tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News August 23, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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to discover on social mediafo and there's even this the easiest way to bookr and examine america's best gift to paris and reexamine seventy nine ninety five . but your exam today is arthritis, a joint pain holding you back . joints like this clinically proven to penetrate right to the source of pain for fast acting and long lasting relief of your joint pain with joints. now try nighttime pain relief with massager. good evening and welcome. i'm tucker carlson. tonight turns out the symptoms of societal decay are universal ,are not unique to a specific society. recognize them in any country at any time now we're a thousand years ago always the same. the men become weak, the leaders get decadent. law enforcement gets politicized, the currency gets devalued and then things begin to come apart pretty soon doesn't take long.
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the society can no longer perform its most basic function. the reason we have societies in the first place, which is to protect the weak from the strong. that's why you have a society well in places like this it becomes, among many other things, very hard to travel anywhere. you just can't go where you want to go with legitimate authority in retreat, roads are not controlled by the police. they're controlled by armed predators. and the armed predators take exactly what they want from travelers because they can. this is an ancient problem used to be called highway robbery. and for most of history it kept people very close to home. turns out it still exists, but now it's called carjacking. carjacking is the clearest possible sign that your civilization is falling apart and that's where you find it in places like somalia and south africa. places where force violence and clan loyalty have replaced law and order, places where might makes right in the city
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of johannesburg, for example, a vehicle is hijacked on average once every hour of the day. and once that happens, there's no coming back from it. nobody is going to build anything in the city with endemic carjacking. in fact, most normal people will leave as fast as they can as they have in johannesburg as they are starting to do. we are sad to tell you in the city of new orleans where carjacks is now a permanent feature of life. last summer, a law student called madison bergeron pulled into the driveway of her home in new orleans as she gathered belongings in the car. a young man appeared out of nowhere, stuck a gun in her face and demanded she hand over everything she had, including the car. he screamed at her, terrified. she complied. and that's what carjacking is always like. it is an act of violence. people don't want to give up their cars. they have to be terrified into doing so. that's why the majority of victims are women. old women, young women and that's why the people who do it will do anything. people carjack.
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if you will steal someone's car at gunpoint, you will also . you will also murder. you have no limits you are willing to violate on the most basic level, the civil rights of another person. and in this case that was certainly true because that same perpetrator went on after terrifying madison version to stealing her car to do the same to other women in the city. a lot of them there was a car blocking me in one victim called and next thing i turned around, there's yelling and there's a gun barrel in my face. the kid is yelling to get the f out of the car, gets the f out of the car or else he will shoot me in all the carjacker would terrorize five women and steal five cars in just two days before new orleans police finally arrested him. and it's amazing that they did because they are virtually no police left in new orleans in a city that probably needs about two thousand cops. they're under 500 active duty policemen left in new orleans and new orleans. they have definitely defunded the police. but in this case, the carjacker
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. a young teenager was ultimately caught, tried, convicted and sentenced for his crimes. now, these crimes got a lot of attention in new orleans. so the mayor of the city, latoya cantrell, showed up to the sentencing. but here's the twist in the story. mayor didn't show up to support the victims. the women who'd been terrorized by this predator. no, the mayor showed up to support the carjacker and to let the entire city know that she was doing it, to let everyone know whose side she was on . what mayor showed up in court is a character witness for a 14 year old defendant during sentencing, the teen robbed three women in separate incidents with a fake gun, stealing their cars and belongings. the victim's told fox eight they were traumatized by what happened and then they felt victimized all over again. when the mayor showed up in support of the young criminal, i was in shock. she wasn't there for us . she was there for the assault
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and his mother and she felt like she was supporting the crime. juvenile judge renard darin's first sentenced the juvenile two or three years suspended sentence, meaning no jail time . it felt like she was supporting the crime. the victim? well, yes, it did, because that's exactly what the mayor was doing. cancer was taking the side of the carjack over the traumatized, law abiding woman. now in new orleans, cancela is known by her nickname tv, but many people call her exactly what she is . latoya the destroyer. she is , in fact the destroyer. the mayor is incompetent. there's an open race hater. the mayor is an encourager of violence and she is destroying an already wounded city. we reached out to mayor counsel's office to ask why she is doing all of this. why did she pressure a judge to release a convicted armed carjacker with no prison time? but of course, she didn't apply to us . it turns out the mayor also had
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a connection to this carjacker. cantrill had enrolled this person in one of her administration's welfare programs called pathways youth internship program using taxpayer money. the program says, to provide young people who commit crimes with a reward paid internships and the statement. we contacted the pathways program this morning. want to know how many people enrolled in that program go on to commit violent crime within five years? we also asked how much taxpayer money they spent. of course they didn't answer, but we don't need an answer. we know exactly what this is . pathways like most social justice scams is not in fact designed to reduce crime. it's about siding with the criminal, giving the criminals as much support as they need. even a courtroom visit from the mayor if necessary, so they can go out and commit more crimes as as possible. so why would you do something like this if you were the mayor of the city of new orleans? why would you force people to leave your city? the people who pay all
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the taxes of all colors, by the way, why would you do that? well, possibly because the people who are left tend to be the ones who vote for. so it is a kind of electoral strategy. it's not just happening in new orleans. it's happening in a lot of places. the downside is it leads to carnage. there have already been one hundred and ninety one carjackings in the city of new orleans this year alone. through all of last year, they were a total of one hundred and seventy seven . now most of these carjackings this is true in a lot of other places, washington, d.c. we think most of these are committed by people under the age of 18 . why? because they know they'll get off. there's no cost. the local station, wwl tv found it in 2020 one juvenile carjacking suspects outnumbered adults by more than two to one . now, that doesn't mean that these are nerf versions of carjackings. they're very violent. in fact, they're always violent and sometimes they are fatal. in march, several juveniles aged 15 to 17 mutilated the body of a grandmother, an elderly woman as a carjacker in
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mid city new orleans. they dragged her body down the street. here's fox eight new orleans reporting on it. seventeen year old john honoré, 16 year old burnim baker and fifteen year olds martelle curtis and lynn lynn ryan theophile will be tried as adults on second degree murder charges. police say that the teens carjacked linda freekeh in mid city back in march. frickey was beat and then dragged outside of her car until her arm was eventually severed from her body. she then bled to death in the middle of the street. so again, society exists not to protect 17 year olds with guns on the most basic level, those are the strongest people in society, people willing to use force to get what they want. no society exists to protect people who need the protection ,the helpless, the weak grandmothers who might be dragged and have their arms
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ripped off without police protection. and of course, in the absence of police protection, in the absence of leadership that cares about the weak, those are exactly the person who are people who are murdered. and it's not just happening in new orleans. what's interesting, if you pull back a little bit and we have because we think that carjacking is a really clear indication of things unraveling, you find that cities with soros backfires and well-funded diversion programs for at risk, you are seeing surges in carjacking. could there be a connection? philadelphia, for example, consider this is reporting from a local station there, fox twenty nine hijackings in philly, a crime that's been exploding over the last several months. and according to philly police numbers released to steve kealy by a source, it's getting worse from january 1st of this year through july 31st. a police source says there have been seven hundred fifty seven carjackings citywide. there were roughly 850
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carjackings in all of 20-20. one the latest sourced police statistics show that the majority of these carjackings, more than 500 happened at gunpoint and also happened while the victims were at their parked cars. so why is this happening? well, it's happening for very deep reasons. any 15 or 17 year old sticks a gun in the face of strangers, threatens their lives or kills them in order to steal a car is the product of something that is very hard to fix disintegrating families. that's the real reason. but society, the authorities still have an obligation to try and stop for the sake of the rest of us . so what are these cities doing to stop it? well, philadelphia, like new orleans and so-called at risk youth to violin lessons through something called the philadelphia arts education partnership. so the idea is after a month of violin lessons, these young criminals, people who been
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busted committing crimes, get their records expunged. that was the plan that philadelphia's d.a. put into place last year. has it worked? well, sad to tell you that despite violin lessons, crime has gone up among young people, carjackings in particular as philadelphia's police commissioner outlaw put a quote, i don't want to say it's surprising but is definitely concerning really . well, it's not surprising to us , but it is for sure an understatement from 2020 to 2020 one , there's been one hundred and eight percent increase in carjackings in philadelphia, chicago putting up similar numbers. chicago has had more than a thousand carjackings this year alone. what does that do to a city a thousand carjackings? for every carjacking there is a much larger group of people now afraid to drive . now chicago is the place where suspect d.a. can fox recently
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implemented something called the juvenile intervention and support center right for this initiative. fox partnered with him requoting black owned black run businesses called fauci by design, which pledges to, quote, be bold in our collaborative approach to create anti-racist outcomes. really? so it's been completely politicized. the point of the law enforcement traditionally has been to enforce the law laws that are passed by legislatures. that's a product of the democratic process in order to protect everybody else. now the point of law enforcement is to effect antiracist outcomes. in other words, political outcomes. how's that working in chicago? well, here's fox thirty to chicago to tell you the carjacked car . yeah, yeah. chicago's weaponizes, one of the passengers in the stolen suv eventually fled when police caught him, they discovered he was 17 years old, released to his mother.
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sadly, he's not the youngest suspect that members of the carjacking task force have seen a well known eleven year old that have been in contact with death and eleven year old was arrested in chicago as part of a carjacking crew and it was not his first time. eleven years old, one of that carjacking victim said that, quote, he actually skipped like a child all the way up to the car he stole. we can't tell you his name because he's at risk. risk youth apparently means more violin lessons and he will soon be a productive member of society. this is a joke. the people administering the program know it's a joke. it doesn't achieve the main overriding goal, which is to protect people who just want to go to the grocery store. we're taking grandmothers who want to go to church, protect everybody else, who wants to go to work in the morning, who wants to live in a city where you can travel on the roads without being killed, obviously just don't
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care. the same is true, by the way, of the unnamed 16 year old girl who hijacked a man's audi while his child was in a car. that's an atrocity. here's boxes. >> thirty two in chicago. the car six twenty 2013 house in the car. >> the frantic father reports his car stolen. >> somebody jumped into his black audiences. seven what to do with the child was in the car. so as you so often see in this case is the person who commit the crime is committed a ton of other crime because it turns out most crimes are committed by a very small number of people. and in this case, the girls stole that car , stole several other cars that month, which makes you wonder maybe violin lessons and visits in the courtroom from the mayor don't really work. maybe these people need a father at home. the nuclear family writes those things are not, in fact racist. they are essential to any
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functioning civilization. and in lieu of them, it is clear that things fall apart and the only thing you can do is to put people out of the public sphere away so that other people aren't hurt by them. that's the best we can do. and it's obligatory that we do it because people are being killed. and if you don't do that, you wind up with a society in which 11 year olds treat carjacking like a sport because they know they can get out of jail very quickly. here's fox two in detroit. police arrested at 11 , 12 and 14 year old for stealing high end hellcats of the jefferson north. what they think it's fun. you know, they think it's fun and there's no penalty to it. head of the detroit police commercial auto theft unit, lieutenant clive stewart stunned over the trio of kids arrested monday right here on the storage lawn of the jefferson north plant. in a separate incident this just 14 years old and alleged
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repeat carjacker arrested this weekend. he was out on bond from a carjacking in may. then last week, police say he jacked two cars on the city's east side the same night. so if you look closely enough at this specific problem, carjacking, and that's one of many problems in our society, there seem to be getting worse. but just look at this one and you begin to realize because everything is irony at this point, the youth violence prevention initiatives are supposed to stop this actually enable it. indeed, appear to be encouraging it. and yet they're still getting millions of dollars from the biden administration, the youth diversion programs that make these kinds of crimes more common have a lot in common with the equity for unposed people that seem to encourage homelessness, those to have led to more carjackings. here's a report from fox 11 in l.a. carjacking caught
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on camera witnesses keeping their distance as a homeless man punches a street vendor, then steals his van . the street vendor was carjacked by a homeless man over the weekend. >> he thought, oh, you're going to the best. >> yvonne says he'd even seen his attacker before and that he had never had a problem with him, adding that he gave the man food shortly before he punched him in the face. yeah. so if they're happening in new orleans and los angeles and chicago, of course, this is happening in our biggest city, new york , which is also run by yet another source yet. but as evidence of the collapse of social order is in philadelphia, detroit, l.a., las vegas, nowhere in the country is experiencing a bigger increase in carjackings than the birthplace of our new civil rights movement, minneapolis, where this all started, according to national insurance crime bureau, minneapolis,
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the largest percent increase carjackings in the country from 2018 to 2020 one a three hundred and thirty nine percent jump. what the is going on and why is no one saying anything about it? and why are these cities doing nothing to stop it? joining us now is a man who spent his life in law enforcement. james craig is the former police chief of detroit who joins us tonight. chief, thanks so much for coming on . so if you see a three hundred and thirty nine percent increase in carjacking in one city, the mayor of another city supporting the carjacker over the victims, you have to wonder why would the authorities be encouraging this? because they clearly are. you said it best. i mean, i don't know what to say, tucker. i mean, you gave a great monologue. frankly, we're making victims out suspects. that's the bottom line. look, i understand this carjack thing very well. when i was appointed chief in detroit in 2013, that year when i came in at the half point
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seven hundred and eighty carjackings that year by year end by the time i left and 20, 20 were actually left and twenty twenty one we drove carjackings down to two hundred. still too many. but a significant decline. why? because it was a focus. the thing that i tucker and i came to detroit, carjackings were just out of control and people were desensitized. the police officers were desensitized. so one of the things that we did very well after the crime arrived, we pulled out carjackings because i wanted to see exactly how many carjackings were occurring, who was doing it, where was it occurring and without going into a lot of detail that was a birth of what we call green light detroit, because most of the carjackings were happening at gas stations and liquor stores. i will tell we drove it down. and so but when you got
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politicians who say nothing and i mean, i'm troubled when i just listen to some of the reports out of some of these new orleans, chicago, philadelphia and chiefs says what if that's not acceptable? and the people deserve much better than that, tucker. they really do. well, of course they do. i mean, it's a prerequisite for civilization. people to drive . right. i appreciate your coming on . chief, thank you. thanks so much, tucker. so one way you could reduce violent crime as long as we're all now into gun control is prosecuting felons who carry firearms because they're not allowed to do violating the law. you wouldn't go after a law abiding gun owners, but in canada they're doing, of course, the opposite. they're going after antiques. believe it or not, that country can trace. gallagher is here to bring us that story. trace. hey, tucker. there are clearly a lot of people in the u.s., as you say, concerned about their safety. but in canada, you've got to believe they are resting easy tonight because toronto police
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are not just talking about getting guns off the streets. they are going out and they are doing it. i mean, they're even posting the proof on social media. in fact, this is one of the guns that was just seized. i mean, certainly looks ominous, right? the trigger see it there? it's been petrified in the pulled position. we don't know if it was used in the commission of a crime, but there is speculation on twitter that it may have been used to bring down maybe a tyrannosaurus rex. another person on twitter ask, what did you raid a museum? and still one more saying, quote, it's the gun they used to invent fire . truth is , we don't really know where they got the gun, but it's curious and notable because in toronto it is illegal to have more than two garage sales in the same year. it's very true. so maybe police got a twofer right, by raiding a garage sale and then seizing that crusty rusted gun from the attic. i'm just guessing here, but i would think canadians are feeling as safe today as they
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were when their government was arresting those villainous truckers who refused to get vaccinated. these people are sinister, but the good news is they're also ridiculous. and i appreciate your bringing us that story. trace gallagher, thank you so much. okay, so when the fbi, fbi raided mar a lago, it was pretty obviously a coordinated hit by the biden white house. oh, no, we had no contact with doj lawyers. major development in that story. that's next. plus, we'll never guess what the biden administration just said. oh, not to you, but to ukraine. owe more money for ukraine, a lot more money. so you have much more after we found not one rothenberg and those gang members of al qaeda in iraq. plus, over the past 40 years,
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10,000 animals have been killed in very strange ways. the mammary glands, the brain was gone. it's called like a just mystery to overwhelmed law enforcement . there's no evidence to point to one thing or another to go replicate that and not leave evidence. i don't think that would be possible because the helicopters for it could be that theological weapons testing, lots of speculation. i believe it's coming from the and most the greatest unsolved crimes we took of the case ourselves. an original cattle mutilation streaming now on the fox station, .com zygomatic is back, we are told, to avoid just right. i've got a few new tricks so that work for police.
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published a letter from deborah wall who runs the national archives to donald trump, attorney evan cochran corcoran, rather what wrote in april this quote, i've decided not to honor the former president's protective claim of privilege as counsel to the president has informed me that in light of the particular circumstances presented here, president biden defers to my determination in consultation with these as an attorney general for the office of legal counsel regardingn whether or not i should uphold the former president's purported protective assertion of executive privilege. something right in washington. oh, excruciating. then she continued accordingly. the archives will providehe the fbi access to the records in question as requested by the incumbent president beginning as early as thursday, may 12th. 2020 two. so what this is is confirmation that the white house counsel's office, quote, affirming a request from the department of justice supported by an fbi letterhead memorandum, demanded the national archives, quote, provide the fbi access to
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the fifteen boxes for review within seven days. that was in april. in other words, joe biden's administration signed off on all of this months ago and merrick garland just executed it. obviously. so if you think that's troubling, how about this? a clear demonstration of priorities we have never seen. the administration announced today that they're going to send anotheray t three billion dollars to do you not to the families of the hundred and eight thousand people who died of opioid ods last year. no, to ukraine. and to be clear, this is not emergency assistance. the money will buy dronesnd and weapons aren't expected to arrive in ukraine for severalwe years, years. soap if you're keeping track, we've now sent and this is the public part of it, this is notub the budget stuff. but publicly we sent 10 billion
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dollars to the government of g ukraine, the corrupt government of ukraine. this year alone, congress has authorized spending 40 billion vote . every one of these ano people o, please. as fast as you can. so you've got to wonder, otherou than the defense industry whoseh benefiting from this atrocity. exactly. charlie hurt is the opinion editor at the washington times . he joins us here. thanks so much in for coming on . their border really matters matters enough to authorize 40 billion. but who's who's who's benefiting from this? i know it's not the people of ukraine, obviously. no, i think i think that i think that the biden administration is benefiting it's ans because opportunity for them to display just how much they despise us and how much they despise america. hemthat's what all of this is . this is why the administration needs eighty seven thousand new armed irs agentsmi. they've got to make sure that we comply, that we give them the money that they turn around and they give to to ukraine, supposedly to ukraine,
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obviously. and to me, u one of the most shocking parts off the stories which you just mentioned, the fact that it could be years before these armaments, before the world's largest arms dealerg ,joe biden, gets his armaments to the front lines in ukraine. well, my goodness, how long dot they expect this war to go on? obviously, they expect it to go on forever because it'sr working out very well for them. and onee of the things i just f think is kind of shockingor to e is all of the media m coverage celebrating this wonderful gift that joe biden is giving to the ukrainians and talkingt about how it comes on ukraine's independence day and all of this coverage of these ukrainian nationalists celebrating independence day, waving flags. now, let me just ask something . can you imagine it's on america's independence day. a bunch of american nationalists went on the national mall carrying flags to celebrate america's independence.
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what do youam think joe biden would do tod those people? do you think he'd give them three billion dollars? i'm thinking kind of not they'd be arrested to it on white supremacists. you're totally right. youu wouldn't be here. you wouldn't hear from them for years. that's right. ars.they would be accused of trg to kidnap gretchen whitmer, charlie hurt, great to see you tonight. thank you for that. gracyyat. so last week, bill clinton brought us a really interesting story. three illegal migrants arrested outside of passo in the desert were in relatively sophisticated silhouette, boring camel sheep as they crossed the border. who are theses people? i they hadnd military fatigues underneath and boots. well, we've calling around. tryy to get answers. we'll have some ofe o them for u straight ahead. how do you do not one place give his name and even. right. it's sticking with the p.h..
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of work for a reason. i'm so sorry about your boss, but the world cup to the holidays we actually will come to my holiday season. are you kidding me? there's messi. ronaldo. yeah, but that's my time to shine. we're not supposed to with that ,you know, let's get blitzen on the phone. i got to get back up there right now. i got to to be present with swordfights. this is one of your favorite short movies, including the two the original short side of the shots is that you're going to go on to so we don't know how many foreign nationals have come into our country during
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the biden presidency. so far , the best guess is in the millions changing america forever. better or worse, but different and a lot them just turn themselves in border patrol officers at the border. but some are still trying to sneak in and you kind of have to wonder why so recently a story we brought you last week, border authorities encountered three migrants wearing silhouette blur in camouflage, ghillie suitsow. so we called her on to find out what is this? and you could see military fatigues, boots underneath the suits. why were they doing this in a remote part of the desert? sot government got back to us and said they were part of a group of six mexicanan nationals, including an unaccompanied minor groups ages from seventeen to forty one years old. we believe that i don't know something is the former acting director of ice and joins us tonight to assess his faith. thanks so much for coming on .g so o it's hard to know that there's so much lying, but i'm still confused just on common sense, gravas. i'm an expert.
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you are. but why would they be wearing ghillie suits? the middle, the desert when they could just go turn themselves in to border patrol? yeah, t that whole explanation w makes no sense whatsoever. the only the only thing thatpe really makes sense is these people were coming here to do t some harm, either terrorism or crime or have done something so horrendous in their past that they didn't want it ton' be discoveredt because, youov know, or the only other option remaining is they are three of the four people in the world that believe we don't have an open border and the fourth being the dhs secretary. it's anth absolute disgrace. our national security policy with respect to the southern border seems to be basically hope our enemies are kind to us or they're incompetent or lazy and it's really not a way to have national security. and everyone knows something really bad is going to happen. we can see it right now and they're still unwilling to change from this open border agenda because open borders agenda trumps public safety. it trumps the whole security.
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itit trumps education, health care and everything. he and they will not back downs from this the entire time t because the one thing that'sne permanent. but i have to ask so t the response we got this is totally normal people in gilliss, middle of the desert, military fatigues. but you know, it is august in o texas. it's very hot. sot you're not going to put o on extra layers unless you really mean it, unless youn really mean to sneak in. and if you really mean to sneak in at a time when you don't have to sneak in, what the are you hiding? they don't seem interested in finding out at all. yeah, it seems like it's amazing the lack of curiosity. and the other part of it is i wonder if they were released into the country and are staying here because as you know, they could just show up at the border, get a free phone and basically get every right that the right and benefit the citizens. so this is really a remarkable thing. it's like can they be this grossly uninformed or is there something really bad going on here? and this is really in the context of, you know, you're talking about people that get through and we're
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getting about fifty to sixty thousand per month coming through has got away. so, you know, it's really a disaster waiting to happen. well, it is . but if you're nineteen year old uses a fake i.d. in a bar in kentucky, go to jail. i mean, it's just it's just it's regimented. doesn't fade from ristretto. great to see you. thank you. so we've had this january 6th committee for over a yearnt. they haven't found anything new . they've hidden a lot of relevant facts and news outlets ,of course, are playing along with them. but there are still some people in journalism want to know what actually happened on january six . why do they let all those people in when exat h the cops h of open the doors, lift up the ropes? have those cops been charged? what was that anyway? that's on tape. it happened. we don't know the answer. victims are trying to find out. there's a new documentary called the real story. of january six . here's an excerpt from it featuring the husband of ashley babbitt, aaron babbitt, ashley loved life. she loved herself. nobody loves more than her. or
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i mean, just woke up every day wanting to pick on the world that she was having the best day of his life. and you could see that i got called summer 2012. c heal said that his wife thought that she was going on tv and il think she even heard somethinghe about a doorre window. i could hear the trembling voice on the phone up along the side of the living room and i turned my tv off. the very first moment i saw was actually so a cop with a documented history of recklessness with firearms shott an unarmed woman to death. and the media told us she deserved it because she was a dangerous threat. okay, well, not everyone's hr value. t at face joshua phillips is senior investigative reporter for crimes. he's the host of crossroadsok. we're happy to have you join us tonight. jessica, thanks so much for coming on . so nexouin are you finding as yu prepared this documentary that the january six committee or commission or whatever liz cheney is calling it, were
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they producing information relative, relevant to that day or were they hiding it, tucker?h notid only are they hiding information, butt they're altering information. i can tell you some have seen a lot of the actual footage. they are cutting parts out. they're removing audio, they are altering evidence and they're presenting that altered version of reality to the publiclte,. it is an absolute atrocity for everybody who was punished that day. everybody is facing court. everybody who's been thrownnev n the gulag. it's an absolute atrocity. even the lawyers are being denied the evidence they need the exculpatory evidence for their clients. e, the documentary we did, we actually had police body cam footage. we have footage being withheld from the public. we b have things nobody's seen before. and because ofblicod that, i cal now we're showing what's what's being left out. and it's an absolute atrocity. the public is being lied to by january six this is the benghazi. this is going to be the new benghazi. i'm telling you right now, as soon as this thing turns around because there are absolute atrocities taking
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place against the american people. i think that's right. i mean, within hours they were telling us to do an election justice protest, which is whatt it was, was an insurrection. and be honest, did you see any evidence that it was an insurrection against this government? the closest thing we saw of insurrection is the one hundred suspicious actors and material witnesses i know you've pointed to before as well, who the government seems to have no interest in the people who while trump was still speaking at the ellipse, go up there. they tear down the barriers. they removed the no a trespassig signs and they clear the way for the protesters who arrive later who then have no idea v they're violating the law. it's really this is worth looking into in an honest way. and i'm grateful that you did just thanks so much. we did a three part investigation into january six . it's still in streaming online. it's called patriot purge. it's on fox nation for fox news alert. for the left side of
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the screen, you're looking at live images of charlie crist speaking in st. petersburg, florida. it turns out he will bet the democratic nominee for the governor tst of florida that races in november on the right side of the screen looking at his then opponent. that would be wrong to the incumbent governor . it's also live governor's race. there is the same day of all the midterm elections, november eight . bring in charlie crist back . so great. so you think the field ofgo medicineve, which lives depend based on merit where you thought wrong because equity medical schools across the country are lowering their standards for doctors in the name of equity, this threatens your life. not an overstatement. eq salesmanui ahead, you the kids,
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today he's broken into twoay second part comes out tomorrows morning. we think one of the honest people in the music industry, he suffered for it. >> here's a preview of the conversatione and one day i'm sitting there watching the news yelling at my tv and i'm looking at my boys and they're watching me go said something to the tv, you know, and i think, am i going to be the dad that yells at the tv? but i go put my boots on and i walk out and play patty cake with the people. i was just yelling at am i going to be that guy? because that's called being a hypocrite. and i'm example these two boys ultimately, if i'm facing this kind of buzz saw, what are they going tof be looking at b? t twenty thirty too forty two and fifty two . what are they going to run into? and i'm their blueprint so that'll roll over for a dollar bill . maybe they'll roll over for a dollar bill . that's unacceptable. so i decided to become vocal and say what i think about
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my country and what i think about my family and i didn't care if the industry wasn't going to like and i knew that the industry i spent my whole life cultivate and succeeding in was going tong virtually excommunicate me at that point. so it was almost like you let go of the line. and for a moment you're in free fall to try to grab the other one . and the other line was i the audience we're talking to right now, regular old americans. right. don't just yell at the tv. be honest in. public. n that interview seven a.m. tomorrow morning, fox news. there's a really scary story. equity, of course, on the guiding principle of every institution inca the country. but medical schools, yes. now prioritizelools equity over competence, putting the lives of every american at risk for f real. the only person following this,r a world where of in any great detail is heather mcdonald, author of the diversity delusion. she joins with an overview. tom , thanks so much for coming on . sorv out with merritt in with equity. what does this mean for medicine?
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it's putting patients lives at risk when you show up at the e.r. in an ambulance, tucker, after their near fatal heart attack, do you want your doctor to be able to reel off various forms of white privilege or do you want them to be able to get your heart going again? owell, according to the ama, the american association of medical colleges, it's equally important for your doctor to know all about white privilege a . they are mandatory mandating courses and anti-racism in in white supremacy in medical schools. we are a eviscerating every meritocratic standard in the practice of medicine because it has o a disparate impact on blacks and hispanics . we admit black and hispanic medical students with grades it would be and and scores thathe would be automatically disqualifying if presentedto by white and asian students. and the resultma of us is going to be declining quality of care, a slow down and scientific progress and possible jeopardy of patients lives. nobody cares what color the doctor is . nobodydi nobody cares.
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they just want the best possible doctor . whyust are other physicians putting up with the politicizing of medical schools? because they're all cowards. they're fearful of losinge their jobs. the few people who have stood up havee been have been sanctioned, marginalized. they've lost positions. it's an utter mystery, though, overall. tucker, i do not understand why they are allowing a medical profession, a profession that is dedicated to the highest standards of science, to saving lives, to be torn down in this phantom pursuit of phony racism. it does not exist in the medical profession. yeah, i think doctors have a moral obligation to fight against us . they really do for the sake of the country and their patients lives here at. i appreciate your bravery. thank you. thank you, tucker.e we've got more coming up. a heart attack. do they have life insurance?
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former republican is now running for governor of florida as a democratasascr that charlie crist is with seen so many times over his life, who knows what he'll be by b the end of the campaign? we can't wait to find out. it's's going to be hilarious anyway. that's it for us . i wish we had more time. we'll be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. so the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink the best thing with sean hannity, ladies and gentlemen. all right.ou and tucker, thank, welcome to "hannity" this election night. primary night tonight, a rare in-person campaign event for the very spoiled trust fund brad in a hoodie, john fetterman, who called me a liar again today. and every day he calls me a liar. we "ity. will tell you the truth about who he really is because he's a trust fund brad phony that tries to act tough with tattoos and that anyway. and in roughly five minutes, het gave a speech today. he's not doing well. you could say that stroke
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