tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News August 21, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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ask you and senator scott to come to columbia from work hours we work as coaches for next two weeks to help us prepare. trey: -- see you soon, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for spending part of your sunday night with us, good night from south carolina. live "life, liberty and levin" is up next. mark: hello america, i am mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." we have two great guests, jared kushner, breaking history with his terrific new book. it compelling. >> our friend kash patel who served chief of staff at defense department in
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national security office and also a former prosecutor. before we get to them. welcome to the united states of the democrat party. what does that mean? look around the world, china, russia, central, south america, parties first. party comes first. among others what is what marx taught. communism. you need to find utopia on earth and that cannot come from free will of individuals, it comes from a centralized elite, self apointed elite, a ruling class that determines how much you pay for drugs, healthcare, and what kind of automobile you will drive,
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whether or not zoning will allow certain homes and certain places and on and on, get my drift? the democrat party is a force that was not intended by the founders of this country or framers of the constitution. it is a party that hates america and seems to be burning down various aspects of it attacking the constitution on a regular basis, you hear them say that is way back then with the white slave owners. we have change that document, they attack the independence. the supreme court. and attack national sovereignty to the border and our oil industry and meat industry and tampon industry, every industry you could thing of, big this and big, that redistribution of wealth, the poor against the rich, they create endless programs for redistributing
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power to themselves. bureaucracy gets bigger and bigger, now the irs has doubled in size. 87 thousand more agents to add with 80 thousand, 170 agents aimed at taking your money, taking your property, scaring the living hell out of you. that is what irs does, we know it. i could go on. donald trump comes to washington d.c., she not a man of the swamp -- he is not a man of the swamp or a political party, he is a can do businessman, a can-do guy. he loves the nation. therefore his leaning are conservative are for traditional values and beliefs, he said i'm changing things here with immigration and economic policies, vis-a-vis china. i will change the way we do business in washington d.c. so the red flags go up. so they call less.
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they call less -- coalesce. they build a wall around washington d.c., they don't want anyone penetrating it, american people we the people, we're not to have a say. look this the this last bill, will alter so many aspects of our lives, they call it the inflation reduction act. it does nothing to do with inflation. it was written by a couple senators, one claiming to be a moderate from west virginia, they ram it through, this a week's time they pass it. that is government iron fist top down, we have no say in our classrooms, if you have something to say, different of justice will shut you don't. state "the late show with stephen colbert --
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legislators are being investigated they dare to challenge the joe biden electors. now it's a crime. you better not mention some possibility of the fraud, the last election of the cleanest in world history, despite drop boxes and zuckerberg with his money and what the unions were doing, despite -- it was the cleanest, come on. on. >> now we reached this point. never before in american history has there been a search warrant against a former president, never, never! and over what? documents? the fbi had its ass in mar-a-lago, subpoena in june, you want the documents take them. you are armed. what the hell is the problem? no, no. they were scoping out the place. scoping out a former president's home. and now this judge is not releases the whole
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affidavit, why department of justice said they have witnesses, moles, a mole is a spy, they have spies in the president's home? that is is a according to what i'm believing. they have spied in donald trump's home, doesn't that sound like 5 year ago? what is so important that is in president's classified documents? really. must be really important. fbi sat on its ass for 19 months, must be really important, in june they had to see was, they sat on their ass two more months. months. espionage act does not apply to a president. the president under article 2 second 1. is the executive branch, he can classify and declassify, not a damn thing
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you can do about it. a statute and regulation cannot diminish the powers of a president, about time the legal analysts read the constitution, that is number one. number two. how many former presidents and vice presidents have documents in their homes? i bet they all do. at one time they did, they probably burned them by now, not one has spoken out? where is al gore. mark: >> i don't have any documents. >> dick cheney. donald trump is the greatest theft we had, according to them they vie late federal law, what you about the people who had a responsibility and trusted, controlling these documents, the people who created them.
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the people who brought them to the president. you know under the espiage fact they have call committed felonies, it say wide net, but for some reason hillary clinton was not caught in it, why? democrats. donald trump is very seriously thinking about running for president. this is the greatest interference in our political system in american history, they talk about insurrection and fake electors. this fake attorney general, fake u.s. attorney in dc, all of these fakes, they are democrat partisans dressed as law enforcement that is not what they are. every damn thing they do is intended to weaken the republican party to weaken individuals who are associated with the republican party, to weaken
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grassroots people like parents, that is when they who they are there to weaken, not the democrat party mob and militia, not one damn one of them has been prosecuted, you have chuck schumer, it they search his home here, threatened two supreme court justices. what about that? no nothing. here we have a search warrant, talked about this last week. any government and or president at records created by the time and trump was president, this is the killer. as well as any other containers boxes that are collectively stored or found together with the afore tioned documents, you don't need a search warrant for this just kick down the damn door and grab it, a search warrant to protect the target of the warrant,
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we don't have a judge we have a master. and so the master says that is okay that makes sending, it does not make sense that is not what the 4 amendment said, let me repeat, for the attorney general of the united states, for the fbi director. right of the people -- >> you know, those guys that wrote the constitution and the bill of rights were not so stupid. we don't want general warrants, the ground did that to the colonists and us, we have the right to save your home, what for, we don't have to tell you, and when we're done with your
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home, we'll search your person, and your business and whatever the hell we want to there is nothing we can do about it, so concerned with framers of the constitution, the rest of the the country with bill of rights, this the 4th amendment to the constitution of the united states, it was violated. by the department of justice. it was violated by this master. you can't say you can take all of the other boxes that happen to be in the same place, what kind of warrant is that, unconstitutional. unconstitutional this search warrant, under the 4 amendment of the united states, they will do anything, go anywhere, search anything and clobber anyone to prevent him from running for president, that number one. number two they do not want the republicans to take back the house or senate in upcoming election, because they know they will be
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subjected to an investigation. and so they are fighting like hell for their life, and three, they want to pick the republican nominee in 2024. they don't want anyone like donald trump. no, now. no, he is too tough on the ruling class and the establishment. when we come back, jared kushner and kash patel, i'll be right back. giving it your all? have the right partner by your side. hyland's naturals leg cramps quick dissolve tablets. no water needed. no stomach upset. just fast, effective relief. hyland's naturals leg cramps. to healthy competition and beyond.
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>> mark: welcome back america we're here with jared kushner, his first, plus exclusive interview about his book. i want to link this book. to events that are going on right now, the mar-a-lago attack on donald trump. just never seems to end. the effort to try and tie january 6 to donald trump. when you were in the white house, working very closely with president trump, your father-in-law, it was one attack after another, yet donald trump accomplished more i would article new terms of iconic policy issues than any modern president in a 4 year
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period. how do you do that. >> thank you, mark. great to be with you, because president trump is a fighter ehe has always been a fighter ewe were playing golf with him a couple days ago, i was joking. what happening now is the same thing. done by the same people in the same way, they are leaking to the same sources and manufacturing fabulous claims that get debunked. i have a story in the book, i talk about they did this with the russian investigation, with ukraine. i talk about how president trump was looking over some remarks he was going to make for an important speech on the middle east, and remarked about different things he accomplished. he looks at me, the being president part is easy it is dealing with animals in
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crazy investigation that taking us away from so many things we want to get done, president trump did a great job of compartallizing. his critics accuse him of breaking norms, we see, they do that. they break the norms to get trump, i saw the other day leader of el salvador, saying if he would have raided home of his largest political rival. american government and media would be crazy, but here they are celebrating this unfortunate at turn of events. mark: you explain these things in detail in the week. we're able to touch a piece here. two impeachments outrageous,
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a criminal investigation vist how are you able to cope with that and your wife in the white house, your father in law is in the white house, you are working, and working hard, you are human beings how do you cope. >> it was very hard, i worked hard to get the stories done accurately and compress it. it played a big toll on me there were times you sit there and saying they are accusing me of these unbelievable things, watching the media properties that i held in esteem writing things about me that i know are not true, but in our country it is supposed to be innocent until prove up guilty in our case it was guilty until
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proven confident. innocent. i told story in my life after my that for father was arrested. i was riding. i didn't get off the stop. that i was supposed to, i stayed on the train for a couple hours watching people and looking at faces, thinking about how what kind of problems did they have, maybe someone is about to lose their job or someone is finding out that a loved one has cancer. everyones that problems in life. and i learned from that. that nobody wants to hear you complain. and during our time in the white house we tried to focus on we know that there were certain things that were unfair. we focused on trade deals and on ending endless wars and building the wall and
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secures the southern border and many things, we kept gas prices low, wages were rising and economy was booming, we did it despite the investigation its was hard. i write about that a lot in the book. mark: the book is breaking history, a white house memoir. one particular subject china. no president took on china. no president took on putin like donald trump or the regime in iran like donald trump. no president took on all of these genocidal maniacs like donald trump, yet media tried to paint him like he was an outlier, not tough enough, we had enormous foreign policy
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accomplishments. >> everything that trump said in the campaign made sense to me, he said he would put america first. and america's interest first, media said that was controversial. that just didn't make sense. then, you have media hyper vent lating over the fact that trump was going to cause world war iii, you saw over course of his presidency his foreign policy was a rebuke of both administrations before him, republicans and democrat. it was the about putting america's interest first, he worked hard to bring stability to the world, a a lot of his characteristics gotten putin on edge, and president xi on edge, he was not provocative. he was able to bring about the abraham accords. you have israel and arab
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countries working together and how president trump's unique on the of the box style helped to bring that about, that something only an outsider could have done, the same on trade, his orthodoxy was rebuked. trump took on the corporations and said i'm here to fight for the american worker and brought manufacturing jobs to america, and farmers who were struggling beforehand started doing great, through trade deals that were extraordinaries, i read about president trump a first trip to saudi arabia and israel and visit the pope in rome. and radical extremism was a major issue. president trump didn't run from the problem he ran to the problem, got all the
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world leaders together and said we'll solve this and created tremendous peace. >> when we come back. a great book. jared you so up at white house with donald trump. who is an unconventional conservative. my question when we return, how do you fuse those two. did you change? or did the atmosphere change then you realized, wait a minute, things are different than i used to think, we'll be right back. ♪ um, she's eating the rocket. ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. ♪ ugh-stipated...
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she was returning from a festival she was attending with her father. ukraine denies any involvement in the bombing, i am jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin." mark: welcome back america, this is a big deal book. if you want to know what was taking place in white house during the trump president presidency. bringing history, a white house memoir by author jared kushner here, you can get on amazon everything that we're discusses is in the book. things that will be eye-popping. jared kushner so, you come in from new york. you pretty much sort of a mainstream democrat, maybe a little liberal i don't know. you come to this environment, and you there
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are, working with your father-in-law, the president of the united states to push an america first agenda. >> for me, the campaign was real experience of learning about the country and learning about the issues. i saw president trump moras a pragmatist, i supported basically all of his policies and proud to be working on them, i was more centerrist in work work. i was dealing with heads of media, banks and travel city, i would travel with donald, a first rally in springfield, illinois, we walked into the convention center, the gentleman said, you broke 36 ye of this center, he said who was it immediately, he
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said. elton john. i was able to walk around and talk to people in the crowd. nothing like cnn described it like a hitler rally, they were hard working americans who fell that someone was finally fighting for them, i saw the issues the things my friends the worldly people on upper east side believed were different on issues like common core, trump said i'm ending common core and sending it to the states, i just came from a gala. well they said, we'll provide equality with common core, and i said these people are against common core, and i had friends in new york saying building a wall was a racist notion, i
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said seems like a issue of sovereignty it is common sense, they inspired my to go deeper into the issues. i got involved in writing speeches for him on the campaign. we got to the white house there were several issues that president trump asked me to work o-- on, including the middle east, the first year was a big education for me, work in washington and interacting with people, and president trump asked my to on immigration. immigration. president trump wanted done it was a key priority for him, we made miracles happen to get 470l miles built. we drew up plans and found
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funding for more wall, it of the working when president trump left office illegal immigration was lowest that had been in history. and we worked on a great plan to have a merit based immigration system, president trump was pro immigrant, it was legal immigrant. the work he did was great at combating human trafficking. i learned about what happened to people going trafficked was horrifying and the money that cartels were getting something we were proud to stop, i am proud of the policies we worked on. with president trump, he was a total outsider to washington. he was a businessman, high he thought about problems with a business mind set. when you for private sector you think about delivering results that is how i
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thought about it, i was also an outsider not part of washington's political class. on all of president trump's big key agendas we got incredible things done that benefited the american people. mark: one thing in your book, your interactions with various people, and with the president of the united states a great deal about the past chiefs of staff. you learn a great deal about others who are advising the president and how certain people were conducting themselves. in the aggregate, you learn that donald trump is extremely sharp and he is read people. he can read the people around him. he got a sense for who was doing, what, who could be trusted over a period of time he understood that washington was different than he was used to. i fell, he did the same thing with leaders of other
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countries, he could size them unfairly quickly, the ruling class in dc has never gotten used to him and never will, because he stirs the pot, he pushes his agenda that involves them weakening their power, limiting the power of central government, this is say fantastic book america, i want to get a copy. breaking history, i have one complaint. that should be the cover with your beautiful wife. >> thank you. >> that probably was a better call. but, you have a better eye for this i was better at working getting things done that was a high common sense comment i should have heeded to. mark: god bless you my friend, thank you for your contribution, be well, good luck on the book. >> thank you. mark: jared kushner breaking history, a white house
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mark: welcome back america we're here with kash patel who was chief of staff at department of defense. been a prosecutor, many things, all good. kash patel, there is no reason for any of this drama to take place with donald trump and mar-a-lago with classified. unclassified documents of any kind, is there? the government is treating donald trump like high is he is a street criminal. >> you are right, from my days leading russia gate investigation to january 6 nonsense. we have this same rinse, repeat operation. they want to hide the corruption of the fbi and
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doj, and public enemy number one has always been donald trump, and has been exonerated every time. now we face the same battles with this farce of a raid operation that doj and fbi are running. >> let's keep it simple. you talked about this before. for example this january 6, why? because you were an eyewitness to a meeting, in a meeting with president of the united states with several other individuals, the president of the united states brought up the national guard. i want you to be specific about what the president said and how that came to be. >> one of those meetings you don't forget. you are in the oval office with the president, secretary of defense, chairman of joint
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chief of staff and chief of staff, to president discussing operations we lated to january 6, president shifts to january 6, this is before, he said, do we have enough security posture to assist law enforcement. i am paraphrasing, he said as commander and chief you have my authorization for up up to 20 thousand. the law requires a request from local authorities. we went to them, that very day, they said, no. in writing, it took a year and a half to get those documents out, that is what you are referring to, the truth will always be the truth, but mainstream media and radical left democrats will try to bury it like they are in terms of this raid and masking the information behind the mar-a-lago raid. mark: i am bringing this up,
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to be specific, it was a donald trump initiative. that he authorized to 20 thousand national guards, he cannot order them to appear in a city street, he authorized you guys at the pentagon, we know this is true, because the former acting secretary of defense said the same thing. the inspector general at the department of defense said that is what milley said, that is what happened. liz cheney comes on fox, and deny its by twisting the words from authorization to order, and this is the most exculpatory piece of information that exists that donald trump was not initiating a violent attack, they have nothing to demonstrate that donald trump in anyway authorized anybody to attack the capitol building, let alone
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an insurrection, now. now let's get to mar-a-lago. that warrant that this -- he is not a judge, the master signed, which is shocking. he sits in front of a full pledge federal judge. that search was unbelievable. that the attorney general of the united states would give his okay for fbi agents to go into a building that is protected by the secret service, like communist chinese will come in and start stealing documents, you can't get in in if your life depends on it now we have to have a search warrant, i read part of it kash patel, i am sure you have attachment b that violates 4 facility amendment of the constitution, they open of the door saying as well as any other containers, boxes
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that are collectively stored and found together. who writes something like this? what kind of a master approves something like this? general warrants are unconstitutional, there has to be technicality and probable cause and specificity. >> you are right, i hope that world is watching your resuscitation of the facts. i brought these types of warrants against terrorists and spies we would go to a district court judge to issue the warrants, we allege with exclusive specificity where to look, we didn't say go into a basement and take everything, especially the target of the search is a
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former president of the united states, i tell who you authorized it, political gangsters sitting at top of fbi and doj a hijacked law enforcement intelligence community, they don't want the fbi agency involves names out, is because the same counter intelligence fbi agents that ran russia gate. that -- claimed that hunter biden lab top was misinformation and same that buttress the fbi invasion of donald trump privacy, that is the why they don't want to see the name its the same crew and corrupt officials and chris wray is allowing it to happen and merrick garland is signing off. mark: this is an attack on the system of justice. it is an attack on the processies that have been
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embrace forward a thousand years, due process. we'll be right back. go to you can schedule service in just a few clicks. it's so easy. and more customers today are relying on their cars advanced safety features, like automatic emergency breaking and lane departure warning. that's why our recalibration service is state of the art. we recalibrate your vehicle's camera, so you can still count on those safety features. all right, we're all finished. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech: thank you. don't wait--schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ we just moved. so there's millions of - dahlias in bloom. over nine acres. when we started, we grew a quarter of an acre. now i'm taking on new projects on the regular. we always dreamed of having this property, so - i want to make my yard look as beautiful as butters, here. butters. how are you doing over there? we do both vegetables and large mouth bass. yep. we've got tons of them, don't we, buddy? there are millions of ways to make the most of your land.
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before he left office do you know anything about that. >> i know how this system works, the president is the universal arbiter and classification authority in united states of america. if he says a document is declassified or a set, that is it, there is no written material required that is a fiction being created by fake news and radical lift in oc 2020 president trump put out for world to see a sweeping declassing a order via social media every russia gate doc and hill gate doc, every one, in december and january on the way out he declassified whole sets of documents. it is not incumbent on president trump and his lawyers to show he did declassify them up to the government with the burden
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of proof. they know they can't. the fake news mafia comes in says, oh, but there was no protocol followed. mark, you know what they argue protocol and procedure it is because they lost the factual argument and the truth, now they try to hide behind the magistrate judge who supposedly playing the game of redactions. we saw it in russia gate. we see corruption, and fbi and doj corruption and breaking of the law that is the same game they are playing here. we cannot allow them to do that. the president declassified documents, the government has failed to show that did not occur, protocol do not apply to president of united states when he declassified documents. mark: the constitution of the united states first
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sentence, president is the executive branch, he can declassify and classify as much as he wants, he can do it out the door, espionage act does not apply to a former president. it does not apply to the president of the united states it was passed in "1917", pushed by woodrow wilson to use against his enemies, people who opposed world war i, never attended for a president. >> let me ask you, barack obama, jeur journ george george w. bush, bill clinton. do we know any of them took documents with them to their homes, classified or otherwise. >> i know for a fact that president biden has classified access at one of his homes. those such documents exist there, they should as former president the of the united
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states that law and rule should apply equality. you bridge up a -- they moved the documents to mar-a-lago and now admitted they mistakenly moved boxes, not like president trump even if they get past the declassification ruse. the law should be applied. not a two tiers system of justice. clinton, obama, bush and trump must be treated equally a former presidents. >> i think interesting note a single former president has opened their mouths, i suspect they have taken documents with them. this entire event was unnecessary. and it just more of an effort to try to trap and drag down donald trump. kash patel thank you for
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your service, take care. >> thank you, mark, have a great weekend. mark: we'll be right back. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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mark: welcome back. ask yourself a question, have you ever seen anything like this? president impeached twice by one party only? violating the rules of past impeachments. a president of the united states investigated by a democratic district attorney in atlanta, georgia, invest investigated by democrat attorney general in state of new york, investigated by a democrat district attorney in manhattan. president of united states investigated by a so-called january 6 committee. which is basically a
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committee appointed by and controlled by the speaker of the house, now this, a democrat attorney general and u.s. attorney, going after private citizen donald trump. this is a disgusting disgrace, they are not fooling anyone, not one damn bit, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." but does anyone think that the fbi with the totally unaccountable ailing the american
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