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tv   The Big Sunday Show  FOX News  August 21, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> hello everyone. welcome to the big sunday show. here is what is on tap tonight. joey. >> more buses arrive in new york city. ramping up deportation. we want to know what democrats think. >> lisa. >> joe biden feeling the heat from the left. a former obama --
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>> what it is. the left changing the mind again why both sides of the aisle are bad coming up. >> we are awaiting a major motion to be filed in response to last week's raid. the motion is expected to appoint a special master to appoint evidence from the fbi to the estate. it is expected to make the case that the fourth amendment rights were violated when fbi agents seized documents they claimed were classified from his home. democrats are defending the efforts to keep the affidavit sealed with adam schiff insisting the raid was done by the book and exposing it would be dangerous. >> the document itself revealed it could jeopardize the source, think human source or technical source, but you are not only exposing the information to the
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document, you would lose any future developments you may gain from the source. we want to get to the bottom of it. >> okay. no one wants anyone to be put in danger. there is still so much that is unclear over why this occurred and that is why the former president is pushing so hard to have it opened up. >> zero credibility among supporters and independents that look at it objectively. being the voice of reason or anything. without having a legal education or legal understanding across teas and dotted eyes. the appeal that they are looking to make, the motion is certain rules and certain interpretation of certain rules. if you go all the way back at 30,000 feet, a distinct honor to
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have been proven to have been done wrong by the doj and fbi, they have doctored evidence against him. a human being in this country, probably one of the few individuals that have people passionately loving him and hating him. i just cannot get over the fact that leadership means you take that into account before you do something like this. you know that this will happen. the doj, mayor garland had to know that there would be a call to see what is going on. the media would be at the height saying inflammatory things on both sides. well, we will see what we can deal. we will redact everything. that is not enough. >> new hampshire governor, republican, did talk about how the doj really stepped in. take a listen. >> it is infuriating.
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that is where they have absolutely blown it. it just looks political. we are talking about things that don't matter to the voters. they care about high prices, they care about inflation, they care about having options for kids in their schools. >> those are not driving kids to the schools. >> that is really representative of a lot of feeling for folks out there watching this. >> a lot of people arguing who will be next. this administration -- what adam schiff, as you know, his part-time job as a script theater. they have to replace that so there is that whole issue. what really stands out to me is to protect the plant that they have spying on the former president in his home, they are afraid for that person's life and safety.
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so that is amazing to me. president trump apparently is a third world country with machine guns walking around threatening to kill staff members. they wanted covered up, i think that is why he is coming forward and speaking out and trying to use whatever he thinks he has left to say that we have to protect the leak. we have to protect the source. why would you have to protect the source of someone would animate claims against the former president of the united states. shouldn't that person be charged with something? again, i am speculating. but it feels really right to me. chances are, the person is probably connected to them. >> i am picking up what you are putting down. democrats feel there is a real vulnerability here for the former president. >> they are crazy.
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this is groundhog's day. we've got the goods on trump. we cannot tell you because i'm on the intel committee. whatever. we have lived this before. the american people are wiser because we've gone through this. we have people like christopher wray say we have to turn the temperatures down. they went from maximum source. instead of getting a second subpoena they got a search warrant. instead of sending a handful of fbi agents, they sent an army. they want to intimidate. that is the goal. the fbi, doj would love nothing more than another january 6. they created a domestic terrorism. you have the same people texting each other talking about how much you hate trump supporters.
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young michael hayden tweeting that trump supporters are worse than isis. these people hate us. they hate trump. i think americans are awake because we've already gone through this. >> freedom. never trust a spook. >> probably wise, josie. i spend a lot of time in the middle of the country talking to folks. that is where a lot of the coverage that ideal happens. they feel like they are being ignored, but they are also very concerned about the size of government. there is a larger concern for a lot of americans who feel there is a danger for them. >> you seeing fight the terminal list. >> that is really good. >> though your body some red meat there.
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from hollywood to the cornfields in iowa, the government is inherently going to do you wrong that is how americans feel. he will not spend it because he knows the moment that he does the government will not think twice about coming after him in and everything he owns over it. when we know that that is how they will treat us and their sights are set on a politician that could do them harm in their eyes if he is reelected, president trump says they did not want to make sure. not turning into something that is not. president trump get the objective not. i cannot not remember the f ei forging documents to show president trumps guilt. that is not a small thing. >> and they are not going to stop. they have to get him on something. they are over russia, what was
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it, four, seven, eight impeachments. they will put something in play. there is a reason why they would not allow his lawyers to watch the search. every red flag should be up. everyone who stands up should be paying attention to this. >> i feel like this is sending the feds in for an overdue library book. the ultimate authority on declassifying information. is there a process? they have the authority to declassify information. to impeachments. at the russia hoax. a special counsel. the most investigative man in american history. trying to get him on an overdue library book? i just think that americans have had enough. i think that the midterms will reflect that. >> from a lot of folks, it just
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washes over them. really, really tired of it. okay. good chat. more migrants arriving in new york city today on buses as the biden administration quietly pushed i.c.e. to ramp up deportations. what what democrats think about more deportations? that is next.
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welcome back to the big sunday show. more buses packed with more than 100 migrants arriving in new york city this morning. democrats have insisted this must stop. dan crenshaw defended take. >> it is highly necessary. it is an infringement on our sovereignty and rule of law. it is unfair and immoral to millions upon millions of good law-abiding immigrants who are asylum-seekers around the world that have no chance of getting into our system because of the backlog that people are creating
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because they are geographically close to the united states and they can just walk across. >> not fair. the biden administration is pushed to ramp up deportations including entire families. i made some notes here. i just want to make sure the american people understand this. in 2021, we arrested and deported substantially less people. in that same year we encountered a same number. more people coming across a border and our administration was doing less about it. what we know is, this is a quote first time in history that noncitizens here unlawfully by that alone will do something about it. what are you saying? just because you're here illegally, we will not do anything about it. now the administration is pushing i.c.e. to take more people out of the country. they are taking all of these tools away that they could do it
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with. >> the unaffected are becoming affected. they don't like it. why is it okay for 2000, every six or seven hours, to go to arizona and texas, but to go to new york is just an abomination. it is horrible. it has gotten our plant -based mayor in new york so upset that he is willing to go to texas and knock on doors to get them to change their voting rights. the good thing is, we are now getting, and it took this, it took this drastic thing to bust people to the sanctuary cities, to get the white house to do something. his buddies, his allies are complaining. we had 4000 people. they have over 200,000. now we are seeing that. who do they want to go back to? secretly. he is not coming out and saying, we need to get this going, we need to get them back.
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if something goes down wrong or something bad happens, they can blame that in the previous administration. they want their cake, they want to eat it to. they want to make sure that there is nobody that is not supposed to be near them. as horrible as this situation is, these are not solutions, we need a real president to turn at the border. it is nice to see their are starting to do something. they will never admit that the previous administration had the right plan and the results to back it up, but it's in their backyard now and they don't like it. >> absolutely right. this is about leadership. doing the right thing for the right people. not just because it's affecting new york or d.c. we talk about what they have done, they stop the border walkabout they restricted i.c.e. from deportations and they limited to these three categories. recent border crosses, public safety threaten national security threats. there is an argument on all of
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those. here's a quote from the los angeles times where the biden administration is, the memo that went out on why the biden administration is pushing i.c.e. to deport more people and isis pushing back saying we cannot, picking up us screaming child while mom and dad are restrained and ushered to the transportation vehicle will not improve public perception of i.c.e. or views around immigration enforcement. this was an internal memo. they said that they would not deport more people. >> the chaos is the point. yet people who hate this country they said yesterday they are doing everything they can to burn the country down and dismantle it. this is part of that, in my opinion. we will not get the solutions that we want because they don't care. this is what they ultimately want to happen. i take issue even with what dan crenshaw said. he talked about this being unfair to migrants. this is unfair to asylum-seekers.
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first of all, they exploit laws. they claim things like credible fear and there are few of them that show up in court. they are likely getting denied because they're coming here for job opportunities, not because they have legitimate credible fear. you know who i care about, i care about the american people. who are looking out for them? you have eric adams wooding these people up in hotel rooms when you have your own citizens sleeping on the street who cannot even hardly put a roof over their kids heads. i care about them. we are shipping money off to ukraine while americans are suffering. he was looking out for the american people. it should be about the plight of people who are exploiting our laws. it should be about the american people. >> using a little bit of that political speech. i understand where you're coming from, but let me explain why this is better. >> that is what we get from politicians.
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moving from just a people coming across the border to the worst part of this, i said this yesterday, if 10 get to try and brings footnote with them, it is not worth it. we have a mom talking about a child of an overdose. >> no mother wants to wake up and have to find child has been. my plea today is not just to parents, it is to the public. this is something that we need to do as a country. we have so much the dea is bringing in. all of these, you know, drugs that they are stopping, what about the drugs that they are not stopping. that is getting to all of our family members. >> a mom of five. all of them in that college age range.
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>> it is absolutely terrifying. when joe biden came into office, he was so determined to not deter the lessons of former administration try to teach them, especially when it came to the border. now they are in an emergency crisis situation. they are not only owning the crisis at the border, but they are owning the drug crisis as well. >> they will not say the word. they will not acknowledge it. that is what is frustrating. feeling the heat to forgive student loan debt. his forgiveness really free? a former economist says nope. we will tell you why ahead. ♪♪
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>> tech: cracked windshield? don't wait. go to you can schedule service in just a few clicks. it's so easy. and more customers today are relying on their cars advanced safety features, like automatic emergency breaking and lane departure warning. that's why our recalibration service is state of the art. we recalibrate your vehicle's camera, so you can still count on those safety features. all right, we're all finished. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech: thank you. don't wait--schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> that is a good song. welcome back to the big sunday show. federal student loan payments are set to kick back and at the end of the month. extending the payment once again radical democrats are putting pressure on biden to -- a former obama economist it's morning that the debt forgiveness does not mean it just goes away. he said student loan relief is not free. it would be paid for by the 87% of americans who do not benefit but lose out from inflation. you might still like it, it benefits recent college grads and it hurts most everyone else both rich and poor but don't assume it is free money. it is not. why should anyone at this table or anyone watching this show be on the hook over a gender
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studies degree. >> the only thing i will say is why these loans are so easily available, why the interest rates are so hi, why the schools are able to charge what they are able to charge knowing they could do the numbers to say i think 200 grand education, the best possible income is 60 grand a year, if congress were holding those hearings, we would all be behind it. that does not just garner votes. what garner's boats is a handout even the parents of people that have paid for these degrees, they are not sitting there going yeah, let's pay for that forgiveness. our kid not trying to put us up for hook for something stupid in the future. >> elizabeth warren has something to say about this. i will go to her. >> if canceling student loan debt is coupled with restarting
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payments, we have been in a payment pause for two years now. the effect is not inflationary, it is deflationary. millions of americans who will start making student loan payments very much like paying a tax. they will have less money to spend every month. >> she was live streaming. great to see you here. it was in her house. >> not awkward at all. >> in my 37 years of life i have learned that nothing is free. >> nothing is free. we have three more. [laughter] i feel this one with all of my heart. also, this changes nothing. it changes nothing in the long run. $50,000 band-aids that do nothing to change the system. what we pay for versus what we also get out.
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i am hoping for the best and hoping that it all works out. there is no incentive here. a disincentive for colleges to change anything. parents are screaming at the top of their lungs. give us a break. we want our kids to be educated in a formal way. we cannot suffer entirely as a family because of it. we don't want to put everyone into debt. >> they seem to want to do that. let's take a look at this. there is a study for the committee for responsible budget. good luck with that. the inflation reduction act which -- they say that that would reduce by 270 billion over 10 years, but if the student debt were forgiven, it would add at least 250 billion to the deficit. i don't even know if i believe what they are saying on that. >> every time you check the fine print, you are always like, wow,
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i got so excited. they will reduce the cost of insulin in all this great stuff, yeah, it will not happen until 2026. there is no relief in sight. who knows what the future will be. what about the parents who did not go on vacations, who did not buy the new car, who saved to put little johnny and tyrus through college. or the big dummy like me who paid his pell grant office of the people that sacrificed and did their part, what about them, where is there money? should they get reimbursed for that? no, of course not. owing 30,000 dollars that she wants a government to pay for. these first world problems have nothing to do with what is going on. if you wanted to do something positive, here is an idea. that same money, you could relieve veterans that serve this country paying taxes.
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they did their part. you could literally take that same money and you could add a whole new police force. americans would gladly pay, but no one is paying for somebody else's education when we all make sacrifices. >> if you look at the higher income households, almost 60% of the education, the democratic party is now the party of the elite. this curious case of liz cheney. some democrats may be scared that she runs in 2024. they think it could actually help trump and hurt biden. we will explain that next. ♪♪
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♪♪ welcome back to the big sunday show. days after liz cheney lost her primary most of the media attention has been on her riff with the gop. now she is considering a run in 2024. >> i think that it also tells you that large portions of our party including at a state level in wyoming as well as on a national level with the rnc is very sick. any decision that i make about doing something that significant and that serious would be with the intention of winning and because i think i would be the best candidate. >> democrats are concerned they can pull those away from joe biden. brendan boyle tells the hail "as
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for 2024 it is unclear to me if she ran as an independent edit what hurt trump. it is a danger that it may hurt trump more than help him. look at the headline by politico. the headline a 2024 cheney run would only help trump. she lost by almost 40 points. i don't understand how her name is being mentioned with any seriousness. put a fork in it. the entire reason, she needs donald trump for the same reason mitch mcconnell hates donald trump. he transformed the republican party. it is now a multiracial working-class party. trump did that and they hate trump for this because they feel less behind by their party. the reason why you have mitch
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mcconnell trying to pour cold water on republicans winning back the senate is because he would rather be in charge in the minority and dethroned in the majority. the reality is, trump had something to lose by going into political office. mitch mcconnell, joe biden, the pelosi's who i'll just go into positions of power to enrich themselves and their families. >> democrats were fans of liz cheney for obvious reasons. the thought in these open primary states that democrats would show up and she would become the spoiler. voters really start to look at their record and she was actually quite in-line with former president trump when it came to policies. january 6 came into play with this character that she became the bad guy with these republicans. how powerful do you think she honestly will be when it really comes down to voters making a decision, republican voters.
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>> she will be as powerful as every professional sports team that made the round of playoffs and got loan out by 47-yard this is only politics. the only business where somebody loses so bad and they go, you know what, i've got to run for president next time. they don't ever blame the voters. the voters are the reason you lost by 37 points. not the gop, he did not vote 37,000 times to get you out. they always ignore what is in front of the american people. they did not say no, they said no to where you were destroyed. there was a reason for that. a disconnect between you and the voters. blame it on trump, blame it on the gop. into not matter. i cannot get elected so i will just keep running and keep running. now she will still be in the new cycle because she has to run for
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the gop. don't get behind her because she may help trump which would then make them the trump team attack more in then you get a fight. getting the former president to get into an online battle or say things about her. whatever the case may be. they never listen to the american people. she should not run for anything because of the voting that just happens. in my wrestling match, if i got smoked and 37 seconds, i would not be like, you know what, in the rematch, it will be on. i will move on about my business. >> hew hockey sticks, 40 points. that is a blowout. >> she is looking at her self as a potential historical figure here. take a listen to this. >> the great and original champion of our party, abraham lincoln was defeated in elections for the senate and the
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house before he won the most important election of all. lincoln ultimately prevailed, he saved our union. >> joey, she is saying there is a chance. >> that is the news you say to the mere. the only career i could have. this is why it is okay. you tell your self that. i really just through my career way but it's okay. look at what lincoln did. by the way, we had this conversation last night. president lincoln obviously is a key role in history. if we apply those tactics today he would be looked at as a tyrant. he puts the federal government's ability to go into our lives in order to save the union which was a good thing to its limits. we don't need a lincoln today. we are not in the civil war. what we need today is a wise politician i can speak beyond the rhetoric, beyond the
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partisanship and speak to people at their kitchen table, speak to people that care a lot more about what is going on in their lives than a very personal fights among politicians. the problem with liz cheney, all of her collateral is within that bucket it this was personal. trump mentioned her by name. now she has made it her life's mission to hurt him. you know what, that don't lie. >> her feelings are hurt. >> the left has changed their minds again. this time the associated rest is once again okay with using the phrase pregnant women. why both sides of the political aisle are mad. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> do i owe the dj money? [laughter] welcome back to the big sunday show. this just in. women in fact can't get pregnant the associated press is making a change to their style guide deciding the term pregnant women is acceptable. we now have guidance saying that pregnant women or woman seeking an abortion is an acceptable phrase. pregnant people or people seeking abortions is acceptable. when you want to be inclusive of those that have those
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experiences but do not identify as a woman. announcing the addition of the phrase pregnant people in an attempt to be more inclusive but caught major backlash for the move. you think? you are a mom, mom person, this absolutely blows my mind. this did not go the distance. >> it is asinine. >> did anyone you know approach you and discuss u.s. a pregnant woman? >> when i was a pregnant woman, if they would have asked me that, they would have been incredibly sorry. this is so dumb. it is ridiculous. women it pregnant. that is it. end of story. the fact that this had to become a thing, the first part and then the backlash and now we have to come back and corrected is
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ridiculous. they are so many other issues that are going on in the world. that the associated press can be covering. >> i don't think anybody was not thanks for the disclaimer. i am just curious, do we have to pull up here of the pregnant man a moji. >> it is not fair. it is not fair. joey, how may times have you said this since it came out? and every day aspect? >> every time i.e. too much food. i tell you what, i've had too much barbecue today. it is ridiculous. it is easy to make fun of. at the core of this, it is the dignity of a woman. the fact that either through god or evolution, whatever i have to believe, a healthy amount of both, we have evolved into two sets.
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doing two different things for the survival of our species. there is dignity and that it we cannot erase it or overlook it because some form of science has allowed some people to change that about themselves. i would never fight against the right to be who it is in this world. don't you dare go after upon the millions upon williams of women who fight to have a baby, work so hard to create life for their family or for themselves or for the survival of their species. the fact that we have had the generations of feminism our country has had to get the basic rights of being a citizen in this country afforded to women is such a disservice to that legacy to allow this, to allow men to come in and say, no, i am a woman, you have to accept that. very few women wanted to get pregnant or become a man, to change after everyone else, that
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is a problem. >> don't tell me what to say. i think you can individually accept someone else's differences. i find it misogynistic to take away a woman's title. can't recognize breaking the glass ceiling or whatever. vice president person. it is diminishing. lisa, i am going to you with this. there was a woman that was going to be on the supreme court, a woman of color. when she was asked about it, you can respond. >> the definition for the word woman. >> can i provide a definition? >> yeah. >> i can't. >> you can't? >> not in this context. >> don't make me live your live. the truth is the truth that we live in a post- truth world where the left is trying to
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rewrite everything. rewrite what a woman is, vaccine, inflation. there his men and there is women. into of story. this is a red line. when we enter into this game that they are trying to play, nothing matters anymore. you live in a world where basic biology is no longer basic mileage he. what is true. what exists. there is no black or white anymore. we live in a world of chaos and i refuse to accept that. >> the big four is next. ♪♪
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welcome back to the big sunday show. it is time now for the big four. the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. 6-inch tall luna. a pomeranian who defended her home scaring off a big lack bear in colorado. bears are becoming more active this time of year because they are preparing for hibernation yard little luna said she had no
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time on her street. it is not too surprising to me, of course. they are perpetually passed off. >> it is not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog. [laughter] >> that is a fluffy rat. if you are a college football fan, you know who that man, the myth, the legends. the university coming back for the second year as a starter. telling you about the benefit showing up an hour and a half late. he jumps in the car any wipes one off his forehead and he says, sorry, guys, i was getting my truck detailed because i have
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a hot date tonight. an even bigger legend now. >> i am concerned about the priorities. >> my fellow floridians. tuesday is primary day in the state of florida. you need to turn out because there are also schoolboard elections. a lot of democrat voters. holding rallies in miami and other cities. get out and vote on tuesday. if you don't want your kids being which you don't. >> no, you don't. you told them so they will show up. >> speaking of big news, this better be a big news week. i am hosting tuesday night. tickets for my new standup show go on sale tomorrow in new orleans.
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presales will go out, an. my mwa world heavyweight championship opportunity is coming up sunday august 28. the next time you see me i will hopefully be to title tyrus. i will be in a really bad mood and have some kind of cold. i feel good, trevor, sorry. it is not your time, it is mine. >> you have to win because of the neck name. have you hosted before? >> no. he could not get out of it this time. >> you will be king of late night. you will be three title. >> an amazing spike. just putting it out there. >> it is happy. heavy is the burden. >> my older brother used to beat
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me up. he used to do wrestling moves on me. >> we don't condone doing wrestling moves at home. you can watch on fight night tv at. >> we are watching. that does it for us. we will see you next weekend. the fox report with john scott starts right now. ♪♪ >> first lady jill biden testing negative for covid two days in a row. this is the fox report. ♪♪ tonight the first lady is rejoining the president who was vacationing in delaware. just over two months to go with midterm elections. the biden administration and top democrats are celebrating the passage of the inflation reduction act. a new


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