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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 19, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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ctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> happy friday. this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany. shaka toney, tomi lahren come up in cats -- democrat led city's continual to fueled the crime crisis. here in new york city, where scary scenes like this seemed to be playing out more and more.
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a bronx man is in critical condition after being a sucker punched the suspect is a convicted sex offender who has since being released from jail. after his murder charges were downgraded to a misdemeanor -- on the west coast, shocking footage showed a flash mob of leaders los angeles 7-eleven to seize snacks, drinks, cigarettes no one involved has been arrested so far. a study revealing that san francisco, cleveland, portland, chicago, detroit -- all democrat cities -- while they are the most deserted towns in the u.s. -- scaring residence workers into risk. read the "crime will be the top mind during the midterm, and --
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unsafe streets all add up to danger up polls for democrats." you watch him hit someone on the back of the head at a restaurant repeatedly, and the nypd says that it's attempted murder, but according to the bronx dea, this is just a misdemeanor. this man was previously charged for about six years, back out on the streets to find his next victim. >> i'm not a detective, but i don't see how that's not a misdemeanor -- i don't see how that is a misdemeanor. he has a prior record. he is a sex offender, has a record of petty theft. obviously, law and order people will be upset about this, but people who care about justice reform should also be upset
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about this. allowing the most violent, voluble criminal out and calling school bashing a misdemeanor will make the pendulum eventually swing in the other direction. can't imagine anyone saying a guy like that should be on the street. >> the guy who -- with the attack, this op-ed, really interesting about crime, it's written by a well-known democrat. he highlights that 80% of americans worry about crime. that is an extraordinary number. when you see these things happening in the streets, it's not just rival gang members. you are talking about innocent people being attacked in new york city, in l.a. being attacked by homeless people. this is an everyday occurrence, and you don't know when you will
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be the next one. it does not matter what you look like, your gender identity, your pronouns. it doesn't matter, because you could be the next victim. as much as democrats like to virtue signal, if you are walking down the street and get hit in the back of the head, you don't care about pronouns: you care about safety. what i can't figure out is the motivation. why are democrats okay with this? it does not do well for their constituents, so why continue these policies? what is the motivation other than "we just want felons to be protected?" >> from this political viewpoint -- i think we have to look at the economy, and education is a huge underlying issue. the third one that's often not talked about in a political context is crime.
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we know that the president to talk about it until seven months into his presidency. the nrcc they have taken on a $62.3 million ad buy on-prem. traditionally, these border districts that have swung red, your neighbors in texas are putting this on border districts. >> you don't want to say it's all that matters to you in education. when you buy a house, you look at the crime stats. it is location location location, which is safety, safety -- this is all part of george soros' plan. the phone the police and say they are the bad guys, then drive them insane by -- the activist d.a.s are running for
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office with unlimited funds i am say they will do things politically. this guy won d.a. in memphis, tennessee, one of the most dangerous areas in my hometown, and said he would -- based on race, so seven people come in you don't list that some people are hispanic, seven people are african american. we will only charge people with a crime based on the racial makeup of the day. when it comes to the right race, you can walk free. "we have too many people who look like you --" they will destroy these cities, and people are going to die. this is an individual who could try to kill somebody, who was on the streets because joe biden and the democratic party. >> there are consequences. right here in new york city, there's a special election tuesday, not a primary.
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this district has a democrat who has stepped aside to become governor -- a republican opponent -- ten points. could be a flip on tuesday. what's interesting is i want you to watch the ad they are playing, and what issue is taking the forefront. >> across the country, they are calling cops racist. in this election august 23rd, send a message to joe biden: stop criminals. >> let's talk about the crime rates in new york city. in july, murder is up 34%, grand larceny up 40%, robberies up 47%. you mention this not only happening for new york, but the vacant downtowns that are now san francisco. seattle just elected a
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republican, in seattle! what does that tell you? new yorkers are fed up. we have seen but it's the black and brown communities that are saying "do not defund the police: refund the police." became mayor because he said -- he has to deliver on crime. the other thing is that we have this race happening in new york city, and that is interesting. jerry nadler, in the last few days, he said he wanted to defund the police, won't say that now because he is up for election. he's backed off the defund thing, because they know this will show them the door. i think november will be a big moment -- excuse me, a big wake up for the democrats, and based
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on crime and all of these cities. speak a very good point about him dropping that rhetoric. you also know my rapport -- right on the corner. well coming up, the phoenix -- joe biden, that's what they are calling him -- his polling numbers in foreign policy numbers suggest otherwise. the world is taking notice. veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. i'm tatiana for newday usa. with home values at all-time highs i've been telling fellow veteran homeowners everywhere that this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. with the newday 100 loan you can get an average of $60,000,
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>> earlier this week, the president took a quick break from a two week long vacation to sign the so-called inflation
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reduction act. >> don't look now, but all of a sudden, sleepy joe has a fat stack of accomplishments. >> this is been an extraordinarily successful two years legislatively. >> such a big win for president biden. >> it's a big deal! >> that was the cheerleaders heralding the moment of a major victory for the president. "the new york times" can now call him aviator joe, but the majority of outlets are ignoring the effects on americans, and even the nonprogression -- congressional budget office says this will not do. hasn't quite recovered from one year ago, but it seems that our enemies have noticed the president's struggles from the world stage. "afghanistan -- into its plans
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for invading ukraine. the analyst calculated that any western response to an attempt to invade ukraine by force would be big in outrage but low in punishment. chased by the humiliation and afghanistan and wanted to avoid new wars. interviewed three dozen senior officials from ukraine, nato. we all could surmise and smell weakness in biden. but, this is u.s. intelligence saying that. i think president trump was so unpredictable, just wouldn't take the chance. >> if the road toward -- this is what we will see. from "the washington post," what's happening at the white house, when they sat down
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president biden, one of the forces at ukraine. >> it's a tough struggle to convince his allies, our allies, that they should be doing something, because nato is weakened. he never would have invaded ukraine with president trump in office, but the thing is that disastrous rollout of afghanistan and the collapse. we saw a weakness in her president, and vladimir putin saw the same thing with that disastrous withdrawal. it breaks my heart to think about the people that served in afghanistan. putin grabbed the opportunity, and biden still, for so long, would knock on the record and say that he believed that putin would invade ukraine, but he knew that he would.
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>> he said that many months before putin invaded, they described it as that -- and had a meeting that putin would likely have a full-scale invasion. they affirmed that it's real, though the administration would publicly insist over the next several months that they had not believed that putin had made a final decision, and the only thing that his team couldn't tell the president that day was when the russian president would pull the trigger. then, they asked why president biden said this several months later. >> a minor incursion. >> one thing -- a minor incursion. speak of the moment vladimir putin said "i'm going to invade," as the moments -- those are the moments that he went 60 feet or 80 yards to get americans outside of that core
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core -- that core door. that's when people were saying "may be, we should get american soldiers out of taiwan." we left 800 americans behind. that was the new number last week. the white house lied. they knew it was more than that when the whole world watched that moments, and stash their own citizens and afghanistan who would be under control and the travel ban afterwards, that was the moment when vladimir putin said "what do i want?" it was the same moment work china said that maybe taiwan looks good, because americans -- not going to show up in the ukraine, which is when the foreign policy of the u.s. went to a total disaster. >> the chief of staff -- was interviewed. this was crazy.
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"we have a presidency where the president has deliver the largest economic recovery plan since roosevelt, largest infrastructure plan since eisenhower. and, largest climate change bill in history." he's basically saying "put joe biden on mount rushmore, though --" we aren't allowed to say that. we are only a few minutes into the show, but listen, the beginning of that, talking about trevor noah and others saying "look at all the accomplishments." it's one thing if you ramrod legislation, but if that doesn't help americans, doesn't matter when you talk about obamacare. they were proud of that until it failed, so the fact that they are laughing at us, everything we've been able to do -- he
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cannot even ride a bicycle. it's such a good win for us, pushed through the agenda to fight climate change. will they change anything in their life? i don't think so. aviator joe, "the new york times." supercharged -- "the boston herald" or the globe. it's amazing. >> i just want to go to afghanistan quickly. it's a personal thing for me. my husband is an army ranger, served in afghanistan. he knew that what they were trying to do wasn't going to work, in 2019, and others found at the same thing. trillions of dollars, lost lives, and everything that happens, there were no consequences for anybody to read people are in the military, people in charge -- there have been no consequences, no accountability, so it's
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heartbreaking for people like my husband who serve, and it's infuriating because how will we have success if there is no accountability? >> a great betrayal. coming up, we may be one step closer on what led to the radon president trump, given the doj on weak two, a redacted version of the affidavit used.
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>> closer to uncovering the motive behind the mar-a-lago raid. some information from the criminal affidavit shall be released. the judge has a week to decide what should be leaked and what
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should be closed. the president has called for the entire affidavit to be leaked. first, the impeachment, then the probe, then january 6th. they keep trying to take the trump. and, they are short merrick garland. >> not a lot of confidence in the fbi. it disheartened me that they get a bad rap. you get this clear politics and investigation. according to fbi documents and sources close to the matter, the unit working on this counterintelligence that was in charge of this -- so he's no longer there. we've seen him on -- but his
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team is still there. they are under investigation. do you put this team in charge of arrayed of a former president that is unprecedented? i don't know the answer to that. i would just reiterate: no -- >> it's clear that they are doing this as they get close to the midterms. all they've done is galvanizing -- all they are doing is galvanizing and angering people who will support donald trump. looking to go and vote in november. >> i hope so. i've been thinking about the motivation. just trying to go after it
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again. that's part of me. the other part of me they are trying to goad donald trump into announcing that he's running -- on some who quite frankly don't like donald trump. also, quite frankly, i think up until this was happening, it looked like ron desantis might have been our guy. i think the democrats are smarter than we've given them credit for. i think they are trying to prop up donald trump. i really started to believe that. >> i think democrats said quotes i want to take away the will of the people for who goes after trump." there is no lie they won't tell to frame or nail him somehow
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where he can't run. i think they also know that their power, their time in power has got to be ugly for the top brass. so if you see the writing on the wall, they are saying "screw it, going all in now." if you are an american, this goes back to why it's so important. they wanted to overturn this after he won the election, we knew it was a lie, created by hillary clinton and the dnc." they will try to impeach him -- and make sure -- >> and next thursday, as far as the affidavit, the df jay -- there are so many black lines on the affidavit. >> i want to see the affidavit.
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i think most people want to see the affidavit. too excited for that merrick garland press conference, but i'm also worried that when we get to see it, it will be 4-5 words. [laughter] >> again, all of your tax money towards this. coming up, cnn, another one of the big names. the chief media correspondent. with -- the question now is who or what is next? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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it happened yesterday: cnn showing chief media correspondent -- the door canceling his show "reliable sources, less than a week after jeffrey toobin's announcement of his departure, as the new ceo forced clean house, calling him "a woke media hall monitor." that apparently didn't move well in the plan to move cnn to the middle. >> ahead in 2020, the only reason i am taking this seriously as a contender -- cnn reported these, and if the emails are connected to an ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> this was shocking. >> bye-bye, brian.
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[laughter] >> breaking news, he will get a new show at cnn plus. >> then him, who says that he left on his own accord, and this is a cast of characters we are all familiar with. >> it's a little fun to watch people that used to be the gods of cnn, and now it's clear, the new guys are saying "we have to get rid of all of this, because no one is watching us." they went all in the, as you just saw that clip there on russian collusion. they said "you are not allowed to mention hunter biden's laptop. no one trusts them anymore. that's what they do, so now he is saying "we are going to do news. if you are going to do news, it's a lot more people.
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every time i turned up to that channel, which is rare, i see something about former president donald trump. right now, that is the former president. >> that's what happens with cnn in general. look at the hundreds of millions they lost on cnn plus. i used to work with chris. we were in local news, came to the same network, and reportedly -- how he walked out the other day when he learned he was -- when he was losing the show. there were a little -- there will be moments to come for cnn, but he's also looking at the revenue picture, realizing that they need to start making money, and he did not have ratings. if you don't deliver, i'm sorry,
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that's the way it goes in this business. he's a smart guy. >> like you were saying, it's the same stuff over and over again. i don't go to my wikipedia and read about what happens the entire season. that's what cnn can feel it, you want to be entertained -- they know exactly what they will say about it. they spend our time -- watching something that we know is going to happen. >> they came out and said this -- he said "let's wait for the facts to come out." well, they did, and said -- needs to be deprogrammed, with maybe the best -- >> what does the press get wrong when covering biden's agenda? when you read the news, what do you think we get wrong.
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>> i think even liz cheney would take that spot at cnn. i think they are trying to move to the middle they are in a lot of people -- they are looking at a lot of people that are republicans to take the spot. congratulations for the career you for -- for the career you have had at cnn. they have the twitter feed and could rile up viewers, but don't have that now. msnbc decided that -- but you still have them pretending that its actual name of this, so you do not have a base anymore. you are either lying to the american people and pretending you are in the middle, or you are on the far left, and they are neither, they are just trying to find their footing. they need donald trump in 2024 over. >> i think it's a cautionary tale for all the media right now. you realize that if you hate
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americans and don't respect americans that disagree with you, and you look at flyover states as domestic terrorists, you might people, they eventually will not watch it. they do need a villain, cnn made money off of donald trump, but they turned it into a hateful network that despised a lot of americans who were genuinely concerned about their kids, saying they were dumb rednecks, mark them on tv every night, and you dug your own graves. >> that's what brandon sulzer did. multiple examples of him, brian seltzer, calling half of the country stupid. >> you make an excellent point saying that they derided half of the country. once on this apology tour on capitol hill talking to republicans.
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footnote, dom london calling us rude, and -- there are footnotes here. there's a lot we can pull out from cnn. stay with us. alright, limu, give me a socket wrench, pliers, and a phone open to they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need... and a blowtorch. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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9:44 am
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what do soft on crime policies mean for the average american? we break it down. will republicans regain control in congress, or are democrats clawing their way back? and, interviewing the cdc director today, after -- took a blowtorch to federal agents. join us at the top of the hour for "america reports." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> welcome back to "outnumbered." time for "in case you missed it."
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finland's prime minister just got caught partying again, dancing in a private apartment with friends. has been seen regularly at clubs and music festivals, and -- says that she's also married, and they "new york post" is reporting another leaked video, showing her dancing intimately with another man at a club. kat timpf, hot, partying, but should be leading a country. [laughter] >> if she's partying and still able to leave the country, that's fine with me. i don't see how it's a big deal. >> twitter has had quite the reaction. one person writing "our prime minister --" and somebody else that "i'm sorry, madam prime minister, but you are causing controversy for raven too hard and being too cool."
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>> i would tell her that you can have fun moments, but maybe don't drink and drive, drink and record. maybe, it's not the best look to have this across social media, but -- >> for lunch doesn't go to the ballet or opera, they do music festivals. >> if you are a world leader, you have to know that there are -- and you don't get these videos. whoever gets you out of power -- they will not use it to their advantage. let's be clear: in washington, d.c., i think everyone knows there are a lot of elected officials like them that go to parties. >> loves keeping her day job together, maybe it's okay. >> i expect a little bit more
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from our leaders. i will say, i respect margaret thatcher as prime minister. [laughter] >> next topic. burned-out workers are quitting their jobs. what is quiet quitting? the new trend among agency professionals is to do only what's required at work and to focus on "living your best life" outside of a job, trending on tiktok. many have shifted their priorities. "i'm going to go extra. you have the idea of not going above and beyond, by doing that you are subscribed to the culture that work has to be your life." kayleigh, they are saying work- -- >> it doesn't have to be all-consuming. i have young kids who work for me that are passionate about their job, and i respect them for it.
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>> they are basically saying that across generations, there's employee engagement that has fallen, and gen z and millennials, born in '89 and after -- during the first quarter at 41%. it's a whole generation. >> that's fine if they don't care, but i want to hear them also complaining that their work is not fulfilling and they don't have that dream job. to reach that point, you have to hustle a lot at the beginning of your career. >> i -- small businesses, it's impossible to get people to work hard a majority of the time. they fail to understand what 9 to 5 means. they have an excuse every day "i have a special event --" they could all the time, it's a lazy generation, and they will have a problem with unemployment. >> that is what bothers me. if you have the financial
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padding to not work that hard, that's fine, but part of this problem isn't just having a hard time finding workers. they are okay with them putting in the bare minimum, because they have nobody else. these quiet quitters won't have so much time to be on tiktok and instagram -- >> do not be mad, 25-year-olds, when you are 35 and you are not making the same money your colleague is. next topic, are there any hate-watchers here? a psychologist likes to -- explains why we watch shows with characters that we don't understand, and that sometimes hating things feels good, and we are sometimes hardwired to compare ourselves to others. >> welcome to the reality
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television industry. [laughter] that's what it's for. >> they mentioned emily in paris, which is a great shelf, but they mentioned last one. >> i think we like to see people's lives falling apart, because it makes us feel better. it is an educational experience, it's also a learning experience, observational, a lot of great television out there. >> the only thing i hate sometimes is when the cowboys lose. >> i had twins, but don't have that luxury to hate things anymore. one day, i will get it back, but right now, the twins get to watch way too much television. >> but listen, it is an intrigue. i love "tiger king." i find it intriguing.
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>> let's wrap this up with some business in the front and a party in the back. one kid will be crowned with the best mullet in america today. two of the 25 finalists. >> why did you decide to grow a mullet? >> because of your cat? >> my uncle promised me a camaro. >> he promised you a camaro if you grew a mullet? >> my favorite part is -- >> you can't grow a mullet or have a mullet. you have to maintain that.
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>> one of the kids said "it was a two-year commitment." >> i will say this, he popularized the mullet and brought it back. >> i was a kid in the '80s, mullet kids were cool. if you were a cool mom and dad, a mohawk. when they get older -- [laughter] >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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when you're tired of looking at your tired old bath, with any steak entrée. we fit your style, with hundreds of design options. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. migraine hits hard, so u hit back with ubrelvy u level up u won't take a time-out one dose of ubrelvy works fast it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours without worrying if it's too late or where you are unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u learn how abbvie could help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. life... doesn't stop for diabetes.
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be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. ♪♪♪ >> last but not least, mcdonald's caused an uproar at
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cracker barrel, and now a plant-based meat alternative is coming to taco bell? could the third time be the charm? tommy, my beloved taco bell, i'm very passionate about it. but really, we go for the delicious, juicy beef. i don't think taco bell necessarily had real meat to begin with, so that is one thing. i'll tell you what, as someone that comes from generations of american ranchers it bothers me to no end. i don't care if you are vegan or vegetarian, but the impossible meat, look at the ingredient list, the additives to dog food. it's disgusting. if you think it's healthier for you, look at the ingredient list, it is not. you'd be better eating an actual plant, it's not meat, get it away. >> i agree with you, and you've got, it's always hard for me, crunch wrap supreme, cheesy gordita crunch, taco supreme. >> expert. >> you know this. >> i love taco bell but
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honestly, you are not going there because you need good nutrition, you are going there because you need dopamine. if you are a vegan health nut, you are not going -- >> like what conversation took place in the board room, like hey, i've got an idea. how did that dude get a job? it's taco bell, no one is going to taco bell for not getting real meat. >> the meat in there and the cheese, probably not real. but i like it. >> it's also more expensive than real meat. even though prices are up at the grocery store, all these fake meats are costing more and that's one of the reasons mcdonald's is like forget it. and shares of beyond meat are down 50% year to date. anyway. >> did you know during the pandemic all the meat was gone, the fake meat was there. nobody wanted to touch that, there's a reason. >> you and carly should go to
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taco bell together, and take a camera crew. >> carly -- >> you guys are like seriously on the same page of taco bell. >> two pregnant women at taco bell, carly, i'm taking you. i know you are out there watching. we will indulge together with the crunch wrap supreme, or the fiery one. >> cinnamon twists? >> for sure. thanks to everyone, here is "america reports." >> john: all that's missing is the chihuahua. thanks, kayleigh. mitch mcconnell offering a grim forecast ahead of this year's senate races. republicans had been banking on a red wave. >> gillian: are the chances of the red wave sleeping away? guy benson and brian kilmeade will weigh in on that. >> john: first fox news alert to kick off "america reports" this friday afternoon, a new york city man fighting for his life this hour after getting sucker punched in an unprovoked attack an


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