tv Hannity FOX News August 24, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and why not? heli oversaw the resurgence ofsa the bubonic plague inw new york . so naturally going to be a senior fellow at harvard school of public health and a visiting fellow at harvard kennedy school of politics. did we even teach classes? if you can think of a good reason why the u.s. government shouldn't seize harvard's endowment s s, let us know and r take on tomorrow, you're not gonna talk to andrew . oh, we are all right. welcome to "hannity" tonight. in just a moment, an important message for dr. anthony faucion who seems to value his precious little ego more than you, the american people. also tonight, biden's border czar, kamala harris, apparently unwilling orr unable to determine the root causes of illegal immigration. so we did her job for heron by sending our own sarah cartera to central america, where she uncovered a shocking migrant smuggling operation. o we have that exclusive report straight ahead. but h first tonight, a big
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announcement from the white house, a brandou new generous three hundred billion dollar handout to ivy league graduates, sociology majors and many other irresponsible men and women that racked up massive student loans and no longer feel like l paying themr back isn't f that nice? now biden is calling it a loanjo forgiveness program. in reality, it should be calledl the biden bribery and vote buying act of 2020 two. all paid for by you. the hard working american people and truck drivers and farmers and weldersan and small business owners and members of the military and waiters and waitresses and bartenders and taxpayers that never went to college or maybe they already paid off their student loans. k well, nowow they're going tons be on the hook for the loans taken out by what, a harvard grad who majored in what gender studies now according to legend robin hood took from the rich and gave to the poor. but in the washington swamp, joseph robinette biden, well,
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he takes from the poor in the middle class in order to bailil out the elites because they're going to be the beneficiaries here. now, this massive three hundred billion dollar payout is eitherm going to be paid for with your tax dollars orr by simply printing more money. x in other words, inflation is about to get even worse. this from a guy who calls himself middle class joe amtracs joe , ultimately democrats, they don't care about the middle class. they don't care about your hard work or fiscal responsibility. they only care about paying offh their face. oh, and just, what, a little over two months beforet an election. don't take dmy w my word for ite just listen to this exchange between senator elizabeth warren and a voter fromli a campaign event. this is in twenty ,zan twenty . take a look at this mike lindell money. so you're going to pay for people to didn't save any money and those of us that did the right thing gets through no
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time with my buddy, his son onn a car they face as i say, wehe did the right r. . >> we did we did the right thing. and wewe get screwed. ed he's pretty much right now whenn confronted with the cold hardfr truth, elizabeth warren is pretty much speechless. but make no mistake, there's nothing fair. there's nothing equitable about. this handout. the way,, it does zero to address the root cause of student debt. for. example, tuition at harvard costs around fifty five grand a year. now the school also receives millions and millions and millions from the state government, along with millions more in tax deductible donationsmi. nowh harvard takes in so much excess cash that it is now accumulated a massive fifty billion dollar endowment, 50 billion. iod it's not just harvardrd colleges and universities all over america. they are swimming in cash.
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and yet every year the cost of tuition goes up and up and up more than double the rate of inflation because the federal government guarantees everyve student loan, colleges havery zero incentive to reduce costs r or implement something called a budget. they always get paid. >> and this latest three hundred dollar bill . >> there's one glaring problem with biden's academic according to speaker pelosi, maybe for the firstnc timey ine my life i agree with her, she says the president has no authority at all whatsoever to forgive loans.y they'll pay close attention. may it may be the one time nancy pelosi was right in her political career. take a look. the united people think that the president of the united states has the power for debt forgiveness.s he does not. he can postpone. he can delay, but he does not have that power. that would have to be an act of congress. and i don't even like to call
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it forgiveness because that impliess, a transgression. it's not going to get justeo freeing people from those obligationspl. >> no power for that or what did he say for forgiveness?ess? oh, no power at all. that should be congress's role.r now, pelosi, for the first timer in life, l is probably right with biden's loan scheme. well, is that ever going to see the light of day here now?? i'm sure she'll have a change of political heart. ic this is an election year, it's called. that'sit an election yearrs conversion. here now with the very latestt from the white yo house. our own peter doocy is with us . all right. so nancy pelosi is actuallyer right. has she m changed her mind? is she now in agreement with joe? ? yeah, every democrat that has come forward today that appreciates this says that it was the right move there are, of course, progressives that s say we wanted fifty thousand. where's the rest? but speaker pelosi, i read her
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whole statement. i did a control i r for presidential power or is this illegal? and i couldn't find anything. but what wasnd extraordinary today during a briefing that featured a rare appearance from the president's top domestic adviser, susan rice, they're d saying they don't know how muchn this plan is going to cost because they don't know how many people with outstanding student loan debt to qualify that are either under one hundred twenty five k or under two fifty four couple. they don't knowhe how many peope are actually going to take them up on this. so they think that there is a several hundred billion dollar range here because there might be have to have some eligible recipients who say no, no, we know that there is ten thousand dollars out there and we know that we have to go to a website to claim it. butdon' we don't want to do tha. something else that they are not talking about here is who exactly is going to pay for it.s we know that this is going to be funded with taxpayer dollars
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,but i asked over and over o again who is going to pay?ve t is it a wealthy? is it corporations? and i can't get a straight answer, at least not yet. on the first day of this about who which which taxpayers are going to be fronting the bill to cancel ten thousand dollars,0 for?r? i have the answer.>> yeah, sea the answer is going to be people that didn't go to college and the answer is going to be people that went to college and paid back their loans.going to pay back their l, they wil they will be taxed in the end, by the way, corporations. peter , i would argue don't pay taxes. they pass it on to consumers and with the education director or secretary directly today. and i askedecre him just to clay the people who have already paid their student loans beforeo today, they get nothing right. and he said right. all right. you asked joe biden if he had any knowledge off the mara go raid. john solomon has a report that says, in fact, they did have knowledge in the white house that this potentially was
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cominge p. >> let's run that sort of t how much advance notice that you have of the fbi planhe to search marlock? i didn't havese any advance notice. newsroom one single thank you. and what is important about that, even though it soundsh like such a basic question, is that because the president's vacation schedule and the veryin brief time that he spent here at the white house so far since that search warrant was carriede out of t mar a lago, that's the first chance that we've had to ask him a question about it.t and so we will start from there. the most basic question, how much advance notice did youm have and more to come? >> all right, peter , thiske is kind of like when he said i never once talked to my sonsi hunter about his foreignne business dealings and then all of these pictures with hunter joe and foreign business partners show up and i remember that we discover. all right, peter doocy att a the white house tonight. thank you. all right. biden's three hundred billion dollar loan forgivenessde is jus
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one part of the left wing t green new deal socialist, as they call it, transition and california democrats are now banning the sale of new gas powered cars by twenty thirty five in washington, d.c., the city government handing out two hundred thousand dollars for people toho buy a new home. t keep in mind, none of this is free. you will pay for all of this i with taxes and inflation, whether younf like it or not, our economy will suffer. hardworking americans, they will suffer. and this is how green new deal socialism works. in fact, new projections from the white house, they show a slowing economy and inflation going even higher. ity is more. fox business anchor larry kudlow is with us . you know, i wrote a book in 2020 because i thought the moment called the first book i wrote in 10 years live free or die, chapter four socialism's history of failureit . isn't the new green deal basically social and doesn'te
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socialism always end the samey. way? whatever name, whatever manifestation unfulfilled promises more poverty and then yound measure how much freedom you ofe up in the name paul security. you know, sean, by the way, i read the book let the recordre show. i actually read the book. t thank you. now they just put out their new projections. this is the white house omb projections. so over the next 10 years, t they estimateen the american economy will grow at slightly less than twoll percent g a yea, which is a pathetic low number. and my point is , if all this big government socialism and green new deal and higher taxes and regulations and , your know, bailing out wealthy college kids, ifki all this stuf is so good, then why don't their own estimates show that they can build a much stronger, larger, more prosperous, greater opportunity economy? i mean, it's like showing me
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the beef. ouho okay, you think you're so hot then show me the results and they can't do that. it's an absolute failure. so they markedlu down their growth numbers and they marked up their inflation numbers, which is what the whole world's been telling them for months and months and months. and now they're just trying tot fib about it. and let me make another point here. this student loan stuff, you know, sean, the education department, which has become h a kind of hotbed of criticalot race theory, and gender issues ,they don't know anything about loans. this was obama's brainchild to stop banks and private lendersen from making student loans where they do know something about credit risk and give it over to the education department.t. that's where the one point six trillion student loans have gone. they shouldns stop this, take it away from the edge of kretz, put it back into the private sector and let people pay a market rate. and if that happens, sean is outrageous. college tuition increases would probablyap simmer down pretty f
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fast. well, isn't itas amazing that let's say somebody goes into the trades, doesn't go to college? whys should they be forced to t pay for somebody else's loan or what about all of us that i dida take out a student loan and i did full time jobs when i went to college. you know, why do i have to pay for somebody else's loan when i worked hard to pay my own waye to get through college toge the point that i got so i didn't finish? why why should i have to pay? py well, the short answer you should i mean, , look, this is the election vote buying. that's all this really is trying to bolster up, i guess biden's sagging numbers ,democratic party sagging but its on young people. but it's not going to work becauseth there's a big resentment. people know basically what you just said. i mean, look, going way back , i had to take out some loans for graduate school. butthool but d i did pay them b. most folks honor their obligations. this idea of student loan debt default is relatively. is interest rates have been at
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rock bottom for the last few years. still didn't cover the loans properly. so let's stopan this. larry kudlow, always great to have you.. thank you, my friend. all right.ry kudlow, breaking tonightgr, the doj finally did releasebr a memo frm 2019 stating that then president trump's actions surrounding the mueller probe did not obstruct justice in any way. now remember, many in the media mob the democratic party. they promised donald trumptr would go to jailuc for j obstruction of justice. they were all lying w. and now the witch hunt continues. as predicted, the owossod honorable officials at the top echelon in the doj and the fbi, they have been leaking like a sieve following the raid at mar a lago and as per usual, the media mob, they takeke these leaks. they twist them intoleak some pretty wild anti trumpson conspiracy theories. for example, listen to this tin foil moment on liberal morningn joe and you can't m make this. stuff up. they actually believe it. take a look at what these documents what's the purpose
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and given who he is , i mean, i can't i'm not i'm not the dean of the harvard law, school, but not even close. not even close. n n why? mark are w i mean, aren't we worried thate he would monetize this? i mean, he's like, yeah, you know, an expert level grifter, given his nature, given his history, given his lack of character, you can't help but think that he would look at a document and wonder wonder what they'd pay to know thisid r and that's it. he kept the documents for 18 months to sell it, to react . now, unsurprisingly, one of liberal joe's favorite guests is a disgraced fbi agent, peter struck of all people. remember, he was fired from f the fbi for political bias. we know he loathes donald trump and during his time as a lead d investigator, heon openly talked about using his power to stopto donald trump from becoming president. and he also hatched a scheme to smear the president with the russia hoax as , quote, an insurance plan in the unlikely
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event that donald trump evere becomes president. that's the russia hoax. recentl and recently on twitter, peter struck proudly posting a bizarre conspiracy theory about trump having a russianmp passport. so naturally, the media mob loves peter struck me. the rnc is now booked in seven times since the raid at mar a lago to cnn. they booked him a whopping c eight times, chris , like the new boss of fake news, cnn, and he vowed to bring hard news back to the network. chris , what's going on ? struck was literally fired for anti trump political biaswa. he's on text saying he will stop donald trump from becoming president. and if your plan doesn't work,or we have ank insurance policy and your so-called news networka is giving that guy airtimeme and calling him an expert and saying his analysis, expert analysis about anything trump the media is supposed to speak truth to power, right. yet no one mst, the rnc, no
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one to fake news. cnn has any interest in holding our federal government accountable so long as donald trumpng is out of office. it was reaction attorney for former president donald trump olena hoba, along with the former chairman of the house intel committee, devin nunes.t's alina, let's start with the "wall street journal" pointed this out yesterday. our own greg gereb pointed it out on air lastan nightd and tht is the the federal records actct actually gives authority to a former president to haveuaho custody and control of presidential papers. now, when you accompany that with the timeline that we know of, that is february. we know that the nationaleb archives and records p administration was praising the trump team foror their cooperation. and in june, the fbi and doj had access to everything they wanted to see. and they are the ones that said, would you mind padlocking this room? and they did it. when you put all of that together and the presidentst' the ability to declassify, where do they get the presidente
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on any legal issue here? i don'tt think that they didss get him on any legal issueueat here. and that was the headline on the wall street journall yesterday, whichst was dead on accurate. you have to have a legal basis. thisis is not the . this is our country. this is the constitution. so what we saw was the trail as in with the mueller report that you just discussed thath is that they're hiding doj memos that they like to conceal and they like to redact them. and then when push comes to shove, they pretend that they're a doing us a favor. favor, when it's not a favor, it's just constitutional right to say to that these documents are declassified. he has that right. he doesn't need to ask anybody else. soat what is the basis? he was cooperating. devon, we've been through this with the russia collusion hoaxr and it was three long yearsth ao and feeling every layer of every onion that we have here.ts what's fascinating, too, is this is the exact same fbi office that was involved in
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that russia collusion falsehood thatruss they perpetrated on the american people, the same exact people. now , why would we believe them now?w? why would we trust them now? weren't'tan any of those people held accountable? well, look, we shouldn'tnt instructing his team has been replaced by a new cabal. so i don't knowa ne ifw they wee trained by struck. but one of the things that i've been saying that republicans are going to have to get a hold of and ultimately i think president trump and his legalho team are going to have to get a hold of if it is indeed true that these agents worked for mueller and they went on to say to the new york fdny cases, they went on to january 6th. they went on to the raid at mare a lago. these people are no better thant struckha and page. and hopefully it's true that some fbi agents are now coming forward because that's one thing we didn't have back on the day of the russia hoax. the height of it. t but i would also say this the focus on mueller should be focused on this. mueller and his team should be under investigation. i called for it at the time
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and i still call for it today. i don't know durham will evero get to them, but perhaps maybe some of these fbi agents are involved in this latest raid on mar a lago. good to rai see you and congrats on truth and its successhr through social and olema. thank you for being with when we come back , you're not going to believe the flip flop that found his latest commentsat on school closings. and we're going to show you what we said. we'll get reaction fromt rro senator rand paul straight ahead. and then later,er our very own sarah carter spoke with a human smuggler in central america. where do you seeug this as we continue when it's go time? i don't like constipation. stop me new great tasting. doca likes to improve my work naturally with the water in your body in as little as 30 minutes, you can go fast, go gently and go on with life. you don't go actually for bites, put you comfortably in control diamonds. the jewelry exchange has this five carat fiesta for twelve thousand that's over 95% off wholesale rappoport one and a half here it's certified
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pregnancy related complications. for now, idaho's ban, which goes into effect thursday, would have made performing an abortion in early pregnancy a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. federal judge's decision will likely be appealed and it was an emotional victory in court for the widow of late basketball great kobe bryant. a jury agreeing that los angeles county must pay vanessa bryant sixteen million dollars. so were pictures taken of her dad husband at the scene of a 20 20 helicopter crash? bryant tearfully testified during the 11 day trial that she still has panic, taxed at the thought of the pictures and they might still be out there. i'm ashley strohmeyer and i'm back to handy for all of your headlines. log on to fox all right. now, dr. doom and gloom flip flop fauci is out trying to rewrite history now claiming he never shut down anything s and that there was no irreparable harm from prolonged
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schoolom closures is actually t saying this. it's totally untrue.s tot butally u take a look. do you regret particularly the last one , the shutdown, ? the sweeping shutdown that some said made things worse? no,, i don't, neal. and infa fact, i think we need o make sure that your listeners understand i didn't shut down anything but that it went too far that particularly for kids who couldn't go to school except remotely, that it's forever damaged themeler. well, i don't think it's forever irreparably damagedly anyone. but i think d d obviously and if you go back people selectively, neal, pull things out about me . i wass also one of the peopleat that said we've got s to do t everything we can to get the children back in school. all right. now, of course, dr. fauci appears to be doing damage control ahead of his
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soon departure from the federal government. that's in december. can't be soon enough. remember, it was fauci who supported the school for twoannd masking year olds and said vaccines and transmissions would stop all transmission when she got vaccinated. you're not going to get it. and then he told the nih, you know, he told congress they never funded afunction research at the bujon lab, which is an outright lie. and so he's lying about that among other things. and it's why fauci and other so-called experts have loston the confidence, rightly so, offi you, the american public.ub but senate republicans like senator rand paul , they are vowing toau hold him accountable and they are demanding that he preserve all documents, all communications in his possession if reaction is kentucky senator rand paul . you know,w, senator , this is a guy that said masks don't work. and it was one mask and it was two masks and it was mask potentially in perpetuity.
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and then the guy that said ifto you get the vaccine, you're not going to get covid. you can't be more wrong than than he has been on this pandemic. it's been a disaster. has he's been blatantly dishonest throughout. take a school situation. i debated i hadad a war of wordi with him over the schools and i said there's no evidence that children are dyingng large in large numbers. there's noo evidence that they're being hospitalized in large numbers. the kids needo to go back in school. i showed him the charts ofi europe. t i showed him the charts ofhe sweden where the kids were still t in school and he specifically rebuked it and said no, the schools mustow be shut down. now, what he's trying to say h is hee didn't pass a law forcing the schools to be shut down. but his advice was transmitted to the public health doctorsto and all the democrat states and the democrat governors shut down the schools. some republican et governors did do. but it's disingenuous,
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. shonest he was in favor of locking the schools down and nowav he's trying to backtrack it. but we've asked them toer preserve his records because h i do believe he wase also involved in covering upp the origins of the virus. he and many of his friends, when they saw the sequence of mrna of the virus, said, holy cow, this looks just like what the chinese were asking us for research money last u year to do so they were alarmed from the gett go . a but i think there was a cover up after they became alarmed about this. i thinkkry they tried to cover t up one point on the school's o florida schools were open ins, august of 2020. remember i, they opened first a and they let the kids go to school and guess what? they did just fine in florida. also as it relates to gain ofo function research, we now know that fauci knew that that was taking place in human virologyro lab. we a we alsols know the nih funded the what eco alliance and that money went to the wukong lab.
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they also studied coronaviruses there. e so they knew the whole time and we can tell from the emails back and forth that they knew from the from the get go thatat this is happening. why is he lying about it t and what does that mean thatnd he's lying under oath before congress? not only did he lie aboutnc afunction research, he lied about saying the experts had told him that this was not a function research. soso we had a hearing on this recently and i had three scientists come inn. and what they said is experts never told him itol wasn't a function because the experts on the committee were never asked to look at this . so he said it wasn't going to function research and ginning these making super deadly viruses. but the committee never looked t at it. ee the committee that t needs to look at dangerous viruses, pandemic viruses meets in secret. and we don'ton know their names, but we do d knowo that they've admitted they never reviewed this project . this is a realhe problem. ga thisin could happen again. six million people diedop
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worldwide from this virus or more . and we need to makee sure that a lab like like this never happens again. but the first thing they haveaie to do is give the evidence we need to have an objective airing of the truth on this. and that's what'ss going to happen in november when we win, we are going to investigate every last shred of evidence and he will be subpoenaedti and he will have to testify under oath. senator , i hope you won't stop and i hope we get that majority and we appreciate you beingjori with us. absolutely. straight ahead t tonight, our very own sarah carter sator down for an exclusive interview with a human smugglerexcl ins central america. you don't want to miss thisil and then we'll talk about it with chip roy and geraldo rivera. they react coming uper next on "hannity" joe biden. it's like you see fox, who returns with an all new episode featuring joe logan. he's a podcast comedian, a mixed martial arts expert.
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tonight on our southern border e as our very ownrn sarah cartersa has anra exclusive hanadixc investigation revealing the dangerousity reality of humn trafficking and smuggling under the bidentraf border crisis.e and she joins us now to explain a lot more . sarah , a lot going on down there. oh, yeah. it surely is shocking and it's just gut wrenching and heartbreaking. p youar know, it's part of an ongoing docu series project that i'm working on . i spent more than a week in central america recently. i had the opportunity actually to interview a human traffickerer. us it was a very tenuous and kind of dangerous situation. i was hesitant at first to do a the interview, although i didltm want to find out more information and he wanted to speak with meme actually because of the number of children we know, hundreds of thousandsds of children are being trafficked from central america and from all over the world. trrito the united states . and even this human traffickerve couldn't bear what was
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happening to them and that's why he talked to me. i want to take a listen to this. what do youth do for a living? i am the guy who takes people to the u.s. immigrants, to be exact. so whatt made you decide to do it? i like to take the risk of r doing it and i knew that people would get a lot of money out of it. so you have ann entiree>> route that your organization controls from el salvador to the united states .asie is it easier tor traffickedet the children and get them inm than the adults? more risky to get to the cartels. they are asking for children, for them to trafficked with drugs and everything. what is it that we don'tha understand? whatt don't is it that is so bat what is happening, especially when we think of it like the trafficking of human beings ,the narcotics that most
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people just don't understand. n in the case of children, it really scares to seen the reality that they can go through. h and forim him it's pretty horrific to seeee how they arey murdered in many cases. are they just so powerful now that it's going to be it was going to result in an all out war in an effort to stop it? i mean, is it just aret they just so powerful that it'sf going to be impossible for any one person to stop this struggle? there's no way that they already have so much power, the cartels, that she thinks that it's too late to stop them, sean. and there is so s much more tha he wentin into. we're going to go into that inou part two coming to you tomorrow. but just on monday, a five year old girl lost herer life in the rio grande river.s her mother was trying toin go across the river with her.
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she was holding her in her arms and like people warn allo the time, the undercurrent was so strong it s swept the young child from her arms. another baby almost drowned. that baby is in the intensive care unit as well here at saner antonio, texas. e n anthe hospital. but i have to tell you, thousands of children disappear all the time even before they make it to the rio grande river. many of them will never be found. many offf them t their names will never be known. and when we bring you that second part tomorrow, it is very disturbing. it is very graphic. and there were instances in that interview i had no idea what was happening to these children, far beyond the kidnapping, far beyond the f predatorsar. i think every american should know what's happening and thatul border is not only a national ny security risk, but it's abusivet and it's a humanitarian crisis sean. all right, sad but fascinating reporting. the american people need to see this.
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here w with reaction to texas congressman chip roy t is with us , along with the co-host of the five geraldo rivera here. althought i want to start with you because our audience knows yout you fight the humanitarian side of this issue and you want americans to have compassion for all these a people that want to cross our borders. it is not too much to ask, however, t look what's happenin. they take this perilous journey. being tak, girls are being ,kids are dying. and all because joe is allowing people to break the law would not would not enforcing d the laws he's aiding and abetting lawbreakingyi. and as a result, there are people dying. make a making this perilous journey isn't the more compassionate thing to doo is to enforce the law, make people , do here legally background checks, haveil a health check, make sure that people won't be a financial burden on the american people? that to me follow the law. it sounds safer for everybody, isn't it?t?sais
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it is indeed, sean. and i think that first of all, i don't buy the i lovet sarah carter and her reporting is spot on . we needdwe to nee know what is g on . and along with bill manoogian, and the fox reporters on the border, the network is covering this crisis like never before. no one can denyke the scope, the magnitude, the horror as the as the former kayode was indicating, kayode, you know, everybody knows means wild dog. they're also pajaro herders of chicken . that is a multiday billion dollar international criminal that is now in charge largely of getting these people across.ak the harder wee make the border, the more they need the coyotes to tod get around our border patrol, our fine lawhe enforcement at the border. we need to do a lot of things.
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we've got to make it tougher to get across. we alsoo need a brand new ellisl island, the the famedan a portae for immigrants in new york city. we need that at the u.s. mexico southern border. we need to have a place where these these desperate people can come in safety in a regulated legal way. but both parties in our countryk and you know, the strong republicans as well as democrats , as long as much as the other guy is the one they point fingers this way. all right. change the law,ea butn: enforcew the law,. congressman, you have you'reu on the front lines of all a this . i think one of the bestji political jujitsu moves ever made was by your governor , governor abbott, and then later governor desantis. and that is okay. texas and arizona and border states have been bearing the brunt of all of this.l joe biden, the illegal immigration, send them to the sanctuary city of new york , send them to
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california sen, send them to delaware, send them to dcm all of a sudden. now those those states are only getting just a glimpse of what texas has been dealing with now since joe biden became president. sideand they don't like it. they want fifty million dollarse here and they want the national guard called up. they're fascinating. yes.g. that's exactly right. i mean, watching eric adams,tc watching mayor bowzer dc complain about a few hundredeo people getting dropped off in their city while we deal with about 8000it a day acrosse the southwest border, probably 4000 or 5000 of that in texas. comp it's pretty astounding to watch them complain about resources forla you know, as i've said before, even on fox,x,el welcome to the party. we're dealing with this every single day and it is a humanitarian crisis and i want every listener to understand what it's like to go down to a ranch in south texas watching grown men and families cry because they find dead bodies on ranches, dead bodies of migrants, mobile morgues. was brooks county, which sheriff benny martinez have to pull down there to deal with dead
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migrants. the body that sarah talkedi about, i thought i heard it was a three year old, she said, a five year old littlee girl in. the river. i almost watched a familyyan die in the stream of the current illegal past when i was down there a month ago. i read a story yesterday ofst a ten year old girl who was processedd through our own government, delivered to a family and then put in toou a house,, abused and cut in supposedly the greatest country in the world. and we have stash houses with seventy three people, thirteen kids inna our nation's capital . i'm tired of this. i'm tired of an administration hiding behind supposed asylum, allowing people to get hurt and my state to get hurt. it g is time to secure the border. the united states for the benefit of our country who seek toantsbe come here. i know what they're saying i about on ellis islands. we allow a million people a year to come here. one fifth of our population are foreign born, but we can't allow a wide open border runll by cartels smuggling people in here, killing americans and migrants. we're profiting into human trafficking. i'm tired of it. ..i rather, we got one minute fr
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you to respond. one minute for r response. >> i a i absolutely admire the congressman's passion. i think governor abbott's stunt in sending the migrants by bus to new york and washington, d.c. were actually brilliant moves w because it is again showing the american people the magnitude of this human crisis. we must do something. rk but t republicans and democrats have to work together to do something together that trump's hotel wasn't completelyic one those to stay in mexico policy work. the wallworko, th. id ifen walls didn't work, joe bidn wouldn't be building one around the national passion it in the world today. why congressman's passion where where is his suggestion? whatbout are we going to do for people who want to come? hang on . let them respond quick. congressman, i say enforce the laws we have.rc if you want to expeditege
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a process, change the law, make it easier, but you don't get in if you don't do it legally, period. otherwise, i don't really care where you come from. >> do it legally. that's exactly right. president biden. al marketsle don't want a secure border. b they want to have wide openor bordersdean to have their new wd order, like the deputy pressr secretary said inli the white is bad for america and bad for t migrant. secure the border and then youhc can have an actual humanitarian process. all right. thank you both. straight pha ahead tonight, ant explosive lawsuit in florida after one school district administered a gender affirming procedures without parental notice. the father, wendell perez, a will join us along with his attorney. that's straight ahead. anew video dry eye drops with hydrating moisturizing hyaluronic acid and revitalizing through reduced dryness, discomfort and strength. why did we see a better way disguised?
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are you kidding me? there's messi and renaldo know. but that's my time to shine. we're not supposed to compete with that, you know. let's get blitzen on the phone. i got to get back up there right. i got to l.a. we will come to you. an emergency in the absence of charles on september 19th on fox watch. any time seems to be with the unprecedented raid. it's more important than ever to teach your kids the truth about president trump. that's why mike huckabee's team wants to give your family the kids guide to president trump his bundle for three important it to your kids
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says that the clayys county school district secretly transitioned his 12 year oldar daughter without his knowledge-o , wwhich was a major contributing factor in her attempting suicide not once but twice. the father, well, hee f is now standing up i for suing the school district over all of this madness and all of these abuses, laying out numerous civil rights violations. le get this, while t the school district told us in a statement that the allegations are, quote, completely false. well, the district's legal filing tells a totally different story becauseff according to the defendantser motion to dismiss, the district appears to concede the facts of the case, but argues they had b no duty to inform the parents about the gender transition. and meanwhile, good news across the state of florida last night as well. school board memberss were ousted in elections all across the state of florida. and according to the 1776 project , while conservatives one major school board victories in counties including
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clay county and sarasota and miami-dade and many more here with morend is the father in the lawsuit, wendell perez, along with his w attorney bernadette broils is with us .s wendell, first let's go through the facts a little bit in thiss case. so you got ph a phone call with your wife that your daughter tried to hang bathroom. a school h she's only 12 years you were then informed thatr the motive was her ongoing gender identity issues. something you and your wife were not aware of. and then you were told that your daughter at school had been referred to by male pronouns and otherwise encouraged to act male. now, is the districtal actually acknowledging all of i that is true? sdi and whyd didn't they bring you into the loop? you know,ou your daughter is ony 12 years old. why didn't they tell you? something that they're going to have to t answer? certainly. apparently they they found that
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we wereth unfit to be taking cae of our daughter. and on thison issue, they mentioned there when we were in this situation that it was also because of our catholic christian beliefs and when i questioned then about the lack of parental notification in this case, they said that there were confidentiality issues that u prevented them from tellings us about it. who are they to tell you you're unfit and then say there are more fit to guide your daughter in suchh a controversial wayda? who do they think they are? or certainly they think that they are the parents we completely erased from the picture until my daughter attempted suicide. that's when
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they decided to notify us about what was going on . well, well, let y me ask you, bernadette. you know, youad would think t their motion to dismiss that,he, they would say it didn't happen. that's not that was not in their motion to dismiss as a matter of fact, they concedeac that the alleged facts are true, arguesg th that they had o duty under the law to inform the parents i. t isn't that an admission that they did it, did all of it, even they denied it publicly? well, they're not able to deny the facts because the facts happened, as we have described,n and they're attempting to assert a nonexistent right of privacy of minor children . ainst their own parents that is not that is a non-existent right. iand what was most important fr your viewers to understandht is that the nightmare that this family has experienced is set
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to become the potential nightmare of families acrossma the countryre. sure, as you know, i'm sure, sean, that the biden administration is seeking now to change the rules that apply title nine , the civil rights law in 1972 that ensured girls would have equal access to education. the sports opportunities. s. they now want to expand thatt includewhgulation to gender identity. what that will do is that they will force as a federalat mandate that every school has to adopt the tenets of gender , ideology and immediate affirm any child to assert a gender identity. contrary school socially transitioning children at school and there's no n requirement of notification or consent ofent parents in additn to t so that is going to place children in harm's way.y? why? and i'm sure youur know, sean, because children are socially transitioned are very, very, very likely to move onto then
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surgical and chemical changes tol c their bodies while they're still developing. this will interfere with theiret physical development. it leads to. treatments that end in sterility, infertility and lifelong dysfunction. and finally, perversely, it will harm girls because girls will no longer be able to demand their private spaces, be exempt from males and they will be forced to compete against biological males ine sports . bio this is devastatinglogi. we have until september 12th to go onto the federal register site, flood them with comments as to the harm this will cause to either delay this this massive nonsense or to set inio motion things that will allow other partsn of the government to shut this down. thank you for being with us, sean hannity right after this. hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about
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evening. as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never miss an episode. t and don't forget for news any time fox news, hannity, .comm and in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble or ingram and the ingram angle is next. have a great night. i'm laura ingraham. this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the road trip may it rest in peace. that's the focus of tonight's angle. so what is it you do? i'm a driver. sometimes all i want to do is head west on twenty car i can afford with a plan i don't have just me my music in the road is a fine automobile. you want my honest opinion beats the hell out of the sports wagon. but i'm not your
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