tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News August 18, 2022 10:00pm-10:59pm PDT
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but the intelligent control of all wheel drive and the power of a two point five liter turbo and there's no limit to the place of the twenty twenty two sorento can take and the story is waiting for you when you get there. world first storytelling machine the twenty twenty two samantha cue movement that inspired you. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. for all the badad things going on , there are on the other side joe biden's approval ratings, which are va a nonstop source of joy for us . and if you've seen them recently, you know inp your heart exactly how the november for elections e going to turn out. but it's obviously been a disaster for the country. but not only has he made the u.s. poorer, weaker and much more ridiculousore, people know that he hasut and they tell pollsters about it all the time. e
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biden is the single least popular president in modern american history. at this point. absolutely nobodyy is impressed by joe biden. and that wouldha be including d. jill. so this is a big problem for the biden family, obviously,ch but a much bigger problem even for the democratic party, whicha joe biden leads. unpopular presidents drag their parties to the bottom in midterm elections. that's the unchanging rule of politics. you saw it famously in 1994 with a republican takeover of congress after two disastrous years of bill clintonli. you saw it in 2006 after hurricane katrina. you saw it in 2010e. after obamacare. you saw it in 2018. so there's no question based on precedent that that's about to happen once again in 2020 two in november. everybody assumes and in fact it may well happen.ra we're certainly praying for it. but as i've said, we have to be honest with you. the numbers don't show that happening, not even close. in fact,he all the indications e have right now suggest thatea despite joe biden's well-earned unpopularity, the democratic
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party still again as of tonight- has a strong chance of holding congress in november. the prediction markets, which many believe are more accurate thanhe polls, overwhelmingly point to the democrats keeping at least one chamber. w and maybe strangest of all, as of this week, democrats are leading republicans nationally in the so-called generic ballot by about four pointsabab. so if you ask people which party do you like more , they say democratsts. and maybe that's why democratsey are raising a lot more money too. fand not just money from their patrons in big tech, but from small dollarr donors. that's bad. in june, democrats raisedio sixty four million dollars online from four million people that same monththat. this june, republicans raised j only twenty six million dollars onlineuser, just over a million dollars from the first quarter to the second quarter. rof this year, donations to the republican party dropped by more than 12%. by contrast, donationsar the democratic party are up more than 20%. that is not good at all, not simply because you need money
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to run a political campaign, but because money is to e some extent a measure of commitment and intensity. and you see the same dynamicamic playing out in individual races across the country. for example, last quarter, raphael warnock, that would be thoroughly mediocre. democratic senator d from georgia, the guy who was caughtt on video appearing to commit spousal abuse. remember that that guy raised more than 12 million online. his opponent, herschel walker, who everyone likeso, raised less than half of that so far . raphael warnock is an astounding amount of money. he's hauled in more dollars h online than seven republican senatorial candidates combined candidatesve north carolina, pennsylvania, nevada, ohio, florida, wisconsin combined. herschel walker is now trailingi raphael warnock by 10 points. and this is happening in the state. they tell us went for joe biden by a margin of about one third of a percentagerc point. that is bizarre. h whater is going on here?
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it's not just happening in georgia. according to the official numbershe, you'll joe biden wonp the state of pennsylvania by a little over a single percentage. point in 2020. so it's been two years. biden has become much lessy popular since then. meanwhile, pennsylvania, whichpa is controlled by the democratic party, has become much worse, far more chaotic and dangerous. here's's the scene in the states largest city on tuesday, nearly 100 shots fired on 57 street between haverford and westminster. tonight, a sea of evidence markers lined this west phillyly street telling of the potentially deadly chaos d f that unfolded here.ou o responding officers found fournt victims on 57 street to shot in the head in critical condition tonight. one victimimol i, we're told, it a bmw is an innocent bystander caught in gunfire and shot in the shoulder, all while kids and young adults were on auc nearby playground. >> over 100 shots rightkeed inve the street. it's hard to believe that's an american city. t's hard to believe that'sn a place where our constitution was written. it's totally unacceptable.
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and it wasn't itom didn't just happen. this is a result of policies p from the democratic party . riod now, you'd think this beingsh a democracy, that voters would punish anyonenyth who anything y do with turning philadelphia into disaster. you just saw s and john fettermn certainly did have a hand in that. he's the sitting lieutenant governor of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. fetterman now wants a new job. he's running for the u.s. senate. he's the candidate. and in some ways, john fetterman is the weakest possible candidate you couldld run. he has obviously a very public record of failure. he had a devastating stroke this spring, which is sad, but it affected him. y hereou he is campaigning for senate. you can count on eliminate the filibuster if you come out and step with us, we will be able to stand with you in dc
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unless let's get some stuff d done for america.t i gave away the lieutenant governor , governor in pennsylvaniaer, the onlyt. lieutenant governor in the history to do that. so this guy is everything you'du think wouldn't work.el he's radical for one thing. it'sr. one thing to filibuster. oh,a, j good idea. john fetterman, he's implicated in the destructionon of the stae that he's still a lieutenant governor of o and he's obviously impaired. it's not an attack on him. it's just true. watch him. so you'd think there would be no way a guy like that could win a senate seat . and here's the sad news, however. john fetterman is winning overwhelmingly. he currently has a double digit lead over his republican opponent, mehmet oz. dr. oz, the national republican senatorial committee just slashed ad spending in the state of pennsylvania by more than five dollars million, including their ad buys in the city of philadelphia. that's a retreat and it'sng happening in a state that republicans ought to
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be winning. what is going on here and why is no one mentioning? well, a couple of things are going on . but first, let's hear from mitch mcconnellea. mitch mcconnell is the head republican in the senate. he's not there because everyone likes that. mcconnell has no close friends. he's loved by noe one . but he's considered very smart. he's a master tactician is the dummies you cover politics foran politico and the washington post are always telling.. in washington people are very much afraid of mitch mcconnell and he will hurt and theyfu listen carefully toli his political analysisti because that's what he spent his life doing, that the only thinge he l spent his life doing. so here's what mitch mcconnell says. the problem is what i there's probably a greater likelihood the house t and the senate races are just different. their statewide candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome. so there's the headpu republican in the senate concedingbl three on south that republicans are probably not going to retake the senate.
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whyus is that? well, the answer, of course, is in the final line. you just heard some ofoc the candidates are mediocre. that's mitch mcconnell's excusee . and there's some truth in that.t obviously, some ofo them are mediocre, but compared to what mediocre in the congress. let's see dianne feinstein hasn't spoken a coherent sentence in years, hasn't had trouble getting reelected. expo had with a chinese spy. s he's still there. so mediocre people get elected to office lots and lots and lots of them do every cyclew . so what mcconnell's analysis really is , of course, is buck ,don't blame me. i didn't choose these people. alli but they're still the nominees. soso if you want to save the country and move in a different direction. yes. using hint of what you might do for mitch mcconnell other thancc just accept the inevitable? nowon t the truth is it's entiry possible mitch mcconnell
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doesn't want to retake the senate because then you'd have to run thingss youou. and there's one thingngt' republican leaders dislike. it's running anything much easier. to complain on fox news. but if you actually wanted to o win, what would you do? well, here's an idea just kind of out of nowhere, just spit balling here. rs how about you run on issues that voters care about that mightig work even for a mediocry candidate? so let's say again, justgain, fr the sake of argument that youn ran a campaign on illegal immigration and crime. now, these o are two issues that didn't just arisese out of nowhere. they're the product of policies the democratic party put in. o they were intentional outcomesuf with millions of people coming in illegally. and we have a whole lot more murders than we had two years ago. ithese two issues, immigration and crime, don't simply annoy v voters. they very much do. these two issues threaten the existence of our society. so maybe you should run on them . that seems reasonable, but that's not what they're doing now here for example, is a recent campaign ad from dr. oz. he's the guy who's losing to
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stroke victim in pennsylvania. watch 30% grocery shopping atst regnerusen. and my wife wants some vegetables for two today. right. so here's the broccoli. that's two bucks plus a ton of broccoli. there's some asparagus. that's four dollars carrots. that's four more dollars. ten dollars a vegetables there.t and then's we need some guacamoe ,four dollars more . and she loves us salsa. they're? six dollars. must be a shortage of salsa, guys. that's twenty dollars for quitting. this doesn't include the tequila and the. i meanan it's outrageous. we got joe biden affectless. twenty dollars to say t whatever that is . it's obviously very easy to make fun of that. but it's not entirely as stupid as if i'm if inflation were the salient issue here.e the generational issue of thist' campaign season. but it's not inflation.
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it's terrible.ld it's making people poorer. we could tank the u.s. dollar. p thesero are all big, big probles . changing the population of the united states , allowing people tope be murdered inth the street, letting drug addicts live on the sidewalke, a sending them crack pipes thatng will change everything forever . these arega offenses againstmo the most basic rules of any civilization. and the most basic of allou is you reward people for doing the right thing and you penalize them for doing the wrong thing. if t youou start doing the opposite, then everything falls apart and everybody knows that . ev so why don't you say it? why don't you say that? don't be embarrassed. just say that if you live in texas, for example, supposedly y conservative state, you don'touh even have police protection anymore. that's how quickly thingsre have changed. on the most basic level,or thatn not some reportsme from a government agency telling youy what the inflation rate is thatv your wife, you don't have
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police protection anymore. if there's one reason to run for office is to fix things like that. here's fox reporter madison d alworth describing it in dallas. they are unable to fill the nearly six hundred openings that they have budgeted for in atlanta. they have over four hundreded openings that they cannot fill evenn with up to four thousand dollars signing bonus police department has been demonizeds.t across the country, ryin communities across the country from coast to coast. it's been demonized if that police officer in uniform is not on your corner. we're seeing the results. s the staffing crisis is creatingm crime is creating violence. you i take a look at crime acros the u.s. and it is way up. robbery is up nearly 20% inre chicago and los angeles and here in new york city, up nearly 40% in crudities, 20 bucks. got it. but that that's more important than everything else that's going on right now. law and order. you see on the streets of
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our cities, you see that our southern border, it's collapsedf. n so if you're a republican voter and not just a republican voter,r, any voter you probably want to know what is the government going to do about the fact that i can call 911 and no one shows up? what are you going to do about the fact that our border is open to the world and that millions of them have come in illegally? how can you take the country seriously when it doesn't even have a border and it doesn't? and we know that because on video everythingg single day people stream in fox's and just cut the whole thing once again on camera. takes a look at this video we shot yesterday where we're standing. this is the first time we had everrd ever seen it. the texas nationall guard closed and walked a gate on this property. it's a major crossing t areahe and they blocked illegalom immigrants from being ablein to come into this property. it's private propertyth.
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the owner allows the national guard and border patrol to work here. but you can seeee immnt illegal immigrants started showing up. they weren't let in. they expected to be let in and they were surprised they couldn't get in. here's what happened, though. . ke a lookhoho this video border patrol showed up. key, rvisor came with a opened up that gate and let all of those illegal immigrants in symbolic of the way the state of texas handles things. first, the way the federalal governmentha handles things. so if every republican candidate is repeated, repeat after me. law enforcement, law and order is not racist. law and order is a prerequisite for civilization. and if it goes away, so does the country. you would win the voteses notmpy simply your own voters, but if a lot of other voters and people would have never voted before and any normal democrat would agree with that because it's inherently true. what is theecau opposite of whae have as when ann colter saw the video we just played, she noted correctly that it's easier to get into this country as an illegal alien than it is to returnn an american
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citizen back into jfk. w, by the t way, the people you sa, the ones who just want to be caught, they're turning themselves in the bus toth your town the of people who don't wantou to be caught. and those people are bringing in fentanyl, which is killing thousands of americans every month. it's been w a busy few weeks for us customs a and border protection officers in nogaleser at the checkpoint on saturday. on sthey found 2.5 pounds of blo tar heroin, nine poundsun of heroin, 89 pounds of meth and 320000 fentanyl pills. later that day, another huge bust, including more than 40 pounds of drugs and 150000 fentanyl pills hidden in the car. e border officials say people are becoming more creative in the ways they smuggle items through. in one case,in someone tried to hide 10,000 fentanyl pills using a body shaping garment. everybody knows this is happening. this is not hidden information is not the gnostic gospels. every american citizen knowsev exactly what's happening.
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and yet the leaders, the republican party, mitchan, a can't watch footage like that until you know, the most important issues we face territorial integrity of ukraine in the same breath. there's nothing the republican party can do to avert historic humiliation in the midterm elections. but the truth, as you well know, is that the people who run the republican party don't actually want to do anything about it. there are candidates we're talking about the stuff. j.d. vance in ohio, blake masters in arizona, joe kent in the pacific northwest. the leaders of i the republican party in washington would rather those guys lose and peopleathesnd like them losp change the focus ofar the party to issues that voters actually care about. but the truth is you can't win elections unless you listen toey voters. they're telling you whatelli they want. republicans have less thanmo three months to figure this very simplente riddle out or its going to be anua actual disaster . steven miller has been following it sinceou the beginning as a former senior white house adviser, he joinsor onig us tonight. steve, thanks so much for t coming on . this seems like the simplest formula ever.
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every normal person who hates crime, you'd really have to be kamala harris to wanton more crime h. why aren't they running on this? they're not running on it for the reasons you identified. a joe biden is the most unpopular president in american history. we should be looking at the largest midterm victory for republicansdent likewise in american history. and instead, the forecasts arere shrinkingng every single why? because mitch i mcconnell isn't interested in running a national referendum that says elect republicans . and in january , we seal the border. we reform law enforcement to go after criminals, not republicans. and we end the war on america's children. know what he wants to do is handpicked t candidates that he thinks will like mitch and mitch will like them. and if that means we w have 48 seats or we h have forty nine seats, so be it. he gets to stay on as majority leader. we are witnessing in real timet the greatest self-inflicted wound we have ever seen. if republicans win out every day and said we havel had more ethical immigrants everre before this year than have been
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recorded in world history, we have increases inn crime in our city that no civilized nation has ever seen. and if you elect a republican majority, we will go in in january and we will take a first funding bill and we will attach to it a requirement that border b be shut and a requirement that the fbi stopki attacking their opponents and start locking uped and breaking apart organized crime in america. and you say that in every state and in every congressional district in this y countryin and you will win a landslide like you have never seen before, but nobody wants to step up and even make that promise. >> let's exactly right.ds and actually there'sli precedent for it. the largest landslide innme the history of the american presidency was 1972ho by a d candidate who did went on charmn but one on one order and you can richard nixon all you want. but he was right and that's exactly right. r so again, how dumb are the people who run the party? well, a lot of people have been drinking the franklyn's kool-aid.
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i was a congressional staffer t for almost a decade. i went to t all of these presentations. so what they do is they sit you down and they say, well, we ran a message and it says that controlling wasteful washington spending polls at 95%, to whiche i would say you are supposed to 95% i like cotton candy. i think airplanes are really neat and super cool and i enjoyu watching movies on sunday. none of that gets anybody elected. what getss people elected is pushing messages where there's nowhere to hide. i'm for putting criminals behind bars. i'm for deporting illegal aliens and you're not. so i win and youin lose. that's how you win elections. and how about rafael, why don't you explain that video where be committing spousal abuse? like why is that the memory hole that causesse, us ? senator , i thought we were against that stuff. maybe he'll come on and win. steven miller.ha great to see you tonight. thank you soo much. thank you. so a major u.s. hospitals just exposed for mutilating children. they call it gender affirming care, but is ff mutilation.
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so we've got video of the hospital promoting w mutilation. so we'ree' s going to show you t in we found it dead and not one drop of blood and examiners will need it and another gloss over the past 40 years, more than 10,000 animals have been killed in various ways. the mammary glands brain was gone, caught out like a mistress, overwhelmed law enforcement. there's no evidence to point to one thing or another to go replicate that and not leave evidence. i don't think that would be possible. people see helicopters, pretention.
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it could be that theological weapons that's been lots of speculation. it really is coming and taking our animals the greatest unsolved crimes we took of the case ourselves. an original cattle mutilations screaming now on fox news channel, fox station, .com. it's million dollars a day. we got to get in to play god . the game of the game. i mean, what i have got one . you see them on sundays on fox and watch fox there. who do you have swing by ?
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michael masters is back. we saw on just like, you know, stuff. so that works for you specifically. first on fox, not a charity spokesperson. this is a paid advertisement for legal services sponsored by "nightline" legal cases assigned to random basis to participating law firms. if you or a loved one were stationed a marine corps base, camp lejeune between nineteen fifty three in nineteen eighty seven and were later diagnosed with cancer, parkinson's disease or other serious health effects. call right now you may be entitled to financial compensation. call right now to find out if you qualify by boy one three nine six. that's eight hundred eighty seven five point one three nine six is bakary needs new equipment fast to keep up with demand. so they're going to contact the online lender. that makes it easy to choose
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learn more than just an we're drowning in euphemisms. as you may have noticed, no one in charge speaks english anymore. instead, they speak around english. you can't sayay anything clearly because the truth about what they're saying is too horrifying. so euphemisms are everywhere. the latest agenda, reforming care. whatat is that exactly? whatat is genderng affirming? well, gender for me, care is the mutilation of children . that's. what it is . here's a specific example. boston children's hospital won't perform sixty five double mastectomies on children betweenlect 2017 and twentyer twenty . now, these weren't vasectomies for, say,en breast cancer. b they were not medically necessary. they were in response to r trans ideology. that's according to the journal of clinical medicine. ofso to be clear, boston children's hospital is not ashamedst of committing mutilation of children. they brag about it on youtube. interpreting hysterectomy is very similar to most o hysterectomies that occur. hysterectomy itself is the removal of the uterus,ni
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the cervix, which is the opening of the area and theng fallopian. some gender from hysterectomy will also include the removal of the ovaries. a phalloplasty is a procedure to basically create a or a fo an individual who was born biological female and who seeks transition to a male. we typically utilize tissue from elsewhere. for example, the forearm or the thigh is used. so that's not the mutilation of children. well, that'sat exactly's what it is . why are you in jail for this? because no one knows what was happening then the twitter tick to attention to it and confronted with the facts, boston children's hospital tried to deny it was even performing these mutilationenyerfo in response lc a tick tock is beinghi accused of something called stochastics terrorism. that's a phrase you hear all the time bubbled from
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the academic world and used by midwest's online to suggest that if you disagree with them,m you're committing violence. it's another attack on freedom of speechre, a medical billboar. chris has been accused of this many times. he travels the country with signs opposing puberty blockers is really miss chris elstein. we're happy to have you join us tonight. thanks so much for coming on .. why are you doing this? well, tucker, i became aware of this in late 2019 and twenty twenty and i'm no doubt of girls who are now ten andnd twelve years old. so they're right in this age group where all these girls are now identifying it. boys, we've seen a 4000 percent increase in the last ten years of girls wanting to transitionn and they do this socially insce schools. they'll change their name and pronouns. but what i'm really concerned about is the medical abusece going on . we have the biggest child abuse scandal in modern medicine historyscic. thesehi children are being given puberty blockers when they're ten years old, then they're givenen the opposite sex hormons which are sterilizing them. and asst we've seen in some of these videos as children now
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they are even cuttingng out their or cutting off these boys. the new standards from the world professional association for transgender health recommend they do these surgeries, 17 year but as we've seen in california, one of the kaiser permanente clinics, they've been cut off the of a 12 year old girl there and they castrated 16 year old boys. so this whole thing is just a giant mess. it's being presentedsear gender affirming care, but it's the exact opposite . thereos trying to help children to be who they really are, which is children intact a so that o they can grow up and figure outt what they want to do as adults. we should not be medically transitioning children. well, we shouldn't be lyon mutilating themin, that's for sure. or sterilizing them. and i hope that you are bringing attention to the reality of what's happening. we can debate, you know, the transm. question, but i donh think there's any debate over whether we should be allowed witchdoctorsrs be to be allowedo mutilate children. so bellbird chris , sure appreciate your coming on tonight. thank you very much. thank you so much, tucker. than verso why is the mutilatif children, the sterilization of i
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children legal? no one innes congress seems be asking that. noayay one did until marjorie taylor greene decided thisecle is worth legislatives represents georgia in the u.s. congress. she joinse cs, a us with an announcement about new legislation pending. congressman, thanks so much for coming. soso what do you plan to do abot this? well, i find this absolutely appalling, tucker. and the whole reason why i ran for congress in the first place is because i'm one of the americans that are sickec and tired of our government allowing the abuse of the americanau s people. but whenn it comes to gender affirming care, which is really child abuse, this is actually an assault and it'se child abuse. and this this practice shouldd never happen. it's so disgusting and appalling and it's an embarrassment to our country. youepub see, i'm one of those tt believes the republican party is only worth worse, being a true party worth deserving of the people's votes. if we are willing top stand up and stop horrific things like
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child abuse and like so-calleded gender affirming here, which is really mutilation, it'sens puberty blockers that cause chemical castration. actually having their chopped off, teenage t boys beinghe castrated. this needs to be illegal. and i'm introducing a bill called protect children's innocence act and it would createro a law that would cause it to be a class c felony for any person involved in so-called gender affirming care. that means mutilation surgery . that, means hormones. that means puberty blockers, anything involving any any useou under the age of 18 because these kids are too young to make these awful decisions thate will affect them and will be permanent for the rest ofs.yo their lives. you cut the off a little girl, you should go to prison. of course you perform a medically unnecessary hysterectomy. a little girl, you should be in prison. so i mean, i assume you'ren going to get every republican vote for this. av i should have every single republican co-sponsor. but unfortunately,hi i don't yet
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. i only h have five co-sponsors. i'm talking to all of my colleagues and urging them because tucker, let me tellurgiu something,. this is a referendum on the republican party when we take back the majority, if the american people elect us , we need we have a lot of work to do., not only do we need to impeach merrick garland, we need to clean out the corrupt fbi. we need to hold the democrats a accountable to defund all of their climate garbage. eighty seven thousand irs 8 arm. but there's one thing that we have got to do and we're notic even a party worsean deserving f the american people's votes. if we cannot protect childrenld from this horrific child abuseo and create this to be a felony because this practice has tof end, it's the kind of things nightmares are made of and these are monsterss under kids beds that are doing these horrific things to them. yes, we can't mutilate children. sorry. and i hopeope you will send a lr of every republican is tooaf cowardly to affirm the obvious you can't mutilateld
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children, period. so thank, congresswoman, fort. what you're doing on this. we appreciate it. thank you, tucker. so we've almost wrapped up production on a new documentary you've made for tucker carlson original. it's called transgressive the cult of confusion. you'll debut first on fox nation a little later this summer. ca final exam is back. we're going to take a rest from the insanity and joinoi our friend lisa boothe and chad with more to find. he's been paying attention to news. that's straight ahead. hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster,
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your defense, if you get any of these wrong, they're not exactly mainstream news questions. but we're going to find outd if you've been paying attention to the olympics. here's the you know, that's a deeper question . hands on buzzers. the questions. all of them multiple okay,e so the first person to buzz in gets to answer. you have to wait critically until i finish asking the question and giving all possible answers. so if you buzz in ahead of your turn. se every correct answer is worth the point. get one wrong. you lose a point. best ofbeinyo five wins are you ready? i think so. good luck to you both. someone got someone linked to the biden administration. this will shock you. it's just caught blocking multiple handicapped parking while shopping at whole foods. who was thisoo awful person? was it a lady first lady jill biden? dr. jill was covid. was it b secretary of state tony blinken or was it see mr. kamala harris, doug imhoff,
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lisa, this is just spit balling. against mr. kamala harris. are kamelot good? yes. carmello h, whatever doesn't matter. the man she's married to orss kissinger with american. here's a tape. wouldn't you hate him? read i got too excited every day. i need a and he seems completely unfazed that his blocking was clearly those parking spots. . i really got it wrong that i don't know why i figured thatn the first lady doesn't drive .ed yeah, that's a good point. or a real champion married to kamala harris. okay,, question too far above us and snowy canada. the lawmaker, doug ford froml ontario was holding h a news conference and something very unusual happened him. was it a he was pelted with an egg? was it b , he swallowed a bug s
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or was itne c, he had a sneezing fit? i'm going to go with a he wass pelted with an egg. he p was pelted with an egg that made me deserve that. it actually happened. i don't know. roll tape, please. act i not coming from not coming from a government say it's comingro from the health sectorm. oh,, i just on that one . they didn't knoww i knew that little. oh i remember that. h no, he was snacking right on camera. oh that's right. good guess. good. yeah. all i wanted was one tonight but hopefully i get more so question three , this is according to a new book on women in politics. oh god . okay, okay. therepl is a democrat out there who says people alwaysel tell me they'd vote for me if i had a ,
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which apparently does not have . is thisre a elizabeth warren is to be cyndi cortez or is it c, hillary clinton seventh more hate it. no, equipment like you always know. i was just going by whatin our judges are working on in there. they're sayingg. it was, hey, this is a rigged with a it was sweater. i don't even know if he was right. by the way, was chadwick more right than i did? i did it and i simply went, here's the tape. elizabeth warren , post reporter . right?aid no, no, i'm not a fan of if only i had a in the grand jury . how do we know why? so that's actually why i would
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like her to go now. i think it's still up one to zero going into question four.ue yeah, of course we can answer working on it right now. this is a two point question. all right. there was chaos in the commonwealth of kentucky when a truck overturned and spilled its entire contents over the highway. what was that truck carryinggt? was it a vienna sausages, thoseu weird little hot dogs? be chiquita bananas? was it seat bud light was that was they're working now, you know, but like many of us , confident it was bud i light and not the weird little hot dogs. and what about us ? then i'm fairly confident in kentucky that was hauling bud light craft bill with everyone. take a look at this. that was brinkema's. but ifd that happened to me but no one would have reported, you know, all right. well, that brings us to one to
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two, okay? why do you think we should. more than one , but we'll find this is your redemption question. he thisre is a final question. and here it is . and it's a very it's a lot of self reference in this question. so you will apologize. so we have a new documentary out about the mutilation of animals and the questionnm is who's doing this?en the u.s. government you oppose ? it turnsnshe out in the course f our reporting, we discover that other animals have been mutilated, too, including, one very famous example ine the san luis valley i of colorado. this is back in b nineteen sixty seven . this animal was found with no blood and organ. what was the name of thiss animal? was it a , bobby the bear? b b , snippy the horse or c chucky the chihuahua. chadwick more .he i'm going to go with b , b these horse snoopy a horse. all right. let's see if you're correct.
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when they opened her up so there were no words. yeah, that is a if you look here, you would get it wrong and then before they cut my strategy, they had to takeon out three marinesg. horse. all right, jack, thanks. there'd be no words. i mean, watching fox news and there's always a reward forf doing that said with the absolutely. you're still the winner in our hearts. but chadwick moore is the winner, in fact, and his prizenu is a custom aluminum watermt bottle in america. you can get it on a website and you can use it to to defend yourself on the subject and you're going to need it gorgeous. geoui love that. i know always you canel defend yourself with these. absolutely. i'm going to leave you two lovebirds to sort this out. thank you both so mdo i ever have a final exam ot news after this game?
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just the supreme thanks, america and also. you're welcome . american filming the show for the people we already this is your lucky day if you're watching me people what they want. i can't carson culture. we know people screw up weeknights solely on fox news channel. america's watching target get away from it all iconic. i don't i know you can deliver this. i'm the loudest the biggest troisgros. i have a heart murmur. this is your place to do all kinds of pretty much free since
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politician sweaty, sad, shifty, desperate for the affirmation of strangers. we're so used that we reallyur askse ourselves, are all politicians like that? are the heads of statesat and other countries nordic countries? are they the same way?he no, actually some of them are kind of fun. even the socialists of nordichi countries say what you will , but their economics, which are dumb,o p they know how to party. for example, here's the prime f minister of finland, sonna marren. this is newly leaked cell phone footage apparently is very scandalous. watch von real, do you think?
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and china's use of psychiatricli facilities forol political dissidents really goes back to the cultural revolution, which started inut nineteen sixty six . the chinese got this from the soviets because this was done, the stalinist era. song this has been going on foro decades. but you know, this has really been come to the fore in in 200 in a landmark paper was published by a guy named robin munro and we've known all about this for a very long time. and the u.s. government has h hu nothing about this except to issue a ritualistic condemnation in 2002. that'sio the extent of it. i don't understand the thinking
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here. so if a tiny country i don't know one marysia burkina faso isn't fully up to date on trans rights, our state department issues all kinds of threatening memos about it. but chinathbo, the biggest econi in the world, is torturing political opponentssri, electroshock therapy and no one notices. how does that work? it works because they're putto into the police run facilities . there are often not given a mental examination because they're perfectly a mental point of view. yes, they are. as you said, strapull of drugs. they are then given electroshock therapy and they're held there forel a long time and people come out unable to function as human beings. they're basically zombies and then they're put back into these facilities again. they're called the hong kong. so when you see, for example,he the prime minister of canada,s justin trudeau, say he's inspired by the way the chinese government operates . what does that make you think of in canada?
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and i can't tell you how disgusted i am by trudeau because he knows what's going on . his family going back to his father has really beener supportive,. the chinese communist party terrified gordon chang you.htys, thank thank b you, john . we'll be right back . you think you know tucker carlson? it doesn't look like our border at all. again, america loves watching tucker in prime time, bringing it every night. what tucker doing the most in-depth extended interview you won't find anywhere else. there's the unflinching documentary you can only see on fox nation covering the story. no one else on the planet will touch three big shows. one tucker only on fox news and fox nation for a dance with generalized myasthenia gravis f who are positive forrt
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another milestone inr: the passing system. you can stream our latest s documenter on something very strange going on livestock populations around the world, cattle mutilations or we'll be back tomorrow night, four p.m.. so this is a sworn enemy of lying. pomposity, smugness and groupthink havee best dealt with the ones you love.e. ladiesnk and gentlemen, the gret sean hannity right now han thats called funny as about humpday ,but cold. that was that was served up rightly so. he's kind of like a fox stalker. i think so. well, all of our comments coming up. tucker, thank you. best of less than fauci should rest in peace hunting. all right. welcome to "hannity" tonight. coming up,p, we'll talk aboutig humpty dumpty is a great fall. hiss time of to see an officially over. we have the inside scoop tonight. meanwhile, a teacher'sscoo union new jersey is calling parents extremists in a brand a new political ad. first, it'sd. the biden doj and of cours d
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