tv Hannity FOX News August 17, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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cofan the deadly pandemics over everybody. watch this one man typhoid mary . unbelievable. sean hannity right now. all right, tucker.ho thank you. there's your president. welcome .u. welcome to "hannity". all right. tonight, the people of wyoming, they have spoken and after losing by nearly 40 points tooi harriet hagman in last night's primary, liz cheneyntha stays in congress now are officially numbered. liz , sadly,ys i cannot seees the forest for the trees. she allowed her hatred for donald trump and trump supporters to consume her. t this became cheney's singular focus in life. there wasas no bridge he wouldnt burn colleague. she wouldn't betray no voters that she wouldn't ignore. a she put her own agenda and her
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self-righteous obsession above w the people that she was electeds to serve, the people thatto elected public servants. in many ways she showed utter contempt for the people in her l own state and they didn't like it one bit. and oddly, this led congresswoman cheney to align with a very v same democrats. and i find this the oddestt thing of all who called her owna father a war criminal. look at what they did to scooter libby, his chief of staff. they called her father murderer, r a a crook for working on halliburton, the very same people that smeared her family for decades. and theneo they were people like myself who defended my father and people like scooter libby. you know, we're now just dismissed as unethical without any principle values whatsoever. a ashe would clearly rather had joe biden and the democrats in charge ofem the country with alr of their destructive policies. it's d more dangerousicie than . instead of donald trump,, the people of wyoming disagree with her and the numbers. they speak for the people have spoken out.
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liz cheney has pledged to continue her anti trump crusade, probably h serving as n token anti trump republican on what fake news, cnn or msnbc.nn now, o harriet higman, meanwhil, will serve the people of wyoming on capitol hilleopl. and that brings us to tonight's top story. we are now tonight. eighty three days away from the midterm elections that will be held on tuesday, november the 8th. and according to a branda new poll, numbers by reuters, 70% of a you, the american peopr believe that our country is on. the wrong track. we are democrats have controlled the senate. the house and the white house for two long years and it has been a disasteran. make no mistake, there is only one way to begin the process of turning this around for all of us . the gopus has got to win control of both the house and the senate in the house, minority leader kevin mccarthy, he's been on this program, is outlined a plangram, a new nationwide contract with america and the american peopleleme. he's calling it the commitment
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to america. every republican running will sign it, that is in the house, while democrats incessantlyra are pushing a far left, far-reaching radical socialist quote. transue their favorite word, house republicans will run on a few key principles designed to improve the lives of everyf american and includes a much stronger economy with less government bureaucracy h l. that means lower taxes on individuals and businesses alike i. the gop is also committed to an actual plan to reduce is fortynf one year high of inflation by unleashing americanmeri ener it's great for national security reasons. it's great to n get ridur of inflation and lower that record high energy prices will reduce that and that means the cost of every item you buy- at every store you go to will be cheaper. how great would that be ? job creation, high paying career jobs in the energyob sector this is essential to save this country. on the other side, democrats including joe and kamala, well,l they're just pretending likeud a emplacere no longer exists.
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>> huh? take a look. the president and my vision for the future also means lowering costs for today we learned that last month our economy had zero percent inflation. i just want to say a number zero. today we received news that our economy hadec zero percent inflation in the month of july ,zero percent. now they said this right after the report came out, showed inflation at a whopping eight point five percent, another four decade hyd high . w under the republican plan, we could begin the process to bring these numbers down. remember when joe came into j office, the consumer price index was only one point four percent. we can1. do by increasing energy production, becoming energy dominant evenn remember, we were a net exporter of energy under donald trump and we achieved
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energy independence for epe first time inn seventy five years. keepe f in mind, america could a produce enough cheap, clean burning natural gas to supply not just the united states butte every one of our allies inhe western europe. so h they won't have to count on vladimir putin for e the lifeblood of their economy. of course,cors your safetyee and security . f that's also a key part of the commitment to america. that means securing our southern border, stopping the spread of fentanyll and heroin, flooding into this country, locking up violent criminals, getting rid of these no bail laws and defundingnd and dismantling police departments and no more lax prosecutions. citieses and states have got to be held accountable for lettingn these criminals back out on the street. we need tohe savee towns, safe cities all across america. and don't forget your kids. they've got to be protected. and that means you need, as a parent, parental rights and your child's education. and you ought not worry about being investigated as a domestic terrorist.
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if you go to a school board meeting and speak out on behalf of age appropriate materials being taught your kids. and by the way, those schoolsdi ought to be teaching, reading,ng writing, math , science, history, computers, not critical race theory or radical gender theory. me let, the parents teach that at home. or if you want an optn in program after school, have at it. finally, the gop will holdd the federal government accountable with oversight on the biden white house. , the upper echelon ofec the fbi, including an important focus on preserving your liberty, your freedom and your constitutionall rights. this is a simple and effective message that will resonate with the american people in eighty four days in every state. unfortunately, in the senateve i have no reason n why this mysterious reluctance, resistance of mitch mcconnell, it doesn't seem to interested in making commitments to the american t people. i guess, you know, he'd ratherna what, leave senate candidates out to try tote fend for themselves in states where democrats are attempting to win
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by isolating republican candidates, smearing individual candidates in order to distract voters from the democratic party's many failures. look, ifma joe manchin taughtny us one thing, it's simply this. at the end of the day, the democrats always vote withoi one voice and with each passinge day that voice is more and more like the devout socialist bernie sanders. this. is now bernie's party. they worship at the altar of climate alarmism and climate change. it's a cult. just last week, in order to g fund a green energy slush fund every single democrat ind the senate voted for a bill that increases your taxes on your electric bills, increases your taxes on gas, increasesll your taxes on every barrel of oil either will bere produced domestically or imported into this country. it alsoin increases taxes on small businesses. it increases taxes on americans making as little as thirty thousand dollars a year and it funds 80 7000 new irs agents to
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go out, collect and audit you. the american people make twenty five thousand dollars less. syracuse to university, you are five times more likely t you get audited. they ram this bill through under a process known as reconciliation, the same ways they passed obamacarese and that only requires a 50 vote majority. they don't need cloture0-vo and they'll do it again next year if given the chance. now you have warnock in georgia ,val demings in florida, you have the socialistrg john fetterman, a bernie number two in pennsylvania and every other democrate running for the senate support this radical climate alarmistt agenda, new green deal socialism. on a radical green energy socialist transition transition plan as they like to call it. so let's be clear, this is not i a guaranteed wave election. anyone that sayso republicans have a lock on the houseocto and senate, they're lying to you. they don't know the races can be extremely competitive in every bellwether state. this is really for the countryck
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and all hands on deck situation. this is an inflection point for the country. if your preferred candidate, by the way, didn't winma the primaryry, i'm sorry thatin they didn't win. too bad. but if you don't support the republican in the race, you're going toacac get thego government you deserve and that government will be run by far left climate alarmists. they'll be the ones attacking the supreme court, ending the legislativeac filibusterst going forward with dc statehoodr and every other power grab you b can think of. they'll be bent on pushing this agenda downpu your throat. he was more on the upcoming midterms last night's big winner out of wyoming, harriet hakman is with us . harriet, congratulations m. looks like all the polls were accurate. what do you think happened? what was it like, for example? i thought back and i didn't remember liz cheney speaking out when hillary clinton's dirty dossier was being used by the fbi and abusing powere
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and lying before fisa courts. why w is it what is it about donald trump that that seems to trigger her more than anything else? well, i'm not quite sure, sean.n and thank you for having me on this evening. yesterday was a great day for wyoming and really a great day for the country. i don't knowll thaty i can get into liz cheney's mind, nor do i really want i guess what i would say t is that the folks of wyominghe have spoken and they have made a it clear that they believe they're entitled to in congresstive that represents their interests and doesn't intendir to pursue a one woman war against donald trump. . t we didn't send her to washington, dc to be the judgege and jury of donald trump. we sent her to washington, dcng to block the radical agenda to block the radical pelosi agenda and she signed on with both of y them. so yesterday wyoming spokeesay and said we've had enough, we're fed up. we're going o to take our county back . we're starting s right here in wyoming.
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>> let's talk about i watched her speech last's night. i think she's sincere in her beliefs. she's allowedds to believege anything that she wants, pursue any agenda that she wantsnd. clearly at some point she got out of touch with the people of wyoming, which is why you won by such an overwhelming marginne. she c mentioned that she called you. i didn't hear in that sentenceul that she congratulated you and wished you well. how did the call go ? well, there was a phone call while i is going in and getting ready to do my acceptance speech last nightech and have jt arrived at the launch party. she called and left a very brief two second message on my on my cell phone. that's the extent of i haven't had any other contact with liz cheney. she only made the one effort and all she said was, hello,. harriet, harriet. and then that was the end of. so she didn't call and discuss with me any kind of concessionho or anything else. it was just the one phone call. i was obviously extremely busy with family and friends. she she just said hello,lo
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harriet, and hung up that was the end of the call. yes, that was that was the only time. about eight fifteen last night and i was just getting ready to go on stage with myis acceptance speech and i didn't have an opportunity to visit with her. okay, well we're looking for obviously i think you arere a lock toy win the seat. the people of wyoming sent a very loud message last night . we o wish you a lot of luck. and when you go to that sewer, that swamp in washington, please don't let that sewer change who you are because it changes a lot of we're going to change washington, dc. all right. harriet hagman t, thank you. congratulations. now, the other big primary lasti night took placeon in the greath state of alaska where trump backed senate challenger kelly chewbacca ssk has officiay moved on to the november general election. they have the odysseys of alaska anyway. republican senate candidate kelly ljubica joins right here.v it was a very tight, close race still with lisa murkowski now under i don't know how you came up with this crazy system in
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alaska, but the top foural finalists advanced to the general election. and remember in twenty , lisa murkowski, if i rememberrr correctly, didn't she win as a write in candidate? d she did,id absolutely. and thee way we got thisat election system, project veritas exposed some undercover videos last week. lisa murkowskier colluded with her campaign staff to deceive alaskans to run a ballot measure in 2020 that we would get rid of dark moneyn in our election and instead they ushered in rank choice. so she manipulated a change in our election system so shehe would survive a primary she otherwise would never havene survived a party primary. her fate would have been the same as liz cheney's and her career would have been over last night. 56% of alaskans said no more lisa murkowski last night. that is a horriblee result for a twenty one year incumbent who was placed in thatyear seaty her father when he appointed her. and she actually funds her entire senaten he seat with dark money from outside alaska. so let's talk about what
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happens now. this goes to election day allhat your names will be on the ballot. governor palin also advancedallo election day and was we wee are supporting both of you.ta whatke will it take to overtake lisa murkowski in this, you o know, on election day?n becausee know, she votes too often with the democrats on a lot of issues. well, the simple and direct answer is we just need a little bit more funding to run the ads r to increase name to recognition i and get the trutht out about murkowski voting record . and we have this victory in's hand . that's what all the election data experts are showing and saying. lisa murkowski hit her ceiling last night. the democrats came out and voted for her. she doesn't have anysh room to go and we have a lot of room to pick up votes. and sogh the data last night shows us statistically a deada heat with lisa murkowski. i started as a no name candidateo- with not political background experience last year and we're in a dead heat race with a
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twenty one year incumbent and she locked up all the democrat votes last night. that o doesn't give her much roh to move and we've got a lot of room to move in the next couples of months. we just need the funds to do it. so if your viewers want to help or kelly for a .com, well, retire lisa murkowski in november. it's h looking great. college habakkuk, thank you. we'll be watching that very closely. and governor palin's race nowhi to a newng record for your president, joe biden. according to breitbart, in justt eight months, bidenba spentnt a whopping one hundred and fifty days enjoying west and wielangta. you should remember that from the cartoons anyway, away from the white house. g joining us now with reaction, fox news contributor charliehu hurt and chief pollster of the trafalgar group, robert haylie is with us . charlie, let's start with the vacation time. i don't know if i want them in washington or out of washington because it's embarrassing for the country. every time he speaks hisis policies are destroying the economy. his foreign policy hasthno unmitigated disaster. we just passed the one yearne mark where he abandoned americans in afghanistan, something he promised he would
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never do. soe maybe he's better off on vacation. i think i'm leaning towards that side. i could not agree with youea more , sean, if wen. could set p a fund to get him to go onac vacation for four, seven days of every week, i think a lot ofa americans would be a lot happier at this rate. he's going to be at home for an entire year of his of of of his four year term. it's pretty extraordinary. but i havee to also give him a little bit of props for this. it's not like he campaigned in any different way. this is exactly how he campaigned. this is how he's governing. the onlyly problem is everything that he said during the campaign turned out to be a lie. butli the only thing that turned out to be true was the fact that he was going to do it all from his basement in delaware. all right. let's let's talk about the polls. i mentioned reuters at the top.o robert haley, 70% ofte the country, and that's consistent with many of
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the polls believe we're on the wrong track. i'm not as worried about the house and i like the fact that kevin mccarthy has his promises or commitmentt to the american people that every candidate will sign and that will hopefully hold them accountable to the words they say mitch mcconnell's resistent in the senate. i'm wondering why. because i lookon at the senate as not so easy for republicans . you've got florida marco rubio. i'm pretty confident he'llpr wiu down there. you'vevehe got a tough race for herschel walker in georgia. then we've got but in north carolina then we're looking at new hampshire. gh dr. s ízal, it's always a toughl state for a republican in pennsylvaniaa. that don'til 50 million dollars on ron johnson in wisconsinin. so then of course, we gote eric schmitt in missouri. we got j.d. vance running in h ohio. te he's a new candidate. i thinkoo we have a good pick up opportunity with adam laxalt ina nevada. and then ofdaol course, we have blake masters in arizona. and you can look at coloradoas and washington.
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when you look specifically at the senate, what do you think the republicans odds are? well, i think? they're o a little better than what the the oddsmakers are putting in because what people hardlyaue doing is they're notol looking e these polls and the percentage of them that are undecided t. un wede have a lot of people who ae saying undecided in these early polls. if take in the cross tabs, you'll notice that these people are also saying verye favorable or unfavorable about biden. well, i can assure you if v you're unfavorable or very unfavorable about biden and you're saying undecided, you're not voting for faderman, you're not voting for warnock. and soor so that's a little bitw of a misnomer when you runh with joe biden. if running the house forer the termite's, you don't see it at first. you don't have to talk aboutev it. but eventuallyly the only issue that's going to matter. do you see a wave that many others are talking about? because i refused to go this aabou is going to be a wave election year. i always like to run elections in my mind. think we're five points down. i think it's going to be a
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street fight now to the end. but i don't think anybodyep should be riding outub forhe republican candidates just because they're down in the polls. ydo tthis is very early in an election cycle and we haven't gotten to labor day. you know, this is this is typical washington, d.c. fodder. tried to apologize, but what reallyha matters is whi happens past when we get past labor day and when these republicans come early votingti on it. you'll haveng early voting inar october. charlie hurt. how do you see?th i have.e i'm sorry.y. go finish your thought, rob . so so you know, robert robert's polls are about the only polls i trust for any race out t theri . butgh you're exactly right about this in particular in the senate, the republicans face a very, very difficultaceey uphill challenge. if they win in a place like pennsylvania, that's to hold. so u they've got an uphill fight there. and republicansth better fight like our opponents behind. butn: the i thing with charlie is the thing is ohio ohio'sch a whole north carolina as a
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whole. pennsylvania is a whole. wisconsin, though,lv those are a all holes. yeah. yeah. no, it's bleak for the maprs is very bleak. and ofe course you go two years ,fourur years from now, the map looks a lot better for republicans. but here's the other thing. i i think that is important to remember is that when you have inflation where itt is right now, you have gas prices where they are right now, you have crime where it is right now. most voters are not thinking about the november they're thinking about how they're going to pay to fill their car right now. and so i think a lot like robert was saying , there arede a lot of people who are undecided. but man, come novembere and they vote on gas prices, they are throwing democrats out. all right. it's coming. fast. eighty four days away, charliee hurt robert . thank you both. when we come back , we'll expose the left wing's radical tax and spend agenda. all the information thatl the media mob and theal democratic socialist hid from you. it's disguised inn their so-called inflationt, reduction act. it's a a anything but. you're not going n to believe
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how they're spinning. it will lay it all out for you. and the great one , mark levin coming to talk to two and it's time to start using some maximum strength on and so powerful words and prevent fungal infection. plus, has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. say goodbye to toe fungus with fungible disguises are so much fun unless they're in a chicken meal. that's a key to this process into powder. it's time for fresh bread, wholesome ingredients with nothing to hide. fresh pet attention. did you serve with your family or work at the marine corps base camp lejeune in north carolina at any point between 1953 and nineteen eighty seven contaminated water at camp lejeune have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer, neurological diseases, reproductive diseases, birth
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go to, try and never go to the post office again. all right. now, following the signing of the democrats tax the poor tax the middlere class and tax peope on fixed income and their massive spending bill yesterday, many in the media mob all i of a sudden the bill, describe as the, quote, inflation reduction act. how convenientnt. with many fake news reporters referring to it as a climate bill now and by the way. and what is one big giant bait and switch? k, and it all took place on your back . you the american people will pay the price. , for example, fake news. cnnak reporter caitlin collins tweeted, senator manchin is here at the white housech for president biden's signing of
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the climate tax and health care bill . prompting widespread mockery." and get this democrat richard neal of massachusetts is actually promising even more taxes in 2020 three if democrats somehow retakee the house and the senate, including raising individual income tax trais rates. so just like we've been telling you, biden is lyingou, always hs been when he says no one making under four hundred thousand dollarss ove a year will payer more under his plan, just like he promised he wouldn't tax people that make four underx four hundred thousand dollars a year. thispead bill taxes people makig under four hundred thousand dollars a yearising. we know from the joint committee on taxation, we know from three hundred economistss and even the cbo did their scoring irs auditswi will generate $20 billion from those making under four hundredh thousand dollars a year under this law, which means joe biden and joe manchin and every democrat that signed on tora ths all lied to you when they saidas
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they won't be for middle class auditss. l the lawaw also raises corporate taxes that will be paid for by you, the consumer, higheres taxes on coal, natural gas, every barrel of crude oil in the country, whether domestic or imported t or imported fromor some foreign country that probably hates our guts that. will be paid for all by you. west virginia happy with joe manchin on all ofma this because the energy sector'sca pretty important to the state of west virginia. the media mob, they're totally on boardrdth with biden's lies is misdirection as abc news directing readers to a calculator. this is designed by aaulat far t nonprofit that suggests that americans will save moneys w no matter what their income level. that, too, is a lie. it was reaction former trump economist steve moore, along with fox news contributor joe concha. steve,e, w we'll start with youn on the economic side. well,, number one , this t bill broke the promise about taxing peoplehein who make less than four hundred thousand. there will be audits on people 4 that make less than four
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hundred thousand dollars. they're taxing every t american on top of the biden inflation tax estimated for a couple of be sixty eight hundred dollars a year. ea sor. this is what we have, twohe thirds of the country living paycheck to paycheck. what do were attempting to get o 90% of the country getting to that point? s look, n there's no question people who make under 400 even people make less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars. they're going to pay a lot more taxes in thisay bill . and there was a very important amendment to the debate in, the senate schwann by senator, c who said, okay, democrats, if you don't if you're not going to tax people make less than four thousand, why don't weve have a rule that these a extra eighty seven thousand irs0 agents won't audit people with incomes below four thousand dollars? you know0, what, john ? s every single democrat int the senate voted against thatam amendment. so of course they're going to that's those are people thats are going to audit is thepe people who cannot defend themselves. the big companies like general electric and disney and google,
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they armies of tax accountants and lawyers. same thing with the millionses and billionaires. they will come, after the low income people. and one other quick point, ron . you talked about the democrats switching their argument because nobody buys this idea that this bill is going to reduce inflatione. but i'm not making this upn, on their latest argument that the democratss are runningll around the country saying is that this bill is going to make america energy independentt ,that we were energy i workede for donald trump. we were energy independent when trump left officee . the reason we're not energy independent and why we go . yeah, why is he surging emissaries to venezuela? whyy is he doing another bad iranian deal ? why is he begging opec to saudi arabia? that's just another lie. let j me go to the media side this joe concha and ask you. so it was always a lie. the inflationlw reduction act, the bill does no such thing. it wouldn't have been difficultc for the media if they cared to tell people the truth, to look
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at the cbo and their numbers, to look at the joint committee on taxation and their analysis, to interviewan the nearly three hundred economists that were speaking out against this, saying t it is going to increase inflation, not decrease it. they got away with it. nowde all of a sudden they're no longer calling it the inflationt reduction act. why,io sean? it's amazing. we're well past talking aboutng on this show, how the media is biased and obviously cheering foreeri one party and reporting against another. it's now outright activismnow n you seeea the headlines go from calling this the inflation reduction act toed the democrats climate and health care and tax bill . right. and not just one or two reporters did this, not just one or two news organizations across the board as if almost a memo went out instructingng . em we want you to call this this for now on just like they did with rhonda sampas down in florida and calling that
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the don't say bill when thatid bill didn't mention the word .n and it once a couple of months ago. it's all the way it's going now at this point. and look, we can hear all we p want from the president as far as i'm not going to raise taxes on anybody making less than four hundred thousand dollars a year. we're supposedie to believey the guy and the administration that once said inflation was transitory. that was last year. then they said that, oh, no,s actually it's vladimir putin's fault and the invasion of ukraine. then they said this was justee last week that we're at zeroo percent inflation. that argument is so riddick's it's like saying our economy is being diagnosed with a one hundred and four point one degree fever and thennand a couple of days later it went down to one hundred three point six as far as the degree fever and therefore there's no more fever. we're healthy again.ll no, of course not. h we're still veryer sick because our inflation is eight point five percent. so to a point that was charlie t hurt in the last segment.
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indo the end it comes down to inflation, the midterms, everythingdt comes down to that. and you could spin it all you want and call it whatever you want. that's what it comes down to when people are still feeling the pain of it. sean, if if james carville and the clinton people were c right, it's the economy, stupid. li rthese policies, what impact does it ultimately have? steve moore will give you the last word on the economy in relation to the lives of the american people. well, joe is right. it's's that inflation is just a killer. it's what destroyed jimmy carter when he ran reagan and lost, what, forty five states orik something like that. soso but the important thing for people to understand is the reason it's a lieie that thisha bill is going to reduce inflation is because what caused the inflationt then th in the first place, john , was that three trillion dollarsed the democrats spent and borrowed last year. that's what lit the forest fire . and this year already when you put this bill plus that two t hundred billion dollar corporate welfare bill they passed a few weeks agoew, that's another trillion. so can you believe this in,
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what, 20 months biden has spent and borrowed four trillion dollars. . that's as much as we spent the first world war two, for goodness sakes, yeah, it's not going to end well. its already is not working well for the american people. two thirds of americans now n live paycheck to paycheckow. and you know what? they just taxed america and they lied about it. you know, w my kids will get inm trouble. it usually wasn't what they did that got mee more mad. it was when they say i dad,d i swear i didn't eat the cookie . and meanwhile, those cookie all over their face, i said, stop insult my intelligence. anyway, thank you both. steve moore, joe concha, all right. also tonight, an a exclusive e report from john solomon surrounding president's powerro to declassify documents. he is the editor in chief of just the john solomon, tell us what you found there. and there is a court rulingng from a decade ago f this year that is going to have significant impact on the legal battles that are going tore ense over this raid. and iht w never thought you wokp
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this morning. we'd be talking aboutta bill clinton's doctor on his closet and the closet and donald trump's raid. but that's what this together in 2012, a court ruled that records audiotapes of bill clinton and his doctor at the white house of hours of conversation with the famous historian about contemporaneous eventsnt, the presidency or personal records, and that there was no legal medium by which an outside person a couldn challenge that. basically whate the court ruled, judge amy berman jackson ruled that the president's decision of what constitutes a personalov versus a government record is solely solely in the discretion of the president himself. thereof is no enforcement mechanism. the courts can't get involved. and here's another nt important if the national archives wants to go get it, they can't raise the president. w they have toa follow a civil procedure. so think about thatvi. ai we just raided donald trump's i just raided donald trumpp' to get presidential records back for a law that saysde
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there's only a cover up, this s is going to get more interesting. great reporting, john solomon. we'll follow this closely. keepweth us up to speed. sp thank you, sir. all right. straight g ahead, the great onev mark levin. he'll give us his take on last r week's fbi raid at mar a lago. he's pretty fired up straight ahead. but caught up in the morning, cross on the first of two bridges and an right up a little bit of damage, but not enough to prevent us from moving my head. i was thinking with one one not going to again enlightening. it was great. so let's just drive over and get it to detonate and sure enough, go over it. hundred thousand wilsonville underneath my feet ripped the engine out through the humvee up 10 there, wounded everybody inside the vehicle except for one and i got the worst of the whole one thousand families that need our help cut off the towers
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on this year and by providing them with mortgage free home. my initial reaction when i entered the home today was our first i've never lived in my entire life and a home that everything in my head that i wanted my favorite piece of text is by far the cooktop lord . i am the cook to not have to have your shoulders all up high when you're trying to cook ,get splattered in the face because you look at my level with something boiling the cooked up for sure that goes up and down. netcom is going to help travis become more independent to be able to help around the house more to be able to move more freely throughout the house, not worrying about having him fall. and it's going to allow us to be able to spend more time as a family. i'm sergeant first class travis bonilla, the united states army ,the tunnel to towers foundation built me a brand new mortgage, very smart home, helped me regain my independence. well, in the lead vehicle of
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your lips just an outpatient treatment that simply open the channels to free-flow with no cut. yes, no side effects of you breathing and infection every year i can ask your neurologist about your call. 807 five to eleven hundred today when you can watch him get the latest news business news headlines any time anywhere. fox news on your phone. america is listening. all right. right now, even more new developments on the raid at mar a lago as we're now learning that former white house counsel pat cipollone and by the way, , his own deputy were interviewed by the fbi about boxes of classified information shortly after donald trump leftes office . and tomorrow, by the way,,ing a hearing is scheduled at federal courtrt on whether to unseal the mar a lago search affidavit. an the dojt does not want that to happen here with reaction. he is the host of the number
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one show weekends here on the fox news channel. life, liberty, live in also host of his ownwn nationally syndicated radio show. i call him the great. s and allho right, why doesn't p the doj want thatai affidavit unsealed? and isn't there something ? lled executive privilege wouldn't the president have the right to exert executive white houser counsel and his deputy white house counsel? well, first of all, why should they release when they're leaking it in bits and pieceste and if i were the the the movements in this case, i'd be bringing all these articles where unnamed sources are leaking information about the affidavit. e. somethingt to here. first of all, i have a question. did bill clinton he a, george w. bush, barack obama,ge dick cheney, al gore, biden as vice president, didce they remove any papers? did they remove it?t? do we know if they removed any papers? do we know if they removed any classified papers? and how do we know wheree
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their home searched? did they get subpoenas for their search warrants? the answer is we don't have the foggiest idea. now let's go to the constitution because i want to try and educate the attorney generalec t, the united states article two, section one , the executive power shall be vested in a president of the united states . this is why the president can classify and declassify at will . he doesn't answer to the fbi department of justice as somece bureaucrat a with a regulation who says no, no, he can't declassify till he fills out his paperwork and hits all the boxes. he's the executiveveth branch. that's why the 1917 espionage act cannot be used against a sitting presidentse if he can. declassifying classified will and do soth as the head of the executive branch. he can't be held criminally , liable for taking documents with him, even even classified documents. why? because if he can declassify
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them, it will he can take it h well. butav iff i'm wrong, then i have a question. if i'm wrong because the the law itself, the espionage people are actually trying tod read it rather than read what the press says about here's r a section. listen, it's really carefully whoever being trusted, i'm reading it relevant part, whoever being entrusted of any document relating to the national defense through gross negligence. s remember, hillary permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody, shall be punished and so forth. and so so if trump is and he's t but if trump is guilty because he has classified information, everyone along the chain off custody is guilty, every single person. that's how absurd this is . whyhat? because from the personde who created the document, they handed it to somebodydd tht brought it to the oval office who removed it or failed to remove itat and so forth and soa on . they violated party ofnd o sectt
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one of the espionage act, whoeverhe being entrusted you have an obligation to secure it and bring it back to its proper place of custody. will they failedce to do that, didn't they ? so the espionage act does not e apply to a president regardlessp of what these these federalos prosecutors are trying to concoct. but there'secryino more . let's take a look atis the warrant. the warrant is extremely broad. any physical documents for the classification markings along with any containers, including any other contentss and what documents are located as well as any other containers and boxes that are collectively stored or found togetheriv with for mentioned documents and container. but that's everything. everything. then go to go the next point. any government and our presidential records created between january twenty 2017, january twenty 2020 one . you could go online right now and buy a signed letter by a
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president to a constituent or somebody white house, stationery. this presumably would includeum thatab. co but this is unconstitutional. this warrants is unconstitutional. and i don't caree if masters signed off on it or o not. that doesn't make him solomon. and i'llll tell you why we have what's called the fourth amendment in america, the right of the people to be secure in t their persons houses, papers and effectsheus against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not n be violated and no warrant shall issue. but upon probable t cause supported by oath or affirmation and protect the word, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons orei things to be seized. no general answered. the colonists opposed general warrants. they suffered from them from the crown where they say we'rere searching your home. here's's a general warrant or writ of of administration. we're adm going to go throughon your stuff. but what are't you looking for?o
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we don't have to tell you.ou we're going to go through your person. but what we don't have to tell you the fourth amendmentnton't is supposed to prevent that. this language in and of itself in this warrant violates the fourth amendment of the constitution. and there's a leak in "newsweek" tonightutioio. we have a so-called two intelligence officers because the government's tryingg to get his message out and they're telling different stories. they said they wanted as broad of investigation as possible to grab as much paper as they could. there it is . there's the case in front of the judge tomorrow. the government's leaking this warrant that you issued was unconstitutional. the american people haveth a right to see everything. this is not supposed to be done to a former president of the united states . this is thised is unprecedent and not because it's donald trump, but because itga is merrick garland. matthew graves is the us attorney and a cabal of stalinist leftists at the department of justice that
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will stop at nothing to destroy this country. that's it. i'm done. the great one . mark event. let's see if people are listening to you anyway. don't forget life, liberty and love in every weeknight, every sunday night f, 8:00 p.m.t right here on the fox news channel. when we come back ,ew the continuing to pushpu their soft on crime agenda as violent is violence surging all across the country? we have new video tonight. it t will shock straight ahead for , a titanic secret that conspiracy to conceal the truth began to fall apart. trying to control the world with help from the devil and the it's a society of secrets. you have these people from before troops and unless you remember having no idea what's
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the loaded is even more difficult for. it's a conspiracy to place. they're creating an environment that's designed to draw in the airport. so over the past 40 years, 10,000 animals have been killed in various ways, the greatest unsolved crimes. tucker carlson, original on fox nation. attention. did you serve with your family or work at the marine corps base camp? in june in north carolina? at any point between 1953 or 1987, contaminated water at camp michigan have been serious health problems, including cancer, neurological diseases, reproductive diseases, birth defects, miscarriages, and many other health concerns. if you were exposed to this tainted water and experienced any of these issues with your
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the video shows the suspect putting on a pair of glovesai and suckerr punching the victim who was then unconscious. and the suspect was arrested, charged with attempted murder this morning and is listedd as e level three offender inr the state database. why was he s even out? the motive fortt the attack is still unclear and that's not all. twenty four year old former high school basketball star gunned down monday on a crowded street in queens, new york .s, and yet another senseless tragedy. the suspects were last seenir wearing hooded sweatshirts, one red, one white here with reaction to point out to along with former new york city mayoral candidate and the head of the guardian angels founder creator curtis sliwa. you know, this is your city, curtis. it's only gotten worseti and noh it's moving to all parts of the city. it used cit to be confined in some areas. now it seems to be everywhere. v and you have video after videote day after day and nobody seems to want tor r lift a finger. why wouldn't they refund the police?
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but that's the main reason that we have all of this violenceth breaking out. they took a billion dollars oute of the police department, not just here in new york city but in police departments around america. never put it back . and now there's been an attrition in the police departmentic. plus we've rendered them impotent because we don't want our cops to be proactive. they have to be reactive. look at this. look at this, guys. 50 years old. he's got on sean lead lined gloves. he that's what they use in the hood. i've been hit by it. m i'm telling you, it's going to c give this guy a concussion. he may never recover. he's an icy you. the guy's a coward. we look at that. t yet when he goes to jail, he's going to be a hero in the hood because you're going to be playing thate p video over and over like it's espn. we're playing some baseball player hitting a home run. that's what's happened to kriminal. c reality now is what is controlling the city. and we have a mayor, another elected officials. our swagger man mayor hasls no plan and other officials are
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pro criminal and anti law enforcement. and this is what you get anarchy, total anarchye and control of the streets by the thugs and targets. and it's all predictable. it's happening where you are in l.a., leo 2.0, terrell. it's happening in chicago. it's happening in s small towns and in big cities. and there's only one answer and that is to refund the police, get rid of this insanity of defund, dismantle and get rid of these policies. wewh have no bail on these criminals. stay out on the street no a matternd how many times they're arrested. you're right. and curtis is absolutely right.u wete lost a recall challenge tow a softan on crime prosecutor in l.a., george gascon and everywhere is in every major city now in e l.a. county not limited to to the poor area. it's in beverly i hillst, in saa monica. it's everywhere. you know why? rightrtis is absolutelyit i . there is no loyalty to law enforcement.
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the democrats are addicted to the money from george soros. they love that it is cocaine to them and they are going toar be loyal to george soros because he funds them and they're not going to cut off thatth spigot. that is the money that keep gas going in officet and alvin bragg and mayor adams, the guy with the fancy suit, they don't care about the community. they represent. they care about the money.ha and ast long as that moneyin is coming from george soros, they're going to keepke ignorinr law enforcement and they got to keep ignoring the communityin. one final i they're not in danger of ofse crime because they have their own private security and they have security. 24/7. you know, curtis, you ran to refund the police. i don't think people paid attention. i wonder if thatt election would io come out the same way today. n ligin light of all these incidents. oh, no, no. o people are telling me, hey, don't blame me, i , i supported sliva, but remember, thisla is black lives matter the summer of 2020n which has transitioned into big, large mansions.
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they took the million dollars, millions of dollars and ran and yet we still have this same monstrous john deep fund the police deep deep deep deep prison system. that means less. the question is out let anarchy reign. and if the police and the t officials cannot do the job, they won't do this job. john , i tell everybody, get out of the way. let the citizens take care of business like we always have ina the history of america.e i'm more a than happy to go out there and do battle with the thugs. john , , you've seen me do it d before. i'd broken my shot. i'll i do it again. this is what americans must to fight back . how do you fight back when a guy comes up behind youou and just knocks right on your? how do you fight back ? he didn't see it coming. you got kocot and it's happening more and more . know what, america, you need to pay attention. you might be the next victim ors hannity after the break. ngin a recent clinical study,
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12:00 am
unfortunately that is all the time we have left thisen evening. as always, thank youin forwa bes with us. thank you for makingg the show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. don't"h forget for news any time fox news .comy hannity, .com and in the meantime have goodd news. let notavood your heart be troud . the ingraham angle. laura ingraham is up next. she had a killer show lastil night. awesome ratings. great job. we'reho proud of you. thank you, hannity. i see you have the black crapebl behind you that morning. the passing of the cheney dynasty behind you. that's that's very fitting. very well.l. since she made her choice, she i think she knew very well and she what i saw last nightov was interesting. i love your thoughts on i watch your monologue somehow she thinks she knowsso better than the peoplee of that's how i that's what i took. that's vhs. yeah. aand people don't really count and that's world there. that's just the elites.
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