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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 15, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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was a legitimate act of law enforcement. it was not. even the biden administration didn't really bother to pretend otherwise. the official explanations that it doesn't matter how forcefully they are, they
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are nonsensical, in case you've forgotten what they are, here is the first explanation they give us. >> why does this guy have these ultra-classified documents in the basement of mar-a-lago, unsecured where they could be presumably broken in on or stolen or photographed and given to hostile foreign powers or conceivably even terrorists. >> tucker: are you listening to this? it's not just classified documents, according to the pet historian of the half-wits, these are ultra classified documents, just sitting there helpless in boxes like maidens in bikinis waiting to be photographed by terrorists. just to mention qaeda taking selfies with these documents, one after the other relentlessly, repulsive and terrifying. is it true? at this point, no one has provided proof that it is true, not that august historians like
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him wait around for evidence before pronouncing judgment, but for the sake of argument on our show, we are going to see that it is, in fact, true, that donald trump did have boxes of classified documents sitting in his cellar. let's say that's true. what would it mean? what it means depends on part on what the documents were? did they contain meaningful information, should they been classified in the first place, is there a good reason the rest of us should not have been allowed to see this documents? you never hear those documents d as, but they know that they should be asked, because in washington, virtually anything can qualify as a secret, and it often does. in 2011, to name one of many examples, the cia finally declassified a trove of documents from the first world war, these documents date back to 1917, almost 100 years before. one of his documents, the most ultrasecret of them, contained a
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recipe for disappearing ink. why would bureaucrats hired an outdated recipe for ink that you can buy legally in any magic store if you are a fifth-grader. good question, no one asked it. instead, then-cia director leon panetta talked about how he was giving the ink recipe to a grateful public, "these documents have been classified for nearly a century until recent advancements made it possible to release them, when historical information is no longer sensitive, our responsibility to share it with the american people. there was no hint on so ever that he was joking. you're welcome, america, here is your ink recipe. again, this was in 2011, you had to wonder what recent technological advancements was leon panetta talking about, and just how recent were they. was he actually saying that cia spies were still communicating in world war i era disappearing
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ink in 2010, or even as of 1950? please. it was bizarre. it was another lie from the people in charge. here's the truth. the documents have been classified for 100 years not because disappearing ink was a national security secret muppets because the government's default position in every case is that you have no right to see ever. it is their information, it is not yours. you are the taxpayer. shut up and pay for it all. to this day there are large amounts of classified information from world war ii, these are documents written 80 years ago by people whose grandchildren are now old. you still can't see it, he didn't have the clearances, sorry, so when they tell you that donald trump had classified documents, be literally anything, but once again, for the sake of argument, we are going to stipulate that trumped the deposition of documents that were classified for some good
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reason, documents he would legitimately not the chinese government to see. if that was true, would adjust if happen? a large team of federal agents to shut down the entire southern tip of palm beach to read mar-a-lago on a weekday? no, it doesn't. federal paramilitaries don't show up in the house. in fact, as we later learned, openly signed by a bipartisan judge who, because we couldn't make any of this up if we tried, once represented jeffrey epstein side, that judge allowed the fbi to see new maxis virtually every piece of paper in donald trump's house, whether or not it a different classified. took roger stone's clemency order. that had been on the front page of "the washington post," so it was there for probably not a secret, even walked off with donald trump's passports preventing them from leaving the country. so whatever else this raid was,
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this raid was not about the espionage act, that's absurd, almost as absurd -- knowing nothing about the raid before it happened. right. please. if they want that, they are going to have to try harder. what was this read about? the second explanation they gave us. >> now with donald trump suddenly, with donald trump suddenly talking about classified documents of a highly classified status, stolen from the white house and taken to mar-a-lago? >> just a reminder of the dash of why the justice department might be concerned about why they are going around mar-a-lago. >> two words: nuclear secrets. what? those are of the highest
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classified status! donald trump stole those. ladies and gentlemen, america is in danger tonight. what is a nuclear secret, exactly, and what did trump plan to do with that? did he plan to defect to moscow? give the launch codes to vladimir putin, start a rogue state in the bahamas? nobody said, but that didn't stop -- from suggesting that donald trump should be executed for committing these crimes, whatever these crimes were. we still don't know. there still aren't facts floating around. there were reasons why they could not tell you the whole story. you are just going to have to trust them. there was a lot of that.
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the endless intelligence about something called "the rule of law," and how no one is above that, not even a former president! the people who pay rioters to burn down our city, who will pay for nationals to ignore immigration status and move to our country permanently as an expense -- for breaking our laws. keep in mind: no one is above the law. joe scarborough was accused of committing murder while serving in congress -- without being charged or even investigated. no one is above the law. remember that. there was a lot of posturing in the days after the raid. it didn't make sense, even propaganda hass to add up. puck 2 + 2 = 9 doesn't convince anybody. they really thought that
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donald trump possessed documents of imminent danger to the united states of america, then why did they wait a year and a half to do anything about it? why did they wait until 90 days before a midterm election that do polls are suggesting they will lose? it makes sense. the question answers itself. despite the appearance, the radon mar-a-lago is not an act of law enforcement. it was an attack, a power grab. the raid on trump's home was "exactly what it looks like, to show -- the opposition leader and his bodyguard." if this happened in another country -- "it would be the act of a dictator." as un-american, you don't want to believe it, you hear the essential fact -- as a un-american, you don't want to hear it. joe biden was president -- the same week that the biden justice department launched a raid against his main
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rival. that is what happened. pause for a minute: if "the new york times" told you that something like that was going on in chad or gambia, what would your reaction be? you would probably say "thank god i don't live in a place where politicians use arms to claim power." you do live in a country like that. the evidence is around you. we don't want to see it. a week to the day after joe biden was inaugurated, the fbi arrested a 31-year-old man, douglas mackey. according to a doj press release, he committed a serious crime. like flood reporting, he conspired to subvert the 2016 election. in a tweet, he suggested that it was possible it -- to vote for hillary clinton by text message. this act, claimed by -- was a "grave felony," comfortable by ten years in prison.
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it was claimed "misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote." this tweet confirm that douglas mackie had committed "vote theft." a criminal of his magnitude, he was handcuffed and brought to this florida judge, the same magistrate who authorized last week's raid on mar-a-lago. he was brought to jail. his arrest -- at the time, media coverage was relatively scant. reporters who covered it just moved on to something else after a press release. "the new york times" set the tone early by describing him as "a far right twitter troll," not a technical term. there is no agreed-upon meaning. it's lying, something that serious newspapers never include in news stories, but in this case, the term "far right twitter troll," is an
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unmistakable message to the country and the rest of the media: he is a dangerous person with unspeakably ugly views, deserves to be locked up, and so he was. there was no consideration of the merits of the government's case against douglass mackey. if his tweets were so dangerous to democracy, then why did the department of justice wait four years after donald trump was in charge of him, and if he stole votes of the american substance as the fbi repeatedly alleged they did, whose votes are stolen? who were the victims of douglass mackey's crimes? the media never asked, and the administration never said. the justice department never identified a single person -- from doing anything else of what douglas mackie tweeted. there weren't any people. those people didn't exist. douglas mackie was not a criminal mastermind running
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conspiracy and voter fraud. he was an internet prankster. his job was to think up funny memes on his laptop. here's one on the screen, # --ourdaughters. a fake suite obviously from the hillary clinton campaign. "they are ready to go to work, are you?" he was mocking hillary clinton, was making fun of the candidate. no one can admit that. not a single person in america believes that douglass mackey's twitter means infringed on "one of the most basic and sacred rights guaranteed by the constitution: the right to vote." no one could believe that because it's too stupid to claim or belief, and yet, nicholas mcquade, who went to columbia law school and is now joe biden's assistant attorney general, made that claim with a straight face. well, douglass mackey, a threat to democracy!
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ten years in prison. the doj press release said that. three paragraphs later, it inadvertently acknowledged what was actually going on. in the run-up to the 2016 election, the doj explained, "douglass mackey gained more influence on twitter than nbc news or --" gasp -- "stephen colbert misquotes himself. read it yourself, it's still online. -- it says that people liked douglass mackey more than they liked nbc or even colbert. having grown up as you did in a country where people were allowed to choose what they -- but according to the government joe biden runs, that's a felony. you don't have to be a right-winger to find that terrifying. in a free country, you have the right to say what you think in public, period. it doesn't matter who is offended, doesn't matter people consider your views ugly.
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even if every person finds your opinions horrifying and beyond the pale, you still have the right to express them, because were born that right. it's inherent. you can't be sent to prison for your political views ever. if that's the core principle of the united states, the principle that the marines fought to the top of mount sir bocce to protect. for all of these memes, douglass mackey's speech was worth to fund income of almost nobody defended it. his life was destroyed by the biden justice department. he is still in limbo facing ten years because "the new york times" called him a far right twitter troll, and no respectful person wanted to be near that. he may have been the first victim, but he was hardly the last one. over the last 18 months, every significant figure in the orbit
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around on the truck has been swabbed by merrick garland of justice, their homes rated of being arrested and thrown in jail. donald trump's lawyers are a primary target. the representative of trump during the first impeachment never worked in the white house counsel's office. the biden demonstration went after him anyway because he gave legal advice to his client donald trump. he used to be allowed to have lawyers. that is when the cia seized attorney-client records from mar-a-lago, why the doj is directly targeting rudy giuliani and going after his associates, one of whom is working on this documentary about hunter biden. they also broke into giuliani's own apartment in new york, and then the fbi did not -- the fbi targeted this associate.
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then, they seize the phone of this prominent conservative attorney. they investigated her for election fraud and rated her home. a target set -- the federal investigation. why exactly? so many others who were now under investigation or arrest, he questions the 2020 election, in this case, in the state of georgia. is that not something that stacey abrams has made a career of doing? the republicans no longer have that right. not long ago, more than a dozen federal agents -- the rate on this trip official jeff clark, who went in the street in his underwear for maximum location. then, john eastman, who was approached by six agents at a restaurant in mexico while leaving a restaurant with his wife. they patted him down and forced them to provide facial biometric data, and then they tried the
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same thing with steve bannon -- bob costello. we can go on and on. the point is that all this violates the first amendment and long-established attorney-client privilege, but it's happening right in front of us. the fbi shackled this form of trump official, peter navarro. he was handcuffed, denied food and water. then, because that wasn't terrifying enough -- perceives them too close to trump. a day after the mar-a-lago raid, this congressman -- while he was traveling with his family, they could have set up something. they did not ask anyone and his family. these are the prominent victims of this crackdown on the biden administration. in the wake of the january 6 justice protests -- more than
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900 people have been charged with crimes arriving on that day, 900, almost all nonviolent with no previous criminal record. more than 50 have been sent to prison so far with terminal cancer or a crime, walking around the capitol building for example. another 500 to go. the doj is getting $34,000,000.130 more employees to handle those cases january 6th from the election with trump's protest. now, officially, this is all about donald trump. they don't want trump to run again. they are doing all they can to prevent it. it turns out that democracy was too important to let voters choose their own president. none of this is really about donald trump, the man: it is about power. it's about crushing and humiliating anyone who gets in the way of that power.
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about experience? he is a novelist, has an ivy league degree. in no way does he fit the profile of your average trump odor. it is hard to believe that he voted for donald trump. we don't know, and it doesn't matter. do know that when he started to post fact-based challenges to the lies that joe biden was telling about covid vaccines, the white house commanded twitter to silence him, and they did that. when i speculate about what did that, desh proved what happened. you can talk to that in a minute about the details. the point is that this is illegal. no american government is allowed to cool private business to silence its critics, period it's a violation of the first amendment and alex jones' human rights. somehow, this slipped beneath notice, the times didn't write
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about. why would they? on some level, you understand. what happened to him happened to many critics of the biden administration in the past year and a half. they have been censored, silenced by direction of the white house. think about what this means. these are acts of aggression and hostility aimed at america. no american president has ever explicitly declared war on his own population, and yet, for the biden administration, it is a near weekly occurrence. here is joe biden and merit garlands telling you that white supremacists come from voters, that's what they -- that white supremacists: drum voters are the single greatest threat to the united states. speak of the top domestic violent extremist threat -- >> the top domestic violent extremist threat is from those advocating specifically for the superiority of the white race.
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>> president biden: domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland homeland. >> tucker: not to be too literal, that is a law. none of what you've heard is true. there is not a single statistic for piece of critical research to support him or his attorney general. just said all of it is a lie. as usual, but truth is the opposite. these are the people who created the crime rifle of american suffering and now they are blaming you for. they are disarming you because you can't be trusted with a gun because you are too dangerous. interesting case. they are hiring another 87,000 armed irs agents just to make sure you obey. is it clear don't get it to be
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ice completely on the level. >> they are simply carrying there responsibility under the law, a search warrant, to magistrate -- to sign off on, and they did not go in there with fbi raid jackets. they tried to constrain their behavior in carrying out that warrant. let's support law enforcement, stay with them. >> simply carrying out their responsibility. of course they are! is nothing to see here. that is the line, and no doubt that hutchinson, mitch mcconnell, and the rest of them -- will be telling you the very same thing when the biden justice department or some other state law enforcement agency under their influence finally does -- which is in sight donald trump. who knows, maybe they will produce surveillance video from mar-a-lago talking about trump
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mishandling classified information. on a server? remember the endless russia collusion -- looking for a lot more of that. if you express support for him or interest in retaining the right to free speech and due process, you are a criminal too, you are the threat. just mentioning that you disagree with what is happening is an attack on our power. after signing off on the mar-a-lago raid, mayor garland was whining about how he was a victim. apparently, some people disagreed with the raid, so the fbi, most heavily armed domestic law enforcement agency in the world, is now under threat from you! i got anonymous threats on twitter, poor me! passive aggression is the defining characteristic of the left. when they start putting people in camps, cheer them on and then attack you for complaining about
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it. how dare you! violating our norms. as if to prove it, hours after the mar-a-lago raid, the jackals on twitter began saying that donald trump should release that warrant. if not guilty, you will show it, that's what they said, so trump did it, gave the warrant to breitbart, and the second that piece went up, there was a search about how extremists are putting the lives of fbi agents in danger, serving this warrant, which is a public document. in other words, we are the victims here. except this time, it could be a little different. i think -- donald trump is a very big step, not just because people like him, but because indicting him at this point would be to reveal that this entire thing, meaning our justice system, industry and parents, a means to an end. people know that at this point.
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they watched it. they understand what happens. even people that don't like donald trump, didn't vote for him, and don't want to in 2024, they know and they cannot unknow. that means at this point, we are on the edge of something unprecedented, awful. you can feel it, even donald trump feels it. maybe for the first time in his life, sincerely interested in lowering the temperature, not only for his own stake, but the country's. let's all calm down a little -- this is not good. he is right. not just for him, but for all of us. this could get very bad very fast, and a lot of people know that perfectly well. they know what will happen if they continue down this path, law enforcement clinging to power, but don't care because they are facing repudiation from
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voters, and are desperate to do anything. so -- pray they pull back before it's also so late. as we said, we now have proof that twitter is censoring people as -- protesting the white house, which is illegal. here to tell us exactly what happened. also, transactions -- trying to smuggle hormones to children in your mail. on tiktok -- straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: it's been obvious for a while now that tech companies are acting out behest of the lighthouse to censor people, but no one has been able to prove it. alex berenson has proved that the white house encouraged twitter to knock him off the platform. he found evidence that white house officials had met with twitter and question company officials as to why he "has not been kicked off of the platform." we are honored to have him join us tonight. thank you for proving what seemed to be happening. how did you find this out, and
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what do you plan to do about it. speak of the question is that i plan to sue the white house and probably other individuals too. i told you about at this time, that i was going to sue twitter and have people mock that. this federal judge was appointed by bill clinton, a reasonably good case, and that led to my being reinstated on twitter a few weeks ago, or twitter reinstating me. they were forced -- into a settlement. i went to the lighthouse. i think i have proof that they violated my first amendment rights, forced twitter to act as a paid actor, essentially an arm of the federal government.
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i have obtained these documents. i will have this in soon, but i think when a party shall is that this case will survive a motion to be dismissed, and there will be a discovery deposition, people inside and outside the white house -- probably will ask questions not just about me, but about other people come to the platform in the last year or two. >> tucker: at the behest of politicians? >> will tell mike i was with you many times, we talked about this working very well. the federal government will push for mandates, boosters. those were unpopular steps, and it was -- that the vaccines were not working well, that was a problem for the federal government. twitter, facebook, they pushed
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hard to d platformize. we've artie seen how close it was, but we will see a lot of it. >> this is an attack on the most basic fundamental right that we have, which is on free speech. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: tony fauci, in any normal system would be disgraced, but now, he is bragging that he is inspiring young people with moral leadership, called the foul tree affect -- called fauci the effect, and a documentary about something that's may be the weirdest thing to ever happen: the dash killing the rich livestock. killing the rich livestock. a tucker carlson original straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ elon musk says tesla's full self-driving software is “amazing”,
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it will “blow your mind.” but does it work? this happens over and over again. 100,000 tesla drivers are already using full self-driving on public roads. i'm dan o'dowd. i'm a safety engineer and tesla full self-driving is the worst commercial software i've ever seen. tell congress to shut it down. paid for by the dawn project.
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>> people call us mean because we have a memory that extends past last week, but we can't help ourselves. the ceo of pfizer was telling us to take his shot, you won't get covid. our covid vaccine was "100% effective in preventing covid-19 covid-19cases treat" it was todt the ceo of pfizer announced that he has... covid! we call this the fauci effect, which is when you get shot for coach hynes, height of pfizer's stock price, but still get corona. we had it backwards. turns out that that effect is very different. tony fauci so
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>> what i symbolize in an era of normalization amongst troops, lies, all the things you are seeing going on in society from january 6th to everything else that goes on, people are craving for a consistency, people caring about people. so they could have been somebody else. it didn't have to be fauci. it could have been smith or jones. they call it the fauci effect because i'm very visible. >> how do they do this when the call this election insurrection? here is part of the answer. the guy that admitted to lying about herd immunity and the effectiveness of the vaccines he pushed is now lecturing you
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about on truths, why? because january 6th!" so when every sane person dismisses these reports -- "crazy talk, conspiracy theories," but they are totally real, and there's evidence that they are real in several countries around the world for hundreds of years. no one has followed this topic more closely them this author, who -- animal mutilation, has studied multiple cases on it, and agreed to go over this one by one with us. here's a preview of my documentary. >> you can see on the hill there -- >> he spent 13 years researching these mutilations in the valley and recorded his findings. >> 24, 140. >> until now, it sat in a storage unit in upstate
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new york. >> i investigated about 200 cases come in and out of those, figured 40, maybe 14 were high strange mutilation. >> this was blown apart by a lightning strike. went out a day later and the thing had been caught up. >> 3 miles east. speak of the brain was still there, but this was an animal, very interesting case. people say "how --" this animal, that side was down, which negates any scavenger. it looks like somebody had taken a blowtorch in their. >> where is the fossilization? >> there is none. you can see the mandible, the
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size. this is an animal that went out the following morning, they found their prized -- debt. he said that there was no engine sound whatsoever, and the only sound he heard -- he was a helicopter mechanic, and he says he was dumbfounded. that day, he found animals mutilated few this is the most disturbing case i ever had.
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this animal was found in a pristine 5-inch -- with not one drop of blood. it was an spine from the base of. the upper respiratory organs were gone, the brain was, breaking the cranium, and the film side of the brain connected to this goal is perfectly intact. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: this phenomenon is so weird and unlikely and disturbing that most people will not touch it. that shade -- people were interested in things that are unusual. this is one of the strangest things that's happened, and it's absolutely real. get a free account,
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hi, i'm denise. i've lost over 22 pounds with golo in six months and i've kept it off for over a year. i was skeptical about golo in the beginning because i've tried so many different types of diet products before. i've tried detox, i've tried teas, i've tried all different types of pills, so i was skeptical about anything working because it never did. but look what golo has done. look what it has done. i'm in a size 4 pair of pants. go golo. (soft music)
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>> tucker: you where all euphemisms -- a cover for lying. gender affirming care: that is the phrase you are seeing everywhere. what is that? it has become -- finally -- illegal in some states. the rule of law! the person behind this twitter feed -- evidence of a drug smuggling operation for young children. tiktok founders from this post -- "if anyone needs hormones and can't get extra doses for trans youth." there is a crime of course, but
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the doj will not investigate. jason whitlock is the host of -- he joins us tonight. so, the doj, there is an effort to give drugs illegally to kids, is the justice department -- >> they are not interested, because anything that has to do with gender identity, diversity, equity, inclusion, they are all for it. tucker, i'm a big preacher here, and i've said this before, but to me, all of this is just satanic. the target is children who are impressionable at an early age, and now, we've got someone trying to sell them puberty blockers or hormones that will change their identity. this country was founded by people who believed that our rights came from god, and when i
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look at the left, they want to disrupt that hunting principle, that this is a country founded on biblical principles. what we are going to do right now, tucker, it's going through a process called sifting. it's in the bible. luke, chapter 22, verse 31. peter, simon, says "the devil wants to sift." the sifting process is separating us. it's the identities we have -- they have invented in their lifetimes. cisgender, nine binary, you are a republican, white, black, lgbtq, this or that. we are being separated, and our founder sauce is all coming from one creator. even for nonbelievers, that worked for all of us, but being separated -- that's why there is
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so much divisiveness in this country. >> i'm grateful you said that on tv. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: out of time. if you watch one thing though in the next week, not just selling a product here at all, you really should watch the new documentary cattle moon layings on fox nation, absolutely mind blowing. we will be back tomorrow night we cannot wait to see you but in the meantime here's sean hannity. >> sean: tucker welcome back good to have you welcome to hannity. while president biden lounges on the beach until south carolina, we're tracking multiple breaking stories including new development on the shooting develop caused by alec baldwin more hypocrisy on climate change this time with hypocrite leonardo dicaprio. wait until you hear what he did. and a shocking reported from minnesota where one teacher's union would decide to lay people off based on their race regardless of their seniority. we'll tell you that story.


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