tv Hannity FOX News August 22, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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that does not need more carjacking. we are going to investigate what's going on and bring you the results. that's it for us. watch the full interview with john rich tomorrow morning on fox nation. we'll be back. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have a wonderful night. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." breaking news from the doj's political witch hunt against donald trump including a shocking report about the biden administration's involvement in the rate at mar-a-lago. the biden white house knew more than they let on. they previously denied it. after lying to americans about gain-of-function research, the origins of covid-19 and masks and vaccines and pretty much everything else. dr. flip-flop fauci is jumping ship and we are going to tell you why fauci's power trip is finally coming to an end. former senior advisor to
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president trump, jared kushner, a rare interview. he will join us and give us the behind-the-scenes of the trump presidency. first i have a message tonight for the very lazy bernie sanders loving socialist trust fund baby brett in a hoodie that's running as a democrat for the senate in pennsylvania. recently he had a few choice words for yours truly. he is trying to raise money off my name. "it brings me no pleasure to ask but are you familiar with a host of a little show on fox news name sean hannity?" it's actually called "hannity." talking about dr. minute oz and accused us of spreading ds lies. we don't lie on the show. he asked supporters, please chip in at least 25 bucks, 50 books, 100 books because "we have to counter sean hannity with as much grassroots support as
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possible. this bernie loving spoiled trust fund baby brett who is upset needs your money desperately because i told the truth about his positions, let's see, legalizing drugs, fracking, believing in sanctuary cities and states. getting violent criminals out of jail. abortion up until the moment of birth, no restrictions whatsoever. so instead of accusing me of lying, which we didn't do, john needs to quit his whining, stopped his crying, man up and put on his hoodie, defend his radical opinions. joan, show me where you think i lied. stop hiding behind your supporters and begging them for money. trying to raise money off my name. counter me yourself. you can have the whole hour, one along with me on this program if you want. i will even throw in an extra three hours of my radio show on over 700 stations. come on in. we are ready. man up, stop whining, come on the show.
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shouldn't be a problem for john. he claims to be a tough, rugged champion of the working man. he has got the goatee, he wears his hoodie wherever he goes. he likes to roll up his sleeves and show off the tattoos. he is a self-made individual fighting for what's right. that's what he would have you believe. here's the reality. it's all a show. it's one big giant farce. john fadiman grew up extremely wealthy. grew up in an affluent suburb of york, pennsylvania, basement a significant amount of time in college especially, well, very expensive schools and i'm sure daddy paid for. he doesn't really have much work experience. his 13 years as mayor of a tiny little town of braddock was part-time, semivolunteer position. he paid 150 books a year. until the age of 49, mr. hoodie john fadiman relied on mommy and daddy to pay for his weed or whatever else he wanted. a yearly salary came from daddy
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and a free house from his sister. his sister sold him a house for a dollar. dr. ross paid for all the houses he lives in by working hard bike most people in pennsylvania so may, no mistake, there's nothing rugged about john federman. in may, the 53-year-old did suffer from a debilitating stroke. he is unable to attend his primary night victory party. he hasn't been physically or mentally able to campaign until recently. a short and rare a campaign stop in pennsylvania, all of 11 minutes, john fetterman struggle to, and can't even a little bit. >> week could affect any part of pennsylvania where we are going to start, the campaign trail is starting. two years ago i was talking to the media saying do you want to know was going to be the next president? you know what i sent? i said tell me one thing.
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tell me who wins theory. 25 of those counties. 54 red counties. more votes, more votes than dr. oz and those counties as well. i give away lieutenant governor governor in pennsylvania the only lieutenant governor in history to do that. you can count on us. to eliminate the filibuster. eliminate the filibuster and let's get some stuff done for america. >> sean: john fetterman clearly is struggling. in all sincerity, i hope he gets well but he's not fit to serve the people of pennsylvania. far more disturbing are his insane positions in a number of key issues and is always being hidden by the mainstream media mob. here is fetterman's position on oil and gas. take a look at this, especially
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how important this is to pennsylvania. >> something that has to eventually go away. i would like to see it transition out. now you have a president who is visiting that and making decisive actions like canceling the keystone pipeline which some people don't support. i think he made the right call. >> sean: mr. hoodie, no fracking, no pipelines, no oil, no gas. it's a $80 million industry. thousands of high paying career jobs in the energy sector. i know that you are used to not working. most people in pennsylvania work hard and john fetterman wants to put these people out of work and out of business. that would send the entire state of pennsylvania's economy into an all-out tailspin. that's not all. it gets worse. here is john fetterman's position on violent crime. take a look. >> i was on a panel.
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he said we could reduce our prison population by a third and not make anyone less safe in pennsylvania. that's a profound statement. >> sean: it's also profound. violent crimes in many cities in pennsylvania went up 60% as he was the lieutenant governor. in other words, he wants to release thousands of violent felons back on the street. it's not just rhetoric. during his time as pennsylvania's lieutenant governor he tried to free scores of violent criminals including one convicted murderer who robbed and killed an 18-year-old girl in order to have buy heroine. do you want that in pennsylvania? by the way, john fetterman also wants to make heroin legal and accessible. take a look. >> wait a second. what are you talking about? you want to legalize heroin. why are you talking? why do you care about these things. it's important that we as society have the options on the
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table, including needle exchange which is only technically legal in philadelphia and pittsburgh. even safe injection sites being considered like in philadelphia. >> sean: john fetterman doesn't seem to understand the ramifications of much of anything. maybe that's because he was handed everything in life on a silver platter. naturally he feels a special bond with multimillionaire socialists, his comrade in arms, bernie sanders. take a look. >> that's my am proud to andras bernie sanders today. bernie sanders and i agree that a lot of other issues that are critical to this country's future. whether it's immigration, whether it's marijuana legalization, whether it's universal pre-k or affordability college education. we stand together as the most progressive candidates in our respective races. it's my pleasure and privilege to stand with bernie and have bernie's back. >> sean: what bernie wants to do for the u.s., i want to do in
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pennsylvania. he got a head start is the mirror of braddock were under his leadership violent crime went up. the population went down from well over 2,000 residents to less than 1800. at one point fetterman himself was so fearful of crime in braddock, guess what, he chases after a completely innocent african american jogger, how this man at gunpoint because fetterman believes the man was involved in a recent shooting with no actual reason whatsoever. i thought liberals were against that kind of racial profiling. imagine if that was a republican, the outrage from the media mob would be nonstop but i digress. good news tonight according to recent polls, this race is tightening very quickly. dr. oz can definitely win especially when the people of pennsylvania learn about the phony hoodie story in the record of this guy, john fetterman. so if if you're uneasy about living among violent murderers
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or you care about your job or your businesses and you don't think socialism under joe biden is working, get to the polls and vote on november 8. as for mr. fetterman, mr. bernie sanders lover, trust fund baby brat who never had a real job and only campaign for 11 whopping minutes, i wish you well with your health. strong enough to defend any of these positions, you are welcome on this program any night. come on, mr. bernie sanders and a hoodie. show me where i once lied. stop raising money off lying about me because that's what you're doing. here with reaction, fox news contributor, former speaker of the house newt gingrich. he does represent very well i think this new, endorsed by aoc, endorsed by the squad, bernie. bernie endorsed him. abortion with no restrictions whatsoever, fracking, energy production. he really does fit in with the climate alarmist cult. he is like the poster child for
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them. >> if you look at his positions, he is probably more radical than almost any democrat in the senate because he is even more radical than bernie sanders. next generation of radicalism. if you watch his campaign, you'll see something you're going to see all over the country. none of these people can defend their record. none of them can defend joe biden. nbc news reported this morning that he is the most unpopular president in 80 years. more than 3 out of 4 americans believe we are all the wrong track. so guys who have done nothing the whole life except politics, that's what fetterman's, career politician, he's never done anything in the private sector that matters, has no understanding of it. he has got to play games, he's got to dance around dr. oz, find gimmicks. if he gets pinned as you jested to his room record, he's gone.
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it's hopeless. pennsylvanians aren't going to vote to legalize heroin. they are not going to vote to destroy western pennsylvania's energy industry. fourth biggest energy producer in the united states is pennsylvania. you're not going to vote for somebody who keeps releasing murderers, rapists, armed robbers. on every real issue i think fetterman has a problem but he is typical of what we are seeing around the country. in georgia, you have warnock who was voted overwhelmingly with joe biden at a time one in georgia, biden is down in the low 30s. if it becomes a warnock-biden vote, warnock doesn't have a chance of coming back. the same thing with kelly in arizona. they have had over a 200 opioid deaths. they have had hundreds of thousands of people across the border. does kelly fight to get more border agents? no. he votes for 87,000 new irs agents to control us, the
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american people, not any extra border agents to control illegal immigrants. kelly trying to find that -- defend that an estate is overrun with the consequent civil legal immigrants, they are saying in race after race around the country, democrats cannot debate the issues. they cannot defend their votes. they try gimmicks to try to keep the republicans off balance. >> sean: no restrictions at all or limits on abortion. complete moratorium, in pennsylvania on fracking, this is insanity. sanctuary cities, he supported that policy. support of the $1.9 trillion stimulus. supported the manchin-schumer deal. chases an innocent man, a minority down the block and puts a shotgun in this innocent guy's face. tell me one republican that may ever do such a thing. and not have the scrutiny that deserves.
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>> it's amazing that barack obama who is very sensitive about these issues for five years ago was never said anything about fetterman. he had a shotgun and he held this guy with a shotgun to the police came and that it turned out of the guy was an innocent jogger out exercising. so it's kind of weird. i think he goes deeper than that. what you have today outside of maybe the university of pennsylvania faculty, you have in fetterman, so many -- somebody so radical he can't possibly represent the people of pennsylvania. i think that's what makes all of this dangerous. we saw this in wyoming where liz cheney was repudiated getting only 29% of the vote. it's because you have this growing gap. i suspect the average pennsylvania looks at dr. oz's real record, looks at fetterman's real record and asks, which person is going to fight for pennsylvania in the u.s. senate, i have a hunch that oz is going to win a surprisingly big victory because there's no evidence that
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fetterman, other than being for legalization of marijuana and heroin on setting up drug centers around the country and cities, paid for by the taxpayers to go get your shot from a government employee in a nice safe space if you're a heroin addict. people are going to look at that and say it's not us. any issue or not the future pennsylvania that i want to live in. >> sean: you can see in the polling that oz is narrowing in the trafalgar poll. you see adam laxalt, j.d. vance is up. things are changing dramatically and we will follow it. i will never catch up with you i think more money was raised when you were speaker with democrats using your name than -- i will never be able to catch up in five lifetimes. mr. speaker, thank you for being with us. big breaking news surrounding the raid at mar-a-lago. according. according to a brand-new report, the biden white house, get this, they facilitated this ongoing
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witch hunt against former president trump. they lying to the american people about what they knew and when they knew it. here with big breaking news, he's the editor in chief at just the it's a big story because they knew. they told us they didn't know anything. the biden white house new. >> not only did they know, they are pushing the investigation. they gave them permission to the national archives to send the original boxes of documents donald trump had sent back the archives to the fbi. that launches the criminal investigation. they then give the archives, the permission, joe biden's blessing to wave the president's best legal defense by saying you can't claim executive privileges. the current president will not allow it to happen. all that occurs long before a grand jury drops a subpoena on president trump lawyers in may and june and long before the raid. the biden white house is at the ignition point of this investigation and it's ironic
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because if you remember back in 2019, 2020. the biden democrats were complaining about efforts to start an investigation of hunter biden. now they are caught doing the same thing, try to push an investigation of their political rival, the opposition leader of the party. likely to face him in 2024. >> sean: you have this document that proves your point. tell us the document. >> this is a letter from the acting national archivist in america to president trump's lawyer on or around may 10. he lays out the entire roll of the biden white house. the general counsel's office was involved. it authorized the release of documents to the fbi. that starts the criminal probe. it then authorizes telling the trump attorneys that they will not be able to use executive privilege and also telling the fbi, you can take these records without an executive privilege, go use them. they not only start the ignition point, they facilitated by taking away one of the president's potential defenses.
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alan dershowitz, other lawyers, deeply concerned by the biden white house's involvement. they didn't have to be involved. the fbi could've gone to court. tried to compel this. the fbi takes a shortcut, goes to the guy whom i have to run against donald trump in 2024 and gets the records to the back door. >> sean: i saw our colleague gregg jarrett's column. they used garland's words against him. that is standard practice to use less intrusive means. they also want to know in the filing, did the fbi lie to the magistrate? did they admit exculpatory information? there's got to be at least 30 questions just based on those two observations in this filing today as well. right? >> there's no doubt. there is so much we don't know. it is like march or april 2017, sean, when you and i were working on the russia collusion story. going to learn a lot of facts. tonight we have a new fact. the biden white house can no longer claim it wasn't involved
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in the starting of the criminal investigation or its facilitation. long before the raid, we are talking about april and may. that's a fact that is no longer in doubt. steven john solomon, great work as always. joining is now fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard law professor alan dershowitz. greg, you have a call about you over the entire -- by the way, there is professor dershowitz's book, "the price of principle." you read the filing of the trump team today and he raised four big questions that i want you to go through them for our audience. >> in addition to asking for special master, neutral independent person stefan. they also make four important constitutional arguments. this is the 21 page court filing in the southern district. number one, they raised the question, did the fbi and
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department of justice lied to the magistrate in order to gain the warrant? did they omit exculpatory evidence that trump was actually cooperating? that was vital information for the magistrate. number two, did the fbi disclosed a pretextual reason, dual-purpose, ulterior motive related to the generally six? this was simply a charade over documents. number three, they argue that the warrant was overly broad. the argue today in the column. same argument i made in the column. take a look at the warrant. it's a general warrant. that is specifically forbidden by the fourth amendment to the constitution and the supreme court has said general warrant violate individuals rights. they used garland's own words against him and he said it's our standard practice to always use the less intrusive means to gain
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evidence. well, they didn't do that. trump's legal team pointed that out. >> sean: let me go to professor dershowitz. john solomon's report. that is that the biden white house knew a lot more than what they told us they knew. that's number one. in the court filing and the analysis of gregg jarrett. do you agree? do you disagree? where do you think that's going to take us? >> these are very, very serious matters. the whole issue of whether or not there was full disclosure to the magistrate hopefully will come out when we see the affidavit. there should be a special master appointed. this has happened in the past. special master, former judge can go through all the papers in design was privileged. the one thing that clearly is wrong is the biden white house should not be able to waive the executive privilege of president trump. that would make the executive
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privilege a nullity. it would mean no president could ever speak to anyone in confidence without knowing that two years from now or three years from now all of it will be revealed by the current president. that's just not the way executive privilege was supposed to operate. there are lots and lots of questions. i hope they will be answering by the affidavit. i hope we have to keep in mind that hope and expect, so far magistrate judge reinhardt has done the right thing. that he minimizes the amount of reaction, maximizes the amount of disclosure. there's one argument. the theory of the case should be disclosed. why not? i understand cooperating witness. understand witnesses. the theory of the case. what is the secret? let the defendant and let everybody in the world know with the theory in the cases.
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hope judge reinhardt allows the public to sit in judgment. after all, who will guard the guardians if we don't have ultimate authority to look over things like an unprecedented -- is the judge said, unprecedented in our histories search when things like that happens, we the people have the right decision in judgment over our judges, the justice department, over the government. >> sean: professor, thank you. gregg jarrett, thank you. straight ahead tonight, after botching every aspect of the pandemic and its response, flip-flop found she is finally stepping down in december. senator kennedy has thoughts. later, jared kushner reveals things about the trump white house you have never heard before. he will be with us straight ahead as we continue.
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>> sean: dr. doom and gloom flip-flop fauci announced his departure from the national allergy and infectious disease center say that he's ready to start the next phase of his career. isn't it kind of interesting that fauci is leaving days after the cdc chief announced a massive agency shake-up is coming? they admitted to massive failures in terms of our countries covid response? don't you think these two things aren't connected? you may want to think again if you do because they most certainly are. fauci still needs to be held accountable for all of the lies and misdirection of his flip-flopping on masks, saying vaccines will stop all transmission, et cetera, not really focusing on therapeutics that works in the guinea and allegedly falsely telling congress for the u.s. never funded gain of function raisers at the one virology lab and he knew damn well that wasn't true.
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here's a flashback. fauci and senator john kennedy of louisiana only last year. >> dr. fauci, i believe you have testified that you didn't give any money to the wuhan lab to conduct a gain-of-function research. is that right? >> that is correct. how do you know -- >> how did you know they didn't lie to you? >> excuse me. >> how do you know they didn't lie to you and use the money for gain-of-function research anyway. speak way of seeing the results of the experiments done and published. the virus that they studied on public databases now. none of that was gain of function. >> how do you know they didn't do the research and not put another website? >> there's no way of guaranteeing that.
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in our experience with grantees, including chinese grantees which we have had interactions with her very long period time, they are very competent, trustworthy scientist. >> sean: joining us with reaction, senator john kennedy of louisiana. senator. first it was no mask. a mask isn't going to work. then one mask, two masks. then maybe masks in perpetuity. then he told us if we got the vaccine we would never contract covid. now people that have the vaccine, they have two shots and they have two boosters and they have previous infection. now they are getting covid a second time. they were wrong on the science. the worst part to me is the lie and that is don't we know know for fact that nih money, taxpayer dollars went to fund this wuhan virology lab and they knew gain-of-function research and coronavirus research took place at that facility.
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>> two points, sean. number one, as i think i have told you before. i don't hate anyone. that includes dr. fauci. he has decided to retire in december, and i wish him well. however, this is my second point. unless you do your research on twitter, you know that the american people have many, many questions about how dr. fauci, other public health officials. and our government handled the pandemic. getting answers to those questions from dr. fauci and others has been like trying to slam a revolving door. democrats are in charge, they refused to press. the republicans will. here's my prediction, if republicans take one or both
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houses of congress. and unless dr. fauci, retirement or not decides to seek asylum in some remote, obscure foreign country. sp1 may be wuhan, china, will take him. >> unless dr. fauci decides to seek asylum in some foreign country whose powerball jackpot is 287 chickens and a goat and therefore which won't enforce a subpoena from the united states congress, then dr. fauci, retirement or not, is going to be spending a lot of time in front of a congressional committee and committees if republicans take back control. we're going to ask him questions about gain-of-function research, why he didn't push back on china's lies, why he pushed back so hard on the possibility which
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we know is no real, that the virus originated in a chinese lab. why he went along with the greatest dissipation if that's the right word, the greatest taking of civil liberties, of the american people in the history of our country, we are going to have a lot of questions here we are going to subpoena him and expect him to answer. i would not advise dr. fauci to put down a nonrefundable deposit on a cruise. >> sean: let me ask you, we have his emails in january 2020 and a flurry of emails among other nih executives that seem to show great concern what might be found out about monies going to the wuhan virology lab. that intercept, the 900 pages. project very toss. and then we have i believe it was october of 2020 or 2021, the nih's own email show that they
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knew about gain-of-function research. do you believe dr. fauci purposely lied to the american people about what he knew about the coronavirus, about the wuhan virology lab comment about american tax dollars funding gain of function? >> i don't know but we need to find out. it's not about republicans or democrats, and it's not about dr. fauci. it's about the american people. they have been through hell in part on the advice of dr. fauci. maybe he was right. but maybe he was wrong. the last conversation i had with dr. fauci with respect to my bear no ill will, he was in front of a committee. they only gave me 5 minutes. i asked him a simple question, what did we learn from the pandemic. i got a felonious amount of b.s. the democrats will press but if we take back control of this
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congress, we will. retirement or not, he will be subject to a congressional subpoena. the american people deserve answers. they have been through hell. to say nothing of the fact that we may have to go through this sometime again soon. we want to be ready. >> sean: we better be ready. well said, senator. thank you. when we come back, jared kushner, who will join us for an inclusive interview about his brand-new book detailing his time in donald trump's white house, that is next, straight ahead.
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called the raise taxes on the poor, middle-class, people on fixed income act. remember it was under donald trump or 1.4 inflation. energy independent, exporter of energy, our border were secure. safety and security we had at home and abroad as we were respected as a country. donald trump accomplish all of that while simultaneously dealing with conspiracy theories. one hoax after another, one lie after another, one phony investigation after another. now all of it undone by joe biden in 18 short months. president trump's successors are chronicled in a new book by former senior advisor and son-in-law jared kushner. he joins us now. he's the author of the book in bookstores all around the country. of course "breaking history: a white house memoir." the amazing thing, you are a part of history. most people will neville really truly understand what life is
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really like in that house and what goes on behind the scenes. there is no doubt about it. any objective observation of the trump presidency was a consequential presidency. a d.c. after 18 months work and happen if you abandon the policies that your father-in-law instituted in this country. what was it about him. what did you see about him that made him different? >> first of all, sean, it's great to be with you. it was a great honor to serve. president trump took responsibility very seriously to fight for the american people and keep his promises. you were speaking earlier about all the different accomplishments that he was able to have economically. those weren't an accident. the inflation that's happened, the rising gas prices. all of that happened under the guise of the investigations and the attacks. i write extensively in the book, it really is, everyone who has read it has had it's a fast-paced read because i weave together all the efforts try to
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push forward in the different policies and simultaneously dealing with these false visitations. even though they were based on crazy accusations, whether it was a russian hoax. trying to impeach him for investigating corruption in the ukraine. serious accusations. one story i tell us how president trump negotiated a deal between saudi arabia and russia in order save our oil and gas industry which now the current administration is hampered which could be bringing down the price of gas in the country very quickly if allowed to. intense negotiation pair president trump got along with people in the world. he got along with vladimir putin. got along with president xi. didn't mean he didn't have tough discussions with them but i really go through the way he dealt with that which is how he kept the world peaceful, all of the critics that were lying about the trump administration for four years, they were saying that if trump was elected, he would lead to world war iii. we had six piece deals during trump's time and the world was a
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very, very safe place. going through all that extensively. >> sean: hated it while being investigated three years on trump-russia collusion that never happened. he did it during an impeachment. all this happen. and then covid hit. that through the world upside down. how did he do it while simultaneously having to deal with all of that stress that probably would have crushed a million other people? >> if you would ask that, he would say, do i have a choice? he was elected. had a big responsibility. he was very, very hard and we are very, very grateful. at night i would turn on your show and i would see yourself, gregg jarrett, solomon, sara carter going off and basically saying all this stuff is debunked. i would flip over to msnbc and i would see them saying that they are right on the heels, they are about to get these guys. but we didn't do anything. he really had to block it off and focus on the different things that we want to do. president trump was very focused. one of the efforts that i worked on and that i detail in the book
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was the efforts to try to bring peace between israel and the arab countries. that is something the conventional thinking was that it would never happen. president trump was an outsider. he brought a businessman's approach to washington. businessman a results driven, unlike politicians who generally want to process. there are some great politicians too but i write about how an outsider without a lot of political extremes and a team came in and were able to achieve results that political career people were not able to achieve. >> sean: a two-part question. one speculation on your part. maybe you do know something we don't know. do you think that he is going to run? when you factor in all your family went through very talking about don jr. and eric and laura and ivanka and the whole family, when you factor all that in, do you want him to, would you want to go through that again? still continues for a lot of the family. >> first of all, i don't want to
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speak for him. obviously he's very bothered by what he is seeing happening in the country. did a great job keeping our economy strong, keeping our world safe and really fighting for american industry. i think that he knows he can fix it very quickly but it's event hole. -- it was a big toll on the entire family. the cost of service in the attacks was very small relative to the impact that president trump and his administration were able to make for so many people and their families. one thing we worked on that we were -- very supportive, criminal justice reform. helping people make mistakes. society and training and job skills they don't commit crimes in the future. those people were given a new lease on life. the pardons. president trump was able to help give second chances. when you think about that, it really puts all the pain and the stuff in context. for me, writing the book, i always like to look forward, not
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backwards. it really was a reminder of that brutal first year when we had a lot of different people trying to find their way in the white house. being accused of colluding with russia which was a crazy notion. i would say most days i couldn't collude on the campaign with donald and we couldn't collude with the field team in iowa if they said we pulled off this elaborate scheme. the same people pushing this false narrative are the same people continuously attacking president trump. a lot of the republican party fighting just to fight the middle-class sinners give them jobs and opportunities to keep our country safe. >> sean: it is called "breaking history pringles with bookstores everywhere, if you want a signed copy, jared i learned a lot and i thought i knew a lot about was going on and there was a lot i didn't know. thanks for being with us. when we come back, they left continues to push their woke identity politics agenda. you're not going to believe the lida story out of the university of california berkeley.
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>> sean: more far left lunacy inside america's schools. we are learning at uc berkeley white students are reportedly now being banned from common areas and off-campus student housing without consent from other tenants according to the housing website. "the person of color themed houses a housing co-op that aims to provide housing to low income, first-generation immigrant and marginalized students of color." the college, they are trying to distance themselves from the story, telling us that it doesn't have jurisdiction over off-campus housing cure can't
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they just say reverse racism against anyone is morally repugnant? in austin, texas. making a post about a personal blog page coming out against biological males in women's sports. dr. andrew fox's filed a suit against the city of austin over the firing and vowing to defend his first amendment rights. the fired apartment told us they couldn't comment on internal personal matters. also chai demeter developing story in new york where there schools are preparing to enroll 1,000 illegal immigrant children for the upcoming year. joe and new york city, they are providing free health care, free joe biden phones, free housing. free meeting that you pay for it. that's not all. in our nation's capital, d.c. will offer more than $200,000 to
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incentivize residents to buy homes. i would like a free home too. here is a reaction, outnumbered" caused kayleigh mcenany. clay travis. i got to the point that i can't believe we talk about these stories. men have babies. is it okay to be discriminatory? uc berkeley won't comment on racism. really? you see berkeley. this is a reality. >> it is our reality and i find it crazy that we have to talk about the stories. i have viewers who asked me, it has to be an isolated incident. the sad truth, it's not. we live in a society rejecting truth. up is down and write his left. two plus two equals five, the sky is green. look no further. the repercussions of that california. a mom is suing because her 12-year-old daughter will secretly brought to an equality club, told she was boy, went by a different pronoun old behind the mother's back.
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they had a secrecy policy. all the way across. similar lawsuits and clay county where a parent alleges that a 13-year-old daughter was told in a secret fashion she was a male and the parents found out about it when she tried to commit suicide in the school bathroom. this is happening behind parents' backs. every issue. the race issue, the gender issue. rejecting truth, rejecting the very principles that make this country great. true equality and acceptance of universal truth. >> sean: clay, your take. stories and a lot happening in the world is changing. >> no doubt. what do you think uc berkeley would save a group of white students had decided to ban minorities from being in the common areas of their off-campus lodging. you think cal berkeley would say it's off-campus, we can't do anything? or more likely would every student that lived in that facility have been kicked out of
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school and not allowed to be enrolled going forward? you know it's true. i know it's true. everybody watching. everybody knows it. for the fired chaplain in austin, this is where we have moved from here we have gone from hating, if you're a boy and you want to be a girl and you're an adult, you can make a choice. i really don't care. i'm not going to get work tomorrow about it. if you criticize someone who is made that choice and wants to compete against biological women, in other words, we segregated men's and women's sports for long as i can remember because men are bigger, stronger, faster than women. if you comment on that, it's intolerant and you don't deserve your job. all this is chaotic. kayleigh hit on the fact that it's reaching down in our schools. we have lost our minds. to the point now where if you say men can't get pregnant, you're going to get fired from
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>> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us and make initial possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity." in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. she has a killer, kick ass, no holds barred show. >> laura: is that a salmon colored thai? i am in blackberry this is not a summer color. you look summary. sean is wearing khaki shorts behind all of it. >> sean: i am wearing jeans. would you like to put a $100 bet on it? >> laura: i know that you are wearing jeans. i've seen this outfit many times. you have your old levi's from ninth grade long island.
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