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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 22, 2022 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> katie, great job. see you tomorrow. >> watch me on radio. >> bill: good morning, everybody. first look at the latest fox news power rankings right now. republicans still poised to retake the house. margin of victory, however, is narrowing as we say. good morning. hope you had a good weekend in august. i'm bill hemmer. hello. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." there were a lot of biden comeback stories written over and over again in the media. it doesn't seem to necessarily be working. republicans are now expected to win majority by at least two seats. six fewer than what was for cast in july. >> democrats chipping away at
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the lead slightly. even if they win all 28 toss-up races it is not enough to keep republicans out of the majority in the house. >> dana: is this a blip or something bigger? democrats are hoping for the latter but republicans aren't buying that. >> we have had a summer of strength and we're going to buck history by making history. in the last few weeks past historic legislation to lower prescription drug costs, capping seniors out-of-pocket costs, combating climate change. republicans aren't going to win this election because we're laser focused on what the american people actually care about. they want security and safety. democrats are not delivering that. >> bill: a new nbc poll does not bode well for the party in power. 3/4 of americans say the country is going in the wrong direction. more than half say america's best days are behind it. depressing. election night 11 weeks away from now. >> dana: reaction from senior
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correspondent josh. peter doocy is on vacation in delaware. >> that's where we are. just waiting for him to do something. we know that democrats have been playing in some republican primaries trying to boost republican candidates, spending money to boost republican candidates they think will be easier to beat. now republican leaders are saying they don't think that's going to make much of a difference. >> you have to have good candidates. quality candidates at the end of the day whether you run for the planning board, governor, senate or president. you have to get quality candidates that can cross the line. winning in a primary is nothing. means nothing. you can't govern if you don't win in november. that is all that matters. >> a bigger consideration for voters may be the big spending bill just 26% of people polled by nbc say the inflation reduction act is going to make things better for them. 35% say it will make things
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worse. 36% say no difference. so democrats may still be looking for way to get their base energized. the answer may come by the end of august with an announcement about forgiving some student loan debt. something progressives have long pressured president biden to do. >> i don't have a decision for you today. i will tell you that daily we're having conversations about this and the american folks will hear before the end of the month. >> president biden's three-stop vacation continues through at least wednesday this week. we're told that's when he will nrai back to the white house for a dnc event on thursday and then friday right on back to delaware. dana. >> dana: well, i guess we might find you there, too. peter. have a great week. >> the headline now we believe as we said six weeks ago. republicans will take control of the house. that is our forecast. we're stand than by it. however, the margin has decreased slightly and we'll
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explain. you need 218 to win the majority. we think republicans have 220 right now. locked in. but among the toss-ups, there are many, 28 toss-ups right now. if you were to supply half of those, give dems 14, give republicans 14, here is your simple math, all right? you get to 234 seats in the house for republicans. that's where we think things could be. but as of today we're pretty sure right now the forecast we gave six weeks ago is still in republican control for the house. senate in a moment here. here is how you feel about your congress. back in early 2021, the high point for job approval in congress kind of hit the highest point and ever since then it just goes lower and lower to where we are right now stands at 15, 16%, which doesn't reflect well for what's happening in washington, d.c. on the senate side it is going to be really a center of
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attention come election night. remember you have about a third up right now. democrats have 36. no election. republicans have 29. we think republicans have a solid 15 seats. two are likely, three are lean. this is where the action is, dana. on election night five toss-up states. we felt the same way many months ago. arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, nevada, new hampshire are legitimate toss-ups. maybe it changes over the coming weeks or months after labor day and the focus goes a little more for americans thinking about november but right now that's where we've got. senate and the house. back to you. >> dana: you can memorize those five i'll be quizzing you. >> bill: i like the quiz. >> dana: let's bring in the senior political correspondent for xios. this is some of the suburbs. the fight is actually usually in the suburbs. you can explain that to people. in these states of colorado,
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north carolina, pennsylvania and virginia thereby movement toward the left in these suburbs. tell us more about that, josh. >> yes, suburban voters are the most moderate, competitive voters in the country and they slid from republican to democrat and they're up for grabs. i would say three things happened in the last month that have swung the suburban voters a little more to the democratic party. gas prices have come down, which reduced the urgency over inflation. still a big issue. still a top issue but not quite as urgent as it was a month or two ago. abortion is rallying the democratic base in the suburbs. liberals are slowing up and energized more than a few months ago. you talk about the senate map you were pointing to. there are a lot of flawed candidates that republicans nominated putting some -- republicans should be doing well in in much more political jeopardy. those three things have moved
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-- the environment is still very good but a few factors moved the forecast more in the democratic direction. >> bill: these two numbers are talk about head winds. 74% say we're going in the wrong direction. 58% believe the country's best days are behind us. how do you succeed with those numbers? >> you don't. those are really bad numbers for the party in power, the democratic party. you can't turn that around in the next few months. i would also add a few other polling numbers from that nbc poll. joe biden's job approval at 42%. not a good place to be in. and republicans have a 2 point advantage, improvement over the spring. a lot of this is mostly about the senate candidates, not the
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political environment or republicans not being able to make big gains. more worry of candidates on the senate side. the house may already be won. a small margin that republicans need to get that majority back. they still could see a big wave in the house having the republicans get a healthy majority. >> dana: trump senate candidates better call mitch mcconnell. struggling nominees in swing states turn to the republican leaders to save their campaigns and mr. trump has shown he can help candidates win primaries with plurality of the vote in a crowded field. what he hasn't shown is lift them to victory ahead of democrats and the candidates he favors are desperately seeking the help of mr. mcconnell. the leader mr. trump wants to replace. some of those candidates have said they wanted to replace mitch mcconnell. in spite of that do you think mcconnell will try to help the
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candidates get across the finish line? >> he will. mitch mcconnell could be the savior of the republican majority if the money comes in and moves the numbers. which they will. we're not at the beginning of a campaign season. there will be a lot of republican money along with mitch mcconnell coming into big senate races and the polling numbers will move in september. but you still have candidates like a dr. oz in pennsylvania or a blake masters in arizona. the fox polls showed their own favorables are pretty low. so they can't just depend on a political environment turning their fortunes around, they need to do a better job on the campaign trail to win those swing states. >> bill: thank you for coming on. we'll make you the third co-anchor. hope are you up for that. thank you, josh, talk to you soon. a new piece in the "new york times" slamming republicans for campaigning on the american dream accusing them of turning
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the phrase into a so-called racist dog whistle reading. a touch stone of political and social discourse the nearly 100-year-old phrase the american dream is being repurposed particularly by republicans of color. that's what raised some eyebrows. winston sears. myra flores who won along the border in texas. ask them whether or not that american dream is -- >> dana: tim scott's new book america, redemption story is about opportunity for people and opportunity is what the american dream is about. you've seen this before from the left. any time republicans talk about normal things like the american dream they get accused of being unpatriotic. >> bill: they talk about immigration and crime. big issues among republican voters coming up in november. more on this with congressional candidate vega. she is in a competitive race in
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virginia and get a lowdown on where things stand for her and her race. >> dana: a major update on the search for a missing 16-year-old. what authorities discovered near the campground where she was last seen. >> bill: getting an update on a suspect released without bail after a random attack that left his victim in a coma. how the new york governor is now getting involved. >> dana: former president trump seeking a new legal response to the f.b.i. raid on his home in florida. what his team says could happen as soon as today. >> the lack of transparency is infuriating and that's where they have absolutely blown it and where they've lost the trust of the american people. it just looks political. you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush.
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your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big!
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>> dana: new york city sex
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offender accused of sucker punching a stranger into a coma ordered back to jail without bail. the unsuspecting victim is showing signs of recovery, good to hear. david lee miller is live in new york city. this is a little bit unusual. the governor got involved. >> looks like she will continue being involved here. as you point out, a convicted sex offender, 55-year-old, who never killed a man with a sucker punch and released without bail sparking outrage is behind bars this hour. questions persist about a justice system critics say simply isn't working. at a hearing on saturday the man who was designated at the highest level sex offender described as his parole officer as a threat to the public. allowed to remain free until governor hochul ordered his arrest for a parole violation. the incident has raised awareness and criticism of the state's controversial bail
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reform laws. this attack sparked public outrage because it was recorded. the man apunching a man in the head. the charge was downgraded. neither are bail elible. governor hochul and her republican challengeber are calling for the criminal charges to be upgraded. d.a.'s office says they're still investigating elevating the charges. the victim of the attack, who was put into a medically induced coma, no longer requires a ventilator. his brother told the "new york post" this is the first big step towards recovery. and in an unrelated incident, a little after 2:00 this morning on a subway a 27-year-old man was trying to stop a homeless man from harassing passengers was stabbed in the abdomen.
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the victim is reported in stable condition. dana, so far this year-to-date transit crime in new york is up a little over 50%. recently it leveled out but the overall trend still not good. dana. >> dana: indeed it's not. thank you, david lee. >> fourth amendment based. litigation before judge reinhart is all about first amendment. media versus d.o.j. we'll weigh in very strong and hard on behalf of the president who never should have been subjected to the search warrant and we'll be attacking it. >> bill: you have seen the attorney on the f.b.i. search working with the former president saying president trump may file a court motion as soon as today claiming that raid violated fourth amendment search and seizure protections. it would also call to appoint a special master to review and return what the feds took from
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his estate. andy mccarthy fox news contributor and former prosecutor. a judge said there would be a decision made on thursday of this week. do you believe it? if so, what will we see as a result, if anything? >> i think we'll get haggling starting on thursday, bill. the justice department is going to propose a highly, highly redacted document. the court may push back on that. they'll go back and forth over how much it would be safe to disclose without blowing assets of their investigation that they are still trying to follow up on. if the justice department is not happy with the judge on redaction they can always appeal him. i think -- i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a decision. >> bill: we aren't close to the meal. these are just bread crumbs. >> bill, you make a good point, though. bear in mind the meal is coming.
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there is a lot of make or break rhetoric around all of this. in a normal investigation, what happens is people get charged usually when there is a search warrant and in the course of discovery in the trial, we find out what's in all these affidavits. even if no one is charged, there is avenues for finding out what's in the affidavit. i think what this is really about is should the government have a reasonable amount of time to finish its investigation before we get disclosure. and look, the government created this situation by the highly unusual step of doing a search warrant when they say they are in the early stage of their investigation, which i think is baffling to most people who think that why would you search a former president's home at the beginning of your investigation? maybe you play it out a little bit more. we are going to get to see this eventually. it is a question of how soon. >> bill: i'm not holding my breath, all right, officially
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on the record. adam schiff over the weekend said you would jeopardize the protection of f.b.i. agents. you can redact that. dan crenshaw on cnn was arguing this is all about politics at the center. here is what he said. >> we are going after an ex president who may run again. this is automatically political. you cannot separate the legal aspects of this from the political aspects of it. you can't. it doesn't seem to me like they have acted responsibly as a result of that. that's why a lot of us jump to the conclusion it was highly police sized. it was so unnecessary to resolve this particular issue that could have been resolved very easily. >> bill: a lot of this is water under the bridge. 30 seconds left. you could appoint a special master and a special master could go through the documents and say this is yours, and the government will keep this, could you not? >> well, no, there are two different issues. the special master will look and see if things are
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privileged. the government's position and they are right on the law is that trump shouldn't have had these documents. they belong to the government. the government will get to retain them. if a special master were to find that some things were privileged, that would limit what the justice department was able to do in the way of using them in any prosecution or any kind of case against the president. former president. >> bill: yes or no, would you expect a special master to help with that process? >> yeah, i think they should have asked one the first day. >> bill: okay. water under the bridge yet again. andy, thank you. we'll speak later in the week. appreciate it. thanks for coming on. >> dana: a manhunt, her father's car explodes, is it accident or foul play? russia is investigating. the biden administration has a workaround for millions of americans struggling with high energy costs but wait until you hear how much you have to spend in order to then save that money. >> if you want to buy a used
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electric vehicle you can get $4,000 off at the dealership today. if you want to buy a new electric vehicle, there is a $7500 credit for those that are assembled in america. if you're a veteran, own your home, and need cash, call newday usa. i'm tatiana, here to say you can get an average of $60,000 with the newday 100 cash out loan. that's at least 25% more cash than you get at a bank. it lowers your payments by an average of $600 a month, too. with today's soaring home values, the time to turn your equity into cash is right now.
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>> dana: former nba great dennis rodman says he has permission to go to russia to help free wnba star britteny griner. he took credit for helping free an american detained after north korea after setting up a friendship with kim jung un. the administration says griner is unjustly held but no more idea of a prisoner swap. it has gone quiet. the only news we had is dep is
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rodman will try to help out. >> bill: this administration is offering this arms dealer in exchange for griner. it doesn't seem -- come on, right? where is the balance in that? detectives in russia, what a story this is breaking over the weekend. investigating the death of the daughter of one of putin's strongest allies. she was killed in a suspected car bomb attack in one of the nicer neighborhoods of moscow on saturday. you don't hear it very often. greg palkot back on the story in london. what happened? >> bill, the news that we're getting the past couple hours is that russia is now saying guess what, ukraine is responsible for the death of the daughter of one of russian president putin's top political allies. 29-year-old dugin was killed when a bomb went off in her car saturday night outside of moscow. the fsb said it was planted by
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a ukrainian woman sent to russia by kyiv. secret services and fled to estonia. dugin was a far right ideologue and she put out disinformation about the ukraine war. it was her father, alexander, who got the attention branded by some putin's brain. at the least his nationalist particular line pushing moscow to take over ukraine and moscow, attacking the u.s. and western dominance very much if line with the russian president's thinking. the government of ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack. spokesman noting we aren't a criminal state like russia. we are not terrorists. in fact, some analysts do not rule out the possibility that putin's government itself could be behind the bombing to provide a reason for moscow to go after ukraine even more aggressively. putin has allegedly been behind so-called false flag attacks in the past.
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or, bill, it could be more moscow infighting. the timing could be right. in the past week ukraine has been escalating its attacks on russian-held territory and president zelenskyy is warning of new strikes by russia. >> bill: twisted stuff. greg palkot in london. >> dana: let's bring in general jack keane fox news strategic analyst. let's get your take on it. we don't know who is responsible for the killing of this young woman. but we know there is a lot of blame and a lot of reason they might want to blame one another. jack. >> yes, certainly. first of all, the likely target was her father who is the ultra-nationalist and part of putin's brain trust indicated in the introduction. he was supposed to be in his car and he had decided to take another car. his daughter and he both attended the same event. she is also an ultra-nationalist and supports her father's views on just about everything and a
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political commentator. there is no evidence to suggest the ukrainians did this. they have denied it. is there a pattern here? inside of ukraine partisans in support of ukrainian government in places where the russians have taken control on two occasions in the last few months have used car bombs to kill russian officials inside of ukraine. there has been no evidence to date to support that activity outside. and also ukraine has, i think, has been very disciplined about focusing its activity inside of ukraine proper, to include the so-called occupied territory of crimea, which is still part of ukraine as far as ukraine is concerned. so we don't know the answer to that. and we may never know. the fact that putin is using that as leverage, political leverage against ukraine, we shouldn't be surprised with
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that at all. anniversary coming up this wednesday, dana, which is ukraine's independence. that was established august 24th, 1991. and they are suspecting -- at least president zelenskyy is expecting increased russian aggression on that particular day this wednesday of this week. >> dana: he said that in a saturday address. listen to him here. >> this week russia may try to do something particularly nasty and cruel such is our enemy. in any other week russia did the same thing all the time, disgusting and cruel. >> dana: i don't know where you go in terms of making it much worse there, right, in terms of the atrocities already committed. one of the things we were talking about over the weekend is the nuclear power plant. how much do you think putin wants to ratchet this up and mark a day like wednesday? >> it's likely if he does
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certainly he will go to his favorite instrument, air and missile attack. he may do it in multiple cities simultaneously just to remind the ukrainians, you know, that they have not given up their intent to take complete control of ukraine. not just the south and not just the east. president zelenskyy is probably right in that conjecture that russia intends to take some kind of action on that particular day. the ukrainians take a lot of pride in their independence from russia. i was in ukraine twice just before covid and i was very impressed with their determination and their commitment to their country and to its sovereignty. and to their fierce opposition to the russians. >> dana: well, we'll keep an eye on it. love starting our week off with you and helping us get educated as we get back to the swing of things on monday. we'll watch what happens there as it unfolds in russia and
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ukraine. thank you, general jack keane. >> have a great week. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: have you ever seen a remote controlled golf ball? they do exist. i didn't know that. a fan dropped one on the 15th green at the bmw championship over the weekend and rory mcilroy was putting in the third round at the time and mcilroy was not amused. smashed it twice with his putter before lobbing it into a nearby pond and the fan was taken away by law enforcement. you think he has been let out on bail? >> bill: that's great. throw it in the pond. >> dana: i didn't know those existed. >> bill: it would improve my game a little bit. >> dana: is that why they have them? >> bill: no. >> dana: why do they exist? >> bill: i've never seen it before in my life. i got something for you. preseason football, did you
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know? i know you and peter are staying up to watch this. the bengals were in new york and played a good game against the giant. they didn't play their studs, preseason football. >> dana: saving them for the regular season? >> bill: but the giants second and third teamers had a pretty good game and beat the bengals. >> dana: i had no idea football started yesterday. >> bill: it started a week ago. they have one more and then the big season kicks off in early september. i'm a big believer even though it's preseason football they want to win the game. >> dana: how do you feel about the bengals? >> bill: pretty good. check in in a month, week-by-week. >> dana: how about the broncos? >> bill: check in week-by-week. robert ray was at the right place at the right time saving a woman from her flooded car. the dramatic rescue coming up in a moment.
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hundreds of illegal migrants outside of new york city hospital bused there by the texas governor. city offering them free phones, free food, and free healthcare. come and get it. one of the thieves who robbed kick kardashian at gun point is speaking out. he feels zero remorse. they said it couldn't be done. because the big drug companies have billions of dollars and an army of lobbyists. but aarp has never run from a tough fight. they stood with their 38 million members and said, "enough." enough of the highest prescription drug prices in the world. together, we forced the big drug companies to lower prices and save americans money. we won this fight, but big pharma won't stop. so neither will aarp.
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>> bill: we have some incredible video here. this is in florida. watch this airplane on a crash landing. >> oh my god, oh. >> bill: i mean, wow. a couple in orlando started
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filming when they saw the plane drop out of the sky friday afternoon. the pilot said he ran out of fuel. nowhere to land. the pilot is a little bruised but that no one was hurt, including the pilot, after he took a shot like that. >> dana: wow, that's a miracle. glad to see that. incredible video. very scary. >> bill: orlando. >> if you are low income, you can get your home entirely weatherized through the expansion from the bipartisan infrastructure laws. if you're moderate income today you can get 30% off the price of solar panels. those solar panels can be financed. >> dana: critics blasting the energy secretary over those remarks being accused of being out of touch saying people have thousands of dollars to invest in solar panels when they're struggling to buy groceries and
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gas. what do you think when she said that? >> i got back from the lake in the ozarks, jennifer granholm drank more than i did this weekend. that's not -- they keep calling it a messaging problem. it is not a messaging problem. it's an intelligence problem. if you don't have a few hundred dollars to pay his heating bill he doesn't have tens of thousands to fit his home for solar energy. if i came to you like i'm having a hard time getting a date. dude, go out with cindy crawford. it's not an option for me or i wound be in this problem struggling. that's where they are. >> bill: you don't have to pay for anything. >> stop it. >> bill: you don't have to play for anything. that's what she said. >> jimmie is getting audited a fourth time and taxes going up. this is why every time they open their mouth they illustrate how far out of touch they are with people in america. they wouldn't have had to pass their climate change bill under a different name.
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they passed it under the ininflation reduction act. if we had a bill to give away free pizza and beer. it would pass as a free pizza and beer act in a landslide. that's where we are. >> bill: the solar panels are coming from china. they don't make them here. three years they will have five times the coal plants that we have. we are supposed to be leading the world by example. no one is following, by the way. >> dana: reminds me when john kerry suggested to everybody working in energy in fracking just get a green job. so out of touch. those jobs don't exist where i live. then there was this. steven spielberg's jet. i don't begrudge him having a jet. it burned more than 116,000 worth of jet fuel. this is from an interview he did in 2018 saying i'm terrified. global warming is a scientific reality. not a political trick. it's real, measurable science. you know when you are not mindful of something that could pose a danger to your children
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and grandchildren you go through life doing aerosols cans and deplete the ozone. everybody has to be responsible. ozone and climate change -- >> now we know he got into directing. a terrible actor. give me a break, man. this guy directed a film called the terminal. ironic. he has never been in one flying private his whole life. every time a guy like dicaprio or kerry open their mouth people buy into climate change a little less. it's a threat. the house is on fire. none of them are calling the fire department, which means we are all getting hosed. in this instrans he furthered the distrukt on the climate change movement by being disclosed again. >> bill: five times the coal plants in china within three years. we're all breathing the same air. you know kim kardashian got ripped off in paris. one of the guys who did it says he regrets none of it. and gave an interview to vice
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news. here is how he explained that. >> do you feel guilty at all about what happened? >> bill: let me translate. since she was throwing money away, i was there to collect it and that was that. guilty, i don't care. >> he is playing to the pete davidson side of the breakup. there are two things in play. it's ridiculous and you shouldn't rob anybody. celebrities sometimes mack targets of themselves walking around with life changing amounts of money around their neck. your man, joe burrow, he said my necklace is real. too much money to wear fake jewelry. that's the difference between playing with cincinnati and new york. in new york they'll rob you. what i loved about the story he is part of a group of elderly robbers. paris has a group of elderly
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robbers robbing everybody. it is being done in d.c. elderly people in congress. >> dana: a good fox nation special. i want to go an interview them. >> brian kilmeade, who are the elderly robbers? >> bill: it drops tuesday. >> dana: have a great week. welcome back from the ozarks. >> bill: fox news alert possible new clues in the search for missing california teen kiely rodni last seen near like tahoe. update on that. school counselor in virginia convicted of a sex crime with an underage victim. he drew a paycheck for at least a year. a parent in that district reacts. >> crazy that -- he is supposed to be protecting children. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna.
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>> dana: class is back in
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session for millions of students. after remote learning and mask mandates during the pandemic, many of them now face a growing teacher shortage. the education secretary says covid relief money can help because they have a bunch of it that no one has ever spent. steve harrigan is more from atlanta. >> bill: there was hope that schools would be getting back to normal after almost three years of covid. most restrictions now either removed or loosened up. but the teacher shortage is certainly throwing a wrench into that. some states it's so bad like missouri or california, they are going to four-day school weeks to try to stem the tide. meantime the secretary of education says it is time for states to start spending some federal covid money to hire new teachers. >> our students need additional support. they need smaller class sizes, tutors, after school programs. so let's use the american rescue plan dollars to bring back retired teachers, to work with universities to make sure our student teachers are
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starting a little earlier into their profession. using the dollars that were put forward by the federal government. >> of course, the teacher shortage existed before covid. the pandemic has certainly made things worse. retirement rates in some areas up more than 30% during the pandemic. many places find themselves in a situation of memphis, tennessee. short several hundred teachers just days before school is starting with applicants hard to find. >> a lot of my colleagues throughout arizona were contacting me informing me that they had zero applicants for their teacher jobs. they are worried this will be -- whatever is worse than severe would be happening this year. >> pay for public school teachers still a very important factor. it's estimated they make about 1/3 less than other jobs that require a college degree. dana, back to you. >> dana: such a big problem. thank you for stelg us more about it.
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>> bill: another school controversy. fairfax county, virginia. a school counselor convicted of soliciting an underage prostitute kept his job for a year before the superintendent stepped in. parents want answers. her kids go to school in fairfax county, you are a former teacher yourself. this wasn't just a -- it was an f.b.i. sting where this teacher was busted. what do you think about keeping it quiet for so long? >> correct, yeah. this is just tragic. another example of fairfax county public schools dystopia. there is a deliberate indifference in protecting children. they refuse to come into protocol within policy and regulations of insuring children's safety. they do not even create background checks on these
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teachers and counselors and staff members on a yearly basis. it is a self-reporting system. >> bill: i'm curious to know why. darren thornton, age 50. the superintendent said i will take whatever actions required to keep it from happening again. takes us back to the question why did they allow this to happen? >> this is a huge bureaucratic system. it is something that they don't put at the top of their priorities. although they tout that they're fairfax one and all about equity in their utopia. this is a dystopia. these children are not safe. again, they have every moment of these school board meetings in update policies and regulations to insure proper background checks are done and do due diligence. they stick to an agenda not prioritized for the safety of the children and many organizations in the area are on top of it and have been calling them out for a while. >> bill: this went on for a while. his arrest timeline november
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2020. arrested for soliciting anunder age -- an under age prostitute. the record for everybody to see. what's the mask policy in fairfax? have they decided whether or not kids have to wear masks yet again in school? >> i believe they will have another school board meeting coming up very soon. this is going to be part of the discussion. i know that they put out that out to the public about wearing the masks. it has been very vague in the way they have presented it and almost misleading to parents that the children should be wearing masks. >> bill: in what way? >> well, they should be more transparent. tell the parents this is our policy in black and white and you have the option to opt out
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from mask wearing. but the statements that are written in these public statements to the parents just don't allow for that ability to understand with clarity as to if their child has to wear a mask or not. >> bill: two years later you are still in the confusion and the cdc copped to last week. it's maddening, i'm sure. good luck to you and your kids in fairfax. thank you for your time. >> dana: fox news alert. the number of migrants crossing the southern border has been hitting historic levels and human smugglers are only making the situation worse for those on the long, dangerous journey. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. how was the weekend? >> dana: great. you? >> bill: excellent. had family in town. very good. >> dana: you are a very good host. >> bill: i try. as large groups of migrants continue to cross into border communities towns an hour away from that border are also feeling the effects of the surge firsthand.
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human smugglers moving migrants deeper into the country. >> dana: these movements often leading to police chases and some of those have deadly consequences. fox news rode along with one local police department in texas working against human smuggling efforts. >> i'm hoping that these individuals, human smugglers, know if they try to come through here and they try to evade us or try to smuggle people in an inhumane ways we'll do everything we can to catch them and put them behind bars. >> bill: senior correspondent casey stiegel live in eagle pass, texas, with more on this story today. casey. >> bill and dana good morning. just as the sun was coming up not long ago it revealed yet an all too familiar sight out here, more large groups illegally crossing the border into the united states here in
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eagle pass and also communities north and east of us. we have seen several hundred already make their way across the rio grande river this morning, the international boundary between the countries, as you know, then apprehended by u.s. border patrol. most voluntarily surrender while as we know others try and evade law enforcement. this is a bail-out about 100 miles southeast of here. three major border checkpoints and local police chief tell us human smuggling cases are up over 100% there. adding that the cartels are recruiting average americans with promises of cold hard cash, promises of that who are increasingly caught down here transporting migrants. listen. >> we have nurses that have done it, teachers.
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we have teenagers that are being targeted because, you know, easy money for a teenager. they see a couple dollar signs and they are in. >> that chief tells us drivers are recruited online. often they don't know how many they will be transporting until they arrive at the gps coordinates at the designated date and time given to them by the cartels. all of this extra action in their community has been tough to manage because it is a small department. as we begin another week along the southern border, and still no solutions coming out of d.c. on how to fix this whole problem. >> bill: casey, thank you. meanwhile here in new york city you referred to it a moment ago. hundreds of migrants lining up to receive supplies from over the weekend. migrants get phones, healthcare and school supplies in new york city giveaway. the scene outside a hospital in the bronx.
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city's hospital system organized event calling it a resource and family fun day. texas governor greg abbott has bused thousands of migrants to new york city and washington, d.c. in recent weeks. in all likelihood that will continue as well. >> dana: as the southern border is continuing. i notice today in the "washington post" there is an editorial and the headline is d.c. can't wish away migrant buses. the city must prepare for more. so i was curious. i read the editorial and nowhere in the editorial does it suggest the biden administration address the problem at the southern border. it says the district of columbia should act the federal government for more money and fema aid to help the migrants coming but never suggests dealing with the actual problem. >> bill: that mayor has requested the national guard. that hasn't been granted. >> dana: now she has a more narrow request for help for 90 days for particular issues. that might get denied as well. >> bill: your point is well
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taken. not get ready for more. why don't we stop it at the source. >> dana: i would bring it up at least. it must be an option. some republicans are warning -- blue states could hurt the party's chances of taking back the house in november. power rankings predict the g.o.p. will take control of the house by a smaller margin than previously expected. control of the senate is up for grabs and five sets considered toss-ups. james freeman, fox news contributor. great to have you here. mark kelly is an incumbent senator in arizona. he is a democrat and on cnn. listen to this. >> biden come to arizona and campaign with you? >> hey, i welcome anybody to come to arizona. >> do you have concerns about whether president biden is the best candidate to keep arizona blue in 2024?
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>> not at all. >> dana: fairly confident that he thinks it isn't problem. what do you think? >> he is up for anybody. wasn't a ringing endorsement of the president. you see this around the country. a real awkwardness. president's polls have gotten a little better lately but still terrible. also even the good part of his polls, strong democratic support you see most democrats don't want him to run again in 2024. this is the awkwardness. you see in ohio tim ryan is not inviting the president. i think you will see in a lot of states people wanting to carve out their own identity separate from this president with terrible polling numbers. >> bill: he is going on the road this week. i think the first stop is montgomery county, maryland and then he goes into pennsylvania. is he effective? >> montgomery county, maryland not a swing district. that is a safe blue area. probably more amenable to him. that's not moving the needle
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probably in senate races. pennsylvania is another one. i don't know that john fetterman, the senate candidate, really wants him. he has tried to carve out an outsider image. it is largely an image, but he has kind of -- >> dana: he carved out lots of images. >> not a lot of gainful employment or effort in his history but he carved out an image and it runs contrary to joe biden, who is essentially the permanent washington fixture, the ultimate insider. >> dana: newt beginning wish was on "fox & friends" this morning talking about the unreliability of biden being on the trail. watch this. >> you never quite know how well he will perform or whether it will be one of those embarrassing events and he can't remember what state he is in or campaigning for. in a lot of states where you have senate races, they are not biden states. >> dana: and yet regardless of biden going or not going.
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these senate candidates, democrats and republicans, for the most part have to win it on their own and of course there will be outside help, etc. bill was pointing out earlier there are still five toss-ups. the democrats have moved in their direction a little bit. where do you see things? >> the democrats if you want to look on the good side are running against some largely inexperienced candidates on the republican side in the senate particularly. republican voters the end to like that. they don't like career politicians. they like people coming from outside but you do run a risk when you don't leave it in the hands of the professionals you'll have working mistakes on the trail. the challenge for democrats, yes, they want to run their own races and henry olson laid it out in the "washington post". history says it's very tough to run when you have a president who is this unpopular. yes, if you run a good race and define it with local issues you can out poll the person at the
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head of your party but you won't run 15 points ahead of joe biden. >> bill: polls have him at 42%. i can't remember a president during a mid-term holding office in the white house who was this low. anybody come to mind? >> you have to go way back. the other issue, this gets to this republican uneasiness about their senate candidates. they are not experienced, they are outsiders. some of them expressing views that some people will see as a little bizarre. but you look at polls, it is not just dissatisfaction with joe biden. americans think the country is on the wrong track. so i don't think this is a great year to be an establishment politician. that's been true of a bunch of our recent elections and true again this year. >> dana: even with the passage of the inflation reduction act which they are saying is the biggest climate change bill in
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history, probably not going to work. the polls bear that out so far. the president has been on vacation for three weeks. >> bill: i never have a problem with that. >> dana: but when they say they want to be out there and they pass a bill and they say they will run on that and then they let a couple weeks go by without talking about it. to me they aren't actually even if they have something to run on they aren't running on it. i've gone on too long. >> it tells you the fact that everyone isn't calling the white house saying please come out here and sell the inflation reduction act together tells you they don't think it's great. >> bill: thanks, james. for being here. breaking news. divers searching for kiely rodni say they've found a body in an overturned car in a reservoir not far from where the 16-year-old was last seen. she disappeared from a party at a campground around midnight near lake tahoe in the early morning hours of august 6. claudia cowen is on that story
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in sausalito. >> in just a few hours authorities are expected to announce they have found the teenager who has been missing for more than two weeks. kiley rodni was last seen attending a graduation party at the campground near lake tahoe. possibly intoxicated according to some of her friends. law enforcement says her cell phone pinged near the reservoir. a lake that dive teams had searched multiple times in very murky water. last night a car matching the description of her missing silver honda was pulled out of that lake. authorities covering it quickly with purple tarps out of respect for the girl and her family after an independent dive team announced it had found the car with the body of the 16-year-old inside. adventures with purpose, a volunteer group that helps find missing people, joined the
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search last week and yesterday posted on its facebook page that divers discovered her car upside down in 14 feet of water. and that her family had been notified. according to her mother, on the night of that party she had texted her saying she would be coming home. her mom told her to be safe and said kyleee texted her back okay, mom, love you. it was the last she heard from her daughter. the sheriff's office is holding a press conference later today likely to make the grim discovery official. and the divers with adventures for purpose plan to hold their own livestream as well to explain how they found the car, bringing what appears to be a very tragic end to the search for this beautiful young girl. >> bill: sure is. claudia, thank you. we'll wait for the press conference later today. thank you in northern california. >> dana: high water rescue by one of our fox weather reporters. flooding in texas submerged
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vehicles. we'll show you the moment. >> bill: poison control centers treating more young children for marijuana poisoning saying it is because of the wide use of edibles. what parents need to know on that. >> dana: a case that gets stranger by the day. a dermatologist accused of poisoning her husband's lemonade with drano. she claims she is the real victim. >> it is her belief it has been an effort of his long-term to set her up somehow to gain the advantage to get custody of the kids. the unknown is not empty. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with worry. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. an answer that leads to even more answers.
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>> bill: heavy rainmaking a dangerous mess on the morning commute in north texas. flash flooding left drivers stranded as more than eight inches of rain fell in some areas. downtown dallas, robert ray springs into action when a woman drove into high water near interstate 35. ray ran to the car and pulled the woman out and carried her to safety. she is okay. a lot of other folks got jammed up by the water. we see this flash flooding often in houston. not so often in dallas, texas. >> dana: robert ray is such a good weather correspondent and also a very big hearted person.
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thank you for helping save that woman. >> the naacp is in strong support of covid-19 vaccinations particularly within our schools. we are very concerned about the racial and educational inequities that will result from this mandate. >> dana: they're raising concerns over the school vaccine mandate in washington, d.c. it is one of the strictest in the country. experts say it could have an especially negative impact on minority students. mike emanuel with the story from washington >> good morning. the d.c. city council says all students 1 and older must receive at least one covid-19 vaccine shot by september 16th. superintendent's office of d.c. public schools says all students must have up to date immunization certification on file with the school within the first 20 days or they will not be allowed to attend school or
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school activities until the immunization certification is secured by the school. one local mom praised the school system for welcoming input from parents who want kids vaccinated. >> what we did as a school community and as a pta is based on our parent input we wrote a letter to the mayor and to council and to other school leaders asking for a vaccine mandate for students who are eligible for the vaccine. so i'm very happy that d.c. government has listened to parents. >> the naacp president in washington says there must be a good quality remote learning option for those who don't feel comfortable. >> there must be an option for those students to obtain quality education. it is their right. it is necessary and black and brown students within this city
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will not be left behind. >> education secretary miguel cardona says his priority is making sure all students across the country are safe and can go to school healthy. >> that's why we've been fighting from day one to increase vaccination efforts, to make sure that the schools have the tools for the mitigation strategy they need. we have information. >> other school districts including new york city, philadelphia and some in california have implemented a staff vaccination requirement even amid a nationwide shortage. >> dana: the clock is ticking. we'll see. >> bill: a doctor in california who has accused his wife of trying to poison him by putting drano in his lemonade says he has emails the prove their marriage is in trouble. will those claims bolster his case? we bring in a criminal defense attorney. what is your view of the case
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first, brian? how do you see it? >> great to be back with you this morning. you remember last week we talked about this case. i don't want to tell you i told you so. i was a little skeptical of this entire thing and now i see these emails where it looks like, you know, it looks like the mom is potentially being set up. the dad sending the email saying you are treating me as a servant but not a father in the family. and then there are a couple other quick things, bill. they have had a nanny kam camera in the kitchen for years. why would the mom start powering drano in his cup? this guy had a camera under the sink. why are you putting a camera under the sink? here is another thing. if i'm representing her, i would hire a forensic editing expert, right?
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this does not look like a woman that's trying to hide something. it looks like that container -- i don't know if you ever drank arnold palmer. i love that drink. it looks like that container for an arnold palmer. i'm saying saying he did but did he somehow edit that tape so that it shows a drano bottle? >> bill: a couple of things. maybe he was suspicious of something and why he felt compelled to put in the cameras. the court filing first. my children and i suffer from abuse. i would write emails to emily to try to get her to calmly discuss issues in our marriage and raising the children. my emails were complaints of abuse of the children and me of earlier that day and the day before. marriages often have problems like that. you can't stand me as a person. everything about me causes you anger. so with that -- if there is
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drano in my lemonade, brian, i can taste it and something is not right. >> great point. another thing. go to the ingredients on the drano bottle. what are the ingredients? he should have gone and gotten a blood test the day after he claims he got sick in the stomach. he didn't. he went somewhere else. i have a stomachache. it hurts a little bit. the proof is in the pudding. he should have gotten tested. i'm very suspicious of this. this guy has a motive to set up the mom to get the kids. >> bill: a judge granted a temporary restraining order last week. see how it ends up. nice to have you on. brian claypool, thanks. >> speaking from reality on the southern border, seeing what's going on here from public safety, from the deaths, the political numbers, all we hear out of president biden is comfort words. >> dana: border town officials
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urging action on the migrant crisis as a new report claiming the white house ordered ice to deport more illegal immigrants but homeland security has yet to act on that. former border patrol chief will join us next. former president trump suggesting the f.b.i. violated the fourth amendment when it searched his florida estate. what his attorneys say could happen as soon as today. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. time for ache and burn! over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief.
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>> bill: former president trump and his lawyers say they may file a court motion as soon as today asking for what's known as a special master to go over what the f.b.i. took from his home in the search at mar-a-lago. david spunt picking up the trail from there today. >> asking for a special master in this case would be significant. we know it is coming down the pipeline at some point. trump's attorneys, the former president's attorneys have said so. a special master is a neutral third party person that would
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work in coordination with the judge and return any potential documents that special master deems unnecessary as part of the investigation. the special master would be appointed at some point soon if the court asks for one and if the judge agrees. the president hinted that would be asked for. his attorney says it could happen any hour. this filing would come just days after reinhart announced in court in florida last thursday he was strongly considering releasing parts of the affidavit to the public. he has given the justice department until this thursday to come up with proposed redactions. >> the fact we're weeks in now and shot showing any cards or anything, the lack of transparency is infuriating. that's where they have absolutely blown it and where they've lost the trust of the american people. it just looks political. >> while attorney general garland pushed to release the search warrant in the case he
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doesn't want the affidavit released including the probable cause for asearch and to announce what crime, if any, trump committed that the d.o.j. is looking at. a roadmap for the d.o.j. investigation. garland and his team don't want it out there. not to mention d.o.j. officials don't want it out there and believe it may chill people and stop people from coming forward and cooperating in this case. we are continuing to watch. it could be filed and if it comes we'll bring it to you. >> bill: david spunt, thanks. >> dana: white house facing pressure over the border crisis reportedly pushed ice to deport more illegal immigrants but so far dhs has declined to take a more aggressive approach. in 2021 the biden administration deported just over 59,000 people. as you can see it's a big drop from the previous five years. let's bring in the former u.s. border patrol chief and deputy commissioner and former acting ice director.
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ice said we should deport more people. department said this. picking up a kicking and screaming child while mom or dad are ushered to a transport vehicle will not improve public perception of ice or views around immigration enforcement. i don't have the full context. maybe that's true. but the deportations from ice it appears they are wanting to do more and not able to? >> they've been defunded. this administration on the first day in office wrote an executive order putting a moratorium on deportations and removals. instead of taking the criminals in custody transferred from the justice department into ice and having them removed, this president advocated for them not to be removed at all. people who had had a deportation hearing and the judge ordered them removed still didn't want to send them out of the country. now the numbers are glaring. they haven't been doing
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anything. we see what's going on at the border. the worst surge ever. the amount of removals and deportations are way down under this administration because that's what they wanted the first day. they didn't rescind that executive order. he didn't sign another one saying i changed my mind and waint to put more people through the system and give them due process and remove them. the court made him take that back. it was nonsense. having people who had due process and not removing them and telling the rest of the world the border is wide open. telling people in the country illegally that they are not going to be subject to encounter by ice because they are not a priority for enforcement. every chance they've had to do more on the immigration side they stepped back from it and now they are worried because these numbers will look terrible. we all believe the house will flip and oversight will change. nobody is watching them now. they are afraid for what the future looks like. >> dana: you mention the numbers. i want to show for everyone the
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stark contrast in border encounters. how many people were encountered at the border. in 2020, 458,000 people. in 2021, 1.7 million, all right? that disparity right there is something that will make your mind bog -- boggle in 2022. we talked about governor abbott busing illegal immigrants to new york and washington, d.c. if you are in the audience watching thinking why can't you just deport some of those people instead of sending them on a bus to new york where they get free phones and free healthcare and free food, etc. >> well, they can deport them if they had the resources in the detention spaces. it is difficult when you have families and people with small children. the facilities aren't adequate for that. under the previous
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administration the reduction in activity at the border was due to what? if people were encountered at the border and wanted to make an asylum claim they were forced to wait in mexico for the court hearing. previous to that when this president was the vice president in 2014, they built family residential centers which allowed people to come into custody and wait for a turn with the judge. if the judge granted relief they were invited in. give everybody an opportunity to have due process. this group refuses to do it. congress has inadequately funded detention space in ice and why the numbers are down. during the time when the border is in the worst condition it has ever been in the history of the entire border. they don't care about protecting us. they care about what the ideology is and not the american people. >> dana: it seems strange. you have the numbers and they are astounding. no policy changes as we report
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the news. unfortunately. ron, thank you, good to see you. >> thank you. >> bill: in a moment brand-new fox news power rankings are out today. there is a republican in virginia challenging a democratic congressman what could be one of the tightest house races all fall. we talk about that next. gas prices sliding lower. some experts say it might not last too much longer. what they are predicting ahead of labor day weekend. ♪♪♪
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large out-of-state corporations have set where two pairs and a free exam start at just $79.95. their sights on california. they've written prop 27, to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless. but read prop 27's fine print.
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90% of profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us.
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>> americans are feeling some relief at the pump. average gas prices down to 3.90 a gallon today. some experts are warning of another possible spike in prices ahead of the labor day weekend. grady trimble of fox business has the latest. is that because of demand? >> yeah, it is. they don't know which way things will go right now because supply is still pretty tight, dana. as far as what we've seen over the last several weeks, i'm sure drivers have noticed 10 weeks in a row of declining prices. the national average today is
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about 50 cents less than it was a month ago. you mentioned it $3.90 still historically high. almost 75 cents more than it was a year ago. the biden administration didn't take responsibility as gas prices were on the way up. largely placing the blame on vladimir putin. it is now taking credit, though, as prices are on the way down. >> we've been bringing down the price of gas. it has fallen every day this summer. if you can't remember the last time it happened, that's because it has never happened before. >> this president has moved if dramatic ways to increase supply by releasing a million barrels per day from our strategic petroleum reserve as well as calling on our domestic producers as well as international producers. >> but the experts we've spoken to say that relief from the strategic petroleum reserve has had a small impact on the price at the pump.
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might have lowered prices 20 cents a gallon but depleting it since the 1980s. people started driving less because prices were so high and they worried and are still worried about the economy. as far as where prices are going, dana, that's the big question. most of the experts seem to agree the national average around 3.90 is as low as they'll go for now. some areas you might see prices drop a little bit. in other areas, though, you might see a u turn in prices going right back up. >> dana: that affects grocery prices as well. thank you, grady. >> bill: an article in "the new york times" claims that some of the republican party are co-operating the term american dream. a touch stone of political and social discourse the nearly 100-year-old phrase the american dream is being repurposed particularly by republicans of color, end quote. house candidate leslie vega is
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one of the candidates mentioned in the article. nice to have you here and talk about your race in a moment here. what did you make of that characterization we found in the times? >> good morning. a pleasure to be on with you all this morning. i personally find it appalling. you have a democrat party that for very long has been chanting the empowerment of women that look like me that have such a powerful story. the moment we rise they want to do everything in their power to discredit us because we're a threat to the rhetoric and narrative for too long they've been pushing and it's no longer working. >> dana: there is a new poll where 74% say the u.s. is headed in the wrong direction. and 58% think the best days are behind us. the american dream and opportunity, that to me is what -- the reason you probably got into politics in the first place because you care about it. and what is your message to
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people that seem feel so depressed about the way of the country. >> the american dream is as alive today as it's ever been. my parents fled from el salvador and they have accomplished everything. i'm running for congress because i love this country and we live in the greatest country in the history of the world and have to fight to take it back from the radical left. >> bill: your district is new because it changed around. your competitor had close elections but won both of them in 2018 and 2022. she has -- we have moved it from a toss-up to a lean democrat. if we're right, you have a really good challenge in front of you in early november. she is coming at you alleging that you voted to defund the police. here is the spot.
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>> she is desperate and running scared. that allegation is laughable. i'm a member of law enforcement and i still am. the fact she is making those claims and running ads close she is afraid. she can run but cannot hide from her disastrous voting record. she has led the charge to led qualified immunity. we're staying the course. folks are fired up. i'm not talking about republican voters. i'm talking about independent voerts and we'll deliver that change for the people of the seventh district and win big on november 8. >> bill: sorry about that. i want to play a clip of the spot. it runs 10 seconds. >> did you know that she voted against police funding? not once, not twice, but three times. >> bill: i think a lot of people may not be aware members of the ms-13 gang shot your brother and killed his friend when they were teenagers. what would you say to your opponent who says you are
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working against police? >> again look at your voting record. you have done nothing to support the men and women of law enforcement. the only time you have mentioned law enforcement was when you barely lost your seat and talked about your party and their messaging on defunding the police. not because it was the right thing to do. it's about staying the course. i stand for law and order. my opponent stands for lawlessness and we'll prove why we're the better representative for people in the seventh district come november 8th. >> dana: just last week or the week before spanberger was one of the democrats trying to get speaker pelosi to allow for a vote on police funding in the house and the house speaker basically said you'll get a vote and ultimately they all went home on august recess and won't have a chance to get on the record on that issue from the democratic said. give you the last word. >> it's election time. for her it is about
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self-preservation. she will pivot and do everything she can to try to continue to lie to the people of the seventh district and portray herself as a moderate. she voted with biden 100% of the time. caused this chaos and we'll send somebody to fix the problems she solved. we're welcoming voters from all walks of life and they can visit our website to learn more about the issues we run on and we're ready to take our country back. join us. >> bill: thank you for your time and the invi gaition span berg he is out there every day. she can join us and she will get a spot in that happens. >> dana: alarming data from a poison center. more children needing help after eating marijuana edibles. officials still requiring children to wear masks when they are playing sports outside in one district. is it safe? dr. marc siegel joins us.
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>> dana: some los angeles parents and students raising the alarm over a policy they call dangerous. the city's recreation and parks department requiring youth basketball players to wear masks throughout games more than two years into the covid pandemic. dr. marc siegel is a fox news contributor and joins us now. thank you for being here. is this necessary? >> no. you know, though i agree with dr. walensky what she said that masks have a value in close quarters among high-risk people especially and high-quality mask. when it comes to sports. i mean indoor sports like basketball, there are studies that show there is a 29% decrease in oxygen exchange when you have a cloth mask on. imagine if you wear an n-95 running up and down a court. what if you have asthma and you are trying to win, right? you are trying to get the ball in the hoop and you are short of breath and you are pushing it to the limit and then there is a mask in the way.
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there is no way that that's helpful and it is a big risk. and i'm not sure it prevents spread, either. as you leave the court you go to an elevator with other people not wearing masks. that kind of hypocrisy and inconsistency deeply problematic and the rule makes no sense and should be removed. >> dana: even the cdc is not suggesting that, correct? >> correct. they are talking about really close quarters among high-risk people and a high-quality mask, not young children running up and down the courts. l.a. county is also saying over 12 you need a vaccine mandate. here we go again. when the vaccines are decreasing severity, not spread. so that's another rule that has to be dispenseed with at this point. we like these vaccines but they aren't preventing spread. >> dana: another story that caught our eye the poison control centers are seeing an increase in child marijuana poisoning due to i guess their
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marijuana edibles. we talked that percy, my puppy, he found marijuana two or three times in central park alone. and he had to go to the hospital, had to stay overnight. it was traumatic for us watching him. but a child? even so much worse in my opinion. your thoughts on what needs to happen now. what should parents know? >> hugely important. percy is amazing, great sniffer and dogs have a great sense of smell and probably where that came from. thc is loading up right now. upstate new york six times more visits to emergency rooms from children eatingedibles. the thc content in theseedibles is huge. in virginia the blue ridge mountains they discovered a product called delta 8 argtly, here we go with the chemists again is being loaded into the edibles and causing a tremendous influx of young children to emergency room?
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you know why? they look like candy and gumies and look like something else. this is the huge problem. nausea, vomiting, psychosis, long term behavior issue. long term and short term effects. >> dana: long term and short term effects. is that after one exposure or multiple? >> great question. i think one exposure i would tell parents out there the vast majority of the time your child is going to get better no matter what they will get better. it is the repetition and why parents really need to be out on the lookout for this. it can have behavioral issues and longer-term issues in terms of scoring on testing in schools if somebody is using it regularly. watch out for this. one-term use you will be okay. >> dana: dr. marc siegel, thank you. see you soon. i will show you before we go.
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a new survey revealing the states that have the most spoiled dogs. topping the list is no surprise, new york. for more than 40% of people say they have spent more money on their dog than their significant other. i didn't know that was a statistic. new york, california, washington, pennsylvania, new jersey. i have lived in many of -- all those places except for pennsylvania. it is true. >> bill: you are a good dog mom. >> dana: pretty good. you know who else is guilty, dagen mcdowell and she is in for harris faulkner. >> medical expenses for our dogs. the fox news alert only 78 days until voters head to the polls. yet another survey shows americans are not satisfied with the way things are going in this country. at stake, of course, majorities in the house and senate. this is "the faulkner focus". i'm dagen mcdowell in for harris, a new nbc news poll shows the level of frustration with the state


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