tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News August 23, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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days a week and for letting contrasting perspective, you look here and download the fox news and fox project dot com, right? unfortunately, that's all u the time we havenf up thisin evening. for being thank youou with us and making this show possible. ke pplease set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity and in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. she has a killer kick no holds barred show. laura ingraham. hi . i'm trying to pick it up where you left off, but like you have this summary, is that a salmonra color tie you have and i'm in blackk. i mean, this is not a summerer color that i'm wearing. youolor look very summery. i love that summer, by the way. so someone is wearing khaki shorts behind all of that that. is kicking a whole lot and we're i'm wearing jeans . would you like to put one hundred dollar bet on that? i'll stand that. i know you're wearing10 becauseu i've seen this outfit many everybody knows and i kennedy, i think it's great that you have your old levi's from ninth
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grade in long island. you got your old you still fit in them at them. unbelievable. so good. do this. it's actually pink and i'm throwing that, you know, the krav maga hannity is down like a thirty one waist and i can't even believe it. thirty to thirty but that's that's strong enough. all right, hannity, awesome show. we'll pick you up. all right. i'm laura ingraham. this is ingram angle from washington. tonight exposing the senate. psych out. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now it looks like as the republicans scale back , the u.s. senate race is in play right now. trump's handpicked senate m candidates might ruin the republican's chances for retaking the chambers. is it time to actually believe that the democrats can keep the house? all right. off the bat, let me be very clear tonight. most of what you're hearing about the republican so-called dire position in the midtermsubr senate race is evenac the house. sometimes it's designed to do one thing, demoralizede the conservative base and then depress turnout every single
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one of these candidates.f let's t focus on the senate deserves to win over their liberal opponents. it's opponents. not even close t now's not the time for second guessing or see, i told you so you'll know thatt i supported dave mccormac right in pennsylvania over mehmet ozcorm that was clear . i did it night after night. but look, rs1, he's the nominee and he's working his tail off, traveling the state, meeting with every voter he can, trying to win to overr as many as possible. john fetterman, he's a younger baldor, joe biden. but inld gymer rat clothing, hea trust fund raiser in a hoodie using clever consulting and admen to campaign for him. now, he can't actually argue fetterman can't that the democrat senate is somehow goodde for pennsylvania. it's a joke, of course, for what they've done on the fracking issue alone. these people need to be thrown
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out on their. but the press, they want republicans to believe all hope is lost with the trump endorseum candidatespe. i get it in an ideal world, but a totally objective press corps . they'd all be doing better. okay, fair. but you fight with the army.ha you have not the army. you wish you had. so here's where our political soldiers are in some key races . this is according to the website five thirty eight in ohio. our statistical tie between american first conservative jd and phony populist tim ryan . now in georgia, favorite son herschel walker is less than two points down on overn liberal raphael warnock o and nevada open borders nightmare incumbent catherine cortez masto is up by nearly four on adam laxalt. mark kelly , who has been a rubber stamp for chuckuc schumer on everything leavesbl blake masters again, who'sak, the young guy never run before by eight or so. and in the most expensive raceac in america, in pennsylvania,
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we're supposed to give up all hope because they say thats uncle fester is beating dr. oz by ten point four points. okay, let me remind everyone it's only the end of august. most people aren't even following these races yet, but they are following their family budgetss. they know that we're already ina recession, sayslr 60 80 percent of those polled by nbc. the democrats are so bad for america that now 58% believein that our best daysd are behind us . so pessimism, we're a growth stock. . e democrats would be long americans are getting poorerer and weaker with liberals running the show. the media knows this. the democrats k know thats the candidates running on the fantasy of climate change and abortion, they know it and they don't care. 74% n of americans are now sayi the country is going the wrong
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direction. that is a staggering figure. so i get that the left wants to cement some narrative in place aboutet republicans being on the ropes. it is all wishful thinking. i'm telling you this now. there's some other polling out there that you might want to consider as well. trafalgar is a fairly accurate outfit. ce they have vance up by five in ohio lachsa up by three and i was only down four ine pennsylvania u. en now notice how democrats well, all this is swirling around you notice how they never, ever attack each other. pelosi even got the squad to quiet down. that was some feet. but leave it to the gop establishment to shoot inside the tent just in time for the midterms. >> there's probablyba a greaterr likelihood of house votes in the senate registers different. their state was candidate quality. e a lot to do with the outcome.
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it's mcconnell's way, i guess, of saying, see, i told you so. and just as the media swoonia with liz cheney when's she goes rabid on trump, they swoon over mcconnell when he throws cold water on the populace. i can't believe i'm saying this, but mitch mcconnell is right. mitch mcconnell is right about candidate quality. i agree with mitch mcconnell. can't believe i'm saying this. i agreemi with him that the quality of candidate really does matter muchh more . now, we do not need the senateof majority leader playing the role of a political pundit. we have plenty ofave those. look, it's no surprise that mcconnell prefers old stylelelo republicans to the new of the josh hawley ted cruz variety. the new gopop is wicky to the oa guard and they felt that way long before trump. remember the rise of the tea party movement inn two thousand nine ? that was whenk i was back onad the radio that worried them a lot. they were a bunch of xenophobes ,conspiracy theoristsco and isolationists.
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and then after trump t, when he showed up, they added cultists to thatad list. yes, the truth is the real outliers in the republican party are the bush republicans o . they've beenfo outr of step with their own voters for years. really, if you want tot be precise, about it, pretty much back to the 2006 midterms . wed t knew all we had to know back then. then back in 2016, the republican ruling class, they wanted jeb to be president. but no offense to gop base, wanted a fighter to stand upp for them. they still want that. ar yeah.ty they getet a party leadership that too often treats them. they feel like second class citizens. and then whens.s. trump wowedhe everyone when he became president, rattling the old chamber of commerce, hold on the party, the oldd guard, they weren't happy. ed they tolerated trump, but they never really respected him. and beyond the tone and the style of trump, they recoiled at his positions on china trade
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,immigration and the long warswe we'd been fighting, of course, c and the post-election frenzy in january six . all that those rights that didn't just give the democrats a storylinee of democracy under. attack, it gave the gop establishment out as well. senator mcconnell, these are the candidates we have and the left is descending upon them with vicious ad campaigns and huge war. yes. thankfully, mcconnell super pacl is spending in key races. that's's butrn think of how much more could be raised ifve republicans and even independents thought it was all for one onen itwas for all. and mcconnell maybe, just maybe seems to be getting the message here he was today. look, can you share us what are the chances of a 50/50 proposition? we got a 50/50 center right now . we've got a 50/50 nation and i think the outcome is likely toco
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be very, very close either way. so but the stakes will be big because if bothif the house and the senate flip, i think t the president will be a moderateill. >> they won't have any choice. okay, again, we need less ofs a pundit o and more of a leader rally the troops. we don'tro need a no account frm mcconnell. we need the troops rallied for america. now, it was entirely rationalic for gop voters who want to c change the senate, not just toot empower the gop establishment, but in these primary races toy choose candidates whom they believe will actually do the right thing if they're elected. so instead of complaining about our candidates are kind of being wishy watching on them,ou we should recognizeld that this group is actually great. in our nominees, eewith a few exceptions like colorado, our political newcomers, they haven't had a lot of experience. but that's okay.
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they're out there fighting for the average person. they should be respece . good for getting in the ring. is a great makeup to the change the senate and we should be excited about an a opportunity to switchn things uu in the gop.ld of course, we could have nominated a bunch of romney clones and then the press wouldd be happier with us. but that would have been bad for the country. the whole point of thist movement is that we need a party that looks out for regular, hard working americans ,blue collar americans. it doesn't just go along with whatever the media or the globalists want. we've tried that. it doesn't work. but now's not the time foror score settling, certainly not the time for backbiting. nlyi don't want to do it.e now's the time to win to takehe back the senate, stop the biden wrecking ball from destroying what'sing left of america. if our gop leadership really t cares about the future of this country as much as they say they do, they'll do everything in their power to elect every single one of these gop
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candidates. and that's the . and now to tonight's breaking news. just hours ago, presidentnews trump's legal team requested the appointment of a special master to act as a third party in screening those seized materials fromth our lago for potentially privileged or even classified information. now in their request, the former president's lawyer lawyers note that lawha enforcement is a shield that protects americans. it cannot be usedt ts as a weapon for political purposes. now my view here is that trump has been most successful whenos he's on the offensive. so it was indeed good news to see that the latest legal responsee la to the raid is goig on . the offense herese now is armyan and chairwoman of the republican national lawyers association, harmeet, you say this is a start, but this needso to be one of many such motionsp to keep up this momentum. explain for us . well, thank you, laura . so two weeks ago there was this unprecedented raid on the president's home,
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the former president's homerent and one of the things that they asked for today is the i i appointment of a special master ac . so to unpack that, normallyy what happens after a execution of a search warrant like this is that the department of justicee assigns a separate tem of prosecutors to look over those materials t, to suss out anything that's privileged or otherwise should not be seen by the mainuld prosecutor. i so in the time that it's takeno to get to this point, it may already be the case thatt the doj has already gone through that process and handed off a bunch of documents to the prosecutors in the case. now, if you trust them, that t is the doj prosecutorshe signed on either side of that to do the right thing, then no problem . on but't if you don't trust them, then this sort of appointment of a special masterr that is an independent lawyer or a former judge or what have you to oversee that process independently that should already have been done. dve i hope it isn't too late for that particular motion. mo some other things that needsi need to be considered are is this judge judge bruce reinhardt,hi clearly shown
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himself to be is he the correct person to be ruling on these issues? thshould there be a motion to recuse that judge? it's always risky to file such motion. there is mention in this filing today of return of property. i don't think it is really fleshed out. ay so hopefully i think maybe the trump team is waiting formp the rulings on thursday after judge reinhardt looks at a redaction request and some other issues to see to see s about that get more directioni on that. but i think this is just the first step there. needs to be a very aggressive response to this because this is not just about president trump. there's about the fourth amendment. this is about the executive branchament, ira of government. this is about whether e the espionage act even should apply at all. d ato a former president under these circumstances. so for all of these reasons, t is deeply troubling. and i'm glad to see them takinga this first step. there need to be a lot more harmony like like clockwork. we knew this was going to lckwo happen. the new york times tonight got a leak from the feds saying that trump had more than 300r
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classified documents at mar a lago. ms the items they knew were missing were mr. trump's originals letters from the north korean dictator kim jong un and the president, barack obama had left trump before he leftom office are made. it goes on and on and they always source people with familiarity of the case. but whether it's the nationall archives folks or them and in conversations with doj, somebody gave that information to maggie haberman, who is you know, she's a good reporter. she she takes this stuff w and run with it. but thisit is what happened in russia, is it not? it's drip,ga drip, drip. laura , the very fact that this is how the united states department of justice plays its games ised should be t and center in emotion about about a special master. that type of shenanigan is exactly what got a special master appointed to the projecta veritas case wherepp the fbi raided american journalists
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on a very flimsy pretext because of actually biden's diary. and so here similarly, i think that is actually something that can be used on the offense. itffr is improper for the doj to a violation of the doj regulations as a violation of law to use the press in this manner. and frankly, even after youne st aside all the hype in that article and take it at face value. so what i mean, we learned during the hillary clinton email scandal that overclassification is a rampant hillary clinton wasn'ttil s even the former president. and , you know, it's still is not an excuse. 18 months after this person has left office to raid his home. and one of the good things thatg this motion is today is tell h the story of how president trump's team wasow cooperating w all along. it was his own house. i he put an extra lock on . the next thing you know, therere are 30 fbi agents there. so that's. but now. let me just mike lindell. but now the scuttlebutt is about when are we going to get the internal surveillance
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video of the storage room? and then there's anotherge storage room. it r just so reminds me of what happened during the muellerth investigation to keep the narrative going politically ,they have to do this. it's the same playbook we've seen it from day one . and there is a network there is a there is a corruptot symbiotic relationship between the mainstream media and the and the solondz who control . e department of justice and so this should not be the case for any american. this is how they played at every level and itev needs to stop. and if merrickds garland had ane integrity, he would be comingol out and holding a press conference right now talking about the outrageous behavior of the department of justice and to investigatetrr o that, he is going to ask to be held into these leaks and the violations of doj policy. you don't see him doing that because this is a feature and not a bug of the system. oh, i love that line. we're going to find out
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who leaked that information to maggie haberman. like we're going to find outan. who leaked the draft opinion and the dobbs case. i'm not i'm not holdingn my breath on either of those.ig but harvey, you've given us some great insights and we really appreciate it. thank you. and you would miss an opportunity to bid our own fond farewell to dr. fauci, now one of the premier members, the original members of the mangle medicine cabinet is here to respond. plus, congressman i james comeyes is going to tell us why his retirement doesn't mean she gets to escape congressional scrutiny if the gop takes control. >> stay there. over 45%, you have a frequent urgent need to at night. i have good news for setting the euro lips just to help patient treatment said simply refocus the free flow with no cutting. yes, no side, no more serious
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stop overdose. as you heard by now, the pin upa boy ofrd the public health sector, dr. anthony fauci, has p announced his retirementub. well, it's coming in december while he told "the washington post" today that he's a totally nonpolitical persone' a, he rane the warm embrace of msnbc's rachel maddow tonight. ig it was so many things weig learned on the run with covid. i mean, the things that we thought we knew inni the beginning turned out as the months went by to not be the case, which really forced us to
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adapt and to change some of o our policies and recommendationsur that was interpreted by many as flip flopping ory not really knowina what's going on when it really was the evolutiong wh of the science. joining me now is dr. harvey n rish, epidemiology professor emeritus at yale school of publicid health. dr. ish. your reaction to that? it was an evolution. they were learning thingsor on the run. is that how immunology works? well,ks it might be , but not in the present case because that answerause explains everything and nothing you can say.. anything happened and anything changed and it doesn't explain anything. and we know thatg. dr. voucheriy made some very substantial misstatements about a number of items. and to say. that now the science shows that the vaccines don't work. and we said that vn' a yeart ago and now the cdc agrees that it doesn't they don't work to prevent transmission. dand dr. fauci , where does the
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leave him? what are his three cardinal sint when it came to the cover issue? professor ? the first was that he worked actively to suppress early outpatient treatment with hydroxy chloroquine. hed labeled non randomized but controlled studies. he called them anecdotal. ot that'sal a falsehood. anecdotal means a study of one person or two or three andun not dozens and hundreds ofdr people. second and further on to that is he he was involved in stoppingin the nih study that wh actually testing i to chloroquine and he didn't fund any further studies to look at a drug for chloroquine when there was a gapingg need forg early treatment. so that was the first thing. the second thing was his gain of function research. that's now whitstable that it was gaining function research that he lambeck that senator paul saying you don't know what you're talking about. and in fact, senator paul was quite correct and many a scientists have affirmed that
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that this has been a function of research that ought too be funded against the law. and yet he did it. and thet third thing were the lockdown and the masking that at all costs. he i supported enforced on the population to the economicon of and psychological destruction of large segments off the country for no scientific benefit. well,ti shocking thatdn rachel maddow didn't get any of that tonight. now she also did ask fauci, though, about the demonization of him because he's the victimde here. notol all the kids who were locked out of school. here was his response. >> what we're dealing with now is just a distortion of reality. rachel , i mean, conspiracyion w theories which don'thi make any back onltll, pushing sound public health measures, making it look like trying to l save livesik is encroaching on people's freedom.
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freedom kind of scoffed at that, really dismissat. well, you know, the standardd answer is if you don't like what i'm saying, you call them a conspiracy theorist. but what i would call ity conspiracy observers. that event to a one, for example, had hundreds of people in a room conspiring about how to take over the world on the basis of an infectious pandemic. that's a conspiracy because of all the people involved in it. so, you know, you can call them theories, but we're observers. >> we observe these conspiracies theorists. thank you for being the voicean of reason on this program throughout this's pandemic. ra you are: going to be with us , continue to be with us on this t topic, which is noto going to go away. we appreciate you appreciate how the timing for today's announcement was interesting. it happened just days afterfi the nih finally said thatna they would end the civil war to the warren institute. now after its continued refusal to hand over key info about the coronavirus research that
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with our taxla dollars. so far , she thinks thisif retirement f would save him froe a congressional investigation or a subpoenasson. a our next guest says, well, he has another thing coming. joining us now is kentucky congressman james culmer, ranking member of the house oversightucman committee. congressman, you will take over the house in january . what can dr. fauci expect republicans to do? ci well, we have a lot of questions for dr. fauci. as you know, laura , he has an ever testified in front of the house since covid started. soso there are so many questions that that members have. we've already told dr. fauci to preserve all of his documents and all of his emails, bututd one thing the house oversight committee has already unearthed were the initial emails back in january and february of 2020 when his earliest advisers said by looking at this gene sequence, it appearsat that this was manmade. so it had to come from the uha
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lab. now, dr.fa fauci never told the public that there were advisers to him that said thisat originated lab. q those are the main questions that republicans on the house oversight have for dr. fauci. y why didn't you tell the trumpad administration earlymi on ? why didn't you tell the american people early on that even your closest adviserve suggested that this virus originated in the u.s. lab? why is even still standing all these redactions and the foirr requests about their internal deliberations about this? i mean, he wanted all thista stuff redacted, right? i mean, heinsk certainly wasn't asking for more transparency on any of that. i know you're going to ask him about that as well. but despite telling the post, as i said, congressman, that heh wasn't political . well, you be the judge whether he got political tonight with mattoto, do you have insigt into what we ought to do too protect public officialsfo like yourself and to to try to be more rational about the stuff of the country, what s has spilled overpi and really in
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many respects impeded a proper response to a public health challenge is something that we see that goesthing well beyond public health. you could look at january 6 on tv. what's going on out there now with the distortion of reality is very troublesome. january 6 invoke there.yo are you surprised? i'm not i surprised. you know, if i were dr. fauci, i would want to come before congress and answer questions. toou defend my reputation because he's retiring with a very tarnished reputationtion. dr. fauci b has not been truthfl with the american people. the emails that i referenced a minute ago, they were senta to us originally heavily redacted. and we sent a staffer in to the cdc and i h and got them redacted and we transcribed those emails. so that's how we know what o happened. it's not because of anything that dr. fauci told us .
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he has done everything in his ability to obstruct any type ofh congressional oversight. but more importantly, he's done everything he can to obstructonn any type of investigation, even from the intelligence community earlye on and from the trump administration to try to determine the origination of covid-19. th i thinke the reason that dr. fauci is retiring is because now that the dust has settled, the scientists who he always refers to are now realizing that the odds that this originated in covid lab in%. the lab are almost 100%. he threw in a reference to the wet market tonight in general about future pandemics. heth talked about the rain foret and the wet markets that we well, i think they're wetut markets are discussing that. that was kind of another nod to the origins theory. so we don't have time to play it. but suffice it to say, that was mentioned, congressman colmar, b we're going to be watching this closely. thank you so much. and a big cly media observer becomes a member of the justiceb league and what happens when b
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called white hart legal right now you and your family may be entitled to substantial compensation. if you live, get kamlesh and suffered any serious health problems, call one 888 or 268 hundred. that's one 888 four to sixty eight hundred. it's time for our seen and unseen segment when we explore the cultural stories of the day and for that contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, i first want to say this was a super sad weekend for you. it has been for all of us ,se laura . and i see you're continuing to wear black con part of your week long prayer vigil for the broadcast passing of brian stelter. yeah, as you know, the new cnn warner management expelled stelter from his reliable sources showma sro from their airwaves. he used the final show to presst his version journalism law into the minds of americans watergate scribbler carl bernstein was witness number one . listenlbe.
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i think the essential bottom line of reporting is to reach the people, the readers and viewers with what bob woodward and myself for 50 years now have50 calledai the best obtainable version ofth the truth. i know there's been. a lot a lof of angst about, for instance, calling donald trumpd not on this network but all over a criminal. well, you know, we called nixon a criminal president in reportingcrim on watergate. he never was convicted of a crime, but he was a criminal president. the truth is not neutral. apparently the truth is also negligible. appa partisan guess like this, like bernstein, laura , are prima facie evidence of why this show was canceled. he said the best obtainable version of truth that'sae the definition of journalism. no journalism is reporting facts and letting citizens and commentators interpret how those facts add up to truth. but this is a sicko version of
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what reporting is and it shows stelter is really been a negative force for a long time. well, i mean carl bernstein. i mean that stegosaurus has been lumbering around the the ice age. i mean, he's been vulgar. i mean, he's got laura , but they all lead back to deeper. well, in the finale still,in stelter show was really something as foxy tried to resurrect himself on the wayy out the door today saying, but i oppose donald trump. stelter made a similar plea for relevance. here's what i do know. i know it's not partisan to stand up for decency and democracy and dialog, not partisan to stand up t to demagogues it's required. it's patrioticic. ke we must make sure we don't give a platform to those who are lying to our faces. the freeee world needs a reliabe for reliable sources for the last time. i'm brianrc silver. why is pat buchanan on that
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real battle? buchanan facee on that real he's been pretty much right about every major issue. so i don't know if he was trying to ding his book. but laura , i loveov on the waya out the door still just tryingg to depict himself as a fom new founding fatheret or something. and you know what i hate most of all the the long dramatic glance off camera.c just look into the camera and say what you got to say. it'sny so phony. but for him to say we have to deny our platforms to people who lie. stelter just for the record,el dismisste a hunter biden laptop attack that poor nick sandman kid sued cnn over it. they had to pay himor a settlement and he recently supported nina totenberg story that gorsuch wouldn't wear a mask in the supreme court turned out to be a complete fraud on all three counts . and as long as we're bringing up uncomfortable unmentionables, you'llbl remembc gillette did a toxic masculinity ad a few years ago, basically attacking men . it led their parent company,pr procter and gamble, to takeoc an
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eight billion dollar write out.t well,te now gillette is really going low. they'vee exposed a new ad featuring an animated pubic hair. what i wish i were making this up is a word blasphemy can be found on the i don't know, same to my hair. . i celebrate every hair down there that these characters don't make it to the saturday morning lineup i or i mean, my god, what were the okay, au it's called the gh song or how much is this going to cost them in write downs? that's my question. where does this appear? i don't believe this is evil meanness. it's a venus shavar. and this is how they're promoting. so i can't wait for preparation h to have a singing hemorrhoidor
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come or maybe the singing catheter. who knows whatrh animated monstrosities we might see inan the days ahead. thisis is probably the mosthi troubling cultural thing i've seen in maybe the last okay, this i don't even i actually think you're just i can't be this cannot be this has to be this way. thist is not real food. come on . i'm going to tell me this is you guys are totally plunking me on this jelawat produce this. it's t an ad. it's real. okay, if they tell me i have to go , but i still believe that.ha all right, raymond, thanks for putting that image in my mind. all right.nv the trial involving two men alleged to be behind the plot to kidnap michigan governor gretchen whitmer is nowap with the jury after j shocking claims fromurla the defense regarding the fbi's role. remember, we have to trust the fbi and everything. and speaking of wittmer, we're alsoit going to speak to herli republican challenger, tooter dixon. stay with us. ca chit would be foolish to conceal
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the truth, be without from the secret. you have people who want to for troops. and unless you remember having no idea what you're doing, or what's the term for something important for you to stay in this place, they're creating a fire that's designed to draw in these kind of three air force xtremio over the past 40 years, ten thousand animals have been killed in a very strange way, the greatest unsolved crimes in the ketanji. to listen to me now on fox news nation, get top dollar and sell
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american greatness, author of january six how democrats use a capital protest to launch a war on terror against the political right. julie, big revelation and closing was the defense's claim of coercion from the fbi . what can you tell us ? so, laura , as you said, this is the second trial of two men , adam fox and barry kroft. who were charged in october of 2020 accused of conspiring to kidnap gretchen whitmer. there was the first trial in april. two of the men, two of their co-defendants were acquitted, found not guilty after their defense attorneys convinced the jury that these men had been entrapped by the fbi. no verdict for these two remaining defendants, defendants who are back on trialt nse . what thisac case has shown not just in the first two trials, but all the court filing for is an egregious and an operation by the fbi tohi set up these men , stitch them together, try to provoke themm
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into kidnapping and assassination plot of gretchen whitmer. but a a was completelypl orchestrated, orchestrated by at least a dozen fbi informant undercover agents takingnd direction from other fi handlers. and this goes right to the top of this fbi. so closing arguments were today . the jury j afterth the first day has nodi verdict and we'll be expecting one this week. all right, julie stephen dunn, tornoe ran the detroit field office during the scam. nowth you say that now he hasu ties tosa the recent raid on mar a lago. o >> what do you know about him? stephen dantonio with the director of the detroit fbi field office. while this wittmer fed knapping hoax i call was underway a week after the arrests were announced in octoberek of 2020, christopher wray, the fbi director , promotedra steven
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dantonio to take over the plum assignment of the washington fbi field office. this is the office now responsible for the criminal investigation into the events of january six , but alsocr wasp participated in the raid ofat mr a lago. he is centrally involved now in this prosecution. eight hundred and fifty plus c americans criminally charged. he's alsori the agents his offie in dc also arrested navarro inn public at the reagan national airport. so we have the guy responsible for this, wittmer said, theseng to create negative headlines for donald trump before the twenty twenty election. now taking over the dc fbi field office and continuing that sort ofhat anti trump operation straight out offi the washington fbi field office. really thank you for stayingce: on top fir of this. fail upward or persecute upward. they keep doing it. but thank you so and speaking of wittmer, hersi once sizable lead and that, of
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course, running for reelection as governor has now been cut in half after tooter dixon won the gop primary earlier this month. whitmore's lead has now gone from eleven to five to today. just now. e great to see tonight. now the same poll shows that you you're down just five alsoiv shows that 55% of michiganders think that the state's goinge in the wrong direction. so how do you appeal to those people who maybe they don't know you? well, maybe they're independents. maybe they have some affection for gretchen whitman's greatom management of the pandemic. i have no idea why anyone would support her now, butnyon what's next for you? y well, really,ou if you go around the state and you ask these y people, are you better off now than you were four years ago, pretty muchye the answer is aow universal no. so we're talking to them about what's important to them in thatstate, making sure our schools are better right now. s our education system is a major decline. we're thirty eighth in the nationcl8 in. we're on track to be ine the bottom five states in the nation. rent toewant their kids
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be educated and they want to hear that someone cares about that. we've had crime rising in our cities. they want to hear that we're h going to protect them. they want to hear that we're going to respect rule of law and come around our police officers and they want to hear that businesses are going to come to michigan instead of jobs leaving s every single day to her. will you ever be in favor of some broad based lock down of public education with a similar set of facts as we saw with covid when children had literally almost no risk from this type of virus? no, we know that the effects of this have been disastrous in the state of michigan. we just got our literacy examsou back in our third graders. that is 50 percent rate and they still can't catch up. i have t my mom tell me the othr day my son is going into fourth grade and i'm a mom sits and reads to him every night a and i've got a special needs teacher. that's my best sacwho friend ae helps him and we can't catchtc him back up. the schools don't have the resources.
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the kids are so far behindeh and there's no plan to get themi back on track rightgh we can never let this happen again. nwe have a generation that is going to take years too catch back up. now if they can at all. now, the detroit free press, i saw today, they reported that ford is going to cut up to three thousand salaried jobs according to the paper, thisaj is the majority ofor the cuts states .n the united the majority of our employee base is in michigan.s in so therefore a significant percentage of the job cuts ares in michigan now a. is this more benefits of the green new deal type policies that wittmer supports? oh,th this is a wittmer double whammy. it's not only the fact that she supports the green new deal, she has no relationship with our largest job creators in the state. they've evenn come out and publicly said we don't even have michigan bid on our electric vehicles business because we don't believe they'reeve in the game with us. so it's a double whammy fromou
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gretchen whitmerbl. she supports the policies that are driving jobs right out of our state. it's disaster.te a the people knownd it and that'sw whyhy her her approval ratingut is in the tank. but it's goingng to go lower now that we're losing more jobs in our legacy industry. urhow many debates will she agre to do with you? oh, we hear she's interested, so i'm hoping we'll get at least three out of her and i'm looking forward to it. all right.t. h well,ope i can i hope i can comr one of them, too.eaou great to see you. i know you're going to do great. i don't have any doubt. all right. coming up, the best of fauci versus ingram . the last bite explains. hey, gloria, did you know if we purchased archon coner annual passes? we
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is an obvious good question. io>> when eventually most of us will be infected with this viru, correct? >> know that is not the case at all and everybody will get infected, that is not a true statement. u >> eventually, everybody will get exposed and infected. >> laura: that was wrong, back in march of 2020?s wrong, back but there was one moment early on that stood out. you are satisfied with all of the transparency coming out of china today about the trajectory of the disease and the origin of the disease. >> my direct interaction with chinese scientists and chinese health officials, not party politics people, but medical people and sciences that i can believe what they were telling me. >> laura: okay, china is a country that has hundreds of thousands of people or more in reeducation camps. but we are going to trust them
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and their transparency. okay. none of that makes any sense. i wonder why he stopped coming on "the angle" may be a cover shoot, in style people here who did he have a moment? yes he did appear that is it for us tonight. set your dvr and always stay connected with us. it is fun. america now and forever and greg gutfeld is next. >> carley: a fox news alert former president trump going on offense to take his case against biden justice department to court. trump says he wants independent review of the documents from the mar-a-lago estate and requesting a judge block further review of the materials until he gets it. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i am todd piro. the former president making the latest occasion that we could see his name
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