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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 17, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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possible. we hope you'll set your dvr so w you never missilu ne an episodef hannity for news any time fox, news .com, hannity, .com. p don'tau forget paul manafort s new book political prisoner. i couldn't stop reading it. i read it cover to cover itan is phenomenal. you can get it in bookstores everywhere. i and hannity i think you'll learn a lot. n in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura's neck. she's got a killer kick show tonight. you and they a want a lot of political prisonerss out there.e a fewy they want to visitas a political place. you don't know you're on the list. you're way ahead of me. and when i say to the people who don't like me, get in line and it means that anyone we don't have we've we we get asea much hate and threats as everyone else. weab justou don't talk about it. i mean, you want me to give you the list now? and those are just from me, hannity so i want to talk. g
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all right. thanks, hannity.g nei got to go . right. went got some big news, i apparently. all right. thanks so much. i'm laura thisra is ingram angle from washington tonight. my angle in just a few moments ,but we begin with a fox news alert. all right. to be on primaries tonight, wyoming, where polls have justt closed and never trump her hero. liz cheney may be headed forer defeat in the house gop primary. and in alaska, voters are stills deciding the fate of senator lisa murkowski fox as chief political anchor bret bearch is at the big board. with all the details bret. hey, h laura . good evening. it looks like a very bad night for liz cheney in wyoming. let's start this house race again, primary where the trump backed candidate harriet hageman has a big lead now. and remember, this is early vote coming in around the state. there's only one congressional . strict heree but the vote that we're seeing traditionally the trump backed candidates have done better
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with the day of election day vote . hegemann is winning with thes early vote in all of thesed counties. as we break downn the countiess and we get them in, this looks like an overwhelming win as big perhaps as those early polls had it. one poll had a 30 points. another poll had a 20 pointsin coming into todayts as these numbers are coming in, shaping up, we couldld be seeing an official very soon for hageman in this race. i and it's interesting to see if you look at the races we're following tonight, you have wyoming, obviously,om and you. have alaska. this is you look back at the races we've been following of the 10 house republicans who voted to impeach donald es donald trump. youu h have the retirees, you he the congressmen and women that lost their primaries and a couple that won. a but tha liz cheney looks like se
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is heading to a loss and perhaps a big loss tonight . she was hoping thathe there woud be this crossover vote with democrats. there was an appeal in recent days to get that democratic vote crossover. there has been a registration shift since january to and you can see democrats downns 9000, republicans up 19 , 20 suggesting some shift over to vote in this primary. however, there's nowhere near the numbers needed to make thiss all come together. we also mentioned the other race we're following in alaskare . this is lisa murkowski, the senator trying to hold on in primary. d however, it's different here. it's ranked choiceits in alaskaf so people will vote for the tope four candidates and even trumped backed candidate, she bufka,li is while she could do well, she's likely going to be one of several that move on ,r including senator murkowski. the other race is obviously former governor murkowski.
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obviously one the senators who voted to convict donald trump in the senate. the other race is also ranked choice. this is to filld the special election for the seat off don young who served in congressved for forty nine year former governor sarah palin baggage that name. his brother mark begich was a senator. democratic senator. this is also ranked choice, but there are two elections. one is the special election to fill the seat until january . o the other one is for the primaryy which goes to the general election in november. so we'll follow this will probably we going to get those results until about 1:00 a.m. but again, the big is that liz cheney looks w on the way to defeat.e we could have an official announcement in just a few minutes. you you know, i forgot until just this moment that murkowski voted against kavanaugh. that was ano another big deal fr a lot of the conservatives. so that was also, i think, a marker in this race. do you agree?? yeah, i agree.
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and she has managed in this system to go to a general election and have the backing. she has obviously a nament recognition in alaska and theyly vote differently there. but for standard conservatives and especially for trump world, she's on the target list as farr as trying to get her out of office, i don't think this primary is going to do it. and the general election, she: seems well positioned for that will be following. thank you so much. chewe'll check back with you.g and given the news out oft wyoming, we just heard from bret, it's fitting that you, dearly beloved, are gathered with us tonight as we mark the passing of the anti trump gop establishment, now defiant until the end, the pro war pro-china contingent, it's finally being laid to rest . and of course, whenever trump republican blew the media to go into full mourning, we had to look at republican voters thisrating bloc in
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country here today is a day as crazy as it mayay sound that we could look back in american history. august 20 22. if there was one resistance republican that did everything she could to take it to donaldy, trump, it was liz cheney and she is on the brink of potentially losing. you're talking about a change republican party. thank p is a change. republican party. my gosh, grassrootsmy republican voters, they've been working to bury this failed bush-cheney dynastybu for yearsl but its defenders, they wouldn't relent. they wanted revenge against the man who called them out and whom the voters supported. we all know about the stages of grief. some still accept to well, they just refuse to accept cheney's impending loss. well, i thinkg it shows that the party's in a bad place. look, we arelo standing up i against evil. liz cheney is standing up against evil. she hasas fought a valiant figh.
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her fight is not overha regardless what happened. and itnk think it says a lot ab: the party. yes, it does say a lot about the party, atem that the voters have actual common sense. they know that their survival, america's survival is at stakeln . liz cheney is not part ofti the solution. on parshe's part of the problem she's taking her eye off the ball and she's lionized by the press for her anti trump crusade. joe biden is robbing us blind. and speaking of fights, cheney was mia biden's big signing ceremony for his paxon's bandod climate bill today brought him b back to d.c. between vacations . soor for selling out his state f west virginia senator joe manchin , he gotot the big door prize. well, that plan cost about ten dollars. the legislation will cost
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seven hundred and thirty nine billion. it's going to further erode cer our energy independence by choking off our oil and gas industry. it's also going c to make everything more expensive by raising corporate taxes in the media. they'reor ducking coverage of one major part of this legislation. now see if you can figure it out. here's the associated press. n what's in biden's big bill ?l? america's biggest action ever on climate change drug cost cap. hmmm, what about cbf biden signs inflation reduction act into law sealing m major democratic victory on climateta health care and taxes.xe huh?de i wonder. i know prominent mention of the army of eighty seven thousand new irs agents that are hired. look into the fine print to see fin that the law as to raise a whopping one hundred and twenty four billion through tax enforcement measures, meaning the irs is coming to harass not just the rich but hardworking
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americans who actually support themselves. butmss b who can't defend themss with expensive lawyers and accountants. it's where was liz on this outrage? even jake tapper had to call out the fraud and the laws. major selling point.. democrats keep calling thisra the inflation reduction act, but plenty of experts say it's not going to reduce inflation. why is it being called that? first of all, this is a huge accomplishment. we've never taken on climate change at thiss scalell and investing 60 billion into environmental justice. i wasn'tio part of the namingad naming squad, but i will say that the bill is going toco reduce costs forns american consumers. that is an important idea. >>ot but that's not what b inflation is necessarily. i take your point. well, if you lie in the title lie and the substance now remember, none of this would have happened ifappe it weren'tr the same gop establishment that theseted cheney all years when senators mcconnell, blunt, cassidy and othersccsi
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idiotically agreed to support biden's phony infrastructure bill earlier thistr year, they opened the lane for reconciliation to be usedo for today's greedy act tax nightmare. so the old guard thought that they claim to be so muchma smarter than the populace. the america first. but they were totally had by the democrats. and now by getting ready to send liz cheney packingketi and choosing real conservatives in other key midterm primaries,i the voters are saying they've had enough and that it's time to bury the tragic bush-cheney era once and for eternal rest grant onto them. oh, lord , joining me nowme is joe kent, an america n first candidate who just defeated incumbent congresswoman jamie herera. butler in washington. s just like liz cheney, she was v one of the 10 house republicans who voted to impeach donald trump. also joining me, charlie hurt,so fox news contributor and opinion editor for the washington times. joe , as i mentioned, in my eulogy, this is a referendum on the gop establish and the
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gop. you know, the gop hasn't lost its way. f i think it's found it in america first, we're probably going to hear from liz cheney in a matter of moments from her campaign headquarters. >> your reaction tonight? well, it's great. congratulations to the people of wyoming for gettingto t one f the biggest neocon establishment right, that we have. and it's a great thing they got rid of her in a very big but he said this is a referendum on the failed establishment thatn referendum began in 2016 with the election of donald trump and establishment republicans did everything they can becauses of their corporate greed to suppress america first, to trysu to suppress donald trump, to includepp t working against him during the administration and then these 10 voting for the future to president trump. t and they thought the base wouldi just go along with it because are not informed. but b the base has been incredibly awakened, especially since e 2020 .se and that's what we're seeing is one after another we're getting rid of these voterre
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traitors and we are going to bring the america first movement to the forefront of the republican party. so they encourage the major of the establishment to get on board with america first is the future of the republican party. >> charlie, it is something, is it not to see the once greata bush cheney legacycy and dynastb to justar completely embarrass themselves? i mean, there's just nohe learning from what the electorate want electorate wants. they just keep insultingey the electorate, you know, and you go after barack obama, the biggest cause for the rise of trump was bush-cheney and their inability to realize what the regular electorate wanted and specifically the regular conservative electorate that they were not that republicans were not down with open borders. they were not down with playingi footsie with china. w they were notit down with these endless warss and they refused
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to listen to those voters. lut interestingly, those voters were incredibly loyal to t bush and incredibly loyal to cheney and of course, liz cheney. it'shehe just so remarkable. of course, you know, the only reason she has this job in the first place is because sheac rode her here daddy's coattails and his and her family name into this into this and then for her to turno on voters who are trying to explain to her no, this is all wrong. you know, the trump agenda,t the america first agenda is what we believe in. and for her to react in thisly way, it really is . it's astonishing. and as remarkable as this is , if she does go down in flames the way she looks likewy she will in wyoming tonight, the larger proof thatro the america first agendaof is is is the future and that the trumpre agenda is winning is candidates like joe kent
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and all of these candidates across the country who are winning even maybe candidateses who weren't endorsed by trump but who are running on the america first trump agenda. that's the victory for conservatives fir and republica. hey, l joe . tonight on msnbc, adam kinzinger, who's also on his way out. well, he had to continue to watch this your dad'sou republican party anymore. this isn't a party that'sbl committed a truth.t this is a party that'sed committed to conspiracy. but i worry about. is the nexten generation of people that have just been elected. they're going to be here next year. they do believe these conspiracies. >> that's very frightening. tjoe . in other words, you're very frightening. well, the establishment should>> be scared because we just had t a massive referendum and we aree going to change things. this this cannot be the party of anarchism or liz cheneynd and all the rest that just go on there to go along toea get along to really just t service bychkov opposition to the democrat party. de to be on those of
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us who took out these impeachment voters. it's going to be the leaders that we already have in the america first movement to really go tomo war with the bidn agenda. because, look, the bottom line is the other side,id the democrats, they are inre lockstep, they're unified. they don't have any divisionsth and they have control of so many different aspects of power and they're willing to use it against us that if we don't get in line, start fighting t back with the template that presidentve f trump gave for us, then we are going to fall by the wayside and we're goinged to be picked off one by one by the national security state by the democrat party. so it's timeepo to unify and get serious. now, charlie are going to put up that screen again off the little smattering well-wishers for cheney and jackson, wyoming. that's teton county, the most liberal county, of course, and the only liberal county in wyoming and just a smattering , not too many. and then in cheyenne, of course, is where harriet hagemanrs fairly sizable crowd is gatheringab and you see
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liz cheney walking up. she's sure going to address the crowd and we hear that g she's going to give a speech that's not just n a simple concession speech, charlie. i imagine it's going to be more about we've only just begun. you and of course, her minions in the press or have alreadymo begun promoting the speech. it'steee going to be about democracy. alaura . so just sit back and learn from the expert on democracy. c yeah.ha soot charlie, in other words, what just happened in wyoming? does thatt not count as democracy here or it's only when trump loses. that's democracy. right? exactly. because because, you know, let's not forget what these people are still so enraged about is not the trump presidency. it's 2016. they're stillll trying to undo the twenty sixteen election because they and ofctio course,
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they do it by accusing everybody else of hatingha democracy when in fact they're the ones who hate democracy eve they can tog undermine it. and joe is exactly right., way, the victory today and in november isn't winning the election, isn't winning control of the house or control the senate. victory is is taking back control of the federal leviathan that has gotten so far out of control that it took somebody like donald trump to come into washington and identify the problems thatve only then will we have victory.> well, so l again, we're going to wait her weight, her big speech . we're going to she's going to speak any moment. but joe , again, this is what the people are clamoring for.. they want government off their backs. they don't need eighty seven thousand irs agents coming acrossgent after the middle class. they want an end to these wars of choice. th they want the border enforcedag and they want wages that keep
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pace with the cost of living. that's not too much to ask. and that's what donald trump delivered before this pandemic. we were number one in the gdp for the g7. it looks like liz cheneypr is approachingoa the the microphone. so we're going to take this in just a moment. prolonged hugs. but joe , that's what the people seem to want and i think we're going to go toep liz cheney. let's dip in and see familyon especially wonderful to be heref on the beautiful moeed ranch. and thank you so much, brad and kate, for that wonderful introduction. we really are in god's country and it's wonderful to welcome so many here. i want to say, first of all, a special thanks to every member of team cheney who is here inn the audience and to tell you our work is far from over. among the many, many blessings that we have as americans
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and as individuals and as human beings, the blessing of familyth is surely the most important. or and so i want to thank all my family and pay a special tribute to thosebu who were here with us tonight. my mom and dad, and lynnech cheney, and my husband phil and four of our five kids are here, katie and gracieon and philip and richard are allig here tonight. and elizabeth is starting law school today. soay we'll have another generation carrying on dedication to the constitutionon and tove our freedom. a little over a year ago, i received a note from a gold star father. he said to me, standing up for truth honors all who gave all.
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and i have thought of his words every single day since then. i thought off them because they are a reminder of how we must all conduct ourselves. welv must conduct ourselves in a way that is worthy of the men and women who wear the uniform of this nation and in particular of those h who have given the ultimate sacrifice. this this is not a game every one of us must be committed to the eternal defense of this e t miraculous experimenthi called america. and at the heart off our democratic process, our elections, they are the foundational principle of our constitutionon. two years ago i won this primary with 73 percent of the votes i could easily have done the same again.. the path was clear , but it would have required that i go along with president trump, lie
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about the twenty twenty election. it would have requiredn. thatlde i enable his ongoing efforts to unravel our democratic system and attack the foundations of our republic. that was a path i could not and would not take. no, no house seat, no office in this land is more important than the principles that we are all sworn to protect and i well understood the potential political consequences of abiding by my duty to our republic relies upon the goodwill of all candidates for office to accept honorably the outcome of elections. and tonight, harriet hageman has received the most votes in this primary she won.he i called her to concede the race. this primary election is over,
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but nowbu the real work begins the great and original champion of our party, abraham lincoln, l was defeated in elections for the senate and the house before he won the most important election of all. lincoln ultimately prevailed. he saved our union and he defined our obligation as americans for all of history . speaking at gettysburg of the great task remaining before us , lincoln said that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died inn vain, on that this nation under god shall have a new birth ofe freedom and that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall notm perish from this earth. as we meet here tonight, thatd
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remains our greatest and mostmo important task. most of world history is a s story of violent conflict, of servitude and suffering. most people in most places have not lived in freedom are americans. freedomom is a providential departureiden from history. we are the exception we have been given a gift of freedom by god and our founding fathersa . it hast been said that the long arc of history bends toward justice and freedom. okay, welll liz cheney just>>iz compared c herself to abraham lincoln. so that kind of that kind of takes full circle.ou we'll go back to our panel. charlie, this doesn't surprise me, really. one , i mean, it's of course she's lincoln. who else would she be at thisl point in our political history? right. i mean, what we had it we hader a primary and she decided to go after trump. she thought she that was going
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to deliver her, i don't know,do onto a stage of gloryic and victory. and she got thumped s, thumped and one of the most conservative states in the united states where the cheney name was as goodod c as gold for decades and decades. and it's over. butt charlie, it's just begun. she said the fight's just begun. yeah. yeah. and not only did she give herself to lincoln, but she also invokedok gold star dad and claimed that she was carryingng out the wishes of the gold star dad,, which is just kind of i understand b why sheut does that. but it's it seems a little bit a little bit for a politician to do. but, y you know, and i sort of think it's kind of interesting that she's invokingthat the civl war, which of course on twitter, if a conservative were to invoke the civil war, they would get kicked off of twitter. i guess we'll sit back and wait kickse if twitter
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liz cheney off of twitter for invoking the civil war. yeah, l i noticed that as well. well, we. also have an interesting comment about this. jeff zeleny from cnn tweetedh, that before the speech he h said that it was going to be delivered in a picturesque spot outside of jackson veterans tv producer james goldston and adviser toit the january six committee and a film crew are on their here in wyoming as a friend of cheney joke that this all has beenll a production, has it not? this just like january six , they brought in the fancy producer for the most part. they still got lousy ratings exceptlo when they a few times they went into into primetime, it's been much a ratings flop for them. but they're still trying to produce this this lincoln. and jack. it's all it's all completelyt' manufactured.
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it's all made for tv. they want to make liz cheney into some sort of celebrity. i mean, it sort of seemed like she was making her announcement thatat she was running for president at some time in the near future and then just before that, charlie brought it up as well. and i'm a veteran. gold star husband. it's despicable for the cheney's attempt to wrap their greed and hubris in the valor of our fallen men ande womenn.. the death of the bush cheneydy dynasty really just shows thatna people that they've set off to go and fight in these wars, that they only benefit from t that we are now taking controlol of our country. and if it's a civil war they want, we're going to fight a political civil war. we're going to fightn the republican party and the deplorable are taking over our government and we don't care what the cheney's the bushes have to say about it now. and so it's over for them. im. they don't know it yet, but-- charlie, i think we also should note that i don't think she said she actually congratulated harriet hageman did, didn't she? she c said she called her and se won. butt i don't believe did she say the word?
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there was no magnanimity coming from lincoln. blipped stoodod up tonight. . no, of course not. no, of course not. but also, you know, i have to say that all the film crews in the world trying to promote her for a run for president. vi they're not going to help her any more than kevin costner's endorsementnt in wyoming haplotypes. i forgot h that i forgot about the kosner endorsement that that really worked well here. yeah, that didn't work at all. all right.. we're going to have more on cheney, but wepp appreciatere yu joe and charlie. thank youch soa much. but there's a lot of other stuff we have to get to. ha we'll get back to that whent appropriate. you all have that told me you wanted me to focus on on this show is what's happened to our work ethicd in the united states . so here we are, the war on work. that's the focus of t tonight's angle. th all right. the left ruins everything it touches. they go soft g on criminals c.
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they villainize law enforcement. now we have a major policeav officer shortageta across america. they left wing nutut bags run our schoolss. then they institute vacs mandates. they go soft on student discipline studede. >> and now we have a major teacher shortage in america. come congratulatee. today we learned that two million students have left the public school system altogether between 2020 and twenty twenty one . that is staggering. and it's noter just that nobody wants to work in these toxicox environments. fewer people want to work at all. and again, thanks to, the left, liberals loved remember the covid lockdown's. they're paid to do nothing, loved it. ordering from yubari, zooming happy hours, playing online games like clipless or warng zone, binge watching tiger king on netflix. that was fun. so f many people were vegging ot in front of the screens for so many hours a day they even had a name for it. coronest dream and they marveled
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at how wonderful and near total economic stoppage was for the climatequ. ifif there is a silver lining to this crisis is visible ine the skies above china, falling pollution levels brought about>> by lockdown's may have been shining an impact s on the sunshine. wild animals are now roaming city streets. how do we make sure ur the pollution levelse aren'tra rebound? all right. the branch davidian, they wanted to changeps the american psyche and in many, ways they succeeded. ts students are suffering fromar loss, learning and new anxietiesni. employers are suffering because they can't find workers. and many of those who do show up, they're not happy. i recently learned about this term called quiet quitting ndere you're not outright quitting your job, but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond. you're still performinggu' your duties, but you're no longer subscribing to the hustle culture mentality that work has to be your life. r the reality is it'sea not. and the truth is the persons is not defined by your lover. his masculinity.
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maybera it doesn't define you work, but your paycheck should maybe be defined by how much you work but prolong shutdowns and liberal work from home policies give a lot of workersr the notion that staying home was now there right. and who can blame them after all? nancy pelosi, speaker pelosi, the ultimate queen of entitlement and privilege. she's allowedeg house members tt vote from home since the spring of 2020. this proxy voting scam was supposed to expire last week, but oh, man. just extended it for the 18th time, of course, because of health emergency. same emergency, of course, didn't stop her from traveling to taiwan or to italy. and it's certainly not dangerous enough to cancel congressional baseball game. i love baseball with season ticket holders have been forever and this game is so great and people are so nice.ea that's what makes it great. so let's competitive and it's h
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great to be hereer and have a little fun. ut now we're hoping for the mass there, but no luck just on pelosi had her beauty parlor opened for her blowouts during the lockdown's. remember, rules and expectations do not apply to them. >> do you think that any of your colleagues are using proxy voting as an excuse to get out of showing up to work? no, i think so. youau know, august is usually a time for us to be in our districts behind closed doors and or, you know, if we t choose to take a vacation with our families or something like that, august is usually the time for that augug. la that stuff is usually planned way in advance. so i'm sure there were many things that people couldn't reschedule and that's why we're twog it for the last years. what an example these peopleme are setting for america. grocery store workers, airline employees, they have to shows, p ,but the people's representatives can't be bothered. the swamp strikes again. oh, and federal workers, you're going to be shocked to know t this. i know they don't want to show
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up either. oeithe office of personnel management even pushed telework and their recent guidance. opm doesn't care about how telework affects the people who are paying the actual bills, though. yia few have you tried to call c a medicare office lately? alquestions about your passport renewal nightmare storieses thee . but again, remember the bright side. if no one commute's the plan, it's going to be cleaner. yeah, but the progressives didn't anticipate the unintended consequencespater their green giddiness here. what did they think was goinge. to happen toth subwayey g and un life when fewer people actually commute f into the cities? even a small dip in ridership on the subway could send mass transit into bankruptcy. asthere's also a sociological aspect to the sweeden likelo obsession with work life balance, says cultural observer malcolm gladwell. h it'sar very hard to feel necessary when you physicallyne
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is connected. i know it's a hassle, but like ,youu know, if you work, if you're just sitting in your pajamas in your is that the work life you want to live? if we don't feel like we're part of something important, what's the point t? us it's not, you know, just doing this to get it. if it'schec just a paycheck, thn it could be a it's like then what have you reduced your life to? but the just refuses to think about any of this in a rigorous way. they just declared that a four day workweek is smarter and better for the climate, but have they stop to ask that with more long weekends? won't americans just choose tow travel more ? how is that good for the planet? p the fact of the matter is what they really want really wanto is for businesses to have no choice. eventually the angle could see government mandates that force workers to stayanda home or at least a certain percentage of them. me cited as aill be reason to take away your freedoms here. it's a climate emergency.
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it's a racism emergency. it's a health emergency. if it means making you poorer or lowering your standard ofod living, gutting america's productivity, so be ituc. it's not like the elites are going to be inconvenienced by any of it. what they've done to our public schools or public safety, our borders and our energy independence. they've done to our american work ethic. butca wen can turn this around. we have to by refusing to sit back and wait for someone else to do the hard work of savingt what we love about america. and that's the angle.g joining m me now is texas congressman roy, who's pushing to end the proxy voting that i just told youvo about. congressman roy, it'se a complete scam. even congressman bowman admitted that people were usingu it to go onsi vacation. so do you have any doubt thatus pelosi is just going to keep extending thist until she's no longer speaker at this point? we're going to be on of course,
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that's what she's going to do. we've had members of congress, both from both of both in their pajamas. they showed committee hearings on the screens that we watched wearing pajamas last friday. i was with my family on vacation, a rare breakak of t my family. and i wento to the airport, which is evana occluding. nd and i got out and i did my job. unfortunately, one eight of my colleagues did not. that is over one third of the so-called people's house. peopleortantly, when go up and they vote by proxy, they're lying. hey they are signing a form sayg they're doing it because of it. buti you and i both knowno virtually all of them, ift not all of them were lying when d they said it was due to koven. i think that's a problem and ik think it sends a very bad message to the american people. yes, i oppose proxy voting. re i thinkpu we should end it if republicans are in charge. i also think we should pass legislation to fire bureaucrats ,the bureaucrats who aren't doing their job. jintroduced a bill to do and finally, republicans shouldn defund the bureaucracyde.
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we should fire the irs agents. we should fire the fbi agents who were using authority. wens should fire the dhs goons. we're going after border patrol instead of securing the border. let's do our joble. congressman, i havee to ask you about wyoming. we're watching harriet hegemonst victory speech tonight. we may have her on in a few moments, but liz cheneymo actually got up and essentially compared herself to abraham lincoln who decided it was time she, like lincoln and lincoln sl moment, had toin bring the country together and put country before party givenpa her quixotic revenge campaign against donald trump. your reactiontrum to that tonign >> well, i haven't able toit hear. so they didn't prepare for being on your show, but i caught a little bit of it. and lookoo, the declaration of independence is very clear . the government derives its power from the consent ofve the governed. the people of wyoming spokernrn tonight and they spoke because
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they want the agenda that s they saw in terms of draining the swamp. they didn't want more of the swamptore. that'sdo i think what this boils down to. history has a way of cleansingd all of the noise. and when history is judged, when we look at this moment, it's about a change. it's about moving forward. it's about not 2020 two or 2020 four, but 2020 six . whenen america turns two hundred and fifty years old, are we going to liveo free or are we going to continue to fund the bureaucracy and continue to expandnd government at the expense of our freedom. it is time for a change thatpe is now and i thinkop the people are speaking across the countryr and this is one example ofie it. i hope mitch mcconnell is watching tonight because is over.cheney era congressman, thank you. masses now. okay, no joke. >> i'm going to explain next. angie, you are not going to believe what i am going to show you right now when a group of
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but now the real work the great and original champion of our party, abraham lincoln, was defeated inin elections for the senate and the house beforeo he won the most important election of all. lincoln ultimately prevailed. he saved our union and he defined our obligation as americans for all of history . abraham chaney there. that was hery. concessionch spee just a short whilech ago. w joining me now is charlie kirk turning point usa founder, author of the college scam. charlie, you know, this is live tv. wheni' t i'm changing the topic right on the fly, it's liked the good old radio. as you heard liz cheney on the lincoln comparison. your reaction tonight wed may be joined by harriet hageman in a moment. but charlie, i was just i was just chuckling. i didn't know who i was listening to it first. and i said, it's that t liz cheney comparing herself too abraham lincoln is like, no way
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. are you kidding me? no. l really quick look. tonight is the fall of a dynasty. it's a dynasty . lv i thought themselves as an oligarchy, not part of our representative republic. it's the same thing that happened in arizona, same thing that happened all acrossmen the country. see the bush dynasty, you've seen the mccain dynasty. you seeee all these differenty types of dynasties that areth challenged by the people. and it's really interesting or the people that scream the most about democracy, they're not very good at winning elections when they're actually put ineo the hands of the people and i think, liz , t liz cheney is trying to turn a loss into a victory tonight. but this is a mass repudiation of dynastic, multigenerational rule of endless foreign warsdy f bad trade deals, of justle looking down on the american people. .laura , i thought your opening of the eulogy was terrifict and we'll see what liz cheney w does next.anan maybe wants to represent herer home state of virginia or become a k street lobbyist, but the people are back in charge in wyoming. yeah, i'm glad youou mentioned that. you know, virginia,me suburbs of d.c. because she does represent
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like fairfax county, virginia, shee she represents them really well because they're super liberal. butiber that's not wyoming, charlie. i mean, you and i, we hung out in wyoming not so long ago and that's just even in teton county, kind this kind ofis liberal there. but the rest of wyoming is just yeah, that's cowboy. that's classic america, right? that's exactly right.. and liz cheney was more focused on the january six committee going on cable television thanen representing the actual needs, wyoming. interests of and so you're going to seeim the media have a difficult time their newbecause narrative is that the right is anti democracy. you see in all their articles, it's nauseating what could be more democratic than goinger into a summer primary wheree one candidate has ubiquitousda name idug is the daughter ofha a former vice president, has more money than the opponent and then loses by double digits. how is that not dimmock received at its best? and you're right, they have a rugged independent spirit. they love liberty in wyoming and this is a great watershed
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moment. again, of people saying that they want to be back in charge to restoreto restore the consent of the governed and representative government only only in cheney's brain can you get thumped and then conclude from that that you'reth going to be the next president of the united states to save the whole country. oh, no, not the president. abraham lincoln, okay. yeah, sure. no, next surge in iraq is going to save iraq to charlie. charlie, thank you very much. and up next, the big winner ofan the night. we're going to talk to harriet harman who just beat liz cheney . and herer first stop is right here on the ingraham angle. we'll be right back . this was when i noticed how white my son's teeth were and how yellow men were. and i needed to make a change. my smiles, yellowish or dingy. and it definitely made me self-conscious. i can't magically become younger, but i can certainly
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tiamat at petrossian on . joining me now is harriet hageman, the wyoming congressional candidate who just defeated liz cheney. harriet, firstrr of all,ou congratulations. i remember talking to you before you decided you were going to throw your hat in the ring for real and now you got it, girl. you're the you're going to be the nominee for the party. i can't imagine you won't be the next congressman from the great state of wyoming. >> well, thank you, laura . it's wonderful to be back with you. we started t y this a year agoee about eleven months to go .he and here we are with all ofpe
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the hard work and the support of the great people acrossnt the state of wyoming and all of our volunteers and supporters. we've been able to succeed. did liz cheney call you and congratulate you? how is the tone of that conversationou? i haven't had an opportunity to visit with her. we have been kind of wrapped up in all of the stuff associated with what's a going on downstais with our watch as you can imagine, we haveai several hundred people downstairs ready to celebrate who've been celebratingra bee. and so i have not been able to even look at my phone. so i don't know if she's called or not. so i don'tee really have anythit to report on that. oh, that's interesting. did didid>> you happen to hear that part of her speech was a continued vow, harriet, to make sure, donald trump never stepped foot in the white house after what happened on january six , which was not, i guess not surprising that she said that. but your reaction she tonight?
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well, again, i have not had an h opportunity to even see or hear what she had to sayea because g things kind to focused on what's going on here. it doesn't surprise mee that she would revert to those same old talking points because that's really in large part why what got her defeated? she's not focusing on wyoming,. she's not focusing on ourob issues. she's still focusing on an obsession about presidentt trump and the citizens of wyoming. the voters of t wyoming sent a very loud message tonight. we have spoken and that is not what we are interested in in terms of our own congressional representative. h wyoming is entitled to have a representative that represents our interests and listenssiste to us , that i addresses our issues. that is it. t liz cheney and the fact that that's where she wenton back to with her speech tonight i think demonstrates she reallyt is listening to wyoming now. she has it for quite some time and that's why we needed to replace her. we need too have a representative in wyoming who listens to us .o and harriet, when i was lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time in wyoming in july,
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the things that i heard most t often from folks there werehe inability to get workers, f the cost of fuel and the cost of just basic living rent and food. no one was focusing on trump that i don't think anyone i talked to that wasn't top of mind. no inflation, illegal immigration and protection ofin our energy jobs are the issues that are the most important to wyoming and accountability. wewe actually expect our representatives to represent our interests. i said that a couple of timesha now, but that's what i heard so trail. the campaign so i'm excited. thank youhank for having us . it's it's a wonderful evening, : harriott. congratulations. weng can't wait to see what the future holds for you. you worked hard this campaignn. we really appreciate it. final thoughts on . yes. a historic night when we return ,jewelry the perfect gift the jewelry exchange has done advanced
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>> laura: it's called the house >> laura: it is called the house of representatives. it is not the house of rich kids
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who bought seats with daddy's money. you should speak to the district and liz cheney speaks with the d.c. suburbs and that is about it. but the cowboy state will finally have someone to represent and not someone to lecture them, not even a pretend abraham lincoln. that is it for us tonight, greg gutfeld and the gang and they are always hilarious, they are up next. ♪ ♪ >> carley: a major shake-up in congress as wyoming congressman liz cheney is defeated in a landslide by trump back to attorney hariet hageman sending another powerful message to the left wing of the republican party. meanwhile in alaska, incumbent lisa murkowski to convict president trump during impeachment trial last year is one of the top four candidates advancing to the general election


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