tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News August 24, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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evening, thank you for being with us in making the show possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode and don't forget the news anytime, and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham and "the ingraham angle" is next. have a great night. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i am a laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the road trip, may it rest in peace, that's the focus of tonight say "angle." >> so what is it you do? >> i am a driver. >> then i want to head west on 20 in a car i can't afford with the plan i don't have. just me, my music and the road. >> it's a fine automobile if you want my opinion it beats the sports wagon. it's because i'm not your ordinary everyday fool, okay?
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i would like my and arctic blue super sports wagon right now. >> laura: a few things that exemplify american freedom and the last century or so as much as the road trip, the knowledge that at any time day or night you can decide just to drop everything and hit the road, drive south, out west, cross country. the only thing that can stand in your way is may be sleep deprivation. ♪ ♪ >> starsky, why don't you turn off the tv and come to bed. >> okay, honey. >> laura: yet it is becoming clear like so much else we love about america, our freedom to travel as far as we want whenever we want is under attack. case in point, tomorrow, california's air resource board is about to approve a total ban of new gasoline powered vehicles.
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so that is a clear assault on its residents basic freedom of movement. now the rule will require that's 100% of all new cars sold in the state by 2035 be free of the fossil fuel emissions. that is up from 8% today. now, i know that these changes we hear 2035 and they seem far off, but things get ugly really fast, because in just four years the current 8% ev mandate will more than quadruple to 35% and four years after that it climbs to 68% then five years later no new gasoline powered vehicles will be permitted for sale in the states. now not even the most progressive countries in europe have come close to such a radical antifreedom measure. now what is worse according to the times, the california plans may be the blueprint for federal actions against gas powered cars with the lawless epa promising
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to issue next year. and by the way, the greedy x promise of transitioning ev does not just mean cleaner air, but more savings for consumers. but that is total baloney, joe biden promises big $7500 tax credit and that's what you are thinking if you brought a new ev, but he did not tell you a bunch of caveats and a bunch of evs do not qualify. and the suspicious new rise in electric vehicle prices for nearly the identical amount of the rebate. so you have to ask yourself, how much will an electrical vehicle that you have to buy down the road actually cost you. according to kelly blue book, ev's are 18.8% more expensive than they were a year ago. the average price for anyone is more than $66,000. now that is well above the industry average and closer to
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the cost of luxury vehicles for mainstream cars, that's just the beginning, because once you have any ev, you're going to need a charging port at your house. to purchase the charger or do an electrical upgrade it is going to cost you about $2,000. yes, you can use a regular three prong outlet, but you are only going to get a measly 2-5 miles per hour of charging, i'm sure that you have a lot of extra time on your hands to do that. and installing those commercials charging stations and places we are hearing about, whether they are the regular charges, portable or fast variety as it will cost up to several thousand dollars each in new york city by the way it is anywhere between two and $10,000 for each. and what if you are i gas station owner today? well, you're going to have to upgrade and get charging stations, obviously. according to ny, the facts on the go charging station are
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about 25,000 to $50,000 in equipment costs combined with anything from 50,000 to 100,000 in the electrical service upgrade you are going to need. but look on the bright side, because from the administration it's totally free. >> that's it. >> and is no sound. >> there is nothing. >> filling our tank, usually can smell it and can hear it, the guzzling sound, none of that. how do we know it is working? >> it is. >> laura: she is the one you should be laughing at here, beyond the immediate cost is one overriding inconvenience factor here. our electrical grid. now the truth is that it could not handle most american car owners plugging in every night. >> really alarmed at sort of the
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naivete of those who are promoting rapid adoption of these technologies with their existing infrastructure. over the course of the year and american household reduces 25 times as much electricity for their electric car as they would for the refrigerator. you think it would strain the great if everybody plugged in 25 refrigerators in every household? >> we did not make any upgrades to the grid, sure. if we had yesterday's grade with tomorrow's cars it's not going to work. >> laura: did not teach that at the rhodes scholarship, welcome to the new normal, where common sense is totally out the window and fuel is so expensive the most regular americans are going to be forced to monitor and limit their movement. and we are only choice for transportation is to buy in electric car that you don't want and can afford or to take mass transportation. and for all of you men out there who enjoy tooling around on
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those electric scooters, you look ridiculous and most of you don't know how to drive safely. now in the brave new green world, urban dwellers and those within commuting distance to work, perhaps they can make it work. subways and buses and so forth other than the obvious worry about getting bash over the head by a crazed lunatic of course, but if you live in a suburb or a rural area, your life is going to change dramatically. in the end, what is going to happen is that working class folks will become more and more dependent on public transportation, they will not be able to afford the new electric vehicles that will be required. and democrats think, by the way, that you should be thrilled about all of this. >> their electric trucks, their electric ties, everything is going electric. >> i like the music. everything is going electric. but the democrats are building a world where only rich people
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will be able to live a traditional american lifestyle. cars, air-conditioners, fresh food, beef, and so forth, while working class americans are going to be required to live like people in the great depression, crowded apartments, high crime areas, no air conditioning and uneven natural gas for cooking or feeding your home anymore. want to take your kids to i don't know your favorite hamburger joint on friday night? sorry, they went out of business, beef became too expensive and it can afford the gasoline that you're going to put in your old car or you don't even own a car at all now. now the media and wall street and the universities in the federal democracy without special regime privileges here, they are all on board with this plan. and in this new ev world, just as their lives were changed much during the lockdown. begun to fall out after nancy pelosi's controversial blow outcome of house speaker
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feet seeing backlash after getting her hair done inside a san francisco salon which is still prohibited due to covid-19. >> for the owner of a vote dock company saying that while governor was her urgings residence to stay at home, traveling to the northern part of the state, the governor's husband mark mallory putting his vote in the water. >> gavin newsom now apologizing for flapping his own statewide health guidelines, and emerge that he and his wife had a birthday party at a lavish restaurant in napa valley. >> laura: the rules never apply to them and they won't hear, the trump appointed judges in the populist movement are really all that is standing in their way. because we love the american way of life and we are going to work to protect our freedom and our independence. we insist absolutely insist on making her own decisions about what cars we drive, where we set our thermostat and the type of food we eat, thank you very much.
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and we demand real checks on government power, real accountability. for that and so much more, they hate us a lot. it is not and never has been about january 6th or donald trump or classified documents or the worry about the future of democracy. which brings us back to the effort to force the evs on us. it is just another method of controlling and subjugating the american people. we know better as some of the modern left. now remember, they think you are a bunch of racists holding the planet, so you don't deserve real choices unless it involves killing the unborn, happy to do that as much as you want. so any american with common sense tonight needs to see this entire attack on fossil fuels for what it is. it is an effort to get you used to living with less. less prosperity and less freedom. there is nothing noble here are conservationist about any of this. this is the anti-freedom agenda.
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it is the neo-market is some looking at the green new at topia. but at its core it is cruel and controlling. just like the democrat leadership. and that's "dangle" joining me today richard david hansen sr. fellow and david turner, executive director of howard the future. you say that class plays an enormous role in this entire discussion, explain. >> we have a rarefied class as you said, subject to the consequences of their own ideology and their lifestyles are much different than the people that they dictate to you. to california, sounds great to have electric cars and gas cars, but we import 25% of our electricity from out-of-state. and it's almost all generated by fossil fuel. and we only produce about 20% of renewable. and we have natural gas and we have the highest gas prices in
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the highest electricity prices already in the continent of the united states. and yet we have about one out of every three people in the united states that is on public assistance lives in california and 21% of people live below the poverty line. so you have a penal society of coastal lead and they don't have to commute a long way, they live in 68 degrees weather and they have all of these ideas and they are dictating to a managing middle-class in a larger group of people largely hispanic now, and they are completely out of touch and a one-party state. if they wanted to be sincere, they could say we are going to push us, but we will take the hit. we will ban private jet travel, and we will promise that we will only have two homes, and we will try to live in houses that have less than 5,000 square feet and he could do things like that or only have one 22-foot refrigerator rather than nancy pelosi's $20,000 twin pack.
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but they don't do that. and the reason they don't do that is that they were to signal that they have all of these utopian ideas and they come at other people's expense. they feel good about their lifestyle will feel guilty that the costs go to other people. and that's why the people that are stuck here are impoverished. they are no longer a viable middle-class citizen. >> laura: here's gavin newsom at a recent press conference. >> are we with big oil? are they with you and your grandkids? are we going to stand up and maintain and reinforce and double down on our leadership? i would like to think the latter, not the former. that is california and the california way. >> laura: if this is a california way, it means an arm it energy prices and the rich people don't have the same rules apply to them. i guess that's the point? >> it seems that the california
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way is also banning your competition. we have never really thrived as a nation or free markets have not succeeded by making certain products illegal. and with the democrats are doing is not just saying electric vehicles are good, here's an incentive, and that alone is a $7500 tax credit that ev owners are getting is critical, but they ban the competition. and i think it's important what you mention in the monologue is that the engine as autonomy. its agency. electric vehicles can be shut down. tesla has done this to tesla owners who they disagree with over social media posts. there are glitches sometimes in the software and your $80,000 piece of metal is just a piece of sculpture in your driveway and it does not function. what happens when you have these terrible hurricanes or floods we have these mass exodus is of millions of people who are trying to flee a natural disaster? you can only do that if you have a constant and steady reliable
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source of power and that is not electricity especially when the power grid falters and hurricanes as it normally does. so as the quote we have to go back to his it's not a solution, it's a trade-off and trade-offs are not good. >> laura: what is really staggering about this about many things about this, victor is that in a sense, the government whether it is purposeful or not, they are effectively, if this goes through it a federal level, which you know that's what they will try to do this is essentially geo-fencing americans into 250 miles, 300 miles, whatever it is that they go on a charge. that is control of the people. that is keeping people in a geographic area for a period of time. why do they have the right to do that under any of these circumstances? >> they feel that if you look at a map of america you see two coastal strips where half the
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population lives within about 150 or 50 miles of coast and it is blue and very liberal. from seattle to la jolla and maine down washington, d.c., and then a huge expanse which is 90% of the territory which has 50% of the population and this is a war on the interior, because these are people who are farming and mining and manufacturing and they have to commute, they have that has the slim and heavy diesel engine and have gasoline with reliable power for their work and their manufacturing and their trades, and they are just saying to these people, you produce are fuel, our food, our manufactured goods, our granite counters, but we don't really want to know how you do it, so we are going to make these rules and we can follow very easily on the coast and we look at the yield of one side in asia and the other this is a cosmopolitan global culture and you guys are out of it. and it is a war where they don't really care and i think it
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suicidal because ultimately they depend on people who are muscular and use combustion engines to provide their lifestyle. and given the luxury or the margin of error that they can have all of these. >> laura: it won't affect the lifestyle of the elite. these rules never apply to them. we have to remember that front and center, victor, daniel, great conversation, thank you. over the past few years that biden administration has been slapped down on numerous occasions for it's illegal or unconstitutional power grab. the supreme court struck down the osha vaccine mandate, then there was the eviction moratorium reversal. then of course the epa's action to lower greenhouse gas emissions all examples of clear executive branch overreach. and today announcing the student loan forgiveness plan, what a scam. president biden has another example to his growing list of illegality. >> my campaign for president i made a commitment that we would
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provide student debt relief, and i am honoring commitment today. using the authority congress granted the department of education, we will forgive $10,000 in outstanding federal student loans. >> laura: to justify what is a gross abuse of power, joe biden is employing a post-9/11 law that allows for debt cancellation in connection with a war or other military operation with national emergency. in the covid-19 pandemic from an education memo. and hero jonathan turley, and fox news contributor. now claims he has the authority to cancel the student loans citing this law and then the
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covid-19 pandemic. but does he? >> well, it is a little curious of an argument aside the heroes act, because they are citing a crisis that it may they said had diminished to the point that it would change the status of title 42 on the southern border that they cited the cdc view of the lessening of the crisis as a basis and core for that argument, so now it is extremely dubious to argue that that act gives the president the right to basically toss aside $300 billion, as much as that in student loans. and you know, even if the administration had some success initially, it is going to find a fairly chilly reception before the supreme court. which has really been demanding clarity on these issues, not the delegation of congress to the
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executive branches. and what is weird is that the democratic members are applauding their own institutional operations. they are all given accolades to the president for circumventing congress because he knows that he could not get this through congress. >> laura: nancy pelosi has something interesting to say about the plan just a year ago. >> people think that the president on the united states has the power for debt forgiveness. he does not. he can postpone, he can delay, but he does not have that power. that has to be an act of congress. >> laura: jonathan, what changed? that is in communion. >> you know it is amazing is james madison truly believes that each of the branches would jealously defend their own authority and even if this was a member of your own party in the
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white house that members of congress would assert their institutional rights including that key power of the first. that is what is so baffling about the position here, president obama did the same thing. went to the state of the union and told congress it was circumventing them because they would not give him what he wanted and half of congress on the democratic side applauded him. for turning them into entities. so this is really a great stretch, the justice department previously rejected this basis for canceling of loans, but also the national -- the higher education act makes it very clear that congress allows for the postponement of debt, but they expected to be paid. >> laura: postponement, not cancellation, all of you saps that paid off years ago, don't you feel good tonight? professor, go to see a peer democratic senate candidate, let's put under a microscope
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after another shaky public appearance yesterday and moments his opponent dr. oz is here to react and going to tell us that he has agreed to any debate, stay there. re a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental.
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♪ ♪ >> let me answer your question, if you say you think the word of steelworker, what words come to your mind if you say steelworker? what is wrong with demanding for an easy, safe kind of fair income. a path to a safe place for them to win, or excuse me, to work. >> laura: yesterday's appearance by senate candidate john federman has a lot of people wondering if he physically is up for this challenge, it is something his republican challenger has asked on the trail and joining me now is dr. oz, republican candidate in pennsylvania. dr. oz, your team has come under fire for pointing out legitimate
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questions about the stamina and mental acuity at this point. and isn't that a fair question asked given what is at stake for not just the people of pennsylvania, but for the whole country with this one senate race. >> as a position i feel bad that he is struggling, but the responsibility of work you have to be able to answer your questions from the press and from voters and hear what your constituents are going to stay and he has just not been out there. on the question that we are asking is a legitimate one. are you hiding because you don't want to talk about radical views? or is it because of your health is such a problem, and if it is the stroke that you have causing issues, let's figure out a way that we can have a debate. it's the best way for us to identify how we are different from each other and let the public decide who they want to vote for. but if it is your radical views you are hiding, i won't let you get away with that. you have the most radical position john federman of any
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candidate in the contented race in the country and it's my obligation and duty that voters in pennsylvania appreciate that. >> laura: it just reminds me of the joe biden campaign in 2020, he was essentially a hologram candidate. they only trotted amounts rarely and kind of cited covid campaign with a few debates, but it was kid gloves treatment to protect him. and you see some of the same dynamic at play here and it's on every -- any idiotic point about something you said about crudites? that is close in pennsylvania. and they are against fracking and claiming that they are for the fieldworkers and for the oil guys. >> without question, i will walk you through one example, a hot topic in pennsylvania, arguing we should release one-third of all prisoners in pennsylvania and is bright about all the murderers that he has partnered yet he has the highest lawyer rate ever and that is up 60%
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since he has been in office. in addition, he wants to legalize all drugs and the hero and injection sites, we have the largest open air drug site in philadelphia in the country. and then an sanctuary cities as an open border and does not understand that into the communities in pennsylvania has been hit harshly, top five in the country and deaths, and the enforcement recently was unanimous, they were so angry, here's the catch, the coast, california and new york, they are hoarding money. they just want to get the 51st seat and don't understand how dangerous he is, how radical he is. and these are good guys, come to help. dr., come support me and make sure he can arm up and defend ourselves and also define who john federman's. a lot of resources are in this campaign. he dramatically close the polls as you know, and in order to compete you have to explain to everybody that's who john federman is. as you point out.
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>> laura: dr. oz, he is the ultimate phony populist. they obviously are worried about a more populist republican party because they are all trying to pretend to be populous. tim ryan in ohio doing the exact same thing, and jon tester in montana and now this is just the most recent iteration. but they are destroying the oil and gas industry is a claim to be for the regular people. in the same thing with the steel industry as they want to shape our jobs overseas. so this phony populism with the hoodie, that has to be completely exploded and exposed for what it is. to me that is the winning way to win the election. >> it is frustrating because he calls fracking a stain on pennsylvania and regulation and then to his own hometown he says i was emphatic, 2,000 people, it's the part by mayor, bombing crisis quadrupled under his watch and then a year after
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leaving come of the crime drop 60%. there is a reason that he has never actually had a real job. >> laura: speaking of real job, has he agreed to a real debate, any debate? >> no, i have accepted five major media companies and debates and he has not responded or accepted, i just need him to come out and fight. he owes it to the americans in pennsylvania to make sure that we can understand where he stands on these issues. he is more radical than he acknowledges. and he is a hologram as you point out. >> laura: he won't agree to the debate, thank you, why is he hiding? the most important election results last night weren't in some special election, but rather in the school board race across the state of florida. >> a conservative wave in florida schools, 25 out of the 30 school board candidates backed by governor ron desantis won their election tuesday. conservatives ran on education
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over indoctrination as parents push for more control over what schools are teaching their kids. >> laura: all politics is local and that was due two of my effort of the next guest, the founder of the 1776 project pack, this is how you win back the country in these types of races, congratulations, how did you do it? >> 49 candidates and 45 major counties bank counties. all these counties, all of these counties across the entire state and counties that went hard to win places even hillsboro which is near the hometown on the ticket, republicans do not have a governor or a forced primary and yet they turned out in higher numbers than democrats did in the state of florida in part because of the school board elections. that is what is driving now. they say it's appearance revolution, it is people's revolution. they realize it's happening at school board and see what
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happened during covid and see the lesson plan being pushed on children and they are tired. they have had it. this can be replicated across the entire country and we started it. last year seven states, this year texas and florida and have major winds across them. and congratulations to governor desantis, they were both very involved. this is what happens when conservatives team up and nobody cares who gets the credit and we battle really good people i managed to win. >> laura: you also know how to tell the story of education and why it is so important classroom classroom. this is a story of america that gets told by our children to their children and it is critical. all politics is local, this indoctrination, we will keep covering it. congratulations again. thank you so much for your effort. that made me happy. as yogi berra said, we should do it all over again. the deep state is working with friendly media outlets to
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>> laura: that was a lie, one day after the pathetic news conference, one of his minions at the doj leaked a juicy tidbit to "the washington post." the fbi searched the home to look for nuclear documents we were told. now this is obviously purposefully inflammatory. and it was meant to frame these documents in the worst possible light and donald trump in the worst possible light. and by choice they left out any specificity regarding these documents. so if they were so sensitive and so dangerous to remain in his hands, why did the fed wait
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three days after judge reinhardt signed off on the warrant? but the leaks did not stop there. maggie haberman's team at "the new york times" has been a variable dumping ground for information releasing a dozen separate articles since the raid. then last night at "the washington post" they were back with a remarkably detailed month-long negotiation over all of these items including the exact number of pages that were sought. joining us now former trump lawyer and chairman of the lawyers association coming up both been terrific this week, back by popular demand. now you have seen this up close and personal, where is merrick garland's integrity for a man that said he was just going to be a department totally involved aboveboard and beyond bias and all all of the rest you just heard. >> yeah, i am shocked quite frankly. this is a man whose united states court of appeals for a long time on the sixth
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circuit. well-respected quite frankly. i know that he had it subtracted when he was nominated from supreme court but a well respected judge that has been politically and completely politicized as it appears. and i'm not sure it is just him. the number 2 and charges lisa monaco, that is an andrew weissmann accolade for going on years back had andrew weissmann clearly had an agenda as we saw during stage get trump, i track a lot of this back quite frankly to jerry nadler saying during the trump administration, we can't trust the american voters. so these leaks are cheating the american public. they are begging for donald trump. they are worse for the american people. >> laura: now another follow-up article in "the washington post" said that there had been linked 18 months of efforts by the national archives to various email correspondence again, magically ending up in "the washington post" cited that we cannot get the record back and they belong in the archives and yet the navalny for whatever
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reason was not delivering, what about that tonight? >> to my knowledge the federal librarians have never made this efforts with prior presidents and indeed as i mentioned yesterday on your show, the presidential record act does not specify any time, place, or manner of a president whose records are released. he is supposed to do it at some point but he gets go through them and archive them and he can prevent them from being out to public for 5-12 years, so we were hit well in that zone of that process. so i think the librarian argument is a pretense, clearly a fishing expedition to either get at former president trump's position to use this as an august surprise, you know, next to climate change, the october surprises are coming earlier. and/or otherwise just keep him in the news and that's exactly what is happening. and it is a disgrace to the good
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name of the doj and ignoring both doj rules as well as federal statute that prevents this exact type of behavior from happening out of united states department of justice. >> laura: the reference in the post is someone familiar with the documents and always more leaks. and as i mentioned in the open, the first leak was about to nuclear materials and it has allowed folks over at msnbc to just pop off with impunity, watch. >> will given his nature in its history and his lack of character, you can't help but think that he would look at a document and want to wonder what you have to pay it as. >> laura: i have heard over a lot of things, but coming from mike barnicle who is an old fellow who has had his own ethical problems, that is really pathetic. >> it is despicable, it is
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despicable. listen, i've come to know president trump are very well. i do not believe for a second that he thought he did anything wrong with any of those documents or intentionally knowingly or willfully would have. and you know the political nature of it based on the way that this raid came down. there was no reason for that. go through the documents together with every court and every lawyer on site if you have some questions. relocate the document someplace else, but this is what they did with roger stone and steve bannon at the foreign fbi agents, these are campaign tactics, somebody said this is a surprise. but you don't have other initiatives you come up with this kind of thing to try to poison things like nuclear secrets. >> laura: very quickly, do you think that the administration will file tomorrow or friday and need a deadline on that redaction question of what document on why they were once the challenge of anything? >> of course the doj will comply with that response deadline
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tomorrow and the question will be hopefully the judge responds to their redaction that will be dragged out for some time i believe. >> laura: great to see both of you tonight, thank you. now why is the mayor of minneapolis mad at me, and what does it have to do with our visit to the state just a few weeks back? find out next.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: has the activist movements which always seems to in my view be bias against law enforcement, has that made your job more difficult on a daily basis just interacting with regular folks? >> absolutely. and the more of that that gets put out in the media, and makes it tough for us to actually just do our job without being harassed and cameras in her face when we are just trying to work. >> laura: while that interview, apparently, really ticked off the minneapolis mayor according to a friend of the show, jacob frey is now reportedly blocking journalists from going on right along's with the police department. they had planned for over a month to do that, but when he arrived in minnesota, he received word that his right along with the minneapolis to
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police department had not been approved by city hall. no one of those sources within the department told him that the mayor was mad about the mtv interview with me -- mpv interview with me, then jacob, you should've returned the numerous calls my producers put into your office leading up to "the ingraham angle"'s trip to minneapolis. so my question is what is the mayor and the city council hiding here? you don't questions asked of the police. having a really tough time controlling crime in the city, but they can't speak out. they have no voice to speak out. here is scott girl liquor, retired minneapolis police officer. scott, why doesn't the mayor want people to know what is going on in that state? >> hi, lawyer -- laura, i have never been aware of them trying
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to need permission to talk to the media or do a ride along, so if impact that is a policy, it may just be an ad hoc policy possibly because of the interview that you did a couple of weeks ago, but it certainly does not make any sense to me. i think the people out there need to see the unfiltered truth as to what our police officers not only a minneapolis, but in big cities across the country are facing each and every day. the calls that they go to certainly minneapolis has a huge rise in violent crime, and i think that that needs to be reported by all media. >> laura: we went to get the story of what is happening, because we heard from so many residents and business owners that you know that we interviewed over two years ago, and we wanted to tell their stories. and the police officer stories. and that's what we did. here's what one of the officers sergeant andrew schroeder told me a few weeks ago about what is happening at the department, watch. >> i think one of the biggest
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challenges is working with a deficit of officers. working on rebuilding the trust of the community. working on getting more cops to help us and working with what to limited resources we have. >> laura: scott, these are wonderful officers, down over 300 police officers in minneapolis, and we are trying to figure out why the police are not getting the support of the city leaders. very quickly your response. >> well, and the officer that just talked andrew schroeder was named minneapolis police officer of the year this past year for all of the great work he has done. so again, unless you can hear directly from the officers themselves, you're going to start to see some filters and really not going to get to hold truth of the matter. >> laura: scott, thank you again for your perspective. coming up ramos.
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8:00 pm
>> i started this journey at 1:00 today. the flight was moved from 1:00 to 2:00 to 3:00. when it arrived at 5:00, the pilot said he was exhausted so he wouldn't fly us to new york. i will see you anglers tomorrow i hope. >> laura: again? start traveling a day ahead of time. gutfeld next. ♪ ♪ >> brian: happy wednesday, everyone. i am brian kilmeade. as you can stand sitting in a normal chair, not one of the small ones custom crafted to frame greg's abnormally childlike frame. i am a full-grown adult. we have the stage crew remove this to be
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