tv The Five FOX News August 17, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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you want to create the right incentives for presidents to make decisions so they don't worry what happens to them after their careers are over and we don't want that to happen for future presidents. that's why this is a bad example to set for the future. >> i enjoyed having you both on this time. thank you. here's "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, let's jeanine pirro, sean duffy, dana perino, greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." a political earthquake that could have major implications for the midterms and beyond. 40-point landslide. trying to spin the loss into a win with her eyes a national
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office. >> that's a decision i will make in the coming months and i will not make any announcements this early but it's something that i'm thinking about and i'll make a decision in the coming months. former president trump gloating over the loss of his most political foes causing him a fool who should be ashamed of herself. liz cheney throwing punches right back hoping to keep fighting. >> i believe that donald trump continues to pose a very grave threat and risk to our republic. i'm absolutely going to continue the battle and i think it's the most important thing i've ever been involved with and i think it's certainly the most important thing and challenge our faith mike nation has read it on my face in recent history enable the civil war. it's one that we must win. >> democrats in the media being called out for mourning the loss of liz cheney who was once a enemy of the left. >> does this potentially dangerous a moment as we have
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seen at any time since the middle of the 19th century and the run up to the civil war. >> 39% of the electorate. they want to replace the u.n. governments, that want to throw away american democracy. >> i respect and are mostly the commitment. that tells you a lot about the state of the republican party in this country right now. how extreme and devoted to donald trump it is. >> there's a lot of elements to the loss and i want to come to you about something that was mentioned in the clip about liz cheney's commitment to democracy. >> dana: i have family in wyoming and i served with liz and the white house when dick cheney was president. i've taken myself as an analyst looking at this. one thing wyoming voters are hyper concerned about is wyoming. there have been a lot of talk over the past year and a half
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that that was one thing she was not focused on. it was permeating the entire electorate and then you had the trump, but staying between the two of them is really real. i would love for everybody to get along and that's not the real world, i could never run for office if i cannot do all the things that -- i takes a lot of guts. that's what happened in wyoming, democracy and there was an election, there was a primary, there were two different approaches to winning the primary and the only question really was you going to lose by 30 or 40 points? it turned out to be 40. i'm not sure about constituency going forward in terms of running for president and may be premature, but i understand ever but he wants to keep the options open for whatever happens but i find it hard to imagine that those media people we just showed are going to vote for somebody who's responsible for
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lower government. by then, there's not going to be probably a president trump by then because if he wins the second term and wants to run again, if she runs after that, there won't be anybody to do that. the other thing i will say is wyoming is a special place. low population states, there's a lot of people moving in. you see jackson hole, that's where all the votes came from. the rest of the state is not jackson hole. it's going to be an easy win in november as she will be the next republican congresswoman from wyoming. >> absolutely true. i want to talk to you a little bit about harriet hickman, a never trumper at the start and then found trump culture and now going to be the new congressman from wyoming. what you think the election was really about? did she win or liz cheney? >> i think when you look at
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these numbers -- i ran for office five times, cheney got clobbered. she got clobbered to clobbered. wyoming said i don't want any part of her, your agenda, and remember she outranked him. she had a lot of money, support, he only won back once twice before that. he in fact had worked with cheney. but the truth is cheney lost and i think it's very interesting that she would actually think that she has a chance as a presidential candidate because they can blow smoke all over her and tell her how wonderful she is right now and where it should be. but if you think the democrats are going to support liz cheney, that's never going to happen. the truth is that they used her for their own agenda, they used her to trounce trump, and trump
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is just winning across the board in the country. i don't think there's a future for liz cheney. when you don't work for this foe constituency work for, but you're there for some higher political agenda, then you're not really a public servant. ideologist. >> greg, the judge's point about who she would represent a no everybody loves the phrase. as a democrat, i would not vote for liz cheney. i wouldn't vote for andrew yang, they would be third party and then probably get more independent and conservative democrats killed off. what do you think -- i know you have things you want to say, but start with at least the impact of this trump endorsement and what you think i carry over into the midterms will be. >> okay. she compared this to the civil war. she's nuts. okay? she's overtaking with such
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obsession and such emotional bitterness that she has this grandiose view of herself and it's actually now getting embarrassing. it's embarrassing for her. i wish he had a friend that could take her side saying you've got to calm down. don't run for office, you're not going to get a national office, i get your going to get office depot. republicans hate you, democrats don't want you, it's all driven by emotional brokenness that have been from trump. she goes back to the civil war and of course she didn't mention the iraq war or the afghanistan war, because it cuts a little bit too close to home. and then she compares herself to abraham lincoln. people say that trump has an ego, but when he sets up like that it's usually with a wink and everybody's laughing, there's nothing in her eye but speights. it's such a personal vendetta from day one trend. trump ha no use for the cheney's
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but the party moved on from the sort of thing. she hasn't. the struggles for the civil war and we are told democracy, trump borders are evil, trump supporters are evil and fighting evil. how is that -- how is that not incitement? you can smear millions of people because orange hitler, right? i guess she has something in common with abe lincoln and they both allow theater to kill them and her theater was january 6th. i don't know what she's going to do next, but i would consider taking a break and not listen to democrats, media, they will just use you. she started her own pack which is hilarious but normal people don't get that emotional over this stuff. i think she needs -- somebody needs to pull her back and go, look, everybody moved on except for you. it's time. maybe she's listening to me and i can be her friend.
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>> the new top advisor. >> i can be part of her pack. >> sean, quickly on the most critical issue in the campaign which was election day nihilism, the big lie, and when you look ahead to the midterms. two-thirds of the g.o.p. nominees that made it to the primaries denied that president biden legitimately won the election. >> i think we look at the race and it goes to a point that dana made it. it's about wyoming, right? dick cheney came out with an ad and it was all about donald trump. he said nothing about wyoming so if you're going to run, you want to make your life better. how do i make your life better but inflation is raging in a rural area in wisconsin. gas prices rush people in the middle class. if she did nothing to fight for those issues. you've got to have charisma if you run for higher office, she has no charisma.
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she's smart, but she's going nowhere. she's running for dog catcher, but not president. talk about the threats to the company, sorry, you may not like donald trump, yes, generate six happened, but when you look at politicizing the doj, we've got ten terrorists that came across the border. we're going to spin ourselves into oblivion, those are issues that affect families and the democrats are driving and they should be addressed and to say that donald trump is the problem, i think she's -- to your point, democrats determination to drive a narrative on donald trump. think of john mccain, they loved him too. once john mccain ran for president, they threw him out and attacked him! where was the media saying joe manchin -- we love joe manchin supporting
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democracy. he start up the democrats but oh gosh, we've got a republican and i will stand up to other republicans in there for democracy, they've got courage. it's all garbage. >> couple things, the inflation reduction act and duly noted you did not want to talk about it. [laughter] >> up next, teachers union -- that's not the big lie. teachers union and accused of being more focused on woke agendas in the classroom then on national shortage of teachers. ♪ ♪
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>> the education system in america reeling from the massive damage done by liberal covid lockdowns. kids falling behind both academically and mentally. now there's no one around to teach them. schools across the country are dealing with a massive teacher shortage, and biden secretary of education says it could even get worse. >> where the doorstep of a crisis in our country and if we don't take it seriously, we will have schools closing and we don't need that. >> instead of dealing with a pressing problem, school and strangers are more focused on woke academics. for instance, right now in virginia education proposal is seeking to strike at george washington as "father of the u.s." but don't worry, teacher unions
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are blaming republicans for the staffing crisis. top union boss andy weingarten who was instrumental in keeping kids in isolation, is blaming the shortage on republicans who she says politicize public education. okay, so, greg. andy weingarten says it's all the republicans fault this crisis that we are in the middle love is because of republicans. what could she be talking about? >> there it's right about george washington. we have to change that he says his normative male. we've done stories where children are literally missing from their schools now like 1 million, 2 million, 3 million, and we have a shortage of teachers. what does it tell you about the system? that the system sucks, it something called the teachers union that's responsible in
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competition with the system because that's the way that the rock can be maintained which is why what's happening in arizona is so amazing. governor ducey, is that how you say it? our very own governor ducey. so that allows choice and competition and an experiments, if they do well other states will follow through and you will see a huge change. shut out to the corey kid because he's the guy behind the movement. every parent should follow up what he's doing because the parents that are pushing this, this could really change things because the problem with america is rooted in education system. if we talk about college, no, by the time people are 18, their lives are ruined by public schools. if we got to get them before that. >> what about the fact that they are not admitting it's there doing? the fact that kids have been out of school for a year and a half, two years because they said they didn't have the proper equipment to go in and teach.
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even now they are saying kids masks. >> is a huge problem, there's a crisis upon this look okay, you've been in power for nearly two years. if all of a sudden you think there's a crisis? it's like the baby formula thing, they knew it about four months and didn't tell the president. you've got a shortage of what else? police, detectives, corrective officers, why is that? not just the pay, because you're going to public service as a teacher or police officer, corrections because you really want the high pay, because if you go into those jobs, it's because you want to be a part of society, you want to be a part of raising children and part of the education system. teachers love teaching, but what happened? they watch these kids that either don't come back or they have so much learning loss they cannot possibly keep up and there getting judged by that. parents aren't being responsible, 96% of them on the american taxpayers pay for schools during covid has not been spent.
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the financial incentives aren't going to do it and the policies have to change. it's also driving them out. >> the fact that dana talked about the fact that covid money is a big expense and teachers are saying we are not being paid enough. is there any way to resolve this in terms of where is the covid money? will someone tell me where it is and who's using it and who has the right to use? >> the administration is coming out saying we need to pay teachers more. it teachers gave $20 million to democrats and joe biden in the 2020 campaign. listen, i don't mind paying good teachers more, but teachers make 20% less than people with similar degrees. but they also work 20% less because they have summers off. we should pay good teachers more. they won't allow us to look at the performance of the teachers. our kids learn how to read, write, do math, but if your teacher is woke, we shouldn't pay them more.
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if you stop promoting racism, though, hey, i'll teach there. >> the white teachers get fired first. >> but let's talk about the fact that if there is a shortage of teachers, people like ron desantis is saying you can release them with x police officers. i know what you're going to say, they've got to be competent, but it's at the same time i'm not sure i wouldn't rather have a cop teaching a kid rather than subleasing the country is racist and the color of your skin decides you're a racist. >> the points about bringing people who've been in other fields back to teaching if they pass the exams and they're qualified to teach, whatever the subject level is, i would welcome it. you want the best people in the classroom available for the kids. money is a huge piece of that and every buddy's campaign on paying teachers more, take money out of their american rescue act
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to do that. part of what's going on in cities like new york i was out with a couple last night who moved to connecticut because they are child -- they lived in oakland -- she went into the lottery system and got the 11 oo live across the street from the school did not get zoned and for it. what did they do? they moved to a state where there are great public schools and they know that their children will be going to that school. parents need security to know especially when you're making a real estate investment one of the top reasons families move for the grade school that your kid is guaranteed a spot in the school no matter what goes on. >> home school. >> i think it's a great approach, you know if i intend like-minded families, p/e teacher at $200,000, have a homeschool pod. >> there's a lot they can do. but i want to know where is the money. up next, are they getting rich
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♪ ♪ >> the socialist loving squad is apparently raking in cold hard cash while pushing progressive policies that will line their pockets even more. while calling for handouts, the congress woman herself reportedly expanded her own rental property portfolio. she supported the same cash payouts and you guessed it, reportedly took home up to $100,000 in rental income during the pandemic. if that's not enough, the squad that's now severing student loan
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debt to cancel student loans that would benefit them. >> and 32 years old now. i have over $17,000 in student loan debt. let's get real, let's cancel it, it's in the interest of the people and of the country, of our future. >> i still over $70,000. if we have to stop treating as if folks that are paying for education as if they bought some bougie car, period >> i carry student debt and there's not many of us in congress, because of their where, they would have my student debt cancellation bill. >> she's right about that. >> the fact that we have bougie cars, but aoc has a tesla and here she's complaining about $70,000 in debt. does it reek of hypocrisy? >> i'll give it to you. you know i'm not a fraud, so
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you're not going to have some defense of it wiping out student debt benefits people with more money than with less, which is part of it. but i also don't want to demonize people who have debts. there is a reason especially if you have a low income loan on it that you pay over decades. that's what my dad did for years, kept up his law school payments forever more. but when you pull out these examples and happening across positions of power is. do as i say, not that i do, it gets ugly and caught up for ad campaigns. we saw the closest election that she had winning by only 3,000 votes in her primary. the application is next time around -- that was an ally and joe biden won the election. [laughter] >> i find it rich you have a member of congress on stage who
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make $174,000 a year. >> with all due respect, i mean it with all due respect. i love you, i love you. who are you to tell the american taxpayers that we should pay for student loans. first of all, you're young, healthy, you decided to sign on the deadline, you agreed it to the contract, you're not stupid, english is your first language for most of you, and you decided that you would take a loan and you would pay it back. i could be wrong but i could have sworn today that the people who took out the loans only 2% of them are unemployed. you want to give away government funding, you give it to the senior citizens who can't figure out if they're going to buy gas, food, or give it to the veterans. i'm tired of all the garbage of how they shouldn't pay their loan. i don't care, pay your loans!
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it's about consequences and that's the end of it! >> my question did not matter to the response. greg, you've got people saying the government wants to pay off the student loan but the consequence is that school costs will go up. we saw in the green new deal 2.0 they had subsidies of and $700,000. they waived the fees from 6,000 to $80,000. >> if you want to cancel debts, the schools have to pay for it because of the schools don't pay for it, they will never learn. it's interesting to see a public servant asking the public to serve them. you need to pay -- it's amazing, could you imagine the squad being your landlord? every time you have a problem, your hot water's outcome of the trash is in being picked up, they will blame it on racism. just climate change, i'm sorry, your rent is going up 30%
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because of my student loans. but it's funny, maybe they could have paid out the student debt with all the rental income. she's a capitalist now, canceling student debt is from the middle class and people who did the right thing and paid their debt -- i hate to use the word yuppie because it's so old, but aoc is a whiny yuppie. she's got a tesla, a french bulldog and i think she's even got another car. she doesn't need help from us. the average student loan debt is like $15,000. but i'd rather pay off the debts of an uber driver. a truck driver because they are doing real work. >> the easiest thing in the world is being a democrat. remember secretary granholm? the secretary of energy, she has
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millions of dollars in stocks and battery companies. and the first thing she did as secretary with start trying to sell the whole country on electric cars. they want to pay off the student loans for the wealthy people and then raise everybody's taxes, 87,000 more dollars in order to buy a new electrical vehicle. how does that make sense? >> all right, you get one last slide. >> coming up, the shocking consequences for americans now too afraid to say what's on their minds. ♪ ♪
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>> turns out cancel culture has another casualty in this time it's you. a new study finds americans are censoring themselves on how they really feel about hot button issues. ceos going woke on social issues, schools focusing on racism, masks stop think of a covered, people publicly say they agree with each of those seemingly popular stances but privately they are not so sure. it's uncomfortable out there in the world and we've got the self censor. >> self-censorship is part of life, if you said everything you thought you would be me. i'm pleasant to the people around me is getting in trouble, but that's team to pull. having manners. not calling out people. that's the difference and cancel culture is about calling out people and being immune from any kind of discussion afterward. like i'm the victim, you're the
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oppressor, and they can shut up about themselves. it's kind of dangerous when you think about it. in a conversation, what's left? you can have violence and say this person is expressing inflammatory language. that shouldn't worry you at all, what should worry you is if we stop talking because if we stop talking it means we will do something really bad because we'll go back to our underground cave and plan things. the solution to defy self cancellation if you're young is to get so good at something that you can leave. if your company get super woke, you can leave and it's happening right now when you see the woke workers at disney, google, publishing, generally the least competent because they can't leave the company so you get the 88 colonel, the center of dumbness in every company and its all the people who can't leave. if >> it's interesting because you don't self censor very much.
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>> i'm sure you heard from people coming up saying i love the show and love listening to you because -- you know, i'm just a straight shooter and that's who i am. from whence i come i was a woman in a man's world. but you know it's interesting? today in school, they are not teaching our kids to think. they are teaching and ideology and they are teaching this group think. we all think this and this is what you must think. right now we are raising a whole generation of young kids were thought to think the same way their peers think. while we think independently and be that bright person who can break from the mob, i'm not sure who the kids that are coming up now will be able to be that independent because they have
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been taught how to think. you're not allowed to say things. >> what did you think when you picked up the article? >> i was thinking about vaccination for kids. we all generally accepted that vaccine because you can get covid. but now you've got vaccines available for kids six months t. if they are not vaccinating their kids and they were happy to take the vaccine themselves but they're not comfortable doing it if there's not enough information or if the kids need it because it has been shown to be that disruptive. kids have passed away and all the lads come up with the most interesting part of this because i have a ton of liberal friends. it was their turn to get vaccinated and there was a concern about why it's necessary or what happened in the study out of thailand about teenage boys. i don't know why we didn't do the study in the u.s.
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seems like a pretty big deal, the second dose of the pfizer vaccine was leading to a big uptick in cases. >> do you think members of congress are guilty or practice this like self-censorship? i can't believe we are saying this and they actually have to say something else? >> less than the average public but it's a one-way street, the right does very little about censoring liberals. >> quiet, jessica. >> you've got majority -- >> that's a big lie. >> when you're afraid of losing your jobs or being shamed socially or being a student, you will curtail your belief. you need to shut up the conversation, cancel people, shame people on twitter. you can't let people debate the things because if they do, american people will go this is horrible! i don't want to be transitioning 12-year-old kids! i don't want to be given my
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8-year-old child a vaccine! there's a whole bunch of things you should debate but you won't and they silence us because that's how -- >> to be fair, to defend you in the sense that we were like that. this has been a huge switch. it used to be the republicans, remember, they were puritanical, pretty close-minded on a lot of things. then you see a flip. the left has to be about speech and now it's flipped. now we are all about speech. >> silence had free reign. >> there was a book band that what's going on with the republicans, the left now the ones. >> it goes back and forth. practice some grace and nonjudgment, all right? >> coming up, kanye west callinw causing another controversy. ♪ ♪
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"the fastest." kanye west channeling the inner oscar the grouts. reportedly demanding his new cap clothing collection be sold out of what looks like trash bags. it instead of being hung up on racks, the unique request is angering fans who say they have been forced to dig through the banks to find the right size. jessica, you are telling me earlier you love the idea and you wish all things came in bags. >> huge trash bags, dumpster diving is what i do after the show. he's just a weird guy, but to do this with your cap line because he has expensive stuff and this makes it lower end. >> like me, you shop at baby gap. you know the way size, the belts. what you make of this? >> i didn't know gap was still open because the gap across the
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street clothes and that's where everybody would go to get their emergency clothing. i think it's pretty demeaning and are we being pumped? >> it could be an art installation. what do you think? >> also, you go to the been to get the 50% off stuff. your dumpster diving because inflation so high. >> that was good. >> clever? >> no, you think i want to go through the bag and get that stuff? i'd rather go to a discount store and buy something. they look used, dirty, and sometimes we go to a movie theater and you know this once in a while you've got the chip at the bottom of your foot. [laughter] >> all right.
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>> i won't mention the movie theater but it happened to me. >> a bunch of nerds ranked healthy foods based off ingredients, additives, proteins, the results will melt your face off. it turns out chocolate ice cream's more nutritious than a granola bar, bacon is better than couscous, and mcdonald's are healthier than an omelette. it doesn't underline the fact that nutritional science is completely bogus? this is not a science, they're just guessing. >> they are just guessing and it's all about making money. all about marketing and profiting. but i really believe ice cream is good for you because it's milk and chocolate. i'm not sure about the bacon and the couscous. what's the last one? >> pancakes and an omelette. >> no. >> but the omelette is the same with salad, they're loaded up with all the stuff. if you have a two egg omelette stuffed with cheese and bacon.
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it's probably better for you. >> people, it's all about the proportions, you've got to have low carbs, high protein. >> you don't eat ice cream then. >> i'm lactose intolerant, thanks for bringing it up in front of millions. >> do you eat sherbet? >> no. i should though. >> i have chronic strep throat all the time and that was the best part about it. >> ice cream in the middle. oh, that was great. >> i feel like sherbet's not around anymore. >> creamsicle! also a good drink! >> my wife is trying a new diet where you eat vegetables. >> that's basically kito. >> did you do it? i did it.
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you get really tired about one weekend and you start to get tired. four weeks i ended up in a hospital. [laughter] >> on that note, dr. kito. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ o times in american history - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? world war ii - and right now. that's a deep hole. and i don't know how we'll climb out of it. that's why i buy gold from rosland capital. rosland capital is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your free rosland guide to gold,
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so we need something super distinctive... dad's work, meet daughter's playtime. thankfully, meta portal auto pans and zooms to keep you in frame. and the meeting on track. meta portal. the smart video calling device that makes work from home work for you. welcome to subway's biggest refresh yet. the smart video calling device they're drafting 12 new subs for their all-new subway series menu. you've never seen subs like this before chuck. meteoric meatiness, and chowtown cheesiness... let's go to our panel for more appetizing analysis. the new monster's bacon has consummate craveable crispiness! the new boss is a perfect ten. (♪ ♪)
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wait, what are we talking about? gronk! thank you for... nothing. (laughs) the new subway series. what's your pick? ♪ >> jessica: time now for one more thing. dana. >> dana: two 25th anniversary announcements, peter met 25 years ago today on an airplane. it's not that photo. really a chance story. next to each other on an airplane. ladies, remember, put your phone down. pay attention to who is around you. i also want to take a moment to give a shoutout to a an incredit
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mable man chris live. lifeguard since 18 years old. became the captain in 2009. he is the boss. still sits there everyday and makes sure everyone is safe at the beach. he has a wonderful wife named jordan and three awesome kids jack, stella and harry and they is a wonderful dog. he is also a teacher. amazing family. and a chance to congratulate him on 25 years. >> greg: off the fritz. >> judge jeanine: jeannette local news reporters in washington, d.c. and so, they have a breathtaking report, i want you to take a listen. >> breaking news, an explosion at the diaper station fortunately no injuries have been reported and authorities tell us they do have a suspect in custody. unfortunately that suspect is not speaking at the moment. >> judge jeanine: okay. so they have this great little news network called baby news
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network and they made their adorable baby, their -- the subject of their breaking news cast last week and she is 6 weeks old. her name is isabel. internet is going gaga for baby isabella with viewers predicting she will be doing morning announcements over the school p.a. in kindergarten. >> jessica: adorable video you jumped in i wanted to say congratulations. >> happy anniversary. it's a big deal. >> greg: emily compagno, johnny joey jones, devito, kat timpf. tyrus will be back tomorrow. let's do this ♪ robots are great ♪ robots are great. ♪ >> greg: all right. you know what? i was thinking to myself, snakes? they are not scary enough. we need to combine snakes with robots. give them enhanced mobility. check out this snake. it's now able to walk with the help of arms and legs. and he seems to like it. >> dana: i almost sent this to
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you. >> greg: snakes plus robots equals awesome. >> judge jeanine: what is the point of that? gut gut the point is to scare the living life of you. >> give them their legs back. >> i hope this gets stuck in your head. >> judge jeanine: how much do we pay for that. >> greg: i hope you go to bed tonight and have a nightmare. >> judge jeanine: i won't. you won't have to worry about me plus i have three dogs in the bedroom. >> jessica: young tennessee student had a police escort to birthday at school after father died in the line of duty. 20 year veteran with a police department when he passed away in november 2021 while on medical emergency. love and support for loved ones he left behind the force escorted 4-year-old daughter and anna first day of school on motorcycles. greeted by a road of deputies graciously greeted anna as she made her way into the school. lieutenant served in the navy and promoted from sergeant pott thiewm mustily. sean? >> check out my podcast kitchen table with my wife just dropped
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tonight. rob o'neill talking about afghanistan. also bill melugin on talking about the border and cartel influence. we also discussed his fantastic hair. even better than jesse's. we talk about his love life. >> that's a good tease. that's it for us. "special report" is up next. hey, bret. >> bret: hey, jessica. happyanniversary, dana. >> dana: thank you. >> bret: major shakeup centers for disease control and prevention the cdc. in the wake of massive criticism during the coronavirus pandemic confusing and frequently evolving guidelines and now questions about the monkeypox outbreak, cdc director dr. rochelle walensky says the reset will include internal staffing moves and steps to speed up communication that the agency admits were inadequate. white house correspondent peter doocy has our top story tonight. good evening, peter.
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