tv Fox News Live FOX News August 21, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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or migrant buses running a near exit from texas. one or third eye people on board. the latest in a series texas governor greg abbott has sent to the big apple and washington d.c. part hello everyone welcome to brand-new our "fox news live" i am barth don't know hello eric. eric: hello arthel, thank you everyone for joining us i'm eric shawn. governor abbott says is giving northeastern sanctuary cities a taste of what the border communities in his state base every day. historic numbers of people keep
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crossing into our country customs and border protection sources tell fox news there have been more than 2 million encounters at our southern border since the fiscal year began in october. box team coverage senior correspondent casey stegall's live in the border parties in eagle pass, texas will start first with alexis mcadams 1900 miles away in the newsroom and here new york with the latest round of the migrant buses arriving in manhattan. >> just the past couple weeks hundreds of migrants have been dropped off right here in new york city. to see this buses pulling nearly every other day. another round of buses from texas mexico border pulled into temperate look here you see the people walking off of the buses here and new york after 24 hour journey to the big apple but just after 7:00 a.m. this morning three buses pulled right into the new york port authority dropping up a wonder to 39 migrant sprayed texas governor greg abbott directing those buses to new york for the past several weeks after months of
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sounding the alarm in texas over what he said broken federal immigration policy. new york officials say more than 6000 migrants have arrived since may. about 1000 of them school age kids. representative tells fox news officials need to focus on strengthening the border. >> the mayor and governor should be joining our pleas for president biden to secure the southern border as mentioned in the report we have fentanyl streaming over. dozens of people caught on the watchlist attempting to cross over. their summit got a ways we do not know what their intentions are. >> also complicated where these people supposed to go and they show up? homeless shelters in new york city are full per their capacity professionals which are planning to house of migrants and hotel rooms like here in york city of the near post is reporting a lecture hotel the which is i hotel near times square is in the process of converting space into a shelter for thousands of migrants to stay.
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not everyone is on board with that idea. >> do work is trying to provide for all of these different people. you can't, you can't. what you can do is train them for work, teach them how to work or something. but do not let somebody get a free ride. >> really working hard to figure out every other day no word yet on when that next arrival is coming, erica. so for right alexis bill seymour thank you. arthel: back at the southern border large groups of migrants are overwhelming agents there and leaving other parts of the border vulnerable to smugglers. senior correspondent casey stegall is alive in eagle pass, texas with that part of the story, casey. >> hey arthel, the contrast is not lost on that here. the front lines were this is happening. when you see this busloads
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stepping up the bus to new york city then you see one entire group that could fill a bus, cross at a single time. that is just in one location. we have nearly 2000-mile long border we share with in mexico at eagle another large group this morning it's not even larger it was captured by the fox news flight team at drone crossing the border illegally this morning from eagle pass. across the rio grande river. the river is really low right now. a lot of people do not have to swim across you can walk across in some areas we've had little in that heat. records not just been broken in terms of apprehension drug seizures by the way but search and rescue stew. close to 19000 of those for the fiscal year. cbp says that the 47% increase
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from all of 2021 for their search and rescue operation. and just the del rio sector, agents have recovered the bodies of more than 200 migrants this year. was pulled from the rio grande not far from here earlier today. >> that is why we are so frustrated right now but we don't understand why the biden administration does not recognize what they're doing is putting vulnerable women and children in harm's way with the reckless policies. we have open border policies. >> agent meantime in arizona stopped a vehicle containing a 134 pounds of methamphetamine. a nearly 5 pounds of cocaine. it was just this past week the driver arrested. not only you can see the drugs
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are tinted bread cocaine was pink and that meth and benjamin colored blue. almost to resemble the look of candy bread we have seen that with fentanyl at the across the southern border here. that is being marketed to children, that is the only other reason it would be dyed those particular colors. just a snapshot of what's happening out here across the southern border, arthel. arthel: so shocking, thank you. eric: in the meantime in arizona that state is using get this, shipping containers to plug open gaps in the border wall. state officials there said the temporary solution to the federal government steps up. to provide more help the state is also sending migrants to the northeast on buses as well is the texas estate once have the feds reimburse them to do the state funds they are using for the buses. we look at the shipping containers what a sight. the attorney general of arizona jonas.
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it's pretty bad he got to resort to stacking shipping containers on top of each other. what made that desperate decision? >> eric, thank you for having me on. i've spoken to you and other folks owns box for the catastrophe it's no longer a crisis it's a catastrophe. the last year i've had to be in court stopping joe biden trying to force him to build the wall. the federal government unwilling to do anything. the only crisis joe biden thanks there is can't get more people to illegally enter our country but we are doing everything we can in arizona to make sure trying to secure our border. but remember every state is now a border state as a result of knowing the record amount of people but the record a number of fentanyl and methamphetamine that's also flooding into poisoning our kids. >> 's before you go to court and challenge the federal government what happens? >> we were successful from stopping title 42b the
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ministration could it is to fight everything from building the border wall at which now they say they're going doing again, even their guidance they want dhs to have the ability to grant asylum and take some of that power away from federal immigration judges where we are still fighting on that. and also there's more than a million people right now this country with deportation orders. federal law so they shall be deported. joe biden refuses to do so. i should not have to be suing the biter ministration all the time get them to enforce existing law. support less about the shipping containers again but unbelievable. the empty shipping containers going to pile them on top of each other but they wait 8000 enter to pounds are showing viewers them right now returns out to our dented some officials say it's the wind. they don't blow away in the wind. that had some damage you think the cartels are smugglers are trying to attack these and move them but not been so successful? what did the reality is the
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cartels have ceased operation of our southern border. i'm speculate and guessing were trying to send a message they controlled the southern border not joe biden prepared so it's going to try to stop the flow of drugs and people are going to do something about it. look, arizona, texas, our states are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to secure our border. it should not be this way. the biden administration incentivize decriminalize people breaking the law. that's why we see a record amount of people dying in this country of drug overdoses. my goodness, eric, just as last year the fentanyl was seized this is just what we know about was seized at the southern border to potentially kill the entire population of the united states because 2 milligrams can be dangerous. just going to have a generational effect on our country produce yellow cartels with supplies committed from china they're making fentanyl it's more dangerous and deadly and disguised to look like sweethearts and candy.
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to make it more attractive to young kids we are paying the costs that would fiscally we are paying the costs in lives. support just astounding. finally you're not in arizona right now you're in chicago up in illinois as you say resides a border state. give me assent to the viewers that been watching the coverage these past months. they still that doesn't affect them defendant buses to washington and chicago for i'm down by the loop i live in chicago does not affect me, was your answer to that? let's 3 million people have illegally entered the country. we are paying costs for what they're providing for people. we saw last week 7000 bees went to new york city to start to complain about it. we have is an impact fiscally. but as what we see gang violence we see cartels and gang members fighting over territory and turf because the drug market is so lucrative as a record amount coming in the price of fentanyl
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is falling even places like chicago because there's so much supply. kids are dying the only drug overdoses were sick increase in violence as a result of the cartel and gangs seizing control of her cities more and more. so for errors or any attorney general fighting the bite of meditation issue but it seems not to stop, mr. ag thank you. rex first lady jill biden will be joining president biden in delaware today after testing negative for covid as second day in a row. meanwhile, back in washington team biden is talking up its recent victories with about two months until midterms. but inflation is still top of mind for american families. white house correspondent peter doocy is alive in delaware with more, hi peter. kirk's arthel, today the democratic lawmakers job is to help his side keep the house of
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representatives in those november midterms says he thanks democrats are on quite a roll. >> just in the last few weeks passed historic legislation differently lower prescription drug costs, capping senior's out-of-pocket costs. combating climate change, what he% reduction in just the next eight years in our admissions. the republicans it tried to stop. of course gun safety legislation. >> talked about prescription prescription drugs and climate change. that is all contained in the law originally built as the way to lower inflation. but now just 26% of people polled by nbc news say inflation reduction act is going to make things better for them. >> only in joe biden's america, only in joe biden's america is the solution to an inflation induced spending induced inflation crisis more spending.
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the way to fix inflation is to lower taxes, to repair our supply chains and produce more energy to lower prices that is the solution and that is the republican solution. >> democrats may be looking for a way to get their base excited for giving some student loan debt by august 31 daily we're having conversations about this. american folks will hear it before the end of the month. >> president biden is vacationing a few more days here in delaware. he will be reuniting with the first lady who is now covid negative at some point today preet does not have a thing on the schedule it's possible we see him later on, arthel. >> we are glad the first lady is feeling better. you have to stay there for the next few days to peter? >> it is not a bad gig. >> that's what i am thinking, good-looking backdrop there are eight peter will talk to you
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later take it easy. next i wonder if he hit heads the beach question asked on the wood for the former president trump's legal team after they said they would file a fourth amendment challenge to the fbi search of mar-a-lago. meantime federal judge says he is open to releasing a redacted version of the criminal affidavit that prompted the search. he is given the justice department till next thursday to make the actions amid growing concerns not just what's in the classified materials, the feds say they were covered, but why they were there in the first place. mark meredith live in mar-a-lago palm beach with the latest free. >> good afternoon for this week we are expecting developments on two fronts. first the one going be happening with the affidavit for a judge telling federal prosecutors have until thursday of this week to submit what they would like to remain private. the reduction to this affidavit are what can be made public without compromise an investigation for also watching
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to see when former president trump's legal team may file new motions claim the source was a violation of the president of fourth mm it writes we were told that was likely going to be filed within hours. we continue to wait to see when they may move forward with that partly been asking legal team for any updates about where things stand. still not heard back. they are expected to argue this is not only a violation but they also want to know more about what items were actually seized from mar-a-lago during the fbi search. remember the fbi announced classified material there. we do not have the justice department may respond to this and next step for the former president's legal team. now, trumps legal team did not join the effort to get the entire affidavit unsealed in this case would in fact it's multiple media organizations that chose to go that route too. the number of republicans are calling for the judge to make sure as much information as possible is released given the growing concerns of political interference. >> clearly of biden and garland had no strategy, no anticipation of what they're going to take on
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president action better have an unprecedented plan for disclosure. the fact we are weeks in now they're not showing cards are not showing anything for the lack of transparency is infuriating. >> are also from congressional democrats to put the search and recover the classified documents was essential to protecting national security. among the speak out congressman adam schiff the house of the intelligence committee says congress needs more information about not only was her cover care of any potential follow-up from these documents. >> we have not received a damage assessment yet but i assume that's being undertaken i've every expectation it will be shared with us. >> democrats are asking for information received members of the house excuse me the senate intelligence committee also asking for an update from the justice department about where things stand, we note the justice department got the request it's unclear if the request is going to be answered part as to where we are here in mar-a-lago very quiet sprayed the former president still up in new jersey the action is these
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court documents which could be filed at any point too. so far away for that hearing on thursday, four days thank you. arthel: after her landslide lost in the wyoming gop primary representative liz cheney slammed republican voters in her state calling larger portions of them very sick. congresswoman cheney also said her loss a showcase for president trump's hold on the gop. lucas tomlinson is in washington with laura. >> two years ago at liz cheney won a primary with 73% of the boat. last week she could only manage 29% and that included democrats to switch their party registration to vote for her. today she took aim at donald trump in an interview with abc. >> we really have got to decide whether or not were going to be a party based on substance and policy or whether we are going to remain, as so many of our party are today in the grips of
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a dangerous former president. >> a cheney also had words for kevin mccarthy a potential favorite through the house speaker. accused him of being unfaithful to the constitution and had similar words for these two republican senators. >> somebody like ted cruz both of whom know better. who took the steps that fundamentally threatened the constitutional order and structure in the aftermath of the last election. so, in my view they both have made themselves unfit for future office. >> tromped back to candidates of 195% of the primaries over the past two years prude senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is not celebrating though pretty things or problems have a better chance of taking on the house than the senate in part due to what he called candidate quality. new hampshire governor on fox news sunday.
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>> you have to have good candidates quality kin to the end of the day but whether ready for the planning board, governor, u.s. senate, or president. got equality candidates who can cross the line for it winning any primaries nothing it means nothing but you cannot govern if you do not win in november. that is all that matters. >> editor of the national view things 2024 cheney presidential run will help donald trump, arthel. arthel: will be watching that all very closely. support national baseball league slugger facing charges after allegedly driving drunk. body cam footage to try to use his celebrity status to get out of trouble but will have that and morris fox news channels continue for this sunday afternoon. uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar enter powered by protein challenge
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arthel: we are learning more about dairy busey recent arrest after several women accused him of misconduct at a new jersey movie convention for christina coleman is live in los angeles with the very latest, christina. >> hi arthel part according to a fox affiliate three women reported the 78-year-old actor
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touched them inappropriately during an autograph signing meet and greet at the convention. is held in cherry hill new jersey to doubletree hotel last weekend. according to the fox affiliate busey was removed after it was reported he was groping women and another actor appeared to help have busey turn out great reach out to confirm details but have not heard back yet. the state on twitter as a result of their investigation, busey was charged with two counts of fourth degree sexual content one of criminal contact and one count of harassment. police reportedly expected more women to come forward now that these charges are public. now busey's widely known for supporting roles and number of films and his performance in the 1978 movie the buddy holly story. he has been open about his struggles with cocaine and alcohol in this work to remain sober and severe head injury from a motorcycle crash. he was scheduled as a featured guest at the horror convention
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last week and print attorney representing monster mania released a statement confirming there was an alleged incident involving attendees and the celebrity guest. it reads in part, it merely upon receiving a complaint from the attendee, the celebrity guest was removed from the convention and instructed not to return. monster mania also encourage the attendees to contact the police to file a report. the attorney also stated that monster made it will continue to assist the authorities and any and every way possible. arthel: christina coleman live in los angeles, thank you christina. eric: atlanta braves outfielder marcell ozuna is back for the line up in the game against the houston astros but that just days after his dui arrest in georgia. police said that major league slugger was pulled over for speeding and swerving in and out of his lane early on friday morning. ed happens to be the second time in 15 months he has faced legal trouble. charles watson live in atlanta with more details on this latest
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case hi charles perry. >> hey good afternoon eric. marcell ozuna is back in the lineup today and met with a round of booze by fans after the police department released a body cam video of the traffic stop. in that recording you can see and hear ozuna tell officers he is a member of the atlanta braves in later admitting to officers that he had several beers to drink despite initially telling them he had not been drinking at all. >> i can smell alcohol in the car. >> really? no. >> of anything to drink tonight? >> what did you have? [inaudible] went up to drink wasn't because i had a couple of beers. we win today and we celebrate. >> you can see in the video officers have ozuna later just sobriety test which is given the opportunity to take a both a blood test and a breathalyzer. he refuses you can see officers
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a place him in handcuffs. the braves have not commented on ozuna's future with the bulk of the organization did say to statement it was still gathering all of the facts pertaining to the incident. our organization take these matters very seriously and are obviously disappointed by the situation. this of course as a second time in the past 15 months that ozuna is found himself in trouble for it he was arrested and charged with assault and battery in 2021 after officers say they saw him choking his wife. those charges were later reduced to a misdemeanor and ozuna was ordered to serve 200 hours community service and complete a family domestic violence course. a lot of people are upset with him. we heard from ozuna on friday speaking to the media said he was disappointed, he disappoint his teammates and his family. no word yet on if this will move the braves to get rid of him or keep them. they have not said much, eric.
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arthel: well, our next guest is earning two college degrees at the same time. and, she just got accepted into medical school. and, she is 13 years old. and, she is here up next. id otc. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan
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arthel: most of 13 year old i be hanging out with friends are going with sports or practices, events, normal stuff, alena analeigh wicker is pursuing two separate undergraduate degrees in biological sciences. she has also been accepted into the university of alabama. alena joins us now. you have no idea how excited i am to talk too. check that your instagram and i
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noticed your profile you said i make stem look at dope. stem is my superpower. right there is a drop that mic. for the sake of this interview let's pick it back up so you and i can talk. [laughter] you also refer to yourself as a normal 13 year old you like to spend time with your friends but let's start there what you all like to do? >> we like to go down to the lake and just hanging out and doing girl things or go to the mall. >> just regular stuff. you are extraordinary though, you know this. and in may as it said you got accepted to the university of alabama at med school for the year 2024. how did you find out you've got in? and what did you do when you found out? >> it was a long process i had to go through interviews and everything and wait for months.
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and after waiting they sent an e-mail telling me i was accepted and i was shocked. definitely excited. i knew i worked hard and it's amazing to know i had got in. arthel: you're 13 now your breath is going to be in november, but how old were you a? or you 13 new got this e-mail you're just telling me about? x yes, ma'am very quickly due to a double take when you read your e-mail did you and jump up and tell your mom it's here? >> we actually videoed my reaction when i got it. i opened it and i was shocked it was just sitting there.
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something really exciting. >> of course, of course. i wanted to ask you, how do you feel when you study and do your homework? is there an adrenaline rush you get, help me understand how you feel when you are accomplishing so much and studying. >> oh well, i love school. i stay organized which is a big and important thing to me because if i am not organized i don't know what would happen. but that is what really keeps me ahead with my work and organized and making sure i get every thing done. folks yes, i want to let everybody know to that under president biden you won the presidents award for volunteer service. you will mentor a lot. tell us who you mentor and maybe how much time do you spend teaching skills and how much
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time do you instill confidence? x well, i'm mentor around 400 girls through my organization. to get girls engaged we come together once a month and we just get on and do simulated separate their stem kits that i sent to the girls they can go online and go through and have a fun time. i just love giving opportunities to girls. ancient girl i come on and get them the opportunities with one-on-one mentoring. in some tutoring. >> as you said. >> just to have a hotspots and to get laptops for them just to give them the opportunity.
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arthel: that is excellent for you are right spirit had a couple more things i don't to rush you, i love so much about you. he said i'm out here adding chairs to the table for girls who look like me. your talk my organization just now that you started a year end a half gold called the brown a stem girl. you are totally doing it by giving them kits. i was say look, i do not want to jumpstart a head start just giving the same pair of cleats the next person is running in and let's run for it that you are doing in stem. so you of course are an inspiration to girls your age, quite frankly to big girls like me. and besides being incredibly gifted and disciplined, what else or who else propels you? >> i think what propels me and who propels me really the girls in my program.
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i went to give them the opportunity. i want this chairs at the table but i want to open doors for them and show that i am there. arthel: how old of the girls in your group? >> there is a wide range. [inaudible] arthel: what is the age range would give me an idea. i think we lost your audio. but, if you can hear me i am super proud of you and i am so impressed and so glad you could join us and represent how fantastic you are but you keep up the good work. i hope to see you again thank
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you ms. alena. okay, erica. >> what an inspiration a while pray. >> i want to start crying right now. we need good news lord have mercy we need good news. >> yes we do. well, no city museum dedicated to the survivors and heroes of september 11 attacks, it will sadly shut its doors for good on wednesday just weeks shy of the 21st anniversary of the terror attacks. it is the 911 tribute museum and men hadn't open 2006 just a few blocks from the larger 911 museum. it was run by family members and survivors to tell their personal stories. it did closer in the covid pandemic for six months and struggled to stay afloat after reopening. organizers say it has just been a difficult decision to finally shut down. a huge loss the state for the local community and for the survivors and victims families.
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>> for the families and survivors this has become their second home. this has become a place they could constructively channel about trauma, that a motion, that loss with each other. and for visitors that come here for that is what is made it such a special and unique marriage of support and education. >> museums artifacts won't be disappearing, they'll be moved to the new york state museum in albany for that is the state's capitol so can go there to see it. veteran owned national septembem that is on the site still remains open on here at fox news channel we will of course have live coverage of the september 11 which comes on a sunday. we'll be having special coverage that day. the museum haven't been there many times is a very special place. we will miss it but it's legacy remains. we will more news in a moment.
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before the president of ironic genocidal murderer who committed crimes against humanity and should be barred from coming to the united states. so says the largest anti- regime opposition group. the national council of resistance of ironic, the ncr i filed a lawsuit in federal court against iranian president for what it claims was his part in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners who oppose the regime and political executions that continue to this day. the lawsuit is aimed at try to stop the u.s. from granting a visa to address the annual united nations general assembly here in new york next month. it's a member of the council's foreign affairs committee was targeted by iran himself as was the group. ali, welcome. what would you tell president biden to try to get him banned from coming to the u.s.? >> first of all great to be on your show. i would say is responsible for
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the murder of 30,000 political prisoners 90% of whom were members and supporters of the opposition group. he has blood on his hands and he has no place at the un. instead of it being at the un he should be promptly arrested and brought before a court to be tried for crimes against humanity and genocide. or as you know many heads of states are immune from these types of lawsuits why is he different? >> first of all, according to article 113 of the regime constitution, the head of the state in the regime it is not him but supreme. as such he does not enjoy immunity on the law. nevertheless, the problem is not only the past 40 years we have
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witnessed a culture of impunity has allowed the regime leaders went after the other to perpetrate massive crimes against humanity, suppressed people engage in terrorism and even targets american nationals. so as such the united nations must not send an invitation and they obama -- biden administration but not issue him a visa and there is precedence to that. a few years ago the obama administration denied a visa to the albanian ambassadors nominee for the neat un and also during the trump administration the iranian foreign minister was not issued to come to new york city. so the biden administration should stick to its policy platform which is to put human rights front and center. as such i cannot imagine how a criminal like him can set foot
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on u.s. soil. eric: do you fear the biden administration make good with the a radiance and invite the bids they get the iranian nuclear deal? hooks well, i do not know about that. the obvious fact that not only the national council of resistance but a whole host of well known current and former un officials, 460 of them in fact, human rights organizations have called for prosecution for his role in the 1980 massacre. and of course many of the eye iranians are debating the same. remember iran is an exclusive state. albanians are up in arms against the regime. they do not believe he represents them. case in point just this past month some 5000 members of the familiar sends messages to the
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large gathering calling for accountability and holding raisi accountable for their crimes he's committed against the iranian people. eric: this is what the lawsuit accuses raisi of her torture, genocide, crimes against humanity, intentional infliction of emotional distress. those accounts of the lawsuit and apart from the lawsuit the vast majority of the political prisoners of the time were guilty of nothing but their opposition to increasingly repressive regime. raisi killing in the mass killings is not in doubt he is never denied it pretty went on to regarding the murders as quote one of the proud achievements of the system. does the iranian regime ruled by fear, murder and terror? >> it does. their bid mower no less than 4050 execution under raisi for just 21 in the last week. those efforts will not keep the
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regime from being overthrown. then as you know even members of congress, 2054 of them sponsored which called for accountability and the prosecution for his role in that massacre break. >> the national council of resistance of iran will be following up and whether or not the bite administration can block iranian president raisi to come here and address the net united nations in september. some say it would make a mockery of the un and what it stands for if he doesn't stand on that podium in the general assembly chamber. thank you and we will be right back. >> thank you very much. . boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. better luck next time. but i haven't even thrown yet. you threw good money away when you bought those glasses. next time, go to america's best
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>> about 1% of the 16 million americans are served during world war ii are still alive today. no one ohio city is doing its very best to keep their legacy and then meeting of their sacrifices alive. multimedia reporter steven has more from ohio. worked on the shores of lake erie for a few days each summer the rhythm of soldiers to the earsplitting sound of tanks transform these beaches into the iconic battlefields of normandie. >> uniforms and equipment have
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changed. but what hasn't changed is the importance of service to your country break. >> inspired by the sacrifice of the second world war, he and his friends have played a part in this more than 1000 person or reenactment in ohio for the past a few years now. >> i like doing this for the veterans. have the public come out showing them what they would have gone through what they would have handled, how things would've been done for this is how i feel we can honor them. main event a battle acting out the d-day invasion of nazi occupied france. a moment in time still celebrated after nearly 80 years. >> from uniforms the tents and weapons, everything here is a period accurate or passed down from generations at the small pieces of history these war reenactors are trying to preserve as memories fade away appear quick of the 16 million americans who fought in world war ii, it is estimated fewer than 170,000 remain veterans like george say they all live on on days like this. >> i'm proud of these young
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people, i could not be back in it now at my age. that don't mean i can give up on the >> 1944 he found a way to enlist at just 16 years old joining the navy all these years later he says it is enough to see this to remember why he served. >> you do what you are told the best you can do because i was born free and i'm going to die free or die defending. spirit of multi media's journals, great job thank you for bringing that story, so important. we thank all of our veterans and everyone who has ever served our great, great nation for. >> they are the greatest generation, while can you imagine? our hats off to them and all those who serve. arthel: thank you so much for joining us.
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