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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 17, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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# >> todd: a major shakeup in congress, liz cheney cheney defeated in a landslide by hageman. you're watching "fox and friends first" on a busy wednesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. cheney cheney decided to invoke the name of another prominent republican. >> speaking at gettysburg of the great task remaining before us, lincoln said that we here highly resolve that the dead shall not have died in vein, this nation
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under god shall have a new berth of freedom and the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth. as we meet here tonight that remains our greatest and most important task. >> todd: cheney. the power of the endorsement by the former president 182 trump-backed candidates declaring victory. >> carley: in alaska, murkowski voted to convict president trump last year is one of the top four candidates advancing to general election alongside kelly tshibaka and former alaska governor sarah palin trying to make a political comeback, she is advancing to fill the seat of don young.
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she's moving forward in the state's general election race facing three candidates. primary cycle continues. >> todd: i can't get over liz cheney invoking the name of the one lincoln. you just lost an election and b, you have more than half the country who doesn't like you right now. >> carley: 66.3. liz cheney big story of it is night and she raised $15 million, 96% from out of state money. she only spent half of it, what will she do with the other half? a lot of people saying she's running for president. who wants that? i don't mean to be rude, is she
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running as republican? she's clearly not a democrat? >> todd: getting the lincoln project, hates trump, wants to get rid of trump. she's said, i will get rid of trump at all cost, she gallon in as independent, funnel votess away and help on the democratic side. >> carley: trump's primary record 182 candidates won, 15 lost and 92% success rate. >> todd: murkowski is leading in alaska, it is a weird primary, everybody at the top goes to run off in november or to run in november. interesting to see if tshibaka funnels some people who may have voted elsewhere and interesting murkowski funnels a lot of democratic votes. house minority leader mccarthy
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hosting big news at his retreat yesterday including tesla ceo elon musk. fundraising set in liz cheney's home same day she was voted out of office, the tesla ceo split between both major parties. >> carley: and president biden taking the briefest of breaks to return to sign inflation reduction act. biden took time to pat himself on the back. >> president biden: president should be judged by words and deeds, not by rhetoric, but by action, not by promise, but by reality. the american people won and special interest lost. >> carley: the president took action by resuming his vacation, departing for delaware. and lara trump had this to say
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about the plan while americans pay it is price. >> lara: go from vacation to vocation and sign this bill to cause more hardship for americans, it is incredible, i've never seen something like this happen. if joe biden's goal was to do the opposite of donald trump, he is nailing it, my father-in-law was working 24/7 for the american people, here joe biden is on vacation. i'm sure his people are exhausted cleaning up the mess he leaves behind any time he takes the stage. >> carley: philadelphia school forcing kids to put their masks back on for the start of the school year. we'll talk to a mom who says her kids were isolated from class for not masking and she will sue over the mandate. >> todd: and wanting to strip george washington of his title as father of the country?
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governor youngkin not excited about that and here is how he's fighting back. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today.
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>> todd: parents aren't happy, philadelphia school district says it will require kids to wear masks first 10 days of the academic year regardless of vaccination status. this mom says her son with asthma was isolated for not wearing a mask. what will this mask mandate do to your son with asthma? >> hi, todd. nobody is happy about this mask mandate, there are a bunch of other moms who have grouped together to sue for mental health reasons and medical health reasons. my son has asthma, when he has a flare-up, he cannot read. he gets really hot. with a mask, no teacher be able to see that he's having a flare-up and basically isolated any kid not willing to wear the mask. >> suzanne, i was diagnosed with
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asthma at around five years old, i remember horrible nights going into the -- i cannot imagine trying to learn trying to put it all together. is there any way your son can get a good education in this environment? >> he is put in isolate inned principal's office, he was made to feel shamed and ended up wanting to wear the mask. >> todd: when you bring your concerns to the school, what did they tell you? >> at first they told me he has to stay home if he will not wear his mask. i said, will we be sent home? we have nothing available for kids who cannot wear the mask, but we can put them in the principal's office, he was in the principal's office for three
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days. >> todd: we're ruining our children right now after 2-1/2 years of this stuff. but mask mandate are being eliminated throughout the country, why is philadelphia different? why do they have a 10-day mask mandate for the start of the school year? >> we're trying to get to the bottom of it, the school district is blaming the department of health, but the department says they never made that recommendation and they blamed the children's hospital of philadelphia. we are trying to get to the root of who is making it up, we believe it is the teachers unionor school board members, which are not elected, the only group appointed by the mayor's office. >> todd: enrollment is down in
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philadelphia, where are students going? >> so either students are being home schooled with virtual charter schools, a lot of people moving out of the city because of poor management, poor city officials, poor leadership, that is where people are going or paying for private school. >> todd: i'm sorry, i know you care about your kid and you want your kid to be able to learn and grow and this is not good. thank you for your time, best of luck. >> carley: turning to meteorologist adam here with the fox weather forecast. good morning. >> beautiful across the northeast, the great lakes region today. there are plenty spots where it feels like summer, you will see across the south and western states. hate advisories stretching from
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florida to texas, where extreme heat up in the hundreds, record breaking heat across pacific northwest and see highs in california, getting into the interior pacific northwest, maybe high as 105 and 108, intense heat building. outside the region, it feels absolutely wonderful with highs topping off at 81 in kansas city. yes, it feels like summer in some spots issue there are other places it will wonderful. >> todd: it is fall in connecticut, pumpkin spice will pop up. >> carley: it is already pumpkin spice season at dunkin donuts. >> todd: nice tie, did you take
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it from my office? i have that tie. >> carley: you used to be office mates. a strategist grouping all republicans together with this inflammatory comment. >> they are a destructive force, they are domestic terrorist cell operating within america, their goal is to end democracy. >> todd: i'll bet he's fun at parties. speaking of fun at parties, jimmy failla is not a terrorist. >> carley: got audited many times wrongfully. and up to modee to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis and... take. it. on. with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue.
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>> todd: hearing on whether to unseal the affidavit that led to the raid on former president's home.
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>> carley: fbi agents did take former president trump's passports during the raid. good morning. >> brooke: the judge who aproved the raid of former president trump's home will hear arguments on whether to unseal the affidavit. judge the raised eyebrows with critics pointing to red flags. trump lawyer cites rheinhart's -- spreading the russian collusion narrative. lfrn to this. >> the judge is the same judge that recused himself from my hillary case a month ago. i would like to understand why you would ask for a raid with a cooperating president. do i believe this judge will reveal it?
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i do not. >> brooke: the doj could exonerate itself by -- >> why was it necessary? why after giving subpoenas? why wait three days over the weekend after you have gotten the search warrant? these are questions the affidavit may answer. i believe presumption of innocence, including with garland, the affidavit is sent ral clue point. >> brooke: trump says the department returned his passports seized one day after norra o'donnell reported the fbi never took them. trump suggests he has security footage of the search despite
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the fbi demanding cameras be turned off. >> carley: let's bring in jimmy failla. jimmy about the passport, a lot of people were spengalating -- speculating the fbi took them on purpose. >> jimmy: a lot of people in this country hate trump full time so they don't have to look inward, most rich, white liberals, they hate trump all day. people hate trump so much, what the garland raid represents take down trump. think how many spidermans they have been sold.
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when this fails, we get a reboot with leticia james. nobody can trust the fbi, how can you trust the fbi knowing they falsified documents to get him in the past. it buys them time, nuclear, must be a big deal. liz cheney's dad probably told them mar-a-lago had -- >> todd: get your white-out pen and redact anything that is sensitive, leave everything else and get a better sense. it can be done by any first-year associate, get it done. we will get funny again, one dnc advisor quoting swalwell, to bash all republicans this way.
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listen. >> my friend swalwell says you can't be pro-cop and pro-coup at the same time. they are destructive force in american politics, basically a domestic terrorist cell operating within america, their goal is to end democracy. >> todd: have you heard someone begin the sentence, my friend, swalwell, comedy buffet. >> jimmy: i was talking to my friend r. kelly -- good point. trying to score political points. they're a terror cell, doesn't get cheaper than that. they love to say republicans are pro-cop and pro-coup. no, we're not, we don't think january 6 is okay, we also don't think it is a coup.
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his lazy conflation, it is the joy reid show, mad lib, stupid social justice, white supremacy can become anything in between. he says they are pro life, they didn't sign the climate change bill. it doesn't save anybody's life, it is a sell-out to rich people. buy electric porsche for side check without having to dig too deep into his pocket. shut up, contradiction, how are you pro-choice but anti-death penalty. >> carley: leo dicaprio, funded lawsuits against big oil to save the planet, he emitting more carbon, 2014, six round trips in
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sings weeks between new york and california on private jet, took a yacht to the world cup in brazil and 2018, 8000 private flight to accept a climate award and another flight to switzerland and visited yachting and jet skiing with other celebrities. >> jimmy: that jet wasn't solar or wind powered, i don't know when 30 super models get on, i will go out on a limb and say, i believe some women coming on to his plane might have silicone in his body. i don't think he is like, get out. john kerry, wants me to have a plastic straw, he is inject tgs in his face.
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i don't buy it. >> carley: funding lawsuits against companies, one reason why gas prices are so high. >> jimmy: in the end, he's screwing the little guy. he is a dope. >> carley: it is easy to be a -- >> jimmy: never let go, rose, she knew he was a fraud. >> todd: upscale manhattan neighborhood 24-hour drug den where drug addicts roam the streets and it is on camera. >> carley: tackling a thief who punched and a robbed a man at a pizza shop next to his business, he'll talk about that crazy encounter. look at him just take that guy down. you're pretty particular about keeping a healthy body.
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>> carley: upscale manhattan neighborhoods being taken over by crime and theft. >> todd: mayor eric adams turns a blind eye. marianne rafferty has more >> marianne: users smoking meth
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and shooting up, residents are on edge and say it is getting worse. >> i would come home and they were on my front stoop. i was horrified, how was i going to get up? >> last week, i was gardening here and i tried to chase someone away who was urinating on a car and this person pulled a knife on me. >> marianne: drug users are set up in front of a school and parents are begging for help, asking mayor eric adams to focus on cleaning up rampant crime and less time fighting with governor abbott. "new york post" op-ed saying eric adams might win among dems for accusing abbott of lacking compassion, mayoralty and political future will rise or fall based on crime. guns, drugs reaching epidemic
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proportion, have thousands of migrantss here does not sound like a recipe for success. mayor eric adams blaming the change in bail laws for the crime. >> carley: check out this shocking video is that shows a hollywood business owner jumping into aksz and tackling a criminal trying to rob an elderly man who just bought lunch at the pizzeria next door to his business. he joins me now. tim, so glad to be talking to you right now, this video is something you don't soon forget, you took this guy down. bring us back to this moment. what did you see and why did you respond in the way you did? >> it was slow motion, i couldn't believe what i was
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seeing, ended up just running after the guy. i was shocked because he's been around the area and come in asking for food and water to my place and the pezerria, it was a shock to see anything like this happen. there has never been any violence, i was on top of him, he was pleading with me to let him go and he was really sorry, i told him, you crossed the line, you got to wait for the police and deal with this the right way. >> carley: we see the video of you tackling him, did police arrive? did he get arrested? >> after i tackled him, i ended up having to sit on top of him for 10 or 11 minutes until the police arrived and did crowd control and the police arrived and took him into custody. >> carley: unbelievable, were you scared or did instinct just kick in?
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>> i wasn't scared, i didn't think about it, instinct is the right way to say it. i jumped up and went after him, i knew the guy, his name was robert, that was attacked. >> carley: is he okay and did he get his wallet back? >> he got everything back, my girlfriend is the one that picked up the wallet and gave back to him, he suffered cracked ribings from the fall, he is bruised up and doing okay now. >> carley: this guy, just brazenness of this crime shocks you and it is caught on camera, he walks up to the man, punches him in the face and steals his wallet. this is one of the biggest tourist areas in the world. are these types of brazen crimes becoming more frequent or something at this level still shocking? >> something at this level every time is really shocking, it
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seems like there has been a lot of people in the area here to do no good and in this case it was somebody that has been around and i will say he was having a really bad day and desperate. other instances where it is scary at times. >> carley: crime is a problem, major crime up 10%, burglar up 15%, motor vehicle theft up 15%. something needs to change, what is it? >> i agree with you completely, i was meeting with district council members that just signed additional 200 police officers in the area, we still haven't seen boots on the ground. we were discussing how to make that signature he did to get the officers here to make that happen with the police. i hope that is sometime soon
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that starts to happen. >> carley: one thing we see in new york and california is that criminals are arrested and then almost immediately released, what are chances this guy who punched a customer will be out of jail? >> obviously that is an interesting question, i've done research on him and he's got a couple priors and had a warrant out for his arrest, he is still in custody, i'm really glad for. i was at court yesterday all day only for them to tell me they lost him, the last word out of the district attorney's mouth. >> carley: what does that mean? >> you know, i don't know what that means, i'm waiting for a phone call and hope to get to go back to court today and testify against him. >> carley: they lost him, sounds like he's back on the streets? >> that is what i was worried about and as soon as it was
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said, one of the guys said you should go back to your restaurant and make sure he's not hanging around there. >> carley: such a scary time, the owner of shin restaurant, i have a feeling people will want to come to your restaurant. sorry you have to do this, crazy this guy may be back out on the street. we'll check back in soon. this story is wild. thank you for joining us. >> todd: wow. you have to be a linebacker. >> carley: he did a great job, he shouldn't be put in that position. president biden returning to washington between his back to wack vacation to spend $739 million of your money and he's calling it a win despite the impact it is expected to have on your taxes. >> chief financial officer jimmy
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patron says the bill is a disaster and he's stepping in to protect the small business.
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>> todd: virginia governor youngkin calling out state department of education, considering no longer calling george washington the guy on the money. >> carley: this is happening in virginia, cheryl casone, fox business, has more. >> cheryl: this is interesting, governor youngkin blasting department of education for trying to rewrite history. youngkin says i believe we should tell our history accurately, the good and bad and part of history we'll tell is our founding fathers, including george washington and madison and patrick henry, played a role in founding of our nation. the department says the proposal
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was inadvertent error. citizens of michigan wanting to see crime come down, see cost of living managed better and saw that in virginia lasts year, making the comparison between the two states. >> todd: truth coming out joe manchin. >> cheryl: he's got a zinger, senator manchin all but admitting inflation reduction act will not relieve inflation in the near term. >> it is misleading to call this inflation reduction act for americans when it will not make -- >> why would it, immediately it is not, we never said anything would happen immediately, like turn the switch on and off. >> cheryl: president biden signed the bill into law on tuesday, he also took a nice
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swipe at republicans for not supporting the bill, but republicans of course as you know say this will not do anything to help inflation. >> todd: why would it? it is called inflation reduction act, that is why. >> carley: thanks for letting us know after the ink is dry. so much bad news, you feel like going to the beach. >> cheryl: you should both join me tonight on fox business, for american dream home. cocoa beach, florida, leaving snowy colorado winters and going back to hawaii, a successful san francisco lawyer looking to find a peaceful place to work remotely and make space for his family and he wanted his mom to enjoy the hawaii an lifestyle and it looks like she is. american dream home tonight on
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fox business. >> todd: president biden taking aim after signing the massive $739 billion inflation reduction act into law. >> president biden: president should be judged by words and deeds, not by rhetoric, but by action, by reality. american people won and special interest lost. >> todd: jimmy patronis joins me now. why do you say florida will become a target of the irs now that this thing has been signed? >> 87,000 new irs agents will be hired. wealth has moved to florida, 23 billion dollars of new annual income just last year alone moved to the state of florida. california has lost 18 billion dollars annual income, 23
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billion worth of small business, famililess that moved their wealth and recurring to the state. new irs agents will go and follow the money, in washington, they are obsessed with the state of florida and ron johnson, we will protect floridians. we will require licensure of all irs agents as they enter the state of florida, the fee will go into a trust fund that will be civil defense fund or for suits against irs for targeting, it happened in 2013, when the irs admittedly targeted tea party groups and we'll establish criminal penalties. people are people and they are human and make decision based on
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politics ask when somebody crosses the line in their role as irs agent, we will create a deterrent and make sure they do that no more. >> todd: specifics of the plan, require banks to report irs engagement, how would that work? >> again, state banks are going to be notified when the irs wants to review somebody's books, we will require notice by the state banks to the states of florida and office of financial regulation. >> todd: penalpenalties, you would hold the irs criminally responsible, how would that work? >> it will carry criminally liable that individual, somebody made the call to let's go target this particular small business
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in florida and small businesses, when you put new bodies with charge to do a job, some will have a political agenda, we will do whatever we need to including criminal penalties for those that cross that threshold. >> todd: dc will not take this new approach lying down, are you expecting some lawsuits? >> i hope so, but over trillion dollars was spent between the two legislative actss by congress, trillion of our children's money, they don't have a vote in this, they are saddled this debt, washington is so disconnected from what everyday americans are facing everyday and by their own
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mention, ridiculous inflation reduction act makes as much sense as affordable care act, i expect pushback, in the state of florida, we can push back ourselves. >> todd: results are in, liz cheney is out. sean duffy will tell us what message that sends to our country. >> steve: todd and carley, come down to studio m, big news is girl scouts have a brand-new cookie and we have a bunch of them, we'll taste them coming up, i have coffee here. latest reaction to last night's primary, liz cheney is out, one big one, what is next for her? and california crime crisis prompting celebrities to take
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protection into their own hand, the spike in private security that costs some of them $1 million a year. any to the board, michael waltz, lawrence jones and abby hornacek. looking for ways to save back to school, mother of five shares secrets to packing lunch on a budget, what does she do? tips for you coming up. officially we start in eight minutes and 53 seconds, but who is counting? "fox news at night" with carley and todd continues in two minutes.
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lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. (moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? >> todd: the results are in and trump backed attorney harriet hagueman defeating liz cheney in a 30-point landslide more than doubling her vote total all
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happening in wyoming. cheney hinting that her career in politics might not be over just yet. >> this primary election is over. but now the real work begins. the great and original champion of our party abraham lincoln was defeated in elections for the senate and the house before he won the most important election of all. lincoln ultimately prevailed. he saved our union and he defined our obligation as americans for all of history. >> carley: sean duffy joins us now. sean, you heard liz cheney there making the abraham lincoln reference. she also only spent half of her campaign donations. everybody is saying this might be a sign she is running for president. if she does, how do you think that is going to go over? >> well, i think liz cheney lives in a bubble. she is not seeing what the american people thinks of her policies and fight against donald trump. on january 3rd of 2023, her term
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in congress is going to end, carley. she will never be elected to another elected position again in her life. not only dogcatcher. she has no base in the republican party. democrats don't love her, right? she is a republican. she will never serve again. she may think she is going to run for president and she can run for president but she won't win a primary a state a delegate. she won't win anything from this point forward. she is done in politics. >> alaska senator lisa murkowski is going to advance it the election in november. kelly tshibaka two votes separating the two. looking globally not just the nation. will the raid help trump backed candidates in the general election come november like we have seen it help in the last week in some of the primary elections? >> you know, we followed the roe v. wade being overturned. that was an energizing moment for democrats q you saw some republican folks listen, i don't know that i want life at conception where i'm at.
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they wanted some exceptions there. that was a motivating supreme court decision. i think what you are seeing now, todd, this raid on donald trump's home in mar-a-lago, even soft republicans like, you know what? donald trump has been treated unfairly. we have a department of justice, and an fbi that are partisan and political and they are weaponizing that department. and i think the energy that's going to come from what's happened in mar-a-lago, and this is not over. we are going to continue to see leaks out of the fbi and the doj. i think we are going to see a criminal prosecution of donald trump. it's not going to end and i think it's going to drive more republicans to the ballot box and what you are going to see some of those 50/50 seats that could have swung one way or the other and deciding factor in turn out for republicans and independents who might not have voted republican. which i think kevin mccarthy's majority in the november election is going to be much higher than it would have been but for this raid. >> carley: look at trump's primary record.
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the candidates who he has backed have won 182 to 15 losses. he has a 92% success rate. couple that with liz cheney's stunning loss. it's a huge loss in wyoming. it was expected. but you look at the filibuster and like todd said, it's double. what does that say about the direction of the republican party? >> well, first up, carley. liz cheney got 29% of the vote. she is a republican incumbent in a republican state and got 29% of the vote. it shows how out of touch you are. she spent more time fighting donald trump than she did for the people of wyoming. people are suffering, high gas prices, open borders. people can't afford food at the grocery store in wyoming they drive a lot. gas is expensive. so she didn't focus on the kitchen table issues that people cared about and that's why she got 29% of the vote. but to donald trump and his ability to drive people to certain candidates, we have never seen this in american politics.
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usually when a president or a popular politician leaves office, the ability of them to drive voters to the polls diminishes greatly. donald trump's has only increased. gold standard for endorsements where endorsements don't matter is donald trump. it really matters. will imprison. >> todd: sean duffy we always endorse you. you are the man. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> a major shakeup in congress as wyoming congresswoman liz cheney is defeated. >> harriet hagueman backed by former president trump a big winner. >> tonight is the fall of a dynasty. >> last night lisa murkowski one of the top four candidates advancing to the general alongside kelly she backca. >> hitting the trump legal team against the u.s. government. >> trump has motioned to unseal the mar-a-lago search warrant. >> the fbi has completely destroyed trust here. they have lost the benefit of the doubt. >> this


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