tv Hannity FOX News August 15, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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the weather, to be precise. as far as weather since hq. y well,ou time if you watch n one thing though, in the next week, we're not just selling products here at all.d you really w should watch a new documentary, cattle mutilations on fox nation. itel is absolutely mind blowing. we'll be back tomorrow night. eu we cannot wait to see you that.e in the meantime, here's on it. all right. and tucker,ea welcome back. good s to have you and welcome o hannity. and tonight, while presidentgo u biden lounges on the beach in kioa and south carolina, we're now tracking multiple breaking stories tonight, including new developments m from the shooting death potentially caused by alec baldwin t. c haveba more hypocrisy on climate change, this time with private jet hollywood's hypocrite leonardo dicaprio. what do you hear? what he did. and a shocking report fromed minnesota where one teacher's f union would decide to lay people off based on their race regardless of their seniority will tell you
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that story. av and later, we'll showe you how one brave good samaritan took matters intoma his own hans by chasing down a violent robbery suspect. but first tonight, tensions remain very high . only one week after the fbi's raid on the forty five president's home, mar a lagoen. un now this unprecedented search and seizure has further eroded. sadly, many americans trust inth the fbi and the doj and it's now causing the outrage all across the country. make no mistake, the fbi has earned their shattered reputation. and tonight we're going to break down very specifically why why conservatives and trump supporters and many republicans no longer trust what should have been and should be and can be and once was the premier law enforcement agency iner the entire world. lety me be clear and this is a very important criticize, rising and questioning the atrocious behavior ofio the upper echelon of the fbin is not in any way, shape,
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manner or form a call to violence. just today, fox news is learning that former president trump directed his team to reach out to the department of justice. the message donald trumphate will do whatever he can to helpe our country because, quote, the temperature has to hgh be brought down. president trumpon t is righte on this program. we totally condemn all threats against the fbi and every otherf member of law enforcement. if you watch this show, we are t consistent. nohere doubt there are cops that are bad apples. we saw that in the george floyd case . they commit crimes. they abuse their power the abuse their power enemies. those people mustth all be held accountable in a court of law. and that would also apply to bad apples in the fbi. os now, sadly, that almost neverha happens if donald trumppp or a trump supporter is the targetl of the abuse. for example, t take a look ater former fbi official peter struck. think deeply about this. go back to august eight . t 2016o struck girlfriend top fbi
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lawyer lisa page absolutely terrified the prospect of a trump presidency she attacks peter struck her lover, her colleague, quote, trump is not ever going to become president. right? right. struck response. he's not. es we'll stop it.pono het, said that, as he said, all of that is a top fbi official, one that worked directly for the top leadership in the fbist then a week later struck touch that quote. i want to believe that a path that used for a while foron consideration and andy assumably, andrew mccabe's office, that there's no way he gets elected. but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it's like an t insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before forty . so a top fbi agent with an insurance policy will stopin to thwart the will ofe the american people and ensure that one candidate can never win a free and fair election in america. by the way,, where's that january 6th committee looking into this issue now? insurance
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of course, the insurance policy was none other than the russian collusion hoax. peter strug became the lead p investigator into this bogus conspiracyhe theory. his bias was clear . it was. obvious his mission is political and yet struck. he never, ever faced legal consequences. it's why i often say we don't have equal justice or equalf application of our laws in america. icaany longer. that is a sad thing to say, but sadly it's true. struck ends up with a book deal . is anti trump fbi girlfriend, got hired by msnbc, struck himself, has received numerous invitations to appear all overr cable news, including this morning he was on with liberal morning joe , our old friend. take a look. it's not that the fbirg is targeting any one side or the other. bi what you see is the fbi going out on the day in, day out basis, objectivelyje investigating allegations of law. ctthe guy that said we'll stop it, we'll stop at the fbi, will stop it.
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and if your plan doesn't work,ha we've got an insurance policy. we've got an insurance policy. the lack of self awareness there. it should seem shocking to everybody. but keep in mind, neither struck nor his superiors at the fbi, none of them have ever been held accountable. for example, peter stroke's boss andrew mccabe also was very open about his hatred for donald trump. mccabe, along with jim comey. we know he hates trump and sally rod rosen's fine. er they all signed off on either the fisa warrant or the three subsequent renewal warrants. in doing so,so, all of them lieo on an application that atn the top of the application says verified that they verified the information. we now know none of it was true . all of the information that they use was unverifiable. asbecause it's all been debunkec they committed fraud against the court of law, no equalca justice or application of our laws. e nobody was held accountable. the evidence they used use wast
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neither true nor was it verified or verifiable. rifithe bulk of the supporting material in each of those fisa applications was that woman hillary rodham clinton's dirty russian misinformation dossier that she paid for. they were warned that the dossier was filled with salacious campaign oppo research, including russian disinformation. and it wasn not to be trusted.d. therebe were worn by even bruce or in august of 2016 don't use it. anyway.t and they swore in a court of law that it was verified because as mccabe once admitted, they didn't have that dossier. they weren't going to get that fisa application approved and they were desperatend to spy on the trump campaign at that particular time. and the trump transition team and later the trump white no one was ever chargedh with lying to the fisa court, even after they all admitted, oh, you know, y well, i guess if i had to do it all over again, i wouldn't do it.
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and if i knew now what i should have known, then take a looku. e if you knew then what you knowra now, would you sign the warrant application in june of 2017ga against carter pagein? no, sir. if i you knew then what you know now, would you have signed the warrant application. no i would not. knoi believe he didn't know tht what you signed was wrong. the question is ifyo you had known you wouldn't have signed it. is that correct? nono, i that it containedld incorrect information. i suppose at the time, knowingnw then what you a know now about all the things that we've defined, would youha have still signed the warrant application against carter page in october, january and april? i no, w i would want a much more complete understanding of whatng we read . very much.lld . so they're all admitting that they said they signed a document that has verified the word verifiedhe the top was not verifiable, not one person i held accountable for what is corruption and an egregious
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abuse of power,he especially not the patron saint of the fbi. jim comey himself, after getting fired by the former c president comeyom, of course, leaked privileged material to the new york times through a friendhde in order to smear donald trump. of course, comey homeas has nevy raided by the fbi, by the way. neither was hillary clinton's house in chappaqua and she grossly mishandled classified informationshssly, then attempto cover her tracks. she d deleted thirty three thousand emails. h nobody had ever heard of bleach. bleach. what it is now. comey gave her a free pass then, even though he found evidence of serious crimes, including that the fact that her servers were hacked by foreign entities that putoi our country at risk. our country at risk. hillary. take a lookary.. rs secretary clinton'son use of a personal email domain was both knownasas by a large numbef people and readily apparent. she also used her personally email extensively while outside the unitedde states , including
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sending and receiving work related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. given a combination of factors we assess, it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clinton's personal email. un hostilet. regimes had access to top secret classified information. she allowed that to happen and she was not held accountable. so let's be very clear here. ifon you're hillary clinton and put your country at risk, you're going toif get a free pas if you're jim comey . en highly confidential government material to a friend, to the media mob, you get a free pass if you're a high ranking trumpeting bureaucratrt lies to a fisa court, you'llet also get a free pass if you'reo a top fbi investigator who vows to use his power to stop a free, and fair election will stop it.l we've got an insurance policy. you'll get a pass also if c you're hunter biden, you canin sell access to the federal government, to china, to russia,a, to ukraine and even t implicate your own father,
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the big guyhe over and over again. and you're going to get a pass no aurally morning raid on hunter biden orth joe biden. thatn will probably never happed despite the prima facie case i against him. and if you're joe biden, you can leverage one billion taxpayer dollars, get a ukrainian prosecutorye fired who is investigating your crack addicted son who is making millionsan fir of dols and he had no experience with ukraine, oil, energyy, gast whatsoever. nothing is going to happen. on the other hand , if, you are a conservative, watch out. if you're roger stone, you commit a process crime. you lied to congress. you're going to get a massive predawn raid.ra gunsid drawn frogmen in the watr complete with fake news. cnn cameras tipped off to be there at five forty five in the morning and film all if you paul manafort and you commit a fair violationt, a tax violation, again, hardly crimesr that are dangerous todl society another massive predawn raid, guns pointed at a your face, your wife's face followed by months of solitary confinementt break you.
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by the way, his new book, you should read it. it's calledd political prisoner ..e on t it's out,he by the way, tomorrow paul manafort will be on the show tomorrow. you needu to read that book. n ifav you're peter navarro, youch get charged with a misdemeanorah . youac get shackles at the airpot for a misdemeanor, handcuffed, e thrown in jail,d the same cell that john hinckley was thrown and the guy tried to assassinate ronald reagan. now even the 40 foot t president of the united states , he has been targeted by an early morning raid. and nottn' only did agents showc in force, guns drawne, to the former president's's home, but they also demanded that the security cameras be turned off and they even blockedes the president's attorneys from observingid the search. forervingid the search. how many years have we fought for body cams on police to keep everybody honestt? y why wouldn't you want the surveillance cameras kept on anything you're hidingei tonight? congress has t a duty to holden the fbit and the department of justice, those people at the top levels accountable.
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instead,ma top democrats in instead,ma top democrats in cheerleadersch. just listen to the congenital liar himself. adam schiffenit. if if the trump people represented that they provided allat the classified or national security information and didn't, that'sioon a serious problem. i could tellin you com anyone in the intelligence community that hadd documents like that marked top secret fbi in their residence after authorities went to themm , you know, they would be under serious investigation. you meannio like hillary?why taa oh, that's right. she's a democrat. about her when it comes to donald trump or trump associates? it's always guilty until proveni innocent. and that congenital liar, by the way, doesn't care about evidence or truth. he just wants to smear slander, besmirched donald trump everyy single moment of every day. now, of course, for m years, a media mob has always beenlw more than happy to give that liar a platform to spew even more lies. here's a quick reminder. s donald trump is someone who hasw
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shown when he's nothe held accountable, he goes on to commit worse and worse abuses of power. so i agree with george carlin,h california. i think there was evidence that the former president engaged in violations of the lawngaged in and that should be investigated . have the president of the united states engaged in a shakedown of a foreign president of the unitedpr states even as he is withholding vital military , askingolding vital military a favor of that ally to investigate his opponent. i've been v very clear over the last year or year and a half that there is ample evidence of collusion in plainio sight i. i can certainly say with confidence that there is significanthe evidence of collusion between the campaign and russia. there is already, in my view, o ample evidence inn the publicf domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it. >> young adam schiff is a disho, corrupt, congenital liar,
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political hack. but sadly, many leaders in the fbian are just mirroring the kind of destructive, unethical behaviornd o him. let me be unequivocal in my statement. we don't support violence as conservatives. we believe in law enforcement, law and ordererva and safety and security. and weie believe all law n enforcement needs toeep be protected. we just want youing to stop givg us reasons not to trust you,yo your earning distrustu' by allowing all of these peoplea that are corrupt and have abused power to get away with it. the director, ray, clean up this mess. stop t treating conservatives one way. democrats another way. that would be a great first step and then get rid of the bad apples at the top of your organization. punish the people that are corrupt, punish the people that abuse their power because it's tarnishing the reputation of the 95% of good agents that a serve this country with honor i and distinction. and it's unfortunate that most
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of us or the most inclined to revere law enforcementev now hae a deep distrust because of the actions of a few. and you a haven't cleaned it up. and now with more, editor in chief of justice news.comto john solomon with some breaking news tonight. john , what do you got? wlisten, for the first time, we have confirmation that the fbi and the justice department believes it over collected evidence when it was atvi myelogram, collected evidence that was not covered by the search warrant. tonight, ght i have confirmed fromhe two different sources that the justice departmentt calledrm president trump's defense lawyers today confirming that they did takee three passports. they are making arrangements to send it back , saying they're obligated to return it becausef it's outside the scope of the subpoena. they have also informed the defense lawyers the justice dee defense lawyers the justice two days that there's likely privileged materials that privileged materials that to be segregated and returned . be segregated and returned those privileges canly be attorney client privilege or more likely executive. now, this is remarkable.
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i talked to a lot of fbi peoplem today who told me this warranty was already remarkably broad. they basically go in and get can anything look likeo a presidential record to then collect something like a passportll, which most agents can recognize pretty quickly or qu raisednize pretty quickly or concerns among career fbi officials. you're going tobi see some of them quoted in my story tomorrow about just how this raid was conducted, sort of lack of precision that was carried out during this. you know, john , i'm looking att all this and you and i covered this whole story about corruption at the upper levels of the fbi director . ray was supposed to clean it upd . why didn't he? it's a great question right there. i think a lot of people i talked to say if you don'tco have accountability forn the people who did it before, u you never clean up the system that comes after the temptation to do these things,gs to go overly broad to cheat on on a warrant or mislead a court or mislead congress is high because really no one paid a terrible penalty for what happened during such
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a collusion. and i think most of the experts i've talked to in e the last foo or five weeks, areur we back at another point that looks like russia increased either saying yes, that the basic rules are not being followed even the fbi has a good reason to look for something. the rules aren't being followed. and i think the reasonething ise really hasn't been a consequence for cheating or breaking the rules in the mostos recent past. well, we will we will stop. and if your plan doesn't work, we've got an insurance policy. nowe penalty. solomon, editor in chief, just thank you. joiningt us now is the attorney for president trump. lindsey halligan is with us . a lotsp of very specifically, ae there other items that you named besides the passports that were taken that shouldha ? at were taken that shouldha that's the thing. we don't't know exactly what they took. we've asked multiplepl times for we've asked multiplepl times for what was taken, but the inventory they gave us is borderline worthless. it doesn't say wherees the documents are located, what
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specifically was taken. now we know they seized his passports, two of which were expired and they gave them to his attorneys today. so he'll have them soon. but we have real concerns in terms of whether they were right to take certaings. things. the department of justice is not communicating with us as to whatt the evidence is and what their intentions are. but we will continue to try to get to the bottom of it. the department of justice r clearly has different rulesul fa donald trump than anyone else out there. the whole system truly doess suffer when they write different rules for different people. why wereer you and another attorney, the president denied access to watch what was going on and who specifically were on and who specifically were the surveillance footage? they didn't give us the reason they didn't give us the reason inside the property. i even tried to get in the proper just for sake of airu conditioning because it was like ninety five degrees
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outside and they were there from 10:00 a.m.00 to six thirty, i think. n but they wouldn't even let me stand inside the property where they weren't searching. they asked president trump and i think his managers to turn off the surveillance which they didn't. right.n: okay, we appreciate you being with us. thank you so much, president lindsey . thank president trump's attorney joining us with more reaction. more reaction. eric , , you were with your dad that morning. that day w a week ago. let's k go through what you knon and now these new developments. and now these new developments. back and look att the six yeare history that i just laid out here. i mean, you have you a guy by the name of peter struck saying we will stop him. this is inin the summer of 2016 leading into your father's election. pla then if your plan doesn't work then if your plan doesn't work we have an insurance policy. it's like if you're
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unlikelihood that you - die, if you're 40 or below 40 .eo hepl actually said that none ofs these people that sign these fisa warrants were ever held w accountable. how do we how can we say we have equal justice in this country and all those people got away with it? on we catch on because we we don't. and you know,,ne the one thing i'll tell you, it caused the greatest fundraising. my father'sy poll numbers havet absolutely gone through the roof. they're not even talking about of.y're not even talking about republican candidates because they have all kind of disappeared. they're not even inndi the equation i.. me i mean,nt last night i had an argument between two people in a restaurant who are trying to buy laura and i dinner to apologize to what you know, for what the united states government has done to our family. sean, i mean, you wouldn't believe the energy out there. i've been through all ofll these firestormsar over the years. i i'ves never seen america more mad than it is right now. more mad than it is right now. can cry wolf. people arere not buying this people arere not buying this they see the weaponization ofey
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the fbi. they're cal calling it the polie state in this country. people get this for what it is on the you know, they've removed the wool from people's eyeses and people know exactlyal what's going on . they're targeting donald trump. they're targeting hisd family.i they're targeting everybody around him. they're targeting his lawyersm. anybody that's close to donald trump, anybody who's effective, they're targeting right now.ex and people understand thisac for exactly what it's worth. all of the names of all the people that signed the fisa warrant. i read i the text of peter struk and lisa page. i readeter a list of everyry conservative associated with your dad and predawn raids ,guns drawn in some cases, the media tipped off so they can capture it all on camera at five forty five in the morning. how convenient. enient. and now you're on your own father's home. has been raided and they just started taking boxes out randomly and going through melania's wardrobe apparently as well a. and the question is , back in june, your father offered to
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give them everything. isn't that true? the room that they asked him toe padlock, which he agreed to? yeah, that's exactly right. now, my father has in so cooperative. i mean and that's what doesn't make sense to the whole family. my father said anything yous guys need, let me know anything you need. you know, letkn us know. i mean, the lawyer when i first told him about this, he goes,'t i can't believe it's like weio had the greatest relationship with these people. your father literally was with them in earlyopleur, by th. they put him on and eat it all. you let it know and we'llnd give it to you. they put that in writing in february of last year. thaof this year, february of ts year, they said you've been soe. cooperative. so this really isn't about isn't this really about a fishing expedition? shjanuary six taxes or anything else? you know, if your father spitt on the sidewalk, isn't that whatth really looking for? t absolutely.he it'sar a fishing expedition. i mean, they pulled the warrant on friday. they didn't actually execute the water warrant until monday. so. when i hear about these nonsense speculations abouton
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nuclear codes, okay, so, youle know, fbi agents were so busy on a weekend that, you know, over nuclear codes, they waited for days. it'sdays. sean is absolutely fishing. and you. know what the exact's tsame playbook that they used for russia, the exact same reporters are being leaked information that were used as the sources for the wholeho russia i mean, u go line up allrt the reporters who were gettinger inside information, unsolicited information during the russia hoax. eo they're the exact same peopleea that the fbi areki leaking to now. it's the same reporters reporting on the same thing, the same story. they're going to our friends ind the democratic media who are effectively the lobbyists arm ofemwho the democratic party and they're leaking stories about donald trump. they'retories about we're 90 dat on from the midterms. well, not if not surprising. his timing is not surprising and it's backfiring on these people s. y will youou you still have the surveillance tape, is that correct? will you are you allowed to share that with the country? absolutely.
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john .as at the right time in your body cam point wasason spot on . that's why cops were body cam. y they don't tell you to turn off cameras. they want transparency. and that's not what happened here. they asked for the cameras tohe be turned off. they asked ford the cameras to>> be turned off. wow. all eric trump, unbelievableh times. thank you for being with .po when we come back , more outrageous hypocrisy. kamala harris, we've got toon also information about the mar d a lago raid. you're not going toru get anywhere else as we check in with trump attorney allena halva and greg jarrett straight ahead. to secrets that conspiracy to conceal the truth began. can't afford to try to control the world with help from the devil and some exclusive
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struggling vice president kamala harris, who said this on fridayy about the mar a lagoi raid. take a look. i will say as a former prosecutor but as aos citizen oz our nation and attack on law enforcement are completely honestst c, acceptable and any so-called leader who engages ing rhetoric that in any way suggests that law enforcement should be exposed to that kind of danger is irresponsible and canes result in dangerous activity. >> wait a minute. she's probably talking >>e' about herself. take note.he beware. they're not going to stopth the rioterse in the summer of 2020. they're not going toin stop. they shouldn't stop. we'reop not going to stop. taketa note. beware. all seems to go against her own behavior. oh, and then of course tweeting out a bail fund foror the riotes because that's what she r did id the summer of 2020. and by the way, none of that brought about any extra peace over timext anyway. t for some example, the minnesota man that was freed by kamalaka
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harris is back. riet bail fund was charged with murder last year and it was harris herself who said nationwide demonstrators are not going to stop here on thismn program. we condemn all threats of violence against all law enforcement and all rioting. you have the five hundredef seventy four that nobody nobody in the in the left pays attention tot the ones the media mob told us were t mostly peaceful that killed dozens of americans and caused billions americans and caused billions and thousands of cops injurednd with bricks and rocks and bottlesps i of molotov cocktails. here now is donald trump's attorney, ilina. how along with fox news legal analyst greg jarrett, who by the it has a must read column on fox exposing ag garland's dangerous behavior. let's talk about the doubleom standard aleena. i i gave g a whole list of my opening monologue tonight. if you're conservativee or treated one way, if you're donald trump or a trump supporter, you're treated very different way. here's a vice president lecturing us and she herself is telling rioters they're not
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going to stop nor should they stop. ng she's the one promoting a bail f fund for the people involved. so we supposed to really listen to her. where's that investigation, sean? if you use your first amendment right, we're going to come right, we're going to come a domesticic terrorist. ep i just want you to be prepared so you and i are going to sharea a jail cellre. that's basically what she said. you know, don't disagree with us or we're going to come after you. this is not americanyo. on this is not american. when arere we done with this? everybody needs to get on the same page, cut the garbage and realize what has happened to our country. sore losers cannot punish the right side of america because we see the country for what it is we are failing. inflation is high.nflation i trump is leading the polls.w if he quit tomorrow, this would all be done, sean. this would be done. i tell him all the time, youou want to be done, you want to fire me, get rid of me. m saye are not running. you will not leave lawyers anymore. you'll be done. sick versionhe
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of our country i've ever seen. honestly, you know, greg, weho followed all this closely, thise whole russia collusion narrative. si we've seen all the raidsio on conservativesn and none of the people responsible for lying to fisa courts. none ofno the people responsiblp like hillary clinton, you know, classified documents, emails, by the way. thirty three thousand deleted thatt w would be called obstruction where i grew up. never any, accountability. there's no rage. they've had hunter biden's laptop for two yearsvi. . we know there's evidence ofli crimes on the laptop. we know it implicatesca his father, the big guy, and nobodyt seems to care aboutha that. greg jarrett, because there's no equal justicece under the law that's engraved on the pediment of the united states supreme courthe. merrick garland has seen to that and so does christopher wray in the fbi wray in the fbi forgive me if i just don't trust the fbi that performeded the warrant on on trump's home.o the fbi has a longra
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and disgraceful record of lies and concealmentce and concealmentce you'll recall that ann fbiyou'lr lawyer literally doctored evidence in order to gainnt a warrant to spy on the trump campaign. the fisa court exc created the fbi when they discovered it and banished all fbi officials from ever appearing before them. those that were involved, t the inspector general of the doj then conducted an exhaustive investigation going through hundreds of similar cases and found a shameful pattern of lies, manipulation, concealment, by the fbi in order to secure warrants to spy and to seize documents. take a look at this particular warrant that was served at trump's homee. g it is a general search warrantt. which is most often held to be unconstitutional. warrant unconstitutional.
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constitutional warrants are supposed to be narrowly confined specifly places toc search and specific items to be seized. this was a free for all go on in there, grab whatever you want, turn the place upside down, ransack it . g, ransack it and iar think that was the whole purpose of merrick garland and the i fbi to go in there and try to find something, anything to implicate donald trump in any conceivable crime ,perhaps some imagined seditious conspiracy recy related to the rioters on january 6th. that's the truth of what's going on here, i think. and thatat wouldhe be the prettf all this, allena , as the president's attorney, do you m want the affidavit of merrick garland to be madeerade public? i know the president has said he wants everything made publict . absolutely. i want toe. see what is there. t don't forget we have the hillary suit that we're still pursuing. we have motions to debatee we sm
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dismissed pending. i want toi know why rosensteino like why shift why all thesed actors are held to a different standard thanfe republican .in i am sick and tired of seeing the constitution be used differentlytl depending on your politics. that is anti-american. i want toopo seei what's in that affidavit, what the basis was when you have a cooperating, cooperating president who had no problem letting you into his home h twice before. two months what is your justification for a raid two months later and three months after you get the warrant with a judgege who recused himself fromat my hillary case? i want. toll understand that. all right, alina, thank you. greg jarrett, as always, thank you. straight ahead tonight, a majore update toad alec baldwin saga nt good for him. plus, the left's climate hypocrisy at an all time high . the latest culprit, leonardo dicaprio, this is interesting information. we got kayleigh mcinerney, monica, probably they will weigh in straight ahead. flashing like they really get your attention them and you
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headlines anytime anywhere. fox news on your own. america is listening to now. tonight a major new update inat the fatal film set shooting a surrounding actor alec baldwin hill with the very latestct on christina coleman. christina, what do you have tonight? hi , sean. well, ann fbi crime lab test indicates that the gun that alec baldwin wasas holding when cinematographer harlina hutchins was fatally shot could not have fired unless the trigger was pulledhe. that determination clearly contradicts what alec baldwinin said in his december interview with abc news. well, the triggerabc wasn't push and pull the trigger. you never pulled the trigger. no, no, no, no. pi would never point a gun toat pull the trigger. i'm never. that was the training that i had. >> you don't a want to go to spain and portugal. baldwin p attorney tells us tonight, quote, the fbi report is being misconstruedt. the gun fired in testing o only one time without having to pulle the trigger when
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the hammer was pulled back and the gun broke in two different placestwo, the fbi wasn't able o fire the gun in any prior tests. even in pulling the trigger because it was in such poorr condition. we're alsoco learning tonight that new mexico's office ofe the medical investigator has ruled the death an accident after reviewing autopsy and police records. hi now since the shooting happened back on october 21st,pe new mexico's occupation health and safety bureau slappedhon the production company behind this film rust with a fine of c nearly one hundred thirty seven thousand dollars for firearms safety.,000 for firear,000 for firear investigators are still trying failures. investigators are still trying o to figure out how live rounds set john .ut how live rounds we need to get to the bottom ofa it. christina, thank you for that report. now also developing tonight,ght, more alarming far left climate politics surrounding areasporro movie star leonardo dicaprio as a new report finds n that dicaprio's nonprofit dished out grants to dark money groupsun which then funnel funds tods a law firm heading up nuisance
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lawsuits against oil companies. the climate litigation and dicaprio's arrangement specifically raises a wholedi c host of legal and ethical concerns. but hypocrisy and bad opticsma are nothing new for thisvi climate activists because while dicaprio and others preach a low carbon climate friendlye, lifestyle, their actions tells a very different story going back years. dicaprio, the likes of john of john kerry. others jet-setting on their fancy private planes while telling everyone else they gotpl to cut back .eht for example, you might rememberh e the story from new years back when dicaprio actually celebrated twone new year's eve and one year one in australia, one in vegasau . . consistently year in and year out. and by the way, i don't have a problem with it, but stop lecturing us . why is itit you know, there's always one rule for r the far left elite, one rule for the rest of us here with reaction outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenanynyco, ay with former trump treasury official monica crowleyon.
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you know, i look at this. he also we found this year we've seen vacationing on a three hundred and fifteen foot super yacht which reportedly produces as much carbon from sailing seven miles as the average car does in a t he flew from miami to f new york and back in a single dayy is hosting a fundraiser with sean penn. then of course, we have the bige new year's eve extravaganza when he did finally fly commercial to attend a climate summit in scotland last year made headlines so and i can keep going. i have a lotad more examples of leonardo's hypocrisy. how is itf you know, how do they rationalize this in their minds? you know, they're funding this while living this lifestyleng and as they're saying, directeo quote from leonardo dicaprio that climate change is the mostr urgent threat facing our entire species. that is quite a claim. that's a superliga suggesting climate change is going too essentially kill us all.
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it'ss the most urgent it reminds me of what leftists do through all of time in the late, great rush limbaugh always exposed it. e rememberxp he said ted danson in nineteen eighty eight said in 10 years the oceans are going b to rise. we'll all be gone.ego i'm paraphrasing that it didn't1 happen because 1998 rolled around and we're here. and then al gore of course said seven 2006 that of course said we were ten years away from climate change irreparablyes causing harm and destroying us on russum ball at the top of this page put a climate clock for ten years and then 2016e rolled around and we were still here to tell the story. and that was the year president trumpea became president. soti it's just interesting. the hyperbolic claims that areet better than butted up againste better than butted up againste . what would you expect anything more from the hollywood elites? monica?m the hollywood elites? maybe my favorite is when he flew from france to new york city on a private jet to accept an environmental award before reappearing back in france the next day
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back in france the next day a ride with a private jet owner who happened to be making the same trip. that's a nice rationale. that's a nice rationale. yeah, and of course they do b get away with it becauseec they all have the protection of the press, which never questions were investigates any of this. you know, sean and kelly, we talk a lot about k hypocrisy and of course this behavior is hypocritical. but the left doesn't really care at all about being called, hypocrites. care about the charge of hypocrisy again because they're a protected class. but moreover, thiss is about hierarchy. this is about the political r and cultural ruling class inul the west, in the united states taking full advantage of all the privileges afforded to them while wanting to deny those to do so while they're getting around the world and on their super yachts and enjoying life. they at the same time want to restrict your mobility, your ability to drive aab
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combustion engine car where you want when you want your ability to fly wherever you want, whent, you want. so for them, this is about yes,e there is some top line concern about climate change, aboutt the environment for that for w sure. but what it's really all about, guys, is that the energy sectore overall fossil fuels overall, it's really the biggest lever available to them to reengineer the entire capitalist systemm, the entire free market system. so that's why they constantly attack well at the same time taking full advantage of it s both of you dead on the money. great calls. caylee mcinerney, thank monica . thank you. all right. m comingng up, more left wing insanity in your schools. you're not going to believeve this one . what's inn the latest minneapolis teacher's union agreement now? should you be able to fire people based on tenure, based on years experience or should you be able to fire them basedd on their race class?
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info for dog. all right, here's our video the day. look atrant your screen. a restaurant owner in los angeles is being hailed as a good samaritan after he tookk down a suspected d robberd who attacked an elderly man earlier this month. rthe thief, who is believed to be homeless, took the victim's phone and wallet and broad daylight when restaurant owner tim radclyffe chased him downn and held him before police arrived. about ten minutes later, the lapderrr. says there they a2 adding two hundred00 more officers to the hollywoods division as crime continues to c spiral out of control. well, maybe if kamala harris didn't praise the defunding of the lapd, maybe we can protectt more people. of course, it is onlyisy the latest example of far left
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policy failures in major cities as residents in urban precincts all across the country continue to suffercinc under far left fad leadership. for example,,le minneapolis, the teachers union there has reached a new agreement which stipulates that white teachers l have to be laid offai first regardless of their seniority. what appears t to be blatantly racist and unlawful. here with reaction now, founderc travis atleo to point out throw. i don't know, leo. me that's simple. basic, fundamental discrimination one on one racism one on one . yeah. for thirty years i've been fighting for equality of the civil rights attorney and that's inequality that's backwardsequa. you'rere 100% correct. it's racist. it's discriminatory. it's illegal and it should be invalidated immediately. i read what the union said.nts t they said they want students to have teachers that look likee they're wrong. need need teachers
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who will educate them, agitate, not wha what they look like. it is insulting that people ared going to be judged based on color and more importantly, some color determines qualifications or, war, skill,ex talent, experience, professional. this is basically an extrememe leftist socialist agenda on this equality critical race nonsense. yes,e illegal and should be invalidated immediately. this would be instituted utilizing racism. cly yeah, of course it would. and i agree with everything leo said. look,, the foundation of the democrat party now is two things, sean.racist, it is everything is racist and america is an awful placeic that is basically everything that the democrats believe. and if you drill down t essentially every policyha that they advocate for, that's what it is at its essence, it's wrong. we're going to see a supreme court case this fall that deals
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with meritocracy versus affirmative action actually focus to a large extent on asian kids. and sola what we're going to se, i believe, is we're going to move back towards equality and repudiate and reject this idea of equity which has taken over. ifif youyou notice, they don't k about equality anymore. they talk about equitynoon, whih is a fundamentally different notion. and so the democrat whi party broken at its core and this is perfect evidence of it in a city that has been riven with all sorts of flaws associated with attempting to be as woke as they possibly can in leo as a lawyer. why would they open themselves for such a clear, clean discrimination lawsuit that will cost them tens of millions of dollars because they don't care. logic is out the window. they are trying to and io read the article, they're trying to make this a national
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modelsod. it's going to get stop at the first doorstep. the one last pointt is the assumption that people of color got shortchanged. i have a bachelor's degree. i haveer a master's degree.av i havee a law degree. it what is the color of a teacher was irrelevant. it was whetherleva that teachers competent. and i'm thank you very much. i don't need to see a color fora a teacher. i want to t seehe the skill set. but it's insulting to every african-american or any person color. n but you need a person of color to teach you. i rejectyo that. i would imagine a big lawsuitcl last ten secondsay. th yeah, 100%. leo.ch00%. i went to public school here in nashville. i had phenomenal teachers who were black. i had w phenomenal teachers h who were white. you know how many times i thought about the race ofr. the teacher? zero i thought about are they making me order? that's what every parent caresen about. i was always thinking how hardt. are they going to make this tests? i don't feel like studying thatm hard. but anyway, leo, thank you. thank you.
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this is hq, right?right, unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank youyohe for beg with us. you make the show possible. thank you for that.o please set your dvr so you an episode ofr dvr so you hannity. in the meantime, let m not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham. the ingraham angle is nextxt to take it home and she's got r a killer show. sad at thisw. point in your career that you don't live in watching, given what a wonderful what a wonderful, totally aboveboard process we have in our government? right. . and no, there's no selff dealing here in washington. it never happened. it's you know, we both live inck a sewer and a swamp.ew i'm stuck in new york and you're stuck in the swamp there. it's something's got to change s it got to change tone with that entourage. get right s int to the car. move fox>> down t
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