tv The Big Saturday Show FOX News August 20, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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x hello everyone i am a alicia acuna along with joey jones, lisa boothe and tires. welcome to "the big saturday show". trumps legal team said there violated in the rate they are having legal. corrects shocking numbers of markets flooding this wall with joe biden available for corrects tyrus. >> ever wonder how much it cost
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to raise your child in america? you will not with the shocking of numbers by buffer semantic use of vicki's syncopation a new york man is back my bars after the district attorney originally downgraded the attackers charges and released him without bail. new york governor wasted no time credit for the rearrest for corrects i took action in my own hands. it in community supervision weathered or not this parole violation occurred yes it did you could tell it occurred this is a person on lifetime parole. and as of minutes ago, that person is now in custody. that is it might direction. the people of new york need to know that as their governor i'll stand up and protect them. >> of course the government refused to acknowledge it was her soft on crime policies which allowed this man to go free in the first place after his initial arrest.
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and remember she defended bail reform laws just weeks ago, listen. >> we never said the cause of crime in the state is because of the better form. that is too simplistic. that is a political slogan. that is all it is. it is ignoring the complexity of what we are dealing with. >> meanwhile a postal worker was robbed at knife point in a wealthy maryland neighborhood earlier this week reflecting a recent trend of criminals targeting affluent upscale regions. tyrus i will be with you. let's put aside the checking of the watch the governor did it minutes ago, this really does go back to the policies at a lot of politicians not learned the lessons we've seen over the past couple of years with the rice and gray brick works also shows a lot of when the unaffected try to act like they are affected. because where i came from hands on meant she went and arrested the guy yourself. like she was involved. she wasn't. what happens are built reform cost so much outrage over what
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happened with this attack, this brazen attack. he had time to put gloves on, line him up. he hit him on stood over him to admire his work. that is a result there is no deterrent, there is no fear of law enforcement for there's no fear of going to jail. you have emboldened the worst part of our society. and then you go on there and say i have taken care of this one? it looks bad on my twitter feed. but at the hundreds on thousands of some cases of criminals doing these things are still walking around free because his charges did not lead to the level of what they consider bail. that was pre-meditated attempted murder. the victim, broken job. fractured head, bleeding on the brain, loss of memory, probably will be in rehab for over a year but probably will never be the same again, still has surgeries could die. while that is going i will she was figuring out checking sue is right or wrong with her people, he was out on the street but we do not know what he did during
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that time because not everyone is able to come forward. so again it is a laughable what she is doing to the american people and it's across the board with these blue governors who just do not respect or think about the affected people. >> we were talking earlier about how much things have changed here. you used to live in new york and for very good reason to not anymore. >> yes it's great to be in studio with you guys. it's a beautiful studio. but yes i left new york for a variety of reasons, covid, wanting to be free but crime as well public eye for only been here since wednesday i've already seen things like on the way to work out this morning i saw a guy walking around he and he had poop all over his pants. at the guy fell on top of my uber driver's hood of his car he was on something just stumbling around the streets print on the give it another way to dinner guy was using his finger to perch on the queue shooting people. this is a used opium hellhole in new york for these to be nice places in new york city. i paid an insane amount to live
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in a time in studio. but now, even there in greenwich village are singing 80% spike in crime. so nothing is safe. i think what's really happening in the country right now, we are a society and the client. we have no morals as a society tomorrow do not differentiate chain wrong and right. we live in an upside down world to people like kamala harris embracing criminals telling a jacob lake prodded him a guy that showed up at a woman's house to re- victimize or pulled a knife on police officers. if you are victim you try to defend yourself like josé you are treated as a criminal you are sent to rikers island. he had to defend himself in a sick criminal as a store clerk. we live in this bizarro world. remember there's mcdonald's worker was killed over cold french fries? it is insane. >> and joey kind of picky about what lisa was talking about it really is the nicer places there really is not anyplace it is not affected. there is a veteran manhattan police officer who actually made that point and he told the "new
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york post" quote the criminals know now that they can go into the high-priced areas and there is no consequences. so now they can go to the sixth precinct and the first precinct bully tourists are and it is the same as being in higher crime neighborhoods, why rob someone they are you couldn't rob someone that is rich and there is no consequences for the point is it doesn't really matter where you are part. >> that last part is important new york avenue specifically legislation that prohibits bail that prohibits keeping people in jail who commit crimes that should be in jail. in that marine corps semi came up to you and said man, i did such great things that you should write me up for an award, he would watch her back on that marine braid that is not the kind of people certainly not a leader. i was listening with extreme leadership and is working out today every single thing they point out the first two chapters of that book our politicians to the opposite these days.
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kathy hochul there she goes i want you to die but the sky in jail but i'm sorry which like a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum of your job? and by the ways only in jail because he violated his parole but not in jail for why should be in jail which is the severity of the crime he committed. and she stands there and says that other clip i think from earlier she did not say built reform was the reason for this it's much more complex but key in on this right this out make it a drinking game if you drink. i don't. when a politician tells you that it's way more complex than what you think it is, what they are really telling it was the answer is so simple it makes them look so bad they need to speak over your head and not use specifics to make sure you feel like you don't understand if it is that complex to be reveling up all of the reasons why these policies are not why this is happening she is acknowledging the crime problem and diverting blame when she is the person in charge. at at the same time pat me on the back this one time i let things that should happen
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happen. specific cap to think of people out there listening to say here politician she is essentially treating people, she is not the they're not that bright. spray night, she's also sending the message -- right but he first heard about prison reform bill reform i was four think it would deal with nonviolent offenses. maybe people dealing who were buying drugs, or someone who's smoking marijuana they should not be in jail and i agree with that. but when you have made it to a point where like listen, basically we are all animals. we are all animals anyway. and we don't get anything we don't understand anything we won't put them in jail. it's the system not the individual. it is a polite racism that they are trying or like children we can't do anything without their guidance per. >> as poor people across the board. ask you guys there's a reason why your parents punished you when you were young. i still a yoga from church when i was younger that's really bad, my parents it made me i will tell you it was a yo-yo.
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but my parents took me too sit there in front of the pastor and apologize, get ready there's a reason why your parents teach us in the way there are punishments there is no consequences for these criminals print and not just the lack of consequences there are literally telling that they are proud of them if your combo harris are trying to get them bailed out. be it i want to jump in here real quick i got a similar story. tyrus: he still for the lord to? wait no want the buddy he went to with the boy and there's a crush my mom caught me maybe walk up until that man i am the one that did this. anything you need for mowing your guard for the next week i will do that for you. judah what he did he said you are joey jones and he said is your dad and joey jones as ricky said her six or so that cut on the playground and he walked me all the home and save my life. it may be filled that big but that is how our community should be. consequences are not always about punishment. it's usually about teaching a
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lesson. we are not teaching lessons anymore. we are telling people you are a victim as a perpetrator because you are poor or because you are a minority just like you are saying. that is not about wanting more people in jail. it is about wanting more people to not want to do things that put you in jail. their 16 and 17 roads running but on the street doing stupid things i could change this world in a positive way. they're not going to do it if we let them get away with doing bad things of that consequences requesters wrong and there's right. we need to build differentiate between the two. >> one line is the unaffected research to be affected. when the governor's house is robbed to her family members rob, watch how their tone will change for. >> all the sudden it matters. so still ahead, president trump and his legal team say a fourth amendment challenge over the raid is coming soon. bubble anything slow down the department of justice? ♪
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the department of justice name landed the first blow donald trump is fighting back. a member of his legal team spoke on mark lavette about using the forth the member to defend an fbi raid at mar-a-lago. >> we are going to have to get the court involved. district court level to get somebody in that mix here that can help us vindicate for the member rights of the president requires a narrowness to the intrusion were going to come up swinging think this cannot be something we get a wink and a nod from d.o.j. that we are supposed to trust them. >> trumps legal team is also requesting appointment of a special master to review and return evidence collected during the raid. let's pull up at the fourth amendment says for the audience and everyone here as well. this is what it says for the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.
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no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause supported by affirmation perfectly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. alicia, we look at the search wart it included boxes surrounding the document they are looking for per the took president trump's passport. isn't that kind of and abuse the fourth amendment is supposed to protect americans against? >> you would think so lisa, i also believe this is going to backfire in a way and is a backfiring in a way that is not even the measure jet. you can look at one quick indicator. the former president social media platform truth social scene a 550% increase in download spread that tells us a couple of things that we do know his base was already on there. now you have a significant increase of people who are now starting to pay attention who may not have been paying such close attention as we are in the midterm season and maybe every
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four year voters. now we have something that is definitely switching in the form of the presidents away. >> alicia it's like you've done this before. [laughter] tyrus, i think it blows my mind the fbi went for maximum force in all of this. instead of getting a second subpoena, they issue a search warrant. instead of some sort of incognito fbi agents going they sent 30 to raid the house. i meant a fishing expedition and set a bit narrow a fishing expedition. why the maximum force in such an unprecedented way? >> for one reason only, optics. they need to show him in a bad light. they need to try to bus murch his name. they are trying to embarrass a man who cannot be embarrassed. last time, it made a joke at him as prez obama he decided to run for president. this is a guy they have to attack enacted cancel culture at
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its finest coming from the government which is scary. they cannot do it legally so they want to do it publicly. they look all of this maybe stop his momentum because look at the people who he has endorsed in the senate races in a house races his record is like 187 -- four it is unbelievable. was it cheney was destroyed. so they cannot do it through voting for they cannot do across the board, they have tried this is by the 14th time they tried to get him on something illegal. their stuff they are looking for anything he could not declassify steph as a president, all presidents have done for they have an acting standing order anything i walked out of the office with his declassified. we are seeing new grounds but they do not care about that. it is the optics for it and just like every bad guy in every movie he tells her his planet backfires. >> seems a good quibbling over an overdue library book when
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it's document is the ultimate authority to declassify let's listen to at the former acting attorney general math through whitaker said, he said this listen. >> the fbi has a burden now to demonstrate this is not a continuum of his last seven years and then trying to get trauma. ultimately the competency of the american people is going to be improved in the fbi if they have more transparency but if they present next week they completely blacked out document i think it is going to increase the accusations that the fbi is playing politics in this investigation. >> as we just heard there he is saying look the onus is on them to basically show the rest of the country but they know they have been political for the fbi's history of falsifying information to go after donald trump. the attorney general's cooley upset about being railroaded from the supreme court we have the magistrate judge with a
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history of saint auntie trump things on social media so joey, i can we trust anything any of these people have to say? >> pulled the scorecard acquisition of trump committing treason are asked espionage zero as far as proving it. the fbi planting evidence or doctoring evidence at least one. so in president trump says we needed our representatives to make sure they were messing with this or adding to it, the liberal media lashes out unfounded accusations of the fbi planting evidence for that is not what he said. he said i don't trust them not too. if you are a man who has had the fbi doctor a document to help get you impeached, it is pretty reasonable to be defensive. a couple things we are reporting here. one comment trump and the judge who signed the search warrant want the affidavit released. that tells of the judge once it relates to want the american people to see what he saw to wash his hands old pontius pilot
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stuff going on i guess, trump once a release he wants to rebut it. he wants rebutted openly and publicly. the government does not when it released because i don't think it is substantiates the action. i think the things they probably presented to the judge and the american people in our media doing their job actually, government prove this. prove you think this. and i get the knee protocol that hey or doing investigation we do a certain way okay that's fine. you do not do an investigation gives the president of the nine states all the time the former president shows it a time when our country's most polarized, one of the two figures they are polarized for. a big swath of the country said he has committed treason there's no way hassan for a swath of country that is being persecuted. but there's this big group in the middle that are not a silly trump supports but could be trump voters they have to make their minds up and is fair to them to understand why they're going after in this way.
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>> if you look at polling the majority of americans realize or at least saying this looks political and is political bird moving on, biden's border crisis continues the president finally agrees to build the wall the bad thing it's actually around his home in delaware. plus that letting shocking immigration numbers. all of that is next, stay with us. ♪ ♪ i don't know what it is 'bout that little ♪ get a dozen shrimp for only one dollar with any steak entrée. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good!
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border is going around his delaware home construction of the security barrier around the presidents house began septembee completed june of 2023. how is biden paying for all this? with taxpayer-funded money. about $500,000 worth actually. tyrus, i want to go to this tape first but the president saying he will not build any more wall, let's check it out. >> there will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. >> them here last week he still on the wall. now it's going to build a wall around his house. i know there are some obvious hypocrisy here. but why earth democrats so adverse to the wall to begin with? >> because it wasn't their idea and the guys who are the eight they are scared to death of, president trump. we've been talking at changing the name calling it a terrarium or an aquarium and will make it their idea. we laugh about it but it is tragic. and to be fair to the president he made that statement several
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months ago and he's having a hard time remembering his hand to shake. you cannot hold that against him. but the hypocrisy of building a wall around your home. you would not do anything for the supreme court justices with their standing outside of their house right necessity them. you will not do anything for the people of arizona and texas who are living with hundreds of thousands of migrants coming in. let stay tuned 99% of them are people here who are here to work and improve their life. but that 10% they're just walking and free to this country. most of them who cross that country owe the cartels at 10,000 dollars. so they are now mules. they've got to pay that off. there are also rules for fentanyl that is why this much fentanyl in this country. this is a real stack and kill every american seven times that is how much fentanyl is in this country. so the fact he is so willing and brazen to spend $500,000 of our money to build security around his house i get it he's there at more than he is in the white
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house he is literally been there five months more than any of the last three presidents in terms of vacation time. i get why he wants to build the wall there. the fact he's not doing anything and supposed to bring us together, it would've brought us together he said i disagree president trump on a lot of things, i don't like us to eat i don't like this, i agree we need a deterrent on the wall the deterrent does for easy the buildings there you give our border patrol some kind of fighting chance because they don't have one. the cartels have state-of-the-art military equipment. they have soldiers now it is unbelievable what is happening at our border. it is so depressing as an american but you took care of yours first. >> we talked about that human intelligence network and probably trace down that location. we have apparently can kill terrorists in afghanistan just a thought i don't know, at least i'm not advocating for war. let's talk about the correlation type of the amount of people come across the border.
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democrats want to focus on the people they do not see military aides they want to see families. let's look at the numbers in 219,977,000 people were estimated to come across but actual encounters. in fiscal 2022 to date this is less than three years later, that has more than doubled. they are reporting 1.9 million hours sources saves over 2 million. now jump over look at fentanyl to see the correlation. in this year alone it has risen 223%. were looking at 640 in june, 2000 that's crazy 2071 pounds in july. i do not think july is moving a month. i think this is a trend. so when democrats want to focus on the people but the problem includes fentanyl and you do not even hear president biden say the word or just ignoring the problem altogether. >> i think they won this. look, every policy they have strived for with immigration is to allow an open border.
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that is what this is. they are trying to destroy the country because they are anarchists and they hate this country they hate everything this country stands for they hate our constitution, they hit our beliefs they hate patriotism. they think the flag is bad. if you want to destroy a country wouldn't you let into million people it's the state of nebraska into the country that do not share our values who do not believe in patriotism or our american flag for the trying to destroy the country in the fabric of the nation. the problem is it's going to bankrupt this country. look in new york city eric adams out there saying a few thousand illegal immigrants are however many people it's been saying it's draining our education, healthcare, our infrastructure, all of it. what you think that's going to do to the entire country? i think send all of these to the sanctuary cities and make their either virtual signaling words eat it. >> democrats would have us believe it's partisan. is not the only democrat acknowledging this problem. thank bingo pre-took the words from my mouth.
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democrats on the southern border are all incredibly frustrated right now because they feel this administration is not listening to them. they know the vice president is not shown up on their doorstep. when she was down there she was not having conversation people who make decisions them and scream the loudest. another point because tyrus prepped the fact that an 8% or 90% are not going to be the bad guys. however we do not find out of the bad guys until they commit a crime. we also know there is no system for keeping track of the folks who are being released into the country because they cannot hold them. we really have no idea. there is just so much more out there and it's frightening for summing people out there. joey: would gotta wrap up. if one person rings a backpack full of a fentanyl and commits a crime in this country is still a bad guy. still ahead, from virginia to new jersey, george washington, thomas jefferson more of our founding fathers are feeling the wrath of the left cancel culture. we will bring you all the
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♪ ♪ meant okay to me and the dj clearly have beef. welcome back to the et cetera chauffeured virginia department of education was forced to walk back a recent proposal aimed at removing george washington, as the father of our country in their curriculum. but, as liberals in virginia fight to discredit our founding fathers republicans are going they will not allow this to happen. >> we are not going to let people destroy what we are doing here in our america. that is ultimately what they are hoping for. if you say madison is not the father of the constitution, that what you are saying is the bill of rights don't really mean anything. because he is pretty much the father the bill of rights. because the bill of rights that
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american enjoys was first written from virginia's bill and madison was the one who brought that in. that course the father of the country everybody knows this. >> is not just virginia at work history as a battlefield, sounds like a song. in new jersey one schools changes name to distance itself from thomas jefferson. alicia i'm going to start with you. this is frustrating i laugh and feel from different eras are caught they would've done stuff different back then. you have done what everybody else did back then and we evolved to where we are today. isn't this just the democratic weight they try to act like they make accomplishments they change names to everything's of actually dealing with actual subject matter? space that it was so much that actually need to generate abacus some resumes are suffering. and also for the white house puts out statements on a daily basis throughout the day reporters or see them all the time for today i received the statement from president joe biden marking slavery
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remembrance day brief second paragraph the first sentence, great nations do not hide from their history, they acknowledge their past. both the triumphs and the tragedies for the system white house incomplete conflict from what we are seeing happening. joey: joey, as amended literally given it all for his country, how frustrating is it to you in the veterans to hear people what to spit and talk horrible about our founding fathers? joey: it's predictable at this point. i think the problem i have with it is the perspective it shows. i don't have some great need to honor george washington. i do not have it tattooed on me but it is not george washington the person. it's george washington the symbol that a man can make a decision to not making he can decide to put his life online to
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line to fight for something other than himself. history a lot of times is not how it happened but how we choose to recounted that matters most anyway. what do the founding fathers mean to me? i mean there's wants a class of americans so intent on the success of this country they gave up everything in their mind and lives to have it. most generations when you take it on the chin to make it happen you do not get to enjoy it. they never got to see america as a superpower. they never got to save this country behave and check became i do not need to hide their sins but to wash them away washes away their sins too. to take their names of things when you do not learn about them all the good and the bad. the idea i don't even think this is a good term but whitewash or cleanse our history, there is nobody left tyrus, we do not know who the perfect person is elected there's not one. does that mean we never honor him again? tyrus: that is such a great point. as a black man i'm not a fan of
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slavery. and i'm glad it is gone. but i also like to talk about it george washington had slaves pretty much every predominant person during that era had it because that is the way things were back then. they are wrong and the awesome thing about america which is different than any other country in the world as we were able to change and grow. we do not keep it at status quo. i go to you with this lisa, you take no nonsense. the last time some and try to come at you when it comes to talk about fighting in this country and recognize the truth in this country, that is just as important today as it was back then correct? lisa: yes. nobody has ever accused me of lack of passion. can we start renaming schools named after obama? it comes from a family of slave owners. should we start renaming those schools? part of the reason why she wanted lieutenant governor of virginia it was because of a lot of this nonsense. parent turned out the parents led rebellion. they said enough of critical race theory. enough of this garbage.
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teach our kids they want our kids have a better education. if anything we need a reminder of what america was all about. we are so far from the original vision of a decentralized government and individual liberty. with that the fbi targeting a former president's house but we are proud to have an army of irs agents knocking on her doors and coming after hard-working americans. this is not the country that we are supposed to be look at the american revolution was sparked of the stamp act. the first internal tax on these colonies and they said enough. it was the fight over the role of government in their lives but look at what's happening in our country now. if anything, we need to take this country a federal back to its bareboat abolish the fbi rid of his much government as humanly possible and give it all to the states, go back to the original vision of america. tyrus: that's great. when i hear this to quote its complete comment is into me. raising kids in america is not cheap. i'm not preaching to the choir
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purdue numbers of electric cost of being a parent. so how expensive is it? the answer will shock you. the tenth pick is in the new all-american club. that's a “club” i want to join! let's hear from simone. chuck, that's a club i want to join! i literally just said that. i like her better than you the new subway series. what's your pick?
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big sandy show. raising a child has not been this expensive in over 40 years for a new report shows even before paying for college, kids are racking up a bill for the average cost to parents is now over $300,000 to raise a kid through high school are nearly $18000 per year. this is insane. by the time i have kids is going to be like a billion dollars. tyrus, joe biden's america the american dream is less attainable and costs are raising a family even more expensive. >> i feel it i spend that much on apple cards and robot cards every year i don't think the numbers are a lot higher than that. it is tough right now not to just raise kids but take care of yourself but every time we turn around they talk about the gas prices but one of the things that drives me crazy no one is talking about is they the fuel
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you get your electric bill i would look at the electric bill it's nearly doubled. they have increased the prices on fuel to make up the difference. while that their gas prices are down a scotia, but when president trump left they were $2. or like $2.25 for. >> like $2.38. >> i go with my heart. it was nice to have a president they would stop the car to get out and check gas prices because he is in touch with the american people. this demonstration is so unattached of not address any of these things we find a good education for your kids is costing tons of money they beat for just to get it you have to go on a journey to mexico. these are things it's really tough to raise kids right now and on top of that you got to her about their safety all the time because your police departments are being defunded whose affected more question single moms with children. it is not just a financial thing. i think we can live with higher prices it's the emotional distress, the lack of community
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and the idea to keep everyone at each other's throats is really hurting pretty is to take a village to raise a children, parenting is a term that's meant loosely over exaggerate in this country barely to get back to supporting moms and dads and not calling them domestic terrorists on the fight for their kids for. >> also try to make the american dream more attainable for people. i don't think college is necessary for everybody. now the average cost of a four-year college is 35005 at $51. joey, what we see is a lot of its federal loan money given out so easily. colleges keep jacking up the prices and all the students get into debt because they cannot afford it. would it help a lot just to get the government out of the way? what's higher education is a bit of a fraudulent scheme at this point. not because you don't need higher education. it's completely unregulated and the answer from the democrats is to give them money. we talk about paying off student loans the other side of that conversation is why did jeff to take out to begin with? you talk about how much it cost
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to raise a child company of his eye the conversation is every expense is an expense in raising a child. we just had the abortion debate the row versus wade being overturned. i've said from the beginning, to be pro- child to be pro mother, to every pro family, being one to raise and get it comes together. anything that makes it harder for poor americans to make ends meet, our middle-class americans to enjoy life a little bit more that they work so hard for something that's also going to affect this issue because it's tied together. when we talk about the american way of life we are a prosperous country. think would buy it on. we have more than we need to go around. we argue about how that gets disseminated. we should be able to fight in together on is you should be able to take advantage of what you work and earn. and it should not be eaten up by inflated prices of necessities but should not be eaten up by tax dollars that you never gets to the benefit from. that is a conservative point that liberals need to pay attention to because their swing
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votes. in like this may be used to justify pro- abortion stance or need for more federal funding and welfare state. what really should do as it should let you know it's worth it. if you can have child and you can raise a child whenever that price tag is, it is worth it. lisa: alicia trying to brag but a small gas prices it's 100-dollar pay cut it's a tax cut is this, that, and the other. the reality is americans are still paying with tyrus in earlier 2038 cents. is not something to brag about? like snow for there's a cnn report that did say it's like were getting $100 a month raise be happy america be happy america. bricks are trying to do some things over there to gain viewers. however i don't think this is it. i didn't someone stop this from
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going to live? people are not stupid and they are the ones paying the money out of their own pocket. it's infuriating. i have for teenagers to one that's about to turn 21 i'm spending a lot of extra money on covering up the great. i have good kids bids expensive out the request should have looked at's not do this. but we should do is everyone should stick around for big saturday flops. that is next and it is always fun. stay with us. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein.
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cracks are right, welcome back to the big center show. it is time now for big saturday flops. our picks for the biggest veils of the week and i am going to go first. the thinnest prime minister is under fire after new video surface showing the married leader dancing with the mystery man. there's more to this video there's another video acting like they probably at some stuff going on. this is what i will tell you any criticism is fair. but also i'm not going to beat up the leader over just make sure the camera's not around. maybe not going public act a fool. you need to cut loose. one thing i will say current meyer did this he got fired for it out there sexism going on
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here. tyrus: oh yes there is it that would have been a man. oh no, oh no. that would've came right out. lisa: rapper kanye west made it interesting decision when displaying his new easy cap clothing line using giant trash faxes of traditional hangers. pursing a thousand live look of new york city. but seriously this is how is selling his close it doesn't do it for me, tyrosine client to buy? >> this is two things he wants people to think about how most when they shop i guess of the second thing is that everything is already in the bag for them. when they come in they can just take the bag and go you keep your windows in your countertops. hangers are expensive i will give it to him for. >> how do you find your size? you dig in the back. next that is way too
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time-consuming. >> i agree. bricks listen, speak if you want to do that the biggest flop is right now i'm going to take my glasses off. this ridiculous conspiracy theory about tom brady missing time because is doing the mass sing this is tom brady the man is a saint taken to wherever he wants to he has excused absence excuse you, set other people's business. he can do it every once in it he could be fishing he could be laying on the sun is called excused absence of leader conspiracy theories at home. there is no conspiracy theory because in about eight days the next time you guys see me i should be to champion tyrus. family murdock for the heavyweight championship at the world-famous historic chase on sunday. next sunday summit should check it out i'm fighting at work or be there live. is tom brady so retired or out of retirement?
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>> not only affects how dear you. he retired for eight minutes. >> when the redskins change their name. it's pretty bad i've got to give you. but tom brady is still around. tom brady would trust request contingent on our faction talk a bizarre new trend is to carry tiktok called the jeans and boots of trend influencers are cutting their genes instead of cut off shorts they are taking the bottom half of the lakes in fitting the fabric rather boots and wearing that in public on purpose. it has taken off so much # boots has been viewed more than 1.9 million times. i don't get it but at my age maybe that's the point. see we reach the point decided to put more work in many than looking ridiculous than not. >> is my goal to create something so stupid and get really rich off of it. fit what's funny about that the
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tapping place new york review left new york and went to florida where they are fully acceptable they did it wrong. they are trying to do what you do down there. >> is very cool in florida in the spring. that does it for us for deceive back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday show. the fox report with jon scott arts right now. ♪ >> suspect accused of viciously sucker punching a man in new york city back in custody tonight after he was freed without bail. i am jon scott and this is the fox report. jon: was another appalling crime in new york city you can see it for yourself. we suspect in here punching a bystander in the back of the head last week and it unprovoked attack. that victim remains in a coma. the suspect for several prior convictionon
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