tv Hannity FOX News August 26, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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coming on tonight. thank yo ou very much. thank you, tucker. we're out of time.d yo >> that conversation with andrew tape, we played you part of it a minute ago. it'su part o up on fox station. you can stream it and ofat course, we'll be back eight pm showed this the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink have the best weekend, the best nonpolitical. happy weekenthe bepoliticad, thu love. we'll see you monday. edition of "hannity". i'm jason chaffetz in for sean.e and tonight, after weeksek ofn n speculation and selectived anonymous leaks, the affidavitsr used in the málaga raiatd hass officially been released toed the public. unfortunately, magistrate judge bruce reinhardt alloweately,d tj to go wild with the redactions. now keepns in mind, judge reinhardt is an obama donors who recused himself fromelf fr a prior case involving donaldomc
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trump and hillary clintoasen, yn potentially because ofto political bias. so unfortunatelypotentiall, we a don't know exactly what the fbis was searching for and we don't know the justification behind the raid as great jarretnd thett it in a piece on fox news .com, quote, the doj redacted trumpdad rade affidavit revealed precious little in earlier today.e in earlier former president trump reacted. soc on truth social writing, quote,l nothing mentioned on nuclear. a total public relations subterfuge by the fbi and doj or our close working relationship regarding document. turnover. we g so the bigav question tonight, where does it all go from here? well, joining us now wit with analysis, the author of the price of principle, harvard law professor alan dershowitz, along with former us attorney brad tolman and fox news legal d analyst greg jared. gentlemen,x ne thank you for joining us . brad , you're former u.s.
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attorney. i want to start with you will starti cannot get past thet because i just can't get pasthet the fact that a judge less thang two months ago had to recusew w, themselves. we don't know exactly what happened, had to recus he himsef from a trump issue.p and then less than two months later, he's making this ruling. i just don't get how that . >> jason , if the recusal came l as a result of the political connection between this judgehim and hillary clinton, which itos most likely was then really itts really is outrageous that he would not again recuserecuse h a when the main political adversary of hillary clintoin n, the obama biden,iden anyone on the left is former president donald trump. you would have thought that itht would have applied also in iial a circumstance, especially inin the criminal law, when there's t more on the line and in craig, i love the piece you n wrote on fox, but essentially they were givene to a fishing license to go to town there on donald trump'ss ye
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residence. what's your read of what youd tu read there in the affidavit? >> well, this is what i read. >> there are 20 pages of this out of a total of 30 . >> so you'll recall that merrick garland stood in front of cameras and microphones and said we will speak throughce our filings. well, this is how he speaks. he muzzled his voice with black ink. >> hoie probablyce ran with thrs or three sharpie pens to do all 20 pages a of this.e first the first eight pages weei actually get to see. >> but that's simply a recitation by rote of legal statutory quotations in vague background information. tw two mistakes by the fbi, merrick garland.o mi firsstakes by tht of all, they t all of these documents they water, some of them atassid least are classified without ever considering that trump may
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have declassified them. their second mistake is theythe. automatically assume that these three statutes, criminal statutest th, general statutes t they cite as authority, it give s them probable cause to go into trump's home is the control law. ey never they never considered that it's pres the presidential records act. it is a specific statute that takes precedence over the general statutes. >> and it does give a former president a measure and a right of control and custody access and possession. but they never consider that and neither, by the way, do the magistrate when he signemad off on this. is now, professor dershowitz, n a lot of cases in your time. cases in >> what do you make of this of h this situationis? d >>is well, i disagree with youru two previous speakers. t reinhardt did the right thing by signing the search warrant. every single judge
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and magistrate in the unitedus states would have found probable cause based on this affidavit. they may hav thie narrowed the search somewhat, but there is absolutely no doubt there was probable cause. that's number one . number two , the real problem is the professor.m >> hold on a second, professor . . second, i want to ask youk a question there. sure. a tionjudge recused himself leso two months later on a caser on a on donald trump. how does he turn around rul and goes and says, yeah, i can make a ruling on this? every judge would have made the same ruling. so it's no harm, nno harm,o fou the problem was notm was with rhinehart. it wasnowith with the attorney general who didn't follow hiso own guidelinesnot . er hav a search warrant requested herea . there was a subpoena issued.d ad and what i read and i read tod all of the unredacted materialhe makes a strong casd mae against a search warrant. there was no urgency if they wanted a search warrant, if it was so urgent, they could ha have gotten it five months ago.
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and even when they got the search warrant, they waited there there wawas no justification foa a search warrant. search if you want to talk aboui who's to blame here, it's notoui rhinehart. ral it's the attorney generaofl ofia the united states . he should never have sough t. a search warrant.her impo the other important thing is there is enough evidencrtante here to indict trump, but trump will not be indicted, in my view, because the evidence doesn't pass what i callhe evide the nixon clinton standards. the nixon standard is the case e has to be so overwhelminglyerwhg strong that every republican supportedly. and the clinton standard is whyh clinto clinton's case where there wasn't a criminal prosecutio whe so i think the three points are there was probable causepr they shouldn't have warrant. there is enough for an indictment, but there will not be an indictment and should not be an indictment based on whatb we've seen up to now once it's unredacted. maybe we'll have to changeonce i our mindt'ges.
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brad , what's your reaction to what the impartial judge would have taken a look at this thingl and theyooke ask challenging questions and would have said, wait a minute, the controllinggt statute here is presidentialut records act. whs pry aren't you seeking an enforcement proceeding here? to get the documents that you's want? >> that's what a good message would have done. i think a judge would have to go through this charade in the name of trying to get to know all. hold on . let's let brad respond to this. brad , what's your guess? there's probably if there'se probable cause in thisis this affidavit, it's it's in a redacted parts because parts the redacted parts do not have probable cause and it's not sufficient do t for for based o on what we know in order toe kni justify the search warrant. i agree with the professor thatr a search warrant was noth justified in this case, bothe we because we don't have don't have probable cause necessary t the probable necessary to issue it, but also becauseo the very things that are outlined in
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the unredacted part explicitly - indicate a back and forth dialog. ue it. reads m more likeor a civil youdispu. know, a civil dispute. t and let meel tell you, jason , f you have to take convince a judge that there's probable cause, you may have a problem with your case. look, probable cause is an extremely low standard.em warrants are given out likely le christmas gifts. this judge did a much betterthis job than most did. judge most judges would nos t have issued the affidavit that evencs with redactions, this judge had. i don' t no choice. i don't believe there's a judge in the country who would not have issue hissued ad a search d yes, some of them may ask some hard questions, but the judge's job is different from the attorney gel the judge has to look at the evidence that's in the affidavit and make a legal vit andecision. make a discretionary decision and he has to abide by justice department standards. so i
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f you're going to pointy, the finger at anybody here pointed at garland, not at rhinehart, that's my view. i think they had enough to get probable cause, but they shouldn't have sought warr a warrant in the first place.anf and if they did seek a warrant, it should have been narrower.shv there's no justificatione be for searching the closet of mrs. trump or even for going into i didn't see any pause for that. but general probable cause existed. greg. greg, why why didn't this judgea take l a look at the warrant w th this is a general searcha generh warrant. warrant. that's a direct violation ofthaa the fourth amendment to the constitution, whiche requires specificity, particularly describedtion documents to be seized at particular locations. >> none of that is in thishave e warrant. so a good judge would have seena through this sham and would have said, wait a minute,n off n i'm not going to sign off on something like this. it's a violaf a target'scons constitutional righttis. ons
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what's your reaction to that?s n to that? this is not a normal case.s no this is not a standard case. it's one in which the president clearly can possess classifiedy documents. en the president also has the the unfettered ability the supreme court tellscourt te us maybe the egen that he canusc declassified documentsuments. and so without the judge being informed properly of that, you don't have a basis in judges in reinhart's position to understand whether or not you h truly have a statute that applies in this circumstance. a statut in thatso the professob be accurate, but we don'e t know ye dt. we don't know whether or not there was the the of that portion. i'm going to give you the last word here. buo t i want youkeep i to keep f that a president of the united y states always in perpetuity has the highest classifieds perpeti is possible. and to suggest that they'r e not in the securus, to suggest that they're not in a secure situation when they're on whereprotected by the secret
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service, for goodness sake,ice,f that they're out there floating out there inth floatin the publc and i do agree with youtely if t the idea that they didn't act immediately if there was such urgency that why we're 19 months after donald trump left office that now19 month the just dealing this does not lendd to their credibility. right. before wto thee go to the midtea >> i agree with all but there was probable cause even without the classification issue, remember to get probable cause, all you have to shows is that there is a probability e that you can find evidence of some crime and the crime the specify in the water here. we're not buying materials, but they included kinds of thingst l that hillary clinton wasar charged with . non waw she was not subjected to a search warrant. thus the doublsearche standard. i want to make a sharp distinction between whatd shou the judge did and should haveldo done. i agree with we shoul d have narrowed
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the search warrant, should have asked some hard questions, but there was probable causethere ,n there was not enough urgency for the attorney generaloucy to violate the standards of the justice department, particularly against a future presidential candidate who was running againso ist a presidenth who appointed the attorney general in that situation. you have to be extra careful to ju this be done in. >> this does not satisfy that standard. >> and this now, gentlemen, you're getting to the heart than we got to move on .e of and i want to thank the three of you. but this gets right to it because you know what? when i was the chairman ofoversh the oversight committee and i issuedto subpoenas and hillary clinton took bletch bit and destroyed document when we issued subpoenas on the irs for documents on politicaland targeting and they destroyed documents when we hathd these types of situations. guess what? the department of justice didn't go in there guns blazing with with with documents to go seizen things. they handed out immunity agreements to those people. that'sthose peop the rub.
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it's the unequal application of justice that makes this totally and fundamentally a targeting situation. and it's notamentally targetin y and intel lady justice acts same with a biden the same with biden and clinton as it does with a trump or anybody in between. we're going to continue to haveo a problem in this country. i got to runve o went over greg brad and professor professor dershowitz. i really do thank you forhannit joining us tonight on "hannity". all right. noy.w with more evidence of rampant political bias at the fbi yesterday we learned that prior to the twenty twenty election, fbi officials reached out to social media giant facebook and strongly suggested that the very real hunter by the laptop laptop scandal was russian disinformation. mark naturally, mark zuckerberg waszu that he was compliant and took e measures to suppress the story on his platform. now top republicans are demanding answers, including senator joshican who tweeted,
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quote, so the fbi preemptively warned facebook off hunter biden laptop reporting this same agency effectively laundered russian disinfor.m in the twenty sixteen election in the form of steal dossie6 electi and later lied to a court to get wiretaps. look >>fu well, that's not a good lok for america's premier law enforcement agency. ent agency. joining us joining us now with reaction, fox news contributors joe concha, charlie hurtona cong and arizona congressman andy biggs. congressman, i'll startstar with you. the idea that the department of justice is tipping off one of the biggest social media platforms on the planet, facebook and ronia, labeling itn as russian disinformation. so they had to justification to, hey, we're going to suppress this. how is that not just another exe example of political bias at the department of justice abou do about it as a member of the judiciary committee? >> therea me in the house?
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well, it's this stinks to high heavens, jason . and it is a great example of the political bias that we'veu e seen and you've been discussing tonight. but i will tell you this, zuckerberg doesn't have clean to over four hundred million dollars to try to influence ethe election. rea so he was really a susceptibley target to fbi disinformation el about this election. and so what the judiciarecy committee is going to have toas do and the oversight committee as well, we're going t to have o get in and get the fbi f t and we're going to have tohing bring this thing to ground. we're going to have to find out who actually approved this this disinformation this dens campaio facebook and twitter and the big, big tech behemoths to n that are going tflo influence the election. al, ja that's critical, jason .soi thin jo with jim jordan, i hope will bel the chairman there. and jamie colmer, an oversight and we're ready to do it. i've actually been talking
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with the chairman of oversight today about some of these issues. so we're r readyeady t to go . and i told myself we need toprer get we need to get ourva preservation letters going. we need to make sure we're ready to go on day one to bring that fbi in because christopher wray just a couple of months ago said, well, look, yo couplub if that happened, that would be problematic. it's not problematic . it is potentially criminal in nature. irector well, look, director wray waras hired to clean up the fbi. all you have to do is read through the 1000 pages forages the inspector genera four l. u l you'll find more than a dozene n instances where the fb ai used its political influence to affect election. jo jo,jo who else besides clinto did biden get thisn kind ofr poa heads up in this sort ofl political help from what is supposed to be th e impartial department of justice? well, that's the bigpartment qu, jake. right. ey and it's beyond alarming thaondr here you have the u.s.
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government in the form of the fbi telling a very private and quite large communications platform. ng billi we're talking billions of members. what news should and should not be shared on their platforms and facebook. they didn't outright censor the hunter biden story. sure. b likeiden se twitte twitter did,e did suppress it per zuckerman's soccer. . his own admission and what strikes me most about this clip was how nonchalant zuckerberg was in sharing this information talking about his trip to bed, t bath and beyond, as if the fbihe coming to him to warn him abouty a specific story, obviously negative obv to the democraticet it's all perfectly normal. and by the way, jason , here'so. what i want to know.di did the fbi go to zuckerberg about other stories during that campaign campaign season, for instance s, did they advise him, speaking of russia, tohim, be highly, highly skeptical about the now debunked story s had bountiesre on us troops and trump ignored it because that was a huge
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story in twenty 20. biden even broached it duringhe the debates as was c it turns out it was completelyom false, but it appears the fbi had no issue with that storyt s being amplified on facebook and on twitter.the bi and the big question also now is top brass at the we're certainly not talking theo about the boots on the ground, the people that do the har ond work, but the top people, are they taking sides politically against a political party? that's the question that we have. he questand zuckerberg and chri, trump appointed fbi director . o they need to be re summoned toox this this.epubli when republicans take back control of congress, itcan. it's vital that we nee is vital that we need to start trusting our institutions again ,jason . yeah, and that is the heart of lady justice is supposed to have that blindfold. but i got to tell you, the clintons and biden's get a special kind on f treatmentave w and when you havo e two sitting united states senators, charlie, asking for information
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and those documents are beingd,a slow walked, i mean, what is the public to do? how are you going to gain trust back in the system ifand our elected representatives and senators cannot get to the heart of this information? heartwell, i honestly i hate t, jason , but i think that hate t, the only way that the fbifbi an and the doj reclaim credibilityo is to clean house. j is and i don't think the dojle is capable of cleaning house themselves. i think it has to be done by congress. that's the or the executiv e the branch in two years. onl that's the only way you root out this level of fraud.rget t let'hes not forget the fbi did everything they could to to rig the twenty sixteen election. they failed. they refused to to prosecute hillary clinton for what is clearly crimes they admit were crimes they spied on donald trump, a candidate for president, at the height of a presidential campaign. and it's like we'r we aree starting to
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realize now 20 , 20 , they were just bent to do whato they failed to do in 2016. it's almost like they wererg was as angry as mark zuckerberg wasi that his platform got used by an army ot f trump supporters to sprea td the message and the and the issues and the campaign on. on and they were just bent on using their power, their extraordinar y power in to order to destroy donald trump and prop joe biden.e and then, of course, we now have the situation where you have the fbi literally goingeral after republicanly gs in the unn states senate and preventing them from doing their jobs. e mv these are massive constitutional issues and ife they don't get addressed, we are screwed as a country. >> well, here's why i'm so skeptical and truly worried. kevin kleinsmith worked ats.
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the fbi altered documents. guess what? he pled guilty to that.. and just a few months later,ju the bar reince dated him tohe cn full service. he is a practicing attorney.y. no problem. keep on moving on .e you arkie you kidding me?you that is such a joke, charlie. jk joe concha, andy biggs, thank you. all right. coming up, despites were their endless calls for unity, u the left continues to spew hate. we'll bring you the latesting yo as leo terrell and congresswoman and lauren bobert weigh in next. >> do do you have a life insurano policy you no longer need? now you car n sell your policy, even a term policy for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized weinsu needed a way to supplementrancep income. se if you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of life insurance, you ma y qualify to sell your policy.r pi don't cancel or let your policy lapse without findinfiesg out wt it's worth. visit coventry direct .com to find out if your policy qualifies or call 1-800- five one five four one zero
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>> that's one 888 four to six 800. another sleepless night. your mind is racing meditative. >> yoga's just not cutting it. try drug free at night. now with time release melatonin a good morning starts with midnight jewelry. the perfect gift the jewelry exchange has advanced for one sixty nine tennis bracelets for ninety nine 1/2 carat halo rings five ninety nine two carat three stone rings twenty four ninety and one carat studs five ninety nine . >> by direct the jewelry exchange to be presents first a month long feeding frenzy filled with short bites, fights and scares. what kind of shock is that
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republicans who are destroyinge the country with semi fascism. >> watchy thiwiths. >> the magg republicans don't just threaten our personal rights and economic securityn o they're a threat to our very ouv democracy. er they refuse to accept the willoe of the people. accept the willoe they embrace, embrace viole political violence. they don't believe in democracy . this is why in this moment those of you who love this country, democrats, independents, mainstream, republicans, we must must be stronger, more determined and more committed to savingmorm america than the magary are destroying america. that was last night around 8:00 p.m., which apparently is way too late for the president because today a noticeably exac t hostage, joe biden, was so out of it that he could barely form a complete sentence. >> watch this. tell me how you do that.
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i understand it.l me i mean, it's clear on its face you're accurate, but how and making the case of the freedmen have what do you do to other than to sort of embarrassment and to get into the argument and voting the right way incoherent m biden has two speeds incoherent, mumbling and fitsou, of rage. of course, biden is not b the only democratcrat with political strategy centered around vilifying half of america. >> have a look at this.o brin we're fighting to bring government back to the people f dictators. and we're here to say that the era of trump and zeldinn and molinaro just jump on a bus he and head down to florida where you belong. own! okay, get out of town . get out of town .
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because you don't you don't represent our values. you are not new yorkers. those who support the governorge should starny with them and vott for him. you and i don'r vot wantte your vot, >> if you have that hate in your heart, keep it there. joining us now, fox news contributor leo terrell. >> joining us now, fox news cont in colorado, congresswomanle lauren bobert. and just for full disclosureo a, my brother has worked on her campaign. co joining us , congresswoman. you seem to be one of these b radical maga people that doesn't like the countryo the and wants to do harm to the country. >> i'm pretty sure they werecour talking aboue they wert you may. >> and i'm pretty sure they forgot to give joe biden his meds. how the heck can joe biden call america first conservative a threat to democracy with a st straight face and a dry diaper.p he's the one who has allowediont millions to invade our southern border. he's thevade ourther one who wag hardworking americans to pay for karen's daughter's
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degreee and dance theory. his regime is the one targetinge former elected officials fromct president trump to currenturrent sitting congressman, chairman of the house freedom caucuchair scott perry. joe one who let 13 of our finest die in afghanistan. one year ago today our we are destroying america. he is jason conservative exist to preserve our constitutional pr republic and that'eserve os a dt threat to the socialist democrats power. joe joe's handlers are so scared they'll lose power they finally drug him from vacation to make theseo make the ridiculous statements. ridiculous statements. >> and it was an utter fail. leo, this is this guy was elected on the premise. he told america he was h goinge o bring the country together. he waser going to be the uniter in the w i just don't hear the rhetoricrm reaching i don't see the policy. i don't se oute them reaching od i just don't see well, you'll never see it because he lied to
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the american public.. he grew seventy five million people, trump supporters under the bus. and by the way, it's not just war. i'm a trump supporter. . for and for him to broad stroke every trump supporter and they're many more than seventy five million who believe in the rule of law5o . it's so disingenuous. it's all about power control.en uous.jason . and really, joe biden is a man on an island. he's unwonted by his own party. he's out there alone. the biggest threat to america, democracy. all joe biden haerics toan do is in the mirror. he is the biggest threat to the safety of this country. you talk about the thirteen american service workers servd based on his inadequacy as president. and then you looy k atas charlie same charlie crist is going to lose the floor of the race. he doesn't have to worry about that. thatand the governor of new yora i in, the worst state, california, where crime, homelessness, inflationmpant.
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is rampant. this is a democratic party who's doubling the doubling down and law abiding american citizen trump supporters arer wn going to make it known in november when the congress flips. congresswoman, we have just a few seconds left. k thes but you know what? i don't think these coastales elites, these democrat, thess he ever bothered or anybody careev to truly understaner bd whatns g the ordinary americans are going through. they get mocke rough.d for workingtheir fami hard, loving their family,ami going to churclyg to chuh and mn a gun. gun. and all they do is mock people for it. >> jason democrats are the masters of blaming others for their own behavior. democrats are the party ofmocrat higher taxes, crime, open borders and inflation galore. democrats create a crisis, prices, blame republicans and launching investigations to distract from their miserable policies. american s know what's up
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and they know who's to blame because they've had enough of this garbage. thera magatra mega americans who put america first americans who put america first first, who are tired of this o are tire and plenty of unappealing independents who just want to be in control of their children's education, who want a voice and in a their children's futur ve and be able to afford to provide for. their family. >> and they've had enough of this. . yeah, they want they wa self-determination. they want government to get ount th of the way. the h that's the heart of conservative ism. leo terrel l, congresswoman bobert, thank you for joiningn a us on hannity tonight. well, straightnnity ahead,more more mandate madness from the left. florida surgeo madnesn general joseph ladipo breaks down the latest. plus dow, student debt handout promises to have devastating effects. congressman buyer and donaldson, phil flynn react . >> stay with us. hi , i'm mike huckabee. >> former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis
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fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. well, washington, d.c. just can't say goodbye to covid.y goo mayor mario bauza has announcedn that all students inct the district must get vaccinated by january to attend school and there will ber no option for a remote learningr for those who don't. there's just one problem with that roughly 40% of blackin students in certain age groups have not been vaccinated. so they are out of luck for luc schooling. nextfo scho year unless they get the shot. unless they get meanwhile, georgetowe shotn university is reminding students that masks are stilemil an required in classrooms and warning them of the other serious threat on campus monkeypox. but thankfully, one person in the city still seems to have s some sense. a locaom l judge who struck down mayor bowser's vaccinen requirements foryo city workers and now with reaction is josephs
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ladipo. general. the florida surgeon generalthe is the author of the new boobook transend fear. mr surgeon general, thanks for joining us tonight. i really do appreciate it. when you hear about the craziness that is washington, d.c. and students not being ablat iso go to school at this point related to covid, what's your reaction? ave th i think i have the same reaction as most americans, whicon as moh is let's move on s and you know, these policies, they're not sensible. they weren't sensible even hal a year or a year and a half agon th when they were started. i mean, you have a vaccine that isn't effective at stopping transmission. mul you've gotti multiple clinicalh trials that don't showdon't th and you know, and the issue is really become kind of a political issue and an issue of doctrine rather than an issue of science becausee is the science is very clear about
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what we should be doinr aboug as point. >> well, how about at georgetown where they're saying you got to wear a mask becausemc of monkeypox, but monkeypox isn't transmitteaused in an airborne situation, right? >> yeah, you know, it's it's hard to put down that sometimes when you you know, when you when you pick it up and you put so much belief in but this is the thing, right? these people clearly they've got no boundaries and they're going to keep doing things likeh this until other people saisy no . and the shame the shame of itope is that many people who are students in these universities know that these aren't good policies, but people are often afraid to say no, afraid to stick their neck out, afraid toe be called bad names or be be smeared by media or othereared y individual ms. is one and frankly, that's one of them. what's one of the issues thati c i discuss in my book how people
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can move from where they are if they're participating in these types of things to a place where they're no tf that and they're you know, they're contributing in a meaningful, positive way to t everyone around them. surgeon general ladipo, i wish had congratulations on the book. transcend fear and appreciate you joining us on hannity now. >> well, don't check your 401ke balance tonight because the stock market just had one of its worst days in. months. investchai a speech frormanm fed chairman jerome powell who said he's committed to fighting inflatio is n no matter what. >> have a look at reducing inflation is likely to require a sustained period of below trend growth. moreover >> moreover, there will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions while higher interest rates, slower growth and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflatioer laborn. also they will also bring some pain to households and businesses.
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these are the unfortunate costs bu but a failure to restore price e stability would mean far greater pain. >> now one thing is certainly not going to help inflation is biden's student debt relief scam. and now congressional republicans are speaking out demanding nancy pelosi stand up to biden and remind him as sheid remind him a herself once said, that he does not have the power topower to ul unilaterally cancel student here now with more, our floridat congressman byron donalds foxbus and fox business contributor phil flynn. inntributor philgentlemen, than us .wi congressman, i want to startth with you because raising taxes, throwing hundreds of billions of dollars that it really getting after inflation. io >> no,n it's actually going to cause more inflation. but the problem is thatthe joe biden and thproblee democras have nothing else to run on because the only way toe on
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really fix america is to all reverse course on all of their crazy policies. so how can you run for election in a couple of months while i a coupg course on your the country? it doesn't worcountry? k. so they're going to double down and they're going to triple down is going to cause i more more harm. and it's about time that secretary powell and chairman es powell excuse me, actually camee out and started admitting what everyboditting whay else knows.t this is going to get much worse if we don't raise interest rates, strangle this inflation. but on capitol hill, we have toi stop the insanittyy. akes yeah, it takes some discipline. but in an election year and it seems like it's always an election year, congress and certainly the white house never seems to be able to do that. phil, you saw the fed chairman's comments, the inflation reduction act. >> what's your take on all thidi comments ands ?omments ands >> you know, my take is is fed chairman basically said listen to the american people. you're l going to have to take
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a lot of pain. you may lose your jojob because of the bad policies we made inha washington. and that's what he said very clearly. it's obvious that the biden administration policies have added to inflation.n. you know, they can blame vladimir putin. you knowthey can b, they say its transitory, but this record amount of spending and once again, this spending sn bill that it is even more inflationargy and causes dw more problems down the road. it's causing more economic paing for the average americans. u knowam, a lot of average avera americans, youge couldn't evenra get a loan to go to collegeet b yet, but they mighutt have to work to pay off other people'sl. loans and so that's a very bad. th thing. and the main reason that the biddington administration said, well, you know, the costss of college is gone u p up an th pace. the question is why college price is going faster than inflation. i think the biden administration is trying t thanr take more inflation to keee p up with college costs. i gueswith college costs, s. >> i times like the left is going too
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be galvanized on the roe v. wade issue b. we hav we've seene that playing out. congressman, what is going too be the the the call forns t republicans to get out the vote come november? >> oh, man.list i got a laundry list.securing no one actually securing t the border and stopping fitnafrm from killing kids and people ine states . two no.ates . two to actually having a sound, ha spending strategviy to curtail inflation and get our fiscal house in order number three , actually having some real strategies with respect to the oil markets in the united states , the energy framework in the unite ed states that can fuel for the americaapn people. no, for actually having real investigations and holding thisg administration accountable because every american t whether you're a republican, a democrat, an independent, this presidentpublican and this ad administration is failing you and republicans are the onlymi ones that are going to hold
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joe biden accountable. fiscal discipline, limited government accountability and ae strong national defense.fe i think that'ss the key adhere to the constitution. congressman, i think you'rei th right. and phil flynn, thank you bothu for joining us tonight on "hannity". all right. coming up,ming we'll play more l sarah carter's exclusive interview with a human smuggleur in central america. she joins us along with arizon.a attorney general markr th brockovich for their reactioeirn to the regular. what better place to make your state nascar at daytona on nbc and peacocke by 300 empire to three hundred and five 800 to 300.
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it can be prevented and its impact lessened. ome ba welcome back tcko this special " edition of "hannity" this week. you'vey" seen parts one and two of our own, sarah carter'sonview interview with a human smuggler in central americahuman. >> here's the final part of hern exclusive hannity investigation
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. how how much money do you charge, if you don't mind memuch mon asr a single person or per family? i'm sure it's more expensive. wee have two two p the firsayt one is of twelved th thousand dollars and the second one is of sixteen thousand and those payments, those ares two separate payments, one made before you leave the journey and the other one's made when we ask them to pay here because we use the money to start them t paying the fees that they are going to be needed inney. the journey. o and then the other half, when do they pay it or the that halfe is paid once they are over family. what if they don't pay?pay? they have a guarantee over here in el salvador.e ca sose in the case that they don't pay, we take away their car or r their house. hoy has changed dramatically under and we expecchanget more than one hundred and seventy thousand plus children
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to enter the unitedth states without adults. thise te there's many more that they're trafficking and some of those arme of the the ones thate disappearing in most cases when he happens is when immigration comes and they start running in the opposite directions and they get lost, therethat isr is where people get them. has it gotten easier under president biden? >> and so moment, yes, because it's better to be accessible too places that we travel through.lo >> sara joins us now along with arizona attorney general mark baronova. those three reports thatbrno some some serious, good investigative work. what happens when these peoplena don't pay? what happens when they theyof lose track of their family? whatn i have to tell you,l you, i think the horror jason , you, is that, you know, is that whene people do disappear, many times they're killed. many times they die alongth the journey. element
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it could be just the elements,th the environment. we saw that several children th died this week in the rio grande river. they were drowned whenunderc the undercurrent swept them away from their fromm their guardians and from their mother. this is a horrific situationr mi we heard from the smuggler this week in those interviews i got to tell you, it was gutching wh wrenching when he offereen hd uo he s he spoke to mepo because it goes beyond just smuggling people.g the cartels are literally taking some of these children allegedly organ harvesting. some of these children are killed even before they make it. to the united states . remember, over one hundred and seventy thousand unaccompanied e minors are expected to arriveext in the u.s. thised t year. s ar the numbers are probably much higher than that. the biden administration has actually made it so much easier h easier for them to get into the country. for them to get intotry. the country. and i think that's the messageis trying to say. that he's trying to say is ,smun
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look, this isn't just about smuggling. this is abou is abt the loss of. so mr. attorney general,torney the attorney general of a border state, you've taken of a very tough stance on this. . but you know, you heartary s secretary mayorkas sayay t the border is closedhe and that there's operational control. op but i think your experienceratie and what sara is reporting i is far different from thats . i yeahnk, i think secretary the bide member of the biden administration. and that says a whole heck on f at say a los t. t to con i also, jason , wantgr to congratulate sarah because she deserves an emmy and i want tona be the first one to congratulate her for all the work, the groundbreaking work she's doing covering the border when so fewthe pa reporters in the past were unwilling to do so. t and just that.he n no, shume one hundred and seventy thousand think aboutk au it. those are just on t ita company meiners, that's like the entire population of a place likeenti macon, georgia of r paterson, new jersey. and just one year coming into our country. and we know that c the cartelsot make money offry not only peopln
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being smuggled but the drugse dr being smuggled acrossug our borderg smug and in places e arizona, somewhere i grew up in as i've been a prosecutor, gangd prosecutor, federal prosecutor and now the ag threateningnd nol related overdose are now 57% ofo the deaths of young people in i our state. and just four years ago it was four percent. and so people are dying.. americans ar e paying the costpaying and people from central america are being exploited by cartels. and joe biden has empowered >> g of time. go ahead. go ahead. no, i said our governmentur g is empowering these carteloverss the only winners here are the hundreds of billions of dollars being made by the cartels. and i say thisi sa over and over again, jason , the biden administration and those people n wel administration are well aware of what they're doing at thi s at the border. they are wel border. wel they're well aware ol awf the cs that they are creating at this border reating . t
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the question why? you know, we are perpetuona, of the deaths of children and innocent, helpless people, includinhildren centg our own ca so i think the question that needs to be proposed toto be the bideprn administration is wn are you doin ig this? what are you beneful reading for from this? what what are you seeking that are y ouborder is wide open and it'sse wide open because they want it to be . yeah, they are complicit. the biden administration>> the is complicit in this human trafficking. mr. attorney general, i wish i hatraffickd more time. owe we owe you some time.e. sarah, and sarah, congratulations on that amazing reporting that you've done. thank thank you. stay with us. k with more hannity"hanni right after this you won't face me. unlike zyrtec, allegra won't make me drowsy. elektro starts working two times faster than claritin. so take allegra before allergy symptoms take over you. a new allegra hive's works from
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live in the greatest country t on earthhe and thanks to the meo and women in uniform who choose to serve and make sacrificesanko for all ofu us . a special thank you to all of our active duty service members, reservists and veterans veterhave. monday. have a wonderful weekend. sean will be back on monday. s a >> i'm rachel campo's in for laura ingraham and this is a special addition of the ingram angle from new york city. the wetr finally got it. the trump raid affidavit. , it it's all black.brought it's right here. but ofe coursquestie iton onlyt more questions than answers and that could be exactly how they wantey they wanted becl leads to conversations like thish th. revelati. let's start with the biggests re revelations from this redacteddt
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