tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News August 26, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> unfortunately, that's all the time we have left for in. the evening. thank you for tuning in. i also want to thank you foro t keeping my book, battle forg the american mind about the k through 12 takeover by the lefte of our school systemork ti on the number one new york times best sellemer list weeks n on the best seller list for ten weeks, no. one for four.d thank you very much.ys and and remember, you can catch me saturdays and sunday mornings on fox and friends weekend. g me sit in the and thank you to sean for letting me sit in the big anchor chair. i have a great evening. next. the ingram angle is up next. laura , good evening.d evening. >> laura: cong great to see you. congrats on the book and we it p will pick it up for you left off. all right. i'm laura ingram . this is ingram angle froma a busy washington tonight.f wite we're going to start right offhe with the lies of the left. >> that is the focus of tonight's angle. f thumb. all right, here's an angle,er ad rule of thumb. whenever a democrat inem ansensb election year claims to be a t sensible moderate or claims that he's going to challenge his party's orthodoxy, he's lying.
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national review's headline today made me howl. moderate come outs against biden's out of touch, student loan forgiveness. schoo on to quote ohio democrat and senate candidate tim ryan , who claimed yesterday that the biden debtat cancelation sends the wrong messag thee to the millions of ohioans without a degreeor working just as hardking to make ends meet. now, ryan thinks voters are really stupid. wit he voted with pelosi and biden 100% of the time this congress. yeah, and yet now because he's running against a real populist in advance, he's tried to morph into being is one himself. it's all lies. the trutall liesthe trh is , ift ryan , just like allen the other pretend moderates out there will be another sure vote for the biden agenda. and biden's doddering demeanor is so bad thes ise days that democrats who are up for reelection are saying thanks ree but no thanks, joe .ppearanc to any personal appearances by the leader of their owntheir partowy. you can believe it. mark kelly in arizona couldn't bring himself to tell the truth
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when asked about biden joining him on the campaign trail. to o >> i'll welcome anybody to come to arizona, travel aroune das lon the state at any time. as long as i'm here, you know,t if i'm not up in in washington in session and talk about what arizona needs. >> of courserse,, that's a lie.n he and most every other compe democrat running in one mpetitive race wants bidenti and his forty one point five percent approval rating nowhere near by now. nowhere nea someother lie is that somehow biden has like what turned the corner. it has joementum. he has renewed focus and he really has the wind at his back really. >> they want a national band. they want to pass a legislative national ban in the congress. if the magary republicans winl control of the congress, itcong won't matter where you live. yowomen won't have the right toi choose anywhere will qualify roe v. wade. aura this really is all the democrats have to run on .
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they don't have a plan to raisea your standard of living or to tackle the fentanyl surge atf lg the border. no, no, no.. but they have a plan to facilitate more abortions in the united states . they don't intend to save youm h from inflation or the cartels, but from republicans in places like mississippi and oklahoma who want to protect the unborn.t look, they can't run on a real agenda banning gas powered cars, banning beef openn borders. of course, the indoctrinationi. of kids. n so they're running on the abortion line. it's veto has in texas women>> to ma all across texas are no longer free to make decisions about their own body, no longer free to choose if a pregnancy ou is right for us or our families. and women will die because of it all, because of greg abbott's abortion law, it's toow extreme. >> i first o.f all, i wouldn'tud have used the heartbeat
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background sound effect.that i d i think that didn't work. they need something, anything to grab on to it to avoid being swept away in a red wave. they r so no surprise that they're attributing their win in one special election to abortion as well.. and suddenly the resultssu of new york's 19th district wheretn pat ryan beat mark molinaro have overwhelming significance. he madficance abortion rightsofs a central focus of his campaign. this test forg c democrats who are hoping thatdrn this becomes a driving issue and mobilizes voters inbortio november. they are seeing that abortionn is a good and effectiv ffectivee form them argument against the attacks on the >> supreme court nukingrt nukin abortion rights has shiftedg the midterm to the democrats. to well, it's either a lie or wishful thinking because the truth is the outcome here turned on a single county.o wa and guess who is executive for that county? yeah, the county executive wasu? pat ryan. e in fact, democrats have been pointing to the four specialpeci
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electionals that swung their way since the dobs decision as proof positive thats aborti will lead them to the electoral promise land. ical but as dave wasserman of cook political notes, those four districts have something in common. dem successes in these specials have been fueled by highd engagement in college heavy enclaves like lincoln, nebraska, rochester, minnesota, ulster county, new york . and ithaca, new york pockets not all that representative of the larger fall electorate, not to mention that in poll afterleh poll voters have signaled thatei their number one concern is then economy and will wait.d where does abortion fall? according to pew, it'sim the eighth most important priority behind things like educatio likn, safety and supree court appointments. but you gosupremt to hand it tos the democrats. i think that because as republicans in leadership, they gripe about the quality oft our candidates. democrats, no matter how bad things look, no matteron a h how dismal they are politically, they just put
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a happy face. >>e we're happy if you feeld tt good, feels good. we have this sort of season of e shame where democrats are just so disappointed and frustrated. what's going on in dc? dismayed by the republicans. we've gone from disappointing to determine nowinte because bin is winning. if he's not lying, he's delusional for biden to be winning, he would need to be improving the lives of the people he's supposed to be serving the american people. but peopleden? american feeling about things under biden? well, a majority is saying thamt america's best days are behind her. 74% say the country is on the wrong track if that level ta of pessimism qualifieso se as winning, i'd hate to see what losing looks like under biden. ast when polls begin to tighten, as is already happening in pennsylvania, i'm telling you, democrats prepare for thise fo. g to they are going to look evenbecoe more desperate, become even more desperate e beyond abortio and their professed belief that
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biden's agenda is actuallyothero popular.lyin there are other go to lieof mil is the smearli of millions of their fellow americans. the radica thl governor of new york , kathy hochul, doesn't want tt o debateto republicans on the issues. >>e only wants to demonize them. we're fighting to bring w government back to the people hs and out of the hands o of dictators. and we're here to say thate the era of trump and zeldin, jup and molinaro just jump on a bus and head down to florida where you belong. hough. you don't represent our values.n you are not new yorkers.t ounot new yorkers.>> lau thinrak about that for a moment. this from a woman who treats illegals as full fledged citizens but now taxpaying residents who disagree with her politically. they actually don't even hav politicaetually the right to liv be in thisy state. she actually believes that. th, but luckily forere' the gop, there is a governor who knows how to flip
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the script on the true dictators we protected people'ss freedoms, jobs, businesses. we mad, e sure kids could be in school and we liberated twenty two million floridians from local mandates and restrictions. we protectedrestrictions. them against vax mandates. i think the people that are dictatorial are the ones that want to lock you down. bingo. the same people who were fine with shuttering schools,ation, t devastating education and the mental health of our young o peopleur you. fine with forcing policef and nurses off the job for idiotic vaccine mandates are now calling republicans extremer voters are excited to defeatthe these extreme republicans who are running for congress who do feel like republicans are sort of misread the landscape because i mean, they're still talking about crimree and inflation.he they are misreading the landscape and democrats are landg somethin g that joy that we don't always do well, which is we are defining republicans
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for the extremism.extremis >> you're getting the fame here. but you know what is extreme robbing children, especially disadvantaged children and minorities o of thf b the opportunity to go tos re school, all becausefuse their parents refused to a get a mikovits shot they don't want and they don't need. that's dictatorial . s pr and this is precisely what the venal and heartless mayor of dc where we are rightare toni tonight, muriel bowser is mandating not only is she blocking any students who arestn unvaccinated from attending school, she won't even let theml learn virtually because apparently you can get covid from the zoome. som. for more than 40% of black students who are unvaccinated, . no education for you. you want to talk about jim crow ? that's jim crow. it's not just extreme.vind it's vindictive.ic tiand i bet i bet she has a hate has no home here. yard sign in front of her residence to boot, rewarding the
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the elites fighting to kill the unborn and the demonization of your fellow americans. that is on strate of a national strategy. so i say keep it up. democrats keep telling yourselfe those lies and that's the angle. joining me now, stevenat's "th o founder of america first legal, former senior adviser to president trump and mollie hemingway, senior editor at the federalist and fox news contributor mollie, ifhe they really thought their policies were so popular, would they be running to the abortion issue so enthusiastically? >> well, first off, i don't think abortion is as good of an issue for them as they seem toen think. extre their view is actually incredibly extreme. every singl extreme. democrat acrosstry beli the country believes that thaton abortion should be allowed through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason. so if you want to kill an unborn child because she's a girl, they think that that should be fine. the republican positioan positin is simply that states should be able to make those decisionso themselves. so i'm notse dt sure i as peoplk about these issues, whether that argument will even workgumr but obviously the real issues are the ones that people really
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care about in their day to day.e this is the economy, inflation, the border which is completely. open in the south, crime which is rampant in so many citiesool. and what's happening in our schools. and democrats don'ats don'have l anything to say about this.stor? can you believe the d.c. story?l kids aren'l t goinnog to be ablo go virtual if that tells youo everything. e peoples ar these people are i'm going to say iopn america,le childrenople are frauds. they don't care aboutu your children. they don't care about you. it's all aboutwillit's the real dictatorship of ideas. i'm sorry i'm so upset aboutou this. i can't i can't even believet be it. stephen , here's what bidenn sad said at a fundraiser in that occurred before his 30 minute rant tonight.d and by the way, it screwed uup . traffic all over d.c. he said we're seeing now that eitherw th the beginning or the deathf knell of an extreme maga agendap . it's not just trump, it's almost semi fascism, he said>> r stephen . well, i think freud called thatt projection. if you want to know whatfascis the fascist party is in america, it's joe bidet nat is
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democratic party. what is fascism raidinfag the home of your political opponent for purely political reasons, shuting on people's lives and businesses, kicking people out of school becauschools b eing pe they won't get your vaccine, leaving people at the mercy ofo violent criminals weaponizes injustice against your political oppositioizingn.i those are fascist actions. you know, this fascistscis forgiving student loan debt illegally going around congress with no constitutional authority instead of asking for a law. all of those activities are fascist and republicans should e point out that we are now a the freedom party. they are now the party of tyranny and repression and control from air >> lconditioning to now gasd powered vehicle. i mean, we've heard it all. molly, here wa hes another stellar moment from biden's rant fest this evening and it's not hyperbole.ival the very survival of our planet is on the ballot and it's notde hyperbole. now you need taco vote to literally save democracy again. kids, get off my lawn. molly, your reaction thatf
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is the definition of hyperbole. but these this type of rhetoricr reallyic is frustrating because when you thinkth about the definition of fascism, thisa is the joining of corporations with the party. just tonight we saw mark zuckerberg says that the fbi had facebook censor the hunter biden laptop and information. that's what so manchy technology companies are doing in in congress with these with a party that is fascism. that is something that everyonew should hate, whether they'rean republican or democrat. and it's happening and it's really affecting our freedom. yesterday. int, goopeni speaking of molly's point, google announced yesterday that was going to undertake a disinformation scrub in europe. so everything that's happening in europe they want to bring here. right. so that's ultimately her coming here. disinformation, scrub and worse, you're step one they really want is the chinesean system here in america. that's what they really admire, admi of these. what is your credit score score tonight? it's very low. it's ver tonight? en thinky don't i don't even think you rate on the size of credit score, but it's do youeso imagine giving democracy lectures from the lock down party democracm y lectures from
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the people that stole the childhood of millions of students wouldn't even let theml go to school and it's still not letting them go to school. democrac?y lectures fromm the a president who is illegally violating the law evero is iy dy by keeping our border open. despite decades of laws passedy by congress saying that the border has to be secure and illegal immigrants deported. this is ima man who has contemptdemocrac for democracy, contempt for congress and contempt foraura the american people. forty one point five percent is the five thirty eight approval for biden. they're actually bragging about that's a that's a brag for them. them. >>d people say thatbiden. things are going better for biden. yeah, it's like the momentum joementum. e in fact, his numbers are even lower than they were last year and the policies are so deeplye unpopular that that's whyth the fundamentals of this electione electiai will remain y and the out party, which is the republican party, should standcw to gain.want to do they do need to articulate what they want to do. i agree with molly and they're telling me i have to go .abou but i have to ask you, yourshipf wrote a great column about this. the leadershippublican and gre f
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the republican party griping about the candidates. i'm done with thate cand.. leat they've got to stop that. these people are courageous to be in this ring right out. first time candidates, blake masters, herschel walker, i mean, i wasn't for us , but you've got to have oswin and you had you had the point that people say that they don't like the direction of the country. having outsider candidates is a response to that. and regardless if if the the leadership can't support theseadershie candidates, they d just be the life of the republic is at stake. right. just get out of the way. you can't support just the planet. i love it. it's not's hyperbole. 't vote d but if you don't vote democrat, we're all burning up pretty much. all right, w stephen , molly,e k great to see you both in studio. now, we spoken over the past few days about, as i just t mentioned, of molly,p the courage it takes t o even step into the arena, run for office in a time where you're just going to be trash. 24/7 24/7, especially if you'v. never done it before. you're not used to it.'t used i'm used to it. but most people aren't used to it. caw, most of the new republican candidates are there kind of political neophytes, yet they're just itchingit ticao debate their views in front of the voters. the democrats on the other has
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agreed to a real debate. >> any debates? no, no.i ha i've accepted five major mediaan companies, five debates. he's not respondedtes. >> he owes it to america. oh, is it the pennsylvania fetterman? >> it's just one of a handful h of democrats who have showshn zero interest in debating, including the opponent ofrepubl our next guest. washington republican senate candidate tiffany smiley joins t me now. tiffany, we reached out to patty murray's office. they're pourin g money into this race. they're really worried about you. they would not commit to debate ,only an announcement they sayss is forthcoming. they committed to the announcement. your response tonight? >> i am ready to debate my opponent, patty murraynd tal and talk about our competing visions for washington state. i'm excited becausabone i just launched my agenda for recoverym and reform. it's tim. e that we turned crisis into hope here in washington. state.
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and you know, look, patty murray, is she afraid to debate a farm girl from pasco,she af washington, or she afrairad to? defend her 30 year record in the senate where she's actually chairwoman of the senate health committee and has chosen to do nothing about the financial crisis that's tearing up our state. she refuses to address the issues that families arele y facing every single day. i am ready to debate her in a yes is a yes. now, you recently put out an ad that had cnn all in a tither tonight about the abortion issue because as i as i just i'm , do we have the ad goes? yeah, we have it.ause i want to play it because i'veai got to say i'm a big critic of political ads. i think these ad meisters makemo a ton of moneyney an and they u do lousy ads. this is a great ad watch. >> patty murray has spentt millions to paint me as an extremist. i'm pro-life, but i oppose, fedel abortion ban.
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she showed you this picture of me and trump, but doesn't showhe you this one or mention i was there fighting for veterans health what's extreme?? thirty years in the senate and nothing to show for it.patt patty murray wants ty muo scare you. i want to servo serve you. that is a terrific ad. it's from the heart.t itsp speaks to your personalbans experience. your husband was the first active dut firsty blind servicet member who was able to continue his his duties. tha you made that happen. incredibly inspiring story. the but they think they can rideabon the abortion issue all the waya, to victory. tiffanie, your response to you the mega mega extreme charge that they're launching at you will look in this race, there'se one extreme and that's patty murray because washington stateh long decided where they stand on the abortion issue inback t nineteen seventy, the supreme court gave the power back to the peoplee people in the states. to
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and that's where i have always believed it belonged prior toak alsodecisionit. so i was making that clear in my ad and also ensuring that i look forward to when i'm in the senate, i will fight forto women to have access toalth c contraception, for health care, for child care. and unlike pattyarchild murrayl get it done. patty wants to use fear right to win. i'm using hope to win. there is one extreme as pattyk ' murray. if she could change washington state law, she wouldt hang it wd be taxpayer funded abortion on demand all the way up to the point of birth. she's not going to debate it and we are not going to i'm sorry to. that is not going to happen.happ that thaent that debate just. no way. i don't think it's going to happen. i have to get to something. tiffanie, i did not know i confessed until tonight, okay, that washingto n state is following california. oh, almost word for word with the gas powered vehicle ban all out ban twenty thirty five . it's phased in veryry aggressively four years from age now, i think eight years from now and then. bu.t this is this is going to
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devastate the the car driving public in your state. i cannot imagine even in granola washington state that this is popular. well even i mean you thinkanspoa about our transportation, our trucks, our agriculturure. you think of all of that, you know, in the inflation reduction bill , there'sthere' actually a tax on natural gas.ig so your natural gas is going tog be going this winter. and i think we need to be calling these cars natural gas cars because we got to get our energy somewhere. we need an all of the aboveo approach. ie we need tos ensurine that famin in washington state don''t gty their lights turned out on them. and if anyone wants to join meui in this fight to win the seven eight six oh eight to join us in holding patty murray and joe biden accountable for their failed policies, you ind i this which i think you're going to do this devastating. tiffany, thank you. and what information will we really get out of the unsealedve affidavit behind that raidhi on mar a lago? some new details may surprise
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you. plus, how nasdaq is being taken to court overruled. demanding companies thatde they lismanded companit the divo quotient of their boards. i kid you not the lawyer behind this lawsuit is here next. r ani domm you have a life insurance policy? you no longer need? t we qui now yocku can sell your policy, even a term policy for immediate cash payment. we thought we had planne0 dor mr carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. fi one hundred thousand dollars or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policndct. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visicall the t coventry direct .com to find out if your policyin qualifies or call 1-800- five one five four one zero zero coventry direct redefining insurance. hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know
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are you excited because we're just hours away from the deadline to unseal ure the redacted mar a lago ra'edda affidavictedago ratet. magistrate judge bruce reinhart's sorry, i can't believe he's a magistrate hasn given the doj until noondoj mike tomorrow. former clerk now joining me now is mike davis, article three project president and former clerk for supreme court justice neil gorsuch. mike , you say s that even thouh the affidavit is getting released, the redactions will render it meaningless.why h so so why the parlor games here?? >> i'm not getting it. yeah, this t is going to be a political game against wall because you think about this way. president trump had the absolute constitutional right to declassifthey anythingo wanted. he had the statutory right to make a copy of whatever hee righ declassified a personal record of his. he took record s of mar a lagofied p that were declassified and personal. and some of those recorderof ths
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included the declassified crossfire hurricane, russian collusio n records that are highly, highly politically damaging to obama, hillary biden, the fbi, the intel biy and the president, trump on januaryan 19th, the day before he left office, signed the declassification memo and the justicon memo e departmt and the intel community and theg national archives have draggeded their feet do not . they don't want to make theses l records public. and i think that's what's driving this wholeic the bidenth administration deliberated for weeks. d attorney general merrickhey went garland said they should shop. they went to this biasedd judg e bruce rhinehart, magistrate judge bruce rhinehart, who justa recused from president trump's civil lawsuit versus hillary clinton eight weekws clintons ae twenty second because he has a clear bias towards president27 trump, as evidenced by his 2017 facebook post trashingsomehow president trump. wemehow his bias went away over the last eight weeks and thieks judge is going to rubber stamp the biden justice department's proposed redactions because
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this judge has roposed the same incentive as the biden justice department, which is to cover their tracks here. mike, t now, the redactions also allowir folks like former solicitor general neal katyal to n choose his own adventure lodge. i suspect it's going to have some information about donald trump. i expect in that affidavit to be a good discussion. all of the attempts that the justice department and fbi had to try and retrieve thesey u documents from more largo, whatw they thought was there, whaterea they were hearing was there and that the trust of the president trump was thumbing his nose at them. trut >> it' truth to this? it's just complete nonsense. s m if you saw what president trump and his team have said, they fully cooperate d with the department of justice. remember, the president hared p the absolute legal right tocord have these declassified personal records at hiatsds act residence. the presidential records act was passed in the 1970s,
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starting with president reagan. rco it contemplates that forme presidents have classified records. it gives them secure office space. it givesves him secure off themf with security clearances. it gives them secret service protection to guard the records . there was no allegation or evidence whatsoever that these records got into the wrong hands, like with hillary clinton's home servever, illegal home server that was hackedfo by foreign governments. this was a politicalreigvernment authorized unprecedented, unnecessary, unlawful political witch hunt authorized by attorney general merrick whic get back these crossfire hurricane records. number two get bac on the inven of the raid, the leather boundth documents. that's what this is all about. t they wanted tohe get these documents back because they're so. >> now, mike , this is while tomorrow is going to be interesting. >> thank you so much. corporate woke isme. on. meet the constitution this monday. lawyers are challenging nasdaq'sthis mon new rule on coe board diversity quotas before the federal 5th circuit court.
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of appeals. l stemits from the nasdaq effort to ask the securities and exchange commissionsecuriti to increase boardroom diversity through a regulatory approach, no less. now nasdaq listed companies would not only have to disclose the diversity characteristics of their existing boards, but also that have to retain at least one director who self identifies as female and at least one director who self identifies as black latitifiesni asian, native tw ao orme more raceris orcar me ethnicities or as lgbtq. q plus got it. firms that refuse will be shamed and have to publiclys to explain in writing why they do not meet nasdaq's quotas. here now is a man arguing this case. jonathan berry, partner with boyden gray and associates coief counsel to the president ,the president elect trump transition team. jonathan, great to see you tonight. transitinow, this is i mean,ingl i'm starting to laugh because
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it's so ridiculous. but this is this has real world consequences for corporate >> it a throughout. it reallrey does. this is this is capital on steroids. this is the left finishing itsi long march through corporate america and really trying to jam their diversity preferencesr on on corporate america. >> how is itat lau notra: discd ,jonathan? c how like i havorpoe a friendra . a corporate recruiter and she tells me basically that she could have five very talented non minority male candidates posipositions in their senior management positions. corporations are telling her we don't need we don't want to see them. yeah, it's it's to put to story. >> yeah, there's no question about it. you have you've got rank discrimination on the basis ofe, on the basis of race, sexual orientation, all of thatr stuff is going on right under our noses and it's awful.
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now nasdaq senior vice president explains the thought process behind all this watch. >> we did a lot of researche on on this issue before we putd spk forward our proposed rule. we also spoke to dozene s of organizations such as the aclu, naacp. so we feel really positive the w about the way we structured this rulaythe filing and we thik that it's going to be a really nice way to be a first step in this journey to bring more diversity into the boardroom. >>d room he doesn't realize he d be excluded under this searchutv for a new corporate executives. martt nice martha stewart like decor. so they did research.h and they got the okay from liberal organizations. but he didn't explain, of course, how it actually benefits corporations . what's the legal argument against this? is that a fiduciary clai argumen it?mg this against the corporations for doing this? so i would say it's first the and foremost it's constitution . you've basically got these es underanenforced penalty of law under the exchange act. and so they need tgeo comply with equal protection
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guarantee. they compelled speech guarantees and this kind of discrimination on the basis of race is is flatly on consent. i'm feeling pretty good about cs your case here. i'm feeling very good about. your case. i mean, this is like thi ths o is caricature of corporate style. it'sate styl in substance. it's straight up quotas. it's straight. you mustha havvee someonethis b who checks this box, someoneox who checks this box. it's flatl, ity unlawful for all kinds of reasons. >> and mothers across the country don't like hearing y this fairness across the board to everybody. jonathan, great to see you she's back., hi hillary, new streaming special. did you miss it?d you mi what's really going on there? and mayor goes to court to defend a repeat offender.raymon raymond arroyo has it allar details coming up. cnn on scene next. >> hi , my name is hank norten. i'm a veteran of both the iraq and afghanistan wars and a managing partner with the napoli's gulik law firm.
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if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and been diagnosed with liver disease, a compromised immune system, a thyroid disease or kidney cancer, your illness may be the result of exposure to contaminated drinking water at a military base caused by a toxic chemical used for firefighting and fire suppression. at these bases, lawsuits are now being filed against the manufacturers this fall. and my firm nappily skutnik is taking the lead in this litigation. if you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and have been diagnosed with a serious disease caused by fires ,you may have a claim against the manufacturers who contaminated the base's drinking water. veterans need to be protected. and as a veteran myself, i am committed to protecting your rights. please call for more information and thank you for your service. another sleepless night. your mind is racing more milk's not helping. it's kind of gross. try drug free midnight now
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for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, hillary is not back with a new streaming special that cannot>> be happening. is laura so once asked what difference does it make? well, i'm goinerenceg to tell yu hillary and her daughter chelsea are launching this appeal. plusg this special called gutsy. i think anyone who sits through this monstrous city is gutsy. tp >> wece are hitting the road to shin>>e light on women who inspire us to be bolder and braver. can you said the greatest thing you ever did was stay in your marriage. that doesn't meait doesn't meant for everybody. >> you're not going break me down. you get worn out befor e i do. f, who now, laura , first of all, who made hillary clinton the curatohillary r a bold and inspiring women? and now i'm going to leti will . answer the question. wh you wrote the book the hillarytn trap.k why do you think she stayed insh her marriage? the u.s. senat seat presidential ambitions? t h let me count the ways i thoughtt of just a couple of ideas, ab a couple of ideas now of allr ou the inspirational women for our daughterr s to look up to.
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you think hillary would avoid a woman who brought us whop megan the stallion and another "wap a tape? a s from >> under what circumstances may one use deadly force to defend themselves? yes, when one is being faced with deadly force themselves, no one believes that deadlydl force is imminent. reall i was also really intrigued s by how well she did.he did i wanted to, you know, putneed the spotlight on her, not that she needs it. >>the spotlight on her is cleary putting the spotlight on herself. laura , that's the whole reason for this thing. the fact that shfat e lost a lel quiz for kim kardashian is rather embarrassing. z her hi chelsea said it was because her mother had a bad buzzer hand . i think she's got a bad visa, but we'll leave that aside. k well, i think kim kardashianar is pretty smart, raymond. i mean, she's built.t a massives empire, right? maybe anti interesting beginning for sure, buning ft she's prettt well, i think she's really smart and an entrepreneur. >> a, nobody can take that awayr
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her. and if you need a reminder w wht hillary is strange to stay on the public radar, this is why laura , the president tonight took the stage attage a rally in maryland to whip upo his base . gry, it l was an angry, loud, cranky speech devoted to touting his spending bills. it's a bigout hi deal . some might even say it's a bfd.l we all try to take on the climate deniers and guess what? gu we beat them. we beat them.them the republicans don't just threaten our personal rights and economic security. they're a threat to our very democracy. they refuse to accept the will of the people they embrace, embrace political violence they don't believe in. >> laura , why does he talk like this all the time? it's always like this. ryan .e gr my males areea great, but it's a real it's a real turn about to try to suggest that it's republicans who are embracing
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violence law after we saw the summer of rage monumentsge,o being toppled, citienus burned., supreme court justices targeted pro-life clinics and churches defiled bombs, immigration, violence. come on now.ho 's embngwell, that's all justifl against the racist. you outrageous domesticclass. terrorist class. raymond, thatymond, i hear your mayor down in new orleans ,latoya cantrell, is up to some interesting thinga s. what is it? she's well, hot water. yeah, a little hot water after carjacking have increased by four hundred percent since 2019. the mayor appeared in court recently in defense of a youngls carjacker, not the victim's. i was in shock.he was shn'e wasn't there for us . she was there for the assault and his mother and she felt. like she was supporting a crime. >> well, now militaryor's cantrell's responding. she turns out this young offender was found guilty of robbing multiple womenad
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and carjackings law, but he had been through a city internship program the mayor founded in 2019. so mayor cantrell used her office to defend the perpetrator. but i didn't pic. k cy. that was my way of supporting this young person. g person tha that was required towa participate in a program that the city of new orleans had created and its funding that's supporting a young person that has made decisions that puts him on a better pathway.h way. that's what i did. >> no, that's really not what you did. you've got i if you've got a multiple if you've got a multiple offender law, who i s beat up and robbedn multiple women and takenan vehiclesn , they should be thrownat's t in jail.he that's the best pathway. not allowing your citizenry tovz be victimized twice by paying criminal daycare and being robbed at gunpoint.t p oiwhat did he learn inthe inte
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the internship? that's wharnship? t question apparently somebody will show up and plead your case in person. some interesting skills learnedl in the internship courtesy of latoya raymond. ou grea, wild, wild. thank you. great thinjust how littltoe does budda gedge think of his boss look? de further than the dimin diminutive transportation secretary's political calendar? charlie hurtary poli monica croy react moments stader joe biden is like a heat seeking missile vaccinations hit series who is returns with an all new episode featuring joe rogan. he's a podcast or comedian kathy , a mixed martial arts expert. he's a dude nobody knew rogen except other comics. he challenges me. it makes him more powerful than he could have ever imagined.
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in the beginning of the pantomime. actually , rogen had a variety of guest on his show. >> he was having some pretty interesting people talking about vaccines. artists removed their music from spotify because spotify would not renew your program. do you really want to cut ties with pakistan? podcasting? he just does what interests him . you're going to love him or you hate him, but you're going to know who he is . who is joe rogan streaming now on fox nation? sign up at fox station .com for over twenty years, super beta has been the name men trust for reducing their urges to and it's become the number one supplement recommended by urologists only this advanced formula has crossed offend three key ingredients to help reduce bathroom trips. it's like taking three supplements and one. that's why it's a best selling formula at wal-mart. reduce your urges to with the
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♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ you can't do for free health. visit cgg guv's tips. . wh >> all right, here's the question of the night. what's mayor pete up to? well, he certainly isn'tng to working to solve our myriad transportation issuesos, but hes is , however, spreading his political wings. now, before we fill you in, i want to remind folks ofks the university of new hampshire poll last month that showedof thdha gedge beating biden in hypothetical primary matchup in the state. little when you s see a poll like thatg just give you a little more swag and meetings with the the pres tpresident. my bo if i want to look good in front of my boss, the best thing a can do i is have just broken ground on a major project like we did today in new jersey. that's goingnew to be my focus because that's my job. golly gee. lik but it turns out like much of
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his party, he's an unabashedtoom liar or just too ambitious for his good because yesterday it was announced that next month. ne but a judge will headlinxte a ky event for the new hampshire democratic party, prompting obvious speculation about his future aspirations. here now, charlie hurt, fox,irat foionsx news contributor and opinion editor for the washington times, and monica crowley, host ofmes"a the fantastic monica crowley podcast. and i was justndwley. on molly's podcast. she was on mine with like a thing great. e making too big a deal of this? a mayor pete, new hampshire for a no, i don't think so. >> ao at a t at all. i think it's prettyrl extraordinary. clearly the knives are out for president biden. for i even within his ownhe own administration, they don't think that he's likely to makeae it through either through this term or through another term.r . they think his politic and theyal think that his political goose is cooked. and so, of course,is they are am jockeying and trying to shimmymu up the greasy polee greasy to g
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a position to replace hiwhm when and if he doesn't wind up being the nominee in 2020 four, which ,you know, it's you know, it's truly up for grabs at this moment. >> well, monica, he has a little preview of his message to the middle class, very relatable watch. we cannot afford to allow climate change to hit its worst, most catastrophic effects s and we cannot afford e go any longer with our kids breathing inr thin the pollutio. coming in from old fashioned fro vehicles. nom old-fashw we know there's a technology, old fashioned. we're all old fashioned monaca with our cars, by the way,ic car electric car average price, sixty six thousand dollars, which is in the more the luxurye level, not the moderate level. yeah, i'm not sure how many mites he's going to score with the middle class, a working class and the poor. laura with the message thae t gg ,i yf energy prices are really l
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crushing you and your family, just go intoy, an electricehicle vehicle and also while you're at it, install solar panelsyou too, which will cost you a fortune. this is going to be hisayor p message. look, i don't knowet heere thinks he's going in thisace to democratic race to replace joe biden. should biden not run againnumber because he's like number ten on1 the democrat totem poll for potential candidates. right. he's going to have to walk ovevr kamala harris, mrs clinton, michelle obama, gavin newsom. hy so maybe he's trying to lay theu groundwork hernde, but he's onlt gets the plaudits of the ruling class and the media because he checks a particular box and that's it. he had a big fundraiser in are the d.c. area. that's his basa e like bethesda maryland . right, charlie? a new poll. by today, a figment of the media imagination. exactly. the beltwa>> lauray swamp. y so today iinn pennsylvania, a nw poll shows that trump would e easily beat scranton jo in a twenty twenty four matchup.
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now, charlie, it's one poll.t's it's five pointsone after trums been through the wringer here with january six .ut is th now the rain and stuff. but is this why the democrats are scrambling to find rep a replacement for this memoryla care patiente patien we have as? >>esident? yeah, i mean, sit i can think about it. if donald trump is as bad as they say he is , the democrats should be thrilled with the idea of donald trump trying to run foret president and because they'reprs going to beat hiidm so badly, the truth of the matter is they're terrified of him. des they want to destroy him because they don't want him to n and they because they're. afraid that he'll win. and i believe that he would win if he does run again. and but what's really ter terrifying forri them is that it's not just donald trump, it's the trump issues. and donald trump has remade the republican party and whoever the republican nominee is , it is in 2020 four is going to be running on those trump issues. and those trumwip issues are a huge winner. and that's what terrifies democrats. >> all right, monica, verycrats.
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quickly, liz chenery quicky, shs she could be a spoiler here. she's raising a lot of money ton attack trump and desanto and aul scale of one to 10 . how much of an effect will lizcs cheney and her burgeoning war chest have here?t have nee to ten negative ten . all so not not so much. look at look, if we thought gedge wasn't going anywhere, cheney is really not going anywhere. she has your constituency. charlishzero cone monica, greate you both tonight. up next, my end of summeren message. me stay there
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out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. >> laura: for the past few weeks on "the angle," we have given many reasons why theour populist movement is the beste e and frankly the only chance to hold off regime's efforts to weaken america appear the roadad ahead will be full of challenges, bi og ones, but consider this. w we are fighting for the things.
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we love, our country, churches, homes, children and american life. we will never let the other side destroyed this.e so, enjoy these last days of summer and spent times with your family and friends, take akids road trip and tell your friends about the great country we have appeared in september, the greau phase of the populist movement will begin. that is it for us tonight and i will see you after labor day, good night. ♪ ♪ >> todd: a fox news alert, we are awaiting the release of redacted affidavit the justice department used to green light its raid on former president trump. but how much will the american people really begin to see? >> what is contained inside the affidavit? i don't think we will see that probable cause because it is a problem with the justice department. speak with the judge has a rubber stamp and the proposed reductions because this judge has the same incentive of the justic
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