tv FOX and Friends FOX News August 19, 2022 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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redactions, make some of his own and then they can appeal that so this is going to be a long drawn out process. lara, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we always appreciate having you on. >> todd: any weekend plans in the five seconds we have? >> carley: i can't think that quickly. we should talk to "fox & friends" which starts right now. >> todd: bye. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ down home ♪ momma's cooking ♪ working with this guitar but it's hard ♪ i met a girl, bought a house, put a nice little -- >> steve: you are listening to jimmie allen, our featured performer today on the all-american summer concert series as you can see right there brought to you by our
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friends at p and g and low's. perfect day 46th and sixth avenue. maybe visiting from wanetca; 69 degrees going for a high of 88. it's going to be hot today. >> ainsley: but it's friday. >> steve: three hours away from saturday for us. >> brian: sometimes we have bands on they don't sound exactly like they do on the album. jimmie allen, that's exactly how he sounds through his rehearsal sounds exactly like you just heard him on his video with the perfect studio recording. what a voice he has. >> ainsley: you have an ear for music. you can tell the difference. >> brian: everyone in my family does except for me. i was asked to quit. >> ainsley: your parents were honest with you. some of those parents on "american idol." >> brian: my dad, i used to play the clarinet. my dad would say what song are you trying to play? >> ainsley: mary had a little
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lamb. >> brian: bad enough my brother was a better athlete but when he was better at music i almost quit, gift the world. >> steve: did you want to play the clarinet. i played the saxophone. >> brian: not enjoyable. >> steve: i liked it the hardest part was getting the read with the appleby temperature thing and getting the read nice. >> brian: i would make my own reads, whittle. the hardest thing about the saxophone is bringing it to school. >> steve: no, the tuba guy is in trouble. >> brian: tube go guy leaves with the mouthpiece. >> ainsley: i played the violin. >> brian: open it. >> ainsley: my mom made all of us play so we would be able to read music. good idea. i gold through crowds and put the case in between people so i didn't create try to get to the school bus. >> steve: here we are talking about how halder it was to get to school with our musical instruments. imagine you are the mac will he mores, wherever they go they
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have to take smokers and grills and fill up fox square. >> ainsley: how do they do that? >> steve: john and john, what are you making for us today on fox square? >> we are going to spice it unjust a little bit for all of you all inside and do some bacon wrapped smoked baby backed ribs from our body at prairie fresh. so we figured we would put a little pork, a little bit of pork. what's better than pork? adding pork to it. >> more pork. >> we do have a surprise, not only for brian, we have something coming in for you, but steve and ainsley, we have got something for y'all as well. and we might even throw a something in there for ms. karrly. so, get ready for your swoot the foote because we have got something that y'all have been working on. >> coming up at 7:00. >> that's right, coming up at 7:00. >> ainsley: so sweet. always bring gifts. will. >> steve: they are our outdoor dining facility. >> i will tell you something i want everybody to think about. we have labor day coming unjust
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in a couple of weeks. we will be wrapping things up with y'all there in fort hood, texas. master built wants everybody to think about the holiday season coming up. thanksgiving and christmas, smoke your recipes this year go to master mac will he more boys and check out some of the recipes and fox. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: thanks, guys. >> steve: we smoked turkeys your way you helped us with one of the recipes for the cookbook. >> exactly right. >> steve: we look forward to the big reveal in the next hour. >> ainsley: and the food. they always bring us a platter. >> steve: we have been up for four hours. we are ready for lunch. >> brian: this could be dinner. depending when you clock one off. let's talk about nonstop the bell went off probably a month ago between the battle between the mayor of new york city. i don't know why the governor is not fighting the other governor but governor abbott of texas. and it started simply as governor abbott said i cannot get the government's attention. our border is busted.
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it is broken. fentanyl is flooding in. we have got millions of people coming across. i don't have the facilities to handle it. so i think i will send some of these illegals into washington, d.c. so he put buses together, about 60's at a time in washington. the new york city mayor says why are you dumping illegals in our city he said i'm not but i will. and he starts seconding them to the port authority right here in new york city. now the war of words continues between the mayor at 9 governor of texas what he is doing is unamerican. what's unamerican is allowing illegals to flood our criminal and not enforcing our border. it's criminal. >> it's the worst time type of politics. raise his national profile and you know what? you should not be doing it by taking away the respect and dignity of people who are in need. what the texas governor is doing is just so anti-american. >> have you spoken directly to
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the governor. >> no, i have not. our team reached out to him when we first discovered what he was doing and we asked -- let's coordinate because crisis calls for coordination. >> carley: the governor in texas >> ainsley: the governor did ask him come down to texas and the border to see what we are dealing with here. what you are dealing with is a small little taste we have the big enchilada down here. new york, i think the numbers are higher now because we have seen more and more flock into new york city. the last number said 4,000 have been sent here to new york. 800 by governor abbott. that means 31 by joe biden. >> brian: they get that every seven minutes in texas. >> ainsley: a fourth by governor abbott. why isn't the mayor calling joe biden anti-american? this is such a double standard. it's okay for joe biden to send them. we never heard a peep out of our mayor here in new york city when biden was sending all those secret flights. >> brian: they still are.
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>> ainsley: yet he is going after the governor of texas who is sending a small portion. >> brian: voluntarily getting a free bus ride. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: they want to come to new york. they have family members here. >> brian: now they get a hotel room. here is the governor of texas. >> he didn't say that to president biden when president biden was flying people from texas to new york. and so he is really nothing more than a hypocrite. he is playing politics with all of this. he is also being a hypocrite. because new york city is a self-declared sanctuary city. and so why he is ever complaining for one moment about these people being bused into his city goes against his own self-declaration of being a sanctuary city. >> steve: that is such a good point. new york famously has been a sanctuary city, a sanctuary state for a very, very long time. you would think we would be welcoming them with own arms and the city is. but now the city is -- they had to blame somebody, it's going to be that darn republican governor
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down in texas. keep in mind, the mayor here in new york city started complaining after, i think they had only received one or two buses, maybe 50 or 60 people. and ainsley, you are absolutely right. in the last few weeks. new york city has seen about 4,000 migrants. less than 1,000 of them came on the buses, a lot of them as we have detailed before, have come to the new york city area at the direction of border patrol. they -- you know, when they process people, they wind up giving the ngos, the nongovernment organizations wind up giving people a little slip that says hey, reports somewhere to an immigration lawyer to be processed. a lot of the people are being processed here. >> and, steve, remember those secret flights in the very first one i believe came a year ago. wasn't it last august? >> brian: caught it on camera. and the former governor of new york, david patterson who is a democrat. he says this move by governor abbott is one of the most brilliant strategies i have
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heard in a long time. this puts new york city's mayor adams in a very tough position where he says i don't want them but, yet, it's a sanctuary estimate and he ran on this. that illegals are welcome here. we will welcome our arms to you. >> brian: the senator and governor raves have to be defined in arizona and texas on and new mexico on these issues. because of this has to be the number one issue. it's one of the reasons the hispanic vote is not going democrat. every day that goes by, more and more are going to republicans. >> ainsley: mayra floor reds. >> brian: what you are seeing right now is fascinating. the state authorities put up that fence, locked it and said illegals, stop coming over. what you are seeing now in the guys in the darker uniforms are border patrol. they opened up the gates and said hey, national guard, stand down. they got to the american side, we have to let them in. >> ainsley: i saw some interviews with border patrol yesterday they said look, they were already in. they should have but it's private property.
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the owner said you can unlock my gate and let them through. the border patrol said they were already in america. they had already stepped foot on american soil. when you do that, then you are here. you are here to stay until your hearing. >> steve: this is bill melugin video this is such arch easy way to understand what is going on. the people coming through on that side, that's mexico. and the gate was closed by the texas national guard at the direction of the governor. the governor is trying to keep the migrants in mexico. unless they come through properly. just migrating here illegally is not the proper way to do it. it was joe biden's department of homeland security, the border patrols who apparently are on order, okay, when they are there, stand them there, let them in. guy let them, in and as soon as as all 25 of them were in the country, they locked the gate again. brandon judd was on with sean last night and he said that is graphic depiction of how this administration, the policy regarding our southern border it it's wide open.
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>> when you look back at president trump's administration, he not only gave us the infrastructure but he also gave us the policy. when you look at that video, and when you see that gate, those fences were made to stop people from evading apprehension. unfortunately, those people were in the united states. they already made an illegal entry. they already committed a crime so we had to take them into custody. that's why you are seeing them open the gate to take them into custody. they already committed that crime. that didn't happen under president trump. because he gave us the policy as well. when you see that, that clearly shows how bad the biden administration policies are. that we take people into custody and they are able to congregate behind that fence because they know that ultimately they are going to be released into the united states. >> brian: you just add to this. just to go full circle. mayor adams has an a great opportunity to be national figure. him and joe biden have hit it off. if he went down to the border, took gopher abdomen up on his offer saw for himself this is
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overwhelm would he go have to do something about this. went to joe biden and had this meeting. he could be the guy who actually helps beto o'rourke and meets with beto o'rourke, too, in texas, as he tries, i think is he single digits from governor act if you believe some of the latest polls to show democrats care. but, instead, he just says act is doing the worst possible thing. illegal immigration okay with me. he would probably do a lot. also, i'm struck by congressman gonzalez who went over to i think guatemala and he said what kind of pressure are you getting from our government to rein in your border? he says zero. i have had no communication with this -- remember the root causes of illegal immigration is poverty within those countries and crime. the people who want to work on the root causes are not doing it when the last time you heard pressuring mexico to get those marines on their southern border so ours isn't overwhelmed. this administration is allowing central america come here. >> ainsley: ignore it not going
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to visit. any of the democrats down there. he has been invited. our mayor has been invited. is he not taking the invitation. he declined it, rejected it. they just want to ignore the situation, ignore the issue. it's not happening. >> brian: we can't let them. >> ainsley: let them all come in and ignore it and house them if you are a sanctuary city. >> steve: you know what? because there is no real open housing here in new york city for the homeless people, brian, you mentioned the hotels, we told you about a couple of days ago how they had apparently taken over a thousand rooms at the place that used to be called the milford plaza, then the next day it turns out they are looking for 5,000. they are up to 6,000. there is a big story in the "new york post" today that talks about how the new york city hotel association is saying hey, anybody who needs a place, we have plenty of hotel rooms. >> ainsley: why do you think those hotels are empty right now? no one is coming to new york because of the crime and other things. >> steve: extraordinarily the hotels are at 80% occupancy right now. after the pandemic, something like 90 hotels closed.
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they lost 20,000 rooms, something like that. so they have got plenty of rooms. and, think about it. they have had sump a lousy couple of years. if the federal government or the local government is going to say you know, we will take 1,000 rooms a night. we will pay you 400 bucks, whether or not have you got people or not, if they sign those contract, those hotels are going to make a lot of money. there is a place for them to stay. not only are they getting free transportation, a place to stay in the big apple. welcome to new york city. >> brian: those homes, just sacrificing their soul to do this. but, go ahead. meanwhile you don't stay in those hotels. who knows what is going on in there. maybe they will be complaining about the room service too on top of that a convicted sex offender is back back on the streets after nearly killing man right there in this attack. how liberal policies across the united states are letting criminals like this off the hook over and over. >> ainsley: plus, watch this. good samaritans save a man trapped in this overturned car.
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the incredible story coming up next. >> steve: unbelievable shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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this hour to break it all down. check out this crazy footage here. a flash mob of looters is caught on surveillance. tearing up a convenience store in los angeles. authorities say at least 100 people stormed into this 7-eleven, one suspect started throwing food at a worker who said he feared for his life. the same group street take over nearby blocking traffic and doing donuts with their vehicles. the group of thieves ran off before police arrived. long time cnn host brian stelter getting the boot from the network. the cnn canceling its reliable sources show. stelter has hosted the program since 2013. the show has been lagging in the ratings averaging 678,000 viewers. compared to the 1.4 million drawn by media buzz which airs right here on fox news: teaming up in a time of crisis.
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pull a driver from an overturned car. [shouting] >> on the other side. >> carley: the driver was pulled from the vehicle and is reportedly recovering in a local hospital. the incredible video was captured by a military veteran who coordinated that rescue. those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> steve: that's something they were in the right place at the right time and plenty of muscle. good for them. thank you. >> ainsley: good people down in san antonio. attempted murder charges dropped for the suspect accused of sucker punching that guy on a new york city street. he almost killed him. he is in a coma now. >> brian: yeah no. surprise. this guy spends his life just breaking the law. repeat offender back on the street released without bail. even though he is on lifetime parole. >> steve: todd piro joins us now with the disturbing details in this case. todd, the guy had been charged
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with attempted murder and how does that turn into a misdemeanor? >> todd: especially when there is perfect evidence the videotape doesn't lie but this is new york city in 2022. good morning to all three of you. police first charging 55-year-old van few boy. they charged him based on the evidence they h i guess the videotape wasn't good enough. charges downgraded to third degree assault and second degree harassment. the victim as you see right here no provocation sucker punched. leaving him with a brain bleed, broken skull and broken cheek. those charges do not require bail in new york city. the suspect has previously been arrested 14 files, including for a 1994 sexual assault on a minor with a deadly weapon. just the day after the sucker punch attack, 52-year-old cab
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driver it beaten to death after a group of riders refused to pay their fare. thee suspects have been arrested including 20-year-old austin amos. the new york city federation of taxi drivers now offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to more arrests. >> we can't look at, you know and defend people that commit crime. it's not the way to go. you need to stop defending victims. because we are the city. and we need to take our city back. >> mayor adams blames the changes in bail laws for exploding crime which has led to catch, release, and repeat. and in this case we receipt, repeat, repeat again 14 times. >> steve: todd, thank you very much. the guy who sucker punch the other guy who wound one a brain bleed currently in a chemically induced coma right there, they didn't know each other, and so that guy, the assailant apparently later, he confesses to his parole officer. he said yeah, i hit a guy really hard.
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he might be dead. i think the cops are looking for me. >> brian: unbelievable. >> ainsley: he goes free. he was in court yesterday. and this bronx d.a. decided to charge him with a misdemeanor instead. meanwhile the guy that he just sucker punched went up from behind. the guy couldn't defend himself. didn't have time to think and is he on the ground. brain bleed, fractured skull, broken cheekbone. he had surgery and now he is in a coma. 52-year-old man jesus cortez. we talked to his family. then the other guy, the cab driver, leaves behind an 8-year-old, a 7-year-old, a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old. he is out working really halder to support those four children and to pay for his wife. his wife says we are so lost. what are we going to do now. thankfully a go fund me page for that family and raised more than $100,000 to pay for the funeral, the children's education and just to help them stay afloat. they're also looking in case. they have two guys, one is austin amos 20 years old.
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faces a manslaughter charge, allegedly part of this gang of five who punched and kicked and thankfully they have that video nicholas porter 20 years old. gang assault and theft charges. police are looking for three women. get this. the women, one of them is a girl. she is 13 years old. 1, 15, and 16. and police looked at that video and they said when they walked away after killing this man and leaving him down on the ground because they didn't pay their cab fare. they didn't want to pay the money. he was chasing. as they are walking away the police say they are laughing -- not laughing, smiling. there they are. look. just killed a guy and they are like okay, let's go on again. >> brian: kill again i'm sure because they are let out. you are running every day. new york one, the wabc. he is running for governor. and guess what the governor of new york was talking about yesterday. we are changing the name of sales men to salesperson. that's the number one story.
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the mayor -- the mayor of new york city came out and said this is bad. says all the right things but does nothing. got to name all the lawmakers letting this no cash bail go through. call out the d.a. alvin bragg you let our city down. next person that this guy kills is on your head and lee zeldin should be in front of a camera every single day. every single republican with these crimes legitimately out of control of say our cities are being abandoned. have you seen these stats. how many people have left major cities overwhelming, san francisco, 31%, 46%, 41 members in portland. 42 in detroit. 43 in chicago. people have just said the hell with this you are not going to watch my back. i have an obligation to survive my family to thrive. i'm leaving. so, if you are a republican, and you are not running on this, you are not trying. >> steve: jaw dropping statistic if you put the map back up, we have some folks from the chicago area actually in the studio today because today is the big
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concert. >> brian: not criminals. >> steve: 43% of chicago has not returned to downtown. have you guys been downtown? and does it seem desserted? it does indeed. we have eyewitnesses. >> ainsley: new york feels different too. on the other extreme this study was done by the university of california berkeley. at the extreme you have got salt lake city, bakersville, california, and columbus, ohio. they have seen downtown activity go up 110% since 2019. on the other side, these cities with all the liberal policies and particularly the run away crime, the soft on crime stuff and the no cash bail nobody is going back who would want to go back. car carp when i moved here, the people that were here loved new york city. >> steve: it was a nice time then. >> ainsley: really so much fun. >> steve: those were the days. >> ainsley: people i know say moving out. one girl said i will never leave
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new york city. my children are going to be raised here i'm never leaving she said if a republican doesn't win i'm out. >> brian: what ainsley is referring to when you first got near in the 1970s and go to studio 54 and party the night away. >> ainsley: i used to say i wish i could have gone studio 54 and then i watched the movie about it nope. i'm good. >> brian: went from studio 54 to rehab. >> ainsley: we will have to talk to geraldo about it. he spent some time there. he has some fun stories. rainbow colored fentanyl that looks like candy is seized at our southern border for a second day in a row. the warning from law enforcement that drug dealers could be using this to target your kids. look at it i mean, it looks pretty. maybe your kids might think it's rock candy. >> steve: it looks like candy. plus, following backlash, a north dakota school board has decided to reinstate the pledge of allegiance at meetings. it's a victory for patriotic americans. that story straight ahead on "fox & friends" live from new york on this friday
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authority in new york city. this comes as greg abbott continues his verbal sparring match with the new york city mayor eric adams over the thousands i will illegals that have crossed the border by the day. that door will come open and. brian over to you. >> meanwhile, this, the judge a who approved the fbi raid on former president trump's mar-a-lago home now giving the justice department just one week to prepare a redacted version of the affidavit. but trump's attorney is demanding even more transparency. >> i expect it will get a lot of black ink all over that piece of paper if i was the don, biden doj i would probably be redacting anything other than the word and and the. >> brian: here to react fox news contributor, constitutional law expert jonathan turley. jonathan, is she right? are they going to get back a bunch of sheets with a lot of redactions? the justice department just said
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they didn't believe they could release anything without undermining the investigation. overly broad. parts of an affidavit you can release including parts known to the trump team. you are not really going to be revealing anything that they dent know. what we are interested is how that information was presented. was it presented faithfully and truthfully given the past record of the fbi and the department of justice in trump investigations very aggressive. they have a reputation for that they have routinely been accused of redacting too much out of material. i have been in cases where i have challenged that. they use this strategically. part of the problem is if they go and redact too much, they can delay release. they can go on appeal and fight this a little longer without releasing information. >> brian: here's the thing. the trump team says yeah, i want it all released. they are even talking about
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releasing their video footage that they have surveillance footage that they have of the raid itself as it took place. you are talking about nine hours of footage. if you are on the trump legal team, do you do that? >> well, it's -- that is a very aggressive position from the trump team. it's not going to please the court. the department of justice has already said that they would like them to not do that because threats against agents. i would probably caution them not to do it. it is their right. there is no legal reason they cannot release that video. >> brian: jonathan you wrote a column in the "u.s.a. today." you talked about incredible shrinking merrick garland in what respect? >> well, you know, time and time again attorney general garland has said is he worried about the questions ever the integrity of his department and the fbi and really chastised people who are making these criticisms and in some cases threats.
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and, yet, he has done very little to address those concerns, to reassure legitimate -- to assure americans that have legitimate concerns over bias. over the record of the fbi. you know, he refused to allow a special magistrate to be appointed to sort through the material acquired under this very broad affidavit and search to remove material that was not covered. to assure this wasn't a pre-textual raid. he could have supported release of part of the affidavit. as the court said, there is likely parts here that can be released. time and time again, garland could have stepped forward to say look, we don't have to do this but we are going to do it because we need to -- for you to understand that we had a legitimate purpose here are the math the problem is his judicial temperament. he tends to be wrote and
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reactive. he doesn't tend to be proactive. this is a case where we really need leadership and we really need him to do something a little bit different to deal with a unique situation. >> brian: he was slow to do it. deliberated for weeks. >> and then told us it was an emergency, he had no choice. and then we find out he gets the warrant. he waited a few more days. the fbi is not going to -- it looks like christopher wray is not going to pull a james comey and get ahead of the attorney general. see what happens in the meantime. donald trump dominating the news again. jonathan turley, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: you got it more than $7 billion worth. that's how much military equipment was left behind to the taliban after the disastrous u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. the continued fallout one year later. that story coming up. we won't forget. one sheriff is sounds off on the shocking images of border agents letting illegal immigrants into the u.s. as we have seen now, the latest bus arrivals from texas right here to new york city. to a hotel right near us.
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a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ >> steve: just in the last 10 minutes another bus carrying migrants from texas arrived in new york city as an unpress -- here they come and then they they are escorted into the port authority and given assistance by a local charity, told where to go, where they can get housing and food and things like that. so, welcome to new york city. meanwhile, we showed you yesterday these shocking images of border agents unlocking a gate that had been secured by the texas national guard to keep people out. but then, the federal agents actually let them all through, through eagle pass. meanwhile, a new online survey reveals more than half of americans say there is an invasion, that's the word, at our southern border. here with reaction is kenny
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county, texas sheriff bradco. sheriff, good morning to you. >> hey, when you saw that video of the texas national guard closing the gate person from border patrol who obviously was doing this at the direction of his supervisors, he unlocked the gate and let every one of those 25 migrants in. what did you think? >> first question i have is where is the coordination between the state and the federal government? aren't we supposed to be working in this together? it seems like the federal government is doing exactly whatever it wants to do without any types of checks and balances. >> steve: right. to critics who say, obviously, this administration has got an open border policy, it sure looks like it to us. >> i agree, i agree 100 percent. >> steve: in your county you share, on the other side is the country of mexico. you don't have any walls or barriers or anything like that.
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how many migrants come through your county into the country illegally through kinney county? >> i have a series of cameras set up throughout the county to monitor that i am seeing 150, to 200 a day. a couple months ago 4600 weren't challenged and weren't apprehended. >> steve: that's jaw dropping you just said at the end not apprehended. what we looking at right there the people crossed from mexico and into the united states and surrendered you are saying you had 4600 migrants come, in nobody is waiting for them. those are 4600 of the so-called got-aways, aren't they? >> that's correct. where too they go. >> a few we are able to apprehend tell us they are going to houston, georgia, indiana, nebraska. wherever they made prearrangements to go to. >> steve: if you are a cartel
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trying to get drugs into the country illegally, you know what? they know, kinney county, texas, nobody is waiting for them so that's where i would take the drugs. >> that's part of what they are doing. they will push a large group through like we saw yesterday. 25, 30, even 100 at a time. everything gets tied up on that, and two or three will slip in somewhere else carrying whatever it is they need to carry. >> steve: as we introduced you, we mentioned that a big part of the country thinks what's going on on our southern border in your county is an invasion. would you agree with that word, invasion, sheriff? >> i would agree with that 110%. actually we are the ones that first pushed that resolution through our county to the governor's office. that we declare this state of invasion in kinney county. >> steve: no kidding. we know you have got your hands full. sheriff brad coe, thank you very much for starting your day with "fox & friends." >> thank you. >> steve: good luck to you. you need. >> it god bless you all. >> steve: god bless you, sir. all right, carley joins us. we were just talking about drugs. and that's where you start.
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>> exactly, we are staying at the border here, steve. border patrol in arizona uncover a massive fentanyl pills that officials believe are branded specifically to appeal to children. more than 15,000 rainbow fentanyl pills confiscated at the nogales port of entry on wednesday. and earlier this week, police seize 800 fentanyl pills that look a lot like candy during a drug bust in portland, oregon. parents are calling on school board officials at an elite all-girls school in nashville to resign over their decision to accept applications from biological males who identify as females. a letter from parents, alumni and donors call for the immediate resignation of officials who back the idea and threatens to withhold financial contributions until the policy is permanently abandoned. a group of liv golfers suing the pga tour will have to wait until 2024 to have their case heard. the golfers phil mickelson and dechambeau are challenging the
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position by the tour over their participation in the saudi back rival league. the news is a blow to those stars who reportedly wanted to have a case heard before next year's fedex cup play offs. and chipotle is controlling drink thieves and turning a profit at the same time. the tex-mex chain will be selling these lemonade scented sandals in lemonade day. accidently fill their free water cup up with lemonade. who here among us hasn't done that, adam? >> adam: in my life i have. but not in my adult life. >> carley: going to jail. not in the city or not. >> adam: one city don't work. watching chipotle. fill those things up. talking about the forecast. what are we discussing? heat once again. or will be heat by the afternoon. especially on the east coast or west coast. early this morning seeing a lot of temperatures 70, 60 degrees.
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the rain continues to be largely across the dessert southwest into portions of texas. round after round here for the last several days and still we see flood watches from arizona over to new mexico as they have seen a ton of rain. this is going to last until sunday morning. how much rain are we talking about? remember, the ground is already saturated. another two to three inches easily across that entire region. in some cases 3 to 5 inches of rain. those are your forecasted highs on the day. those are your weather headlines. steve, tossing it back in to you. >> steve: thank you very much, adam. still ahead, feeling the squeeze, i'm not talking about lemonade, thanks about inflation and a drought, tomato crops are falling short and prices are spiking. california farmer is going to explain what you should expect with tomatoes coming up. first, back to school savings dorms, backpacks. the deals that won't break the bank. it's "fox & friends" for a
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> ainsley: i think we are on right now. we are on, carrie. let me stop talking. "fox & friends" back to school week is in full swing.
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parents face the most expensive back-to-school shopping season in date $74 billion with a b expected to be sent on college supplies. i believe it lifestyle expert carrie reilly is here to save big with items that should be on everybody's list. what do we have here? this looks comfortable. >> first of all i want to say we all are looking for ways to say i feel like mariah carey. big ticket items, laptops. i like to set a deal alert first dip. flick put in what you want and come back with a deal alert that comes into your text messaging, tell you where can you get it with the cheapest prices. big social platform for shoppers. that's my first big tip of big items. first up, this is happy i know aren't these just adorable? this is for tweens ages 8 through 146789 the colors are bold. they have got everything on there. matching different sets. all pieces on this website are
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under $40. all of them, which is amazing. happy this is all about body positivity and size inclusivity. we want our kids to feel comfortable in their own skin, right? >> ainsley: college kids love to dress like this. >> they sure do. some of them might be able to fit. this is for tweens. happy nation. >> this is zeny. this is one of the online's biggest on particular suppliers of gases i love these particularly for kids who need glasses. look good on you. you can actually get a pair of prescription lenses and frames for as little as 6.95 cents. blue light protection. this is a cocoa and portions of these proceeds are donated to the child mind institute. because we care about our kids and great mental health. >> ainsley: great organization.
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>> >> veer bra bradley. >> who doesn't love vera bradley? this is backpack destination. in the back a lot of different compartments. thought of everything. up slated. put your different ipads in it. place here different colored fabrics really nice. matching tumblers and lunch boxes. my daughter loved these. durable. last forever. >> okay. what about this one. >> this is for your dorm room. moving into dorm. water pick cordless advance flosser. portable and waterproof. >> ainsley: good way to make your kids brush their teeth. >> thank you when they're away at college. shower caddie waterproof. >> we have hall bathrooms. >> exactly. this is 40% off. 59. # 9 at amazon. a huge savings. >> ainsley: humid fire in the college dorm i had to get one. >> levoit humid fire over 25
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hours. huge. essential oils and make your dorm room smell luscious. very affordable. >> $55 and under. next up is dormify, female owned mother daughter company. one-stop shop for everything in your dorm room. >> ainsley: everything here. >> everything here. it is like. >> ainsley: all the pillows and the blankets. >> almost like a dorm room in a box. go on the site and pick the different kind of style whether you like pinks and all kinds gender neutral. biggest selling item. side table and the head board. look it has a usb on the top. it has the plug. >> plug up here at the top. okay, carrie, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: great deals. >> still ahead jimmie allen is here. is he going to perform live for the all-american concert series first join him live on the fox square to talk about album. tulip drive and the inspiration behind his song download it.
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or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $700 on select* tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. >> ainsley: we begin with a fox news alert. another bus carrying migrants from texas has arrived at the port authority here in new york city. >> brian: that is the second bus to arrive this morning. we are told relief groups are meeting the migrants as they get off the buses with new pairs of shoes, socks, and food. somehow you know you are paying for that. >> steve: so far today -- so two buses have arrived. it's unclear if more buses will arrive. we have seen days whereas many as four buses have arrived. and i think on that day 200
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migrants in all. we believe -- yesterday we said that so far it seemed like about 800 migrants from the texas area had been bused to new york via these buss which are being financed by the state of texas into new york. but in the last month or two, at least 5,000 migrants have found their way to new york city and now obviously can you see the people welcoming them to new york city. they are giving them information about where to get food and where to get legal assistance as they shake their hand and this flies in the face of those earlier stories where we had heard that some officials in new york and d.c. felt that those migrants had been tricked into getting on those buses. you know what? they seem pretty happy to be here. >> ainsley: they got on those buses voluntarily. and we have about 4,000 illegals that have been sent to new york. it's been happening for a year. joe biden has been sending these secret flights into the new york area into west chester. the first flight, i believe, was
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last august. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: one of the guys running for governor who lost in the primary, he was out there. and he was taking that video for us and sent it in. yeah, we have been airing this for a year. but now, now you are hearing from our mayor who is mad at the governor of texas for sending these buses. why wasn't he mad when biden was sending in these buses or planes a year ago? >> so, what have you got to think is you have a paycheck. you are a middle class working class or pay any type of -- have any type of success in your life, you have given up basically 55% of your income to your tax dollars to social security, to state tax, to schools, just know that now we are taking that money that you worked so hard, maybe 50, 60 hours a week and you are not helping americans. you are not putting your money into pool just for americans, your neighbors, part of making your city safer and your streets cleaner, you are actually helping other countries to the tune of 4 million people,
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800,000 got-aways and these people might be the greatest people in the world. they have might be the finest individuals. but you don't get into our country or any country by storming the gates and actually staying. we are the only civilized country that we know of that will allows people to storm -- break into their borders, come into their system and support them. while we are, at least, on average close to a trillion dollars overdrawn on our bank account. even though we have record tax revenue rolling in it this administration does not care. >> ainsley: you are right. we have a heart for these individuals. look at a mom and looks like her husband and two little kids. she is excited she is going to give her children a great life here. >> brian: compare that to the people doing it right. >> ainsley: you know, brian, you didn't let me finish. yes, we have a heart for them. they are god's children. we love them and we are so sad that they are in bad living conditions if they are in their countries that they came from. however, would know so many people that have con it the
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right way that waited on the list. came in, the right way, and they pay taxes here they pay their own bills and they pay their way. >> steve: right. here's the thing. since joe biden took office, no more than 2 million people have arrived in this country what we consider i recall legally. however, it all depends on who is in the oval office. immigration reform has not really been addressed by the u.s. congress. you have want to change things, that's delicious. you want to change things, change the law. and the way it is right now, whoever is in the white house gets to essentially tell the department of homeland security how to interpret the law. it was different during donald trump and now that joe biden is in the big chair in the oval office. he is saying essentially we're going to let these people in and they will be processed by the border patrol. >> brian: steve, giving them too much credit. i don't think they have alternative policy. they have zero policy. what they said is you border patrol that are under paid and overwhelmed and under staffed, let them in. let's just allow people in these
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states to deal with it let's land them at midnight and flood them into zones. that's not a program. let's give ngos money from taxpayers' coffers and give them clothes and food using our money and don't bother me with it. we will get to the underlying causes. we don't have any plan or any meetings with any of the people from these countries that are coming here. >> ainsley: democrats, they said we don't like the police, they defunded $1 billion from new york city, you don't like it, this is what you wanted. so the outcome was expected. we presumed that that was going to happen that crime was going to go up in our city. same thing with this. you want to be a sanctuary city. you want to run on being a sanctuary city. then don't complain when all these people come here illegally and live in your city. you have to pay for it. >> steve: such a good point. so easy to be a sanctuary city 2,000 miles from the border. but suddenly because of these buses the border is about four blocks from where we are right now. >> ainsley: right.
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>> steve: we will keep you posted if another bus or two shows up. >> brian: the president might be biking on a beach right now so he couldn't care less. >> steve: he is on vacation. somebody working down in palm beach. the federal judge ordered the justice department to submit proposed redactions of the affidavit used to justify the search warrant and the execution of that on the former president's home in palm beach. >> ainsley: yeah. he says that he is inclined to release parts of it to the public. their redactions are due next thursday. >> brian: get the sharpy ready and get a whole box. griff jenkins is live in washington with the latest. good morning, griff. >> griff: good morning, brian, ainsley and steve. we may be a step closer to learning what the justification was behind the fbi's unprecedented raid on a former president. judge bruce rinehart giving the doj one week until thursday high noon to offer a redacted version of the affidavit writing this in his orders saying the government has not met its burden of showing that the entire affidavit should remain sealed. now, it's a setback for the
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justice department and opposed the document's release claiming it would compromise criminal investigation into trump. doj counter intel chief jay bratt blasted the judge's order telling "the washington post" there is quote real concern not just for the safety of these witnesses but to chill other witnesses who may come forward and cooperate. bratt also insisting there would be nothing of substance if the affidavit is release. meanwhile trump continues to call for transparency. his spokesman saying, quote: no redaction should be necessary and the whole affidavit should be released given the democrats' pen chant for using redactions to hide government corruption just like they did with the russia hoax and even with redactions, trump's attorney has low expectations of what we might see. >> i would expect that we will get a lot of black ink all over that peels of paper if i was the doj, biden doj, i would probably be redacting everything other
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than the word and and the. >> and then there is, this after the judge rules on what can be released, both the doj or the media lawyers in this case would have a chance to appeal the decision and that means it could drag well beyond next week. brian, ainsley, steve? >> steve: so they will all be back in court next thursday. all right, griff, thank you very much. >> ainsley: thanks, griff. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about a story. >> ainsley: your area? >> steve: no kidding. in november when they had the elections down in virginia which really turned on education and they also had a government in my state of new jersey, i saw a lot of the same people, kinds of people who are going door to door or speaking up at school board meetings down in loudoun county and leesburg and places like that and virginia coming and knocking on my door in new jersey saying hey, do you realize what they are doing in our schools in the schools that your kids all went to about five blocks away from here?
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and they would lay out graphic details of what was going on. and it was like i had no idea. well, those same parents in new jersey who are very passionate and worry significantly about their kids, i mean, they are our whole lives, now they are being labeled extremists. ains ain't the parents are. >> ainsley: going to the school board meetings and complaining because they don't like certain things in the school. >> steve: yeah, that's the parent's job. >> ainsley: ad on youtube. short little ad. i think we have a little bit of that ad. is this a part of the ad or do we have the soundbite? this is a part of the ad. watch this. >> we don't agree on everything in new jersey but we all agree that our kids deserve a world class education so which extremists start attacking our schools, that's not who we are. people who only want to fight to score political point should take that somewhere else. >> brian: they actually think that's going to get them anywhere actually saying extremist and do background check average everyday americans upset people asking their 3rd
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grader ifs they want to be boys and girls today? >> ainsley: did you notice the video everything is happy, beautiful music, everything is colorful and then when they show pictures of the complaining at school board meetings it's black and white. and then, again. all colorful, has been, there is beautiful mink, then look at this, this lady black and white, this man black and white. that's the color everyone is happy. this one black and white and everything is colorful again. >> steve: look, parents are passionate about our kids. we have got to be like that. executive director of building students together a woman by the name of laura zork said of the -- this is the new jersey chapter of the nea that's put this out, she said defaming parents as extremists for standing up for their kids is right out of merrick garland and randy weingarten's playbook. new jersey parents deserve better than new jersey education slander. standing up for your kids is not a political point it is a parent's responsibility. the njea should be after shamed for pretending to care more about kids than the kids' own
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parents. >> brian: let's listen to two of those board members that want to be board members on the school board. listen. >> they are the largest lobby for education in new jersey. they are involved in all the legislation, rights and codify laws that tell us what our children need to be taught in schools. it's a really horrendous situation. doubling down is not a good idea for them. >> the njea has doubled down on their war against parents right time 12 weeks out from the november election and they continue on the wrong path. it's almost sad. i don't know who is doing the messaging. it's going to fire up parents to come to the polls. they have wanted to go back to their normal lives it's clear the njea is not going to let their grips go on our kids. >> ainsley: those are candidates that want to be on the school board. >> ainsley: virginia did something that might work in most of these states. the governor has signed legislation saying crt, certain things can't be taught to our young kids. the governor just made of the decision so that then that
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trickled down to all the school boards so you don't have these types of arguments in a lot of the board meetings anymore. >> steve: in new jersey when the school board candidates were running and they knocked on my door and i probably talked to 10 of them and they were great. they don't run as republicans or democrats. they are running as parents. simply interested. and, listen, the ones who were the most passionate, those are the people you want in those jobs because they oversee what's going on in your schools. i mean, don't you want parents to have involvement in what your kids are learning and how they are learning it? >> brian: makes it easy when they put out ads like that painting as extremists instead of using words that might win that argue: as soon as you call someone extremist that isn't that just wants history taught in schools the right way then game over. it makes people zone in on that and probably not going to like the result. >> ainsley: we are not proficient in math and reading. we were 50% as a country before the pandemic. imagine what it is now. if we are not proficient in math and reading, that is sad. that's sad for our children. then why go into these schools
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and talk to them about stuff that the parents should be talking to them about and focus on reading and math. that's what parents want. >> steve: you are an extremist, ainsley. >> ainsley: apparently. so put me in black and white. >> brian: isn't math also racist? >> ainsley: i'm sure someone is saying that. >> steve: anyway, that's a little something going on in the garden state of new jersey thanks to the big teachers union over there. meanwhile, we have got some news on this friday. >> ainsley: hey, carley. >> carley: happy friday how are you? >> carley: you guys are doing such a good job. >> ainsley: a busy morning. >> carley: outside hanging out with the fans, upstairs. it is the biggest day. >> ainsley: did you get some barbecue. >> carley: i got some barbecue. i think you will be getting some soon too. >> ainsley: they have a surprise for you, too. >> carley: repeat on the other hand suspected of sucker punching man on a new york city street is walking free without bail. the suspect who has been
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arrested 14 previous times was released after his attempted murder charges were downgraded to two misdemeanors. just a day later, another brutal beating led to the death of a 55-year-old cab driver. three suspects have been arrested and police are still searching for more. a lot of companies plan to hand out pink slips, a new survey finds that half that responded are planning to lay off employees, consultant firm pwc found that 52% have implemented hiring freezes. 44% are withdrawing job offers. a whopping 72% of those companies are also expanding remote work to streamline costs. and, brian kilmeade's hometown team the massapequa is warming up to play the 2018 champs honolulu in williamsport, pennsylvania. last week massapequa played incredible game tom rivers east. star pitcher no hitter leading
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them to the big game. congratulations to them. >> brian: right. got to win tonight. >> carley: against hawaii. >> brian: home and away game. >> carley: who are you pulling for. >> brian: went to hawaii twice as opposed to massapequa. ains they get a trip to hawaii. are. >> brian: first win in williamsport. >> steve: here is your brownie in a little skillet. >> ainsley: a thin mint brownie. >> brian: counsels made dessert. are. >> carley: something lining you see in a cookbook? >> ainsley: hand is scorched. during the summers on fridays we have the all-american summer concert series. we have got the food and the hot brownie. >> ainsley: and we have the music, jimmy allen. >> steve: coming up for all-american summer concert series talk to him in 15 minutes, check back in with the mechanic will he mores out on the square making very hot
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brownies and other stuff for us. >> that's exactly right. so several surprises there. hoping this morning. brian we heard you earlier this week that you love pumpkin spice flavored coffee. so we got you a hot and a cold pumpkin spice. and also y'all were talking about the girl scouts doing some recipe testing you, the master built and mac will he more boys got together and decided to do a baked brownie with thin mint that is in there with y'all. >> ainsley: that is so sweet of y'all. >> steve: thin mint brownie. >> steve: got your name on it, too. >> steve: that's delicious. >> that's something that steve would do like in your 18th cookbook coming up. [laughter] >> brian: is this like camping if you are camping and still want dessert? >> we are camping right now not at this very moment but leaving here in new york and going back to lake lanier camping in margaritaville with our families. >> v.i.p. guys i want to let you
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know baked beans, mac and cheese a roll and bacon wrapped smoked and griddled rib barbecue chipotle kind of sweet. can you get better with bacon wrapped anything. >> thank you for supplying us with all the pork for the concert series. >> john wants to nah on one of these. >> steve: this is good. fantastic. >> ainsley: anything with bacon on it. >> anything with bacon on it. [bacon! >> save some for jimmie allen. >> bacon! >> ainsley: what kind of coffee do they drink? >> steve: it's completely sober, it's crazy. that is so good. all their recipes we put them on they are also on master built where you buy their smokers. >> ainsley: jimmie allen supports "fox & friends." he sings best shot. make me want to, good times
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roll. those is us. >> brian: i think he has at least three number ones. general jack keane will joins, plus following a backlash in north dakota school has decided to reinstate the pledge of allegiance at their meetings. the patriotic victory still ahead ♪ ♪ shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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conceived the dod inspector general confirms the u.s. government left behind more than $7 billion worth of military equipment. much of which fell into the hands of the taliban. some they sold. here to react fox news senior strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane, does that number surprise you, general? so our audience understands the united states closed all of its bases in afghanistan before the collapse we did three things on our equipment. one, we sent it home. two, we gave equipment to the afghanistans that they needed it and three, we destroyed what we didn't want what this equipment represents ogletree that has been considerable we provided all ground vehicles and significant number of military aircraft as well. and, brian, let's face it, this
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is what defeat looks like. you know, the victor takes your take tore, takes your equipment and takes anything of value. and obviously they took the equipment and they are going to continue to use it. >> we chose to lose. the men and women deserve better every battle they are in. ukraine, guys fighting on a daily basis. right now there is a lot of pressure on this nuclear facility, the biggest one in europe. the nuclear workers were told, ukrainians were told to stay home. is this blackmail by the russians? >> yeah, i mean, the russians are really using this as leverage too intimidate and coerce the you-so our audience understands this is the largest nuclear power plant in europe. there are six reactors there. two of them are active. there is thousands of ukrainians that work there. every single day. the russians are in control of
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this thing their using it as leverage. today they are talking about just possibly taking two reactors that are working and taking it off the grid huge impact on the ukrainian. the secretary general is in ukraine. is he trying to work with erdogan and zelenskyy and the russians to see if there is some way to isolate are the nuclear power plant to get it out of the battlefield completely and put it in independent international hands. i mean, that would be the ideal situation if they can negotiate something like this. because the danger is really quite obvious here. i mean, there is shelling going back and forth here at that nuclear power plant with all the inherent policies e. possibilities of a radio reactive release as a result of it which would be devastating. general, do you agree that the
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ukrainians who are have to show a lot of progress and penetration on russian occupied areas by the late fall, winter or the aid will dry up? >> yeah, i mean, we are at a turning point right here. the russians offensive in the donbas has pretty much stalled. they are not able to take the western part of the donbas. their casualty rates are staggering. and that's one of the reasons why they can't get any operational momentum. this is the opportunity that the ukrainians have been waiting for so they can conduct a counter offensive operation. they have been planning that for weeks and her shawn city area and the that surrounds it the russians have done reinforcement in that area. the ukrainians have cut off the bridges. they are also hitting the supply depos in crimea that sustained the russians in this effort. but the ukrainians have a concern and they have been stating it quietly.
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they are not confident that the united states in the international will be able to sustain them through this counter offensive. i hope that's not the case. but that's a belief that they have. that the weapons are going to dry up on them. this is what putin is counting on. >> brian: i know. >> he is counting on ukrainian fatigue and the europeans and yes, the united states, will not keep the kind of support that's needed for the ukrainians to be successful. >> brian: that jake sullivan. they say my be looking to tell the ukrainians it's over. take what's left. that would be catastrophic for the region and for the russians. always educational, thanks so much. >> great talking to you, brian. have a wonderful weekend, you and the team. >> brian: thank you very much. speaking of the weekend. coming up saturday night 8:00 amongst our guests we will talk about this senator tom cotton senate armed services committee member. trey gowdy break down the fox
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polls when it comes to the senate. and investigations we should be doing if the republicans take back the house? what does america want and what should they get? mike rowe on america are we becoming lazy and quietly quitting and alan dershowitz what we should be focused on and it's not the mar-a-lago raid. great jimmie allen will perform live for the great american concert series. first join him live on fox square to discuss his new album, next. ♪
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>> we are back with your headlines. at least two people are dead after two small planes clyde mid-air while attempting to land airport in northern california. the smaller plane carrying two people plummeted into nearby field. the other aircraft with only the pilot on board crashed into a hanger. the ntsb will be heading up the investigation into what went wrong. the trump organization chief financial officer pleading to the tax violations. prosecutors say allen weisselberg accepted more than $1.7 million in off the book compensation from the former
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president's company. he is likely to receive a five month sentence in jail and could be required to pay about 2 million in restitution. the cleveland browns owners are defending deshaun watson saying the quarterback deserves a second chance. watson issuing a statement after receiving an 11 game suspension and $5 million fine for violating the league's personal conduct policy. [inaudibleing. >> carley: a total of 24 women have accused watson of sexual misconduct. he has settled all but one of those cases. watson will be eligible to play again in week 13 against his former team the houston texans. grease is back in theaters in
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honor of olivia newton john. >> you better shape up ♪ because i need a man ♪ and my heart is set on you. >> carley: the late 1978 musical will be playing in select amc theaters and some of the proceeds will be going to charity in the actress' memory. admission will be $5 with $1 being donated to breast cancer research. how great is that guys outside to you. >> brian: all right, carley, thank you very much. >> steve: speaking of music this guy is a trailblazing singer known for blending country, pop, and r and b. >> ainsley: very personal to him. named amp the street where his grandmother lived. and this fall had, this is exciting, we are going to see him carrie underwood. is he touring with carrie underwood in february. >> brian: jimmie allen is here. multi platinum recording artist jimmie allen welcome to the
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stage. >> thank you for having me. good morning to you all. >> brian: good morning. jimmie, where did you get your passion for country music because now you have right in the middle of it right at the top of the game. >> i saw my dad listen to country music so, yeah, i would say him. he had a some cool stuff growing up. >> brian: what did he put on the turntable. >> favorite artist of all time aaron tipton, sawyer brown, ricochet, little texas. joey messina. that's my dad's wheelhouse right there. >> ainsley: this is your third album. every single album has a tie to your family. they are all very personal. tell us what the tie is for each album. >> mercury lane my first record was the street i grew up on. a lot of songs if there was about that time of life. my mind said. kind of the lessons i learned from my mercury lane and the second album was a collaboration album betty james gold edition i named it after my grandma of my dad. that was a collaboration of some
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of my favorite artist my grandmother was a huge oak ridge boy and dad brad paisley fan. i'm a fan of, you know, of course like everyone else on the record i had to throw pit bull on there and nellie and monica. you know, had keith urban andable. >> brian: a lot going on. >> it was fun. >> steve: the thing about your music is you are not making stuff up, because you, even though you are a young man, you have lived a lot. you have had so much in your personal story. is he wearing a milton, delaware shirt. >> hometown milton, delaware. [cheers] >> steve: you have a big family. and then, you know, this man at age 21 had a heart attack. you moved to nashville in 2007 to try to make it big. you wound up homeless. you lived out of your car. and you will always remember a guy who gave you a buck. >> yeah, man. because, you know, it's crazy like how a dollar can change someone's life. for me, that's how i ate for two
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days. i tell people all the time i challenge people to, you know, if you got something extra, give it. because a dollar might not make or break you but it could help someone else's day completely. >> steve: right now in your pocket you always keep a couple of spares. >> and give them away before the week is out. always. >> ainsley: how did you go from that living in a car with just a dollar to your name to this? >> it's all about believing in yourself. people ask me sometimes hey are you surprised that you are doing this? no, not at all. because i'm grateful for every opportunity but i'm not surprised because nobody works every day nobody puts in the work to not be successful. i feel like when you become successful the things you put work into, you shouldn't be surprised. you should be thankful and waiting on it. >> brian: you weren't upset when you didn't win "american idol." >> no, not at all. it's like -- it's all about your time. it's all about what's for you know what i mean? you could win american idol or not win "american idol" but that doesn't mean your talent diminishes any. it just means at that time it
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was someone else's time. i'm all about everyone having their time even when it's not mine. scotty mccreery. >> first guy that took me on tour, too. >> steve: your time is 22 minutes from now. are you ready? [cheers] >> steve: going to start sipping at the top of the hour. check out album tulip drive and upcoming tour with carrie underwood. [cheers] >> steve: we are stepping aside. give it up for jimmie. >> brian: weekend anchors on "fox & friends" are up next. thank you. >> thank you. ♪ on the road with it ♪
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its decision to block the pledge of allegiance at their meetings. >> ainsley: this after one board member called it an exclusion of faith earlier this month. watch this. >> given that the word god in the text of the pledge of allegiance is capitalized, the text is clearly rereferring to the judeo-christian god and therefore it does not include any other faiths the exclusion of these faiths or lack thereof within the pledge automatically makes the pledge of allegiance a noninclusionary act. >> ainsley: here to react "fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain, rachel campos-duffy and pete hegseth. good morning to all three of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: i know all three of you men and women of faith. rach they will, i will start with you. what's your response to this. >> it's hard not to get depressed when you hear this story when north dakota is debating whether or not we should do our pledge of allegiance. we know that something has gone
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sideways. and i think if you looked a little deeper into this, into the board members themselves one of them was an immigrant from war torn sudan that tells me if she is fighting against our pledge of allegiance we have an immigrant appreciation problem and assimilation problem and frankly our country is going through identity crisis and if we don't resolve it we won't have a country. >> brian: talk to them and see what the country to be. pete i bet you are relieved someone stood up and had some sanity. >> pete: this is only because of parents backlash. look at board members they reluctantly voted to reinstate it not reinstate it not because they wanted it. they didn't. they did not want it. they wanted to get back to the work of steveing in their district. fargo, north dakota look it up reading and math middle school and high school all below 50%. look at what they are really doing. they talked about inclusion multiple times in that statement that board president. diversity, equity and inclusion
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is all over that district's website to create a consciousness of social justice. so what the pledge is great. i'm glad we got it back. we should say under god. of course that's what we are founded on. this is like a teeny teeny tiny win when you considering the fact that fargo, north dakota and school districts across the country quietly pushing critical race theory and critical gender theory through the fake terms of diversity, equity and inclusion, fargo no exception. parents shouldn't be blowing up the phone lines about the pledge, which they should. they should be doing it across the board and oh by the way johnny can't read either. >> steve: exactly. nobody knows this issue better than you, pete because you wrote a "new york times" number one best seller. meanwhile, will, at the top of the heap over there in our triple column, you just, what, yesterday the day before yesterday, you sent your kids to school down in texas and everybody is worried about what the kids are going to be learning this year. if they are the ones who are, you know, the school board, you wonder what's on the agenda.
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>> will: no doubt. in fact on "fox & friends weekend" last weekend bill bennett was on the show and gave me an idea which i. you need to be meeting with every one of your school's teachers, your kids' teachers say exactly what the is point of what we are learning this year. let's talk about your objective. you know, one of the things that stood out to me in this story, steve, was the language used by these school board members. and it made me realize what we have done is nationalized local politics. so, here's what i mean. if you listen to the way that a lot of these school board members talk, they talked about saving our democracy. they talked about the role of misinformation. and what that shows me is, we have lost the ability in politics and even in culture to be independent little communities. they are just parroting lines they have heard not just the white house or msnbc or cnn. it's just -- it's a verbal tick. it's a language used, it really isn't thoughtful. it's just a buzz across the top of your head. and so then to hear this guy say and by the way pete wrote about
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this in his book "battle for the american mind" to say that god is somehow exclusionary and really stretched by the way do that invoking capitalization to say that god is exclusionary. freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion. that's what was written about in battle for the american mind. and it really is fascinating to listen to these people in south dakota or i'm sorry, north dakota sound the same as a television host in new york city. >> ainsley: rachel, what is coming up this weekend? >> rachel: well, we have a big show for all of you. we have representative steube from florida. we have the great dan bongino. we have larry kudlow who will be giving us some great economic advice. lawrence jones, and tore ren wells. so we hope everyone will join us this weekend. it's always fun on "fox & friends weekend." >> steve: kicks off tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. eastern. thank you very much, everybody. >> ainsley: thank you all, so good to see you. four hours on saturday and four hours on sunday. all right, brian. >> brian: let's check in with adam klotz. he has got the weather.
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>> will: >> adam: good morning. jimmie allen out on fox square weather absolutely fantastic. not a cloud in the sky. temperatures sitting around 70 degrees. you look at the weather across the country. there is a little bit of rain we are tracking. it continues to be big thunderstorms across the dessert southwest, arizona, new mexico, texas, all areas at least north texas where we seeing heavy rain, flood watches in place there why? ground is already saturated. they could see another three to five inches as they run through sunday. those are your weather headlines and we are ready to go out here on fox square. for now, tossing it back inside to you. >> brian: all right. thanks so much, adam. meanwhile, 12 minutes before the top of the hour, still ahead. two more migrant buses arriving in new york city. we covered it, as the city's mayor slams the governor of texas anti-american? here the texas leader's fiery response. >> ainsley: plus, feeling the squeeze, thanks to inflation and dry weather, ketchup is getting more expensive and we could even
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♪ >> steve: beware, record high inflation and west coast are sending prices higher with things with tomatoes, ketchup, salsa. will prices through the roof. the farmer says the statewide drought and fertizing threatening tomato shortage. mitchell joins us now from out in california. mitchell, good morning to you. >> good morning, how are you guys? >> steve: doing okay but thinking about you guys because we have seen the weather maps. you guys are in the midst of a terrible, terrible drought. how is that impacting your tomato crops? >> well, it's going to be a tough year. i mean, the number one thing that we say is that water is the it thing when it comes to growing tomatoes. if you don't have enough of it you can't get the crop you need. there is not enough water this
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year. that's for sure. >> steve: we know that because of the drought. you combine that. so there is not enough water because tomatoes are just full of water. you combine that with the fact that fertilizer is now a fortune, so inflation, the cost of doing business. so you guys are now warning there could be a tomato shortage, which would mean less ketchup, less roma tomatoes, stuff like that. tell us when we might possibly expect that. >> well, it's a really simple equation to kind of think about. so california grows 96% of all tomatoes consumed in the united states and a quarter of all tomatoes consumed in the world. there are only 232 grower -- family farms that grow toe at a time mows for that entire population. so, if you double the cost of fertilizer. you increase the cost of all of our chemicals and herbicides and, you know, fung sides by more than 30% increase the cost
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of our labor, double down on overtime cost, every single one of those things and take away water availability make it hard on community farms to keep pushing forward year after year. and through different regulations and different, you know, legislation, we are going through inability to find or source or even have water available to grow those crops or to fill those acreages. >> steve: right, exactly. the forecasts are the crop yields this year will not be as much as you really need because you need to -- because folks we just saw those roma tomatoes at 99 cents a pound. mitchell, how much does your family get for a pound of tomatoes? >> 5 cents. >> steve: nickel. extraordinary thing is this is the highest price your family has ever been paid for tomatoes too, right? >> yes. and we were thrilled about it. until the -- you know, until
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january came and every single cost we saw across the board just started jumping tremendously. >> steve: well, you are not going to call it quits, are you? >> no, sir. no, sir. but i mean, the easy way to think about it is that the normal consumption in america of tomatoes is about 13 million tons this year we will probably produce about 10 million tons. so we'll be off 3 million tons by the end of this season going into next year. >> steve: well, we appreciate you joining us from california to tell us what we might be able to expect. and next time you go to the grocery store, folks, just remember families like mitchell's 5 cents on the dollar. sir, thank you very much for joining us. >> no problem. >> steve: all right. good luck. they need it. all right. jimmie allen coming up next. all-american summer concert series. ♪ ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment
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♪♪ i miss those days when our dreams mobile where they are for chasing mama but time is better wasted mama we buy some are young and living for a friday , a highway ♪ ♪ freedom was a highway ♪ ♪ bye-bye on a fence post with a crosswind on a road ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: that guy is jimmie allen. he's a nice guy, has three children, lives in nashville. someone gave him a dollar and he said he keeps the dollar bill in his pocket to bless other people's lives. he lives in nashville now, originally from delaware. he has the prettiest smile. but this is his third album and he's going to go on tour with carrie underwood. >> steve: it's going to be great. we are going to wait for a little while. you can keep watching at
5:02 am he's are featured in a on the all-american summer concert series brought to you by our friends. >> brian: and great news for jimmie allen, he writes his own stuff. he keeps the writing money, the performance money, and the live stuff. it's very hard for an artist to make it these days, it seems like they've got a stranglehold on the streaming run by these record companies and the artist has to make their money on the road. and with the writing. >> ainsley: and wonderful. i'm sure he blesses the lives of so many people. each album is named after something sentimental and his family. his last album is "tulip drive," named after the street where his grandmother lives. >> steve: how sweet is that? we will be taking a full song at the conclusion of today's telecast, but if you've been wanting for the last two hours into minutes minutes he saw two more buses arrive at the port authority terminal in new jersey.
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he could see local tv channels are there and reporters because suddenly this is a big story here in new york city. why is it a big story? because the mayor of new york and the governor of texas are in a war of words. here is the mayor. speak out it's the worst type of politics. it's april politics to raise his national profile. you should not be doing it by taking away the respective dignity of people who are in need. what the texas governor is doing is so anti-american. >> have you spoken directly to the governor? >> no, i have not. our team first reached out to him when we discovered when he was doing and we asked to coordinate because crisis calls for coordination. >> steve: meanwhile, here's the governor responding. >> he didn't say that a president biden when president biden was flying people from texas to new york. so he's really nothing more than a hypocrite.
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he's laying politics with all of this, and he's also being a hypocrite because new york city is a self-declared sanctuary city. so why he's ever complaining for one moment about these people being bused into his city goes against his own self declaration of being a sanctuary city. >> ainsley: listen, we see this time and time again. in new york city they said the fund, they took a billion dollars away from the police budget, and now we see crime through the roof. 911, they say they can't help you unless it's a major emergency. they wanted this, we predicted that would happen, and it did. same with the sanctuary cities. they are so far from the border, they say anyone is welcome, but when they come to new york they have the mayor saying, "hold on, we can't afford them. where do we put them?" >> brian: it's all a show. i don't see "nightline," i don't stay at that late. i don't know if he asked the
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question. what is safe to do? do you agree or not that the southern border is overwhelmed? do you agree that the administration has done, something to stop it? do you agree that you are a sanctuary city that allowed all illegals to stay here and not fear any type of arrest? do you agree that the small border towns have been overwhelmed? do you think they are less informed than new york city? you want the infrastructure to absorb this, more than mcallen, texas, or any city in the rio grande valley, or anywhere in arizona, so i should all these border areas have to absorb all these illegals because the administration won't do their job? that, to me, if you want to press mayor adams, he's got the perfect opportunity to become a national figure. app it already is. if he comes governor again, you watch, he will run with a donald trump does or not. he's already got national prominence but right now he can't get out of the gates because his people are not safe, his schools are overwhelmed, the border is flat out busted, and
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the administration will not even pressure the mexican government to enforce their southern border. so this is nothing to do with theatrics. >> ainsley: if you look at the numbers, there's 4,000 so far. that doesn't include what happened this morning, the latest numbers i got, 4,000 illegals have come to new york. that started a year ago with the secret flights, flying into westchester, putting them on buses, dispersing them throughout the new york area. 4,000 total. abbott's has an 800. what about the other 3200 that have come over? that's from president biden. >> brian: he's a politician. >> steve: this morning, we have someone doing the tabulating, and 78 migrants have arrived so far, including 14 kids. the reason we know that is that this has become a big story so we set the camera out, and we figure a bus is going to come, and if we see people hopping off
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and we realize what's going on, if we see mr. castro from the city we know what's going on. i believe that's him in the suit and tie. so the question is, going forward, the administration doesn't like to see greg abbott do this. so what are they talking about doing? we are talking about this yesterday on our program where republicans are now in congress asking the administration for answers about whether or not we are going to start shipping migrants from our seven points up throughout the balance of the country on amtrak because it sounds like that's a possibility. they are considering it, and the worry is not only would it disrupt regular passenger service but also freight service, and there goes the supply chain again. when it comes to the question of where were going to put them, we told you that so far they requested 6,000 beds a night in new york city's hotel rooms and the hotel and hospitality business here in new york city said, "we are ready, leave at
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300 hotels," and what they did during the pandemic is they housed homeless people, medical workers, and people who had to quarantine with coronavirus, and another crisis like that, we are ready to step up. if someone needs places to stay and the government wants to pay us a lot of money to rent that room each night, it's available. >> ainsley: the hotels are not as full as they used to be because after the pandemic people stopped coming, a lot of hotels closed. we don't have as many visitors here so they have the space and they say, "sure, will take your money and house them." >> brian: one of the most troubling things i've seen in the long time is to see the stae stopped the illegals from coming in the border opening up representing the federal government. the border patrol, these border states and cities are left on their own. sheriff brad joins us to discuss the situation he is experiencing. >> between 100, 150, sometimes
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even 200 a day come to the county. a couple months ago we had 4600 walk through the county who are not challenged or apprehended. the first challenge i have, where is the coordination between the state in the federal government? aren't we supposed be working at this together? it seems like the federal government is doing exactly whatever it wants to do without any type of checks and balances. >> steve: and his county is i believe to the west of eagle pass where that chain link fence incident happened a couple days ago. there is no fence there in kinney county. there are no blockades or barriers or walls, and everybody who comes in just comes in, because there's no border patrol. he's got cameras and he sees all these people, and all the people who come into his county wind up being those got-aways. when bill melugin talks about the number of cutaways, they come through kinney county. when they realize there's no border patrol, let's send the drugs through kinney county. >> ainsley: they are predicting 1 million got a ways.
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let's talk about inflation in dominant issues. the price of seafood is nearly 10% up according to latest reports. >> brian: the market has consumers and fishermen feeling the effects. fox business correspondent jeff bloch is live on a lobster boat. this is the best assignment of the day. i see the lobster pots behind you. jeff, those lobsters are absolute gold, because sarah, who works on our show, was out in montauk last week, two weeks ago. a lobster roll was $45. they used to be $10. >> $45, and the price has been doing it. you know what? he is the headline, something you haven't thought of. the price to these guys harvesting the lobsters, they going down. they fell off the most you've seen in your career. >> it's the lowest price i've seen in my career, absolutely. a little over $3 a pound.
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>> what can you do with these, by the way? look at them, do you see that? it closes up. don't put your finger in there. the reason for that, though, the demand for this has dropped off because of those high prices. >> that man has dropped off, most of my losses now go to processing in canada. the domestic market has decreased significantly. >> this is his son, third-generation, they are fourth generation lobster men. you have been up against it for years. >> we have. you know, it's like anything. you're always against something. someone's always trying to regulate you. >> i've got to show you how they get these. this is the bait they use, by the way. you know what that is? that's pig hide. they put those in the traps. >> that's herring. >> that's lovely. there he goes. look at that.
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what's the message you want to send on this? this is a market, right? >> it is, everyone is affected by the high fuel prices and stuff, and fuel prices are high, bait prices are high, the lobster prices down, but we still keep going and we still go every day. from wales to another trying to industrialize windmills. it's an everyday thing. >> it's a battle, but i'll tell you, they are in better shape than the hearing is right now. but there you go. lobster prices down to these guys come up to you would need. >> brian: ask how much the price of marine fuel has to do with those prices. >> we were just talking about that, brian. d cell, right? how much has not gone up, double? >> it's double from two years
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ago, absolutely. the price is fairly low continuing we are $4.10 a gallon right now. it's off-road diesel, there's no dye in it. that's over double then what we were paying a couple years ago. >> i'd better get out of your way. let's get these back in the water. >> ainsley: how many do they need to catch for it to be a good day? >> you know, on a good day come in to make your money back that you've invested in all the rest, how much do you have to pull up holy cow! that one got me! >> well, for me to go on an average day, i'm somewhere between $600 and $1,000 in expenses. just to sail out and get going. a little over $3 a pound, just
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to break even. >> steve: jeff, great job. thanks for costarring with larry the lobster. next up, red lobster. >> steve: lets like the tomato guy, he gets $5 a pound. >> ainsley: i would not buy -- >> steve: all the inflation. >> ainsley: crazy. let's hand it over to carley. >> carley: i just went to a restaurant and there was a scallop option, and it was $65. are you kidding me? >> brian: just don't yell at the waiter, it's not his or her fault. >> carley: i did. i flipped the table and stormed out. [laughs] >> steve: was it in jersey? >> carley: no, it was in new york, obviously.
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some headlines, and awful story, the manhunt is underway in georgia for a rape society poses as a mormon youth pastor to lower his victims. they say marco eric johnson targets women at bus stops. he allegedly brings women stomach victims to his apartment in a suburb north of atlanta. and now $300,000 to raise a child. that's according to a brookings institute estimate. the price of making food at home is up 1.3% with all food groups such as dairy, meats, poultry, and if your kid needs a haircut or wants to play a sport, expect to see a big increase, as well. a heroic pint-size pup deserves a big round of "appaws," this pomeranian chasing off a bear in front of a colorado home. you see the bear running and the mighty dog is right behind barking up a storm. the owners say they were going out for their nightly walk when
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the bear cut the dog's attention. that little guy chased off a bear! ending up on the second floor of boston's south shore mall's, can you believe it? a 70-year-old woman attempting to leave the parking garage when the door to the indoor mall opened up. she say she drove 60 yards inside before security guards rushed over to find out what was going on. luckily no one was injured. she got a little confused. she drove over a pedestrian bridge and ended up inside the mall with her car. it was an suv. i can't believe there was a door big enough to fit her inside! >> ainsley: how old was she? >> carley: 78. >> steve: i'm sure that the better way out. better shopping. thank you, carley. >> ainsley: sweet thing, she's 78. i'm glad no one was hurt. >> brian: absolutely. meanwhile, more than $7 billion, that's how much military
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equipment was left to the taliban after the disastrous withdrawal one year ago. jennifer griffin says the threat of isis on the rise. she joined us next. plus, death of a salesman? why new york governor kathy hochul says it's time to say " sales person." >> ainsley: first, jimmy allen jimmie allen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> brian: this month marks one year since the field withdrawal. jennifer griffin, fox news national security correspondent, knows the damage all too well. $7 billion. does that number surprise you? >> well, it's interesting. let's break it down. with the inspector general said, brian, about $4 billion of that $7 billion were ground vehicles. those are humvees or mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles. they are probably going to need some maintenance. they are ground vehicles. they're not going to kill or attack anyone. they are defensive weapons. more worrisome is that they lost about a billion dollars worth of military aircraft. these are mostly helicopters. they will require maintenance, as well. the military did destroy a lot of the more high-end military helicopters and other aircraft at the airport before they left. and then about $300 million in
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aircraft munitions. we saw that some of those helicopters were being used up north by the taliban in a fight that broke out in the north. so those helicopters, some of them are still flying. >> steve: every time we leave some place we always leave stuff behind. it's when they use it to start shooting at us, that's when it becomes troublesome, as you are talking about. but ultimately, going forward, as we look at our rearview mirror, it didn't have to be this way because the generals at the pentagon cautioned the administration it's going to take time. but joe biden was in a hurry. >> i think, steve, we've heard, you've heard general mckenzie who is the head of centcom during the withdrawal, he is starting to give interviews and it has come out in various forms that the national security team around president biden, none of the generals suggested it was a good idea to go to zero and leave. general mckenzie suggested
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leaving 2500 behind, he would prefer having 5,000, but i think what we need to be looking at is the rise of isis, and isis-k, inside afghanistan. they said al qaeda was back but al qaeda is really a shadow of its former self. isis-k is the one to watch because it is still connected to what's happening in syria and iraq and still potentially extremely dangerous. one thing i've been watching recently is that there are still $10,000 prisoners left in syria, isis prisoners. if you look at what happened at bagram air base where thousand prisoners of al qaeda and taliban were freed when the u.s. left, you go over and connect to syria, there attend of thousands of women and children who have been married, and other thousands of isis fighters and prisons there.
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what if they lose control of those camps, what happens in those refugee camps as half of these 55,000 people in that terrible, terrible refugee camp, those are under the age of 12? what happens when they come of age? you have this burgeoning isis threat that is beneath the surface of what's happening right now. >> ainsley: the women in the girls, we have reverted back to the weights used to be. he can't drive, can't get an education. no one, men, too, can't listen to music. women can't go out without an escort. it's heartbreaking. thanks for bringing us this report, jennifer. still ahead, brian seltzer is out at cnn as they reportedly try to move away from opinion programming. joe concha on the shake-up next. >> brian: but my opinion is jimmie allen is great, and he's performing for us. let's listen to him together.
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vulnerable to hackers who can gain complete control of your devices. tech experts say you should get your devices up to speed immediately to block intruders from accessing any sensitive data. new york governor kathy hochul focusing on woke initiatives like neutrality instead of crime. the democrat signing a bill into law changing all variations of the term "salesman" to "salesperson," and statutes concerning the real estate industry. it also replaces instances of "his" or her" with "their." they also changed "inmate" to "incarcerated person," end. remember this from 1987? you know you danced to "never going to give it up." to celebrate, singer rick astley is creating a song for aaa. ♪♪ never going to give you up ♪ ♪ never going to let you down ♪ ♪ never going to run around and
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dessert you ♪♪ >> carley: he's 56 is old. he looks great. the original has 1.2 views on youtube. adam, over to you. >> thank you very much, carley. tracking weather, still looks pretty good across the country. we are seeing a ton of shower activity and that's going to continue across the southern portion of the country. what are we seeing there? again, the southeast, very heavy showers stretching from arizona across new mexico and even portions of texas, as well. flood watch in place to send the money because more rounds of rain on the way. remember, the ground is already saturated. in some cases up to 5 inches. that could cause flooding in those areas and i will leave you with your temperatures today, running back into the 80s across much of the country. tossing it back to you guys. >> steve: we are going to hit 90. >> ainsley: we don't care,
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it's friday! thank you very much, adam. shake-up's continue at cnn after brian stelter is shown the door after the network announces cancellation of their longest running show called "reliable sources." >> brian: stelter was taken off guard even though his show last 26% of its audience year-to-year. >> steve: fox news contributor joe concha gathers his thoughts and his emotions and joins us live for reaction. joe? >> we can see this firing coming from 10 miles away, guys. brian stelter sealed his own fate when, somehow thinking he was untouchable, attacked a very important person at discovery with what one can only call hubris and sanctimony. remember, discoveries the company who took over cnn. here is stelter earlier this year. "the people who say the zucker era cnn was lacking in journalism clearly weren't watching cnn directly, and yes, i'm including john malone in this." who is john malone? he's discoveries largest shareholder in one of the most
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powerful people in stelter's income orbit, and this basically calls him a misinformed idiot in public while making a laughable claim that the zucker era featured real journalism and not the hyperpartisan, patronizing, and quite frankly cheesy performing art we witnessed over the last seven years. there's a reason why it's a 75% of its audience since joe biden took office. ted koppel predicted this would happen. he said when trump leaves the stage the ratings would go on the toilet, and stelter lectured him on why he was wrong. that wraps up basically everything i'm trying to say here. >> steve: and one of your problems with him through the years has been the fact that, on his begin media roundup show, he avoided talking about a lot of really big stories. because it didn't fit the agenda. >> that's right. we remember when abc news had the goods on jeffrey epstein of the story got and for whatever
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reason stelter's show wouldn't talk about it very much. he largely focused on this network and donald trump, and then when trump left basically it was all about fox news. it's like pepsi talking about coke and horrible coke is. after a while it becomes predictable. it's like what we see in professional sports, when a general manager comes in and the team is en masse a losing streak and is a laughing stock in the division it currently resides in, and circumstances that one would call an unhappy ending, when they are the faces of a network along with chris cuomo who is also gone, and don lemon, who may be gone soon, those of the types of changes, if they want to say we want to go back to reporting it away from all the provocative opinion, get rid of the provocative opinions and you're on your way, and that appears to be what they're doing right now, at least for now. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> thank you guys. good to see you, enjoy your friday and your 90 degrees.
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i know he says he likes the south carolina weather. >> ainsley: where are you coming or not appear? >> i live in a place called new jersey, that's a view from my house. >> if we are doing 90 here, you're doing 98 too, baby. >> a little warmer where i am. we have a pool and a pond so we'll be doing both today. come on over. >> brian: still had on this show, crimes impact on post-pandemic recovery. struggling to get back in business. i wonder why? geraldo rivera is here and he looks happy. first, here's jimmie allen proving another song. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪♪ daddy, don't you worry down home ♪ ♪ 'cause everything, everything, everything is good ♪ ♪ down home ♪ ♪ you know mom is still cooking ♪ ♪ then down home grits ♪ ♪ i promise i'm working ♪ ♪ with this guitar about as hard aso. i can ♪♪ hold on tight and let go! stay two nights and get a free night. book now at
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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: attempted murder charges dropped for the repeat offender who sucker punched a man on the new york city street, almost killing him, and now the criminal is back out on the street without bail. look at all those mug shots. that's the same guy, 14 mug shots, as residents or face to force rampant crime.
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geraldo rivera joins us now. this is a city where you have so many memories, and this is our city. what is happening? >> i love it. i was born there, i'm going to be buried there. new york is my town. it's absolutely horrible, in this case exemplifies exactly what is wrong. here is a sucker punch her. what is a sucker puncher? it's a bully, a coward he comes by and someone and hits them in a way that can inflict serious damage. in fact, this poor victim is in critical but stable condition with a fractured skull, and this sob hit him, with the record as long as my arm, a level three sex offender out on parole living in a shelter.
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he comes from behind and for no apparent reason almost kills this man and almost as bad as the crime itself, ainsley, is the fact that he is released on no bail. it's absolutely unbelievable, imponderable, how this could be. how this person could assault this innocent smaller person, inflicting this terrible damage, attempting, in my view, to murder him. he should have been attempted murder case. at the very least, a felony assault in the first degree. instead they lowered it down to felony assault in the third degree, no bail, so he's back out on the street and he could sucker punch someone else down the street at a moment's notice, and it's absolutely appalling. i'm so upset by it. >> ainsley: it was downgraded from a felony to misdemeanor yesterday in the courthouse because of this bronx d.a. who lower the charges. meanwhile the victim is out on the street with a fractured
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skull, broken cheekbone, brain bleeding, had to have surgery, and is now in a coma. there's been a study about deserted downtowns and new york city is on the list. i know you moved to cleveland to be closer to erica's mom and i'm sure you are living cleveland. you talk about it that you are very happy here, but look at this. san francisco, only 31% recovered after the pandemic. cleveland, only 36% recovered. you can see the other cities there, too. what's going on with this? people are leaving because these are democratic cities, run by democrats, defining police, high crime? >> i love cleveland. you are right, we've been here five years. of course i go back and forth between here in new york, but cleveland has so much to offer. we've got a great baseball team, the guardians. you've got the cleveland cavaliers, the browns, although that's another story that i could take all day to talk about. the rock & roll hall of fame,
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museum of art, there's so much going on. in this town of barely 300,000 people, we have 107 murders this year. so you go downtown, you go to some of these downtown areas, which at night are semideserted, you can take a life in your hands. and the untold story, that the politicians refused to address, is this issue of black on black crime. the vast majority of these homicides are young black men killed by other young black men, and it's appalling. it's a civil rights issue of our time. none of the democratic officials, elected officials, will deal with it, and yet cleveland suffers, these people suffer, the housing issue is critical, there is so much needs to be done. i've fallen in love with that, we'll deal with that. >> ainsley: we don't have time
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now but later i want you to talk at studio 54. we want to hear your stories. what new york used to be. we have guests. have a great weekend, tell erica hey and thanks for coming on. stick around, the moment you've been waiting for his next. jimmie allen takes the stage to perform "be all right" after the break. first let's check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up. happy friday. >> bill: to you, as well. they are sounding great, so ainsley, good morning to you. have a great weekend. meanwhile, just talking about it, criminals in broad daylight, convicts who should be behind bars, striking innocent people by the day. we are on that coming up. a judge decided the trump search, senator chuck grassley will have more on that. how is the economy in your world? our friday money team will run t down, and why are students still told to wear masks in schools? good questions.
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here to perform right now, unless something goes terribly wrong, jimmie allen. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪♪ all right, all right, all right ♪ ♪ all right, all right, all right ♪ ♪ it'll be all right ♪ ♪ all right, all right, all right ♪ ♪ all right, all right, all right ♪ ♪ it'll be all right ♪♪ ♪ lately, i've been gettin' back to the basics ♪ ♪ layin' my roots in the pavement ♪ ♪ if haters gonna hate, let 'em hate me, yeah ♪ ♪ it ain't easy to build your own fire when it's freezin' ♪ ♪ i catch the heat from the summer out of season ♪ ♪ but the grind's worth the time, believe me, yeah ♪ ♪ so let me tell you now ♪ ♪ when you're feeling broken down ♪
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♪ you just gotta let it ride ♪ ♪ it'll be alright ♪ ♪ you've gotta roll with it ♪ ♪ sip it and flow with it ♪ ♪ wheels on the road with it ♪ ♪ lay back and go with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're high with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're low with it ♪ ♪ but it'll be alright ♪ ♪ you've got to roll with it ♪ ♪ sip it and flow with it ♪ ♪ wheels on the road with it ♪ ♪ lay back and go with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're high with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're low with it ♪ ♪ but it'll be alright ♪ ♪ patience ♪ ♪ yeah, that's what it's gonna take when ♪ ♪ you're puttin' back the pieces that's been breakin' ♪ ♪ when you feel like givin' up stay in, yeah ♪ ♪ let me tell you now ♪ ♪ when you're feeling broken down ♪ ♪ you just gotta let it ride ♪ ♪ it'll be alright ♪ ♪ you gotta roll with it ♪ ♪ sip it and flow with it ♪ ♪ wheels on the road with it ♪ ♪ lay back and go with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're high with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're low with it ♪ ♪ but it'll be alright ♪
5:54 am
♪ yeah, it will ♪ ♪ alright, alright, alright ♪ ♪ alright, alright, alright ♪ ♪ alright, alright, it'll be alright ♪ ♪ let me tell you now ♪ ♪ when you're feeling broken down ♪ ♪ you just gotta let it ride ♪ ♪ it'll be alright ♪ ♪ you gottta roll with it ♪ ♪ sip it and flow with it ♪ ♪ wheels on the road with it ♪ ♪ lay back and go with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're high with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're low with it ♪ ♪ but it'll be alright ♪ ♪ you gotta roll with it ♪ ♪ sip it and flow with it ♪ ♪ wheels on the road with it ♪ ♪ lay back and go with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're high with it ♪ ♪ sometimes you're low with it ♪ ♪ but it'll be alright ♪ ♪ yeah, it will ♪ ♪ alright, alright, alright ♪ ♪ alright, alright, alright ♪ ♪ alright, alright, it'll be alright, yeah ♪
5:55 am
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madison square garden in february. many of us are going, right? >> we know you've been working for the last three hours. you've been singing for your breakfast. >> it's that good. >> bill: good morning, everybody. unmasking the mar-a-lago raid. a judge moving to unseal part of that affidavit. how much will we learn? how much should we learn? good morning. good questions. dana has the day off today. gillian, welcome back. good morning to you. >> great to be with you. i'm gillian turner in washington and this is "america's newsroom." the justice department did not convince the judge to keep the reasoning for the raid under lock and key. he says the feds didn't meet the burden of showing the entire affidavit should remain sealed. >> bill: the judge gave the government
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