tv Gutfeld FOX News August 15, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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giving president biden all the credit for inflation going down so we're moving things in the right direction already. >> and what parts of the bill do you think will quickly work on that specifically? >> next question. >> laura: next question. i love that. can he buy a vowel. inspiring a lot of confidence. that's it for us tonight. remember it's america now and forever and gutfeld next. ♪♪ ♪ >>. >> this crowd's insane. i'm actually fearing for my life. i need to be escorted to the hello pad immediately. happy monday everyone.
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so we'll save the trump stuff for the b block but tonight what's with all the people eating bugs? first you remember this crack pot. >> you ready? >> cheers. >> actually i'm less scared of this. >> okay. >> oh, the crunch. >> do i have a wing hanging out of my mouth? >> i hope it's a wing. you never know with cnn. but why did they pick her anyway? i can think of someone else at cnn who should be restricted to eating just bugs. low hanging fruit. but now in recent years everyone's getting into the act, even celebrities. >> you want you want to share a spider? it's actually very good the flavor. >> they're still alive. yeah. the ants are really good.
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>> these are crickets from mexico. >> is it weird to just go for the cockroach. >> yeah, go for the cockroach. >> unlike his ratings. he's gone, who cares? but they couldn't even act like they enjoyed it, and a lot of them were actors. of course now some claim that you should be eating insects in order to reduce carbon emissions. >> this is a powder derived from the meal worm and it's an insect protein, just been approved by the eu for human consumption. the making of it is severely >> greg: i'm pretty sure that i sat next to him on a greyhound bus in 1989. was talking about how his voices
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were telling him to go to -- i don't know, to go eat insects taken out is a moral obligation to eat insects. like eating a centipede, they're just playing the long game, right? i didn't write that. [laughter] if you love, i would take ownership of it, but we just fired that person to go first, going to tell you that eating insects isn't at all we had bigger than the guy to tell you it's normal to eat insects, and then finally, you're a racist if you don't eat insects. yahoo, remember that? you were actually more more to fact-check piece claiming eating insects is in trouble. but could this this. social media post say that chicken contains an insect exoskeleton cannot be processed by the human body. this is misleading. while some part of insects might not be digested entirely by humans, doesn't mean that eating them is harmful. i don't know i think those experts are full of chit.
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maybe not every bug makes you sick, but if i've got warmth in my stomach, take me to the hospital. and don't suggest that they need company. others will say bugs are part of a balanced diet in other countries. as well as being integral to the culture. which explains why people leave their to come you. [laughter] [cheers and applause] if insects are integral to your culture, you need to find a new culture. if i was working on immigration and refugee camp to my desk and i asked why are you here and they said my family eats insects, i'd waive them all through. but the carriers of disease and parasites. the texture is disgusting. no one smiles when they eat
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insects. when robert downey jr. says it will reduce emissions. yeah, but by what? one study found that if every american became vegetarian, emissions would drop by only 5%. that's not what it. most people eat meat because it's healthy. is michael shellenberger, author of the book apocalypse now, points out, the amount of pollution from farming is trivial compared to jetsetting around the world promoting bug cuisine. [cheers and applause] yer. so what if it's popular in other countries? you know what else is popular in other countries? beheadings. >> [laughs] >> it is also good for the climate because it cuts down on exhaling, which in turn cut down co2 levels. should we adopt the practice too? being headless makes it more difficult to drive, helping the environment as well. that's the point, though. it's not about your health or your taste buds, it's about climate. the bbc asks good grasshoppers
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really replace bees? you're the long answer. [bleep] no. [cheers and applause] the writer -- [laughs] the writer said he was intrigued to see how he could lower his carbon footprint if he ate bugs will be two days later when you're writing it from a hospital bed. why all this media? once again, driven by people who exempt themselves from their own advice. usually these elites will eat bugs that are property you think greta thunberg's mom factor sandwich and a hello kitty lunch box this money? you think about is a a cream of carpenter ant as a dinner special at the u.n. cafeteria?
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when they asked a water bath at the world economic forum, all you hear is crickets. i'll take it. you see the faces of people who eat insects. revulsion, and revulsion is an instinct echo the humans who didn't find eating insects revolting died. that's why we prefer our food insect prey because we are the ones left. sure, you can say but it's low-fat, but so is dog [bleep]. and i'm not smearing that across a bagel. i told them it was not a la. what really sucks -- what really sucks, and the whole point of this is that they ignore the main reason that humans eat bugs. it because they're poor, they don't have access to better food. so instead, these rules try to make poverty seem like fun.
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to think an african child would eat mealworms if they could have a bowl of pasta? president biden, bugs are known the first choice. [cheers and applause] terrible. they leave that part of every story. the lack of prosperity that forces them to eat insects. like the president's diem's. it's not voluntarily. i left that in there. still wondering why. then they call something people eat out of desperation a delicacy. by this logic, the donner party was a 12 course lesson in exotic cuisine. don't knock it. but it's all about manufacturing consent. getting us to adopt a practice that advocates won't take part in. like giving up their personal jet are putting giant windmills in the backyard. the world economic forum may
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push the stuff, but they're not eating spiders pick of it, by the way, are now our competition for the insects. they're better at it. evolve eat insects before, but usually by accident. holy [bleep]. >> to just install the beep. beef. i'm good. is now in year buzzing around. >> he didn't seem to enjoy. must be a big it. doesn't appreciate other cultures. do you really think americans are going to eat beetles when we can get lobster tail at the sunoco station? the fact is, restaurants that have bugs in the menu are only because some dude used the menu to swat a fly. sorry, my idea of a buffy isn't standing under a bud light catching what falls onto my plate. this isn't about you and it's not about the rich. they are giving up their foie gras for fried worms bigot is not about targeting the middle class is a pick of the process
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completing a bug in the bn applebee's. the only people left, really, are the poor. is that where we're headed? feeding bugs and mass to the poor instead of helping the mark of poverty? i'm jealous of the days when elliott said let them eat cake. now it's let them eat cicadas. [cheers and applause] lets welcome to night guests! other than shoots, brothers and battling, she is my favorite tropical human rights lawyer and award-winning filmmaker and author, brooke goldstein. when the fbi raided his closet, there was nothing worth taking. hosted jimmy failla. musician, writer, director, producer, lawyer, host. accomplished nothing. john galante.
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and finally, she is like a matchstick, slender and ready to get let. fox news contributor kat timpf. janine would make a comment about -- we've been down that road. actually jackson will be a guy wasn't cute enough to make "miami vice." down the road a few hundred miles, charm! exactly. i was going to ask you if you've eaten bugs on purpose and you cannot count the ones you find on your body or in your clothing. >> [laughs] never by choice. if people want to eat bugs, there is a lot of restaurants that serve the people you can tell because they have a d in the window from the board of health. every rational for doing this like you said is a scam. yes, the putting the impoverished lifestyle for the country to us, but can only say this is what the cavemen did. the caveman lived to be 21,
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you're not have they? i do know that we should be adopting any of the practices for, but like, that's the whole scam again and again and again is that the living at the fact that this is an options based issue. no one buys a blog or because that is cleaning up with the ladies, you know what i'm saying? see to that is a good analogy. [cheers and applause] do they still make those, jimmy? asking for a friend, of course? >> i just love that when everything is going on in the news, as the cattle rancher we can't get well? i love this. >> greg: beaded that story every single night because i loved it and i know this is personal to you because you're the same size. [laughter] >> greg: lets go to somebody with a brain. broker, you are a human rights lawyer. >> this is a violation. >> greg: it is!
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>> i just find this so creepy and so elitist. it's creepy because they're not even hiding this coordination between the e.u. coming out, then there is a world economic forum, then all of a sudden overnight, bloomberg and forbes and nature medicine and "science" magazine better than the government announces me to tax. meet tax might be coming together like forcing this notion on us, and it's so ridiculous and elitist. you mention, even statistics saying something like 70% of people in africa eat bugs. that is not by choice. if you put a child down who is in africa and you put a bug and a burger in front of the child, i guarantee you, the child is going to go for the burger. that the last point is this pro-bug gentle culture that has come out overnight where you are being attacked if you say something that is totally factual like 81% of bugs carry
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parasites that are harmful to humans because i'm not giving this to my children to see to it interesting, i see the point that if a bug is carrying another bug, you get twice the benefit. [laughter] if we say i have a parasite, but if a bug is a parasite, it is likely just got 30% free. it's like two scoops of reasons! remember that? i love the fact that you listed all the media because that's a weird thing, joe. it's not that i like to do that so you get ready. [laughter] i could tell you are nodding off in your little mister rogers sweater. all those videos -- all the stuff came up with in the last two weeks as we got more expensive because the same logic are using on fossil fuels, natural gas. they want to price it out to go to the windmills. in this case, they want us to eat bugs.
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>> the part of mexico where my family came from, they don't eat bugs. it's just certain parts of mexico. >> greg: so should i do a correction? >> the human centipede. >> greg: did i offend you? i don't even mention mexico, though. >> it's on your face. they said mexico, you look at me and said huh? >> greg: thank you, the producer. apologize to me. >> i apologize for the racism. the restaurant, even the restaurant in mexico where the eighth bugs, they don't serve you a bunch of bugs and expected to be full. you've got a part of cadiz is doesn't in the sprinkle some chapulins on them, little grasshopper to make you feel. the way they cook them, it's like a doughnut burger just ends up tasting like whatever kind of get up you put on. >> greg: right, right back of
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the problem is i don't see any cut up in any of this. >> they'll get there. they'll find out soon enough. >> greg: soon enough they find out and everything changes because that's what changes everything. it's like the internet for food. how are you? >> i'm all right. >> greg: when you saw this as a topic, what did you think? finally, we are going to attack the whole bug interest rate? brainwashing i just -- i guess we've gotten over the whole cultural appropriation thing. >> greg: exactly. [laughter] >> haven't we been hearing for your taking anything from another culture is cultural appropriation? and now they change their minds like no you to think equally [bleep] staff. it's okay. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: it's like oh, better not wear a sombrero -- >> yeah, i could not open attack
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was done, but if it's all bugs, then i'm good. >> climate people, none of the people giving this advice follow it because they all rely on private jets but tell you to fly coach. i think that john carries jet laughing their of. people are eating bugs right now! to listening to the beatles while you're eating the beatles. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: you have that joke in your pocket. >> i'm so happy that you got it. >> i need to throw it out there! it's okay. i appreciate it. got to love. why is everyone so sensitive? what bug is bothering you? [cheers and applause] what's gone wrong? this is fox news. up next, law enforcement gets pam's endorsement.
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stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. every other month and i'm good to go. ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva.
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>> greg: welcome back of the fbi raid now a political rate. and kamala flip-flops on supporting cops. former president trump says he'll do whatever he can tour the country after the fbi raided his home last week. to recap, agency classified records, some artists top-secret echo others were marked as milani is underwire and forwarded to bill clinton. but trump claims the records have been declassified and did an interview with fox news digital -- he says the country is not going to stand for another scam. "people are so angry at what is taking place, whatever we can do to help because the temperature has to be brought down in the country if it isn't, terrible things are going to happen." now, following the raid last monday, the fbi sent a bulletin to law enforcement agencies
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warning of increased threats. something maybe they should have said june of 2020? write and stuff? anyway, vice president harris, a.k.a. biden's number -- [laughter] she is second in command. she is second in command. criticizing trump and his supporters for fuel in the backlash against law enforcement. >> i will say >> vice president harris: i will say any attacks on law enforcement are completely unacceptable and any so-called leader who engages in rhetoric that come in any way, suggests that law enforcement should be exposed to that kind of dangerous and irresponsible and can result in dangerous activities. >> greg: i just keep waiting for her to tell me where the oxygen mask is. a success would say!
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that seems way, though, what is at record is almost as if no one, no so-called leader actually calls for the fbi to be a tactic of other safety, maybe the supreme court should join the fbi. now she cares about the safety of law enforcement. remember, this is the same person of a prize money to bail out minnesota writers becca sorry, mostly peaceful protesters because the back of the street before residents could shout my business is on fire! since when does she care about rhetoric? remember, she is called everyone was dancing away a basis, including a boss during a debate! you could get more incendiary than that. this lady is about as real as pelosi's expression of surprise. [laughter] [applause] you can't be surprised all the time. but, hey, i can get angry at me for. not one reporter nonsense to bongos. >> it is critical that we work together. and understand where we are, to
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recognize and have the courage to speak truth about what is obsolete, and then to partner to ensure that we are speaking the same language with the same motivation, inspired by the opportunities. [laughter] [applause] >> greg: it's amazing. it works every time. work, as a lawyer, a successful lawyer, what you think of this? >> i'm so happy that you pointed out the hypocrisy of kamala harris. how dare she go and pretend that she is some sort of protectorate of law enforcement while she is raising money for bail funds, but i'm really impressed with the weather in the trap in the trap team is handling this. there are really taking the high road. they are asking for the volume to be kept low, and anyone with an ounce of objectivity -- in order to have a law degree to know that this is total
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overkill. [applause] 's way to let them have. keep clapping. [applause] >> it's like court whistling. aware that you enforce the public records act is to subpoena. reserve 15 and announced fbi officials riding your house for people who are hiding dead bodies in the closet. not for a former president and there is absolutely no evidence that he has not cooperated with the formal subpoena. he handed over 15 boxes, he had the whole room padlock, and there's even a letter in the national archives claiming that he was cooperating in full. that's what i have to say. [applause]
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>> greg: also a lawyer. what were the lawyers? >> you does borrow $100,000 i go to law school, you're paid back in the first year and the new quit that job because it sucks. [laughter] >> greg: have you been watching this closely? what are your thoughts? >> on c4 or on from? >> greg: whichever one. let's not split hairs. [laughter] >> that reply, i might have a whole bunch of stuff, very incriminating in his. why would you give it a discount? because you know what, i wouldn't give him anything to go the way they treated him, it's like why would you give them anything. i'm reading about it and it just like papers and documents and he's supposedly in trouble for declassified documents that he is allowed to declassify. he's the guy that --
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he is the decider. it seems like they're trying a little too hard to find something, so maybe -- it's a little obviously trying to find something that ties into this january 6th think i don't have you heard about that. >> greg: yeah, yeah, yeah. if i'm ever in court, you're not going to be my lawyer. >> you're right. you're right. [applause] >> greg: amazing bass player for the vandals. you can have them all. your talent stack is impressive. jacket, do you have any fresh intake -- intake? any -- >> i'll take it from here. >> greg: thank you. >> kamala has not always been supportive of cops. cops. she's been unwavering in our support of copies and one cup in her cell. so we shouldn't be surprised that -- she takes whatever position as the most convenient,
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and you get a super passionate about it in this weird way. as if we don't -- weren't there for the other stuff you can even the britney granderson, which is like this is just a wrongful detention and so wrong that detaining overweight. you sent thousands of people to jail for marijuana yourself. i don't know, she's shameless. >> greg: she's shameless because big of shameless -- flicker that he is! take >> greg: care to comment? you been talking about this for hours. thank god nobody listens because they can stop it! stop at! >> greg: that was unnecessary. i know i apologize because i know that kamala speaks as if anyone cares what you just because she's so she studied for a covered test. [laughter] [applause] this is a real problem in our country. a real problem.
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it's very hard to trust the fbi period. because when their agents falsified documents in the past to get a topic ago but now we are hearing rumors of nuclear weapons because they were given the affidavit because the affidavit would tell us specifics of the late nuclear factories in figure one, nuclear sounds ominous and buys them to be a good too, liz cheney is that properly told her mar-a-lago has weapons of mass destruction. >> greg: nice. yeah. right. got other stuff to talk about. fun stuff. up next women get selective
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[laughter] the article also blames women is ridiculously high standards, like wanting men over 5'7". [laughter] i agree. psychologist greg matos blames dating apps and higher relationship standards adding women are increasingly selective because they prefer men who are emotionally available. good communicators and share similar values. i bet he's single. he just describe the friend zone. never get out of there. as for dating apps, 62% of all users are met, so women say that there more more of the paper giving them more options for all i can say is thank god i got out of the dating game before women realized that self worth. they also found that women are more choosy, except that they only choose the same people over and over. that's great if you're me, but what if you're jimmy? [laughter] it's amazing he can find the will to live. i guess you can't buy that at goodwill. >> hey! >> greg: hold on to
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quit just shows men really had it easier in the preinternet days because you made how your parents that you're going to marry and if you're lucky, your wife's family give you a free goat. although i do feel bad for women nowadays. ♪ ♪ >> i'm at a point in my life where i know what i want, to find it very attractive one man is emotionally available. >> that quit because steve and i are having a great time. >> steve? >> my best friend. he comes with me everywhere. he thinks your great. [buzzer] >> it might be cliche but communication is key to a successful relationship ago what is that you doing? is this morse code? is that a "yes"? [buzzer] i think you'll find a connection if you listen and you share values. i care about my family, saving the ocean, and present living. >> i just got a new pokemon.
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squirtle! >> it can't get any worse. [buzzer] , no. [cheers and applause] >> greg: so, you're the closest one year to as being single. >> i'm actually married. >> greg: i said closest thing in age -- >> it's okay. take it again. >> greg: people thought a dating app would actually help but in fact, what it does is it focuses women only on the five or 10% of the men because you don't learn about their personality or their charisma. all you do is go by looks at that has become what's happening as you're getting a large group of men who are being excluded from the dating pool because they don't have the game on the dating app. isn't that interesting? >> i never really went by looks or status to question what treated horribly.
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he always think if you take an ugly loser, he'll be nicer to you. it into true. sometimes, they just don't communicate at all. i had the comments are breaking up with me, he told -- he messaged my friend on facebook chat and told her to do it. then he had another friend gave me my stuff back. and like, i do understand the increased efficiency of outsourcing, but the man was in his 30s. so it's tough at. >> greg: it's tough. you know, joe, you and i are similar in age, early 40s. do you remember the good old days of singles bars where if you want the best looking either, it was like the woman give you a shot if they find you a clever. i never had a problem because i was 800. but you're probably 6, six in
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africa >> i was a 2 with being in iraq end. >> greg: it just seems very entire mail, this whole thing because this will be the first serious subject but at. this is actually -- this is actually a big problem. these kids -- and i don't think it just this generation, to further generation to the fathers are old enough to have been a mumble mouth loser that wasn't raised properly like you and i probably had it kicked out of you if you don't act like a mantra, these kids don't act like a man in the women are finding out and they can't get any dates because they don't even want them, you know who's really mad about this is the left because it led to a recent decline in abortions. [laughter] >> greg: joe! going dark fast! jimmy, we know man live longer
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and healthier when they're married, and if there is another, they get self-destructive. is this bad? is this a bad thing that was in? >> i don't know. i think you're overthinking this. when it comes to dating, everyone is attracted to energy. kick off the trip were attracted to. to make the point, every woman has left a 10 behind at the bar to go home with a 6 because there was something about him because i only know that because i was the 6 in this instance, you know what i mean? they've algorithmed dating to the point where algorithm dating doesn't work because you're literally looking at boxes and algorithm bigots or niche topic you can find a dating app are or anything because they have an app for people who like indian food book great light a i'm just saying. >> i don't believe that. required. you're banging on a dating habits because you have an advantage because you can order of the kids menu.
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>> greg: talking about food. broke! broker, what you make of this? first, i'm so thankful that i'm just old enough to have never had to use a dating app. i've never used one. thank god. really, what impressed upon me in this story was just how unfair life is for women. even feminism and women's empowerment has a downside. we are empowered, we are smarter, we have higher standards. therefore, we have a smaller pool of men because obviously, the average intelligence of a woman nowadays is much higher than the average man. [cheers and applause] life just sucks sometimes when you're -- >> greg: my science beat yeah
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science. iwatch "review." coming up, cnn says adios to the guy who made zoom u level up u won't take a time-out one dose of ubrelvy works fast it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours without worrying if it's too late or where you are unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u learn how abbvie could help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ you ain't seen nothin' yet ♪ ♪ b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet ♪ ♪ here's something, ♪ ♪ here's something you're never gonna fff-forget, baby ♪ get a dozen shrimp for only one dollar with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. ever leave your clothes in the dryer and find a wrinkled mess? try downy wrinkle guard fabric softener! wrinkle guard penetrates deep into fibers, leaving clothes so soft,
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wrinkles don't want to stick around. make mornings smoother with downy wrinkle guard fabric softener. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember.
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>> greg: cnn says goodbye to the man with the. cnn legal analyst jeffrey toobin's parting ways with the network. yes, it appears -- relax. it appears they told him to beat it. [laughter] uh-oh. sorry. it was a long time coming. he definitely had a hand in his demise. lets hope it gets a better grip on his personal life. than perhaps, his departure could be viewed as a stroke of luck. >> please stop. thank you. kind regards, god.
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>> greg: sorry, got. upon his leaving, i tweeted, "france, i've decided after 20 years, it was greatest in my last day on air with pals wolf anderson and don." i'm sure they were stuck together like the pages of his employee handbook. but how fitting that his cnn carrier also had a happy ending. i will, for one, can't wait to see what he take a whack at it next. he continued, "love all my former colleagues were caught from an xbox, but the oklahoma city bombing, coming in 2023 from simon & schuster." well, thanks for the advance notice. like your co-workers, we hate surprises. but when asked what he'll be doing in his free time, he said he's really looking forward to spending more time with his hand. [laughter]
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joe, thought? >> is that the racist that dedicated an entire book to blaming ufc football star o.j. simpson of murder? >> greg: i don't know. >> is there a way to really? that makes racist? okay. i didn't see that angle coming. >> used up everything. [laughter] >> greg: speaking of, jimmy, do you got anything? >> listen, i don't know what he's going to do next. i had heard it was going to get a job at a petting zoo, but he keeps a the monkey, they want higher. >> greg: i'm just trying to add that i could go on all day. for real. they thought he was going to retire, but then he decided to stick it out for another year last year. >> greg: that was good. >> and then they wanted five, but the guys got a lot of pull.
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>> greg: brooke, i think the difference between biological sexes is that this is what we were doing when we had this topic, but you properly didn't come up with these pants. >> no commercials and finally got off. [during] i love is to it, because it's like i just came back from vacation comment by the way, i'm leaving cnn and here's my book, and nothing to see. i didn't impregnate my college daughter and offer to pay for abortion. it's just he is so disgusting. >> greg: to think that was the big story, and in this companies like -- >> he still got back on the network! what did he do now, two years later? >> greg: cap, what your take on this? because i'm sure his book about the oh, city bopping will be enough to restore his legacy. [laughter] no one is ever going to remember
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about anything else. he should stop doing stuff. i am sorry for your loss. >> greg: i'm the true victim here because i lose another content provider. i sympathize with them. hasn't accidentally left something on or whatever? >> toobin is even given fox employees of the shaft. >> greg: with that, taxes won't go far when trash can cost more than a car. [applause] one prilosec otc in the morning blocks excess acid production for a full 24 hours. unlike pepcid, which stops working after 9. 24 hour protection. prilosec otc one pill, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written prop 27, to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless. but read prop 27's fine print. 90% of profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us.
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>> san fran new trash can. texas goes testing out six new trash cans, the most expensive one costs 20 grand, took four your stomach -- what say you? >> they don't realize the same we'll real problem. if people aren't concerned about using the toilet, they aren't going to be concerned about using a trash can. [cheers and applause] >> greg: you could live in this, you live in your car. >> i consider this progress, only san francisco elects trash.
8:55 pm
you've been there, it's going through it's behind the music phase. the artist let itself go to your account on some level, this is embarrassing. >> greg: you can't send a whole city to rehab. will this solve the city's problem? >> with this type of ingenuity, they are going to solve the homeless problem. reinventing the trash can, $20,000 later. >> greg: add a little sex appeal to throw away your trash. when they are digging through the trash, it looks more appealing, is that what it is? >> it's a photo op. most of the people in san francisco are worried about dancing around hobo diarrhea. they never even make it to this but it's still expensive, it's throwing $20,000 away, where would you put it? >> greg: you can't throw away the money. you know, hobo diarrhea was my prague metal tribute band to
8:56 pm
abba. it's all versions of the mamma mia soundtrack. you can find it on amazon. let's bring it to number 1. don't go away, we'll be right back. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage... choose safelite. we can come to you and replace your windshield. >> grandkid: here you go! >> tech: wow, thank you! >> customer and grandkids: bye! >> tech: bye! don't wait, schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
8:57 pm
8:58 pm
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9:00 pm
>> greg: out of time, thank you, studio audience, your awesome. shannon bream is next, i love you -- i'm greg gutfeld. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: welcome to fox news at night, i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, the department of justice has returned at three of former president trumps passports, two apparently expired seized in last night's raid to. she thinks overreached by taking items now listed on the unsealed search warrant. >> it goes to show how
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