injured or dead from a vaccine than if you wereha unvaccinated. so what they're sayingnf and wht the reality is , is completely opposite . there is a conservative radio show commentator whose name was wayne root . s he had a wedding eight months ago and he had about half conservatives and half of his they're all pretty muchty conservative, okay, but half were vaccinated and half were not vaccinated. and he found thathe of the hundred people that were vaccinated, he had twenty six people who were seriously injured and he had seven people who dieden. and in the unvaccinated group he had zero and zero since the we don't know that is statistically impossible. right. if the vaccines are safe right. ale so we don't we can't verify
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those numbers. these the numbers you have. butrs inum turn the democrats who you funded exceedingly kennedy won't even return your call, including your own congresswoman. but you said you really believea ,senator ron johnson, that somebody you fully support, who's in a real fightly to get six more years in wisconsin. what about ron johnson? ron johnson is the only persongr in congress who cares ates allt about the millionsth of people who are vaccine injured. and my estimates are that theret are tens of millions of vaccine injured in america a and members of congress will meetetpl with these people, butit they meet with them. and 30 minutes later they say, you know, they look a at their watch and say, got to s go . and that's the end of it.ea whereas ron johnson has been just very consistent about bringing the this problem to the attention of the american public figures because he's awesome. he's a very>> successful b businessman like you. steve,e, thanks so much.
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appreciate it. my pleasure. thanks, ryan . meanwhile, joe biden has letme millions of new migrants into m the united states every day, every minuteig uni. it's clear americans don't support this. you got a brand new gallup poll. check this outra. shows americans want less immigration. even democrats now admitting we have an immigration crisis, but we need help also. havand we're reaching out to the federal government to tell them that we need help. we will be on the phone with the white house. are they willing to speak with us and communicate so that we can resolve with thisan relaxium issue in crisis that we that we are facing? >>d oh, really, mr. mayor, thoe flights into westchester and newburgh, long island, aren't paying off. it's notin justg humanitarian crisis. immigration is affecting our elections. newly uncovered documents show hundreds affectiou the illegal e on the voter rolls in north r carolina. how is this possible, russellte voters, the president, the center for renewing
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america, which justt obtained those documents. russell, what could you tell me about this? hi yeah, thanks, brian . we're note what we've identified through these documents from the freedom of information act with our sister organization, americans whe accountability foundation is the extent to which there is systemic voter fraud being done in north carolina at the state board of election levelorthe bo and the dmv to incentivize illegal immigrants voting in the election, which they're not supposed to do. and what we have the documents and email traffic from the attorney, u.s. attorney in the eastern district of north carolina to the state board of education t t say, look, you hay this problem. you're not taking the illegal immigrants off ofou the rolls. you're not taking convicted people convicted of voter fraud off the rolls p o. and what's worse and reallyet gets to the extent of it is that the dmv is pre populating the applications for driver's license to ensure that those people are citizens. and soso those just goes those through. so the individual themselves never have to asserthe that they in fact are citizens.
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and so it's very hard not only does it impact the elections, we know that, but it's very hard to thenecti go back and prosecute because they've never asserted otherwise. te part ofhave been a system intentionality to ensure that this result is occurring. so again, systemic voter fraud . thisra is the type of thing that we are finding across i w the country thate' states need o weed out and ensure that a our elections are honest, fair and have a lot of integrity. your hunch, though, years of experience, do you thinkve is just limited to north carolina? oh, no. i mean, the realityan north t carolina was a state that thathe donald trump won. we knowh that there were other states that that went in the different direction, even though this election hado overwhelming turnout compared to the previous t one . and that these things are happening. the left is so incredibly organized, they swap notes, they tell their organizing sessions how this should be done. they spent four hundred millionh dollars outsourcing the running of local elections to the democrat party operatives
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through zucker bucks. these types of standard operating procedures are not just being done in north carolina. they're being done in every in which these these dollars are flowing fauci we welcome immigrants tomi the country. we know that those are greatha strength, but legalt immigratin ,you earn the right to vote .. it's something that people doak it the right way, take greate pride in and stuff like this ruins it for everyone. it's why 27% of the american people in the u.s.f th believe immigration should be increased. the rest of the country big is t on board. 3 that's down from 38% just a few years ago. russell, thanks so much for the latest inflation numbers show consumer prices are still nearly nine percent higher than a year ago. to joe biden, that means zero no joke, jack. j how doesok that make sense? straight ahead, hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one you one last chance to get your
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so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. i was injured in a car crash. they wrote it for themselves. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ call liberty legal. now do see if you're eligible. eight hundred eighty three zero three zero eight . all right. the latest inflation numbers released today show prices increased by eight point five percent year over year. joe biden is the only american
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who heard that news and thought this is great. i want to say a word about news that came out today relative to the economy. actually , i just want to say a number zero today we received news that our economy had zero percent inflation in the month of july, zero percent because that means the price of some things go up, went up last month. the price of other things went down by the same amount. the result zero inflation last month. but people are still hurting. but zero inflation last month joe biden didn't tell you is that zero inflation is only from june to july of this year. he ignored all the price increases from last year. you haven't. but hey, if inflation is zero, why do we need the inflation reduction act? remember that it's going to pass friday. charles gasparino is a fox news correspondent. best in the business. charlie, your reaction to zero?
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you know, that's not to babylon be doing tv. that's real. that's the scary part. i mean, it's obviously absurd and stupid and you know, i don't know why you said it. we don't have zero inflation. so actually we have a little less inflation. that's still very high . and you know, here's the thing . i think that, you know, the markets were up today. you like the fact that it's gone down. so they were up five hundred points. so there's some thinking maybe jerome powell will stop the rate increases. but, you know, here's what i hear from people that deal . talk to the fed and these are major financial players. the fed is definitely definitely wants to get inflation down to its two percent target. we are still a long way from two percent. okay, forget about zero. it's eight and a half percent today. if you're if that's going to happen, there's going to be many more rate increases and we're probably going to enter a recession at some point . so how is it hard spending? you can't spend your way out of that for people like you have told me the way to get out of
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is you cut spending and you have to raise rates short term. we're about to put 700 billion into the spending pot, three hundred sixty nine billion into climate change when when the house passes this on friday. what is the effect on inflation and everyday america? well, i mean, that was the me listen to the cbo and all these experts are going to say it's almost zero to minimize and you know, the smart thing to do would be to do nothing. okay, not spend more money, not issue more debt. because when you issue more debt, your not your interest rates will go up because you're issuing more bonds. prices go down, interest rates go up. it would just be do nothing and let me and maybe cut some regulations. i mean that might be the smart way at some stuff to boost the supply side while the fed is tightening and trying to get the get our economic house in order. but one thing i do know, it's not zero right regulations. no one's better than that than the trump administration. i think would back me up on that. i believe the trump family and the trump candidacy to run
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again is about 40 to 50% stronger since that raid on monday. you've been talking to the trump family. what do you think? what do you know? well, you know, their fund raising money is coming in unless they have some wicked smoking gun. this looks like one of the worst abuses of justice that we've seen in a long time. i mean, literally they could have asked for the stuff. they could have subpoenaed the stuff, but they came with fbi agents guns out, rifling through melania's clothes. i mean, it sounds i mean, i would do that. i mean, i wouldn't want to be the fbi agent on this on this call. it's horrible. and we don't know. did they give him a warrant or not? is a disagreement from 70%? they don't have one . i know it's a cliffhanger. the family hasn't seen yet. charlie gasparino, thank you. more right after this break. you think the kids, they're having this much fun?
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stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were. aminta with relaxium relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of clinically proven relaxium sleep today. fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed. call today for your thirty day risk free trial at 100% moneybag guaranteed relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription is 100% drug free and it's not habit forming. call 800 for one seven thirty seven seventy three eight hundred for one seven thirty seven seventy three 20% relaxium advisable a daughter ellen ellenson that save the day for a wedding she's found dead on the floor puts teacher death mystery on nancy grace investigation streaming on fox nation. all right, that's it forr us tonight. before we go , i want you tolb see me on tour. i'm going to be in albany,n new york , september 8th. brandon, mississippi, o
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on november 12th. tulsa , november 13th inmb newark, new jersey, december 2nd. we'rek taking back america's story. a thousand people at a timeehous go , brian . have a tell me, .com and we'll have a great time. i'll get to meet you in person o and don't forget brand new episode of one nation that saturday at eight o'clock right here. among our great features will be a visit to graceland.d forty five years sinces the death of elvis in f that great movieis. noww it's my privilege to see if sean hannity is ready to take over the take the reins and i'll be in every location. i'llf be there. and with brian todd, i'm only kidding anyway. i knowow youat are great to seeu in the evening and morning as always, brian . thankat t. they'll h get them. welcome . welcome to "hannity" tonight. and we're going to take youfb inside the fbi's egregious raid at mar a lago and president trump's attorney who was physically blocked by the fbick from observing the whole search will join us from florida. we'll get the inside scoop. also, former trump adviser peter navarro will also be here tonight. remember, hes was ambushed by


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